The OlLLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 14. L916 Nl 30 VOL. XXI II COOPERATE E STORE NT FARMERS U. U. Scot I, of Sherwood, Thlnk I 'Inn a tlood One COST OP HANDI.IN0 TO REDUCE Sy I'orlUnd Manager Would Keep Tab on Market It. (I. Scott, of Sherwood, writea the Ark'us the followlnif lttt-r unent a co operative Htore: "The conHumera of Portland Bi-i-m to boon tho point of oryran izinir to reduce the hitfh cost of livinir, for which we can hardly b'.nmo them; but unfortunately they are ntrikinK out blindly, and the farmer are noinif t' Buffer union some action i taken. 1 uroDoHO that we onianize a to- operativo Store in I'ortland. to be owned und run by the far mem in their own interest. Such n Htore could handle all the pro duce that now tfoes to commis iion men, and any profit over and above the cost of handling would come back to the Bhipper in the form of dividend. Be Bidea, the manager would keep in touch with outaide mayketfl. und if I'ortlanders refuse to buy our cutis or our potatoes, he would know where to ship them. Also we could buy our Hour and teed through hi store, at a con Hiderable savinti. I am fairly familiar with the wholesale and retail situation in i'ortland and I am confident that a Farmers' Co-operative Store there would 1)0 a tfreat benefit to the farmers. Also. 1 believe the consumers would find it to their advantage to deal there, as they would be dealinir directly with a farmers' organization. Of course, there are a number of details to be worked out. Hut I am sure we could Ret the as sistance of the 0. A. C. experts, and I would surest that I'rof. Macphorson, or some member of the 0. A. C be made a member of the board of directors, and that the 0. A. C. Commerce Dept. be asked to audit the books. That would insure a square deal for all the farmers. There are two main elements of success in any undertaking of this kind. First a law num ber of enthusiastic members men who will stay by the Co-operative Store because they know it will !ne(it them. Second efficient management. 1 believe we can till both of these condi tions. I am sure there are plen ty of farmers tributary to Port land who believe in Co-operation, ill stick bv it. Publicity will brintr them together. Let every man who believes in this .rt nut nnd talk, and let's all et together and talk, and hear experts from tne O. A. L. Ana tii. .n lit.'n organize a Co-ODerv "tivo Store that will take in every farmer that has any progressive in him. As for manage ment. it ought to be posstble for ihr fiirmers of this district to hire a good man to run their Imuinnaa The manager should be bonded -and' he should be paid enough so that a good man Id tnke the iob. There has been a good deal of talk about co-operatun, and we all know it will work it we eret in and make work. Now let's pull together and pull for our own interests. otiH tnkn nver the midd'eman's job nnd deal directly with the consumers through ourown hired agent. Who wili help start the ball rolling'.'" Spirella Corsets-Not Bold In utnrn A nuest on and a sug gestion. Have you any corset ? It bo. let Soirella ser vice cure them. Over three mil lion satisfied Spirella wearers ..uiifu tn thn pse. comfort and norfwt.lon of Btvle Droduced by Spirella corsets. Manj exclusive designs from which to Belect the corset best suited to your indi vidual needs. A bpirei.a resi dence coraetiere in this field Mv advice, exuerionce and train ing are at your service, without obligation. Appointments by letter or telephone given prompt attention.-1 hone Main Residence. Fifth and Jackson, Hillsboro. Ore. Rtnnlev Rockwell, of Portland, has filed divorce proceedings uiroinut hiit wife. Anna J., ask ing separation on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. He says the spouse refused to tra nut with him. but was alto- .rtln.r tnn free in living his mnnnv to two of her married daughters. Rockwell s complaint is an innovation in one instance hi tmvtt he is wilhntr to give the wife a separate and suilici- unt maintenance. IhlB 18 some thing that few lui nti II husbands evidence a willingness to stand, and f hows that he i gifted with some generosity. 