Charming Spring Suits In all the New Colors. Each day bring new arrivals in the Suit Department They are not at all high priced. New Spring Coats Latest Sport'Models, Straight-line effects and Novelty belted styles. All sizes for Women and Misses. Pretty Wool Dresses Cut on the Billy Burke order $4.75 $6.75 and $11.95. Dainty Waists in Voile and Crepe DeChine Colon White, Flesh, Coral, Mustard, Nile and Gold. We make a Specialty of large sizes for Stout Women. Goar's Woman's Shop Third Street Phone Main 803 Hillsboro, Ore. Only Exclusive Woohui's Store in the County. Why Pay the Peddler or Can vasser Twice These Prices? You cin Mvf i good deal of money by baying vour stock tonic at this store, instead f paving ibe peddler big,., fancy prices for ? odsof nntown quality. Look at these prices tor that old reliable nd guaranteed stock c ndi tiooer and worm eipeller DR. IIKSS STOCK TONIC 25-Ib. pail 1004b. drum cost $7.00 Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horses' expenses to pay. That's why we can sell you Dr. Hess Stock Tonic at these rock-bottom prices. Here is another o tot , M. Farmer, we want to empha size, that is: Dr. Hess Stock Tome is highly concentiat el; it goes farther, as the ftiiall do; quantity proves. Dr. H- s Sto k Tonic is to ut yuor at.imals in a thriv ing condition, the aiiirg one healthy and rvpel the worms otherwise you get your money back right her at our store. We al& i handle J Dr. Hess Dtp and Disinfectant Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer Hillsboro Pharmacy F&raous Aetna Brand Pure Every Grower who has used it says it is the best and I know that it is the best. J Manufactured by an Orchirjist of over 25 years orchard experience. Use the Aetna for best results. X For prices, etc write to the manufacturer. 2 B. Leis, The Aetna Orchards. 2 Beaverton Oregon J Phone, Beaverton Central Rose Planting Season Is Now We have the following varieties from 2 year old stock: At 25c each $2.50 per doz. Caroline Testout La France Frau Karl Druse hkie Ulrich Brunner Virginia R Cox Can get you anything you wish to plant in the line of roses as I am connected with all leading nurseries in the Pacific Northwest. For Spring Planting Flowers Pansies Delphiniums Sweet Williams Honeysuckles English Ivy Mullers' Greenhouse 12th & Oak Sts. iiilijse costs $2.25 Lime & Sulphur Solution Here 35c each $3.25 per doz. Kaiserine Papa Gontier Geo Arends Garden Onion Sets Lima or Butter Bean Ky. Wonder Bean Telephone Pea Cabbages and Head Lettuce plants ready in March. Hillsboro, Oregon f'ounty Oftkinl lldpi li. A. l.OMl, tuttlor Eutcro I at the rwl Office at Hi Isboro Oiegon, as second-class mail mutter. Subscription: $1.50 per annum. 1S81K1) KVKRY THURSDAY -BT-McKINNrl U)NO One would be very intetYvStod to know just how the shade of Paul Krujrer looks at the present European War. The passing of Frank 0. Orth was a distinct loss to the com munity of Washington County He was one man out of a thou sandand that is a mighty line epitaph. If there be any earthly reason for one-thousandth of one-thousandth per cent, of Americans involving us in a war we would like to know what it is! And yet, that is about the percentage desirous of traveling at this time. Those newspapers which have howled so industriously about the poor delinquent taxpayer have never had a word to say about the state penalizing the unfortu nate