.r : ztt rmLj-firTZ- m mm wi ntHM'r imm iKHMwmir ...,-.-7.-. -ii'nui mm-' - Wmi,B, t f ii m it nr nriirim; riv AflA 4- 1-5 1 f rv lrfl 4 Altai 4 l- -trU. n n C ' i Ml t u.i nv Man Earns. ,uTu. u If you have never invest iffat our credit system you do not know on what easy terms we soil poods. The man with a small income ran furnish his home complete or add a few pieces from time to time at a very small outlay See our table of payments below; $50 Outfit $75 Outfit $100 Outfit $125 Outfit $150 Outfit $200 Outfit Do not hesitate if you need any article of Furriture or a Ranee or Heater come let us show you our Roods quote you prices- make your home comfortable and inviting. All of our accounts are kept in strict confidence. Your Range and Heater Should be Selected for Style, Crown Sterling Full Nickel. Polished Top,Qven Theromometer. Stake Oven Poor. Nickel Plated Cabinet or Sanitary leg Base. Porcelain White Enamel High Closet Panels and Oven Door Panel and Lined thro out with Asbestos.Mill board Cast Iron in top of flues. hi 48-14 Sale Price $50 68-16 Sale Price $55 68-18 Sale Price $60 Opal Range A Range built especially for us with either Cabinet or Sanitary Base polished top. smooth Nickel Trimming. At an Extra Special Price. 68-18 $48 Opal Jr. This is our Special, a High Grade Steel Ranee at a very bw price. 48-14 $29.85 Water Coils in any style or size Range at the low price of $3.00 BEAUTY- Wejlsviile Polished Steel Body Cast Iron Lining - This is a high grade Heater with TOP and DOOR FEED Combined. The Nickel trimming one ot the very latest plain smooth finish making it easy to keep the stove clean and bright Large Nickel trimmed swing top .foot rails, four inch screw draft, band and door handie. This heater has il'uminated mica front which is ventilated and protected from reat by perf rated steel to prevented discoloring. No. 18 StyleT B $12.00 No. 20 Style P B $13.50 No. 22 Style P B $15.00 Our showing of Air Tkht Heaters with Top and End feed door is omplete. Price $1.95 and up. The Truth about Our BEDS. A great many people used to think that our beds must be very high priced because' they are so good and so beautiful in design and finish. This was an instance where the QUALITY of the stock came near being a handicap in it sale. But, while quality is of the hightest and while we strive to maintain a beau tiful line our prices are really very low, when quality and durability is considered. There is a great deal of sitisfection in hav ing beautiful well finished beds. Before you buy that extra Bed, be sure toinspectour line. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. Hillsboro Garden Tracts, Plaintiff, vs. Mr-Lain Cooper, W. E. Marshall, A. W. Marshall, Martha Hemlrickson, Fred K. Ko;h, William Rose, J. K. Iioso, J. ii. Wirz, S. K. Wirz, J. A. Johnson, Ed L. Johnson, Hay Pier son, Emil Seidel, Frank A. Smith, A. W. Barth, George Ffilker, Fred Ilietthauer, Sr., Adam Goebel, Leonard IJeleye, George F. Cam bridge, Stanley Richardson, Howard '. Iiobbs, Addie -Bauer, John, C. Kemmerich, C. li. Hiil, Jameg Rice, Charles .Salomon, J. E. Cummins, i). S. Walton, Mrs. 8. E. Johnson, Frank Heller, John O. Hopster, John L. Mahaffey, Edward Hager, Mary A. Shadden, S. W. Anderson, W. O. Ketcham, C. A. Ecklund, W. M. Merritt and J. R. Haight, De fendants. To McLain Cooper, W. E. Marshall, A. W. Marshall, Martha Hendrick son, Fred E. Koch, William Rose, J. E. Rose, S. R. Wirz, Kd L. John son, A. W. Barth, George Felker, Fred Hretthauer, Sr., Adam (ioi'bel, Leonard IV-Ieye, Howard P. ftobbs, John C Kemmerich, C. H. Hill, Mrs. S. E. Johnson, Frank Heller, John O. Hopsli-r, John L. Mahaf fey, Edward Hager, W. O. Ketcham, and J. R. Height, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the- complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or Itefore six weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons, to wit, on or before the lfllli day of January, 1!)17, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for