The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 30, 1916, Image 2

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    $9Q 50
- " l'l
i this
' J-l!ijJi!i!JiUii'.'-''''
Victrola outfit
County Official I'nper
it, A. t.ONU, Krtltur
Kntervd t the Post Ortice t Hillsboro
Oregon, sa mcoii.I-cIhm mail unttter.
Subscription: $1,50 per nullum.
Victrola VI - - $25
Six 10-inch
75c double-faced
V ictor Records
(12 selections)
You can have rtiis outfit on such easv
terms that you will wonder why you didn't
get it long ago. Drop in today have us
play this instrument for you and choose
the records that appeal most to you from
our wide assortment.
, Victors and Victrolas in other styles from $10 to $400.
The Delta Drug Store
n in " m
Oregon has many abuses. Also
t has many beniticent laws.
Notwithstanding some of the
stanupat press have been calling
Oregon the "fool of the family"
for years, and taking a position
that capital should steer clear,
there is at present a big influx
of outside money coming into
the state. The trouble with Or
egonthe real trouble is the
foolish cant going out in some of
the standpat press. If these
simple-minded journals woul
quit their 'knocking, old Oregon
might get into the galaxy of
Western states that are doing
business at the old stand and
adding new commerce and new
capital every day. And still, di
you ever consider that you lose
time when you argue with
a person who has gone crazy
on one particular pet theory?
HANDY 5 - It) - 15c STORE
Next Door to Post Off ce
David C. Pearson, aired 70 vpar.
passed awav at the home of Mr
and Mrsi John Messner. of Mult-
no. Uackamas Co.. Friday. Nov.
24. 1916. He was born in Ken
tucky in 1848. and. with his nar.
en ts, crossed the nlains in, 1852.
HesDent mostof his lif livinir
in Idaho until recently, when he
maae nis home with his niece,
Lula J. Messner. It was while
there he contracted nnenmnnia
i ... . : r
ana lingered only for a week.
The funeral service was con
ducted bv Rev. Skinwnrth Sun
day afternoon, at the home of
JHrs. JOS. Mann, in this cirv. nf.
Iter which he wna IniH tn rust in
Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
I He leavpa tn mnnrri -nne oi'o.
teri Mrs. Jos. Mann, Hillsboro;
three nephews, Grant Mann, of
Cornelius; Jos. G. Mann. Port
land: T. R. Mann, Spokane, and
two nieces, Mrs. Lula Messner.
of Mulino; Miss Grace Mann, of
We cordially invite you to visit our Store and
see the wonderful possibility in the purchase
at the above figures' It will surprise You to
see the hundreds of articles that you can get
inside the 5-10-15c price that you must pay
more for elsewhere.
Our Grand Holiday Opening
Starts Dec 2. Thousands of Fine Christmas
Gifts inside of small money. Let us show you.
This is the Real Merry Christmas Store.
Mrs. Amanda Schmeltzer Hied at
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 16.
In the Land of Never Worry, Amanda'
I haDuv there.
She is free frum every trouble ahe has
mi want nr npa.
I In peace and sweet coiitenuient, gladly
I When we all will go to meet her we all
art) uu Liir way.
In the Land ot Never Worry, Amanda is
I ar. Khhl.
I She wan tired , she was weary, and the
"in Hue luveu me orss
Will remember all the dear, weet things
I sue uiu an turu uer lite,
An sweetheart, Uiotlo-r, sincere friend
auu irue, devoted wire.
I In the Land of Never Worry, at the end
1 nf I.tlV'i Innff mail
We shall all meet Amanda, as each lays
I rlown fhA wri luurl
I And while we journey onward to that
Iinou iji reni, so lair,
The inlluenaeof her poo.. ness will guide
ua iu uer Lnere.
I. Louis M:Kvny.
8n FraiifiHen, Oal.. Nov. 1!4, W18.
annual atfair, and is a get
together of the High School bovs
of the state.
