i i JnllLLSBeil? 60S. I IILLSIiORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 28. 1916 NO. 41 vol. xxni C. C. FR1CK WRITES FROM GOLDEN STATE Scci IMenly of County IVupIc Duwn In Old Sunny CalUornlii TAKI:S KIDI! WITH I'OUC OITICUL Sn h Siw Juhn Boekcr, Rawlliw. Schmellicr and Will Will ( C. I'Viek writes the Argus from Siummi'iito. Cal.. and he Hi't'B many Washington County people In the Btate to the South. He Hays: "1 am Btill in Sunny California, hut it is a little cool here. When I was in Santa Iiur biira 1 naw W. J. Wall. He took me around in his car and showed me the city. Ho is (leak ser geant. 8o I waain good company. I just Haw John Roeker and wife and had a nice visit with them. Harry Kmrick in trucking "t Santa Harhara. Julius Sorenion and 1 t(M)k in San Francisco to gether, and 1 rode with Tom Rawlins from Is Angi-les to Santa P.arbnra Klmer Schmidt zcrand daughter Hazel are still there, and are feeling well, only still HUlTerirg from the shock oc casioned hy the death of Mrs. SehmelUer. There appears to ho lots of Hillsboeu people down this way. Saw a fellow who looked like Hill Taylor, but couldn't Bay it was him. Give overyUnly my regards up there. A happy New Year to all. Prick." UUY Mil) CKOSS STAMPS And help fiith t the great White Plague, tuberculosis, for the pro tection of your children and your children's children. The Red Cross Seals are on sale at the following places-L. M. lloyt's Jewelry Store, Hills horo Pharmacy. The Delta Drug Store. Handy'u 51015c Store und the C. C. Store. Commissioners, or referees, W. H. Mays, Tlios. Connell and C. W. Redmond, appointed by the Circuit Court to partition the Corey eHtato, at Mountaindale, have made their linal report and the court has decreed land in conformity to the findings. H. Pearl Corey Rets (50 aires; Frank Corev. !r W) acres, ami J. War ren Corey, 158 0 acres. The TAXPAYERS ENDORSE PUBLISHED BUDGET Treasurer'! Office Sttldry Treaaurer 1 900.00 C nrical I1d .. ZSO.OO Hooks. Stationery and Print ing . 150.00 Total IU0O.O0 fturvAvor'a Offlr Fippnnwi, Supplies, etc t 300.00 I'reaent Prom all Part of County Bnlnry Ahhvhmt $1200.00 nniary imice imnuun..... . ..o.'v Nearly Three Hundred and fifty Rousing Meeting and Banquet Held l.ant Thursday hve JAMI-S HVANS James Evans, father of ('has. llvans. died at the home of his Bon. on the ranch. Tuesday, Dec. 12. Mr. Evans was G6 years old, ani was born In Ireland, com ing to America when two years old. and to Idaho in VM. He was a profound Christian, having joined the Methodist church 48 years ago, and for 25 years had been a leader in Sunday School work. He leaves two sons to mourn his loss. Funeral services were held from the home. Wed nesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Rev. Quinn olliciating. Emmett, Idaho. Examiner. Mr. Evans lived near Laurel. thi3 county, for four years, leav ing for Idaho in 1908. The alxwe was sent tolheAr mia hu Mrs. G. W. Evans, for merly Miss Mamie Bower, daugh ..rnf Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Rower. well known here several years BgO. Jonas Moline, of Reedville, was up to the city Friday. John Nyherg, of Tualatin, was up to Hiilsboro the last of the week. Richard Reycraft. of Multno mah, was greeting friends in town the last of the week. .lolm Ilumnhrevs was ud from Woodland. Wn.. the last of the week, visiting relatives and friends. three partitions have been so di vided that the referees swear that each is of the same value as the other. The costs of sur vey and partition, including court costs, are $128 (5(5 to each of the title holders. This Is one of the best places in the Moun taindale section and embodies a rich piece of farm lands. Money to loan on improved real estate, principally farmB and choice city property.