PUBLIC UTILITIES TAX TI MILLIONS AHscNNinc'iit IA' I ii mo J by Slate llimnl Im One-1 enl li l ax Ul SIUJTIIIKN I'ACUtC l.liMIS HUM All 1 it l til Viiluullun u( Ciuiiily K initio $21, lbl.SJ2.l2 fur Hull 'i'lic Stall Hoard Iihh returned tin' public Herviee corporation tux to AHWrtHor Crundull, an.i il iuI.Ih $2.01 1.372. 12 to th. 110 tax roll. TUirt makcH the total tax roll run into $21,101,032 12. showing that the public unrvlce valuatiotm arc millieient to cuuk tht'in to pay nearly one-tenth of the total tax of the county. The corporation tux in altout $75,000 U'hh than hiMt year. The assessments uh returned to the county, are: Wil Vul&Cwwt K It.. $12,250.20 Tillamook line IN KM;:!'.) 70 S I' Co Newborn tiranchl7.r..l,Jl.(Hl S P Co r.eav-VillHhurKH2.4S,S.iri S P l'o Went Side 033,1 7'J.fiO Wells-Fargo 7. 252. '20 (i N Express 3.77S.08 Union Tank l.ine I'acilie Fruit Exp... 1,730 IM United Kail way Co. . . 7 1, 17 1.40 Tual Valley Electric l'o 7,001. 2S " Water Co.. 2. 050. 00 Tort Uy L & P Co l.H30.r'. Oregon ElecU K (172.533 05 North Coast Tower Co 00.73'. IX) W U Tel Co 3. (123. 05 ll'llslioro Tel ('o i. 1)08. 77 Forest Grove Tel Co... 8,415.00 Paeige Tel & Tel IUMUH' Tigurd villa Tel Co . . 1070.80' Sciuiiirt ivi Co 3.213.00 Snmll Tel limit 1.102.60 1 IIOI.STI IN-I WlliSIAN Hull Calve (or Sale No. 1 A htrge calf, good breed inn, sire's dam maile nearly 20 lb, butter per week, A. K. (. record. No. 2 - Several young calves, whose gramhlam !h the world's record milk cow, 31,500 lbs of milk in one year, or about 1100 lbs. butter. All calves duly reg istered. Might Kell a few fe males. If taken when yonug will Hell for very reuxoiabla tirice. A. Hendler. Cornelius, Or., ! Koutol. m$ Money to loan at 5j por cent. Monthly payments. - E. H. lef, Uillsboro. Ore, 24 tf Win. Metzler. of South Tuala tin, was in the county seal yes terday afternoon. Do not furirct the dance nt the Moose Hull, Saturduy evening, Dec. 16. Tickets. 75 Cents. Andreas Hendler was in froii North Tualatin Plains, ysfn-r- day. i Try our home-mado chocolates! they are tine.--Kocber a Con fectionery. 3-0 .J ml McOahey, who has been longing up at Larch Mountain, on the Columbia, is home for a short visit. Johnson's new electric light for making pictures in the studio, or homo, on dark daysor at niht is proving a great success. Chas. A. Kerr, who is being Biied for divorce, is reported to be at Honolulu, where ho has a good position. A nice box of candy will solve the Christmas gift problem. We have them from 25c up. Koe ber's C 'nfectionery. 3).o Judge 1). 15. lieasoner- and Clerk Luce attended the meeting of county judges and clerks in Portland, yesterday, Some new apple cider, just in, is better than any we've had this year; 15c the o.t.; 50c the Kill., at the Den of Sweets. 0 The Christmas With A Future WOULD you have THIS Christmas en dure for years not weeks in the minds ol those you care most for? Then jtvc "someone" a Hank Account at the 1 lills horo National. That sort of jjift is a "stepping stone" not "stumbling Mock". It may heconic the means of your fill's independence -your boy's start in business. Come in and deposit just what vou feel like sparinn. We'll give you a Pink I took showing iiuiii.c iu nuiiieoiie a W. H. Wf-hrung, Pr... HilisboroNationalBank. IIHXSKOWO, OKKCON David Kuratli, of the Hillsboro National, and C. K. JieHse and TIioh. SiiniKue, of I'ortland, re turned TuoHflav evening from tlu ir trip to the Ovei land far lory at