i ri Thanksgiving ja Surprise "B"IIE most un-American Thnnks fl giving I ever spent was in a H French hulol ton years neo," Fay? a woman contributor to Die Now York C,lole. "The proprietor was a friendly old soul and llleral to a limit Ho not only Invited all the gnosis in the house to dinner, but he tout invitations to e.t-guets as well. "One family who had spent the pre vious winter with him had none home lo America, leaving their daughter at RthixI. Old M. Wane sent an invita tion to the school, and the demoiselle Amerlcnlne and a poorness came to Paris and spent tlic day nt the hotel. "I had a country house near Taris then, hut M. Rlane did not forgot mo . . I jsacfi nasi mTnTmmT . . - . f either. Sn went into Paris, taking my two gin with me. The hotel was a small one, hut well known, and It was a rendezvous for many Interest ing Americana. The tables wore deck ed with holly and mistletoe. "M. Plane In his ardor had mixed up our American fetes, lie moved about, smiling mysteriously and whispering to questioners that ho had a surprise In store for US a dessert which would make us all fool as If we won1 not In Paris nt all, but back In that farofT Vhor. vons' (at home) whence wc had come. "There was much laughing and mer riment, and we drank M. Plane's health In his host wine as a mark of appreciation. His waiters soon appear ed tottering beneath the weight of a huge plum pudding wreathed In holly and bearing an American and a Trench tlag. "Of course we heaped hhu wtth praise. He beamed and beamed, pour ed brandy over his chef d'oenvre and lighted It, served it himself and said to each Hrson as they thanked him: 'Did I not tell you you would feel cho reus? It Is good and hot. Your na tional dish! Will you have some more fire!' " j; Announcement- HEINECK BROS, are now prepared to receive orders for meat over the telephone and will give same their careful attention, and deliver promptly. OUR BUSINESS will be done on a strictly CASH basis which will enable us to save you money. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE Phone, Main 83 til 17 Second St Reduced Fares for Thanksgiving Day Visits November 26 and 30 round trips will be sold between stations on the OREGON ELECTRIC RYn (mini mum 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children of five and under twelve years of age) good for return until Monday following. GO OREGON ELECTRIC Through Tickets East and South via Portland G.' W. MASON, Agent Hillsboro, Oregon Pure Food Show, Portland, Nov. 9-18 Pacific International Livestock Show, Portland,JDec.4-9 Spokane Apple Show, Spokane, Nov. 20-25 pP S.E.BIRD& CO. MB plU Hillsboro, Oregon - J. V. Connell W. T. Kerr CONNELL & KERR General Commission Business We Buy Hay, Grain, Potatoes, and Pay the Highest Market Price. Also handle Veal and Pork, on foot or dressed. ai'MUON. IN THE CIRCl'IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Cressie Stiles, riaintiff, versus John Stiles, IVfendant. To John Stiles, above named de fendant: In the Name of the State of Ore iron you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, on or before Monday, December 11, 1916, and if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit for a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing between you and plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and for other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Coo. R. Bagley, Judge of the Circuit Court for the State of Ore gon for Washington County, made and dated October 19, 1916, and the first publication of this summons is October 26, 1916, and the last pub lication is December 7, 1916. SAM M. JOHNSON. Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Building, Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Justice Court for Hillsboro Jus tice of the Peace nt'd Constable Distr ct Washington Connty, Oregon. W. i,. Stevens, and F I. Steven, part tiers doing business under the firm name and styir of Mevens Bros., Plaintiffs vs. Hat vey Smith, Defendant. lo Harvey Smith, defendant: Iu the name of the State of Oregou you nereny required to appear and snsw the complaint filed against vou in the aboe entitled court and action on before the la day of the time prescribed in tner oilier lor publication of th summons, vit: On or before the expira tiou of six weeks next from and after the dRte of hrst publication of this summons viz: November 9th, 1916, and if you mil to so appear anil answer, for wan thereof judgment will be granted plaintiff, for judgment as prayed for their said complaint, viz: For the rum of fiii.37with eight percent, interest from May 1st, 1915, and the further sum of $20.66 with eight per cent, interest at tne rate of eight per cent, from June 1st 1915, and the ccsts and disbursements of this action. Dated, at Hillsboro, Oregon, this No veiuber 6th, 1916. W. D. Smith, Justice of the Peace. K. h. Perkins, Attv. for Plaintiffs. Notice of Final Settle-rent Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the duly appointed, qua) lied and act:ng Administrate of th. Estate of Catherine Jane Witbycomlie, Deceased, hs file 1 in ihe County Court of tl e Slate ol Oregon for Washington County his final Account in said hsiate md that said Court ha fixed Monday, the nth day of December, U., 1916, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M if said day in the Connty Conrt Room in the CoudIv Court House of Washing ton County, Oregon, ns the time an. plac; Tor hearing raid Final Account and all objections thereto nnd for the hoal settlement of said Estate. Dated this 4th day tf November, A u., 1JI0. Thomas Withvcombe. Administrator of the Estate of Catheri ne Jane Witl.ycombe, Deceaed. k. B. Tongue, Attoiney for Admin istrator. Pythian Building, Second St, - - I IHIsboro, Oregon COUNTY COURT Continued From Last Week) Following are the claims allowed for the month of October, 1916. Goff Bros, $5.50; Goff Bros, $191.50 Goff Bros, $2.50; F M Reynolds, $3 H White, $31.90; Groner & Rowell Co, $7.20; Copeland & McCready, $42.50; C R Morgan, $6; W F Robert son, $8.25; Goff Bros, $2.60; J. Groff, $15.75; H J Groff, $4; A Lunow $6.25; J L Groff, $21.25; A Pieren, $33.88; II J Groff $21.25; A Baderta- cher, $19.70; E Korn, $17.50; R Greener, $21; CP PritslatT, $21; M Benian, $18; Geo. Krug, $12; A Lunow, $9; Will Bunger, $9; Claude Erickson, $12; L M Rider, $36; Elmer Williams, $48; Geo Bidwell, $14.50; Mr. Watson $11.50; Mr. O'Larry, $9; E E Kopping, $3.50; E L P Jack son, $20; Mr. Stokesbury, $20.40; W. H Lidhard, $2; Frank Perkins $35; Homan, $6; Ray Simons, $3.80: John Hardebeck. $24.35: J W Hughes $19.39; C N Johnson, $27.50; Robert Dcbhazer, $33.27; Geo Hoar, $14.30; Willis Vail, $7.35; N Bothman, $28; John Wilson, $88; G Ritzlaff, $68: I Howes, $8: J Parsons. $8: J Churc- ill, $6; Cecil Lilly, $18: L Kahler, $4; W Thies, $8; J Woods, $46.90; J Woods $17.50; G Pritzlaff, $8.80: Ora Smith, $31; Joe Lilly. $4.20: L Gor- lon, $78; B F McNamer, $88.50; H G Kriedcr, $52.65; H G Krieder, $15; D V Buell, $9.60; A Lamont, $12; J Devlin, $58.80; J B Bartlett, $45.80; A B Todd, $31.50; John Friday, $28.75; Blank, $1. II A Kuratli, Sal Dep Co Clerk, 100. Edwin C Luce, Sal County Clerk, $150. Edna Gilkey, Assistant CIerk,s Office, $75. Genevieve Collette, elections, $60. Alma Schulmerieh, Elections, $19.