i 'IN 1 11 jn 'versus 'Judge Lynch By RICHARD MAHKLEY Two gentlonipn of Four An, nilii lug town, wir coiiaultlug aa lo hi to got Hit of an enemy, One demurred t shooting alnco court luiil been n tabllahed. "You , Jim," tin hI1, "they'll keep U III Jail forever wall In' n fry in." "Don't joil worry about thai, IVIti, aald the oilier. "Till j i-iii I'liiiiiiiiinlty uu t ready for real law yet," Bo they iliot tlu'lr limn and stood trUI. The cltltciia of Four Acoa, eager lo try Ilia new legal system Hint hud been "liitrodueed, J!il not Inconvenience tlm ' two criminal at nil by delay. Tho I ' murder was committed In llu morning, sj ud jy 3 oYlock In lint afternoon I lit: 1 trial commenced. A limb of I lie law I named Hlmpaon waa prosecuting attor I Dry, tin) una Waterman waa ntirn0i , by tlm court to defend I ho accused. To hvi time llioy were tried together, , The flrat hour was occupied In fencing between ilia tiroMH'tilor and rounml for tho uVfiUUM, 111 latter rlnliiiliig that tlm drat abut killed the gambler, anil Ilia man who Itrml It win the murder r, while Hit other could not tw tried for killing a corpse- Au appeal to tha (Judge established the fart that lioth were tnalrumetital In tho deed and they ) aliould m convicted or acquitted to- k fi'tlmr. I Then tha proaeeutor auuimoiied wit ueiuwa who saw the shooting. Tha 1 Ort waa tho barkevr of tint aalooii, I who waa ataudlng behind tlm lr at ,r ha lluia. Ha twltllod thai ho aaw Tytha two moo open tiro at I ha sauio mo ment no tha gambler. (Juration-What wore you doing B Xvlien tha ahootlng commenced T Wltuea -Tom O'llrlan had Jlt call- ad for aoma phu'ti, and 1 waa reachlu' to tha lie If hark o' tha bar for It. (Jila(ioii-ltow could you aao the hooting when your baiil waa turned to tha abootera? Wltneaa-There waa a big looklu gliua behind tha bar. 1 h-u ll lu that. "Tour houor," aald the lawyer, turn lug lo the Judge, "1 liiuve that thin nutti'a tvatlmony tm atrlcken out II did not ae tho ahootlng. I la merely aw reflection,' Tho J ml if n considered for awhile, then decided that reflection waa Dot II thing lu Itaelf, therefore tha teal I I niony of tha Imr keeper waa not to be I considered by the Jury. There were several other peraona In ' the room at the tlmu of tha crime, but i eouuael for defetwe proved that tha eyesight of oue waa bad. Unit another f - waa ad deaf (hat he couldn't hear anuon fired, lu any nothing of a re volver, while a third bad la-en alttlug gA. t a table In a Jog In tho room where Xho could not aw Ihe group lu iiticstlon. rrleiul of the ait-uwd awore that Ihey , . had kievu them for years, both had taught Holiday school and neither luid ur carried a revolver--Indeed, they Would aot kuow how- to baiullo aucb a Weapon. The prueeeulnr endeavored to I in pi-ach Ilia veradty of tliPMt.wUneaaea, but when ho called on cltlxeua preaeut to (wear that they wouldn't helluva them under oath ono of the w ltneaaea niiouiH'ed that If any man (lured to (jucMtlou lila word or til altered honor he would lot daylight into hla carcaaa. Th! etTertoally prevented Ihe lniient'h Itient Of any of Oicno u llneaHea. When the lawyer bud got through W ith the eitxo there waa uu ImprettNlva alienee lu the court. Tho Jmlgo ncoui axl avcrxii lo liiNtrut'tlng the Jury to arijult tho mui'derer, but ho could not aen how ho cuuld do anything el ho. He wua acHlcliiug hla heud when Oliver lludd, a promliieiit clthcen of Four 'Arc and leader of tho lute vigilance ominllleo that hud ceuaed operulloni tu view of tho Introduction of law Into he place, aroae mid an Id: "Yuur honor, theao yere men have l)ceii tried accordlu' to luw, and the evidence ahowa that Ihey are fta Inner, rent n two turtle dove. I MUggeMt that before glvlu' up our runner meth od wa try 'em by tho I.yucli a.VHtom, Jlat for lo aeo how tho two compare." The Judgo accepted tho alliiiition and giive up hla aeut a cracker box before hla dcHg, a bourd between two bnrrol to Mr. Budd, who took hla place and auld: "Let all tlm wltnesaea for the proae cullon 8tn ml up lu line." Wffti Ihe line waa formed Judge I.yuiir'i' Mr. Lludd auld to them: "Thwo yero two uieu ulr chiirged with the killln' of Chorlea Ilonton, Kitiuhler. All of you who know for mirten that they done It hold up your handa." Every witness held up a hand. WW" loin u no,- aum ir. jiiiau; men, Q yiirulng to the Inrge numljer of apec atator preaeut, he added: "Cllliteiia of Four Acoa, you hnve -, , a trlul by court methoda und a trial by I-yi ch method. All who ure In favor of the fuat aay 'Aye.' " A dead nIIciico followed. "All thoan In favor of tlieae galoots beln' trouted to Lynch law aay 'Aye." There waa a roar of "Ayes" that truck terror Into the accuaed men. "Such beln' the case," Mr. Budd con cluded by Virtue of being head of the vigilance committee, "I call upon the member for the purpoao of ellmluatln' the prisoner." Ten minutes later two forma were dangling and the eltlzcua of Four Aces had resumed their uaual vocations. Copying Our National Parka. Spain Is to luivo national parka simi lar to thoo In the United Hfsfes. Pur HUiint to a recent law the government will select especially picturesque tracts of land, Incorporate them In a na tional park system, arrange for suit- 'lo moans of communication lu order hat visitors may rcucb tlicm vastly and preserve the natural feuturea of uch tracla from deterioration. Ad vancing the project its sponsor called attention to the Yellowstone, Yoseinlte, General Uruut, Crater I-ake and other nal park lu thl country. 