1 1 R",. Beaverton-Reedvitle Acreage The finest suburb.in tract 'out of Portland; 30 minutes ride ou the liig Red Steel Kleetric ears. Moun tain water piped through the tract.. Schools, churches and stores eouvenient. $175 to $500 per acrejou terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon G. B. BUCHANAN CO., Inc. liillsboro, Cornelius andjNorth'Plains Wholesale'and RetailDealers in Gt in, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Dags. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephones Hiilsboro, Maiu 14. Cornelius, City 15 15. North Plains, Main 263. ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the matter of the Estate of Ooorpe T. Rasmus, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the underbred administrator of said estate has filed in the alwve en titled Court and caue his final ac count and report as such adminis trator, and the said Court h:is fixed and appointed Monday, the lsth day of December, 191(5, at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day, and the Court room of above entitled Court in Hills-b.u-o, Washington Countv, Or., ar, the I'.rr.e and place for hearmtr objcctioir- to said final account and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated thi.-i 14th day of November, l'.'lfi. MIKE WARD RASML'S, Admini.-trator of Estate Aforesaid HARE & McALEAR, Attorneys for Administrator. That New Pair of Shoes Now on Display at Weil's THE BEST SHOE -FOR.. GIRLS -IS THCm WALTON "It Wa Wear." Queen Quality Shoes in Button or Lace, Grey, Brown and Blacks, Low or High Heels $3.50 to $6.50 Children's Solid Leath er Shoes, button or Lace, wide toe low heel 5 to 2 $1.49 Ladies' Cc Mens Ladies' & Mens High top Shoes HeavySweaters Felt Slippers for Men 98c 59c $3.98 Special Sale Skirts Extra Special for a few days. Vp.lues your choice cf to $5 any $5 Dress Skirt for Wom en or Misses, Plain Blue, B'ack, Serges, Poplin, or Mixtures all Sizes 24 to 36 waists measures MHO afewdays. Vrlues AJ V 10c P Andrew Kostur, of Uuston, was in town Saturday. .1. 0. Croeker.of Mountaindal. and Hon Thurnher. of above Bloominir, transacted business in the county seat Friday. H. Haivorsen, of Fartninjrton, was in town rriitay. hauling in strav for Portland shipment. Ho finds a good demand fothis pro duet, and hundreds of framers have baled straw this year, to a profit. Ed. Haines was in from his Groveland ranch the last of the week. K. V. is ranching these days and it has accomplished wonders for his health. He and sister are keeping house on the ranch, while Mrs. Haines remains at the Grove, where th children are in school. ClitT Long, who has been with theChieago,Milwaukie& St. Paul, on an engineering corps, all Sum mer, returned Saturdy night from Montana, making the trip via Seattle, He reports that the line will soon complete the entire elec trification of the Rocky Moun tain Divisions, a feat that is the greatest in electrical circles the world over. Their passenger and freight train's are drawn by the most powerful electric locomotive known to manufacture. Montana, he slates, went dry at the recent election, and Wilson won the state by a big majority. TI e .irst of last week he passed Jett erson Isiand. where Hill Masters is putting in the Winter. When he left Butte mercury stood 27 below zero some temperature. it popuiMMiracs A1AGAZIND ?00 ARTICLES -300 ILLUSTRATION 7TF inNmcd ri t! V.'orM' IWty&s in -v t ff-Mttf line, M. " '-I 1 VUT l ? i'j.n:.;:. It i F ra.,.1Son ii l 11, ' .: '.ui.t IU." -I I. t i.r K..-U i.c t...,-..i lwr K.fti. .m. 4 &rj it im Vision -rVou C?n lta:ertnrf It, liy Hr tfl.