Your Last Chance AFTER we have secured four more members our "Diamond Brand" Aluminum Club will be closed, then we can not supply you with a single set of this High grade Alum tnura on the most liberal terms of $1.00 Cash and 50 cts. a Week Will you be one of the lucky four? Will you share the advantage of this Grand Offer? ou cannot afford to nnss this splendid opportunity Think or it 1 1 -1 leees ot this High Grade Diamond HranJ "mum Ware (just as illustrated) on Easy Club Terms. Call at the store this evening or tomorrow morning in spect these -Piece sets the list are int as good as the first REMEMBER you must ACT QUICK hecaus this is your LAST CHANCE. 7 id Alum- G. E. Allen. Successor to Nel son rtii if i ... . . . ., . iirMin 4k The Car of Cars Model 90 " 85-4 " " " 85-6 " " " 88-6 " " Touring Car $755 $965 $1100 Besse and Sprague Second St, Linklater BIclg., East of Court House Hillsboro - - - Oregon SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. Mary E. Rogers and John N. Rogers Plaintiffs, vs. W. H. Hembree and May S. Hembree, his wife, Bessie M. Marshall, Redmond P. Marshall, Arthur Epperly , Marshall, and Bessie M. Marshall , and J. H. Middleton, as Executors of the last will and testament of W. H. Marshall, deceased, Defend ants. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure is sued out of the Circuit Court of Washington County, State of Ore gon, on the 24th day of February, 1917, in the above entitled suit wherein Mary E. Rogers and John N. Rogers, the above named plain tiffs obtained a judgement and de cree against said W. H. Hembree and May S. Hembree, his wife, defend ants, herein which said decree was on the 24th day of February 1917, en tered in Book 17, page records of said Court, I am commanded to sell the following described real prem ises: Being the Southeast qua:-ter of the Southeast quarter and lots three (8) and four (4) of Section sixteen (1G) Township two (2) South, Range two (2) West, of the Willamette Merid ian, containing 89.38 acres, except ing a certain tract sold and deeded to John tierritsee and M. J. Gerrit see, and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of the James Rowell CI. 44 in Section 16, T. 2, S. K. 2, W., W. M., Washington County, Oregon, said point being the intersection of the east line or L.ot jno. a oi said hec tion 16 and the South line of the said Rowell CI.: and being N. 46 leg. E. 2080.7 feet from the S. W. corner of the eaid Rowell CI.: thence S. 1 deg. 12 min. E. 1009.7 feet; thence N. 34 deg. 12 min. W. 751.8 ft. to a point on the said south line of the Rowell CI.; thence on said cl. line N. 46 de grees E. 658.1 ft to the place of be- . . . i rr II ginning; containing t. to acres. the Southeast quarter of the South t uirUr in the iibovc Section, Township and Range, containing 40 acres. The amount of land convey ed being 44.63 acres, together with the tenements, heriditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. ' Notice is hereby given that onj Saturday the 91st day of March, 1917, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the front door of the County Court House at Hillsboro, Washing ton County, Oregon, I will in obedi ence to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure sell the above de scribed real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to sat isfy plaintiff's judgment, to wit: the sum of $4668.60 with interest at 6 per cent per annum from February 24th, 1917, and the further sum of ?809.9a with interest at 7 per cent per annum from February 24th, 1917; $300.00 Attorneys fees; $33.30 costs and accuring .' costs to the highest and best bidder for cash in gold coin of the United States. J. .C. APPLEGATE Sheriff for Washington County, Ore. By GEORGE ALEXANDER Deputy. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Plaintiffs. . A MENTAL MYSTERY By ALAN HINSDALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the matter of the Estate of Frank C. Orth, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the above entitled Court as ad ministratrix of the Estate of Frank C. Orth , Deceased, and has duly quali fied as such, NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersign ed at the law office or Hare & Mc Alear, in the American National Bank building, Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. MINNIE L. ORTH, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank C. Orth, Deceased. HARE & MeCLEAR, Attorneys for Administratrix. Dated March 1st, 1917. DANCE We have Income used to eltvtrie station wndiug forth tin power across a continent or u oovati without any otlu-r medium than the atmosphere, but few of us are prepared to admit tluil one Imnitui hrtilu U caahlo of affiviiua ii.iiht-r tmuian bialu without uny oth er ukmIuiiu than that of the irvlii telegraph. Nevertheless, (tier am iustttucfa of silcli eouiiuutiicailou. 