mini ii in x 1 1 uunni m, wall 10 ELECTED MAYOR About l ive llimtlrt'd Vole Cant nl Monthly ' Clly lilrtlljm Will, HAS 61 MAJORITY IN COUNT kt-rr, Curlilc anil Sinn, Council; Scwrll, I rcmiircr; MtConnkk, Nccoidcr Nearly live hundred voten were i-act in tho city election, Mon ility, with the rt'Htilt that Attor ney John M. VV all wan elected mayor;'!'. M. Kerr (no oppoHi lion), A. M. Curlile and E. F. Sinn to tho council, E. L. MeCor ruick, recorder, ami F. J. Sewell, treasurer. The contest was Hpirited throiiKliont nrni wan re 1 1 1 c t e with the usual election rwmorn. Mr. Wall has practiced law in llillsboro for many yearn, and hits always taken a great deal of intercut in public all'airH. lie I'eelH highly gratified over the result, and rniya he will give the mavoralty bin carncHt elTorU. The vote returned hy the election hoard: For Mayor Wall.. 27H Garrett 217 For council ('arlile. elected - 310 T)oiH;htV : J. C. Kurutli W T. M. Kerr, elected.. liliiser Sias. elected For recorder McCormick, elected. i;. 1,. Perkins For treasurer -F. J Sewell, elected W. V. Bergen aw 211 ISM 107 2S'J 201 The closest race on the council was between itlaxcr and Sins, the hitter winning by nix votes. STi:iNkl!-IULI:NI.K A pMty home wedding took place Wednesday, pec. (i. l'JU!. at High Noon, at the home of I ho bride's mother. Mrs. Kmc-1 in Greener, when llattie Anna wan united in marriage to Samuel A. Steinke, Rev. h. W. Luerke of ficiating, using . the beautiful double ring ceremony. The wed ding march from Lohengrin wan played by Miss Verna Relmn, ( ilillsboro. The bride was beautiful in a lavender Bilk gown, wearing a veil with a wreath of orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white carnations and fern. iWiss Lydia (ireener. sister of the bride, acting as bridesmaid, wore blue silk, and carried a boucpiet of pink carnations ami fern. Ed ward Freudenthal acted as best man. A fte congratulations were tendered the wedding party was seated to a I ounteous dinner. After a short wedding trip the happy couple will make their home on the farm of the groom's mother. They were the recip ients of many beautiful and use. ful presents. Those present were Mrs. Eme IU Greener, Mrs. J. S. Steinke, Rev. Luecke and wife, Mrs. VV. Cinder, K. Heidtbrink and wife, J. Freudenthal and wife, Misses Lydia Ureener, Verna Rehao, Martha Heidtbrink, Herman, Al bert, Frank and Rudolph (Ireen er, Henry, Otto, Arnold and Walter Steinke and Kdward Freudenthal. For sale: Horse and buggy. Quarter mile west of Bethany Store. John Klaus, llillsboio, lion tel. :H)-9 Horn, Nov. 21), to Mr. ami Mrs. K. .1. McAlear, of llillsboro. a daughter, weiirht 11 pounds. This makes a boy and a girl for Mr. and Mrs. McAlear, and they are very proud of the pair. r Government Supervision and Regulation National Ranking Laws and Standards regulate the system and operatitn of The llillsboro National Bunk. Among the ad vantages of security and convenience available for our customers are the privileges of the Federal Reserve Act. Fnrmci, MrrchnnU and Houfwifr enjoy every facility of blinking nml all ervice here. If your Savings or Checking account in not her , it nhoulii be. A W. 11. WchrunK, Pres. HlLLSBOROlTIOlLBANK. Hitxsnoito, f Jfi NTLEY - WAIXH A protty wedding wan celebrated at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. F W. Walch, First Street, llillsbo ro, Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, when their daughter, Viola, was united in marriage to Samuel Itentley, copnected with the Hotel Washington. Rev. Clay, of the Christian Church, performed the ceremony, using the beautiful ring ceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Velma Tipton, and Kirner liatcheldor officiated as grooms man. Miss Hazel Johnson, a cousin of the bride, played the wedding march from Mendels Hohn. The bride was charming in a gown of white silk poplin, with veil, and carried a bouquet of bride Yoses. The bridesmaid wore whito voille, and carried pink carnations. The house was uniquely deco rated with long feBtoons of yel low and white crepe tissue inter twined with fern and white and yellow chrysanthemums, radi ating from the center to all parts of the apartments. One corner of the parlor