The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 28, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 15
IHg Cnk-rplllar Willi 16-Poot
(Irmk-rnt Wurkon New Highway
lhi ti l he Ciiimly Will Survey and I'ul In
' CuU and I'lIU
A huge seventy-live horse power
caterpillar, with a sixteen-foot
mini grader attached, started
work thin week on the Heaver
tmi-Herthn Rector of the new
highway luading into Washing
ton County, ami the great ma
chine is expected to clean up the
light work this week Home time,
or curly next week. The, grader
take a sixteen-foot swath, and
bevels the road an neatly as
though done by hand, even neut
er. It takes hut three or four
men to operate the machine, and
when this is completed the court
will make a Hiirvey of the cuts
and lil In, und will Htqrt teams and
men at work at once. The court
believes the entire grading of the
road, reudy for the laying of
rock, will get inside the estimate
of $2. WW,, and perhaps even
The grading und filling of this
sector whs submitted to bids u
few weeks uga, but ull offeis
were rejected.
The court has an idea that the
Highway Commission will at
least finish that part of the road
this year, as this will help out
the line into central Washington
County, und obviate the neces
sity of making the trip over the
i'ortlaiul mountain.
Three insane cases were dis
posed of last week, the trio be
inur oulered committed to Salem.
TU:i lirHt was Mrs. Virginia Sea
man, of Dilley, who hits two
ti nes been committed and Bent
hick as cured. Mrs. Seaman has
bt'en very violent for several
days, and put up a physical de
ti rise against Sheriff Applegate.
Dr. F. A. Hailey examined her,
and she was taken to the Hos
pital, Frldey evening. The most
pathetic case was that of Chas.
S,hockexamined by Dr. Hyde,
Friday. The nHn was born in
Nebraska in 1884 and moved to
Portland several years ago. He
is not insane, but is defective in
memory, having lapses when he
appears to be cataleptic. He was
picked up by SherilV- Applegate,
between Dilley and the (irove,
ten days ago. lie was sent to
the receiving hospital, and may
come out all right with treat
ment. Mrs. Mary Pearson, of
South Tualatin, was examined
by Dr. Hailey, Saturday, and or
(b red to Salem. Her husband
sent her to England for her
health several years ago and she
remained two years, returning
much improved. She was com
mitted later, however, and pa
roled. She has again become
deranged, and it was necessary
that she 'be restrained, guards
conveying her to Salem Satur
day evening.
Land for Sale About 20 acres,
clean, black loam soil, all clear
but half acre oak grove; ground
plowed deep and planted to oats,
potatoes and beans. Hetween
Oregon Electric and S. P. elec
tric lines; good school, church,
store, milk route and on rural
mail route. On main county road,
two hours drive to Portland.
Will Bell 10 or 20 acres. No
buildings; some English walnut
trees. Easy 'terms. Obtain the
owner's name by writing Hox 27,
Ueedville, Oregon. 15-7
For trade: I
t)f unimproved
Quincy, Wash,
acres of good
rest is bunch
Price, $10,000.
Due", not Affect 'Washington
County Farming Seriously
i:nocms kooEKs
! Mrs. Emma ChristofTerson and
I Miss Alice Grimes arrived last
.week from San Francisco, and
A quiet home wedding was sol- are at the Hissner ranch, South
cmnized in Portland. June 551, at Tualatin, guests of Mrs. Chris
the home of the brido's sister, j totTerson's parents. They w ill
Mrs. James MeFarlane, when ! remain in Oregon several weeks.
Miss Mae Enochs and Charles land then go South to take the
Rogers were united in marriage,
Rev. McCullough officiating, us
ing the ring ceremony. The
helm of livers, as students,
When they have be jome profi
cient they expect to enter the
bride was daintily gowned in! aviation corps for the United
white silk creiH meteor, and car- States Army and Navy. Mrs.
ried a shower bouquet of white ; ChristofTerson thinks that many
roses. Lucille MeFarlane was women will qualify as flyers, and
maid of honor. says there is no reason why they
The rooms and table decora-! should not become as proficient
lions were pink and white. ja-t their brothers.
ine orme was lormeriy one oi , WantliA-in t. Ainhntr
Washington County's school ! rU ,,.,, limi r., Coke
teachers, and has held resposible
Apply to fore-
positions ooin in roruami ami ..." iiniuiv,
i w T' k daughter of 1 80(th ()f Hllber WaKl3i $2.75
rvi u 1 n ' .. . .
ine young coupiu win mKeuU,hie of the 5.cent limit
ineir nome in umsooro, tnw allowed 15-7
groom oeing empioyeu ny ine
Oregon Nursery Co.
