Beaverton-Reedville Acreage The finest suburban tract oxt of Tort land; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acrcjou terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon tl B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius andJNorth Plains Wholesale'and Retail Dealers in G am, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at ny time Lumber, Shing'les and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephorxesi HiHsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. The Oregon Electric has been doing: an immense freight on the Forest Grove branch the past few weeks. On Saturday eight i empties were sidetracked here, 'with more than that many loads : taken out.- It now keeps one 3 crew busy on the line, bringing in empties and taking out the freight. There are both North cm ears, and shippers with spurs running in from the S. P. are itaking ndvtn'age of the car sit y nation on the 0. E., and are get- tinir their lumber prnin anil potatoes to market via that route. On the S. P. line, at Timber alone, four carloads of potatoes were pitted after they had been brought to the station -there being no cars for ship ment The Southern Pacific is losing thousands of dollars every , day in this territory by reason of no available freight cars. ! Six precincts in the county re turned a majority for President ilson, one being rather strong lierm an -Huston. Those carry- ing for Wilson, and their major ; itic, are Aloha, IS; West Beav- ierton. 4; Buxton. 21; Mountain, 17: Purdin, 2: Yerboort, 15. : Buxton has the honor of being ' the banner Wilson precinct ' 0. Hand, who has been farm ing up near Weston, came in from near Roy. Saturday, and 1 called on the Arpus. Hand is a friend of Clark Wood, the veter 'an editor of the Weston Leader, !! is at present staying with iJohn Parsons, at hoy. We buy hogs, beef cattle, sheen, chickens, hides, etc. nign est prices paid tor all good stuff. rite or uhone. Kogers & rcr. Besverton. K 4. Box 20. Phone. Beaverton 53 Line 3. tf I Henry David, of Forest Grove, (was down to the city Saturday, and called on the Argus. He came down on ousiness wun Chris Peterson, of Jolly Plains. Mr. and Mrs. Green Zumwalt, iwho lived here two or three i years ago, came up from Euee ie I Friday, and spent the last of the i week in the city. ! After all it was left for the Argus to give the first accurate ! news of the election of President Wilson. A. L. Croeni, of Bethanv, wai a city caller the last of the week, "C L. Brown, of Manning, was in- the county seat Saturday morning, on business. Dr. Via and wife, of Buxton, were Hillsboro callers, Saturday, enroute to Portland, Mrs. Leonaid Brown visited relatives in Portland the last of the week. J. D. Koch, of above Blooming, was a city caller Saturday after noon. , .. SUMMONS In U Circuit Court of tlio Slut ut .reon tor the County of Wnsli Intitou. Augualu rytit, riiilutlff, Edward Fuyn. Difwmlunt. To Edward I'ayiio, tibuve luimetl A r tu nut: In the name of the Siato of Or gon, you tx lu'ieby renulivd to p- ptar and answer Ui com plaltit flltHl atfaiust you 1M tii, tiiiovo uitltld ult on or before Friday tbo 16tb any or lveeiunor, luiii, whkh ld date is si wvvk and mora from and fur Thursday tlu mt day of iNortnioer, ljlli. tlio dttte of tta first publication of tliln summons and If ytm fall to so a,nonr or answer tli plaintiff for want lln-rwof. will apply to tn court for the relief prayud for In nor complaint, to wtt: Kor dear diaaolvtnK the bonds of umtrl- mony horetoforo and now exUtluii btwon you and the plaintiff, and ryr tne buiu of J-O.ou per uiontli pi.yablo nionthly lu advance hure- aftor as pc-ruwnenl alimony, and for toe runner sum of as atlor noy'a fee herein. Tills summon... miIIUIit'J by or der of tti. Jlon. tleo. It. Hattley, Judge of tho Circuit Court of the htaU of Ort' for (ho County of wasflinston mk! said order wan mndo and dal d on the 1st day of .ovenitier, Jui, and the tlaio of ths last pulillcalloii of this summons. ! lluimdny. the Mth day of l-ecenibr. CIA I )1C KICIIAUrwON. Attorney for I'liilntlff. 