3raBHs;1 '12 LIFE OF THE WORLD. Tradition That It Will Laat Only 6,000 Year. There la a general und wldcaprcad notion, wlili h thu l urhniH luveatlgator will 11 nd Hiu tin fl thi-oiighout both medieval ii ml modem llletuturo, thu the world will hint U.imki yeur from the dute of Ita ci'cuttoii; An Inai'llptloii lu uiio of Mai l In I.ulliei 'n boolta remlH ua followa: "ICIIJiih, tho proi'liet, auld that the world hud cxlxli'd 'J.ii year be- foro I he luw wua clveii (fliuft A da in I Moni'ki, would ckltit 'l.l yeiiia limle tint Mi wale luw (from Moaea to t'lirUti and I'.oiU yeur under the t'lil'liiltiiil dlapi'iiaulloii, and then It Would 1 bullied." lu tho Khiiilan iieeount of the cri'lt Hon (by KultliiM) there la a aluillur tiu dllloli, "Tile t'reab.r apeul ll.takl yeur lu ticutloii, ami U.imil nnru lin, ullulled lo I ho ciii'lli." lu tho blii'k letler cil ll loll of l-'iue' "A N mid .Mouiiuii'iitN'' ili.U) (hero la a whole xi'lliH'li ghell Milli the (I.IKM) yeur limit or llio earth' diuutloii aa text. Home wrlteia loutend lliut llio "all ihiy" rereircd lo In Holy Writ reuliy liieuil (J,u) yeiiiu und tiiul llio "ki'Velith day" la a type of tho coming milieu uluiu, or "Hubbalh of a thouauud year." The tiaalmlat auya, "For a Ihouaiiud year uio lu thy ahtht a yeatorduy' ll'aalm c, 4). Heo also II I'etor ill, H, Whii h la oveu mora apcclllc. POISON GAS BEETLES. Cum With Which Bombardier Keep Their Enamia at Bay. Moat people think Ihut tho tiaa of polaon gn lu warfure I a purely human, or perhaps one ahould aay lu human, idea. Yet tho plan ha been adopted by imturo. Certain kind of heel lea kuowu aa lioiubardlcra and i-alli-d by atletillata lliaehluua uiako free ii ao of potnoiioua fume tu keep their elieinlea at I)'. A typical I'cclea known aa Ilrachl una crepltaua la largely utlaiked by cert ii I n ground beetles. Thetie ground U'ctlca are very actha and cuu eaally overtake tho Ixuubartllet. Juat aa Ihey get within reach, however, a very atratigo thing huppciia. The bombar dier ha Ihe uwcr of cjeeilng a pecul lar lhuld, which, when It come into contact with the atutoNphcre, bural Into a aort of pa'.o green llama. Tbl I Imiiiifllately followed by a kind of smoke. Now, thl KUioke ha a remarkable effect uikiu tho puraiier. No emmcr do tha fuuiea come Inlo conluet with the ground li'clle Ihiiu the creultire I bllndiM and Bt ii t k-lliil. A aduiigo pA ralyala overtukea the lute t, and It aeeuia unable lo move any runner. Quito a while elupaea before the ground hevtlo recover. lu the uieiintluie tha bombardier uiukca goxl hla cacai American Hoy, Fury or 6untorm. How can we, who are liewlldered and appalled by the fury of our plan et a cyclouea and volcanic eruptions, form a conception of the terrible en ergy of natural oiH-ratlotia of Ihe atinl Newcouib auggctited that If we call the olur cbromoapheru an ocean of lire we tuuxt reiiicuilier Hint It 1 au ocean lull Ultely hotter than the llerccNt furnace and a deep aa the Atlantic la broad. If wo call Ita movemcuta hurricane we must remember that our hurricane blow only about a hundred mile an hour, w hile Ihtwe of the chromosphere blow aa far In a alngle second. There are such hurricanes as, coming down upon ua from the north, would in thir ty aeconda after they bad crossed the bt. I .aw fence river be lu the gulf of Mexico, carrying with them the whole surface of tho continent lu a uiuaa not simply of ruin, but of glowing vapor, Bharpnaae of Madman. In Ulr AVIlllam lluller'n autobiogra phy there Ih au auiiiNliig story about six Insane soldier who encuii'd while the corporal who had brought tlieiu on hoard the troopship left at l'ur- han and who mingled with (he l.SOU sane men on the deck. The problem of (ho voyage wns to 11 ml who were the six uiadmcu. lly tho I lino tho biait reached Capo Town twcnty-alx men were odlclully under observation, and not oue of tho alx waa among them. In I ho end the crazed half dozen were Identllled as thoso who hud taken an especially eager tmrt lu (ho lunatlo hunt. Books and Applas, A young lady lu a library job got Urcd of fussing round tu stuffy al coves. Ho she chucked it all and went to raising apples. Sho never mndo money hand over list, as she expected, but she always declared she had won out on the exchunge. "I used to like an occasional apple with my hook," sho declared, "but tho present pluu of having a book now and then villi my apploa la a heap belter." Collier' Weekly. Hard to 8ult. "This horn you sold me won't make any noise," said the customer. Well, I thought you wanted it for your grandson," said the dork. "Ho 1 did." "Oraclousl Hut you're a hard man to please!" Chicago News. 8om Fatl "All the while tho cashier waa burn ing tho ciindle at botb ends." "And keeping It dark? Well, I de clare!" Huston Transcript. Har Eoonomy. "ITuhby, dear, I aaved $10 todny." "Buying whnt?"