Toledo. Ohio, whither they went on a Kpccial excursion conducted bv the company. They report a bplendid time, and the finest of treatment by the Over land people, who have one of the li most luctories in the world They were none about ten days and 'Dave says every day was a day to be remembered. Wo bounht our boxes before the advance in price, anil cun eive vou some extra nood bar gains in fancy boxes of bon boos. -The Den of Sweets. IIS O United Evangelical Church Sunday School, at 10; Proachinn, 11 a. m.; Evening Service, 7:150. The choir will render a cantata, "Heavenly Kinn." Christmas Eve. It is composed ol l'J num ber, including the "llalleluah Chorus." by Handel. Yule-Tide season is musical at all times with the wonderful, perfect life, and marvelous words of t he Mas ter, the story that never nrows old. Ladies, we bav.; your men folks' favorite cigars, cinarettes and smoking tobacco in holiday packages, at prices well within your reach, The Den of Sweets Dr. E. H. Smith reports that the little Adkins child, which was badly burned, is getting alonn as well as could lie expect ed. Unless KO'oothinn unforseen turns up he will recover. Mr. and Mrs. Adkins wish to extend their thanks to the younn men who allawed the physician to use their epidermis for nrattinn to help the boy's convalescence. The lieasoner mint used in mini chews makes a most deli cate confection. Try them, 15c the hjiir lb., at the Den of Sweets. 380 District Attorney E. P. Tonnue and Attorney Wm. G. Hare were at Astoria the first ol the week, attending circuit court. Mr. Hare states that he met Judge Scott Cornelius and Pen Hay, while in the port city. Scott is County Judjje. and lien is doing nicely managing a large building in the rental part of the city. Pictures guaranteed to please at Johnson's Studio. Sittings made day or night. Home por traits and groups made by ap pointment. 39 Sheriff Reeves yesterday con veyed James Wilson to the state line and the man with a ten thousand dollar tine hanging over his heid is enroute to Iowa. The money for his transportation ar med Tuesday evening. For male: Pour months full blood Jersey bull calf from best milk strain in county. -L. P. lleidel, Hillsboro. 3Stf James Beveridge, who has a wife and two children in Port land, was brought here from Salem the other day by Consta ble Puller. Peveridge hired a horse in the lower part of the county and failed to return it. For Kent -Two rooms, close in, including water, light and telephone. Inquire at this office. ' James Kbea. of Walla Walla, is here for a visit with his broth er. T. A Rhea. He will remain in the Valley this Winter, visit ing here, Portland and Eugene, where he spent his boyhood. Oysters, oyster cock fails and hot drinks at Koeber's. 39 0 A Coffee Club Cook Rook will make a nice Christmas present for that friend of yours. For sale at the Hillsboro Mercantile Store and the Coffee Club Rest Room, Second St., north of the Morton Greenhouse. Attorney C. E. Yeager, of Portland, formerly of this city, was hero Tuesday and yesterday, trying a Yamhill case in circuit court. Pox candies at Koeber's. Just the thing for a Xmas gift. 15. Luck, of North Plains, was in town yesterday. credit David Kuratli, Cn.liier I OF Mow Special and (Jcnirral Wond Tax Wat Impended In 1916 DATA OP RXI'IiNSR AND KHSIJ1.TS Detailed Account of Koad Mileage and Work, Wanhinglon County The County Court has issued a statement of road mileage, kindu of road, and the expendi tures and results for the year PJ1G. The report shows road mile age, to-wit: MILKS Dirt roads .....