The Argtielots had a very in
teresting meeting Monday. 'The
topic was an explanation of why
they were taking certain sub
jects. The Tzum-til-a-kums also had
a lively session. Parliamentary
law and current events were the
topics of discussion. These so
cieties will have sketches from
"Midsummer Night's Dream" in
the near future.
The girls' littr.irv sm-iti,w
gave sketches from Midsummer
Night's Dream today, and they
were tine retiroduetioiw.
tion A has chosen "Litterati" as
its name.
The Freshies nlav tho l.n-.wi
Grove Freshies, on the local grid
iron. Thanksgiving aftermton. nt
2 o'clock. The mnin ivnl will
be between Columbia Park, of
Portland, and the Hillsboro All
Stars. Here is vour ohanco f.-
a bargain - two games for 25c.
Miss KickerL Mis
Miss Thomas and Miss Kincaid
will go to their respective homes
for Thanksgiving. Pmf Pnttn
Miss Cushman and Miss h'nrhnrt
will spend their holiday in Hillsboro.
Basket ball rtrni'tict heirina
next Monday, and there prom
ises to be a large turnout.
Last Thursday's musical nr..
gram was delightful: Piano solo.
MISS tva l.arstens: ninnn rlnuf
Misses Kittv Mae Hint Mirinm
Stockton: niano snln Mia vtoiu
" - I ""uu UVHH
"Hizz." at the Opera House.
every night this week.
T. R. Davis, of Jolly hains,
was a city caller Tuesday.
Horn, to Henry Sohler and
wite. ot Sowe I' wnw Niw -T.
1910, a girl.
L M. Hoyt. President of the
Mate Optical Association, ad
dressed the state meeting in
Portland, this week.
Will sub-let a lease on a rarwh
with ;!0 acres cleared, some slash
ing pasture. Will sell mpchinerv
and stock with lease. Has two
years yet to run.-L Voelker,
Laurel, Koute 1. 37-IU)
Dr. E. H. Smith veflterrluv
grafted skin fmm nine young
men ot the vtta Club for the
benetit of the two vear old Ad.
kins child, who was so badly
burned a tew days ago. Last
week it looked !as though th.
little one would not survive, hut
it is now gaining strength, those
who were re heved of ennWmw
for the benefit of the patient are
KODt. lmtirie. Chiton Hagley.
Miner and Kalph Williams. FJ
mer Hatchelder. Verne Mk'in.
ney, Herbert Scheidt. Vernon Ol
son and Konaid Vaught.
Cleanup Sale ! ! !
of our Entire Stock of Fall and Winter
Coats, Suits and Skirts
Every Garment in Stock Marked at
Greatly Reduced Prices
We intend to close out Every Garment before the
season is over, absolutely no winter goods will be '
carried over.
$12 Coats now $8.95
$20 Coats now $12.75
$25 Coats now $17.95
$17 Suits now $11.95
$20 Suits now $13.95
$25 Suits now $16.95
Have installed a first class Horse Shoer
in My Machine and Blacksmith Shop
at Cornelius, Satisfaction Guaranteed. .
Have installed a heavy lathe and planer,
and can do heavy work of this kind.
Sawmill work a specialty,
L. G. WeidewiUch Cornelius, Oregon
The Cash System
of doing business is the MODERN WAY.
Jobbers and Manufacturers are shortening
terms and cutting down credit. They are
making large concessions for cash. The
Retail dealer must follow suit. By doing
business on a cash basis we eliminate all
loss, buy cheaper, sell for less, give better
service, and do away with the time and
expense ot Bookkeeping. OUR CASH
SYSTEM briefly stated, is simply this
NOTE. In order to carry out this system
and not deprive anyone of it's advantages
.we have originated an Acceptance Form.
This method of purchasing may be used
by the farmer who sends for goods the
contractor the man who purchases by
phone or by employee, and on city, county
school or road district business.
All we ask is trial. Come in and let's
talk it over.