1 U'lleve that there Is a mental fore not jet explained soleutiuVally that cut l ies these roessiiitca, and I am K"t to Rive the reusoii why I have arrived at this conclusiou. I am au artist Crow a child 1 have (ceil adsorbed iu the beauties of u Uire and their transmission to an other form. As a boy I could make these transformations so successfully that my picture attracted the atten tion of my friends. Nothing would do but that I must be educated tor au artist. lint there was no tueaus for the pur ms. A younger sister of mine had lieen left a small legacy by her grand mot lie r. My sister Kleauor wan her uauie insisted on devoting this money to my education. I decllucd to accept it at lirst, but she Insisted that I would t a successful artist, my pictures would sell it good prices, aud I could reny her. Thus encouraged, I con sented aud entered au art school. I'll fortunately my education took from me the ability I had sbowu lu freehand drawing. The technique re quired for work that would puss the critics was obnoxious to me. Never theless, I persevered and mastered It. ttut I never regained the ability I had lossessed to hit off souiethiug that ill dictated geuius. I spent several years after bolug irruduuted at tlie art school painting pictures, which were uo better thau hundreds of other artists could paint. I regretted that I had accepted uiy sis tor's Ion u. for 1 was scarcely able to muke enough money to keep body and soul together, to say uotlilng of paying what 1 hud borrowed. One winter I broke donu In health and lu the spring was told I must have chauge of scene and air to build up my strength. Iu my weakened con ditiou my debt to uiy sister got nu my mind, aud I could out get It otf. Klea uor begged uie to stop worrying abou: it. but without suecetwi. I was sens off to the seashore aud lodged lu a tislierniau'a cottage. One morning I was sitting on the iorch of the cottage looking out ou the ocean. The sun was j;lintl.ig the blue waves which were rolling lu and break ing on the beach. Some fishermen were petting out their bout, gulls were dyiu3 hither and thither oierhead, one occasionally darting dnwu to pollute U!m a tish. 1 was seized with a de sire natural to an artist-to portray this scene. I had Dot been permitted to bring my artist's tools with Die, so I could not do as I wished. As I sat In my comfortable wicker chair, fanned by a balmy sea breeze. I bepan to work over au imaginary cuiivas. laying dowu ou it the view before uie. The picture grew lu my mind as plainly as If I were really putting It on I worked without effort-or at least seemed to do so and was conscious of transferring the scene before me ess aetly as It was without the Ins of any of its subtle beauties. Nevertheless there must have been a severe mental effort, for tin soon as I hud finished my Imaginary or menial work I lost coiisclou.Huess aud kuev untiling till liite In the afternoon, vvhe.i I found m.VHelf in bed. It was some time before I reined sufficient strength to go home. When I returned my sister told me that there was no further uecessity for me to worry about my debt to her. for it hu.l been paid. I asked her who litid paid it, and she said that I bad pniil It i.iv self. Further lliuu tliut she would give me uo information until I hud fully recovered. One day after I had got stronger I went, uribeknowu to any one. to a room at home that I had used for a studio There was a desk lu it. and. going to this desk without any definite oliject. I noticed a pigeonhole that hud been empty was now full of pupers. I took them out nnJ found they were letters thar hud accumulated during my IU uess I opened one ami read It II win from a dealer hi pictured asking me if I had any of my work for sale He bad a constant demand for it Aston ished, I opened another anil another They were all reiiicsls for my pictures. While I was thus engaged my sister came In. She seemed much put out that I bad come upon the letters. But the explanation must now come out, and she gave It to me. One morning while I was at the