1 have a choice Jersey milk cows, fresh, tor sale, and also some yearling heifers that will go reasonable, if taken by the first of the year.-b. lv Nicker- son, Vernon la. Ore. do-y Capt. A. M. Collins, who has h...n t. Roseburir for several months, has returned to Hillsbo ro for the Winter. He was ac rnmnanied home bv his daugh ter, Mrs. Rasmusen, of Eastern Oregon, and another daughter, Mrs. Williams, will keep house tor him at present. His many friends here are glad to see him back to his home of many years Th Cant, savs the Home is a nice place, but that a follow gets more than lonesome. W hnv hoirs. beef cattle. sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High est prices paid tor all good stun. Writu or uhone. Koirers & iar- t.r HuRverton. R. 4. Box 20i 'hone, Heaverton 53 Lined. tt VV. P. Atkinson, for years marshal of Hillsboro, in the old en days, was in the city batur Hnv. He soent the Summer in the Alberta country, and knows one rancher there wno turnea out 40,(HM) bushels of wheat, this year. Wheat up there was sell- I . A.. m 1 : f 1 . . I .-I inir fti z uu iter, unu u ne cuuiu have gotten cars he could nave had his check for $80,000 any day. Monev to loan on improved real estate, principally farms and choice citv property. Kerr Bros.. Hillsboro. Udd fellows Building. 19tf. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Crouch. of LeMars, Iowa, are guests of I 1. raw and lami v. and are meeting old Iowa friends, such as the Honhams, the walkers ot Smith Tualatin. Thev will re main here for an extended visit and then gi South to California for the Winter. Monev to loan on farm seem tv. I represent three large fire insurance comoanies. Give me a call. E. I. Kuratli. C. F. Lard, who left here in October, writes that he is work ing for an express company at Fort Worth, lexas. Me wornea for the Argus while in Hillsboro What could be nicer than a Ln.lik or a kodak album for Christmas? Get them at The Pharmacy. 38 9 SELL STOCK AT SHOW Many Head Paw From Washing ton County Herds at Portland NEWELL WINS SOME FIRST PWZES Wilier Zelnmin Bl(fel Seller la tbt Unu Thoe Who Boutht At the Portland Live Stock Show last week Washington County registered Holsteins figured largely both in sales and in prizes. The list of sales, with the owner and buyer. Washing- Ion County effected, was:' Ormsby Segis Korndyke, calved Dec. 10. 1914; W. K. Newell, Seghers; Geo. Gue, North Yaki- ma. Wn.. $205. Highland Johanna Girl, calved Dec. 18. 1908: Walter Zetzman. Cornelius; John L. Smith, Spo kane; $2G0. Highland Johanna Girl the Second, calved Feb. 11. 1913; Walter Zetzman; John U mitn, $250. Calf of Johanna of Holstem Hnme! John Heffron: C. Rei- blscher. Sherwood; $105. Ida Johanna, calved August o, 1915: Albert Johnson: L. Schach- ten brand, Sherwood; $110. Oregon Calamity, calved Octo ber 29. 1911; P. A. Frakes; Nels Hansen. Beaverton; $235. Quirinus Vale Cornucopia, calved November 19. 1911; W. K. Newell; L. L. Paget, Seaside; $380. Med de Kol Beets, calved Nov. 20. 1915; W. K. Newell; C. E. Fisher; $120. Lady Doon Korndyke calved August 28. 1915: W. K. Newell; John Gearin, Aurora; $170. Countess Lit de Kol begis. calved September 20. 1915. W. K. Newell; L. L. Paget; $115. Wiiltpr Zetzman. of north of Cornelius, sold the following 14 to Oregon and Washington buyers Johanna de Kol Home stead, calved October 12. 1915; Chas. Ashton. $130. Johanna Oregon uirl. calved Oct 23. 1914; Lewis Snider, Warren, Or.. $205. Johanna Oregon de Kol, calved Sept. 15. 1916; Chas. Ashton, $105. Highland Pontiac Johanna, calved Dec. 18. 1914; G. A. Mc Cart; $280. Dark Beauty Veeman Pieterje, calved Dec. 25. 1911; C. S. Ma- gee. McMinnvllle; $.105. DarK Beauty Veeman de koi, calved Oct 19, 1915; S. M. Rice. Rainier; $115. Onoen Hencerveld Veeman de Kol. calved Nov. 6, 1915. Mrs. M. A. Haupert; 150. Highland Meta Veeman. calved Sept. 24. 1916; Chas. Ashton; Meta Veeman Pontiac calved Nov. 11, 1913; H. W. Vander- hoof. Sumas, Wash.; $260. Highland Veeman de Kol, calved Oct 24. 1915; G. D. Sha- fer, Vancouver; $140. Highland Partenea Veeman, calved Sept. 16. 1908; H. W. Vanderhoof: $510. Parthenea Veeman fontiac, calved Oct 26, 1914; H. W. Van hoof; $305 Highland Homestead de Kol, calved Oct. 19. 