A host of friends extend congratulations.
Unclaimed Utter
List of advertised letters, week J8
ending June, 1X1:
Hubert Case, Mrs. DeBouver,
Chas. C. Moore, Miss Marie Pro
vost. E. (!. Stone, Miss H. Toney,
William Schmidt.
J. C. Lamkin, Postmaster.
Sam Sorenson, of below Witch
Hazel, was a city caller Monday,
lie says they have a tine bay
crop down his way.
Dr. Hoyt Hrown, son of Dr. C.
15. Hrown. of Portland, well
known here, passed highest in
the Washington, I). C. examina
tion for dental physician in the
11. S. Army, and will be sent to
either Honolulu or the Orient.
Cant. A. M. Collins, who has
been at the Soldiers' Home, at
Koseburg, returned Saturday
evening, and says that he is go
ing to spend his last days in old
Hillsboro. which for so many
has lieen home to him
Cnpt, says that the Home is a
line institution, but he wants to
be wher.e he can occasionally
meet his friends and talk over
the old times.
Thin Counly Will Not Suffer Heavily on
Hit ConHcrlplloo Act
This county will not sutler from
lalior shortage as much as some
others, nor will the Btate, be
cause of the heavy enlistments
prior to July 1, thus having a
smaller per cent to meet the
draft requirements.
Reports from different parts
of the state indicate growing
scarcity of common labor. Far
mers are paying about double
what they have had to pay in the
past, and are hoping for a labor
suoply from somewhere before
the full harvest comes on. Im
migration statistics from all
countries for 1913-14 show an
average of over lOO'OOO a month
coming to the U. S. This has
gone down until we are getting
about fifteen thousand a month
from all sources in 1917. Mexi
cans have been leaving in such
large numbers that the Labor
Commissioner has suspended the
literacy test to allow Mexicans
to come in and help harvest the
crops in the border states.
Marshfield -Two sawmills on
the Hay have decided to put on
double shifts and will employ 500
more men.
Gold Beach Macleay estate
has bought thre schooners to
handle lumber.
Sell wood -Old mohair mills to
be rebuilt to handle (lax products.
Weston has secured a first-
class flouring mil! plant.
Coos Hay cheese factories are
making the highest scores and
seem to be leading the state by
the Corvallis tests.
North Bend Kruse and Banks
shipyard has bid on five govern
ment boats, and will know in ten
days if they get the contract.
Lebanon Paper mill to add
extra shift July 1.
Sllverton -Evergreen Co-oper
ttive Cheese Factory building
GOO gal. vat.
Lebanon Linn county to have
thirty-live miles of hard-surfaced
road as result of passage of road
bonding measure.
Newport may have shipbuild
ine plant.
Marshfield -Two shipbuilding
plants appear a certainty on
Coos Hay.
ileppner The Morrow county
sheepmen are refusing 55 cents
and holding for 60c.
Mooa Kiver strawberries are
bringing $3.50 to $4.00 per crate,
E. I. Kuratli has his ollice in
the Hillsboro National Hank
Hldg. Loans your money, in
sures your buildings, rents your
houses, buys and 'sells your prop
erty, makes collections. Notary
Public Also speaks German
and Swiss. 42tf
E. L. Shearer, working for L.
M. Huell, the Bethany sawmill
man, cut his knee with a saw
one day last week Dr. E. H.
Smith closed the wound.
EXECUTORS, Atlmiuistr.tors, Guardians, Pub
lic CusUxliaus and others having public and
private trusts to perform can reuder proper
service by depositing witb ns.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place (or valuable papers.
We invite inspectiou of this department in eon
junction with the others
An excellent bank for handling all branches
of bauk business.
To Portland
6:32 ....
have 640 acres
land close to
Two hundred
wheat land; the
grans pasture.
Will trade for
well located acreage, nice cot
tage, or bungalow, in valley,
either close to Forest Grove,
Hillsboro or nearby towns. Give
all particulars in first letter.
This $3 wheat is a good game
to pla. Land ready for the
plow. G. S. Gordon, Lock box
1568. Ouincy. Wash., or James A.
Sew ell, Hilsl)oro. Oregon, R. F.
D. 1. ' 12-15
To the men and loys enlisting
n military or naval service, will
say that l am awe to write Lite
nsurance incontestable from
date of issue. Drop me a card
and I will call and explain our
policy. O. G. Bretz, Hillsboro,
Ore. ' 6tf z
fhe Government needs far
mers as well as lighters, two
million three hundred thousand
acres of Oregon & California
Railroad Co, Grant Lands. Title
revested in United States. To
be opened for homesteads and
sale, containing some or the
best land left in United States.
