The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 10, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 8
WILL mm 12TH
Arrnnicrmenl Madts to (ranlte
tor a County Drfrnse Council
Sslnrdny lu be Slirl ul Survey ul
I inning Cunillllon Here
On Saturday, May 12. there will
In' many meeting f (irungeH
iiikI Furmern Unions to take up
the mutter of u survey of agri
cultiiirtl possibilities in Washing
ton t nmt y. wild tln view of
lettering conditions of produc
tion. The idea in to work in
conjunction with government
olliciiik At these meetings the
delegates who came to the H'lls
Itoro meeting Tuesday will he
present und mnk clenr just
what the government idea is.
and a general purview of action
in the future.
' The government is wo'king
out definite plans to supply la
bor, seeds, etc., and any other
help, financially or otherwise,
that muy he a necessity.
The maximum and minimum
price on food products will be
cHtalilished by the government
in the near future, and every
nid will be given those interested
directly in agriculture, or food
The Hillsboro service office,
under the direction of 0. A. C.
and the United States govern
ment, in cooperation, is in
charge of K. 1!. Fitts, assisted
by T. I). Case.
Mr. Fitts. whose address is
Hillsboro. will be ulad to get in
formation from farmers who are
in need of seed, or who have
set d to sell, and in this manner
be will establish a bureau that
will be more than helpful.
Letters addressed to Mr. hits
at Hillsboro will reach the office,
or if you wish to see him in per
son, call at the Commercial
Club for information.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his farm, at Sylvan,
on the Canyon road, beginning
at 10 o'clock a. m., on
'the following property, to-wit: 7
bead of good milk cows. 2 fresh
now; 8 heifers, ages from 2J to 'A
years, some to freshen soon;
K) head of yenrling heifeis; 1
thoroughbred Holstcin bull, 3
years old; matched iron gray
team, weight 1J50 and MOO lbs,
5 and 6 years old, well broken.
Terms -$20 and under, cash;
over $i!0. 0 months' time. 8 per
cent, bankable note; 2 per cent
off for cash on sums over $20.
H. Wirth. Owner.
J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
This sale was postponed from
May 2, because t he rows had not
been tested within a year, but
all have been tuberculin tested
ninee that date.
Wm. C. Jackson and wife, of
North Plains, were in the city
P.ulk garden seeds i he fresh
est and best to buy. -Greer's.
Henry llollebuycke, of near
Roods, was a county seat caller
You can get shell, grit, bone,
beef scraps, egg food and scratch
food at Greer's. 4Stf
- to loan on improved
farm mortgages.
Call and talk it over
with us if interested.
Spirella Corsets -Not sold in
stores. A question and a sug
gestion. Have you any corset
troubles? If so. let Spirella her
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirella wearers
testify to the ease, comfort and
perfection of stylo produced by
Spirella corsets. Many exclusive
designs from which to Belcct the
corset best suited to your indi
vidual needs. A Spirella resi
dence corsetier in this field.
My advice, experience aul train
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. --Telephone Main 381.
Itesidence, Fifth and Jackson,
HiUsltoro, Ore. 51-11
For Sale Twenty acres, black
loam soil, all cleared except half
acre of oak grove; in hitfh state
of cultivation; on county road;
situated between Oregon F.lec
trie and S. P. electric lines, at
Ueedville; good school; church;
stores, anil post office, F.asy
terms One-third down, balance
on long time, Price reasonable.
Obtain owner's name bv writing
to Box 27. Ueedville. 7-9
Farmers certainly took ad
vantage of last week's good
weather and thousands upon
thousands of acres of land was
turned over by the plows. The
Ladd & Ueed farm were using
a big tractor, and this side of
Forest Grove a man had a plow
tackled ton Ford machine, and
was making the "Henry" do
the work of a team.
K. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Hillsboro National Hank
lildg. Loans your money, in
sures your buildings, rents your
houses, buys and sells your prop
erty, makes collections. Notary
Public Also speaks German
and Swiss, 42tf
Robt. Simpson, f Buxton,
was down to the city Saturday.
He and Will Jack will start for
Tendoy, Idaho, about May 16.
and they ex Dec t to work in their
mine until snow flies. Bob says
he has something big up there as
soon as he can get the trans
portation ptoblem solved.
The Hinman Milking Machine
is both efficient and cheap, which
is more than can be said for some
hand milkers. Farm help is go
ing to be scarce until after the
war. Investigate the Hinman.
Thos. Carmichael. Gaston,
Ore. 7-10
William Huntemann, of Oak
Park, was an Argus caller Sat
urday. He and his brother have
tried Summer irrigation to the
best success on their fine little
home place, and the amount of
fruit and vegetables they turn
off the holding is almost unbe
lievable. For fale: Dairy and stock
ranch of 300 acres with 75 cows
and young stock, horses, and
fully equipped. Will take small
er ranch up to $10,000, as part
payment. If interested address
P. O. Box 112. Hillsboro. Ore
gon. 40tf
W. L. Moore, of Banks, was
down Saturday. W. L handled
the postoflice at Greenville and
Banks for 28 years and he says
that it is some relief to have a
day that he doesn't have to get
the messengers ready.