1915: S. J. Klein, Silverton; $230. Highland Meta Hengerveld. calved Sept 9. 1916; C. S. Mead Jr.; $120. hl and dIow complete, mower. rake, flax seed, hay in barn, red clover seed, and other things too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums under tm oaah in hand: $10 and over. 6 months time, bankable note at 8 nor rent. -. . Kosa Meno, uwner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Peter Jossey, of Helvetia, was in town the last o; the week M. N. Bonham, of near Lau rel, was in the city Saturday P. L Lilligard, of near Laurel, was a city visitor baturday. Peter Hermans, of near Min- ter Bridge, was in the city bat urday. American Model Builders with mortar, for the boys' Christmas, at The Pharmacy. :5 a J. P. Hurley, of the Forest Grove News-Times, was in the city Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Portland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Cornelius. C, Retrfintrer. of Newton transacted business in town Friday. Cliff Lone Sr.. who came West rmm Wisconsin last January. goes to Montana, this week, to remain all Winter, at tre ranch of his brother, L. L. Long. Clifford Long and Lawrence Taggart have joined the u. b. Naval Training station at ban Francisco. They are in the elec trical engineering classes. Mrs n B. Brooks, of Port land, and Fred Cahow. of Oma ha. Neb., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Koeber. bunday The visitors are sister and neph ew of Mrs. Koeber. ThP North Plains Odd Fellows have elected officers as follows: VroA Reach, nob e erand: C. r- Korn, vice; G. M. Hunter, secre tary! J. W. Goodin. treasurer. This lodge will meet hereafter every Tuesday evening. It has in the past met but twice monthly. HILL LINE SURVEYS TOWARD TILLAMOOK Company Hai Crew Engineer! on Way of Thirty to Coast The State Industrial Accident Commission has sued Jas. K. Kcanlon. a Gaston sawmill man. tnr t97R 07. balance due on phnrcroa of the commission for the years 1915 and 1916, ending Jnlo nf this vear. The board claims he paid all but $27.78 for 1915, but owes $250.29 for the year ending last July. Arthur R. Konnlin. of Gaston. ont Mina Rlma Watkins. of For est Grove, were united in marri age at the home of the officiating minister. Kev. Clay, m tnis city. IW. fl 1916. The haDDV couple will reside on a farm near Gas ton. Both are popular young people of their respective locau ties. .1. It. McNew. of Hazeldale. 1 was a city caller Saturday. loney to Loan On Improved Farms 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits The Shute Savings Bank .Inspnhine Cantante Gerben. calved Feb. 22. 1911; John Hef fron, North Yakima; Chas. Ber nards, Beaverton; $180. Narcissus of Cherrv Hill. calved October 27. 1915; C. W. Simmons. Kidgefield. Wash.; W. Krause, Sherwood; $1J0. Awards Won Class 64. iunior champion bull Newell. Clover Ridge Sir Beets Netherland. Class 65, grand champion bull Newell, Clover Ridge Sir Beets Netherland. Glencoe Lodge K. of P., ot Nnrth Plains, has elected the fnllnwinc officers for the ensuing year: Chas. Walters, chancellor commander; John Milne, vice; master of work, hd. iompkins; nrp nto Wm. Daretv: K. of R. & S., J. P. McGlasson; master of finance, A. K. Reynolds; master of exchecquer, Lester Ireland; master at arms, Lee Clark; inner guard, Fred L. Beach; outer guard, Jas. L. Batchelder. E. E. Nickerson, of Vernonia. wna in the citv Mondav. return- inor hnmp via Timber. He had been down to the uvestocK Show, and at St Helens. Mr. NiMtPrsnn snvs that an auto can now run from Timber clear through to Vernonia, the road travel and cordurov. This county thus affords the best outlet of the rich Vernonia Valley, and Mr. Nickerson says that much of the trade ana freight vibrate this way. BUY RED CROSS STAMPS TAKING THE WILSON RIVEIT ROUTE Old "Fool ol the Family" Slill Pro- free Nicely The "Fool of the Family," as one enterprising paper sometimes calls Oregon, is going right along, notwithstanding the knockers' plaint. The Hill line is now surveying over the hill to Tillamook, and a crew of 30 men are running the line. Othtr industrial news of the state: Springfield dedicated 35,000 Methodist church and parsonage Portland merchants made an excursion the past week to in vestigate