i LS 10 BE ' EUffiD NEXT MONDAY OppiiNllioit up In livery Conum l.'xti-ptliiif Councilman In Ward I (UKKI TT AM) WAIL KIN K)K MAVOK Tlircc Luiilcnd lor Aldi-tuinn Honor In Ward To Some Kmc ilillrilioro will hold b city 'loction next Monday ami tluTi i; Rome contest in Wurd 2, where thtvt conU'til for alilorinunie lionum. Two fiimlidnti'H have filud lor Mayor, J. II. Carrctt. of tho C C. Store, and John M. Wall, the attorney. 1. M. Kerr, councilman in ciimlu'tit, hits no opposition in War. 1. in Wur.i 2, A. M. Car- lilt, present incumbent. Cn-o. V. Doughty, and J. C. Kuratli arc in tho nice for the council, and in Ward 3. C. Hlancr will run Uk'ninst K. 1''. Sum. For recorder 10. L. McCornuck and K I,. lVrkini) have filed, anil l1'. J. Sewell. present in cumbent, and W. V. Bergen are in tho race for treasurer. The candidates tabulated: l'or Mayor . J. II. Garrett and John M. Wall. Council, Ward 1- T. M. Kerr. Council, Ward 2 A. M. Car lile, J. C. Kuratli and Geo. V. Doughty. Council, Ward 3-C. lUaner and K. K. Sinn. Ilecorder-K. L, McOormick and K. L. Perkins. Treasurer-W. V. Bergen and F, J. Sewell, incumbent. I't'lU.IC SAI.I; The undersigned will sell at pub lic, sale at tho Michael Kahn Farm, i mile west of Phillips and two miles cant of Helvetia, at ten a. in., on Fit I DAY, DHOKMBKK 1. Tram, horse and mare, 3,000; 2 cows. 2 and 3 years, to freshen Jan. 1; heifer, yearling; all tu berculin tented; pig, 75 White Leghorn chickens; 3-in Mitchell wagon, nearly new; spring wa gon, nearly new; Deering binder, new hayrake. Champion mower, hayfork. Champion roll disc, ppiketooth harrow, 11 inch plow, 1-horse cultivator; 2-hurse culti vator, set springs for heavy wa eon, PVgal and 30 tful kettles, r apple boxes, ready for use, 4.r I 'rieln wheat, 5 tons oats, 30 tuna loose oat and timothy and tu'stke hay, 125 wheat sacks, 2 Id , bains, household goods, con maiinjf of kitclu-n stove, heater, lounge, bureau, sewing machine, bedste'ids and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale - $10 and under, cash; over, six months' time, ap proved bankable note at 8 per cent. Two per cent. olT on cash over $10. John Trout. Owner. J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer. rooruAi.i. The Thanksgiving name between the llillaboro All-Stars and Co lumbia I'ark takes place in the afternoon, at the High School grounds. The Hillsboro All-Star line-up: Center Vaught K. G Robinson U. T F. Schulmerich It. K Long L. G Porter L. T B. Schulmerich L. 10. . .'. Taggart Q Capt. Heater It. II Rollins, Fisher L. II McGee T Shannon Tickets on sale at City Bakery, Boscow's, Percy Long's, or from K- C. Vaught Jr. We Express Our Appreciation for past favors upon the purl of everyone within tlie community. We will be quisk to acknowledge those of the future. The Hillsboro National Bank , will always be found willing to co-opcnite toward the suc cess of Community, Business, Household and Individual. We extend sincere Thanksgiving Greeting to everyone. , W. II. Wclirung, Pres. lilLLSBOROlTIONALBANK. IIII.I.RBORO, The Christian Church organi zation has turned over the church property to the parties who loaned them money for church improvement, finding it impossible ' to liquidate. The church felt that this was the thing to do, and thus save fore closure costs. The parties mak ing tho loan have been more than lenient, and had no idea of closing in, but the organization fell that it would bo bad business lo attempt to kei'p up the inter est. So they did tho next best thing gae tho property up ho that the loan people could realize to the hest advantage. The church is permuted to hold its services in the building for the present without charges. The debt has been increasing rather than diminishing, and this led to the surrender of the lot. The action of the church was volun teer. Geo, L. Newman and Rosa llenrv. oi Mcaverton. were granted marriage license Monday afternoon. They were divorced Dec. 1. 