wrmf. thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree that there is due r.';!a!!!T r.y said MoT-aln Cooper, upon lots 39 and 40 of Garden Tract Addition to Hillsboro, and tracts 7 and 8 in block 4 of Hillsboro Garden only only only only only only 5 00 CdsH LOO a week 7.50 Cash 1.50 a weeK 10.00 Cash 2.00 a weeK 12.50 Cash 2.25 a week 15.00 Cash 2.50 a week 20.00 Cash 3 00 a week ing top for feeding large knots, etc. a Front door has illuminated Mica which gives cheer ful cozy fireplace effect. - This heater is an ornament in any home and is moderately priced. Comes in three sizes 19, 21, 24. i us i No. 19 Style A Wood or Coal $21.50 " 21 " " " " . " 22.50 M 24 " " " " 24.00 " 19 " B " only 15.75 " 21 M " . " " 17.25 " 24 " M " " 19.00 Our Cheerfull Heater is built on the same style as the Mission with square steel body -is a large roomy cast iron lined Heater at a very low price. No. 19 Style' D Wood only $14.50 21 24 Tracts, all in Washington County, Ore gon, $3018.30; by said W. E. Marshall upon the north half of tract 4 iu Mock 8 of said HiHshoro Garden Tracts, $805.03; by said A. W. Mar shall upon the south half of tract 4 in block 8 of said Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $f.97.30; by said W. E. Mar shall and A. VV. Marshall upon tract 8 in block 8 of said Hillsboro Gar den Tracts J5B8.46; by said Martha Jiendrickson upon tract 3, block 8 of said Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $1, 274.45: by said Fred E. Koch upon lots 30 to 38 inclusive In said Gar den Tract Addition and tract 1 in block 8 of Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $2,787.82; by said Wm. Rose, upon lot 40, block 17, said Garden Tract Addition, and tract 4, block 4, said Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $1670.67; by said J. E. Rose, upon lot 3!t, block 17, said Garden Tract Addition, $135.58; by said S. R. Wirz upon fraet 8, block 6, Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $2087.46; by said Ed h. John son upon tract 7 in block 8, Hills boro Garden Tracts, $618.94; by said A. W. Barth upon tract 2 In block fi in Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $1651.14; by said George Felker upon tract 4, block 6, Hillsboro, Garden Tracts, $1099.24; by said Fred lircllhauer, Sr., upon tract 6, block 7, Hillsboro, Garden Tracts, $2067.90; by said Adam Goebel upon tract 7, block 7, Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $1507.80; by said Leonard Deleye upon tracts 9 and 10, Mock 6, Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $3419.72; by said Howard P. Bobbs upon tract 1 In block 2, Hills boro Garden Tracts, $1171.00, and upon tract 4 In block 2, Hillsboro Garden Tracts, $1471.00; by said John C. Kemmerich upon lots IS and 20, in block 8, Garden Tract Addition to Hillsboro, $296.95; by said C. II Hill upon lot 3, block 5, said Garden Tract Addition. $139 40; by said Mrs. S. E. Johnson, upon lot 8, and upon lot 9, In block 17, In said Garden Tract Addition, each $38.82: by said Frank Heller, upon lots 4 and 5 ln block 2, said Garden Tract Addition, $545.31; by said John O. Hopster, upon lots 1 and 20 In Durability and Economy. Mission Heater All Cast Iron Heater and Fire Place Combined. Styie B Mission has large feed door and swing- ) '1( . -f -(: - 15.75 17.25 No. 9211 This bed has 2 inch pillsirs with 1 1-16 in bottom Tubes and 7-8inch fillers. The height of head is52in and foot36in come3 in any color at a special price of $10.50 What would be nicer than this bed finished in Ivory with one of our New Ivory Dresser or Dressing tables for your bedroom. You can buy the outfit on our easy payment plan at no advance in price.. Patterson Furniture Co. THE HOUSEFURNISHERS 1267 Main St. Hillaboro, Ore. block 12, said Garden Tract Addition, $671.39; by said John L. Mahaffey, upon lots 1 and 2, block 3, said Garden Tract Addition. $621.09; by said Ed ward Hager, upon lot 12, block fl, said Garden Tract Addition, $214.54; by said