-Loiilsvllle Courier Journal. Opposition inflame the enthusiast, never converts him. Schiller. 8oma Naw Uaea For Yat Because it is mt essential In tho mak ing of bread and beer most of us think that yeast la useful for nothing else. But the Berlin Institute of Fermenta tive Industries culls attention to tho fact that valuable flavoring extracts and tonics can be obtained from It and a relatively large iicrccntuge of mua clo building matter. Its remaining con stituent, a muss of cellulose, can he used to make a very hard mass, known aa ernollth, an excellent noiilnllam uiublo substitute for celluloid. Popu lar Solera MjthJr. A GREAT SOCIAL PROBLEM To 01 Man Rightly to Adjust Tham salvaa to All 0thr Man, Our great social problem Is how to uiako the man at the bottom loom so huge und aeeui ao Important that all other men will cease to think of hliu as a llilng and treat him as a person, Tlio real aixiul problem out of which oilier minor problem grow and of which they are really only aggravated yiuploiii In tho world old pitablcui of (lie right relation between periTHii. Tills I a fundamental issue and to olve It would lvo all thco minor manifestation. The friendly relation of men I therefore not alouo the gl of the race problem, but It la the gist of all social problems. Tlio ugo long atrugglu bus bwu ho to get men rightly to adjuat themselves to till other uieu. Illght adjustment lo other men would menu lu tlio economic realm that no cupllallxt would wuut lo beat down below a living wage the laborer who iiiiuIh production postdblo. It would menu (hut no lu borer w ould w aut more w age and shorter hour than the con dl 1 1. .ii of production would stand. High! adjustment between men would mean that no landlord would be will lug to live t-uay off rent of house which tuude heuitu and happiness liu IKMslble to the occupant. It would meau In return that uu tenant would demand more than Ihut for which he gave a Just return, and he would pro tect tlio Interest of hi landlord a he would protect til owu Intermit. Itlglit adjustment would u can In all walk of life tho rule of right, not the rule of might. -Southern Workuiau, BIRDLAND DANCE HALLS. Playhouses and Gardens of the Austra ban Bowir Bird. There are several specie of bower bird, chief among tlugg the Hutln and the Newton The Hathi bower bird la the beat kuowu. When the bowers were llrst dlscovctl-d It was aupoScd Unit they were pliiyhotine built by the native children, but as a mutter of fact they are the ilnie o hull of blrdlaud. The nests mo built lu tho tree and have no connection with the play houses. The male birds build these lat ter and gather every bright and shin lug object Ihey can mid to adorn tlio entrance o tho bower. When It is com pleted, according to one who has watched them, little "at homes" are given dully, ut which the male meet and pay their court to their ladyloves, now bow ing and scraping, now playing blilcjiiud sock through the bower and now' doing au absurdly dlgtilMod dunce for their edlflcntlou. Newton's bower bird decorate Its bower with fresh flowers every day. and If a Mulling male bird wauta to dgbt all he baa to do la to disturb one of these flower. The master of tha bower proceeds with tho painful duty of teaching iilm how to behave lu com pany, while the remainder of the party ralso a great racket, hut never Inter fere. A naturalist studying them dls arranged one of their flowers, but each time ho did It the bower master rear ranged It with great care. Natlouul Uvographk Magazine. Impaaohmant Cat. Although one president of the United 8tsje (Johnson), one cabinet officer (Belknap), alx I'ulted States Judges aud eight governors of states have been Impeached since the foundation of tho republic, only one senator, Wil liam Illount of Tennessee, bus been ar raigned Is'fore the bur of the house of congress to which he was elected. Of the eight governors liiieaclied one was aciilttfd, In three cases the charges were dropped, ono was permitted to resign, und three were removed. Three of the Impeached Judges were removed, and three wore acquitted. Both I'resl. dent Johnson and Secretary Helkuap wore iicipilttetf. rollllcally the last named luipeuchmeiit cases were the most Important the l ulled States ha experienced. Argonaut Leftover Sandwloha. Sometimes after a arty there ara sandwiches