who has not paid his tax. The 5 per cent penalty and the 15 percent cettificate, one pre supposes, is 0. K eh? Why have they not asked the legisla ture to remove the penalty and excessive interest, and why have not those papers which have pub lished such lists in the past re funded the money above cost of publication? R. B. Doughty, of below Alo ha, was in town this morning. G. S. Gordon, of the Big Bend country. Wn., who has been at tending the bedside of his broth er, H. S. Gordon, of the Grove, is the guest of his nieces, Mrs. J. W. Gates, of Leisvville, and Mrs. J. A. Sewell. of Sewell. Fine , properties tor sale, and money to loan. Call on or ad dress Pacific Coast Real Estate & Loan Co., Nelson R. Chamber- Iain. Secretary & Manager, Room a. Heidel Building. Hillsboro. Or. Phone, City 217. 4 Methodist Episcopal Church, Third and Washington Streets. (Church of the Friendly Greet ing). Walton Skipworth. Pastor. -9:4a a. rn.. sanday School; 11 a. m.. sermon. Junior League. 3 p. m. Ep worth League. 6:30 p. m. Sermon, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice, V ednesday evening. Prayer meeting. Thursday eve ning. The snows of last week have left the air chill mornings and evenings, but this keeps back the fruit and gives prospects for d oeuer year, snow has done a world of good to grain that is up, and when it leaves there will be plenty of moisture in the soil and largely make up for that foot shortageof rainfall. Everett Tucker, aged 18 years. 8 months and 12 days, died in this city March 1, 1917. He wa3 a son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Tucker, of above Mountaindale, and was born at Oregon City, June 18. 1899. The funeral takes place tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the Donelson Undertaking Par lors. Kev. Skipworth will con duct services, and interment will be in the local cemetery. Peter anrt Hans Rasmusen. who have been farming down this side of Farmington, report a hig sale last Saturday. They re iceived high prices for everything and were given but one note land that was gilt edged. , Cows went upas high as $124 The brothers are now patiently wait- j ing for the war zone to shrink so they can go back to Denmark land visit their parents before ' setti ng down in America. They nope to get through this rail. ' bat wait until it is safe to travel the high sea. T. E. Young, of Cooper Moun tain, was up to the county seat I luesday. paying taxes and mak jine town calls. He sold his spud Monday, and he and his i neighbor Syverson loaded a car , for ojtside shipment. They sold on the $3 market and T. E. says the nan who put his faith in the 'tube- this year and held long ,ei ouxh was all to the good. Mr Youn? says that it is mighty jhard to hold for a rising market :ar d he had to tie himself to a st ike to keep from going to town , to sell when they got up around Uhe $2 mark. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for ; the many acts of kindness and sympathy during our bereave 'mi.nt and the obsequies of the at-i Frink C. Orth, and rfim especial thanks to the officials and employees of the two Carna tion plants for their kindly sym pathy and last respects. Mrs. Minnie Orth & Children. Forest Grove, Ore., Feb. 27. '1917. HUM SCHOOL NOTI-S l Yenta McKinnev The first cameof the girls' inter class basketball series is to be played tonight between the Sen iors and