was heavily banked with fern and chrysanthemums, and it was here that Pan Cupid hound the two hearts with a plain band of gold. Those witnessing the wedding were Messrs. and Mesdames F. W. Walch. W. II lletitley. C Frick, llillsboro; Messrs. and Mesdames Hurt Fond anil De Forest Clements, of Portland; Messrs. Klmer Hatchelder, Har ry Sehoen, Harry Morgan, llills boro; Kay Schiedel, of Orenco; Richard Johnson, of Portland; Misses Zola Walch, Velma Tip ton. Kthel Johnson, Kdith, Lois and Katherine Weik. llillsboro; Hazel Johnson. Portland; Mrs. Fd. Morton, and Jas Glen and Goldie Kentiey, llillsboro. The groom is connected with his father in the conduct of the Hotel Washington, and the bride is one of the popular members of the younger set in this city. John Peterson, of Helvetia, died at the llillsboro General Hospital Nov. ;I0. 191(5 The funeral was held last Sunday at the Helvetia German Reformed Church. Rev. K. A. Smith con ducting the services- Deceased was born in Denmark in 1S52. He owned a farm and stock near Helvetia. Peter Gotleib has been appointed administrator of the estate. We are now working on the Christmas stock of Mixes, canes. i inugates, chews, chocolates, lion bons, salted nuts. etc. Have some very good candy to show you. at reasonable prices. -The Den of Sweets. IIS O The County. Court has a crew engaged in laying a new cover i for the Dairy Creek bridge, west of llillsboro. The roadway will ! be widened to 18 feet, thus mak I ing it possible for machines and ; teams to pass with more ease land with less danger of collision. j We bought our boxes before 'the advance in price, and can give you soma extra good bar gains in fancy boxes of bon bons. - The Den of Sweets. V 38-0 Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer, who have been up in Idaho for ni'irnl vniirs. are in the citv. j guests at the home of Mrs. Spen cer s mother and sister, Mrs. G. J. Palmateer and Mrs. F. G. Mitchell. y The Reasoner mint used in mint chews makes a most deli cate confection. Try them, 15c the half lb., at the Den of Sweets. 38-0 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shultz and children, of Oregon City, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Sholtz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Gheen. Mrs. Cheen accompanied them home the first of the week. yt Some new apple eider; just in, is belter than any we've had l this year; l.rc the qt. ; 50c the i gal. , at the Den of Sweets. 0 David Kuratli, Caihier . orkgon Inn u liirtiT Tn din nil MILlA WtNl IU U UN FIRST Of -DECEMBER Thin I the Premier Price Pnld for Mutter Tat In History FAKMfiKS OIVliN AN0THIIR BLWTIT Carnation Company Nuliled Dairymen of Kainc Laid Friday Washington County dairymen were notified last Friday morn ing that the Carnation Company had raised the price of milk to two dollars per hundred weight. The price for tho month preced ing was $1.95, and this was the highest price ever paid for bulk milk -but the lst raise was un lookcd for. The company is wanting all the milk it can get, and as prices of butter fat and condensed .nilk had raised, the farmer is also given a benefit. This raise will mean hundreds of dollars increase to the month ly payroll, and while it is hardly possible that the price will go higher, conditions are such that it is not improbable. The new raise will very likely increrse the supply.and will be a considerable stimulus in the dairy industry. parlnt-ti:acmi:k MntniNU The Parent-Teacher meeting will be held at the Congregational church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 12. After the business session, the following program will be rendered: Address, "Medical Inspection in Schools," Dr. Robb. Piano solo, Kva Pitman. Recitation, Mary Shirley. Song, Kighth Giade Girls' Glee Club. All are coidially invited to attend. FOR SALE -A BARGAIN For sale, as a whole, or will di vide, a 130 acre olace. 40 acres in cultivation; balance good tim ber; will make a good dairy farm; adauted to iruit hoos. or Eng- lish walnuts, or general farming. Itm diP's: orchard: 2 streams running through timbered por tion ; good soil; near school house and stores; only 9 miles south west of llillsboro. Here is an ideal location for commercial fish pond. Beautiful and picturesque creek. Sporting men, look this up. Price very reasonable. Ad dress Box 112. or telephone Main 141. llillsboro. 