-Kerr l.ros., Hillslioro. Odd Fellows Huilding. Wtf. Forest Grove. Or., Dec, 22. Mrs. John Williams, a resident of this city for over 25 years, died recently at Atascadero, uai.. from the ellects of a pa-alytic stroke. Mrs. Williams, whose maiden name was Wells, was the founder of a grocery store in this city, which she conducted for several year, retiring with a competence Bbout two years ago. Resides her husband she is sur vived by a sister and brother, Mrs, Huston Teegarden, of Port land, and Aaron Wells, of Salem. The remains were brought to this city for burial, Money to loan -on farm.secu i ty. I represent three large fire insurance companies, (live me n call. li. I. Kuratli. Fred Ennis, who is foreman for the Nchalem Timber Co., a concern which runs 15 donkey engines back of Scappnose, spent Christmas week here with his family. He says logs advanced a dollar a thousand last week, nnd his com nan v will start oper ations again Jan. 1. He states that nearly all camps will resume Jan. 1 instead of Feb. 1. as con templated a few weeks ago, the demand being so great for logs, notwithstanding the 'car short- .... . . i i l - age. The company ior wnicn ne works cut sixty millions the rJib season. Henry Meacham. of above Mountaindale. was here Tuesday, lie says that no trace of Ceo. Meacham Jr. has been discover ed, and whether he is drowned or in some camp in tne moun tains is not known to a certainty. Frank Keenon went over this wppk t. make a search for the ,mv. or attemut to find the joung'man. Sum .luhnsoi'. of Shadv Brook, was in Friday. Sam was in to Hr Smith look after a cou pie of ribs, which were badly injured, the result of a log toll ing on him while at work Thurs- lUv Sum's bad luck all came nhlmt .Holiday season, having broken a finger a few days prior his last mishap. John. Matthew and Geo. En geldinger, working at the St. Helens shinvards. were up to snenil Christmas with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Engel- dinger. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Utzinger, of Astoria, were Christmas visi tors of Mrs. Utzinger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam btepnens. .1 W. and W. C. Jackson, of North Plains, were Hiilsboro callers the last of the week. Clvde Lincoln, of North Plains. was a city visitor Saturday af ternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anicker. of Kinton, Dec. 24. 11)1(5, a da'ighier. MEASURE CARRIES BY 0000 MAJORITY flalarr Field Dputle 1762 .60 Stationery, Printing rtc .... 600.00 Salaried Oopylntn, Writing Thi Itoll 70000 8alarlP Kxtendlng Tax Holla 250.00 OucMlon of Bulldlnr Macadam Roadi One of the (ircalcut interem T... trU. rl0 r.siuntv rniii4 an4 f.AmmliilAncft The budget meeting at the court l'XXL IT0 house last Friday passed the bud- nioner - 700.00 ... tir-i.! r ... I F!atlmHtfw1 fltlir? Commln- gei ior Yvasningion uou.uy Mnor . .I... 70000 estimated by the county court, clerical Help 350.00 .1.11 AUL...k .Ua.a PTflMllA tit JlMffA 1R0 00 uouar ior uuuur. ftiuiuuK" mcit - .a aa I V wr on a n r f rnmm(..fnnar 9nn fill j. :.J "-"""" "'"- was a iTeieimineu u iuomuuu uic Enn. of CommU oner 200.00 appropriations carried by a ma- Salary Clerk I Pontage Hire jority of 4G. Thfj meeting was called to or der by Judge Reasoner, who then asked that the session elect its bwn chairman. L. M. Gra ham, of Forest Grove, was elect ed, and Clerk Luce was chosen as secretary. Mr. L.uce tnen read the budget as advertised Aftav a fau rumai-ta ami tn crpt it before the house. J. A. Thorn- l ... . L. 1 . .. J . . .Ua I', ,r n--,u. . ru. IIUrK'l IIIUVCU lO UUUjJl llic UK" r.ipnmi, r nun iiajrnKw ures as outlined in the publica tion. Several seconds were made and it then