left over. Here Ic au excel lent way of using them up: Make a butter exactly like you use for pan cakes aud add to It either sugar or aalt, according to whether the sand wiches are awect or savory. Then each sandwich Is dipped in the batter and fried till a golden brown In fat from which a faint bluish smoke Is ris ing. No matter bow dry they are they are delicious dono lu this way. Telltale Tommy. Tommy- Io you go to bed very early, Irs. Peck? Mr. IVek Yes, Tommy; sometimes -when I feci tired. "YOU WOllhlll't Hi 1 BO AllHv If Warn married to my father, would you?" "ni, n. i. ...... yi'k. uot? 1?" ' Cause my futher told mother that he w ere your husband he'd make you I uol" Kxebunge. Guard Your Habit. We are cieutures of habit, We suc ceed or full na wo acqulro good liabltg or bud ones, and we acquire good hull- Its us easily as bud ones. That Is a fuct. Most people don't believe this. Only those who tlnd It out succeed in life Herbert SM'iioer. Sound Advic. "Is (here no way of stopping these cyclones?" asked a man of the traveler who was recounting his experleucea in far countries. "No," replied Ihe narrator. 'The beat way Is to go right along with ,em."-lCxehiino. Whenever yon cuu look at yourself and be j:::1;HIim1 yon should begin to uspei I cc!sc f of mural blindness. A Ccnoosaion. "Alter in i'. Im : ut llio po.stnl stumps f nl In r i ' 'O'tri'H. I have come to the cnchis'ui Hint v.iii uin't bent ours." ",',i. I c i.; t Inn. nil the Kiime. It gets lots i f Ji li'iii's " .. Kxeliiiiitre. f.v Than a Half. l in' i !;! Casey Is liavin' trouble will hi.; I eitcr li-ilf " "Vis, wit.' Wiir.f tu be the whole IlillK."- I'c.l-:i'ir.s Weekly. Nature Ills nil Iter children with onwthlug to do. Lowell i AN UNFASHIONABLE FISH. Fin In Flavor and Food Valua, Yet Our Anylar Discard It It Kcwni as Ii there are fashion lu lh Juat now us there me in weurlng ippuK-l. A Hub that brim; in (iermuu iiiui kcla nearly four time i a mm Ii per ound ns our fresh iwiekoii'l und con (Iilciii1,ly more than haddock Is thrown m ay by our llslienni'ii becuuso no ono wants lo eat II. Yet those who cat it inulso It for Ita dellciilo lluvor. Even tho KngllMti like It. Every yeur they onsiiuie IS,'") ton of It, Yet we will have noun of It. This Huh Is known ua tho gooncflVb, suglerllsh, dcvllunb fciind inonkllsh. True, It appeai'ttiiee la nualnst It, but 4tlll I be cplciiiea hi Iviiglund and Or iiiuny deniaiid It bemuse It Is delicious. Analyse mudo by the bureau of Ush erle on samples show Hint goosellsb eontiiliis coiiHideialdy more protein tbun lloiiuder, sliglitly more thun a cod, a llltlo leas Ihiiu halibut und consider ably less than sirloin steak. The gooM-llh bus till average length of three feet mid Is broad and Hut, soniewliill. reHi'liiblllig tho flounder In general mil line. The only w ay to get It, any a rtnludclplilu womuti, I for tin; bousewlve lo club together and demand It. Al the present time fisher men do nut take Hie trouble to bring It home, but discard It from their uets. I'optilur Science Monthly. CLAWS CF THE CANARY. Thay Should Bo Carefully Trimmed Evary Few Month. A a cuiinry (Tons old It will be no ticed that lis chin get long and catch ou tin pen lies and w Ires as It hops about tile cage. In a state of iiutuVe tho activity of the bird as It moves about on I lie ground or among twigs and limbs keeps the claw prorly worn down. Confined in a cage, tho canary U less active, and, while the rate of growth of the claws remain the same, they ure subject to much lea-, abrasion. it is necessary therefore to trim tbeui with a pair of sharp scissors every few months. It is Important to watch the condition of the claw carefully, as by catching they may cause a broken leg lu eucli i law a slender blisl teasel ex tends well down toward (he tip. This may be mtii on close examination thioiigli the Irunspureiit abeuth of tho claw. In trimming cut well beyond this canal and take special cure uot to break the Ic:; v. h:le handling the bird in ciigo birds the homy covering of tho blil lis well us the claws sometime becomes dl.-toi te.l through growth with out snlli lent Heir. '1 lie tiiig of tho mundibles may I e pared down witlt n sharp knife, but cure must be taken not to cut deep enough to reach the quick. I'liiled Slnie Ih'partmcut o.' Agriculture BulK'tlu. If Sh Wore Free. A woman oT i rimliml tendencies Serving n pi bum term w as asked, "If you were given ubsolutbiii. freedom to spend one night In the rest city vvliol- ly uncontrolled, wheie would you go to llio J heater, dunce hall or w lieit'T Mie replica; I would cuoose a wurui night after a rainy day. u nlht when all the electric lights wore biilos around their heads und everything s foggy. I'd go to the park und wulk for an hour up and down the paths, where 1 could ace the reflection of the misty lights in tho wet stone pavements. Then I'd like to go to some quiet plac e where I