1'Jlfi, and after a year of separation concluded to try the matrimonial state again, l'hey are highly esteemed residents of their section and their many friends congratulate them on the happy culmination of their ex periences. Just received -A fine lot of fruit trees, ornamental shrub bery, berry bushes; also straw- berries, a good family assort ment. All that any one could warn to start a yard with. Mor ton Greenhouse, corner Second and Lincoln Streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. 36-7 Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith and children start for Verenda, Cal., to spend the Winter with Mrs. Smith's parents. They expect to return in the Spring, and there are a lot of us who are go ing to prevail on II. W. to re-lo cate in Washington County. l'hey have spent the past few years over in niiamooK uiuniy. For sale; Bay mare, blooded, sound and true, line driver, good for physician or family horse; woman can drive; city uroKe; trotter. On trial for a week to responsible party. Also harness and buggy. Phone F. 361, Hills boro Central. 31-7 The Grange will run an excur sion trom mi ley, slopping ai wavpoinfs, to the Portland Live Stock Show, Dec. 0, One and one-third faro for the round trip. All Grangers and their friends are invited to make the teip. -A. T. Mux ton, Forest Grove. The Hillsboro Pharmacy is headquart -rs for useful Christ mas presents for your boy and girl. Shop early and get first choice. 36-7 A Thanksgiving wedding will be solemnized at Verboort Cath olic Church, today, Chas. A. Wtinderlich and Miss lOdith Van Loin being the high contracting parties. Masquerade ball, at Moose Hall. Thursday night. Noy. 30 Thanksgiving affair. Prizes to most comical end to best dressed couples. A. Zwiener. of Tigard, was in town yesterday. He is super visor oi' Road District 9, which voted a 9 mill special tax. Nothing nicer for a Christmas present than a Parker Pen and a line box of stationery, at Hills boro Pharm icy. 36-7 Mayor W. N. Barrett has been confined to his room several days, but is now reported as improving nicely. Notice to farmers The Beth any feed chopper will run every Saturday until further notice. A. L Croeni. 3itf Henry Brock and family have moved in from South Tualatin and taken up their residence on Fir street. ' Money to loan at 5 percent. Monthly payments. 10. M. Ca lef, Hillsboro, Ore. 24-tf David Kuratli, Cashier OUKGON A URGE Will be Able lo Handle 200,000 Pounds of Milk Daily NI;W WORK COMII.ETI:D BY JAN. I BuildiiiK Will be MdkI Modern Con- dinnery on Pacific Slnpc The second unit to the Hillsboro condenser, operated by the Car nation Company, will be com pleted by Jan. 1, unless there is too much delay oyer car shortage so as to delay building progress, 0. Boen, of Seattle, the con struction suoenntendent. now has a crew of fifty men at work, and the tile and cement walls will be finished within ten or fif teen days, and then concrete laying for the basement Jloor will start. The entire structure, the unit built last year, and the one now under construction, will have wall dimensions of 170x210 feet, and when completed the struc ture will be painted milk white. A new en iine tvom will be in stalled next Spring, and this too. will get the milk stain, even to the smokestacK. No one realizes what the con densery business has meant to Washington County, and what it has done in the past will be doubled within