- 50. R C Vaught, Elections, $33. E B Sappington, Sal Co Treasurer $75. Mrs. Bessie Hanley, Clerk Treasur er's office, $36. I) B Reasoner, Sal Co Judge, $100. R Matteson, gal Co Commissioner, $72.00 Wm Tupper, Sal Janitor $60.00 W R Montgomery al assistant jan itor, $50.00 I Mattie Wilson, Clerk Co Judges office i $7.50. Mrs. Bessie Hanley, Clerk Co Judge's office, $9.00 Max Crandall, Sal County Assessor $100.00 Mattio Wilson, lVp Assessor, $67.50. B W Barnes, Sal School Supt, $100, Zola Walch. Clerk School Supt office $r0.00 James II Davis, Sal Co Recorder, $100.00 ,.W F Holey, IVputy Recorder, Sal $75.00 F A Everest, assistant deputy Recorder $60.00 E M Brooks, Election 60 cents. J S Smith, Elections Exp $10.56. Hillsboro Independent. Election Ex $S0.00 R I. W.tnn, Election Exp $3.76. Dr. R . M Erwin, Relief F Froitag $4.75. Kilham Stationery & Printing Election Exp $22.50. M E Buck Registration nnd clec tion. $13.20. Hillsboro Independent, Election Ex $275.00 Manche I Ennglov, EKvtion Ex $20.60 W R Stevens Election Exp $1.50 E X Harding: Election Exp $7.58. B B Reeves, Election Exp. 50c. J H Sehamoni, Election Exp $2.10, F M Wadosworth, Election Exp $.'!.' Dave Wheeler. Election Exp $14.60, Hillsboro Independent Exp Sheriff $1.00 Hillsboro Independent, Co. Ct Ex $9.00 John O Engeldingor, C II exp, tw bills, 75c and $1.50. Dr J 0 Robb Exam Physician Mrs. Paul Tews .insane, $5.00 W E Finzor, Exp School Supt $6.07 A V Denney, Fruit inspector, $7.00, E B Sappington, Exp Co Treasurer $3.00 Dr. E J Crowthers, Health, Regis trar, $2.75. Dr E B Brookbank, Health Regis trar, $5.75. Dr. W B Munford, Health Registrar $7.25. Dr. James A linker, Health Regis- trar, $3.25. Alma G Willard, Health Registrar $1.75. Dr W II Becker, registrar, $2.75. Dr. P M Carstens, $5.75. . Dr J B Dinsmore, Registrar, $4.00. Dr R Hettelsater, Registrar, $.75, J F Jones, Exp District Sealer, $24.12. Hillsboro Independent, exp recor der, $10.00 Widow's Pension: Hilma Hnlver- son, $25; Ida McCormick, $17.50 Florence L Wickizer, $12.65; May Dixon, $40; I.uella D Crane, $10 Ella Pruden, $17.50; Eva Adams $10: Anna VanLoo, $25: Emma Viola Russell, $10; Lillic D Henton $10; Eva Williams, $10; Bertha Larson, $10; Elizabeth Fowler, $10 Nellie F Ferguson, $10; Nettie R Jeffers, $10; Helma I.undeen, $17.50 Emma Baney, $10.00; Carrie P Par- mele, $17.50; Katie J Creighton, $10; Louanna Boring,$10; Nellie My' ers, $17.50; Anna Lingman, $17.50 Ethel May Noyes, $32.50; Rosa Sears $10; Anna Fitzpatrick, $20; Louise Micek, $32.50; Grace Bruce, $40 Lizzie Adamson, $17.50; Carrie Wyant, $17.50; Lena Mast, $40; Al vina M Williams, $17.50; Ruth Kaae, $25; Molly Wilkes, $ Charolette E Levick, $25; Margaret Wall, $10; Minnie Blake, $15.85 Theodora V Marlin, $17.50; T P Goodin, Relief Benj Ingles $10. Dr. Paul M E Carstens, Relief Ern est Eggers, $5.00. GAR Post No 69, Relief Mrs. O E Rothrick, $25.02: GAR Post No 69, relief Mrs. B K Haines, $7.90; Hillsboro General Hospital, Re lief Ben Ingles, $20.90; Matilda Nord, Relief, $10; Chas Gardner, County Farm, $19.15; C F Casteel, Relief Newton Peters, $5; A C Sch- roeder, relf,$7.50; Eveline LaChapple, Relief, $10; A II Schottman, Relief, Mrs. Fischer,'" $20; Estelle Neep, Relief, $10; Cora Stemple, $17.50; R Vincent, Relief Mrs. Burnham, $21; Carl Skow, county farm, $106,. 