Freshmen; Juniors vs. Sophomores. The schedule is as follows: March 2 -Seniors vs. Sophomores; Juniors vs. Fresh men. March I? - Seniors vs. Jun iors; Sophomores vs. Freshmen. On March 8, 9 and 13, the same games will be played over. The winners of this series will be awarded the cup presented by Mr. Gates Pro I. Stanford, of the Univer sity of Oregon-, will speak on "Worlds in the Making." before the students ai trembly period tomorrow. H, It. S quintet held the! S. tossers to the low score of 20 to 17. last Friday, at Newberg. This is the closest game that Newberg has had to face on their home tloor. The Tigard II. S. team came into town last Saturday and handed the second H. S. team a trimming lo the tune of 20 to IS. The II. S. girls' team defeated the Gaston H. S. girls' team Satsinl.iv evening, bv the sore nt Jll t.s i , Tne second boys team and the girls tirst team go to dalon oatumay night toplav the teams of Gaston 11. S. Portland Masons cam., out in n special train last Saturday night and brought their degree team with them for work in Hoi brook Lodge, Forest Grove. Over two hundred Masons were in attend ance to see the crack team of the state put on initiatory work. and a big banquet was served at the close. 1 hose attending from Hillsboro were Messrs. L. E, McPheeters, C. Jack Jr.. Peter and Wm. Gotleib. G. C. Reiter. R. E. Harbison, W. J.. Thos.and Donald Gregg. Peter Boscow, W. H. Bt'ntley. Geo. Alexander. J. boper, frank Wallace, Ralph Withycombe, Jorgensen, Willis Ireland. F. G. Mitchell. Dr. R M. Erwin. J. H. Foote. C. A Lamkin and John Bergen. The case of Henry Drorbaugh. who sued the S. P. Company for $0a.l0 for the loss of a Ford auto truck damages, etc, was1 non-suited circuit court this morning. Drorbaugh was struck by an engine near Scofield. above Buxton. Sept. 2S. 1916. It was contended that the engine did not whistle, while on the other hand Drorbaugh. it was said. did not look out for the cars. For Sale A registered Hol- stein bull, nearly leady for ser vice, whose eleven nearest test ed dams average ov r twenty-five pounds of butter in seven days. He is well grown and a perfect individual. Frank W. Connell. Hillsboro. Ore., II I. 49-51 It is reported that Gov. Withy combe will move back to Hillsbo ro and reside on his farm after he finishes his career as Governor of the Srate. It is not known as yet whether or not he will enter the race for the second term, but it is presumed that he will. Cough drops, clove, mint and licorice lozenges, horehound can dy and sour lemon drops, any of which will give relief from that tickling in the throat and bad cough. For sale at the Den of Sweets. R. L. Robinson, of Farming- ton, was in town this morning. Mr. Robinson is feeling greatly improved after a hard illness a few months ago. Jame9 Miltenberger will be among those present who will attend the last hockey game of the season in Portland. Friday night Mrs.Jas. Miltenberger is visit ing at the home of James North, at Tigard. fltfn rvf rWnoliua in town this afternoor,. taking i kf. J. M. Vanderzanden. of near Rov. was e-reetiniz friends in the citv tmlav . Dr. Dinsmore. Ot Orenco, was in town this morninir. p.,.,. ,c cip I will sell at my place, two and one-half miles northwest of For- est Grove, and one mile south of j w ,. J liaiLliei, un , SATURDAY. MARCH 10. 1 beginning at 10:00 a m., the fo!