3Stt (iOM)EN WEDMNO Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey. Hills boro pioneers, celebrated their golden wedding last Sunday, all of their children being present at the family reunion. Dr. Bai- ev is one of the nioneer Dhvsi- cians of the county, and his wife was a daughter of Pionec Cham bers, of near West Union. W. E. Fellows, who lost a res idence by lire up at Sandy, Dee. 5, 1915, has sued the Bankers & Merchants' Mutual Fire Ins. Ass'n., which held a policy of the building, in the sum of $500. Fellows claims there are about $000 in the treasury, and he has been given an injunction denying the company the right to dispose of any of this money. He also wants L. K. Thompson appointed receiver. There are other claims against the defendant company, and he is willing that other claimants may come in and en joy prorata what is left. As the liabilities are about $7,547.00, it appears that in case fellows ase goes through he will get less than $50 for his lire loss and claim of 500. Greenbury H Busby died at his home near llillsboro, Dec. 5, 1910. He was born in Illinois in 1818. He leaves ti mourn his loss three sisters Mrs. Kmma E Bradley, of Bucoda. Wn.; Mrs. M. J. Plowman, Hillstnro, and Mrs. S. J. Galloway, of Portland, and a half-sister, Mrs. Sarah Benton, Bucoda, and a half brother, J. W. Bartrim, of Oak land, Ore., besides his nieces and nephews. About twenty years ago he suffered the loss of an eye, being kicked by a horse. The blow affected his mind, and since that time he has lived a secluded life. The funeral took place this afternoon, and inter ment was in the Odd Fellows' cemetery, W. O. Donelson direct ing the obsequies. Mrs. Alfred Shanahan, widow, died at Forest Grove. Dec. 3, 191(5, aged 74 years. Mr. Shan ahan died October 31, 1909. Mrs. Shanahan was the mother of six children, five of whom are living: Mrs. T. J. Cleeton, Port land; K. G. Shanahan, Dundee; Mrs. Carl Knutsen, Astoria; Mrs. F. D Gardner and M. O. Shanahan, Forest Grove. A. C. Archbold and daughter, Miss Bess, departed Monday for Portland, where they expect to remain until Spring, and perhap3 longer. Uhz Co. at the Opera House one more week. Sam Eggiman, of Bethany, was transacting business in town Saturday. Ray Marks, a Sheridan attor ney, was down to llillsboro Mon day morning. G. W.'Upshaw, of the Sheri dan Bank, was in town the first of the week. For Rent Two rooms, close in, including water, light and telephone. Inquireat this office. J. J. Shevlin, of Beaverton, was in the county court yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imbrie, of Orenco, were llillsboro callers Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. S. J. Galloway, of Portland, were out to the Busby funeral today. Mr. and Mrs. Ham Sorenson, of near Farmington, were city callers the last of the week. Wm, McQuillan departed for San Mateo. Cal., last week, to spend the Winter. Marriage license has been granted Samuel It. Sb-inke and Mi.iS Addie Greener. They re side below New ion. Just Jaeger, (if Sherwood, was elected a director in the Oregon Breeders' Ass'n., at Portland, this week. For sale: Four months full blood Jersey bull calf from best milk strain in county. L. P. Heidel. llillsboro. 38tf The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Bowman, on Third St., Friday evening of this week, at 7.30 o'clock. Miss Elizabeth Mann, attend ing U. of ().. .spent Thanksgiv ing week with her grandmother, Mrs. Jos. Mann, in this city. WL'NDEKLICH VAM.OM One of the prettiest weddings of the season was celebrated on Thanksgiving Day, November 30, 191G. when Charles Wunderlich and Edith VanLom were united in marriage at the Yerboort Catholic Church, Father LeMiiler i.fliciMing. The bride w as taste fully and beautifully gowned in w hite net over white silk, and i was attended by her c.usin, Miss Edna Green of Portland, and her lister, Miss Hilda VanLom. who were dressod in cream silk. The groom was attended by Ed. Van- Lorn, brother of ti:e bride. Lit tle Giads Van Lorn, daughter of; Leonard Van Lorn, was (lower girl. Mi:s Bertha A km, of Hil'.s boro, played the wedding march. The bride was given away by her father, John VanLom. After the ceiemony Mrs. Van Lom. the bride's mother, served a Douniirui wcuuing ninner ana over GO gue.