SucwiMor to Nelon Hardware Co.
A verv oleasant time was pni.iv
ed at the Kasmussen Brothers
farm, four miles south of town
Saturday. Nov. 18. The evening
was spent in games and dancing,
while the older ones played cards,
Lunch was served at midnight
those present were Messrs
and Mesdames w H Wienecke
Gus Larson, C F Grable, Carl
Nelson, H Halvorsen; Mrs P D
Mann, Toppenish, Wash; Misses
Hattie and Lydia Greener, Edith
Grable, Myrtle Wienecke. Nina
rseison, Danah Larson, iternice
Trullinger, Celesta Lockman,
Catherine, Elizabeth and Barbara
Hiiiecke, Winifred, Esmerelda
Mildred and Gladys Lindholm
Messrs Hans and Pete Rasmus
sen. Carl and Wil Ashahr Hav.
mond Larson, Frank and Albert
ureener, Ed Ereudenthal, Louis
Alfred and Jacob Halvorsen,
Sam Steinke. Ifornarri Moltohot
Earl Grable. Arno Nelson, Philip
and boui3 riillecke.
Card of Thanks
We desire to extend our ainppro
I ' . .
thanks to all Who Rn L-mHIv ay
... . .
SISted US dunne nnr horoavo.
ment, the death and obsequies
of the late E. H. Rntermnnrf
and return especial thanks for
tne noral tributes.
Mrs. Anna L. Rotermund,
and Family.
Hy Verne MrKimier
The Freshies made a touchdown.
The score reads something like
this McMmnvi e Seconds. 2Q-
Freshies, 7. Stoffer, Freshie
fullback, was the star of the
game, and his line plunging was
a sensation. Lepschat kicked
Prof. Patton and Franria Lint.
later leave Fridav morninor fnr
Corvallia to attend tha OIHor
Boys' Conference. This is anj
Carrie c Ootids to Geo VV
Dodds. 1-3 int in 9.5Ga J
D Richards d I in
Blanche Stephenson to Myra
iiauagner, lot in Garden
Home in
Martha J Knight to Sarah K
Morgan, ej lot 4 blk 30
Forest Grove 1100
E Fineout to W E Neff,
lbO a sec 9 t 3 n r 4 w 1000
Scandinavian American I5ank
to Arthur Hirnes, 5 acres
Beav-Reedville in
E C Brown to Liherta Shock
and Mary T Lewis, 2 lots
Walkers' ad and 50x150 ft
in same ad Forest r,ri.v...f?iwt
R F Schneider to V Parker,
lot 10 b k 3 Orenco in
Fred Sievers to Ua Nealeigh
5 a sec 15 t 2 s r 2 w Knn
L J Blosick to Jos Sandvale,
a Li osick Aerna RRrt
Oregon Nursery to John Pe
terson, lots & and b blk 12,
Orenco S7S
Provident Trust Co. to M W
Womar. lots 17. 18, 19. Ti
gardville Heights .1000
R G Thompson- to B B Gotr
20 a sec 4 tl n r4 w 1
M B Bumi) to O D BumD. 3fi
a sec 32 1 3 n r 5 w 500
Emma Pitman to M B Bump
und 1-3 int in 30.73 a 1 1 s
r3w io
Emma J McNelly to F C Mc
Nelly, 34.73 a and other
lands. Jolly Plains 1
fred McNelly to Emma J
McNelly, lots 1 and 2 blk
3 Thome's ad Hillsboro... . 1
IraWHandley toll J Liven
good, tract in lot 10 Bo
hart's Sub-div nrw
Clara Lo eland to li A Payne
lot 133. Tonzue's Adlitinn 7fin
Shute Savings to N P Niel-
son, VI a 1 1 s r 3 w 3800
F G Planing Mill to L M
Graham. 25x50 ft block 5
F Grove irnn
Adolph Schmidt to J A Crews
240 at2sr3w 10
Inv Co to Knute Raun 5 a
Peach vale .- m
B A Hollinshead to Willis-ce
CO. Ot 28 Hillshnrn Arrpa in
RildaW Steigleder to E J
Bondshu. 38.22 a T S Nnv.