W. O. Ketcham, upon lot 23, block 1, said Garden Tract Addition, $330.37; by said J. R, Haight, upon 'lot 4, block IS, said Garden Tract Addition, and tract 2, block 3, Hills two Garden Tracts, $1007.50; all in said Washington County; that each said defendant be granted such time as may seem couilahle after decree to pay said sums so due and delin quent with 6 per cent per annum in terest. to date of payment.; that any of said defendants failing to pay lit" sum so decreed within said time shall be barred and foreclosed of all right title and interest In said tracts and that defendants be decreed to have forfeited to plaintiff all sums there tofore paid plaintiff upon said con tracts of forfeiture, and plaintiff re cover costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published against you pursuant, to an order made by Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hie Counly of Washington, dated November 29, 1916, and the date of tile first publication is December 1 1916, and the date of Ihe last puldi cation is January 19, 1917. .1. N. PEA ROY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon. CATHOLIC CHIWCH Third and Pir Streets. Cilv W2 (Winter Schedule) Sunday Masses, 8:20 and 10:30 . TP. Christian Doctrine, 9;45 a. m Haptism, 2.00 o'clock p. rn. Choir practice, 2 p. m.' Benediction. 4:150 p. m, Week-day Mass. 8:20 a. m. man ur DtrairoiA IS FATHER OF INS Hillsboro Capitalist Presented by Wife With Pair of Daughter Aiii;o r-RNkr.R i roosviuhn tUeitoii. and Particularly Washington County, I ends I he List Hillsboro was augmented w ith a pair of twin daughters, Tuesday, Dee. i HUt, when Mrs. .). W. Shute, wife of the capitalist, presented her husband with two Kirk the little arrivals weighing four pounds each. Mother and children are doing nicely, and the happy father is receiving congratulations. Ihe proud father was aged ex actly 76 years, nine months and twenty-two davs when the little daughters arrived. Mr. Sluite whs horn in New York, Feb. 17, IS 10, and came to Hillsboro in 1S5S. He farmed tu-;ir Oreneo fr years, and in 1SS established the first bank in liii,sbe.ro, being t.ne of the corporators of the First Na tional Hank. After the First National was dissolved he con tinued in ihe banking husii ess unit the American National was formed, when he retired. He is worth prob tbly close to a quar ivt of a minion. Ihe niottier was formerly Miss F. Smith, and they were mar ried in 1SU7 She is 3'J years of age. The following wire left this uiiite yejierdaj : 'Theodore Roosevelt. Oyster Hay: J. W. Shute, worth quar ter million, was presented with twin daughters, Dec. 5. The happy father was aged 76 years. ) mnntha anA itavsj u-hun thi daughters arrived, and is as ac tive as a man of 50." A New Year Day Contest By F. A. M1TCHEL It Is now something like forty yean knee the custom of muklng rails on New Yenr'e day dltnl suddenly. It be gan ln New Amsterdam now New York having been brought over from Holland when Manhattan Island wai Mttled by the Dutch. About the mlddlo of the nineteenth century, when the custom of calling on the 1st of January was observed by all classes, two colored gentlemen of the blue grass region of Kentucky were rivals for the band of the same dusky girl. They happened to make up their minds to propose to her on the same evening. Mate Jinks was In the act of declaring himself when In came Pete Carpenter for the same pur pose and surprised hU rival pouring forth his love. "Yo' gtt right out o heyer," said Pete. "Yha' yo' think dat Rarah Ann's gwlne to put up with any slcb nlggah as yon?" "I)o you spect dat Parah Ann's gwlne to take up with a field hand lak yoti dnt a house sarvent a lady's maid, too Is gwlne to marry a good for noth ln' co'n hoer?" "Tleekon Parah Ann knows what she's about." "Spec she does. Phe's gwlne to tak me." "She's gwlne to tak tne." Meanwhile Parah Ann stood a spec tator to this struggle for her hand. Ttut at this point both suitors looked at her appealing?. Finding