- lowing described stock: ' T , wenty head of milk cows. 4 high-grade Jerseys the others ; rrom one nan to inree quarters Hoistein. crossed -with Jersey Stock. All tuberculin tested bv. Dr. (loon. i Free lunch at noon. ; Termsof Sale All sums under " $10. cash; on all sums over that amount, 8 months' time will be given, with 6 per cent interest and approved security. No property to be removed until termsof silo are complied ith. Ira E. Purdin. Owner. J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. Geo. F. Naylor. Clerk. Money to l0an at 5J per cent Monthly payments. E. M. Ca-( lef, Hillsboro, Ore. 24-tf Re-establishing A Family Dy P. A. MITCHEL Herman von tllshoff rum to Anted ok young man, determined to make a fortune, return with It to German; and build up till family, which wa an did one, though Impoverished. Von Itltihoff chose a valuable field for money making In America. He Uv eatne a brewer and by the. time he wa fifty year old waa tu Httlon to re tire from business with the fortune ho hud come over for. Hut a biulnesa life had accustomed him to active halt Its, and bo did uot relish itothg hack to Or many to a life of ldlcues. He- aide. Hi pan Ktiroeu war had coin on, and ho thought he timid be of more ervc to th fatherland by sending money for hospital service. Von Plshoff had no axm, but ti had a daughter, Hilda. alnut twenty year old. It had been uta Intention to send for IiIj nephew, I lie aon of hU older brother, lo come over to America with tho Iioh of timkliiK a mateh tietwevu tills youut; iiinii and Utlda. Ill for tune would ultimately paw to Hilda mnl through her and her husband the firmer Influential tntu of th Von j Idilioffa would be reestablished. But the war nwe on. mid of course Curl von liisimff wa needed in the army mil on thl account the plan was de layed if not altogether eitlnguuitied. Hilda mui UlsliofT associate were n"v Americana, and ahe bad not that 1 1" for, Gl'r"""'J ,lJ nitned In her father. Wlieu tb war broke out "lie toU him that he wUhml to fo abroad to do lied Croxa work, aud he only consented ou her proiutiw to de ri te heraelf to the care of nick and wounded aoldlera hi I'.ertnsny Hut Hilda, though ahe had learneil the Oer man IniiKtiuKe tn her rhlUlUHd, had forotteu It, and ahe did not relish the I lia of collie fttunng a teople wboae Utiik'nace ahe did uot understand. He futlier would not coim-nt to her cotuu to any other wuutry. Hilda had been Klvrn plenty of pit money and. not having a-ut It all, hud aomelhltig tn bank. One day ahe left for Kurop without aaylug auy tiiliiij to her father a to ber golu and on her arrival at the aval uf war waa enrolled lu the Amerlinn KihI 'ra oervli-e. She found that llie kI and wounded cotialtled of all kind There wer Knifllnh, French, Ileltlatia Ueruiaittt, Auatrlana and citizen of the Tulted States to be cared for. ami all rev,''v"d ,lie "ane attentlou. fMiir- iiib rneiuy an a ami wouuiiea aa wk'H an they recovered were considered prUom-ra and placed lu x.uceutratlon camp, w hile the French, Eiiulbih and American were returned to duty. HlUIa remained at her poat of duty a year, when, her health giving out. ahe returned to America. Some of ber friend mpected while nursing- a aol dler it lie had luet her heart to him. but illlila v.'oulil not admit It. Her father tfot bold of the rumor, and It worried him very much, for he bad not gtveu up re-establishing hta family tu Ger