Could hear nraii music for another hour: Then I'd go to bod sutislled. Hut before I got lo hod I'd open and shut my door for live minutes steadily, I'd w ant to know ttnil It wasn't bolted:" Buffalo News. Father Fail Again. Did you ever watch tho bright young man futher has picked out as tho man with a future und luvited home for dinner! Tho It. V. M. has read Hoiuewhere in his youth that It. Y. uieu are supposed to full lu love with aud marry the boss' daughter. And he sits nnd stares Iter, nervous ns the dickens because ho.cuu't decide which Is worst' losing his Job or following precedent. And the daughter plays the tune she knows on Ihe iiiuno ami wonders Whatever possessed father to bring that around here?" New York Even lug Sun. A Slap at Her Complexion. Is it true that Mrs. Dubwaite and Mrs. Twobblo uro no longer ou seak iug terms?" Yes. I fear the breach will never be healed." Whut did they full out nbout?" , They met on the street one day. Mrs. Dubwaite said to Mrs. Twobblo, 'My denr, how do 1 look?' Mrs. Twob blo kissed her effusively nnd suld, 'My dear, you are a work of art!'" Bir mingham Age-IIcrald. Water Soaked. The Gilt hers baby threw a big bun dle of stock Into the tire yesterday morning." What a loss! It was destroyed, of course?" "No; Gllthcrs'liouglit the stock from promoter. It was too full of water to burn." Birmingham Age-Herald. Hi Ear For Muslo. "Has your daughter finished her iuu- alcal education?" I aupiKise so," answered Mr. Twob blo, "but soinellmes when she Is play ing one of those classical pieces it aceuis to me that she Is starting to eu ni all over again." Blrmlugham Age-lleruld. Comprehensive Buaineaa. I supiKise you built up your colos sal fortune by attending strictly to your owu business." "Yes," replied Mr. Dtistln Stax. "But made it my business to keep inform ed na to what the other people were doing." Washington Slur. Unkind. She What do you supK)se Harold meant by sending me those flowers? Also She Ho probably meant to Imply that, you were a dead one. Jack o'Lau lorn. Paradoxical. ."The trtitn lies some where." "Strange conduct, that, for the truth." Baltimore American. RHEUMATISM ANTI-URIC The famous ROOT and BERRY rem edy for RHEUMATISM. contains nO OpiateS Or rhflmifAl will Tint in. 1,1 1 '"' 2 W. of the Willamette CliemiCaiS, Will nOI I"-; Meridian, and particularly bounded JUre tHe mOSt delicate and described as follows: Beginning fiffimnrh PASnltc cti!)r.at point in the I). I,. C. aforesaid, Biomacn. iiesuiis uar- iaM Mnt bolnf 67 thatim north of the anteedormoneyreiuna- south line of said claim, and 14.79 cd. Price $1.30 Der out-'rnaln eaHt ot the we8t lino of ald ft a. Tn- onU kn I claim, and running thonce aoath 4.17 HI. i' Or Sale Dy 'chains, thence west 123.682 feet, thence T7 1 11 u ol I north 4.17 chains, thence east 123.682 lllllSbOrO Pharmacy, jfeet to the place of beginning. H illeihnrn Drp ' Second Tract: Ut numbered 6 of ""d ,n ,,lwk No- 37 of an1 ln 8outh Coast Addition to the town (now NOTICE TO CKKJJITORS. 'lty of Hlllsboro. Oregon. i Said sab) will b made subject to j redemption as per tlm statute of the In the County Court of the State of ; State of Oregon. Oregon for Washington County. ' Oalod this lfftb day of February, In the matter of the Katate of 1917. frank C. Orth, Deceased. J. C. AWI.EGATK, NOTICE is hereby given that the j Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. undersigned has been duly appointed i Hy tleorge Alexander, Doputy. by the above entitled Court aa ad-1 Hare & McAlear. Attorneys for Plaln- ministratrix of the Estate of Frank C. tiff. Orth , Deceased, and has duly quali- lied as such, NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersign ed at the luw office or Hare & Mc Alear, in the American National Hunk building, Hlllsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. MINNIE L. ORTH, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank C. Orth, Deceased. HAKE & MiCLEAR, Attorneys for Administratrix. Dated March 1st, 1917. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Hultert 'ternarda, PlaintiT. v Valley Truat Company, a corporation, lcli"ilHnt. To Valley Trust Company and A E PoitlHen, presi'lenl, and 8 A I'oulsen. eeretary, of defendant corporation In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby commanded and required lo appear in the above entitle! court and answer the complaint tiled against you in I lie bove entitled cause oi: or before Ihe expiration of six weeks from the date of tue first pu bliealion of tli is uu m mom lo the Hlllsboro Argus, the date of the tirxt publication being Febru ary 1.1th, 1U17, and the date of the last publication thereof being the 30th day of March, 1MI7, and yen will please take notice that the plaintiff has filed a com plaint in id court foreclosing that cer tain mortgage execute! and delivered by you to plaimit) on July 'find, 11)14. which mortgage