Large copyrighted map showing
ands by sections and descrip
tion of soil, climate, rainfall, ele
vations, temperature, etc., by
counties. Postpaid. $1. -Grant
Lands Locating Co., Hox 610.
Portland, Oregon.
Have a nifty 6-room bungalow
would like to trade for a few
acres near Millsooro. toward
North Plains 1327 Delaware
Ave., Portland, Ore. 13-5
F. A. Harberg, the West Union
stock buyer and butcher, was in
Friday, and took out a brand new
Dodge car. the second he has
owned. He sold his last year's
car to Fred Klatt, and then con
cluded he couldn't get along
without a machine, and natural
ly wanted another Dodge.
Wanted Married men for
work on milk ranch. Prefer
families with boys old enough to
milk. House, fuel and water
furnished. Big wages. Address
W. N. Jones, 1305 Yeon Bldg.,
Portland. 14-5 z
Emil Itschener. and Margaret
Hemmy-were. married in Port
land. June 23. 1917. Judge Robt
Niorrow officiating. The happy
couple are well known in the
Phillips section, where the groom
was in the wood business-a long
time. The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Hemmy
For sale: Or will trade for
livestock -Light farm wagon;
good top bugty; 15 months colt;
2 brood sows. C. K. Rogers
Beaverton. K. 4. Box 20. 13-5
Hillsboro School Leads all Other
County District
Orenco Schnol Turns Out
55 minutes.
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p in
7:53 pm
From Portland 55 minutes.
0:58 pm
7:54 . . . : a m
2:12. .
4:27 -f:31
. .
.a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
a ni
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Barrv, of below Beaverton. June
19, li)17. a son. '
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Sahnow, of
Verboort. are very proud over
the advent of a daughter, born
to them June 20. 1917.
John Herdlein. "of Blooming,
was a city caller Monday morn
ing. He has some hay down, in
common with many of his neigh
bors. Otto Hartrampf has bought
the W. J. GregR farm of 160
acres above Mountaindale, mak
ing the purchase at Sheriff's
sale for $3031.10.
John E. Bishop, of Worcester,
Mass.." and Margaret Burton
Jones were married at Forest
Grove. June 20. 1917, Rev. Bur.
ton Jones officiating.
For Sale -Horse, weight 1200
lbs: 9 years old; good life and
sound. Also 2 good Jersey milk
cows, and heifer coming fresh in
Fall. - A. E. Hanley. 3 miles
nort h of Hillsboro. Phone, Farm
31x1. P. 0. address, Hillsboro
K. 3 13-5
Geo. Allison, of this city, and
Mabel Barthell. of Portland; John
C. Rogers. Orenco. and Miss Mae
Enochs, of Portland, formerly of
Hillsboro, were granted license
to wed. .Saturday, by the county
clerk of Multnomah County.
For Sale -Fresh milk cow, Jer
sey grade: good flow, and rich
milk. Inquire of E. A. Kurau
row. 1023, Oak Street. Hillsboro.
Mrs. Carrie Wilkins has been
named as executrix of the will of
the late Mrs. Anna Schuller.
whose heirs, a brother and two
nieces, reside in Austria. The
estate is worth about $2040
Mrs. Wilkins was required to
give no bonds.
Judge Geo. R. Bagley returned
from Tillamook Saturday, after a
week of circuit court in the coast
For Sale -Man's bicycle and
lady's wheel. Peerless, and both
in good shape; lady's wheel hav
ing oeen run less man ou muei
H. C. Pearson. Cornelius. R.
Will sell these wheels cheap, as
have no use for them. 15-7
Henry Vogt. of banks, was
down Monday. He reports some
hay down out his way. .
For sale: Bay horse, U years
good worker or driver, about
1150 lbs. Bishup Bros., at saw
mill above Mountaindale. Write
Banks. Route 3. 14-6
M. E. Watson was in from
Griffin Plains the first of th
L. M, Buell. of Bethany, was
in the city Monday. L. M. says
that his mill is running on orders
all the time and he could sell
more if he had a larger capacity.
Fred A. Northrup, of Shady
Brook, was a city caller the last
of the week,
Theodore Jasper and Helen
Saunders were united in marri
age by Rev. Father Buck, at St.
Anthony's Church, Forest Gr ve,
June 20, 1917.
Walter Zetzman, of Shetllin,
was ,in Saturday. He has his
hay all in the mow. and but two
or three loads were in the wet.