sea shore she had come Into rny studio aud something, she knew not what, had prompted her to sit down liefore my easel, take my Implement and begin to sketch. She had no ability whatever as an artist and was astonished to see a marine view grow on the canvas Nevertheless, when she had finished she had no idea that she bad produced a marvelous picture. Iter production was admired, and, at taching my name to it, she took it to a dealer, who sold It for $i;.OUO I went to see the painting, and what was my uniMZi'iiicnf to see that It was the scene I had mentally painted while at the fisherman's cottage I had painted It with the freehand excellence of my youth, and yet it win a finished picture. gainst one oi the lit t it horns on top of the mine. Hefore the mine Is put Into the sea the Kliihc siuits. as one might say, between four metal uprights tion a round, list weight, to which It Is at tached by h short length of wire roie, the renter part of which Is colled round a drum Inside the weight. When the mine Is put Into the water the whole contrivance sinks at mice to the bottom. As soou as It touches ' ground the bump Mease a little i catch, which sets all sorts of wheels revolving, with the result that the four uprights fall outward. They grip the sea bed. and the contrivance la an chorcd Then the clohe U'filna to rise, while tlie rope unwinds until It has reached a tlu-d length. Thereafter woo tetldo the uufortu nine ship that runs upon It -London Chronicle EXPENSIVE FISHING. Why tha Ang!r Drained In Oilskin Wa Not Hir.J. Au ardent tlshcruiun was President Cleveland, and a rltct- hi the New Yo, k Sun says of hlui that he cuJo.whI aiu-liug lor the llsh that would not bite unite ns much as he did for those that would. While tlslilug one du), d osss In oilskins and a alouch bat, lie was addressed by an angler garbed lu the height of piscatorial fashlou alth: "Cello, boiitinuu! You've certainly got .i , o id catch What will you take for the tishV "I'm not selling them." replied the mau hi oilskins. ""Well." continued the persistent au gler, "w hat do jou w ant to take me nut tlshlug tomorrow V Mr. Cleveland, who was plnluly en joying the joke, replied: "I can't make any engagement except by the season. W'.il you give me as mm h a I made last yearT "You're a sharp fellow,- replied the uugler. "but a good tlshermau, aud I'll accept your terms What did you iual last year":" "Oh." replied Mr. t'levelaud. "about a thousand dollars a week! I wis president of the t lilted State," Strength of th Condor. The enormous strength of the eon dor Is em:led by his voracity and boldness. This immense bird often poumes upon small animals, but from the slmpe and liluutuess of his claw it Is unable to tarry anything very heavy, so he contents himself with flx lug It against the ground with one of bis claws, while with the other aud his Hiwerful beak he rends It to pieces. Gorged wiih food. Hie bird then be comes in iipiilile of til;.lit and may be approached. Mil any attempt at cap ture Is furiously resisted. An Ameri can traveler iu the Andes encountered a lauc condor just after It had fin ished a liciiri..- li.nnpict on a young sheep and frn'IsUI.v attempted to seize the biid. Willi the result that he re- eh cd a g:s!i !;i,;:i lis claw. Then he allisl up his i mm -.'Hides, and the three men ium.rtMcn.1 to take the bit'.! alive Cut every t w as fi usl rated. Slid lu the en. I cue of the men killed It by a I. low tvitli a hall bet W,-'r All Lis. Hr. Terence V. i'owdcrly of lalior fame was lalLiug uimiil compulsory arbitra tion. 'The trouble wiih the world In gen eral." he said tlio i-lilfully. "Is that we all know' just wliai the other fellow ought to do. but p take little account of what u c ought 1o tin ourselves. "I found a young lriile one day bend iu't. wilh a slcru and severe air, overa dry looking vo'unie. "' ii i ion reading'' I asked. "'An excel ci:i work," she replied, 'called "Happiness lu .Marriage."' " What uiliice. I sniil. does it give to wives?' "I don't know.' slie unswered. 