Wanted Hogs of all kinds,
sheep, beef, poultry of all kinds,
C. K. Rogers, Heaverton, lit.
4, Box 20. Phone Heaverton 53,
line 3. Will call at any place
designated. 37-tf
Geo. Chambers, of near Lau
rel, was in town Friday. He
owns one of the fine Percherons
of the county, and will make the
season at several points in the
heart of the agricultural district,
Will Take the Military Strength
of Washington County at Once
Thal Man Will Select Nul l.c Than
Five AKxlHlanl to Aid Him
Sheriff Applegate last week re
ceived the following letter from
Gov. Withycombe;
"You are directed immediately
to designate a member of the
election board in each precinct
of Washington County, Oregon,
as war census marshal. This of
ficial, under your direction and
supervision, will be held re
sponsible for execution of the
details of taking the war census
in his precinct. He will be au
thorized, and required, to secure
the services of not less than five,
as he may require.
All services will be performed
without compensation. It is be
lieved that in view of the pres
ent National crisis, when the in
tegrity and safety of the govern
ment is at stake, no objection
will be entered by any American
citizen to performing this ser
vice in the country s interest
without pay.'
All concerned should be ad
vised that there is no time to be
lost and that immediate and en
ergetic action on their part is
expected and required.
I he precinct voting place is
considered the best place to get
this census.
The appointments by Sheriff
Applegate appear elsewhere.
Mis. Janie Weller, of Seattle,
died at the home of her mother,
Mrs. William Twigg, in that
city. May 3. 1917. Interment
will be at Elm hedge, Canada.
She leaves to mourn ner loss the
daughter in Seattle; a son back
in Canada; two sisters. Mrs. E.
Wenstrom, Scholls, and Mrs. J.
H. Collier, Hillsboro. a brother,
Jas. Twigg. Scholls, and a broth
er, Wm. Twigg, and a sister,
Mrs. Elizabeth Reed, of Seattle.
S. P. & P. E. & E.
All. except the P. R. &N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train (5:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:16
Forest Grove Train 4:05
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:33
Forest Grove Train 0:40
McMinnville Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. li. & N. Train 5:05 p. m.
P. li. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Huxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
The Clackamas, Multnomah and
Washington Counties rural car
riers will meet at the Hotel Ben
son, Portland. Ore., May 13. As
the carriers are the greatest
good road boosters in the state,
we are going to have a big time.
The state highway commission
ers have been invited to speak;
also several others, including
Andrew Eggiman, are going to
tell the carriers how to get good
roads. Everybody who is inter
ested in good roads are invited
attend. Meeting called to order
at 1 p. m.
W. II. Boyd. Sec.
Max Crandall went back to
Jefferson County, Monday morn
ing, to linish up clerical account
M. J. B. coffee at Greer'B.
G. W. Guvton. of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Friday.
A. L. Grebe and wife, of Lau-
r I, were county Beat visitors
John I). Koch, of above Bloom
ing, was in town Saturday, on
legal business.
W. II. Joos. of North Plains.
was greeting friends in town
the last of the week.
Oliver .InhnHtnn. of above
North Plains, was a city caller
Monday morning.
H. II. Boire. of Farmington.
was a city cajler Monday after
Bruce Purdv. of Forest Grove.
was down to the city Monday
morning, greeting friends.
A. C. Mulloy and wife, of Lau
rel, were city callers Monday
Mrs. M. A. Powell has return
ed from a four weeks visit with
relatives in Polk and Linn coun
.1 R Ofner. of Por land. with
law offices with C. J. Schnabel.
of Portland, was out Saturday,
on business at the court house.
Money to loan on improved
real estate, principally farms
and choice city property. Kerr
Bros.. Hillsboro. Odd rellows
Building. 19tf.
For Sale -Twenty-one acres,
U miles north of Hillsboro; 15
acres cleared; good buildings;
orchard; mail and milk routes;
telephone; rock road; creek. M.
E. Watson, Hillsboro, Oregon,
Route 1. 6-9
The Argus is in receipt of sev
eral letters admitting that ad
vertisement of horses and cows
for sale had made good o i tl e
first run. This compliment is
paid the paper nearly every
Judge Geo. li. Bagley went
over to Tillamook Sunday, to
open court in the port city Mon
day morning. The term is a
jury trial term, and the docket
will require several days to clear
unless there be. postponements.
John R. Bailey, the Buxton
ranchman and prune grower,
was down to the city Saturday.
John li. is one of the pioneers in
the prune growing in his section
of the county, and last year he
made a nice cleanup.
Mrs. George Zimmerman, of
Cornelius, died at one of the
Portland hospitals last Thursday
night She was aged about 30
vears, and leaves a husband
There were no children. De
ceased was a daughter of Jacob
Correll and wife, of Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Lard,
who left here for Fort Worth,
Texas, last October, returned
last week to again make their
home in Oregon. C. F. came out
from Portland and helped out in
the Argus othee the last two
days of the week. He says that
Texas is all right, but that Ore
gon is "all-righter."