Next Larjtsl
Suot. B. W. Barnes has given
liplomas to a large number of
pupils who passed the Eighth
Grade exams, a few days ago.
Hillsboro leads the list with' 25,
Orenco following with 9.
The list:
Cornelius School Otto Oppen-
ander, Earl LaFollett.
Purdin Carrie and Edith Bai-
ey, Konaia ana John vanuoren,
lenry Holzmeyer.
Union Herbert Bauer. 4
Hillsboro G ru n i a Konigin,
rar.cis Ball. Forrest England,
Vera Jackson, Hazel Turner, Au
gusta Hamilton. Ethel Campbell.
Bessie Crocker. Roland Gates,
Clifford Otness, Ben Layman.
Burnis Powell, Neville Bagley,
Edna Payton, Erma Latham.
heresa Kuratli, Gladys Everest,
Edward Wall, Frank Hargrave,
Amanda Sahli, Bertha Taylor,
Arthur Shute. Martha Willers.
homas Harding, Marjorie Peter
Dilley-Lester Halsteatl, Hazel
loskins. Wilber Hoar.
Gaston Raymond Richards.
Banks Nellie Turner. Lucetta
Mawhinney. Elma Carstens, Har-
jold Banks.
Forest Grove Lee Strickland,
Ada Dye, Evelyn Alder, Victor
Forest Dale Bertha Frid.
T wen ty-Jt. Ernest Bremer.
Middleton Minnie Davis, Lois
lolmes, Anna Pondelicek.
I'ifrarH HHtrar Pfafflp Pvplvn
Tualatin Martin Verwevst.
Alfred Westerlund.
Gales Creek Oga Jones.
Cherry Grove Fred Lund,
Theodore Fern. Arling Tornblad.
Kir.ton Eugene Richards.
Orenco Edith Smathers, Ruth
Head, Margaret Brarrtenberg,
Myrtle Robbins, Richard Munt
zel, Glenn Calvert, Nellie Ensley,
b lossie Schiedel, Louis Kish.
Groner -Dulcie Weller.
Mountaindale-Lester Reynolds
Manning Hans Tolke. Henry
Beaverton El ert Carstens,
Lottie Hunter, Ralph Watts,
Edith Barnes, Harold Reade,
Margaret Fitzpatrick.
Mt. Side -i rank Hansen. Glen
Meacham Veryl Kinne.
Rock Creek Theodore Gut-
schmidt, Ruth Tunstall. Ophelia
Wismer, Paul Roeder.
Helvetia Annie Nussbaumer.
Kansas City Effie Moore.
Arcade Athena Miller.
Hazeldale Kate Taylor. Hazel
. Swedeville - Gertrude Teufel.
Dist. 71 -Esther Oglesby. .
Cedar Mill Dale and Mary
North Plains Bert Walter.
Leona Kennedy.
Bethany Bertha Dysle, Hazel
Dist. 75-Rexford Sommer.
Dist. 80-Helen Parr.
McKinley Jack O'Meara.
Sherwood -Emm"a Anderson,
Lyman Murdock.
Dist. 95 Stanley Freddeen,
Thelma Oleson, Edwfh Rick.
Aloha-Huber-Irene Heckman,
Ramona Herse, Hilda Larson.
Hiteon Harry Adoplhson.
Deerlick -Carl Vose.
Laurel Dist. 3-Hugh McPher
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Hour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper, of POTATOES and
ONIONS. , Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State F lour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
We have Our Bee Ware in.
Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers.
Large assortment of Fishing Tack
le the kind you can make good with.
It will Soon be time for Florence
Blue flame Oil Cook Stove. We
are showing some new ones.
Come in and see us.
Long Hardware
At the old stand on Second St East of 'Court House.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & f. Washington Sts. Phone, Main yS
Dr. C. R. Bloyd was brought
down from the Forest Grove
hospital, Friday, convalescent
from a critical operation by Dr.
Erwin. Dr. Bloyd had put in a
strenuous year at Lakeview,
Southern Oregon, and lost over
50 pounds of weight. He thinks
he will be able to go South in a
few weeks. '
The Nursery Co., of Orenco, is
hiring more boys and men now.
4f you want to secure work and
a good steady job for the next
few months, here is yout oppor
tunity. Better get on the pay
roll now if you can, and have
work 'every day. 9-tf
F, W. Wells, of Aloha, was in
the city Saturday, greeting
Wanted Hogs of all kinds,
sheep, beef, poultry of all kinds.
C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Rt.
4. Box 20. Phone Beaverton 53.
line 3. Will call at any place
designated. 37-tf