'I'm reading tlie advice to hiisliand.' " Thrifty Gem, The solan . ccse are so fond of col ectliig materials for their nests that they do not desist from the habit even when they -e nlsiiit to a bund mi their nests for th- winter migration. Off the coast of Kcoiland one day patches of straw bedding were seen floating, anil, although the birds were on Uie eve of departure, they gathered up every wlup, as t hough they had their nests to liuild. aud In the same place they were seen collecting seaweed every day Ths Servant Qution, "Keg pardon, ma'am." said the but ler, "but your son lias Just eloped wllh the cook " "Yes. I put him up to It" replied Mm. I'ppson "She's the best cook we ever had. and I don't want to lose her." Indianapolis Star t . - .. . . An Expenaiv Luxury. "Yes." said the lilerury man, with a sigh, "style is a fine tiling for a writer to hav-. but w hen his wife's got It too It takes nil the prolii away." Harper' Call "Girls!" and those of sixty look up Just as quickly as those of sixteen, -Kew York Sun. Catting Bald. "Mr. Rorreli proposed to me, mother." "And you accepted him, I hope." "No, mother. I could never love s man with red hair." "Unt, my dear girl, you should con sider the fact that he has very little of lt."-,hlcaKo Herald. At Moose Hall, Saturday night, March 3. Music by the Novelty Orchestra violin, banjo, xylo phones, drums, piano. Gents, 75c. Hi Color. Mttle Ben ifo gentleman caller). You aren't black, are you? Mr. Moo ney- liluck. child? Whv. no! I annul. ! lioie not! What made you think I was? Mttle Ken-Oh. nothing!' Onli SOWING MINES IN THE SEA. i aIJ you were awfully niggardly. - : Loudon Telegraph. How The Ship Destroy Ar Laid and Anchorad, Mine laying aud mine sweeping are two Important subordinate functions lu a modern navy, and both of these occupations are fraught with danger to those engaged lu them. I A mine Is really a metal globe con- I tn I ii in k anything from- 200 pounds to 200 pounds of trinitrotoluene, or T. N. T., an extremely powerful high i explosive, calculated to make thing very unpleasant for any ship that run! Llamas are employed in transport work lu l'eru. These animals work hi herds of about a hundred, and each carries a load equivalent to a hundred weight. After two week"' work eil'l' llama has a week's rest Ituby mines of the Mogok valley Burma, are known to have bi-en work ed since liMKl. Just how old these mine are nobody knows, for they have pro Qued piarlically all Hie rubles of an cicnt and Biotiern times Hillsboro Mercantile Company SUITS That will be worn this sping now on display. Serges, Gre $20 Blue, Herring Bene Stripe $18 Brown, Chocolate Color $18 Brown, Hair Line $18 Blue, Serges $15 " mm-0j wr a w am mar Boya' Suits $3.50 up to $8.00 ir I II. nrk Kingsbury Hats $3.00 If You Want Service Drop in at The Merc. Sour Tickle, 2 gal 85c Bishops Cocoa per lb 25c Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans 25c Lighthouse Cleanser, 2 cans 1 5c Corn, Williams', 3 cans 25c Tomatoes, " " " 25c Soap, 7 bars 25c Corn Flakes, 3 packages 25c Tobacco, 3 cans 25c We have no competition on Flour, Butter or Coffee as we carry the BEST there is MADE. Meat & Fish, Phone Main 1002 Buy your Meat, Fish and Poultry at the Mer-. cantile, the most Sani tary Market west of, Portland. Our Prices are Right and Quality of the best. Lent is now here and we are prepared to fur nish you with Fish at the right prices. Phone Main 982 Replace untensils that wear out, with untensils that "Wear Ever." Wear Ever Alumi num lasts a gener ation. Accept no substitute. SIMMONS. IX THE (TRCl IT COURT OF TUK STATU OK OREGON FOR WASH- i l.NGTON t'Ol'.NTY. Jennie r'redcricknen, Plaintiff, ver- j bus W. C Frcderickiwn, I)efend- j ant. , To W. C. ErpderickKcn, above named defendant: In the name of the Stute of Ore gon you arc hereby required to ai pcar mil answer the complain filed auainst you in the above entitled Huit en or before the expiration of six wetka from the dute of the firat publication of this summon, to wit, on or before Monday, March 19, 1917, und if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her ;'oni)il:iint, to-wit for a decree fr vcr dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore unit" now existing between you and plaintiff on the .'rounds of cruel and inhuman reatment. and for other nml fur hur relief as to the Court may seem meet anil equitable. This Riimmnns in served mion you by publication pursuant to nn order f lion. Geo. R. Barley, JutUre of 'he Circuit Court of the State of Orei'on, for WashinRtnn County, nade and dated January 19, 1917, nd the first publication of this utim nons is January 25, 1917, and tfie 'ast publication in March 15, 1917. . A K rtwil'IMl. Attorney for Plnlntiff, Pnrtlnnd. Ore NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Hillsboro Livery Company, a corpor