herself call ed upon to decide between her two suitors, she said: "I feels mighty complerented at be In' axed by two slch gemmelen and yo' bofe so fine that I don know which to take." "Tak' one or do udder," said Mose. "Tak' de udder; dat's me," said Tete. "I tell yo' what I do. Tomorry's New Year's day. Yon two come here tomorry arternoon at foil' o'clock, and de one what's made de mos' calls I take." "lint's fa'r enough," snld Pete. "Huh! If yo' hadn't liiterfcnrnd I'd been engaged by dls time," said Mose. However, Purah Ann would not de cide between them In any other way, and Mose was obliged to consent It was arranged tbnt a committee of three bo appointed by the -lady to ar range the terms of the contest This committee decided thnt the contestants start nt 11 o'clock ln the morning and finish at 4. Each was to enrry a pa per on which the tinmen of the women he called on were to be entered by some one who knew how to write or by milking a mark. Naturally the contest excited a great deiil of utteuflon, for it was known far mill wide that the two sullors for Harali Ann's blind were to contest for It liy making calls on New Year's day. Each had his adherents, mid there was a determination on the part of these persons to aid their favorite. The rivals were started on opposite extremities of the Held of operations. Each selected a friend who could write to attend blm so that be might lie sure all the calls be made wore recorded. As the morning wore awiiy, however, each had a train of followers tluit was constantly Increasing. At 1 o'clock the bride to be sent out a friend to briiig her a report an to how the affair stood. Hlie learned to Iter satisfaction that Mose was seven calls ahead. At 8 o'clock-tin hour before time would be called she sent out another Inquiry Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette ! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented nrncess thnt nits nut bite and parch! Prince Albert has alway9 Deen sola witnout coupons or piwumua. We prefer to give quality! hns a flavor as different as it fa delightful. You never tnstcd the lika of it I And that isn 't strange, either. Men who think they can't smoke a piw or roll a ciga Bay Print Albert mry mvtun tobacco it motd in ioppy rW 6ag, 5c; tiJy r4 lint. Wet hanjionn pound and half-pound tin Aiimi. dort-andthal corking fint pound cryttal-glatt humi dor with tpontt-moitttnmt top that e( th tohacco in jucA cltvtr trimalwayl and learned that Mio hud lost Idi overjilus and six culls beside "Jim." she said to her messenger, "cau't yo' lis IVto so's uu'll fall U'hliwl ag'lur' "IteckiMi I kin try," was the answer. There was a stream Is-tween ths two parts of the trial ground which was crossed by iiienns of a loi:. Jim went to where l'ete was calling and waltod till he wenditl bl way U the other side of the stream. When lVto was 111 the center of the log. followed by sit attendants clone a krd, Jliu made a rush for the rear iiiuti, and the sevou men, Includliig the contestant, went against each other like falling card houses nnd Into the stream on either side of the log. Of course l'eto could make no more calls till ho had changed bis clothes, and he hurried away for the pantose. This unfair proceeding greatly out raged his followers, and since they were not making culls tlicm.-u vr and didn't mlml wet clothing they ran oCT to find Muse In order to take n simi lar revenge. They found him near a dyehouse, and one of them going Into the house came out with a bucket of dye, and, throwing It over Mose, turn ed hlm to a bright scarlet. Unfortunately for the contestant!, they were lth delayed beyond the hour lianutl for return. At 8:.K Harab Ann sent Jim out to learn the situa tion. Jim returned at five minutes to 4 and reported that l'ete had changed his clothes, made several additional calls and was coining to claim the prise. Mose'a condition required inoro time, mid his record was tx-lilnd Pete's. Sarah Ann waited till the clock struck 