(; 42 Macadam roads !....170..r0 Cravel " :A.Zi Corduroy " M.W Plank " 2.1.40 Total 950. 50 Work for 191G - Dirt road worked (.'M !1 Macadam built .'51.92 Cravel 1.0C Macadam repaired 112i! Cravel " PJ.oO CULVERTS Metal - No. 12-. 159 CO.. Diam. 6 in . ...8 .. 10 . 12 .. 14 . 1G .. 18 .. ...20 . 24 28 . 150 .. . . 31 .. . . . !SG .. 42 .. .. 48 , 9G . Total length :k; ft. hp; h;; 3S.-58 271 8KS 12:50 . . 2:511 .... 9M 2; 221; 30 17; 18 2S 10 10803 129 . 9 . 27.. 41.. 8 28 P. (i.. 1 G , 1 1. 1.. 100 Tile 18 10 41.... 29 15 G8 i 2 10 10 3 .... 1G 1 . 2(53 . 227 10GG . 7SG . 382 1711 15C. . 41 302 . 2SG . 110 . 219 . 20 . . 10 ...12 ...14 15 ..1G -.18 . .v20 ....24 ...30 230 Bfi02 . P2 . 2G . 11G . 40 . 543 . 64 Concrete- 2... 1.... 4 ... 1... 17.... 2.... 1.... .18 ..2G .30 .42 ..48 ..72 ..90 28 893 Pox culverts, all sizes. 7G1. BKIDGES Number under 12 ft. 505; total ength. 3G12 ft. Number over 12 ft. 499; total length. 424.185 ft. Whole total, 8.71 miles. Total expenditures account of construction and maintenance roads and bridges: Pituminous macadam, 4.3 miles. $11,791.57. Oil- bound macadam. 3 miles. $10,249.60. Water bound macadam and gravel. 28.68. $63,767.42. Dirt road, construction and maintenance. G34.5, $73,233.61. and main tenance. $13,042.51. Total. $174 084.61. Tools, machinery, etc.. owned by Washington countyThree Dumping engines and pumps, 1 Austin road oiler, 24 graders, 2 liitumin tar kettles and spreaders complete, 10 steam road rollers, 10 rock crushers, 2 stationary engines, 2 traction engines, 22 rock quarries, 7 steel drags, 11 rresno scrapers, 26 wheel scrap ers, 155 slip scrapers. 54 plows, G4 picks, 143 shovels, (51 mat tocks, 24 split log drags. CONCERT Lovers of music should not for get the concert at Liberty Thea tre this Thursday evening, Dec. 14, given by Carl Grlssen. vio linist, Oswald Olson, Passo, and Arthur VonJessen, pianist. This concert is given under the pat ronage of Mesdames P. W. Parnes. A. C. Shute, S. T. Link later. John M. Wall, F. J. Sew- ell and Chas. E. Wells. Admis sion. 50 cents. The Study Club will meet to morrow (Friday) afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Emma Mckin- ney. The club will take up t!n History of Oregon for the prin cipal study; also current events and parliamentary law. Miss Edith Hull, of Perkley. Cal., is the guest of her cousin. Miss Angie Harrington, and will remain until after the Holidays. For sale: Horse and buggy. Quarter mile west of Pethany Store. John Klaus, Hillsboio, Houte 4. 36-9 Hoy your Christmas candies at .Koeber's. 390 Pete Vandehey, of Peaverton, greeted friends in town today. C. U. Adams, of Scholia, was in town the first of the week. Porn, to It. J. Schwanke and wile, of Shelllin, Dec. 10, 1910, ; a daughter. Porn, to J. II. Kaynard and (wife, of near Laurel, Dec. 12, 1 1910, a daughter. ! Clyde Prown, of Portland, was j out to HillBboro this week, the guest of friends. II. W. Scott, of above Gaston, was in town yesterday, nursing I a severe attack of the laGrippe. j Wanted Girl or woman for iueiieral housework.--Inouire at this office, or phone Main 534. T. S. Weatherred, in charge of the city library, has been con lined to his room for several flavs. j Arthur Pauer, son of Ludvig : Paiier and wife, and Miss Lydia ISpady, both of Cedar Mill, have j been granted marriage license. I J. C. Hare, of Portland, was lout this week. He is laying I some tiling on his big farm near ! .winter Pndge. ! I.ady employed wants house i keeper who can take charge. Ii;ree in the lamily. hmall house. Fifteen dollars a month. Address. 