ation, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. Masters, Defendant. Notice in hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the Heal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, dated the 18th day of January, 1917, in favor of Hillsboro Livery Company, a corpor ation, pluintiff, aKainst J. W. Mas ters, defendant, for the sum of $75.52, and the further gum of $7.90 costs, to me directed and delivered for want of personal property, I have levied upon and pursuant to laid execution, I will on Monday, the 20th day of February, 1917, at the Smith Door of the Court House in Hillsboro, Washlnirton County, Ore gon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real property, lyinp, beinjr and situate in Washintrbm County, Oregon, and more particularly described as fol lows, to-wit: The West half of Lot 5, and nil of Lot fi, of and in Block 1, of nnd in Simmons' Addition to the Town, (now City) of Hillsboro, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of sale, nnd said writ. Said sale will be subject to redemption, a.i per statute of Oregon. Pated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this ?5th day of January, 1917. HARE & McALEAR, Attorneys for Tlnintiff. J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore- Kn'By GEORGE ALEXANDER, Deputy. Taken Up Cow, about ten years, horns crook to eyes. Came to place several weeks asro. Am stall feeding. Owner please call, pay charges and cost of adver tising, and take same away. -J. f. Croeni, near Cedar MilL 0 Tto iMtflMM VUttelal.fTS lhe Victrola opens new worlds to your children There i no finer influence in child-life than mmic in the home. The Victrola i the children'i wonder instrument. It tingi to them their own fonjj the long of childhood, made for chil dren and loved by them eternally. And the Victrola tclli itoriei to the little oner all the famoui bed-time talci of old dayi, and nowadays as well. But the true Kfeatnesi of the Victrola It here it educate and uplift while it entertain. Com in and ik for our com.ltie citable of children'! rerorda, and karn about our cajicat of (emu. Victora and Victrulat $10 to (4U0. The Delta Drug Store OITICIAI. NOTlCf: Many complninttt arc coming to O'e chief of padice revarrling chickens and rlog.r running at large. Therefore, this is to no tify all ownprs of chickens and dogs that the ordinance prohib iting these animals to run at larne will be strictly enforced. No exceptions will he made in the enforcement, of these ordinances. Dated at Hillslioro, Oregon,, this zuh day or January, VJll. Grant Zumwalt, Chief of Police. For Sale Four good, young horses, well broke, 1200 to 1300. Inquire at. Kmrret t Quick barn. T. Fi. Cornelius. 47-9 RHEUMATISM ANTI-URIC The famous ROOT and BERRY rem edyfor RHEUMATISM. Contains no opiates or chemicals, will not in. jure tne most delicate stomach, llesuits guar anteed or mone y refund ed. Price $1.50 per out fit. For sale by Hillsboro Pharmacy, Hillsboro, Ore. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of tin- State of OrcKon for Wanliin,,!, County. Iltrtha lli'niictt, 1'lnimiff, VM. William II. Ilcnnctt, Defendant. To WILLIAM II. HKNNKTT, Tho above named Defendant: IN THK NAMK nw Tuw btati.- j OK OKKGON, You are hereby re j ntiired to appeur In the above en titled Court und uinwer the com plaint of the pluintiff, fi,. in the above entitled cinise on or before the Mill) (hiv of Anril. l'H7 i,i .1..... i... mK uftcr the expiration of sdx week from the ilntc of the firxt publication of miiil HumimiiiH. If you fail no to appear and answer the Haid com plaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in an id complaint, to-wit: A decree cancellinif the mnrriiiire contract now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, nnd fr mich nlher, further and Hepanit" relief an lo the Court may deem just. This mimmmiH lu u..i-i..i I ... , , ' l llllll, vim by publication thereof jn the J I i 1 1 t-t jhoro ArKUH, for nix ,. ri'HHivc and conweinlive weekH jhi'Kinnim? with the 2lind day of Feb ruary, 11117, and ending wiih the Jm mie of April fi, 1)7, in imrstmncn of (he order made by (he lion. (!nor'P It. Fiiiifley, Judne of the above en titled Court, ami dated the lflth dnv' of February, l!)17. I Dale of first publication February Dale of last publication April Ii. 1017. W. F.. fJWYNN and HARE & McAI.RAR, Attorneys for I'laintiff. For sale: 40 White Leghorn hens, 9 mont hs old. at their best, good laying strains. -Box 27, Reedville.