went to debate. Ira Porrlin of Forest (.rove, then talked on the value of roads, and showed tnat he was in favor of the macadam road fund as ad vertised. William Schulmench was ODDOsed to the motion, as were also Ferd Groner. B. P. Cornelius, Senator Wood and J W. Shute. Mr. Cornelius want ing it read and passed upon item nv item. J. P. Hurley opposed taking thp mntter tin bv each item in dividually, averring that it would r . . . t'oor ann roor rami simply take up the time and be in,uWnt Soldiers' Relief , - r . i. A I . prouucuve 01 no reauus. in runn oman,lm,nf in t n L-n im item hv Tax Rebates . 1 l1 t: I Srnln Itountlea item was men osu y. r. o- n,.lp. - VAU and gard then moved to take up the MeMurea 304.40 road appropriation by itself, but street and Sewer Aases- this was declared out of order, ments (City of HUisboro) D. B. Cooley, of Laurel. Suggest- Ki Superrlsor'g Salaries. ed that the vote on adoption of XX7nJ-t Total 13500.00 Court Hou Expense, Jani tors' Salaries, Fuel, Llftht, I7pntr (e 4400.00 Circuit Court, Witnesses, Jur ors. Ilal ffs. Reporters, etc. 9500.00 Juvenile Court 45000 Justice's Courts 50000 Coroner's Office 1000.00 Insane 300.00 RrhAftl fiiinrtntenrintra Clfflre Salary School 8uperlntendent..$1200.00 BUU.UU 2S0.O0 200.00 3000 Stationery and Printing, Wnnk Book. 225.00 Library Fund 900.00 Teacher's Examinations . 25.00 Furniture and Repairs 25.00 Elehth Grade Examinations.... 150.00 institutes 300.00 Tot.l IS9SB.00 School ITT. $8 per capita. $69,000.00 HlKh 8chool TulUon Wash ington County 7000.00 HlKb School Tuition, Other Counties 6000.00 Truant Officer -.. 100.00 Health Officer 484.40 Local Registrars of Births and Deaths 125.00 Fruit Inspector . 200 00 Widow's Tensions - 9r.o0.ee 7000.00 1000.00 800.00 80.00 1444.72 9000.00 the budget should be by ballot, and this carried. Tellers ap pointed-Senator Wood. E. W. Haines. Ferd Groner and Mr. Sanford. Finis L Brown and John Meurer talked against the budget as it stood and Is. I . Cor nelius Acmn took the floor ask ine the session to vote the bud get down on tne road matter alone. He said he favored good Stock Inspector 250.00 Cattle Indemnity 3000.00 Miscellaneous and unfore seen Contingencies Advertising and Publishing County Court Proceedings Auditing County Books Advertising Delinquent Tax List County and Stat Fairs RmHi anrl M lohwtvi Pmintir Uoarts 95.000.00 County Bridges 15.000.00 Road Machinery b.wiu.uu 5B00.00 1200.00 400.00 700.00 400.00 aiuuc. v ow. hi, . . v . v v. r,"" 1 Koao amcainery roads, but thought Concrete was Improvement County Road . . . 1 1 7 1 I t m T .ai4a a th nnlv solution. Jock Vander zanden, of near Roy, supported the measure heartily. J. W. Vandervelden and U. G. Scott then talked for an affirmative vote, and W. K. Newell followed alonir the same lines. Sam Pais- lev remarked that he wanted the $30,000 in the road budget to go n f r tha etartarul tiinn tnr nil 14 WV .VtlVlul - v. ' I -w v. PartS Of the COUnty. J. W. Van- Immn-n.nt. Banks Forest Orove dervelden said he favored the item bv item idea, and J. A Thornburgh again took the floor for the amrmative. U. a. Loo- lev moved that $7,500 be taken from the DroDosed amount and placed to the credit of the road between Laure and Hillslwro This motion was lost. J. A. No. from Beaverton to Viiltnnmnh PfWintv Line. Bituminous Macadam 10.000.00 Improvement County Road No. from Multnomah County line toward Taylor nrMo-n with Rltuminous Macadam 10.000.00 Redressing with Bituminous Macadam County Road be- tTMn Fnrext Orove and Gaston 10.000.00 ,.,! .tih UO11111in1.11 M AftAilmn JfiOOn.OO Kxpences Dist Attorney's Office 1200:('0 Put inm tort State Tax for the year 1917 77.Z13.su Total , OF N 616 Bid CI ASS TO Bfi SWOkV Next Meeting on