The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 03, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 7
i:ntrr lrlitg' Store, at Dllley, an J
Make Ml Take of Cartridge
Novel Wiy l Breiklnf Inlo Slurt In
iufurilcd --Plunder Ktlurnrd
Two youths of above Dilley, one
mimmI 17 and the other 20, broke
into the Briggs store, at Dilley,
m week ago Saturday night.
The lads put rocks in a pair of
overalln, tied up the package,
and then threw them into the
upper story window, breaking
the gluss. A ladder was then
placed against the building for
entry, 1'hey stole 1400 rounds
of 22-caiibre revolver cartridges,
and KM) rounds of mixed 22's; a
Hhotgun; fi boxes of shotgun
sheila; some pipes and tobacco,
and Home ixicket knives and oth
er small merchandise. They
then cached the plunder in bcv
eral places. SherilT Applegate
atarled search and one of his
deputies found enough to point
to the two lads, who later ad
mitted the theft. The goods
were taken bark to Hriggs, and
it is understood that prosecution
will not follow, as the boys will
enlist in either the army or
Fifteen hundred rounds of
small cartridges would make a
great deal of noise and it looks
as though the young fellows
wanted to start a noise to rival
the Kuroiwan War.
s. i. & i. i j. & n.
All. except the 1". II & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:16
Forest Grove Train 4:05
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train (5:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
8:15 a. m.
3:14 p. m
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Forest Grove Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Mi'Minnvillt Train
All trains atop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R. & N. Train 5:05 p. m.
1. It. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p.m.
... . - -
Hulk garden seeds the fresh
est and best to buy.-Greer's.'
C. F. Jesse was in from Roy
The Laurel-Hillsboro road Ins
been improved between town
and the Ervine Rnrkhalter place,
and is now in a fairly good con
dition, even if a little rough.
Deputy SherilT Alexander went
to Tignrd and brought away
from the ('.has. Metzger place a
hayfork, with ropes and pulleys,
found in the Metzger cart, and
claimed by John Brandt. Metz
ger also claims the property, and
lirandt says that a part of the
rope does belong to Metzger.
The case will doubtless result in
a replevin suit. Metzger and
lirandt have been having a little
sparring match for some time,
and have not got along together
under the practice of the golden
rule. Aside from their differ
ences as given in thin article they
appear to be pretty good citizens.
For hale: Dairy and stock
ranch of 300 acres with 75 cows
and young stock, horses, and
fully equipped. Will take small
er ranch up to $10,000, as part
payment. If interested address
P. (). Box 112. llillsboro. Ore
gon. 40tf
A and H Companies, at the
Arrnoiy, have been quarantined
at Clackamas for two weeks du
ration, beginning last Monday,
spinal meningitis having deyel
oped, two men from Co. B being
sulTcrers. Co. H has a large
number of llillsboro men enlist
ed. Some of the boys from here
are not in the quarantine, hav
ing been out on guard, w hen the
illness was diagnosed.
For Sale Twenty acres, black
loam soil, all cleared except half
acre of oak grove; in high state
of cultivation; on county road;
situated between Oregon Elec
tric and S. P. electric lines, at
Reedville; good school; church;
stores, and post ollice. Easy
terms One-third down, balance
on long time Price reasonable.
Obtain owner's name by writing
to ltox 27. Reedville. 7-9
It is estimated that there are
about 200 alien adults in Wash
ington County. There are (52
wio have declared their inten
tions for citizenship, but who
have failed to ask for second pa
pers; 2(5 who have declared their
intentions within the past two
years Hix set for the July term,
and which can not b heard
while war is pending.
E. I. Kuratli has his oflice in
the llillsboro National Bank
Bldg. L)an8 your money, in
sures your buildings, rents your
houses, buys and sells your prop
erty, makes collections. Notary
Public Also speaks German
and Swiss. 42tf
Atha Russell, a member of Co.
B, is home on a furlough, having
dislocated a shoulder one day
last week. He was on a motor
cycle, and collided with a truck.
Besides the dislocation he sprain
ed a wrist and barked one of his
shins. He will be in the ranks
again in ten days or two weeks.
The Hinman Milking Machine
is both efficient and cheap, which
is more than can be said for some
hand milkers. Farm help is go
ing to be scarce until after the
war. Investigate the Hinman,
Thos. Carmichael, Gaston,
Ore. 7-10
A. S. Pence, the Oregon Elec
tric assistant agent, returned
Sunday from a trip to Klamath
Falls, where he went to witness
the land drawing.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Landess
returned last week from an ex
tended stay at Shaniko, Eastern
Oregon. They will remain here
this Summer if Mr. Landess'
health remains good.
Roy Latham, of Gervais, Ore.,
where he is interested in the
(lour milling business with bis
father, came over the last of the
week for a visit with his broth
er, A. C. Latham.
J. B. Merrill, of Cornelius, was
down to the county seat f nday
War Will Take Thousands From
Employment Channels
Review of
Whil Orc(n U
IndtiKtrial line
Doing In
Oregon will have a big year in
1917 with its lumber industry.