518 Chamtirr of (.'oiiimona llldit., Portland, Ore. 1 1 - C fam0US i (1 your cooking, or Yy iPsJ 'USt a "beginner" sj) In Either Case j n TO Baking Powder I V will help you. fliPy Its goodness V recommends W3k m,v0 fellfe 'ii ilt BUAllS mOT'" Lai m W VA ES ARM A Prkv f lioco rrklr? PlairG fs'A MinrKfrc Blankets Vool or Cotton 69c to $12.50 Men's Wool Gloves and Mittens 35c Ladies' Fleeced Unionsuits Heavy j Heavy S weaters for Men and Women 89c to 98c $12.50 Ladies' and Children' Knit Caps 19c to 98c Men's Wool Shirt and Men's. Wool Men's Wool Sox Drawers ' Mackinaws White, Grey, Oxford 98c $4.98 35c NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING notice is nrreiiy xiven that a met-tln of the resident taxpayers of Koad District No. 31'. Washington County, Oregon. Is hereby called and WU1 be hold at Harden Home School Hous In said Koad District No. 32, Washington County, Oregon, on tho 2Sth day of November, 191ti. at tb hour of 2 o'clock p m. on said day to discuss ami vote upon the ostl mates contained In the following budget: - Budget Road District No. ?2, WushinKton County, Oregon, estim.ites the amount of work, coat and number of milla of tax to be raised for the fot lowinn year: Commencint! nt County line and re pair to ssld Koad Mo, 17!), thenco on 1.9 to where new work commoncet and spend balance of money on new worn on 179. Value of taxable property In din- trict Is 374,03r..93. Number of ni'lla required to raise, a 3 mill tax. $1122 10. Dated this 1st day of November .1. v., 1916. TII03. DltADI.EY, Rosd Supervisor of Koad District No. 32, Washins-'ton Cotmly. OrcRon. Resident Taxpayers. C. A. Ilutf. J. O. KiP'-k, M. II. Hoss, Tred Cm penfer. W. MorgenHon, F. P.loslck, A. P.i'v.iek, A. J. Slmrwon. C. Mines, A. J. Simpson, John Crow ley, S. Benz. T. K. Hills. C. I'hmsnn .1. Eradley, Thos. Iiradley, Kllx Ilfr harroll, F. M. Huffner, Kntherlnr T.chmnn, C. Olson. TANKII A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles 50 Tankii T.hlrU 60c. IOO Tablet $1. 60OTMeti $5.00 -For Snl By H. HUDDLEST0N.J. 1 1. FOO TE ndllartr.nipl'Car.ii. Hillsboro, Oregon Pacific State? Fire Insursncrji.'onipi'ny of 1'oitlatid, Oregon. Tht only b Oregon Old LineComauy. Losses Promptly Paid John Yaiulcrwal Ittltaboro, Oiruuu THE HILLSBORO COMMBRQAL BANK CAriTAL $60,000 SURPLUS ami PROFITS $2S.OOO Brave the wind AND STORM ever mveivtod "th. FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER WW PROTECTOR HAT 75' Dwikrs cvcrywKsr Our 80 u voar. ' f, i j.Towia co. bostcn y Cider Apples WANTED at the Knight Packing Co. Mill t Cornelius. Highest market m ice naid. We also s t do custom work. We carry barrels and kcL's of all .sizes for sale, l'hmie, Independent 752. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUUGE7 Everything to-wear NoM is hereby given that a meeting of the resident Uapayerg of Koad District No. 'J. ashinj;ton County, Oregon, in hereby culled nd will be held at 1. 0. (). F. Hall In fca;d Koad Hdtrict No. 9, Washington Lount.y, Or jon, on tbe !i.rth day of Ncvember, lalfi, it thw hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on Bald day to dieu8 acl vote upon the estimates con tained In the following budtfet: Budget. Hoad District o. 9, Waahlngton County, Oregon, eittlmateH the amount of work, coot, and number of mlllt of tax to be rained for the following year: One-half mile macadam on Tloadu 429-67, entmiated cot of which l 600. One-fourth mile on Koad No. 429, estimated com of whkh Ih $350. One-half macadam on Road Ko. A148, eatlwatod com of which l $600. One-half mile macadam on Road No. A147, eRtimated cost of which 1 $600. One-fifth mile macadam on Roads No. 368-411, estimated tout of which in 12(0. One-third mile macadam on Road No. A59, estimated coBt of which Is $350. One-fourth mile macadam on Road K'n 4iC ..,! ,.. ...... ...I. Ink l It $250. i:;drens on Kond No. 179, estimated it icon of which is $250. II One-ninth mile macadam on Road J No. 667, estimated cost of which Is II $100. Redress on Road -No. A3S, esti mated cost $4f,0. Footpath on Road No. AS8, estl mated eoct $100. Total, $3900. Value taxable properly In district is, $788,234.90. Number of mills required to raise, a 5 mill tax. Dated this 1st day of Nevomber, 1S16. A Bwlener, Koad Rutiervlnor Road dlatrlctAoH, W aMtunt'lm County , ure. Resident Taxpayers. J. W. 