January 4 -Program and Dance hursday evtnins, December 21. marked the semi-monthly meet ing of the Woodmen of the World in the Moose Hall. A arge number of applications for membership were balloted upon and after the transaction of business a banquet was served to all Hiilsboro Woodmen and visit ing Neighbors. A number of prominent Hiilsboro men belong ing to the order were present and took an active part in the meeting. Prof. Oswald Olson favored the audience with vocal and piano selections to the great enjoyment ot ail assembled. A Red Hot Campaign for new members is on, headed bv Dis trict Manager O. W. T. Muell haupt. of Portland. Roy E. Heat er being Optain of "The Get- urns, and J. H. Kay. Captain of "The Fi'tchums," The mem bership has been divided into two teams and the side securing the largest numbers of new membets will be banqueted at the c bse of the campaign at the expense of the losing side. Thus far "The Getums" are ahead, but 'The Fetchums" avow that they will wallop The Getums." A larce class will be initiated at the next semi monthly meeting n the Moose Hall, I hursday eve ning, Jan. 4, at which time the newly elected officers will be in stalled. The Women of Wood craft will also hold their meeting m the sma ha the same eve ning, and after the business of he resDective orders has been transacted, wi 11 loin the Wood nipn in a social dance. Refresh ments will be served. Hi'.lsboro's famous basso, Prof. Oswald Ol son, wm sing, ana tne evening promises to be one long to be remembered. All Woodmen, their gentlemen friends, Women of Woodcraft and their lady friends are most cordially in vited to attend, the women will furnish cakes, etc. The Woodmen Committee appointed to take charge of the atfair fol lows: L. F. Emmott. Main 4o4; A. Imbrie. Main 163: Roy L. Heater. City 593: Jos. S. Lor sung, City 474; Percy Long, Main 373; Homer R. Lmmott, Main 453. and W. H. Taylor. The representative for the Women of Woodcraft is Mrs. L. F. Emmott. Main 454. In order that proper accommo dation can be made it is asked that the committee be advised of friends of members who will be in attendance. OPENS STUDIO In response to requests from a Johnson and E. Wenstrom were number of Miss Waggener s : a. u Mf til, hnH i THPnns snn win uuen tt hluu u in . ... .V .... I TT:i1U.HA am TUmwoHo it a af tha get, and after being seated tne nmsuu, uu xiiu.ou,o, ho hnmfl ot Mrs. O. d. bates, rupiis adoption or rejection of the bud- may register at any time, and in- get as read. The vote was taken lormauun may uc yuiain . i i u ior: e. I nVinninc to Miss Wi ma Wag- niiu me icaun waa iw iui auu c . . , ' . 1 in ..... n n ni ni.. imnpr. t Hci ic u ii i v ersi i v. ruicsi itv of 4fi. The meeting thereuD- Grove. Or. Those taking lessons on adjourned. Forest Giove. in Hiilsboro will be entitled to Banks. Tigard and iieaverton au me im .Ci.uuv were well represented. Hillsbo- University Conservatory. ro gave more votes in tne nega The Shute Savings Bank Wishes its Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thanks them for their patron age and confidence. tive column than for the affirma tive. There is some talk of legal action being taken to prevent the levy as voted. Attorney w. u. .Tnenh Manss. of Mount Angel. was over to Hiilsboro the last of the week, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Hugh Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper. of tevy as voieu. Aiiurney . u. i ,,r,, , Z J j Hare has been retained, but so South Hiilsboro. were host and r.. Lnn ..i .j,. nnj ni nn i noHrpss ml u iniiiuv rcuuiuu. lar uaa iiui. ouvidcu bihuu, r l- j- Thp biirlffet. as adftDted. fo . UnriStmas Day. A oig uinner i..,. was served ana tne nonors 01 Christmas celebrated. Those Salary Sheriff : $1800.00 present were Art Tupper and salary Deputy sheriff .. 