Every mill is running with big
orders ahead. The labor supply
will be the shortest for years
and wages are increasing all
along the line, due to the hun
dreds of enlistments.
Industrial Notes
Bandon working hard to locate
shipbuilding there.
Vale -New $3500 parage to be
built here.
Crane working to secure sugar
factory. Beets to lie tested
there this season.
Klamath Falls Strahorn bid
accepted to build 20 mile munici
pal railway from here to Dairy
for $300,000.
Polk and Marion counties are
"again" going to get plans for
bridge at Salem. The old bridge
in closed and the delay in build
ing for3 years has cost thousands
of dollars in advanced material
Marshfield-New shipyard to
start construction here at once.
Salem Wittenburg-King Co.
to establish big vegetable and
fruit process factory here. Plant
to be in operation by July 1.
Employment for at least 200 men
and women.
John Day votes $10,000 bonds
for water system.
Coos Bay C. & O. Lumber Co
buys Steamer Quinalt for lumber
Lakeside to have new $5,000
Klamath Falls Pelican Bay
Lumber Co. has 7.000,000 feet of
timber in water and expects to
buy 15,000.000.
Idaho - Oregon Light & Power
Co. start construction work soon
in Pine Valley. Line will ex
tend from Rolinett to Cornucopia,
Portland increases shipyard
capacity. Government to start
construction of treat fleet of
"sea jitneys" in shipyards along
Pacific Coast.
Malheur Oregon & Western
Colonization Co. make record
since January 1, 20 sales, 75,000
Burns Plans under way to ir
rigate 40.000 near here.
The Dalles -Work started on
grading Columbia Highway from
Chenowith to Petersburg. '
"There was less railroad con
struction in the United States
last year than any year since
1805. There is less railroad con
struction projected this year
than last year."
to loan on improved
farm mortgages.
Call and talk it over
with us if interested.
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an
examination for the County of
Washington, Oregon, to be held
at llillsboro, on May 26, 1917, to
fill the position of rural carrier
at Laurel, and vacancies that
may later occur on rural routes
from other post offices in the
above-mentioned county. The
examination will be open only to
male citizens who are actually
domiciled in the territory of a
post office in the county, and
who meet the other require
ments set forth in Form No.
1977. This form and application
blanks may be obtained from the
offices mentioned above or from
the United States Civil Service
Commission at Washington, D.
C. Applications should be for
warded to the Commission at
Washington, at the earliest prac
ticable date.
M. J. B. coffee at Greer's.
G. A. Gustafson, of Tigard,
was in town Saturday.
Money to 'oan at 5 per rent.
Monthly payments. E. M. Ca
lef, llillsboro. Ore. 24-tf
Mrs. J. J. Weisenback, of Reed
ville, was in the city Saturday
Trout fishermen were out in
force, Sunday, and Fred Sewell
and Leonard Brown report the
champion catches.
Bruce Bailey, son of Dr. and
Mrs. A. B. Bailev, of Portland,
was out Friday evening, the
guest of the Baileys.
Harold Merryman, of Klamath
Falls, was in the city the last, of
the week, the guest of relatives,
lie says the Klamath Falls coun
try is in fine shape.
C. C. Nelson, of Bacona, and
W. Hahn, of Mountaindale, were
down to the city Saturday, bring
ing in the young folks to the
Money to loan on improved
real estate, principally farms
and choice city property. Kerr
Bros.. Hillsboro. Odd Fellows
Building. 19tf. .
B. A. Shaver, a Salem resident,
engaged in the printing business
in the capital city, wa3 here,
Saturday, ' the guest of a rela
tive. John C. Jaspers and Miss
Clara VanLoo were united in
marriage at Verboort, April 25,
1917, Kev. Father LeMiller of
ficiating. W. F. Haase, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Monday. He
sold his potatoes at the $3 mar
ketbut says he is satisfied,
anyway. Many a year he sold
more than double the amount at
much less money.
For Sale Twenty-one acres,
1J miles north of Hillsboro; 15
acres cleared; good buildings;
orchard; mail and milk routes;
telephone; rock road; creek. M.
E. Watson, Hillsboro, Oregon,
Route 1. 6-9
Walter Kelly, of Yamhill Coun
ty, and . Miss Antonia Erker. of
Cornelius, were united in mar
riage at the Cornelius Catholic
Church, April 28, 1917, Rev.
Father Buck, of Forest Grove,
For sale or rent: Two hundred
and forty acres of rich pasture
land; spring and creeks; 2 milps
north of Bacona postoffiee, Col
umbia Co. Address Mrs. Rose
Stein, Hollywood. Los Angeles,
Cal.. 1623 Hudson Ave. 7
Geo. Harrow, of Oak Park, is
trying the experiment of catch
ing wire worms in his onion
ground by feeding them with
potatoes. Geo. says they are
the thing, but every time you
sink a big tuber it looks like
planting a nickel.
The government is wanting
typewriters and stenographers,
with salaries ranging from $900
to $1,200 per year. For in
formation as to examinations,
etc.. write to the Secretary of
the U. S, Civil Service Board of
Examiners at Seattle, Wash. Ap
plicants must be 18 years of age
when application is made.