902 Tenth St. Mrs. W. II Withyeombe. of (I ton. returned home yester day, alter a visit with Mrs. H II. Poge and other Farmington friends. George Dooley, of Panks. came down to Hillsboro. last evening, to call on Mayor Barrett, who is still quite ill. He returned home this morning. Delia McKlhany, who was mar ried in Oregon City in 1902. has sued her husband. U. J., for di vorc.', alleging that he deserted her 12 years ago. He is at pres ent in California. We are now working on the Christmas 3tock of Mixes, canes, mitigates, chews, chocolates, bon lions, salted nuts. etc. Have some very good candy to show vou. at reasonable prices. The Dei. of Sweets. 38-0 J. D. Hill. Willi the U. S. Avi ation station, at Chicago, in re mitting taxes due this county, the other day, sent $30 too much, and the oihxe has returned him hi.- balance of overpayment. Hill figured the interest and penalty was 5 per cent, per month, and it tore quite a hole in his bank account. When he gets his over pay back it will look like easy money. Circuit Jadgn Bagley the last of fch week lentenced Earl Tow!1 o two years in the penitentiary upon his pleading guilty to stealing the England auto. JJe reserved the right to revoke tiie parole in case of mis behavior. The court also sen tenced E. L. Huberts, who stole a suit of clothes at the Eagle Lumber Co's plant, to a peniten tiary term. The prisoner was paroled and will take a trip on a sailing vessel. Robert's mother was in court and alleged that the boy was not right mentally. She stated that a sea captain, who is a friend of the family, will take charge of the young man and walk him in the straight and narrow paths. CASI'KK JASPER Casper Jasper, highly respected citizen of North Washington County for many years, died Friday. Dec. 8, 1816, at his home one mile north of Forest Grove. Mr. Jasper had been ailing for s inie years, and had been under treatment by a number of physi cians, lie was born in Holland in 18-13, and came to DePere. Wise, when he was aged about ten years. He was married in 1X05 to Petronella Bernards, a sister , f Hubert, Theodore and John Bernards. Mrs. Jasper died nine years ago. The family moved to Verboort many years iw.o, and were with the first IbiKainlivlonv settling there. The following children survive .!( '111 '1 il .imivik wnU-or ami Theodore, Portland; Mrs. Ma tin (ioemans, Lebanon; Mrs. Pe ter Vandenhagen, on the Jasper f inn, near Forest Grove, and Ed Jasper, a student at the Ore gon law school. The funeral took place Satur day. Solemn High Mass was sung bv Kev. Father LeMiller, Pastor of Verboort, assisted by Re. Father Buck, Pastor of Forest Grove as Deacon; Rev. Father Bernards, nephew of deceased, of Milwaukie, as Sub-deacon and Rev. Father Costello, Curate Q,f St. Francis Church, Portland, as Master of Ceremonies. Rev. Father Springer was in the sanc tuary. Acolytes were Frank VanDyke and Victor Adams. The Mass was sung by member? of I oi' Grove, Verboort and Cornelius choirs, with Miss Ma bel Adams as organist. Rev. Father Puck preached the funeral sermon, and two beautiful tloral pieces, a cross and a crown, were sent by For est Grove Parish. 1 0. 1 Organizer Muellhaupl, District Manager, Here in Held OkOIR MAS $.