many through her. II questioned her as to the matter, but got uothlng out of her. Indeed, ahe denied the atory. . However, Von IllnholTa plan for building up hi family by marrying hia daughter to her rouatn Carl wa dashed becauae fiewi came to hi un cle tliut he hod been killed tn the wur. One day a young man who gave hi name a Flestler npH-ared at Herman MahofT residence aud anked for Mil da. He waa the aoldler that the ha 1 nuraed a a primmer. He bad been ent to Kncliind a prisoner of war and had eacaiwd. He had then got traiiKiHirtatlon to America by aecurlng a berth as ft rein n on a ablp alxuit to nail for New York. Hia object was to Bet back to Germany by way of the I ntted Htatea. The drat thing Von KUboff knew about the atranger'a comlug wa In formation from hi daughter that she had given ber troth to the fugitive and desired her futlier' aan tlon to lb match. .She and ber lover pl.innel to be married before hia return to the army. Von Btshoff, realizing by this time that hia daughter would have ber own way hi the choice of a husband. uave a forced content The couple were married, and a few day later the groom aalled for Holland, from which country he expected to cross the line Into Germany Sli months after his departure hia wife received word from blm that he had succeeded tu what he bad under tik.-ii and was acalii In the rank n -'"ng for the fatherland. Idly wounded Hilda, now -Frau Flegier, determined J"'u him. Her father, finding that ''e 'eawlred on douig , deter miuea 10 go wim oer. juey weui oj war of Copenhagen and In due time arrived at the village from which Her . :aan iswnotr naa acjianea thirty years before for America. The achloas, a . dilapidated residence that had once been a noble pile, was still in posses- u,a ot ,h 'm"y. h"re ln'T Keut " " occupied by uter or Von B,8ho!r- !rb,,m e hd Dot uk: accouni or nia aeimnure lor . rf f h m. )i.ll t.ln.wl nnl. the male members of the fandly. Th '"i1""1" d daughter were to put up ntr unt11 ,De-r coua 'earn or tne wnereaoouia or ner nuuoaua. ... . ... . . ,.mtrtDK from WmuHl," said the frau. -indeedr rei.iied her brother. u pay our respect to him at once." Tbey died luto the room where the young man lay. Hilda gave spring f,,r h,m- n w" ,ier husband. Ferabodinga. "I fear my doctor' bill I going to be heavy." "Oh, yoo are not very alck." "That's not the polut He ran into some obstruction ou bis way to my bouse and had'y dsnmsmd tils ma i Mne."-Loulsvll!e Courier Journal Modest Pa. "Pa. was mother much of a ilrt - gueM t. Qir d.r. Anrhow vm the best b could Und-'-De'trolt Free Prea Notice of Administrator's Sale of Real Estate Notice lit lieieliy aieii Hint ! V vlrliM ol n onl'T i.l 1 1 ii. Cuiiily nil n 1 V t mill ol i he Hutu ol t'tegou lor Wasliliiglon Co.. Iiilv made and enletvil on llie SWih ilxjt ot Kcl'itiNiy, ll'K, aiiiliorlA'iig tliNSilmtu lilinlot nl ihe rmsie ol Mr J. I. uli-y, liecenM il lit ml Itio herelnalier drMirlli-ul li at eli I eiiiiiitinn lo ssnl l si rl vat mis lor i h in Imml: Now, t lie re to re th uiiieili!iiiil mllllln imiilor nl ll.n .til of MmvJ. loily, ilecrsiieil, piir.uitiil to the Niilliortiy ol aid t'o'intv Coint l in ni.', will on ih slier Moinlsv. tlm ami ibty ol April, IHI7. olli r for i-t st prnste l for cli In hum! sll ol His lol,u Ing ilwerltwil M l est tie. towit: First Tract: llcgl nnlng at tlie northeast corner of Lot 3, Block IK of mnl in the town (now city) of Hillsboro, Oregon, running thence west 88 feet; thence aouth 198 feet to the aouth line of said lot; thence east 88 feet; thence north to the place of beginning. Second Trnet: Lot 9, IHock C. Houghty'a Subdivision of Fulrvlrw, Hillsboro, Oregon, us per plat there of duly filed in the office- of the Kevoriler of Conveyance, of said County. Ilids will be received by Ihe nu 'rra itii M si III l nllle o .lolili M XiiH, l II iMkIiom. Or. 