live years. In fact the company is now build ing ahead of present business. When the work is completed the plant will be the most modern, although not the largest, on the Pacific coast. It will be able to handle 200.000 pounds of milk daily. Could this supply obtain, at an average of $1.50 per cwt. the year around, it would mean payment to farmers of a million dollars annunlly. As the product now stands, it is not up to 50 per cent, of this amount. New machinery has been installed, and more is on the way. to re duce the cost of production to the minimum. Mr. Boon, who is conversant with the Puget Sound milk cen ters, says Washington County's possibilities are away ahead of that Bection of the Northwest, and he looks for big business in milk supply within the next few years. The company is now paying $l.i)5 for milk the highest price in the history of the county. TURKEY SHOOT Turkeys, geese and chickens to be shot for at the Garden Tracts, west end of Main Street, on Sun day, Dec. 17. Covered stands if it rains. Shells on ground SCHOOL Nl-WS The next eighth grade examina tion will be held on Jan. 18 and 19. The school library books are now ready for distribution. The teachers' examination will be held at the court house, Hills boro. Dec. 20-23. The teachers at the last annual Institute voted in favor of hold ing another spelling contest this year. The contest will open Jan. 1 and close April 20. A repiesentative from the State Superintendent's office will be in this county next week to organize industrial clubs. Co. School Supt. "Hizz Fun Makers," who have been giving entertainments up the valley, opened at the Hills boro Opera House Monday eve ning, and will play Hillsboro for several weeks. Visitors are given an entertainment that is mirth provoking, and the public is in vited out to enjoy an evening of laughter. The Hillsboro Creamery has leased the Pythian Building salesroom, formerly occupied as a grocery and meat market, and the room has been remodeled and partitioned for convenience. The Gillen water Bros, have been doing a nice business, and the new quarters will give them am ple room to expand. You will miss the time of your life if you fail to come to the Jack town school house, one mile East of Farmington, on the eve ning of Dec. 1. The play "Hia watha" will be staged, and you know how good that is. A bas ket social will follow. Admis sion, 10 cents, or 15 cents unless you bring or buy a basket. Sunday night witnessed the greatest windstorm of the Fall season, the wind attaining a ve locity of over 50 miles an hour. A driving rain accompanied the blast from the south, and build ings trembled from the force of the zephyr. Cut down your Holiday-gift expenses and get something, too, that your friends will appreciate, by otdering a supply of good photos at Johnson's Studio, up stairs, Heidel Building, near postotllce. 36-7 J. K. Dickason, of above North Plains, was a city caller Tuesday. "Hizz!" Tonight. K. G. Scott, of Sherwood, was in town Tuesday. Born, to I'enj. Perkins and wife, of Portland. Nov. 28, 1916, a girl. John Gfeller, of above Moun taindale, was greeting friends in the city the first oi' the week. Hyacinths, tulips and other bulbs, just received from Hol land, at the Morton Greenhouse. Miss Gladys Shute returned the last of the week from an ex tended visit with her uncles, the Siegrista, of LaGrande. Alf Pieren, of Helvetia, was in town the first of the week. His road district voted a special tax with but one dissenting vote. For sale: Horse and buggy Quarter mile west of Bethany Store. John Klaus, Hillsboro, Itoute 4. 