$0,000 LOCAL BONDS FrUernal Inxurance Order Helpn West ern localiiie Fxcluftively 1 ,4. l? , , Last Saturday evening was a Red Letter date for Woodcraft! in Hibsboro, when O. W. T. Muellhaupt, District Manager, I of Portland, met with the local i Neighbors in Moose Hall, and .....urn a iiv.:i, i-niijpaiK'i lur new members. The membership, was divider into two sides called "The Getums" and "The Fetch-j urns, with Roy L. Heater, cap-1 tain of the former, and J. II. Rav. captain of the latter. Thei side procuring the largest num ber of new members will be ban queted vX the expense of the los ing team. The Moose Hall has been rented and regular meet ings will be held on the first andj tmrd Ihursdays ot every month. A real interesting time is prom ised and visiting members will he cordially received. The local uamp. wnicn- memoes a number 1 of prominent men, such as State! senator wood, Judge Jlagley, J.i A. Imbrie and others, was well represented at Saturday even ing's meeting, ind a large class is promised for the next gather ing. The cost for joining now is only ?3.00. The order is a West ern Society with $8,000,000. Re serve and surplus all invested in gilt-edge Western Municipal and School Ponds. Of the $1,620.- 857 OfJ Woodmen money invested in Oregon. $30,000. is in Hillsbo ro School Ponds. Thus it is clear ly seen that this order builds up the West. In the 20 years the Woodmen are doing business, they have paid to widows, or phans and dependent ones over 23,(XX).0()0 in death losses. This does not include the good done by the local camp's in general. The new ollkers elected are as follows: Roy E. Heater, consul com mander; P. A. Barber, advisor lieutenant; W. H. Taylor, escort; Wm. Hoffman, watchman; Peter P. 1orsung, sentrv; Jos. S. Lor- sung, manager IS months; Percy Long, banker: J. H; Ray, clerk. TURKEY SHOOT Turkeys, geese and chickens to be shot for at the Garden Tracts, west end of Main Street on Sun day, Dec. 17. Covered stands if it rains. Shells on grounds, TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Wash ington County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of ap plicants for State Certificates, at Hillsboro. Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, De:. 20, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Dec. 23, at 1 o'clock p. in. Wednesday forenoon U. S. history, writing, penmanship, music, drawing. Wednesday afternoon- Physi ology, reading, manual training, composition, domestic science, methods in reading, course of study for drawing, methods in arithmetic. Thursday forenoon - Arithme tic, history of education, psychol ogy, methods in geography, me chanical drawing, domestic art, course of study for domestic art. Thursday afternoon -Gram mar, geography, stenography, American literature, physics, typewriting, methods in lan guage, thesis for primary certifi cate. Friday forenoon Theory and practice, orthography, physical geography, English literature, chemistry, physical culture. Friday afternoon School law. geology, aigenra. civil govern ment. Saturday forenoon - Geometry, botany. Saturday afternoon -General history, bookkeeping. P. W. Barnes. County School Superintendent The Needlecraft will have Bazaar and Bundle Day in the Hillsboro National Hank Build ing, Dec. 10. All interested in assisting the needy w;ill please assist. W. L. Soehren, superintendent of the Dallas water plant, owned by H. V. Gates and associates was in town Tuesday morning He has been with the Dallas plant for 13 years and over, a testimonial of his