'gun. nil soil sit" M 'I"1" )InI st llill.lmio. U'enoli, till" m lay of rVlirimry A li If 17. J K Mvf. AilinliiUtrNtiir ol tlin ea'ste of Mary i lV. ttlHS.HIMil , John M, W sll. Altoinry Wanted ! Some responsible party to take the agency for the Saxon Six or Paige Automobiles for tlilltboro and vicinity. For Particulars write or call on M. S. ALLEN & CO. Forest Grove, Oregon Saxon and Paige Motor Co. Distributors for Wash. Co. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE OK OKWJON FOR WASH ING TON COUNTY. Hulwri 'i.rnai la. Plaintiff, v Valley Tru.l l'oin.ny, a eorHrlloii I tofe ilstii. Tn l:ev Tnml ('oiinisny slid A K Pimlm.n, prnaiient, a-iil 8 A I'oulien eertary, of ilri.-mUiii eurixirnllon In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are liernby roiiiiiianilril snJ ieiiilrnl lo iiw-r m tlis ! ntitlml court and mr t'is compislnl fllnl Sjislnst you In tno aluive emitlvd esuie in: or lfor (lis Mpirstlon of nil r( nonlhfi ila'e of lor Oral pu bllrsilon ol this junimoiis In the Ilil .Uiro Argm, Die isle ol wiplin,! i.ii l.l t,-,, twin ary l.'ith, l.T. :l the ilsto of ths li ouiiiicsiioii UinrHni Iwiiu; Hie :nh dav nl ifrch, ti7, and Till will iiImw uke ooln-aUnl tlie plaintitf hu lllml a com plslnl in wn! court forciiiiig tlisi enr- lain mortis rim-iits . mil ilnlivnrwl hi you U iiiri.ltt on July 'tint!, IHM, whtcli niortgaire Is reconlml In 'look 1 711" n Kn .VUof MortgsitH Kecinln ol M'wh tngioii t oimiy, (irpeon, the Isinln tlnirein le rlhl ami luvolvnl In this mill Mim mom psnicuiariy iirwcrilsHl si follow, town: All of Lot numbered Three (1) in Ulock tiuinlirreil wo I 2 1 hi il the nil twenty-six slid two hniK Jo feci nf 101 tiunnwrri 10 (jj in lllock numtirrrii two (1 in ouih Cosnt a dili ion to I.iIIsIk o in the Coui ly o W sbttitoti, Stste of ()ir(on Tlist plsintiH will spfi'y to the court for a mlKnirut sifsinsl vou for Ihr mini i.f $yo.o.i with mterett llirrron s. Ihr rale 1 1 8 per cenl per aiinmn from Sent I, 1916, and Ihe furthrr mil of f to st- ton.ry ires, nl tor llie cont ami ill, liursrtnrnt of said suit cond For s decree foreclosing pmr un a as 11 moi'iinue 1 nd nu on e suthoruitiK ssle ol said prmises anil the pioccnlt llicr. of sp.ilicil 10 Ihe ssti hi of iilsintiffi sud iniluuient: I men: I'or a ilrcee lO'tver barrimi you snu sii persons c siminif thrt ueh or uudrr you of sny rmlil, life or iutrrrst in said prrmist nepi llie sututoiy rifhi of tedrmpiinn; snd fourth: For .u h ntlirr and further ecrreismsy lie ptois- hiiiI nrcriwrv in the pirmii a This uiiiin m i wrvcil uprin vou bv ptilricstiini in h Hi l.lnitu A 1 irus nu . unt to slid by vm ie 01 s i otder of thr lion, K. lltnliv, Jinle ;l llu- tve named Court, uicle slid ilslrd hi llill.' Oregon, on the loth ilky of elirusry, 1917. JOHN M. WALL, Attorney for r'lainlltf. HABIT. Habit, If wisely and skillfully formed, bscomts truly a sscond nsturs, but unskillf ully and un msthodicslly