-ds besides the im mediate family were at table. After dinner uancing was in dulged until a late hour. The bride and groom left tor Califor nia amid showers of rice and the hearty wishes of their friends. The presents were many and beautiful. There were several guests from Portland and llills boro. The young where groom is a prosperous farmer of Centerville, the young couple will make their home The bride and groom are old school mates and each comes from oldtime and highly respected families of Washington County. The bride for the past four years has held a position in the law office of VV. G. ILire, in this city. They have a host of friends who wish them a-most happy and prosperous fu ture. TEACHERS' EXAAMNATIONS Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Wash ington County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of ap plicants for Slate Certificates, at llillsboro. Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, De. 20, 191(5, at 9 o'cloi k a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Dec. Z), at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday forenoon U. S. history, writing, penmanship, music, drawing. Wednesday afternoon - Physi ology, reading, manual training, composition, domestic science, methods in reading, course of study for drawing, methods in arithmetic. Thursday forenoon -Arithmetic, history of education, psychol ogy, methods in geography, me chanical drawing, domestic art, course of study for domestic art. Thursday afternoon -Grammar, geography, stenography, American literature, physics, typewritine, methods in lan guage, thesis for primary certifi cate. Friday forenoon Theory and practice, orthography, physical geography, English literature, chemistry, physical culture. Friday afternoon - School law, j geology, algebra, civil govern- ment. I Saturday finnvon Geometry, i botany. I Saturday afternoon - General ' hislorv, bookkeeping. j " B. VV. Barnes, t County School Superintendent. I Show List of Expenditures on the IliKhwHy, Beavertnn, West F.ACH SF.CTOtf CLASSIFIED SIVGI.V Twenty-Two Thnunand Dollar Impend ed in . uin Total Refund Coming County Judge Reasoner gives out the following figures of cost on the slate high way sector from Beaverton to Forest Grove, and the total expenditure reaches over $22, (XX). The State owes the county $5,000. and this w ill mean a net expenditure of $17, 041.07. Following is the tabu lated statement: Scarifying and resurfacing with bituminous macadam, by the penetration method. llillsbo ro to Cornelius State lioad, 13, 487 lineal feet. 16 feet wide. Hock 3150.22 Cubic Yards: Rock crushing $1501 12 " hauling 322 24 " shoveling 414 40 " freight charges... 992 60 Scarifying, grading trenchinir. spreading and rolling 1004 60 Fuel 155 65 402 bbls. bituminous 1778 70 Miscellaneous -material, tools and supplies 50 98 Total $0941 11 Cost per lin. ft.. ..$0,515 " " sq. yd .. 0.''9 Scarifying and resurfacing with bituminous macadam, by the penetration method. Corne lius to Forest Grove. 9200 lin. ft. 16 ft. wide. Rock. 1700.5 Cu. Yds: Rock crushing $ 860 71 " hauling 2049 13 " shoveling 24 03 " freight charges--. 42 54 Bitumin 866 25 Material, tools and sup plies 42 90 Fuel 149 40 Scarifying, grading, trenchinir, spreading and rolling 809 50 Total $4850 46 Cost per lin. ft .50.5272 " " sq. yd.. 0.296 llillsboro. Heed vi lie, Beaverton State Road, 15840 lin. ft., width 11 ft. Oil beund iiacadam -Roc 5653.11 Cu. Yds: Rock crushing $4618 06 shoveling 915 39 " hauling 1519 65 " freight charges... 1032 75 Grading, trenching, roll ing and spreading 1423 71 Oil 439 50 Oil spreading 91 03 Fuel 126 57 Material, tools and sup plies . 82 84 Total $10219 50 Cost per lin. ft . .$0,647 " " sq. yd- 0.529 Summary llillsboro, Reedville. Bea verton State Road, 15810 lin. ft. width 11 feet ; oil-bound macad am $10249 50 Scarifying and resurfac ing with bituminous macadam by the pene tration method, llills boro to Cornelius State Road, 13487 lineal ft.. width 16 ft 6941 11 Scarifying and resurfac ing with bituminous macadam, by the pen etration method, Cor nelius to Forest Grove State lioad. 