worth to the company', wnue nere ne was the guest of his sifter, Mrs. L E Wilkes, lie wont on to Port land before returning to Dallas, Geo. Sehulmerieh. of Creswell, was in town the last of the week He attended the Livestock Show at, Portland, and bought a tine Hereford bull for the Creswel ranch. Supt. R. Easter, of the water and light plant, took a party to IJilley. Monday afternoon, on a tour or inspection to the new reservoir. The receptacle is the largest in the county, and is built of concrete. The reservoir will be reinforced before it is put to the supreme test. This will be some time hence as the com pany desires the earth retaining wan to settle and receive a greater enforcement. Mayor elect Wall and members of the council were with the visiting party. Those accompanying Mr. L'nin. ... If 1.1 tir.ii iiasicr were mesara. jonn waif. T M Km j T y p' Cornelius. E. F. Sias. C. W. Redmond, E. Quick, Herman Becker, C. E. Deichman, R. C. a'-Jht- .VV-, B. Fuller. F. W. EC, W Pafe?' Jas. Jose. W. . VV. MOSCOW. A. M. Tai-lil R f. McCormick, J. B. Trullinger and fcrnmett Nichodemus. bon-t forget the dance gt He,. vetia , Hall. Saturday evening. Dec. 30. Sneed's orchestra, of Portland, will furnish the music. Feuerstein & Wenger, Mana. Kers. . 39-41 Word was received here Mon day announcing the death of J. J. Dingman. at Goldendale. aged lb years. He was well known here years ago, his first wife be ing Miss Laura Sewell, a sister of the late Jas. H. and J. W. Sewell. Mrs. Dingman died vears ago. and he was married the second time. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow and following sons and daughters: Mrs. Nesbit Pyers. Fossil, Ore.; Almond. Richard and Miss Edith Dingman. at home. Mr. Ding man was one of the pioneers of the Goldendale section, and he was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends there, as well as in tMs county, where he spent his youth. SCHOOL CONCERT Thursday Evening;, December 21 The South School will give the following program at the Cres cent Theatre, Dec. 21, to raise money to finish paying for the piano: 'Three White Mice" A Fairy play for little people. Cast: Fairy Queen Margaret Barr Mother , Esther Barber Mary Cecil Emmott Emily Gladys Roy Ethel Bessie Johnson Harold Junior Ware Enchanted Boxes Sweet Temper Wayne Strong Helpful Deeds Edwin Ingles Kind Word3 Albert Fagdgadle Brave Hearts Carlton Hande The Dream. Cast. Mortals: Princess Von Dantzig Helen Conn ell Berta Gladys Rood Dame Cornelia - Margaret Long Claudine Margaret Tongue Hans Warren Barnes Marquis Pounce von Cherry Bounce Theodore Wells Fairies - Fleur de Lis (Fairy Queen) Velma Gaily Trill, trumpeter.. Reuben Kuratli Quaver " Glen Rood Three White Mice- Pixy-.: Willa Blair Trixy MaudieHoag Nixy Dorothy Tongue Courtiers Reed Connell. Ed- ward McCourt, Kingsley Perkins. John Barrett, William Ware, Clarence Koppong. Peasants and Fairies - Pupils from 1st and ind grades. ine program wilt include a specialty from each room; a reel tation by Mary Shirley, and oth er numbers. Admission, adults. 25c; chil dren, 10c. WILLIAM HERMENS William Hermens, a highly re spected citizen of Verboort, died at the home place, Dec. 14. 