1200.00 family; Lloyd Tupper and fami'y; -xiim nft m ' !-: i i J k.n ftirs; mary eniru nnu uauKiuri, KxneiiBOB 2600-00 Tin Collei-tloiia 1500.00 Slaiiins. Statlonerv and I'rlnt lug 1000.00 Board of Priaonera and Jail Emenaes 945.00 Total . 9045.00 Countv Clerk' Office Salary Clerk - - $1800.00 Salary Deputy Clerk lzuo.oo Accountant ami Stenographer 900.00 Stennirrnnher and Record ...!... fin ftn stationery "atiT suppiieB 750.oo and then go to Southern Oregon. wnere ne win speuu John Tupper, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miltenber- gef, of this city. Countv Clerk Luce will step out of the office Jan. 1 after 81 venrs active service in thatoflice Ho uaii with Clerk J. W. Bailev 4i years as deputy and four years, just ending, as clerk. He expects to stay here a few weeks Total ...$5370.00 a year . . U An ka moo o Via li"Qit. siarv Peconier $1200.00 ing 18 months prior to entering Salary Deputy Recorder 900.00 the Oltice as aepuiy nis tenure ui Anitant Deputy 7z.uu inside work marks ten years ltecord UooKa (lour) luu.uu Statlonerv. Stampa and Sup- nlle. ZZb.UU David LeBeau. of near Scholls. was a city caller the Ia3t of the -13145.00 week MRS. DE WITT CONNELL Mrs. Caroline Connell, 36 years old. wife of Dr. E. DeWitt Con nell, died at the family residence, 628 Salmon street, Portland, Dec. 21, 1916. after an illness of a year, which was complicated by pneumonia st tting in a week ago. Mrs. Uonnell was oorn in ivia- .... i i. it son (Jity, lowa, ana wnen n years old moved with her par ents to Oregon. She leaves a son. De Witt. 7 years old, and a daughter. Elizabeth, aged 4. Her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long, of shattuek station, survive, as do also her brothers. Kenneth V. Long and P. J. Long. Mrs. Connell was a member ot the Episcopal church. The fu neral was held Saturday with services at the residence, and a number of the husband s rela tives from Hiilsboro were in attendance. H. L. Flint, of Scholls, was in town Friday. C.mv Stevens was out from Portland Christmas. I Robert Thompson and Richard Reamish. of Cedar Mill, were city callers Saturday. Taken Up -A Jersey yearling heifer, Jersey color. Owner nrrivA nrnnertv. IKIV COSt of kt-ep and advertising, and take same away. Peter Jossy. Hiilsboro, Ore., Route l. 41-3 Mrs. A; Grossen and two chil dren, of Cape Horn, visited last week with Henry Stollers, Mrs. Grossen's. and other relatives. Miss Matilda Stotfers. of Port land, also visited here and at Bethany. im con Ll-J w V 1 OF KEEPING MOWEYOryrUND "WITHOUT the consequent risK is through the universally approved chech-booh, which ha become an earmark of affuence, conservatism and substance. The nen of marK in your community dj business with their ch chbooii. Are you . one of them? $ Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National BanK Main ant! Ihlrd $ts Hiilsboro, Orft LUMBER For Less Than Wholesale Cost We have au immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are going to move this Summer, and to do so vc offer you a big saving. This lumber was tonight for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHKAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can beat any and all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and we will show you what a LOW PRICK WE WILL MAKE and WHAT YOU WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. . We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Mateila Hiilsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA f AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phrne, City 175 HOFFMAN'S For- GLASSES GOOD SERVICE VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. p4 Total