75; Mrs Michael Boyd, Relief Mrs Burnham, $24; Mrs. M B Welch, relief, $15. Clarence Young,supt. Co farm, $75, B W Barnes, exp Sch Supt, $41.65. Washington Hotel, Cir Co. jurors exp, $3.5. Henry Roberts, Cir Co., $8.60. circuit court witnesses St vs Thompson, Herschel Glutter, $2; Mrs. Van Iadigus, $6; J X John son, $10. Cir Ct Wit St vs. Gossman, E M Mays, $3.20; W E Mays, $3.20. Cir Co Wit, Ncilson vs Pike, Mr Varley, $4. Bert Walter Wit Juvenile Ct. $2.80. II T Hesse R & II $2.50. Grant Zumwalt, Sheriff's Office, 139.00 J E Reeves, Sheriff's Expense, $193.00 J II Collier, County Court, $9.00. Charles Ritehy, Sheriff's Office $6. North Coast Power Co, C II exp, $31.70. E M Ward, County Farm, $61.00. A B Spitler, Election, $1.70. Hillsboro Transfer Co, election Exp. $1.01. Hillsboro Telephone Co, C H exp, $42.00. Walch Grocery Relief Mrs. Tray- lor, $8.72. Wm Tupper, C II Exp. $1.00. W W Boscow, Co Farm, $18.35. C G Rietcr, exp Co Surveyor, $24. Edw C Luce, Elections, $13.00. -Glass & Prudhomme Exp Co Re corder, $4.25. Geo A Wilcox, Election Exp $2.10 Glass & Prudhomme, Sheriff's Exp $1.56. Delta Drug Store, Exp Co Clerk, Drug Store, County Farm, Drug Store, Exp Co Judge, $3.15. I Vita $10.80. Delta $1.75. IVIta Drug Store, Relief, $2.35. James H Davis, Exp Co Recorder, $s.oo. Henton Howiuan, Juvenile Ct, $5. Hillsboro Ice A Fuel Co., 0 II Exp, $S1.25. Win Isenseo. R & II, $20.11. Tax Refund: Parrish Watkins A Co $36.16; Parrish Watkins & Co $13.15; Parrish Watkins A Co $1.97; Maggie J MoFaddon.J $6.85; Maggie J MVFaddon, $3.54. J K Reeves. Sal Sheriff, $150.00 Geo Alexander, Sal Dupnty Sheriff $100.00 Fred B Siegrist, Clerk, Sheriff's Office (Ledger) $128.40. E J Boos, clerk Sheriff's office, $68.80. Sal Supr Rd Rist No 360 f. Ncilson, $12.25. Sal Supr R.I Dist No 26 John Traschsel, $32.25. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 3 W N Hawthorne, $13.75. Sal Supr 1M Dist No 10-J J Shot vin, $2.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 13 A Todd, $30.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 18 Alfrol Pieren, $12.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist No 19 Fre Hamel, $17.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 21-Georg Fisher, $31.25. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 24 -J Hoffman, $2.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 25 J A Zim merman, $22.50. Sal Supr R.I Dist No 31 T Moore, $7.50. Sal Rd Supr R.I Dist No 111 ' Moore, $30.00 Sal Supr R.l Dist No 34 -Ambrose Schmidlin, $45.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist No 411 Ott Brose, $60.00 Sal Supr R.l Dist Noll A Kruger, $10.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist No 44 W Eddy, $2.30. Sal Supr R.l Dist No 45 Alfrtv Pieren, $31.25. Sal Supr Thatcher Quarry, $( L W House, County Court Ex $25.50. HillsU.ro Ice A Fuel Co C II Ex $213.63. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 14-Albor Vundorzamlen, $3.75, Sal Supr Rd Di.:t No 33 Hen Dee sacker, $6.25. Dist Dist No 11 -J No 46-D Dist No 17 John Dist No 12 W Dist No.24 J II Dist No 32 Thos Nols Lar- 15 J M -A Zwien Sal Supr ltd Sal Supr I!d Smith $5.00. Sal Supr Rd Friday, $12.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 37 Grant Mann, $10.00. Sal Supr R. Dist No 1 Charlc Geiberger, $2.50. Sal Supr Dd Gregg, $15.00. Sal Supr Rd Hoffman, $5.00. Sal Supr Rd Bradley, $10.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist No son, $15.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist IVo 35 Carl tserggren, $12.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No Hiatt, $60.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 5 J Molin $12.50. Sal Supr Rd Dint No 9 or, $r.0.