9200 lin. ft., width 16 ft. . 4850 46 Total Cost $22041 07 Amount received from State ..$466(5.10 Balance due from State 333.90. 5000 00 Total cost to county $17041 07 PYTMIANS ELECT Phoenix Lodge No. 34 Monday evening elected the following of ficers for the term beginning Jan. 1: Chancellor Commander, J. W. Connell; vice chancellor, Wm. Gotleib; prelate. E. J. Mc Alear; master of work, August Tews; K. of R. & S , Earl Lu ther: master of finance, Herman Sehulmerich; master of exchec- rpier, L. W. House; master at arms. .las. D. Anderson; inner guard, Wm. Sehulmerich, outer guard, Geo. Emmott; trustee, F. J. Sewell. Geo. Emmott. now chancellor commander, becomes the junior Past Chancellor when he retires. TURKEY SHOOT Turkeys, geese and chickens to be shot for at t he Garden Tracts, west end of Main Street, on Sun- d-iy, D'C. 17. Covered squids it rains. Shells on grounds. Money to loan at 5! per cent. Monthly payments. E. M. Ca tef, llillsboro. Ore. 24-tf I G. W. Mason has been trans ferred from the Oregon Electric, in this city, to Eugene, where he has a "rrick" from 3 o'clock in the afternoon, until midnight. Mr. Mason has been here several years, and has acted as agent for some time. He will move his family to Eugene, where his son, Clyde, is attending the State University. J. K. Gilhy, the agent at Orenco, will come here as atrent, and the office will get the usual good care, as Mr. Gilby is one of the best agents on the line. I buy beef, TKirk, poultry of all kinds, and p ;y the highest mar ket prices c insistent with sav ing you delivery.'1.. K. Rogers, Beaverton, lit. 4. Box 20. Pho- e Beayerton 53. 1,'ne 3 37-tf Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Halvorsen, of Fa.mington, entertained at dancing and cards the other eve ning. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Those present were Host and Hostess. John. Jacob. Lewi3 and Alfred Ilalvor sen. Rasmussen Brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Schofield. Mrs. Mann. Miss Grable, Mr. and Mrs. Wei- nicke and br tber Louise Carl- sted and children, Mrs Jos. Han sen. O-car H tnsen, Annie Hal- vorsen. Mary Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sorenson, Simon Ol son, frank drauer. (Jha3. Robin son and O II . Ede. The Needlecraft will have a Bazaar and Bundle Day in the American National Bank Build ing. Uec. lb. All intetested in assisting the needy will please assist The Chribtmas spirit is al ready abroad in Orenco. The youn people of that community are planning a novel entertain ment in the form of a Christ mas Box Social" to be held Dec. 15. With the Christmas decora tions and Santa Claus to auction off the boxes, and the splendid program that the young people are working on, they feel sure that all who attend will have a good time. Notice to farmers The Beth any feed chopper will run every Saturday until further notice. L. Croeni. 31tf Mail carriers on "the rural routes had a holiday on Thanks giving, and enjoyed their warm turkey. The city carriers also had a holiday, and the postofhee was closed excepting for distri bution of mails, and a few min utes opening at the delivery windows. Ladies, we havj your men- folks' favorite cigars, cigarettes and smoking tobacco in holiday packages, at prices well within your reach. The Den of Sweets. John Vanderwal on Dec. 3 re ceived a check for $535.55, from the Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., in payment of the tire loss of F. W. Phillips. This was quick adjustment and payment Do not forget the dance at the Moose Hall, Saturday evening, Dec. 16. Tickets, 75 cents. County Commissioner-elect H. T. Hesse, of Scholls. was in the city yesterday, looking in on the county court to see how he might perform when he takes office after January 1. Miss Ruby Tipton, of Scap poose, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tipton, of this city. Coffee Club Meeting Mrs. C. E. Wells will entertain the Coffee Club members Satur day afternoon. Dec. 9, at her home on South Seventh Street. Those desiring may take the 2:15 P. E. to Tenth St. MOORE WITH YCOMBE