36-9 Geo. Cwuleman, of Sherwood, was in town the first of the week. Geo. has 1,000 sacks of potatoes yet in the ground. Will the lady who inquired for a sewing position last week call again at my place of business, 1121 Second St?-Chris. Wuest. Prof. Bates, of Pacific Univer sity, will preach at the Congre gational church, next Sunday morning. His subject will be "The World's Great Quest." The Needlecraft will have a Bazaar and Bundle Day in the American National Bank Build ing. Dec. 16. All interested in assisting the needy will please assist Dwight Pomeroy, of Leisy- ville, was in Monday, and says the windstorm did no damage out his way, but that he was mighty glad his house was not close to standing timber. Masquerade Dance, at Helve tia, Saturday night, December 2. Three prizes will be given. Music by Smeed orchestra. Feuerstein and Wenger, man agers. John Freudenthal, of Newton, was in the city Monday. John came up with his horse and bug gy, attempting to preserve the rock roads, as the district voted no special tax Saturday. The annual meeting for the election of church officers of the Congregational church will be held Wednesday evening. Dec. 6, at 7:30. at the church. All mem bers and friends are urged to attend. A Thanksgiving program will be presented in the Grange Hall, Beaverton, on next Sunday night, by the children of St. Ce celia parochial school. The chief item will be an operetta. Ad mission, 25c and 15c. Begins sharp at 7:30. Herman and William Bishup, the Mountaindale sawmill men, were in the city Tuesday, on a purchase of 40 acres of new tim ber for their mill. They have had all they could do the past year, and have orders ahead that will keep them busy another year. Xvlvpsfpr Fnvram. who has been with the Independent sev pral vears. thwarted Sundav for Corvallis, where he takes charge of the composing rooms of the Corvallis Gazette-limes. Mr. Favram is a capable man around a newspaper otlice, and the best wishes of many friends go with him and his family. Mrs. t ay ram and little daughter will visit friends in Forest Grove and Portland before going to Corval lis. The building occupied by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Phillips, on Main, near the Crescent Theatre, was partially burned about 5:30 last Saturday evening, the fire catch ing from the flue, where the stove pipe enters. Mrs. Phillips had just built a fire, and the stove pipe parted from the flue, sparks catching the wall paper. The loss was several hundred dollars, partially covered by in surance. The piano was taken out after it was t adly scorched. The insurance will help some, but it will still leave a loss of two or three hundred dollars. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at her farm, a quar ter of a mile east of Santa liosa Station, on the Oregon Electric, at 10 a. m., on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 Team of horses. 8 and 9 yrs. old respectively, 1300 lbs. each; white sow, farm wagon with top, box wagon, spring wagon, 2 sets of buggy harness, set of team har ness, 4 plows, drag harrow. 2 platform scales, disk, hay fork and rope, cultivator, roller, ton land lime, stump puller with ca ble and plow complete, mower, rake, flax seed, hay in barn, red clover seed, and other th'ngs too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums under $10. cash in hand; $10 and over, 6 months time, bankable note at 8 per cent. liosa Merlo, Ow ner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Y COURT MAKES ESilfWR TAXES Budget Meeting to Discuss Ex penditure Will be Held Dec. U LBS THAN 1915 BUDGET HfiLRES Enlimale h W98.MS in Against $11.5. 