lor d 1 c in
Chas A Johnson to E C Rob
erts. 16.07 a A bert Stew.
art die 1
Walter Roawurm to Francis
Kirby, part lot 4 block 3
Oillev in
Arthur Magoon to A & C
Teller, 160 a sec 15 t 3 n r
4w in
J A Wiles to H B Dauchy,
lot iu blk 15 Cornelius 900
H B Oauchy to J A Wiles,
3. Voa sec 35 t 2 n r 4 w -2800
I E McKenney and M Mc-
Ken ney to FT Liaco 70.69
a in Rich Acres in
Geo Rogers to Forest Grove
naning Mill, tract in blk
5 F Grove isnn
!I T Shorb to L M Graham
and Geo D Rogers, tract in
blk 5. F Grove Km
Geo Rogers to L M Graham,
I int in 54100 ft block 5. F ,
Grove Win
A V Oenney to Alice E Den-
ney, 40 a T li Uenney die 1
Tlie custom of liniilhitklie iluu-s
Dark to the time f tlourj It. of ten-.
Ttio nrnu who citii llo with a ntrululit
raw Li Biiamlty cnmkt-tl.-rtillmlel.
lildtt KiKvnl
The two eil(.iHl woiiiunig are found
among the nirliost KHK'iuiiiia of Jai-ui-so
uiotul work In i,'.
Tho avcrnito tiilmliltunt of thu pumIi
lirouauijr ust-g more than two pouuda
or provisiona a ilay.
A boy stinVM that m lnnv look olil..r-
a man Bavoa tiiau ho may look joiiiib-
cr. auaniu journal.
"Hns the furuiu-o pine out, KUouT
"It didn't otuuo through here, luum."
KacU und I''ih-U-h.
The irodui-ilon nml dlMlrllnitlon or
eiet-trii-uy In Killnlmruli have twon
made uiunk-ljinl inonoikity.
In thirty-five tnitloiiN nymoiN mnMrt
apei-iai iwiiprlpti. und in sivpinl oth
ers they flcure In the r.vnl Hiipply.
"I've dropmnl ton nmiU hi wt-lyht
inoe i vt Had IhU i-old."
"AtOiuigh drop. hr-lioMtoii Tran
crlpL When a man any two run v0 ns
clicaiily aa one It im-iiioi lu u ,i
rlod. hut thlnkiiiK nlHXU !(.- NiiMln lllo
Newlywod-Kvery 111:111 liouhl nuir
ry- Now. whnt exciiw have you for
ooinir mnsle? Oldbach-I y,m horn
that way.
Tearlit are alpadlly Intwa-iiuK in
value Tht-y an? now worth prai'tically
tliree tlmea as much aa thi'y were ten
years ago.
In the arctic regions tho nkln of the
wslriia Is um-d to cover mnall (Minta ami
Is attached to tho boats with the points
or walrus tUHka.
flappliiewt." mid trnclo Rhen, "Is de
SDIIlty to forui-t almut do Hhower In ail
mlrln' do bcuiity of do nilnliow."
wasniiiKton star.
Glhrultiir. wlih h coiiNltn of less than
two aiiiinre rnllcH. In tho miiulli-t of nil
BrltlMh poshomhIoiis, Cuiinda, covi-rln(
j.ciimkw siiuire iiillesi. Is the lurKCHt
"You and your ftlstor are twins, are
you nut T
"We were In childhood, Now, how
ever, ahe Is five yours youiiKt-r than I."
"Kthfl U luUiig vlollh leHsons."
'.She is? Why. tho poor (fill hasn't j
the Blijihtwl (-nr for iiiumIc."