J. L. McCann, whose wife and
children reside here, was arrest
ed at Vale, Oregon, last week,
and is in custody there, the
charge being non-support, pre
ferred by his wife some weeks
ago. snenri Appiegate locateo.
him in the sagebrush country
and wired for his arrest. He
will not go after him, as the
Vale sheriff is soon coming down
with a prisoner for Salem, and
he will thus save the county the
expense of a fare both ways for
BIG $35,000 ROAD
Until After June Bond Election is
Voted -and Then Will Move
Ten Thotmand. Forest Grove lo fianton,
and Same Beaverton - Rex Tirard
The County Commissioners Court
will do no road work on the main
artery through the county until
after the June election, except
in Buch places as will come under
general road supervision to keep
the thoroughfare passable. The
Court feels that it is good busi
ness not to expend any of the
$35,000, practically all of which
i3 available, until after the peo
ple have spoken for or against
the stats bond issue. There are
ten thousand for the Beaverton
Portland end, via Bertha; ten
thousand for the Rex-Tigard.
and ten thousand for the Forest
Grove-Gaston end of the big
main artery through the county.
The five thousand appropriated
for the Forest Grove-Greenville
road does not come under the
cloture, and this will be used
when conditions are right
County Judge Reasoner this
week received the specifications
for the base from the State High
way commission, and this office
says that an oi tne present ma
cadam base can be used with the
addition of "shoulders."
By the first of the week the
traffic on the county road3 be
tween Forest Grove and Port
land was something quite heavy,
many auto trucks having made
the trips with heavy loads.
These big fellows were stuck on
many of the by-roads and two of
them were in limbo and gumbo
for five hours on the Hillsboro
Laurel road, Sunday.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
1 Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price.
- Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
The United State3 Civil Service
Commission announces that a
number of vacancies exist in the
Dosition of rodman and chain-
man for the Interstate Com
merce Commission in the States
of Oregon, Washington and Ida
ho, at salaries ranging from $720
to $1080 per annum. Age limits
18 to 28 years.
The examination consists only
of fi'ing apDlication Form 1800
with the United States Civil Ser
vice Commission, Washington.
D. C. Copies of the application
and full information may be se
cured from the Secretary, 11th
Civil Service District, Seattle,
Washington; or from the Local
Secretary, Board of Civil Service
Examiners, in this city. All
qualified persons are urged to
A. U. Uavis, Local bee.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Deneweth. of
Witch Hazel, were Hillsboro
callers the last ot the week.
Peder Jacobsen, of West Un
ion. and John Ironside, of Lau
rel, were city callers Friday
John Lippert, of Banks, was
down the last of the week, turn
ing out some carpenter work for
John Miller's restaurant.
Jas. Mahon, who is enlisted in
the Coast Artillery, wa out last
week, the guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mahon.
H. R, Findley, of Cedar Mill,
who takes a big interest in the
right kind of dairying, was in
town Saturday, enroute to Se
ghers, to call on W. K. Newell,
To Portland 55 minutes.
A quiet wedding: was celebrated
in Portland. April 25. when Miss
Millie May Ornduti, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Samuel Orndulf, of
this city, was united in marriage
to Lyle li. Dunsmoor. The wed
ding came as a surprise to the
relatives and friends of the con
tracting parties.
A shower was tendered the
newly wedded couple at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Orndutf,
Friday evening, and many pres
ents were tendered the happy
Those present were Messrs,
and Mesdames Samuel Ornduff,
Harry Rea. Earl Ringle. Ray
Sigler; Mrs. Sam Bentley; the
Misses Alma Schulmerich, Marie
and Lena Beili Ethel Sample,
Lois Weik, Keta Trullinger, Zola
Walch, Ethel Johnston, Melva
OrndulT: Elmer Williams and
Ralph Deaville.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmoor will
be at home to their friends at
Seattle. Wash., after a short
From Portland-
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
p m
.p m
-55 minutes.
a m
a m
-a m
p m
p m
a m
Spirella Corsets Not sold in
stores. A question and a sug
gestion. Have you any corset
troubles? If so, let Spirella ser
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirella wearers
testify to the ease, comfort and
perfection of style produced by
Spirella corsets. Many exclusive
designs from which to select the
corset best suited to your indi
vidual needs. A Spirella resi
dence corsetier in this field.
My advice, experience and train
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. Telephone Main 384.
Residence, Fifth and Jackson,
Hillsboro, Ore. 51-11
Marriage licenses granted last
week were: Chas. L; Hughes
and Viva Dickinson, Cornelius;
Frank C. Corey and Alice Pieren,
Banks. Route 3; Roy A. McLur
dy and lva C. Chapman, Corne
We have Our Bee Ware in.
Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers.
Large assortment of Fishing Tack
le the kind you can make good with.
It will soon be time for Florence
Blue flame Oil Cook Stove. We
are showing some new ones.
Come in and see us.
Long's Hardware
At the old stand on Second St. East of jCourt House.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phne, City 170
the Holstein breeder.
honeymoon trip.