190.27 lor Last December County Judge p. B. Iieasoner and Commissioner liodell Matte son completed the annual budget last evening, and it is published this week. The estimate for 1117 expenditures, to be passed on Dec. 21. is less than the esti mated figures acted on at last year's budget meeting." The of ficial budget; OFFICIAL COUNTY BUDGET Fop Washington County, Oregon, Con taining Estimates of Public Ex penditures for the Year 1917 Notice 1K hereby Riven that on Saturday, IX-c-mbT 23, 1916, at 10 A. M., of nald day in tho County ('ourt room ln the City of Hil!lKjro, Ort'Kori, a meeting of tho County Court will he hi-ld for the purpose of levying taxes to mti t the expanses of 'anblnt.f on County for tho year 1917, and that at such time and place any taxpayer aubjwt to such levy when made, may bo heard In favor or against any proposed tax levies as shown by tho itemized estimate of contemplated expenditures to be ralaoti by taxation as made by the County Court an follows: Sheriffs Office Salary Sheriff $1800.00 Salary Deputy Sheriff .. 1200.00 Kxpenxes 2600.00 Tax Collections 1500.00 Stamps, Stationery and Print ing 1000.00 Board of Prisoners and Jail Kxpenses 945.00 Total ...$9045.0O County Clerk's Office Salary Clerk $1800.00 Salary Deputy Clwk . 1200.00 Aerntintant and Stenographer 900.00 Stenographer and Record Writer 720.00 Stationery and Supplies 750.00 Total $5370.00 Recorder's Office Salary Recorder $1200.00 Snlary Deputy Recorder 900.00 Assistant Deputy 720 00 llecord Books (four). 100.00 Stationery, Stamps and Sup plies 225.00 Total ..- $3145.00 Treasurer' Office Salary Treasurer $ 900.00 Clerical Help 250.00 Books. Stationery and Print- InK - 150.00 Total - .$1300.00 Surveyor's Offlc Expenses, Supplies, etc $ 300.00 Assessor's Office Salary Assessor $1200.00 Salary Office Deputies 936.00 Salary Field Deputies 1762.50 Stationery, Printing, etc... 5nn.00 Siilaries Copyists. W'ritlntr Tax Roll 700.00 Salaries Extending Tax Rolls 250.00 Total $5348.50 County Court and Commissioners Snlary County Judse - $1200.00 Estimated Salary Commis- s loner 700.00 Estimated Salary Commis sioner 7OA.00 Clerical Help x. 350.00 Expense of Judge ISO.on Expense of Commissioner 200.00 Expense of Commissioner 200.00 Total $3500.00 Court House Expense, Jani tors' Salaries, Fuel, Light, Repairs, etc 4400 00 Circuit Court, Witnesses, Jur ors. Bailiffs. Reporters, etc. 9500.00 Juvenile Court 450.00 Justice's Courts 500.00 Coroner's Office - 1000.00 Insane . 300.00 School Superintendent's Office Salary School Superintendent..$12nn.nn Salary Clerk Hire.... 600.0(1 Postage 2S0.0O Traveling Expenses 200 00 Express, Freight and Pmyage 30.00 Stationery and Printing, .Rlank Ttooks . 225.00 Library Fund 900.00 Teacher's Examinations 25.00 Furniture and Repairs 25.00 Eichth Grade Examinations.... 150.00 Institutes 300.00 Total $3935.00 School l evy. $8 per capita. $69,000.00 Hirh School Tuition Wash ington Countv 7000.00 Rich. School Tuition. Other Counties 5000.00 Truant Officer 10fl.no Health Officer 4S4.40 Local Registrars of Rirtts ' and Deaths 125.00 Fnilt Inspector 200,00 Widow's Pensions Poor and Poor Farm 9500.00 7000.00 Indigent Soldiers' Relief Fund - 1000.00 Tax Rebates 800.00 80.00 304.40 1441.72 9000.00 Scaln Rounties District Sealer Weights and Measures Street and Sower Assess ments (Citv of Hillsboro) Road Supervisor's Salaries ... Veterinarv Surgeon and Stock Inspector 250.00 Cuttle Indemnity 3000.00 Miscellaneous and Unfore seen Contingencies 5500.00 Advertising and Publishing County Court Proceedings 1200.00 Auditing Countv Rooks 400.00 Advertising Delinquent Tax List 700.00 County snd State Fairs 400.00 Roads and Highways Countv Roads 95.OOn.on Countv Rridges 15.00fl.00 Road Machinery 5,000.00 Imnrovement. County Road No. front Reaverton to Multnomah County Line, bituminous Mnenrtam 10.000.00 Imnrovement Countv Road No. from Multnomah Countv line toward Taylor Rrldee wllh Ditumlnous Maeadam 10,000.00 Redressln" with Ritnmlnons Macadam Countv Road hp tween Forest Grove and Gaston . 