ia recorded In Hook "70" ou page Hi of Mortgage Records of Wash tngtoa County, Oregon, the lands therein described and involved in Una suit being more particularly described as follows, town: All of Lot numbered Three () in Block numbered I wo 2 ami the east twenty-six and two third 26 feet of lot numbered two (3) in Block oumltrrrd Two 2 in Kouth Coast Addition to hillsboro in the County of wa-hington, Stale of Oregon. That plaintiQ' will apply to the court for a judgment against you for the sum of $500.00 with iiiteret-t thereon a: the rate of 8 per cent per annum from Sept t, 1916, and the further sum of f5o at torney fees, and for the costs and di - burstuicnts of said suit Second. For a decree foreclosing plaintin s ssi mnrtgsge ami an onle authorizing a ssle of und premises and the proceeds thereof applied to the sitlis factiou of plaintiffs said inclement; Thud: For a decree forever burring you and all persuns canning trrt.ueb 01 under vou of any right, lit e or interest in said premises except the stHtutoiv right of ledemption; and fourth: for su-li otuer and fuMher decree 1 may be pro pe. and necessary in the prctnis;. 1 hi summons Is served upon you by publication in tn.' lilllsboro Aigus pn auant to and by virtue of a.i order of the Hon. leo. R. Hngley, Judge of the above named Court, made ami dated nt Hillsboro, Oregon, on the 10th day of Pebruary, 1917. JOHN M. WALL. Attorney for 1'laintiif NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby clven that on Xlondav. February 10,11117 the tarroils lor the voar itiio will tie ooeti lor 1 tie collection of tal es, and the tirst ball ot all taxes shall be paid on or before April 6 fullo-iuz. ami the second half on or before October 5th following. Interest shall be charged and ooneiweu at tne raie ot t per cent per month or a fraction of a uiomh in ease 01 delinquency, until paid. Interest at SAid rHMinppiieH 10 uie nrai nan 11 not pain tty April A, and lo the second half" it not paid by October 5. All tales remaining tin paid on October 6 shall be dellniiiiont.aiul on November 5 a penalty of 6 per cut win o uunriteii sun uoiipcteti mereon lu addition to the interest herein provided Any nay alter Hit expiration 01 six months after the taxes olmreed auaiust real property are deibiiiuoiit. the Sherirt ahail have the light, and It shall be his duty upon demand to make out and issue oertincaloM ot deiinqueticies against such lirotH' rtv. auch iwrt ltlrtlnH to liatr inti'esl at 1 lie rale ot 15 per e it. Ou or as soon as practicable alter October 6 tne tax col lector ahull proceed to collect all Uxes levied against personal property, and which slmll ben unpaid, and shall leyr upon sufficient good and chattels of de limpieiit taxpayers and sell same tositls fy said tax, or said Hheritl' shall charge Skid personal tax against real properly and said tax shall becema a lieu upon said real property, and shall lie enforced in the same manner as other real estate tax liens. J O Applogate, Sheriff, By GEO ALEXANDER, Deputy NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UPON FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution, decree and order ot sale, Issued out of aud under the seal ot the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Washington County, on the 14th day of February, 1917, in a cause therein ponding wherein Mary Ann Simpson la plaintiff and Kliza both Shutu is defendant, and wherein on said date judgment was made und rendered In favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant in tho sum of f 7t!.00, with Interest thereon from the 17th day of September, 1914, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the further sum of $iiO.(MI attorney's foo, and the costs and disbursements of Ruid suit taxed at $21!. 9(1, to me di rected i;nd delivered and commanding me to make salo of tho real property hereinafter described In order to sat isfy the hereinbefore stated sums and the cost and expenses of said sale, 1 will on Saturday, the 17th day ot March, 1917, at the hour ot 10 o'clock. a. m. of said day, at the south door of the Court House of Washington County, Oregon, in Hlllsboro, Oregon, soil at public auction to the highest blddor for cash In hand all of the following described parcels of real property situate In Washington Coun ty, Oregon, to wit: First .Tract: Being a part of the D. C. of Michael Moore and wife, SHERIFFS SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Washington County, Mary F, Roger and John N. Roger, IMaintills, vs. W. H. Hembree and May S. Hembree, his wife. Bessie M. Marshall, Redmond I. Marshall, Arthur Epperly Marshall, and Iieasie M. Marshall and J. II. Middleton, aa Executor of the last will and testament of W. H. Marshall, deceased. Defend ants. Under and by virtue of an order or sale and decree of foreclosure is sued out of the Circuit Court of Washington County, State of Ore gon, on