A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boge, of Farmington, Nov. 28, 1916, at 10 o'clock p. m., when Mrs. Boge's sister, Miss Elizabeth Hender Withycombe, was united in marriage to Ihos, Raymond Moore, of Laurel, Rev Wall, pastor of the Farmington M. E. Church, officiating, Before the ceremony Miss Rad tord sang All that 1 Ask is Love," after which the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the Wedding Chorus from Lohengrin, by Miss Rad ford on the violin, Mrs. Boge ac companying on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Withy combe acted as best man and bridesmaid After congratulations and the wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs Moore left for Portland. They will be at home to their friends after Dec. 12, at Laurel Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ihos. Withycombe and Mrs John Withycombe, of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Withycombe and son William, and George II Withycombe and wife, of Gas ton; Mrs. A. m. uicKinson ana sons, Ashley and Thomas, of As toria; Miss Enchede, of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moore and son Leland. Miss Moore, of if i New berg", Henry Hesseand wife, Ralph Withvcombe, Miss Rad tord, uiger fenne ana wire, miss Nissen. Homer Moore. Mrs. Bor den. Rev. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. H H. Boge and daughter, Catherine, F. A. BAILh'Y, M. L. Phynlclan and .NnryiHtii OfFicr: U intra In Sil. iniitiuli In KihlMn: Month wml (Mirriir HttMl r ml fHoorsi! Hlrivtj. Phnriiw, i'Ii-oC" i- i(!tii'ni.Cilv ELMER H. SMITH M. D D. O PHYSICIAN tV S' iCV.CA OSTKOr.--, a Completely n Motion. ci ti)il 1 jiitnl In run Cal'i antwrred ' ph mi. a. Oifi .v ovc :iy or Hills' v.KM. Hot: E.B.TONOI K ATTOXN8Y-AT-LAW I'fficet apnvn in Schulmcr !i Bio- DR E T. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN In t:nii-.:tlm ClaotfloHy. Htdra tkarpmihy ami Sclmntltlo Olmlmfle:. I'Hlh njirrMi L):iy an.l N;lit Olfii' Plum (!ity K wnlnnw Oily 27 ! rMcc 1 and 2 11.1.1,1 C.1,14. HfHftfxiro Orr.&on Patterson UndertaKirs Company G. A. Prtttersun, Mr. FUKKBAI, I'IRKCTOKS AND K.MBAI.MKK t Frrr Chapels fjniv A distant Over HihKO Pdrniture AHlw. C.. NiKht ami Snri'lay phone Mnia 177. I) 1 Phone Main 773 Ueenud Oreon 2X0. Ponn. 1018 Phon. City 972 GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate Prices. Personal Services Raadnc Funeral Parian, Washington at 6th HiUboro,Ora. w. & SCHNABEL& LaROCHt: Xoehtlkna)ra nimu-.ra. ra)ta (ii si fcautt. fnrtal.Kjitifua(i, ('j!tor!rii-cfiui ' " mmtitn irfiuoirntf UrfunJifn ib it; li4n KlunKiidt ouaci:tiU. fi:Jnl w ita In tati'po nti iinf fiei-rs tcrtt'-f a. bentnu Tu( ts utin (Tltir rftr: aienerrSnf!oi Uttwrtrnuing-n 't--itn frlc'rceiSU-J rnU unie;n AllftTUn. !lnurrfiliiiir . ,,, af DtratTfkaai. lWm: i'iutffciil 200; U-UUT, rau-tfipo: Dam w4 tin (- Statairr Ml Mi -t tt t-rr, m-t , PORTLAND. ORE. WILLIAM G. HARE iTTORNKV- AT-f.A V lT(atair American National Rank III: RlLLsBJUO. , oUKii-' john m. wall ATTORNBY-AT-LA V Cpstairs, A. C. SUute Bl.Ifj. Mf!n A m DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Hillsboro Nation al Bank Building Maia Street. Hillsboro - - - Or E. L. PERIUNS ATrOtiNKY-AT LAW NoUry Public-Collections, I.ouns, ecr. Room 1 Coiiiiiiereml iimtk Hliig, iinUi' IWXSBORO, OREGI-- DR. W. H. PSLr Dentist OlHces in the Hiiiilol BuUilinj;. npiUiri Main Streflt. adjoining P.isi OtH -.o Bl,l. Kooms H and 4. Plume Ci j 9'U Hillsboro - - Oregon W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Orriot: Main Street, opp. Court Hju MJIPBOKO . OKhU THUS. H. TONGUK, K A.TTOR NHV -AT LA W i Office, ups; ra in Solnt'iuericli B!d!" Hillshoro, - - fVt!-;""! DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tcni'tsu! Blit. Rooms f HILLSBORO, OKK. M mi ami Tliinl I G. W. Stevens Deep Water Well Driller Box 54, HJUbja, Qfaai PI ITENUEK-BRYANT Dr. W. E. Pittenger, of Joseph, formerly of Hillsboro, and Flor ence Bryant, of Portland, were united in marriage at Vancouver. Wn.. Dec. 6, 1916. The happv couple are spending a few day here and return this week to their new home in the Wallowa. The groom is a well known den tist, and the bride formerly re. sided here. They have a host o( friends who tender congratulations.