-,r1 m ( Pt.e crr.tsvn rst.-ti. rtl U r t,.,, m, ii ;, y r;.ji..r U. . U i;. (if 'IT i t'V I., r, ii, ( ; . v f r I. IV.- An ' i. . . (; w - l-i , ' .. r tnir tti- H ilii t '11 r;-;!l O it;'. . . . -i -i J'.f::L, huOW i..-s - I: I' ' . f-f t-.irn in- .I'i.-;. '.!. '.(SJ.'-i. i . . . M.tr?uij j,o r"F Yr ir ' r, -:r.i. topics, isc ; f-.. . i.. i , '-.r.a REP PEPS PHILOSOPHY . "Lots of us will be poorun' til m are rhirty-rben we will be used to it." Percy Long Hiilsboro, Oregon SUMMONS KlostsilkCrochet Cotton white, or colors - - - in the Circuit Court of the State ol Oi-fegon lor the County of Wash ingtun. AugUKia Payne, Plaintiff, vs. Edward Payne, Defendant. lo Ldward Payne, above named de fend ant: In the name of the State of Ore on, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you Jn the ahove entllled fuit on or before Friday the lGth day of December, 1916, which said dale In aix weekg and miife from and after Thursday the 2nd day ot , November, l'Jlli, the date ot the tint ! publication of thin nunimonn and II you fail to so a.ipear or atmwer the i plaintiff for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief prayetl for in her complaint, to-wit: For a ' decree di.sKolving the bonds of matrl mony heretofore and now exiatlnK between you and the plaintiff, and for the sum of $20.00 per month payable monthly in advance here after as peimanent. alimony, and for the further sum of $75.00 an attor ney's fee herein. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. Geo. It. Bagley, Judj;e of, the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of 'Vuiuiiitun and naid order was made and daied on the 1st day of November, 1916, and the date of the bin publication of this RiimmnnB is Thursday, the 14th day of December, PUS. CLYDE raCIIARDSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. L THANK YOUR GROCER if he asks you to try a can of BAKING POWDER KC Wo buy hogs, bff cattle, sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High est prices paid tor nil good stuff. Write or phone. Rogers & Car ter, Hoaverton, K. !. l!ox 20. Phono, Hoaverton M Line 15. tf Hcwantstodo you a favor he knows what brands to rec ommend from experience. Best Fire Insurance JOHN VANDERWAL A gun I,t uiioti c Lanca shite Fiic Insurance Co. r- i Pacific States l"ite lnuruiiivJi'oiiipi,iiv of I'ortlmid, Oit'Kon, The only t"U Utrnon Old Line Compitnv. l.o--s I'minptly I'niil John Vamlerwal Hl'bboro, tliek'on NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notice is hereby Riven that a meeting of tho resident taxpayers of Koad Diatrirt No. r:. Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called and will be held at tiarden Home School House in .sai.I Ko.nl District No. 32, Washington founty. Oregon, on the -" h day of .V.vvmher, ll'lii, at the hour of 2 nYloek p. m. on said day to discusn and vote upon the esti mates contained In Hie following budget: Budget KoaU District No. :'2. Washinnton County, Oregon, estimates the amount of wui k, cost and number of mills of lax to be raised for the fol lowing year: Commencing; j,t fountv line and re pnir to said Uoad No. 17!). thence on 179 to where, new work commences and sp.'ml h-U.