the Z4th day of February, lu17, in the above entitled suit wherein Mary E. Rogers and John N. Rogers, the above named plain titTs obtained a judgement and de cree against said W. H. Hembree and May ii. Hembree, his wife, defend ants, herein which said decree was on the 24th day of February 1917, en tered in Book 17, page records of said Court, I am commanded to sell the following described real prem ises: Being the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter and lots three (3) and four (4) of Section sixteen (16) Township two (2) South, Range two (2) West, of the Willamette Merid ian, containing 89.38 acres, except ing a certain tract sold and deeded to John Gerntsee and M. J. Gemt- see, and described as follows, to wit Beginning at a point on the south line of the James Rowell CL 4-1 in Section 16, T. 2, S. R. 2, W., W. M, Washington County, Oregon, said point being the intersection of the east line of Lot No. 3 of said Sec tion 16 and the South line of the said Rowell CI.; and being N. 46 deg. E. 2080.7 feet from the S. W. corner of the said Rowell CL; thence S. 1 deg. 12 min. E. 1009.7 feet; thence N, 34 deg. 12 min. W. 751.8 ft to a point on the said south line of the Rowell CL; thence on said cl. line N. 46 de grees E. 558.1 ft. to the place of be ginning; containing 4.7o acres. Also the southeast quarter of the South east quarter in the above Section, Township and Range, containing 40 acres. The amount of land convey ed being 44.63 acres, together with the tenements, heriditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. fyotice is hereby given that on Saturday the 31st day of March, 1917, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the front door of the County Court House at Hillsboro, Washing ton County, Oregon, 1 will in obedi ence to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure sell the above de scribed real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to sat isfy plajntiff's judgment, to wit: the sum of $4bbs.bU with interest at 6 per cent per annum from February 24th, 1917, and the further sum of $Sb'9.95 with interest at 7 per cent per annum from February L'4th, 1917; lfoOO.00 Attorneys fees; $33.30 costs and accuring costs to the highest and best bidder for cash in gold coin of the United States. J. C. APPLEGATE Sheriff for Washington County, Ore. By GEORGE ALEXANDER Deputy. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Plaintiffs. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UPON FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution, decree and order of sale, issued out ot aud under the seal of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Washington County, on tho 14th day of February, 1917, Ja a causo therein pending wherein James B. Downing is plaintiff and L. L. Gil bert and Vicla K. Gilbert, his wife, aud K. M. Underwood, W. A. Wild- rick, S. C. llassuiussen, trustee, are defeudtuits, and in which said cause judgment was rendered on said date in favor of tho plaintiff and against the defendants L. I.. Gilbert and Vicia K. Gilbert, his wife, in tho sum of $t!50.00 with Interest thereon from the 25th day of November, 1915, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum ot $50.00 attorney's tees, and the costs and disbursements therein Incurred, taxed at $25.00, to me directed and delivered, and com manding 1110 to iiiuko sale of the real property hereinafter described in or der to satisfy the said sums aud the costs and expenses of said sale, 1 will on Saturday, tho 17th day of March, 1917, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. yf said day at the south door of the Court House of Washington Coun ty, Oregon, in Hillsboro, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cush tn hand all of the follow ing described real property situute In Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: llcginiiing ut tho southeast coiner ot lot 1 of block 7 of the town (now city) of Ileaverton, as the same ap pears upon the duly recorded plut thereof, of record and on file iu the office ot the Recorder of Conveyances for said county and state; thence north fi feet; thence wont inn feet; thence south 40 feet; thence east 100 feet; thence north 35 feet to the place of beginning. Said sale will bo made subject to redemption as per the statulo of the Stale of Oregon. Dated this lHlh day of February, 1917. J. C. AI'l'LKUATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. by George Alexander, Deputy. Hare & McAlear, Attorneys for Plain tiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Jessie Frederirksen, Plaintiff, ver sus W. C Fredericksen, Defend ant. To W. C. Fredericksen, above named tlefendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear md answer the complain filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six week from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, on or before