10.000.00 lriiinVHrjiit Honks Forest (rnv p.n'l with Ultiiintnout Msos'lsm I.VYKI.OO Kxixmiiom 1)1x1 Attorney's Otll 12UU:it0 Estimated Rule Tax for the year 1917 77,213.80 Tital $.'if.B!6.e Kstimated Fees and Finos from Clerk's and Record er's Offices 9000.00 Interest on Doposlt 2000.00 Special School, City and Road Taxes la be lovled, not ready for publication. I!y order of tho County Court of Washington County, Oregon, made and dated this November 2Sth. 1916. V. 11. REASONER, County JtKk'p. R. MATTES ON, County Commissioner, SALE BAZAAR DINNER Given by the St. Matthew's Par ish, at St. Matthew's School flail, will be held on December 8th, 9th and 10th. Many usesul articles will be on sale. The women of the Parish will serve dinner Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 12 to 2 p. m and Sat- ! urday evening, 5 to 8 p. m. En tertainments hive been provided so that all will have a trood time. RECEIVER'S SALE AT AUCTION We are instructed by the Circuit Court of Washington County, through the Receiver, the Port land Association of Credit Men, to sell at public auction, all the stock and equipment of the Cap itol Hill Dairy, situated on the Scholls road, 1-2 mile north of Olsen's Station, five miles south west of Portland, at 10 a. m., on THURSDAY. DEC. 7 Thirty-one cows some fresh, some coming fresh; 2 Holstein bulls: 12 heifers, 1 and 2 years old; 6 horses, viz: Heavy work team, 4 driving horses; 25 three gallon cans; cream separator; 3 milk wagons: 2 farm wagons; 2 sets double harness; single set harness; hay fork and carrier; pipe vise; wagon-jack; shovels and all other effects of said dairy. ler.i;8. (ash. J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. Mrs. Mary E. Best, well known here and at Gaston, died at Hes- sel, Cal.. Nov. 22, 1916. She was visiting with her sons. W. E and G. B.. at the time she was overtaken by her fatal ill ness. Mrs. Best was born in England in 1837, and married Edw. Best in that country. They came to Oregon over 40 years ago. A daughter.- Mrs. H. S. Hudson, lives in Portland. The funeral took p'ace in Portland, Saturday. Deceased .was an aunt of Mrs. Fred A. Everest, ot this city. David Crockett Pierson, aged 76 years, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. John Mezzner, at Beaver Creek, Clackamas Coun ty, Nov. 25. The remains were brought to this city for inter ment. Mr. Pierson was a stock man, and was one ot the pioneers of Oregon. He lived at Hillsbo ro many years ago. Evangelist H. E. Marshall, of Salem, will begin a series of meetings Friday, Dec. 1, at Bap tist Church, and will continue for three weeks. Mr. Marshall is a strong man. He is no trick ster nor sensationalist. He is witty, forceful, logical and elo quent. He wins by appealing to the mind and heart and not to the passions. All cordially wel come. Lome Palmateer, well known here, was married at San Diego, Cal.. Nov. 16. 1916. to Miss Genevieve Clifton. The groom is a son of Mrs. G. J. Palmateer, of this city. He has been con nected with the San Diego police department for several years. I buy beef, pork, poultry of all kinds, and pay the highest mar ket prices consistent with sav ing you delivery. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Rt. 4, Box 20. Phone Beaverton 53, line 3. 37-tf Turkeys were fairly good price this year, selling at 28 and 30 cents dressed. It id estimated that Washington County raised 50 per cent, more of the Thanks giving birds this year than in 1915. Married: At home of Edw. Dixon. Forest Grove, Ore., Nov. 23. 