4, when, seeing l'ete coming, she said to Jim. "1 don't ant dat nlggah, nohow. Wbat'll I dor "Tak' tne." Pete arrived, the winner, but two minutes after 4. Moso arrived, loser, twenty minutes after 4. They wero Informed thnt neither having; showed np on tlmo the prize bud gone to Jim. He Had Neither Patriotism Nor Romance By OSCAK COX A man wlti one eye covered by a patch, a long scar on his neck and helping himself with a cane hobbled toward a bumlet Iu Canada. Meeting another man on the road, be stopped him and said: "I come from ze wars ln la belle France." "Oh, you do? Did you go out with one of our Canadian regiments or did you go over and enlist ln Uie French rmy?" "I enlist ln sse -th Canadian In fantry. I am a Canadian, though I lovo Franco." "There's more of you come back than might have been ex'iected. Hcema to me I'd about as leave be a steer turned Into a ('lib ago packing house as go over thern to be made pulp of." "We fight for civilization, for r.e ben efit of pOHlerltle." "Well, you're welcome to do so If I you like. I'm not Interested In posterl I ty myself, and I don't consider that ! I'm under any obligation to my great great grandchildren whatever." The speaker was about to move on when the war warred veteran said: i "Thern Is n girl In this town by the name of Mabel Hhaw, I believe?" "There was a girl by that name." "Mon Moil! She Is not dendT "No; she's very mix li ullvu." "I bring a tnesHnge to ber from h lovalre." "Oh, you dof "He and I fought togexiser 01 M On ul 1KIEE AL the national joy tmokt rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given 1 A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Win.ton-Salem, N. C treiii !." "I the inalii part of blm ivmlng home t'xi?" "All of blm Is Imil.d li e I'Hille field In n-nnlle." That's too bad" Tb.lt wai mild with tnldctit illnpi"liitmeiit. "Win hit lelliie '"l!,!7" "'. ,-! mi I. new him?" "X" I iievi-r miiv hlm, Afdr he wen niviiv 1 ,mIs something Unit ln lonrnl ! I lm. I d lil.e to return It to Mm.' "i'e whs a brave num. u ver brave nmn." "I'm sure ' llmt, "iixliterlnn what, lie sc.H ni tvnM 1 1 lvf re lio h'ft ItM I rcrl nii be rll ln't ii'iillze the ciltlri! poslili n lie una In. What vtiei I 1,1m lne;iii';. you lirouglit from WIIIiIiin to hli girl?" "We b:ld n I e!!i d seven iitlie itH hi one iluy by the (it inmim. At the hut ailnck my f.-.'cud was shot tlirmi(;li t!ie heiirt." "That's the wralott plii' o Iu a man's In n!y." "it Is certain d.nlli. Hut WllUns live,) loin? eiiMiiirh to nay to me: 'An 1'ilne, in re little (oivii In Cuiiuda where I lived there Is a lovely girl wlio bus pniiiil i-d cl wait fur me till I come liie k after re war. If ymi (to llieie will you nwl( her m il tell her ziit my hi-it thoughts Were of her, r.ut I illcd ul. ici- ili.ui' iiuiiiii no my IIim? I woidii til;,. live fur her, but I rejoice to die for my country.' " "That's very bciiulifiil." "It Is in ii i -1 1 1 1) 1 1 1. What could tlieie be more gloilous fur a iinui tbiiit to die fur his country wlx ku name of . girl lie loves on bis lips?" 'Nothing, positively iiothltii,'." repllc I tin" other. "I envy Wllklus from the botloiii of my heart, Fate bus many IrialH III Hture for lit. If he had emu. hack he wight bnve been sorry tlnit lie hadn't closed (lie acceniit ilbroinl." "Oh, but I tint was not so w in hlm. Ito would have come to zo fmbiwe if ue girl ho loved. Znt made bis sacrifice so mngiiiil(ii(i." There was an Impressive silence be tween the men, which was broken by the returned soldier. "Can you direct me to r.o house of Mabel Shaw?" "Certainly, I)o you siH) the little red houso over there?" pointing. "yes." "Well, around the comer Is a while hoiiHO with green shutters. That's the locution you're after. You can tell Mals'l that you met a mini on the rn I who directed you to lier and iislied you to liny to her Hint he won't trespiiKS mi her sacred lcellng fur the rent of the day and she needn't expect liiin to din. tier. She'll doubtless be very