"I know, hut who has benutiful el-
If III Mp::I(-o n llllll.o lll;o or torlltla
doubles over when tlu-own iiinii tho
pun to hiil;c It li coimli loi-i'd n sum slo-n
that Home one In coii-inc toward tho
It ts suld Hint the nppoilip nmy bo
aimost iinnipiiintply Ktliiiuhiied by dik
ing a tootlibrush Honked In n slrong so
lution of salt mid water und piiHalng It
over the tongue.
Debutante J wondi-l why women
used to wenr such wide wciMIiik rlnjrs
Blaso Matron-rocaux( ut Hint limp.
poor thliiKS, they expected tlicm to lout
a nreiime.-Llle.
$5 Skirt now $3.75
$6 Skirts now $4.75
$7 Skirts now $5.75
Sale Commences Saturday, Dec. 2nd
Ends Saturday, Dec. 16th
Goar's Woman's Shop
Third Street Hillsboro, Ore.
We want to point out just one thiiijr to you.
Do you realize that modern prosperity ami
business expansion arc ENTIRELY DEPEN
before men began to trust one another only
small and insignificant enterprises were xss
iblc. Did it ever occur to you what the result
would be, if this MAGNIFICENT CREDIT
SYSTEM, with all th e prosperity it brings,
was to be destroyed.
CREDIT has becomo ;o well established that
we feel reasonably Jseeure in filling ON
TRUST almost all the orders we receive.
and our prices, theu uso your own judgment.
MERCHANDISING, hillsboro mercantile co.
Tho modem bin gun Is miido with a
core of steel, nroimd which Is wound
steel wire. In tho bluest Kims now In
uso there ore between 110 and 170
miles of this wire.
"I don't think we ought to do that
We can't afford It."
"I know we cun't. but we can't af
ford to let anybody know thnt wocan't
arrord to do It either." Detroit Free
"Doctor," nuked the Invulld, "don't
you think a change to a warmer cli
mate would do mo good?'
"Heavens, num." replied thn doctor.
"that's Just what I'm trying to save
you from."
Union Thankstfivinc Serviced
the Conir. Church, Thursday eve
ning. Mr. Ingram in charsre of
music. The program: Music
and invocation: music hv rhm'r-
Scripture reading of the Procla
mation. Kev. Miller; miiHic; pray
er by Dr. Skipworth, of the M.
E. Church; Anthem by choir;
sermon hy Kev. (;iay; music.
Miss Manraret Hovt returned
this week from an extended visit
with Mr. and Mm. .Inhn M
Brown, of Banks.
"Did Clwendolln laugh when you pro
posed to her?"
"Not a rlprde. I Imd a Iiundsonm en.
gagement ring, and I took pubis to
snow It to her before I began to talk."
-Washington Star.
"A nmn looks comical w hen he pro
"Ves,' replied MIhs Onvenno. "ITe'.
foitunuto If he can let It go at thnt
mid not look put hello after bo Is liinr-rlod."-Vii8hlngton
"So you're actually colng fo marry
young Wasterly! Why. there's noth
ing to hi in but his follies und a big
bank account."
"Well, you can rely on me to change
all Uiak"-Jevelaud I'laln Dealer,
Are you jroing home for Christmas ana
New Years' holidays? . ,
Kound trip fares will be in effect be
tween points on the Oregon Electric Ily.,
December 30 and 31, and January 1, return
limit January 3. . Also, for all points in
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, except west
of Rainier, on the Spokane, Portland &
Seattle Uy.. and connecting lincM, December
22 to 25 inclusive; return limit January 3.
j Through Tickets Sold, Baggage Checked and Berth
tx Da...,,.):... A i I 1 I 11
..v,auvm, niiBiiKu uy L.ocai Agents.
Low Fare California Kxcursious via The
North Bank and S. S. Northern Pacific.
G. W. MASON, Agent
HIZZ T-night
At The Opera House
and This Week
Hizz Office, Washington Hobel