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 20 Thomas Murphy, Jr, $47.80. hal Supr Rd Dist No 4 E W Dethlefs, $23.75. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 18 J Groff $12.00. G P H Lumber Co R A II $263.72, IT Ml.. I r .-. n . . . .. liiiinuiiru mercuniue uo Keller Mrs Haines, $11.75. The Argus Co Ct Exp, $25.00 The Argus Election Exp $0.50. D B Reasoner, Co Ct Exp, $8.80, W D Smith, J P fees St vs Fisher. $K.30. W B Fuller, Constable Fees St Blackburn, $6.10. W I) Smith, J P Fees St vs Black burn $6.70. R Matteson, R & H, $25.9'). K & II: Low Holman, $3; O Ahlstrom, $86.47: J Devlin. .'!4.5fl- M West, $32.50; Walter Willis, $31, 50; Joe Rarick, $(1.25: C Moriran. $47.62; John Heeiincker, $2; M E Simmons, $1.25; J L Miller, $3; Neal Sills, $13; Thos Williams, $4; Milton Cole, 75c; Rcnj Bennett, $4; Alfred, Meinel, $4; J Gassner, $4; John Cole $6; Jacob Kemmer, $8; Nick Kem- mer, $11.75; J S Tannock, $8; G B immerman, $7; W E Zimmerman, $8; J W Zimmerman, $3; Wayne Buchanan, $20.25; J W Zimmerman, $11.25; W M Pulley, $69.80; Wm Sowell, $81.80; U L Smart, $68.75; II Johnson, $21.60; J Lyon, $05; ohn Abcln, $00; L Gabel, $62.20; A Mueller, $00.60; Joe Quigley, $65; K Ostrim, $61.05: J Sprint.' J60..30: linton Fahle, $43.20; E Klinger, $130; F Prohaska, $34; II Eliunder, $72; Lewis Ennis, $51.75; Ray Han sen, $58.50; James B Chowning, $72; II P Chowning, $22.50; Mrs. Mc- Gowan, $72; If Robinson, $90; A F eterson, $10; J L McNeill, $10; Norn's Olson, $6; W L Workman, $4.50; A Malborg, $4; O Sohlaadt, 2; Paul Jensen, $8; E D Ilite, $4.50; Bruce Denny, $31.50; J Conoway, $17.50; N Snyder, $24.50; N Wood, $34; Hughes, $6; E Klinger, $64.85 sen, $18.30; ...78.006A 1th.: e Hoffman Bros, bridges, $18.30; Wal lace Hansen, $1.25; Harry Robinson, $35.25; Nels Larson, $20; Leonard Brown, $17.14; Geo Miller, $3; Geo Miller, $49.50; Mr. Desslnger, $4; Bnnks Lumber Co, $12.75; Corl & arms, $1.05; Wolf & Neilson, $107.- 34; Wolf & Nelson, $203.72; Wolf A Nelson, $95.84; Copeland Mc" ('ready, $2.39; E.llefsen Fuel Co, $16.68; S P R U CO, $141.80; S P R R Co, $155. 98; S P It R Co, $42.54; S P R R Co, $255.24; S 1 R R Co, $133.65; Herman Boge, $3.40; John ltoge, $14.21 II 11 Reese, $14.46; E C Pike, $18.36; Chas Walker, $13.80; M Ilerdan, $6.12; W E Hays, $11.60; R Diller, $2.50; J S West, $24.50; Tualatin Mill Co Bridges. $390.93; Buxton Mercantile Co, $9.25; Hills boro, Mercantile Co, $13.40; George Hurkhnlter, $29.90; Henry W Scott, $16; R R Matteson, $24.75; Ralph Nelson, $14.25; Rinehart Herr, $19.75 John Jackse, $22.25; Arthur Knox, $13.75; Marshall Matteson, $21.50; Ernest Ilerr, $20.75; O Hnnklns, $20.50; Verne Baldwin, $25.75; II M Jones, $13.75; George Stewurt, $2. 26; M Luster, $20.; F C Heuer, $20; H O Richard. $20; I King, $27. 50; A Sohoenfoldt, $27.60; Ollnger litis, $14.35. J K Reeves. Tax Refund. $1.10. Maggie J McFa.l.len, TK Refund. 16.58; Parrish Watkins A Co, tux re fund, $$18.08. S E Bird, R A II, two bills, $2 81 and $1.05. Hillsboro Pharmacy, Relief, $7.60. Hillsboro Livery R A II $8.00. Hillsboro Mercantile Co, Co Farm, $54.32. II O Groff Cir Ct Wit St Goss- man, $4.00. Washington County News-Times, Co Ct Exp. $25. George Thyng, Election, $12.00, Wm McQuillin, traunt officer, $14.25. Win McQuillin, Justice court, $8.10, W E Pegg. Relief Mrs. Burnham $25. Mil Supr K.I Dist No 10 N Both man, $60. Sal Supr Kd Dist No 50 F J Wil liams, $40.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist No 18 J Groff, $10.00. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 2 Z T Col $7.00. I opolancl . A McCready, R A (Machinery Building) $52.80. Bu.lger Lumber Co, Machinery llllll.llilg $18.00, Oregon City Enterprise, Elect! Expense $35.28. John Herb, Relief Win Pavey, $10. J h West, sl8 mbm mhm Sal Rupr Rd Dist No 2-J West, $38.13. Sal Supr R.l Dist No 47 Nl Kemmer, $5.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist CnmpMI, $17.50. Sal Supr Rd Sist Robinson, $57.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist Scott, $32.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 53 C M Sehoflehl, $20.00. Leonard llrown, Election Exp, 25c Tux Refund: J E Reeves, $2.20 J h Reeves, $2.28; J E Reeves, 1 J h Reeves, $8.64; J E Reeves, $47c Parrish Watkins A Co, $18.08; J Reeves, three bils, $4.32, $3.93 nd $2. S E Bird, R A H, $2.84. S E Bird, R A II, $1.05. M.Farland Bros Bridges, $4.79. 1! hi. No 28-J No 22 Harry No23-H W SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. amy vtatMnn, riaintifr, versus Richard Watson, IVfendant. lo Richard Watson, above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from the dnto of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, on or before Monday, December 11 lain, nnd if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit for a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing between you and plaintiff on the grounds of cruel nnd Inhumnn treatment, and for other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. inis summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judjre of the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for Washington County, made and dated October 28, 1916, nnd the first publication of this sum mons is October 26, 1916, and the last publication Is December 7, 1916, SAM M. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Building, Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale issued out of the Cir- uit Court of the Stute of Oreiron. for Washington County, in a cause therein perilling wherein Albert Bled soe is plaintiff and J. Francis Teevin and Daisy Teevin. his wife. Georire II. (.els and Geis. his wife, Willu P. Sherman, formerly Willa P, Binkley, and Harry A. Sherman, her iiUHimnd, W. K. Noble, A. H. Ander son nnd hnther Anderson, his wife. l.ee l llaycock and Haycock his wife, are defendants, nnd dated the 13th day of November, 1916, to me directed and delivered and com manding me to make sale of the parcel of real property hereinafter described in order to satisfy the sum of $2900.00 together with Interest thereon from the 7th duy of October, 911, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $250.00 attorney's fees and the further sum of $49.35 costs and dis bursements In said cause, for which said sums judgment was rendered In raiil cause on the 13th day of Nov- mber, 1916, in favor of the plaintiff nd ngninst defendants 3. Francis Teevin and Daisy Teevin, his wife, nnd to satisfy the costs and expenses of and upon said writ, I will on Sat urday, the 16th day of December, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of th Co. Court House of Wnslilrgton County, In llillidioro, Oregon, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for rash in hand nil of the following described parcel of rent property situate lit Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the center of Section thirty -three in township three North of linage ttir west of Willamelto Meridian In Washington County, Ore gon, and running thence south one hundred roils: thence west eighty rods; (hence North one hundred rods: theme east eighty rods to the place of beginning containing fifty acres. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as per statute of the State of Oregon. Dated November 13th, 1916. .1. E, REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore if. m. Hv GEORGE ALEXANDER. Deputy SUMMONS. In Ihe Circuit Courl of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. Zulu llicliiimn, Plaintiff, v Minnie D. Jones, Walter E. Jones, Ida Hran.lt. Grace Lnncanter, Clara I'i.Ui'.l, Opal Anna Lillian Martin, James Itluir Martin nnd N. I. Simon, Defendants. To Minnie D. Jones, Walter E. Jones, Ginoo Ijimiister, Opal Anna Lillian Martin and Jam-s lUalr Martin. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you me hereby required to appear and nimwer the answer and cross com plaint filed in the above entitled suit by N. D. Simon, one of tho defend ants herein, on or before the Hth day of January. 1917, and If you fail to answer. f.r want thereof the said de fendant. N. D. Simon will ask for a deem' foreclosing his said notes nnd mortgages on IM numbered 5 Fruit ful I. nn. In, situated In Section 28, Township 1 South of Range I West of the Willamette Meridian In Wash ington County, Oregon. 2nd - For a Judgment and divree herein In favor of the said defendant, N. D. Simon, and against tho said defendant:., Opal Anna Lillian Mar tin and Jiimes Hlnir Martin, in the sum of $800.00. together with Inter est on $500.00 at the rate of 7 per rent per annum from July 31. 1915, ulso on $300.00 nt the rate of 7 er cent per nnmim from July 31, 1915, together with the costs and disburse ments of this suit nnd the further sum of $100.00 attorney's foe for foreclosing said mortgages. 3rd--Directing the sale of said liereinlH'f.ire described real roierty and the upplicntiolt of the proceeds thereof to tho payment of the coids of said sale nn.l judgment. 4th- Barring and foreclosing all right, title and interest of each and nil of the pnrtles to this miit, both plaintiff and defendants in and to said real property and tho whole thereof, save only the statutory right of redemption, 5th - For such other and further re lief as is just and proper. This summons is served by publi cation for six successive weeks by or der of the Hon, Gen. R. Uugley Judge of the ulsive entitled Court, which or der was entered in the nls.ve entitled cmise on the loth day of November, 1916, and requires that you iinpcnr and niiswer said defendant's unswer and cross complaint on or before the Hth day of January. 1917; otherwise defendant, N. D. Simon, will take a ili-oroe herein as prayed for herein. Dute of first publication, Nov, 16, 1916. Date of Inst publication, Dec. 28, 1916. BEACH, SIMON A NELSON, Attorneys for !efendiint, N, D. Simon, 710 Board of Trade Bldg., Port land, Oregon. V Work For YOU J! Fill AK Myelf MK fell feu AND WE SELL THEM i TO CLEAN or FILL Just Press the NOB the FUNNY MAN Will Do the M JOB (. (Wl 2q) . HILLSBORO PHARMACY liLI-CTlON NOTICU Notice ia hereby iriven that the annual election of the Citv of lillHboro, Oreiron. will be held at the City Hall, in said City, on Monday, December 4. 191(5. for the purpoHe of electing the fol- owintf ofiiccra, to-wit: One Mayor. One Councilman, Ward No. 1. One Councilman, Ward No. 2. One Councilman, Ward No. 3. Recorder. TreaHiirer. I'olln will lie open and election commence at, 9 o'clock a. m. and Iohb at 0 o clock u. m. of fiaid day; provided, however, that the judges of election may, at their discretion, close the polls for one hour between the houra of 12 'clock m. and 2 o'clock p. m, Dated this November 17. 191fi. by order of the City Council. h. L. McCormick, Recorder of the City of llills- Doro, Oregon. Home-made mince meat hankagiving, at Greer'a. for