much overcome." "You nro her brother'" "I wish I was. No; I'm her husband." "Mon Men!" "There's ii lot of roiimjic) In thin world, but I wasn't iniiile that way myself, There are men who tiinilile over each oilier to get themselves killed In buttle mid men that lire ready to kill emii other for u woman. I haven't, any experience In war, but I'm n major general Iu love. After ,71m Wlllilns went off to Ur, lit the Teutons I exei til ed a lii'illlaiit Hlrnli'i:lc move no ihe I'lrl he left, behind hlm mid ciipliu-ed her. Mil you ever hear of the Holdlern who captured a powder mill? No? Well, lliey were much pleased Willi their exploit till the whole thing blew up and sent 'em sly lilnh," "Von have no reverence for woman, ' "You bet I bnve! My mother was the bent woman that ever lived." The Holdle' stood IriesoliitP for n few uilnilles, then, turning invny, snlil: "Since you are miiriicil to the woman to whom I Iieai' the message you would very much oblige me If you would give It. to hoi yourself." "I will be happy to do so, II will make ber very benevolent for while." The soldier went one way, (be mini Willi whom he had left the message another. , i 7', Mf-;1" f lk rn n tMt ttilt r) ttn Unreasonable Complaint The t"p floor tenant Inid a grievance, 'Tlio roof cHk," he snld, "and If you can't do something to stop lt" "Leakd? Nonsense!" rclnnntl Ihe landlord. "None of the iplo In the other tliiu say so'New York Tluies. Evading th laiua. "Pa, Mrs. (Jaildy krd me what your niniliiil Income win,, and I evaded her ipiollon, us you told me " "Wliul did ynt any?" "I tld her 1 didn't think you had any other kliid."-ltnllliuom American. Thar W a Raaion. ariihha- I'iu told Jin Uh' cook has left hlm. but be mt'ius srfiHily cbm-rful. I can't understand It. Sliibbs-Thnt's Iiikii ymi never dlu-d with Jinks while the lute cimk wua on the Joli. Itlchuioiul Times Id iiutch. Braaklng It Gantly, -"Do you menu o vy tlit your. daliglitiT liusn't told'ynii xhn was en gaged lo me?" "Yes. 1 told ber not to bottler nin wllh those affairs iiiilea she Intended to get married." -Hoston Transcript. What He Feared. Phe If miimiim consenis to our rn- engiigemelit we needn't botlier llholtt what pnpu says. IIeI do io the lioiiliiipnrliiuce of Ihe mule member of the family Is not an Ingrained Idea wllh yon. Kxfhuugv. Pilot Whale. The blaclifiah, the must gregarious apd one of the largest nieinlw-rs of the porpoise family, Is sometimes culled Ihe pilot whale Iwnuse It blindly fol lows a lender, and the herds can ls driven alinoNt like a (lock of sheep, Ability a Spy. A person who has done considerable secret servlco work hi Ihe English army says lhat ability to eat paper Is an essential quallncnHnn In a spy. Fame and fortune await the general who first trains a gout to be a spy. A Vivid Pa.t. Husband (telling of accident) And as I thought I was drowning my pant llfo came before tne In one vivid flash. Wife Will 1 it i i, you never told tne be fore that you hud that kind of ft past. New York Times. Where It Fails. "When you roll up to a man's pbioo of business In n tlue nulomolillo I dare any It Is comparatively easy to buy aonielhliig front blm on credit." "Well, a schemo UIio that might work In the case of Jewelry, millinery, dry goods and clothing stores, but I'vo seen It fall to Impress a dealer In gasoline," Ttlrmliighiim Age-Herald, Thalee of Miletus. The first. Hcleutlllc thinker was Tlinlis of M Mollis, born li I Mint. HI'! II. I', lie was the first, to attempt a logical solo 4 1 in ol' malcrhil iliiiioniciui Million! resorting lo my I bologlcal , representa tions. In l In r words. Thales was the first mini, ho far ns ive know, to try lo find out Hie iicliinl I rnlli concerning the world wo live In. lis origin, consll lul lou and destiny. MANUAL LABOR. No one can tench you anything worth learning but throunh man unl labor. The very bread of liTe i, mo only be got out ot the chaff of It by rubblnfl It in your handu John Ruskln. C'upv't!M'tM Ann - - - - I n