the flax industry now being developed in the Willam ette Valley. Oak Grove. Clackamas County. votes ten mill tax for paved hiorh W9V. Klamath tals Work started nn new P.antist church. Salem Northwest Fruit Pro Hnpts Co. has used 1000 tons cull apples making sparkling bever- orraa Canyon City Fox breeding tor fur trade to be new industry here. P. A. Snyder investing S10 000 - - ... Washineton County budget SOnno Ipss than last vear. Gresham Cannerymen deciae to rebuild burned packing plant hp re. Wasco county advertising for sale $260,000 road bond recently voted. Flax mills and a linen fac tory for Western Oregon" is the r-amnaicn now under way. Pnrt and -Kirst or a series 01 shius launched by Peninsula Shinhui dine Company. Rnthpr in L)oui2r as county tur kev raisers sold about 140UU hirHs for ADDroximatelv sw.ow RidfiW hrocco i wi II snio M urinaria this SPason. Snrincrfield Waterville DOtato raiser sells 5 acre crop for $1,000 besides saving enough seed tor o acres and feeding part of crop to 2 families, and b hogs. Grants Pass Utah-Idaho tu tror n vr nntan v raises con front nnee of beets from Sb to 7. The extreme advance is due to good sugar prices caused by lrnr innrlitinns. Portland Journal is advocating a State Rnard of Charities. Bend sells $35,000 to Denver firm in raising money for Stra- hnrn man . Snrincfield-40 sacks clover OQprf npt S P. Npss $979.90. A. H. Buck to install shingle mill on Siuslaw. A. J. Conrad to locate shingle mill on Coos Bay. North Bend - Another shipyard nrnmispd hpre. Banks - United Ry. busy with R0 men on old survey up Wilson river. S. P. & P. E. & E. VMNT WAY, OP KEEPING MONEYOwHAND WITHOUT the consequent rish is through the universally approved chech-booh, which has become an earmarh of affuence, conservatism and substance. The men of ma rK in your community d- business with their ch ch-booA. Are you one of them? . 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National BanK Mam and Third Sta.. HHtoboro, Ore And help fight the great White Piomio tnhpronlosis. for the oro- tection of your children and your children's children. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at her farm, a quar ter of a mile east of Santa Rosa Station, on the Oregon Electric, at 10 a. m., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 Team of horses. 8 and 9 vrs. old respectively, 1300 lbs. each;white sow, farm wagon with top, dox wagon, spring wagon, I seta 01 hiiffcrv harness, set of team har ness, 4 plows, drag harrow. 2 platform scales, disk, hay fork and rope, cultivator, roller, ton land lime, stump puller with ca- The Red Cross Sea s are on sale at the following places L M. Hovt's Jewelrv Store. Hills horn Pharmacy. The Delta Drug Store. Handy's 51015c Store una thp C C. Store. A so at the Needlecraft Sale next Saturday. ' From Buxton All, except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at tne de pot on Main Street. TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m McMinnvllle Train 7:3b Shpridan Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:16 Forest Grove Train 4:05 Eugene Train 4:55 McMinnvllle train b:40 Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Eugene Train 8:15 a. m McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m Sheridan Train 4:33 Forest Grove Train 6:40 McMinnville Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stoD on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Sts., and nt Tpnth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot ot Second btreet TO PORTLAND P U & N. Train FROM PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:55 a j Mo p. ai. m. m m 2:10 p. m LUMBER For Leu Than Wholesale Cost We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are gqjng to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving, This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can beat any and all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and we will show you what a LOW PRICE WE WILL MAKE and WHAT YOU WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Materia Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Ph-ne, City 17 S Do Your Xmas Shopping Early and do it at HOFFMANS Jeweler & Optician Large Stock Small Prices