Monday, March 19, 1917, and if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit for a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing between you and plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for other and fur thur relief as to the Court may seem mpct anrl equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication ptirstiant to an order of Hon. Ceo. R. Bagley, Judge of the Circuit Cortrt of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, made and dated January 19, 1917, and the first publication of this sum mons is January 25, 1917, and the last publication is March 15, 1917. A K roof'Ett, Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Hillsboro Livery Company, corpor ation. Plaintiff, vs. J. W. Masters, Defendant. Notice is hereby given . that by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, dated the 18th day of January, 1917, in favor of Hillsboro Livery Company, a corpor ation, plaintiff, airainst J. W. Mas ters, defendant, for the sum of $75.52, and the further sum of $7.90 costs, to me directed and delivered for want of personal property, I have levied upon and pursuant to said execution, I will on Monday, the 26th day of February, 1917, at the South Door of the Court House in Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore gon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real property, lying, being and situate in Washington County, Oregon, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: The West half of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6, of and in Block 1, of and in Simmons' Addition to the Town, (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of sale, and said writ. Said sale will be subject to redemption, as per statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 25th day of January, 1917. HARE & McALEAR, Attorneys for Plaintiff. J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore- ""By GEORGE ALEXANDER, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. Bertha Bennett, Plaintiff, vs. William H. Bennett, Defendant. To WILLIAM H. BENNETT, The above named Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear in the above en titled Court and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, filed in the above entitled cause on or before the Hth day of April, 1917, said date be ing after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of said summons. If you fail so to appear and answer the said com plaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: A decree cancelling the marriage contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other, further and separate relief as to the Court may seem just. This summons is served upon vou by publication thereof in the Hills boro Argus, for six suc cessive and consecutive weeks, beginning with the 22nd day of Feb ruary, 1917, and ending with the is sue of April 5, 1917, in pursuance of the ortler made by the Hon. George K. ttagley, Jurttre of the above en titled Court, and dated the 16th dav of February, 1917. Diite of first publication February 22, 1917. Date of last publication Anril B. 1917. W. E. C.WYNN-nnd HARE & McALEAR, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Administrator's Sale of Keal Estate Notice Is hereby given thut by virtue of an order ot the County County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington Co., uuiy mane anil entered on tlm asm day 01 February, 1H17, authorizing the admin istrator of the estate of Mary J. I, uley, deceased, lo sell the heroimtfter described real estate belonging to said fstate at pri vate sale for cash in hand; Now, therefore. the undersigned admin istrator of the e-tate of MitrvJ. Loxley, deceased, pur-iisnt to th Hiitbnrity of said County Court ns aforesniil, will, on and aftor Monday, the 2nd ity of April, 1917, oiler for sale at pri ate sale for cash in hand all of the follow ing described real estate, towit: First' Tract: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 18 of and in the town (now city) of Hillsboro, Oregon, running thence west 88 feet; thence south 198 feet to the south line of said lot; thence east 88 feet; thence north to tho place of beginning. Second Tract: Lot 9, Block C, Dntp;rtty's Subdivision of Falrview, Hillsboro, Oregon, ns per plat there of duly filed in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said County. Bids will lie reofi veil by tlio i nlmiim- d at the lawotlira of .lolio M Wall, al Hiilaboro, Orem on nnd lifter aald due. Hated at HiIImIkoo. 'econ. I bin Villi day of Kfhruary A It PII7. J. K. I-o-.ley, Administrator of the ''. 01 Mary 1. Loxley, deceased. John M. Wall, Attorney. Ill jb- eba jne SOO, SO, old mo; aer; iinar h 8 (ow, !h;S rinii Key, noru eK( i: srai flea? imal laws sr. trts, yvill )f tt tlani shop .11 ai : eel in Dnda i Th rolin I Iff le, a i cou f yei mov sillni ere .hild i . n Scho 1. Al .f IU ;W.; e y 1