Edgar Ross, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. A Ross, while cranking
the Iioss car last Iriday morning,
fractured his right wrist. Dr.
Erwin attended the injury. The
lad s thirteen years of age, and
the trouble will soon mend. The
machine has a self starter, but
the battery had gone on the
"blink," ai'd a crank "was used
with the resultant accident.
E. M. Griebeler, aged 74. of
Gaston, was Monday morning
sent to the State Hospital at Sa-
em. His wife died two years
ago, and since that time the hus
band has gradually failed men
tally. He is not suicidal, but
has threatened others. Dr. F.
A. Bailey made the examination.
Quite a family reunion took
place Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Reasoner. Mrs.
Sylvania Switzer, of Indiana, an
aunt of the Judge, arrived for a
few days visit, and they had not
met for 53 years. Dr. Graffis
and wife, of Portland, Ray Rea
soner and wife, of Oak Park,
and Edwin Bowman and wife, of
Independence, were the other
A recent letter from Clifford
Long, in the U. S. Navv. was
mailed at Bremerton, Wash.,
and he says it will be a month,
perhaps, before he can again get
mail out to Oregon. He has just
returned trom lower Mexico, and
left ban Diego about the first or
second of the month. He tells
an interesting story of sea life.
and says that at present the
watches constitute his greatest
duty. A billy goat, an ant-eater.
a squirrel and a fawn are the
menagerie aboard, and Cliff says
that the goat is the mascot lie
was won by a boat's crew from
another boat in lower Mexico.
Pioneers and Sons of Pioneers
Celebrate Founding of U. S. Gov't
Commemoralei Timely Action of Joseph
Meek in Forcing American Vole
Saturday was Champoeg Day on
the Willamette River, and sever
al hundred attended the exer
cises. Notables from over the
state delivered addresses, and
Gov. Withycombe and T. T.
Geer made the principal
The exercises were commemo
rative of that day in May in the
early forties when 101 men,
Americans. French and British,
met at Champoeg to form a pro
visional government. Active
among tnose present were Jos.
L. Meek. Squire Ebberts and
Caleb Wilkins. Meek was a big
character in those days, and was
of that calibre that swayed men.
There was "argument about it
and about." as Omar would say,
and they were not getting any
where, when Joe Meek stepped
out into the open, drew a mark
with the toe of his boot, and
called out in stentorian tones -"Who's
for a divide? All who
are in favor of the United States
step on this side of the line."
They stepped, and when the
count was made there were just
one more on Joe Meek's side of
that line than on the side of the
line which was for Great Britian.
Then and there Oregon became a
part and parcel of the U. S. A.
Meek was afterward made U. S.
Marshal. His descendants live
here in the Northwest S. A. D
Meek, of North Plains, Oregon;
and J. L. Meek, of Idaho; and
Mrs. Olive Riley.
Those from this county who
attended Saturday's exercises
were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbrie,
senator VV. D. Wood and son,
James, and Ellsworth Wilkes.
W. B. Jolly, pioneer, of Portland.
also mingled with the crowd.
The following orders were made
by the county court last week:
Relief of $8 each per month.
until further order, granted to
Mrs. John Pearson and Mrs.
Anna Lindborn.
Co. Rocd No. 680 J. petition N.
S. Richards et al, disallowed.
Co. Road No. 683, petition C.
J. Ross et al, established, peti
tioners to pav 4 of damage by
May 1. 1918.
Co. Road No. 684, petition J.
W. Pritchard et al. established,
petitioners to pay i damages by
May 1. 1918.
Co. Road No. 686, Bruchler et
al, disallowed as per' report of
Co. Road No. 687. A. W. Mel
ler et al, disallowed as per re
monstrance. Co. Road No. 6S9. M. E. Huf
faker et al. ordered established
as per report of viewers.
Tax cancellation, H. M. Pihl,
Tax cancellation, E. L. Nay
lor, disallowed.
Clerk's receipts, April, fees
and fines $777.50; Recorder's
fees, April, $434.80; approved.
To Portland 55 minutes.
9:58 .
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
5:18 .
From Portland 55 minutes.
-a m
.a m
a m
....p m
...p m
....p m
a ni
4:27 . .
Neil Bennett, of Laurel, and
Daniel Bailey, of South Tuala
tin, were Hillsboro visitors, Sat
urday. If you want to buy good horses
see Fiske & Wolf, at Cornelius,
Oregon. We have some good
ones. 52-tf
Oglesby Young, a prominent
Portland attorney, was in the
city Saturday, on business at the
court house.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515,
We have Our Bee Ware in.
Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers.
Large assortment of Fishing Tack
le the kind you can make good with.
It will soon be time for Florence
Blue flame Oil Cook Stove. We
are showing some new ones.
Come in and see us.
Long's Hardware
At the old stand on Second St East of Court House.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phme, City 175
North Plain, Main 263.