-mce of money on new work on 17a. Value of taxable property in dis trict is $:i74,o:tr m. Number of mills required to raise a 3 mill lax. $11221ii. Paled this 1st day of November A. P., 1'iR TIKIS. BRADLEY. Road Supervisor of lioad District No. 32, Wa hintton County, Oregon. Resident Taxpayer!. C. A. Huff. .f. (). Kreck, M. H. P.osr, Fred Carpenter, W. Morcensnn, V. Illosi.k, A. Blodck, A. .1. Simpson, C. Illnes, A. .1. Simpson, John Crow-b-y. S. Hen.. T I-:. Hills, c. Ihmann, J. Bradley, Thus, rtradley, Kllza lie harrell, V. M. lltitfner, Katherlne Lehman, C. Olson. everuthin about IH a rj'nii sccms JVSJ in .in lVt0 kccP d r.li- ,W'?A-1VA' in, nv., . m brf . comfort .weir athc FISH BRAND REFLEX SL!CKERS3. A J. Tower Co -Boston Cider Apples WANTED at the Knight Packing Co. Mill ?t Cornel ins. Highest market price p.tid. We also do custom work. We carry barrels and kegs of all sizes for sale, l'liotie, Independent 752. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUDGET Notice is hereby ,-iven that a meeting of ib resident taxpayers of lioad Disti ii t No. 9, U a.Hhinnton County, Oregon, iH hereby called and will b held at I. O. O. V. Hall in said Koad District No, 9, Washington County, Onron, on the 2!Hh day of November, Pi Hi, at the hour of 2 o'clock I', M. on said day to difieusK and vote upon Hie estimates con tained in lliu following budKct: Budget. lioad District No, 9, Washington County, Oregon, csiimatea I he amount of work, cost, and number of mills of tax to ho laised for the following year: One-half mile macadam on Honds 429 fif.7, estimated cost of which 1h $1100. One-fourth mil,. ()n Road No. 429, estimated (ohI of which Is $:U0. On -half mil), macadam on Koad No, A 1 IX, c.Hinialed cost of which Is $600. One-half mill- macadam on Koad No. A 1 17, estimated co;it. of which Is $600. One-fifth mile macadam on Koada No. Hr.S-411, estimated cost of which ia $250. One thin! mil.' macadam on Koad No. A!)9, estimated cost of which la $300. One-fourlli mile macadam on Koad No. 245, esllmaled lost of which is $2.10. Redress on Uoad No. 179, estimated I cost of which Is $2r.O. One-ninth mile macadam on Road No, 567, estimated cost of which 1b $100. Redress on Road No. A3S, esti mated cosl $-150. Fool pa lb en Koad No. A?,8, esti mated cost $100. Total, $:',00. Value taxable property In district is, 7St.z:!4.9. Number of irillla required to raise, 5 mill tax, rited this l:,t day of November. 1916. A Zw'A'inr. I'rBft Rntiprtinor Pfmrt ilstrict No 0, Wiwhineton Coiinly, Ora. Resident Taxpayer. J. W. .SiimmerH, H. R. Vincent. Chas. Mft7)?er, $-ln Hohn, N. B. Gol den, K. Schectda. VV. K. Shaver H. W, Ifuselai'o, 0. F. Tluard. H. F. Ponesteel, J. .1. Yountr, fleo. Zimmer man,! P. K. DefJrows, J. F. Ilrandt, .Trthn Ganrde, C. T. Snarkn. M. F. Pl"hen. O. A. rih.th. II. Zwiener L. Tallmnn, ft, I), Nobles. H. W. Mc Donald, H. Tledcman. J. W, Tlcard. F. Steinlieff, Ceo, Poland. It. A. Twins, A. Sclifrcbl. W. L. PalmrT, Clyde L. I'eilv, Herman, Kebhere. W. A. Starker, K . Wajnpler. K. T. McNeal. A. K Zwiener, If. H. Tl pard, William Krupor, N. P. Johnson. Wm. Ariss, Marv 15. Twiss, O. P. Sheridan, O. II. Butler. W. 0. Donelson UNDKRTAKKR Calls attcuded night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hllltboro, m Oregon C!iiCHESTR SPILLS DtAWOND f ( v BRAND tr i LADII-S I UlAMONb I.KANI) ril.1.8 la Kl'.D on.) A Oold mrt at lie Im.iwi, Hauled wan Blui- Jlblioa Tin no oniti, ny of ,, r n.Ul ad a.k fr III IIKN Tf U s V 0lMONI IIM, IMI.l.M, for lwmli(to yir retarded n llf-t,H:ifrt, Alwny. Ki-llnUc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS fifti, EVERYWHERE worth TKbTliU SHINE IN EVERY DROP" fclii'-lcKilktitovft PotUh Im tliffrrmt. It ilm-tt dry ut(: Im iitl (, nl(. t;ut (ii (; liij'ixt f ( (ifiptt- on U.itty; u-ri..l-:'uly ta Wimt": i,t il'ift ir ilti- You gut, your luunvy'H worth. mt(rii iihi J Blaclr Silk Stove Polish la not. only mowt, fwmnrnlrnl, htt t. pfvHl n hrllll- tlJil,, ilk yltitiliu tii.it cmiru.t. In) obi s, fried lift liny Oltw-I- Ji )lr-,h. Itlrirk tiitk KK-VO 1,UH ll.'it h'.t fiil urT it hii lour tl:nt- u Untt ih orriirmry ptAtaU -m it MVtyou I into, word and mom-y. Don't irt writTi yno W;tfit Miovw LfiliHh, Im ntrro in H-k f-r IMckhMk. Jfitixn't th" l it, Hlovi'polit'h yon ever ut tl- ynir(kkkirwUiriui.