dlr:tsd it will b th ap of nsturs. which imitatss nothing to th ML, but only clumsily snd awkwardly. Ba con. When Coif I It inijjlii l,e well fr gf bua, to read lhi story and I lieu Indulge tu a little Introspecllou to w If lliu sho.. tits. Au enthusiastic young golfer Wa In. trodu.ej to beautiful girl, aud al unt Immediately be lauu lieU ou Mu el.).iieiit dissi Ion ou lluks, brutile. puller am) si-ore llie oiuy ol.;e.ioU I have 10 Kir reiiiarki-d Ihe Uaiiliful mil st Iwigtli. la inai al limes l I hi nines lust a In tic bit wearisome" Why, MU Jones." etcuiimej tht. youi,rf man. wiih i.H.k of iuriMiM., - uuucr-i .i ju to r that rou . r play j.r I don V- St Louia I'oat-DtapatiO. NOTICI OP IHtrllFF'fl 8ALt UPON FOHtCLOSURB Notlco la luuoliy given Unit by vli 1 110 of nil execiitlnn. ilmioo ami olilm of anlo, Issued mil of mnl uiulor tho soul ut lite Circuit Court ut lliu Hluln of Ot'i'lton fur VViislilHHtoil County, on tho Hlh day ot Fubruury, It 1 7. lu 11 ittuau Hun ulu pemliuu whorolii Juiues II. Downing Is pluliitliT mnl 1.. I., (ill boil and Vlcltt li. tlllbort. his wile, and K. M. Dndorwuod, W. A. Wild rick, M, C. Ilasauiuaaeli, trusleu, uio dofoiiiliiiil, Mini In which sii hi cause waa reutluied ou mini ilni. In tuvoi ot tho plMlutirt aud itKitlimi the dofelitlanta I.. t.. tlllbttrt ami Vlcia K. Ollhert, his wlto, in Uio sum 01 liidO.Ut) Willi lllleleHt tlieimill Ilolll llie litll day uf Nnveliiln'r, ll'lli. ill Uio into of S per cent per minimi, ami tho further mini of .o uo attorney n fees, anil lli costs and ilisliiiiscitieuiu lliel'olli Inclined, tiui'd at J;"ti nil, lo uio ilirecteil mnl ili'lu cidiI, mid coin uiiiililllill uiu lo lliu k n sulo of Ihe 11 11I prupeiiy lieielimliei ilescillied In 01 ilei lo siitlsl) Hi" Siild sums unit tlio cuxls Mini I'Mii'llnci" ot aaiil sale, 1 will ou .Siiliinluv. I In' I .'III liny 01 Murch. lUI", al Uio hour of HI o'cloi I, a. 111. of sii lil ii") ut Uio south 1I001 m Uio Coin I limine of WiihIiIiikIiiu Coiiii ly, tlli'ltoll, III Itlilnholii. (Iletliill, m il lit public auction lo Ui blulienl 111, I dor for rush III hulid till of the follow lux iloscrlliod teal properly altuuio In Washington Count). Hickoii, lo wit; tlcKUiulliK 141 "'ii Boullii'unl 101 101 of lot 1 of block T of Uio town (now city I of lleuverlou, as lliu Hiiiue 11 1 penis upon the duly recorded pint thereof, of record and ou Illn lu the on ten of lh Recorder of Cou r am ,. fur said county and state; Un in 1 north t feel; llioiico U"' lool , lliellce south to tix't; lllelim east mi feel: Ihelicu north ('' t lo the l' 1 11c 1 of beiilliullllt. riald anle will be made subject lo reilemplloii a per tho atatuto of tlie Slain of llreKou. 1 iiitcd this IMIi day of r'ebniari. 1I7. J C. Afl'I.KUATK, Sheriff of Wanliliuitou Cuiinty. (iieiion liy liooiKo Aletniider, I . mi Hare As McAlenr, Attorneys lor I'laiu lilt. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UPON FOHECUOSUHE Nollni Is hereby li'll that by ll luu of au ejecutiou, decreo and order of sain, Issued nut uf aud muter the seal of Hi n Circuit Court of the Mm. of Oregon, tor WashliiKtou County, on the 14th day of Kebrusry, 1 1 1 7 , 111 u cause tlnneln peinliug wherein Mar Ami Siuipsoii Is plalulilT ami l.lia both Hlnile Is iletmiiluiit, and wlierein oil said ilule JuilKUieut wua iikoIo ami icmlcrcd in luioi of Uio plaiiitilf ami iiKolnnt llie defendant lu tho sum