1916, at s:du a. m. tie was Dorn in Zeeland. Holland, Oct. 2, 1830. and was married to Catherine Natalie Meullemans, in 1861 They celebrated their golden wedding in 1911, the wife dying soon thereafter. Mr. Hermen9 came to Wisconsin in 1858, set tling near DePere. He and his family moved to Oregon in 1883, and have ever since made their home in the Verboort section. The following children- mourn his loss: M-s. John Bernards, McMinnville; Anton, Verboort; Louis and Cornelius, of McMinn ville; Mrs. John Peter9 and Mrs. John VanDyke, Verboort; Mrs. Peter Krieger, McMinnville, and Sister Juliana, of St. Mary's, Beaverton. A son, P. M., died at Sublimi ty, a year to the day prior the death of the father. Mr. Hermens was highly es teemed, was a good citizen and neighbor, and he has a host of friends who deplore his death. and who extend to the sons and daughters their sympathy. Deceased was a member of the Catholic faith, and the funeral will take place under Catholic auspices. ; Prof. Gilmer, of P. U., will ' J. N. Loudon, of above Bloom- speak at the Cong, church next ing, was greeting friends in the Sunday morning. His subject city yesterday. "A Man ia a Man." hOKKKSJN4l F. A. BAILliV, M. L Pbyaiclau mnl Mirgi'ini Office: Upntulm In I 1 11 in 1, I j. 1 ResldDiicn SouthH,l eorncr ti.fl.i m'I HuDiiil Mlrm. Phonw, i"re'! 4 hlmuiM'lly 'f ELMER K. SMITH M. D D. O PHYSICIAN iS Si GKC.N' OSTKOr. ' i OomplftelT tat iiuwt l '.'l'tlnl In c i noctiiin. Phrm.f. Olfi-w dk. IfitliiU Niim: . ' E. B. TONOl K A7TOV.SRY-AT-LAW office apsmtii) in Srhulitiott :h B'.c. DRET. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Mi In eonnwHon ClaoUlaHy. Hydro. thhy d Malmmlfla OMo. Call! Anrml Day an Night Olfice Phone City KinUinM Olty r, OMIom t and 2 rif-.lfel Bid. nilltom Orrfton Patterson Undertaking Company O. A. Pattenon, M(r. Funeral Dirrctoks and Embalms . Free Chapels U,lv Assistant Over HilUSor ) Furniture .StHU C Night and Sun.lay Phone M,iiu 177. D i'. Phone Main 773 WAAAAAA,fcA M Lictued Oref on 280. Ptin. loig PboM. Citr 972 GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate Price. Perwnal Service. R4c. Funl P.rlor.. WmMatto .1 6lh HUl.bofo.Or.. tla 1 tilnaftn v a it. Ctaaia SCHNABEL & LaROCHE rrail4trrratf ! .. , . I'f H.t.M. nrtflI.Rrii.'anae. BMruf fn., Hani !?ii!,i..t',,'2T"" "'"S"' f 3'! f in In turoe atti nn'ntn t.itntn .rt.i.. kenlrn. ,ritA.e 10... WirlBwttfrt nil unfrrm ftUn-Ur. rt rr.itr.: (. r, ,, telepjonr SiarftNiil 2w; .iOi,7: PORTLAND. ORE. WILLIAM G. HARE ATTORN KY-4 T-l. X V ITpsuirs American National Hank l! HILLSBOKO. oiiKi.e.X JOHN M. V? Ai L ATTORNBY-AT-CA Opstairs, A. C. Shute BUg. MHn A m HILLSBORO. . I'n.i,,,, DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Hillsboro Nation al Bank Building Main Street . Hillsboro - - - Or E. L. PER1UNS ATrOft.KY-AT L WV Notary Public-Collections, Loans, em. Room 1 Commercial Bunk BMg, uoiui HI'XSBORO, OREGf DR. W. H. PAS LEV Dentist Offices intha Hid )t B ilkling, upsuin. Maiu 8tret, adjoining Post OtH;e BIJn Rooms 1 and 4. Ph ma Ci W8 Hillsboro - - Oregon W. N. BARRET I ATTOaNBVAT-LAW Orrici: Main Street, opp. Court Huu . HII1PBORO CRKGD THOS. H. TONGUE, JK. ATTORNHY-AT LAH Office, upsta'rs in Schu merich Hloc- Hillsboro, - - (Vjm, DR. j; R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tr-uiieaie Bldg. Rooms 5 aii'l i HILIaSHOUO, ore. M.un an.l Thir l G. W. Stevens Deep Water Well Driller ; Box 54, HilUboj, Oregon Phoenicia Temple, Pythian Sisters, Fnday.night elected the following officers for the ensu ing year: M. E. C, Mr. C. E. Wells; E. S., Mrs. E. L. Perkins; E. J , Mrs. J. C. Applegate; M.. Miss Eliza Shorev; M. of K fc C, Mrs. Henrietta Morgan; M. of F.. Mrs. J. W. Connell; Pro tector. Mrs. F. C. Francis; G. of T., Mrs. Wm. Sehulmerieh.