(J y ar tnonoy. niacb Silc Stove Poliib Voik, Storting, Illinois. llM I'Jurk f-lllt Alrlrylr Iron l.ttatiK-l . n mfctt, r k-h-t-r, tiliivi-ni,j, uml nuut rni.ltild tirr riina, i'lovwrtU ruKitrtif. Try It. lFflfl MUrk Rifle M'tll f- ,. Iih I'lrciiv rwuro.iiii kfl,i.n w tiro or hn,v,H. it wi.rk4 ni.lf'Ulv, iftiaily anr Icbvlh a t Hiii'ftiPft. It tiim no i''jut(l lorUMOun uutmoUlu, CATHOLIC CIIUKCH Third and Fir Streets. City 992 (Winter Schedule) Sunday Masses. 8:20 and 10:30 a. rr. Christian I)nctrinr 9;45 a. m I'aptiKm, 2:00 o'clock p. m. Choir practice, 2 p. m. Benediction, 4:!I0 p. m. Week day Mass, 8:20 a. m. Taken Up -Red and white yearling. Owner plca.se pay coHt of keep, advertisina and take same away. - Fred Dancer, Hiilsboro, Route' 1, two miVs north of West Union church. 35 THE HILLSDORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS unci PROFITS $2ft.OOO An old, sale and conservative hank, located in t lie Hill.shoro Commercial block, S. V. corner Main and Second streets. Hiilsboro Comiiiorcia! Hunk. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawini;.i"rom the best timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIHI) FLOORING aud RUSTIC always on band. Kstimates ou Httildings, I''Umring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. Wc deliver. All lengths silo lumber, tile best in the nuiket, const mtly on hand. riiom: Noilh 1'l.iiiH Central, 3 l 11 PETER HOH'MAN, Bacona, OrtRon KOEBER'S The Leading Confectionery of the City We handle Hazelwood, the best Ice Cream made Don't forget our Home Made Candies Our Candy Kitchen scored higher than any in the county, ao you wil! not make a mistake by buying your confections here. You are welcome to leave your parcels here at all times. Koeber's Confectionery Agent for city Laundry a -tc v. tmskrj Every Home can have a Musical Instrument Wondvrfu! Value in Piano. PlaOer Piano - T0" Talhini Machine. Etc T TM.a . mir Thee " . i 1 rfti A 1 re known fo rorrv onlv talutt S i flood, whot will emluimml vhut 1 Ulull,worththot)rkkl, Our 1 ey payment term pliu-e the limt muitliritrumeiiUnihincvcrY- 1 one'i rech. till out tlio coujxjn or writ for aiuloguea. Ch f J Catalog .thouloW'F: I'M KiRTlAND. S 'nuiKMu " (THE LAWYER TELLS THC floOO OUtJqTi "THg 8TUBBOWN Out p UUUCt, LOOK AT THAT f LU.OWi FAC8- ALWAV9 CHUCK FULL OP ORDINARY TOBACCO. JttMl J J I AM tUAI Hit SOWS OF HIS PRIEHDS WOULD fwOULP APPRtCIArD TILL HIH ASOUT W-BCUT. f IT YOU RE not sorry for fophcrs and monkeys with their faces all swelled out they are built that way, pockets in their cheeks to liold stuff till it's feeding time. Hut you enn t help feeling lorry for man with blf wad of old kind of tobcco-ha in't even JettinC antUfuotion. W-B CUT la rich to haeco full of iatiafgetion-a lillli chew, ia rieM tht, and it euta out ao much chewing and apittinjj. M.Ja t.y WEYMAN-BRUT0N C0MPANT, 50 Unlo. Sqnwt, New York Cltf OWiidON ELBCTKIC TlfAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 32 18 8:28 9:58 12:43 3:58 18 7:53 9:58 From Portland - 7:54 9:20 XX23 , ( -55 minutes. a m a m a rn a m p m p m p in m p rn a m .a m a m ;:g p- p m pm 12.20 am We will loan you money on your farm, or will Bell or trade it for you, or insure your buildings against fire. Unlimited funds, quick service, rates reasonable. -Perkins & Cornelius. Room 1, Commercial Building, Hiilsboro, Ore.. , .