ol 1,'t.oiKi. with Interest llientou from the I V ( Is day of Heptcitibcr, 1SH, at Ho rule of elKlil I'or tent Hr aniiuui, ami the further sum of li.utMl at lot lie) fee, and the costs aud dlnbiirReimuli of said suit lan d at i. lo me ill reeled I. ml delivered slid eoluiliiMidiun me to uinke sale of the leal piopeiii hereinafter described III order lo sal Ufy the hereinbefore stttd-d sums ami the costs and expenses of said sale, I will on Saturday, the 17th day ol Mali Ii. 1U17, i the hour uf lu o'cloi k a. 111, of suld day. at the south dooi of Ihe Court House of Washington County, Oregon. In IIHIIih. Oregon, sell at public auction to tho IiikIh- 1 bidder for cash In hand nil of the follow Iiik described parcels of re;it property slluutn lu U lu-lilnnlou Conn ty. Oregon, towit: Klrst Tract; llelng n part 'of the 1). I., ('. of Michael Moure mid wld- In T, 1 8. of It. 2 W. of Ihe S Ulu Moridlutl, and particularly bouint and described as follows: 1U.kIui.IiT at a polut lu the I) 1,. C, atormaiii said ilnt being fi7 chains north of tin aouth linn of said claim, and H ''. iliulna east of tho west Hue ot said claim, and running thencn south 4 1. chains, thence went t:':l ;sj feet, thence north 4 17 chains, thence east ViHw; feet to the place ol beginning;. Hecoml Tract: Ut iioinlnied fi of 11111I in bloi k No. ;I7 of ami In South (oast Addition lo the town tnow city) of Hillsboro. (In-non. Said sale , made suhlei I lo redemption as per the statute of Un- Stale of Oregon. Haled this IMIi day f February 1917. J C. AIM'l.EOATI-:. Hherlfl of WMliliiKtun County. Oregon i.v lieorge Alemuu er. D.1111IV Hare McAlear. Altorneis for I'lnin HIT. NOTtt'KTO TAXI'AVJCKH Noth Is tinrntiv uIvmi. ii.u i i. Fei.rusry IH.IIM7 the tairulU I.,. 11,. IWItl will l.ii,n fr th eolhcilon nf'B. es ami the llrst hslfofall Istes -hull he. psiil on or lislorn Aorll 1,, 11. ... 1 theseooinl h.lf or wfr (iHoiwr -ih followliiu. liitret I t,. ..i.-.-i .,,,1 eolleetnil al the rais of I i-i- ...,. , month or a Irsellon uf at lltiittlh tn raui. ut illlii.iieiiey, until ,,,. i,,,,.,, ,t rsiespiuK ii, i,t hl ,, , t(l lV April A. ami In Urn i, ,l II ,,l ,,i, by OrloherS All r. mslnlnK un lialil on Oclolmr & i,ii i ,i..i, ... 7 .. .i on Novemlwr & s niniallv .,r fi .r ). m will hs chariteil sin noiu..i...i ...! i.. a.lilltioii i to the mterem ,,reiii provlile I nuy nay srter Ihr eipirsllun of mx month W lhB u, ,,,r ,, resl .riiHTir Rre t 1 1 t ,i. si..., n listl have the tlKi,i, .,J u .(ml, , ilnty u;s.n iluiol t,, ,!(, ,,) ,,, rsrtinealimiif.lsni,,,,,,,,,,,,., , proiierlT, such eerlilirsKw to l,er nb-reii si I l,e rsls ol , ,.r t ,, , M , , , si prsrlieshle slier . i,..r ft ,,,,, r eeior shll .roi.,e.., ., roll,,., , ,t 1 I'"r'sl .r.lH.rly, sn.l which sh,l Iwi, ,,lm ..MhJ,' ry ii-n .ullt. , ,!,.,, ,.,,. , ,,' in.iie.,t isxpsyers m , ,, u,HAHn lyabltai. or Mid Hh.-rilf .I..II ni,.,.. km. I irsonsl m M.l.l M..4 ... I .. s siii.i n sl iiropHriy .nan ih.,,,,,,,,, (, ,., .. , properiv, ai,. ,,(, lr, Hf,,, III thflsaiiis niaonsrss oilier r. a: enntn sx liens I ' Apnli-irsle, Hliiinir, By GEO ALEXANDER, liiiiuy ORHflON lU.i:C I UK TRAINS To rortland-rT) minutoa. 6:32 7:1S.... 8:28.... 9:.r8 12:43 3:.r8.... 5:18 ... 7:M.... 9:58 a m a m a ni a ni p ni p m p ni p m ti m From INtrtlaiu) 7:54 y.-ai 11:25 2:12.. 4:27 6:31 7:18 55 minutes. a m am a ni p m p m p 111 p m pii -a m 8:25 12:20