1916, Carl Patterson, of Whit man County, Wash., and Ethel Dixon, Rev. Wood officiating. Marriage license has been granted Thos. R. Moore and Elizabeth H. Withycombe, of Farmington. Tabor Hoyt, who is working at lacoma, is here for thanks giving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hoyt. J. H. Haase. of South Tuala tin, was in the county seat Tuesday. Adam Beil, of Centerville, was a county seat visitor Monday morning. E. F.,McGill. of Portland, was out to Hillsboro, Tuesday, on business. E. C. Brown was down fr,om Forest Grove, Tuesday, greeting friends. For Rent Two rooms, close in, including "water, light and telephone. Inquire at this office. UoyKHNIONAk F. A. I3AILHY, M. D. Phyrilr inn ami .Surgeon Office: Upmnmt in !n 1. n n ciidi Bin Hesidmico KuhiIiwchI corner fiaiehu ml Weironil Hire i Phonea, officii V- insiiieinw, City W ELMER K. SMITH M. D. D. O PHYSICIAN & SURGKCW OSTKOK-ATH "oriip!tely ti ipetl Miction. b hpilnl in rt n Calls atihwtritMi phones. Olfi' ov !;iv of ,.ht. Boll. HiOsi.t ir Nstions E. B TONOb K ATToVtNHY-AT-LAW I'fhcc n,ut:i In Scliulnieil ;!i B) )C DR E. T. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN tft In wmnnction ElaotrlcHt. Hydro- IhmrpMihy ami Solmntltla Dltmtlom. Calls Answered Day and Nitfht Olflee Phone City Ksidn'i City 272 Offlw 1 ani 2 H, hM HMH. Patterson Undertaking Company O A. Patterson. Mwr. FONKBAL PlRKCTORS A.VD KMBALMHRS Free C!;a::i-ls Lariv A.nrnnt Oyer Hilltoori H irtiiture & lldvr. Ci. Ni(ht and Sunday Phone Main 17. Da? rnoBe Mam 773 Lkened Oreton 280. Pnui. 1018 Phaa. air 972 GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate Price. Personal Service Reaidcac Funeral Parlors, Wsskiasioa ml 8th HUlboro.Ore. . . nj. !Orn SCHNABEL & LaROCHE tcaftrsuaf sfaie, nMMu, mrtal'Ksi6r.iit 5)Rtat:ni-rafHit, aoKn . iehawmtt Utfrni&cit in slit ultfr ' Uomii Hftfitftair cniftm. edHlMn!uin m m utoo nit iirttnra etama flotnOoo oemcn. VTSAfflf ss stltl MrtiStltalH trflki JtoialatloitaattHi. Urtmmiiunifit. ttiUIA' enftof'fl nil nnftten Kllrnlrn. ra-!tsiBti: Cst tn atat is ( furesf. Itltvton: IKartlMil itM; AiMaa oo rt4 SUmtct f bunn tf . PORTLAND. ORE. WILLIAM G. HARE rroRVKv-T-,Aw Upstairs American National Hank UUlg BlIiLSBOIiO. OKEKO JOHN M. WALL ATTOHNBY-AT-V Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bldg. Mr'n it in HILL6BOKO, - CH: 9UN. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Hillsboro Nation al Bank Building Main Street. Hillsboro - - - On E. L. PERKINS ATrOiiNKY-AT-LAW Notary Public-Collections, Loans, eto. Room I Comnierc.al'llank Bld(j, ujnuir HIT iSBORO. ' ORKOON DR. W. H. PASLEV Dentist Ollicesintbe Hoidol Building, upstair Maiu Street, adjoining Post OtRce Bldn.; Rjom.s 1 ami -4. I'uuna City 9(2 Hillsboro - - Oregon W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-AT-L AW Orrici: Main Street, opp. Court Houi HI3USBOKO CRKGO THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNKY AT-LAW Office, upsta'rs lu SchU'tuurictt Rloct- Hillsboro, - - t"rigor DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENT I ST Tnmmste Bldg. looms 5 and t HILLS BOU.il, OitK. M.i.n and ""hir.l G. W. Stevens Deep Water Well Driller Bax 54, HilUbjo, Oregon "Hizz." at Opera House. John Milne, of North Tualatin Plains, was in the city the last of the week, Dolls, Teddy Boars, American Model Butldcrs with mortar, 50c to $5.00, at Hillsboro Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sauer and daughter, Mrs. Walter Hennett. were here from Oregon City, the first of the week. Barney Garrett, attending U. of O., is home for the Thanks giving holidays.