8tiiinnors, S. R. Vincent, Chas. Metzxer, NpIh Holm, N. U. Gol den, B. Schcchla, W. E. Shaver, H. W. HuselnKe, C. F. Tlxard, It. F. Bonesteel, J. J. Young, Geo. Zimmer men. I. R. PeOro-'P, J. F. Drandt, John Onarde, O. L. Sparks, M. F. Bbhop, G. A. I'lielh, H. Zwiener, U I P. Tallmsn, B. H. Nobles, H. W. Mc ! Donald, H. Tledeman, J. W. Tlgard, IK. V. Stelnhoff. Geo. Roland. R. A. jT'lss, A. flchlneht. W. I Palmer, , Clvde li. Ieedv. Herman, Rehlerr, W A. Starker. E. W. Wamnler, E. T. McNeal, A. K. Zwiener, II. B. Tl j gard, William Kruger, N. P. Johnson, Wm. Arlss, Marv B. TwIhs, O. P. Sheridan, O. H. Butler. , W. 0. Domison UNDJ'RTAKI-R m Calls attended niht or day. Chapel and Parlors, Hllltboro, OroQon An old, safe and conservative hauk, located in the llilh lioro Commercial block, S.W. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. ClAMONrj to'' Ell BRAND :JtOMU lillAM!) rtU.H In !' ii.a ..htion. Tai-b m orni'ti. V n.ll utid k r.i. lll.f 111 M.Ti a V 111 A MO All HH AMI 1M I.I.M, f-ir twnilr Hvc yemrci'sidrd iinl.Fatmil, Alwsva Ri-llnljle, 30LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK CUFRVtAiirRP worth UPMUU Gives a brilliant flonny shine Hint aim not rub uff or dimt oil Hint onni'.-iM to the iron tlmt limta iotir llioe us lonir " ny otlior. Black Silk Stovo Polish la In a eland by luolf. It's mora carefully inutloftrii nmda lioin bt lur materials, Try It on ymr pnrlof or yiMir irm rnniro. If yon (Inn't finJ it v-r u '(, yuir tinrrlwaro or yrcftTi'il'fl'riji t.llii 'l ixtJtl l- T f fund yvnr Thar' "A Shin In very Drop' CATHOLIC CHURCH. Third and Fir Streets. City 992 (Winter Schedule) Sunday Masses. 8:20 and 10:30 a. IT. Christian Doctrine, 9;45 a. m Baptism, 2:00 o'clock p. m. Choir practice, 2 p. m. Benediction, 4:30 p. m. Week-day Mass, 8:20 a. m. Hoffman's Sawmill 1? is saw itiy; from the hest timber in Wn:;liini;ton county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIHI) FLOORING mid RUSTIC always on hind. I'stitnates on, Huoritiy;, Rustic, Ceil ings .iil kind-; of linislied lumber for liou- niweiial. We deliver. All lengths silo lumber, the best in the nt ukot, const .uilly on hand. l'hon. : Noiilt IM.iins Central, 3 1. 11 PETER HOI I'MAN, Ibcona. Oregon rKOEBER'S ! The Leat'lrt!,' Confcciionery of the City We handle Hazel wood, te Lest Ice Cream made Don't forjjet our Uotav Made Candies Our Candy Kitchen tiaieJ higher than any in the county, so you will not make a mistake by buying ycur confections here. You arc welcome to leave inrccls hore at all times. Koeber's Confectionery Ajjent for city Laundry Taken Up -lied and white yearlinpr. Owner please pay cost of keep, advertising, and take same away. b red Dancer, Hillsboro, Itoure 1, two miles north of West Union church. 35 PTV't'f )" 'ftfy . ... - , 1, ...I,,, .nxiiimi I Every Home can have I a Musical Instrumentj Wl rrlorfnl Valuta In l'uinut, PLiyvr Plunot r.' "'"i sirelinown tiunirvcnlv v l t can nave StrumentJ Piuim . 1,2 m''J. whit will c-li.lur-.liKl v. hut M laftilly-woi i tlw-iniif ..! r I, ctny pnymcntlrrinn ,!..! ,-llif.r-Bt biiimhI niiirun-nta wiil;in i iny- 1 oiw'ercrh. fill out (he coupon a .r or writa for rauluj)uc. & ,Iierfnan.lay&Ca Qh quomuij.ji; jrMtjrirjrti.i. .bout w CitJ JUCT ALITVLe CrlLW- ? W-.ICUi I Aiisrits. its KICK TOBACCO. V I ! I ,',Mir TO ir tvu lr,f. DiCSl.W. Oil QRlrtl. OH IT M'JCH.ycu Mr.-' TKli'X n ' tJ TOO STROMO.f "J vkom tht MMJIT MR. MRCMM1T.youl CUCTOMCK.S WltW fJ 'ReciTt youn L TfLLIN THEM IMllll tW B CUT TQCCO. J YOU naturally take to the broad minded merchant who has your interest nl heart. Many of them have taken tip W-B GUT Chewing themselves and are glad to show you why you should use the little chew. The common t f rich (ohncco chuck full of satisfaction shredded and liii'tv suited, so you get at the tobacco satisfaction is making friends oil around. . r imsm..v.. w wr tit cht ORROON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 am 7:18 a rn 8:28 a m 9:58 12:43 3:58 5:18 7:53 9:58 a m p m P m p m p in ,p m 2:12.. 4:27.. 0:31 . . 7:18 8:25 12:20. pm ,pm pm .pm pm a ra From Portland -55 minutes, 7:54 ...a m 9:20 am 11:25- am We will loan yru money on your farm, or will sell or trade it for you, or insure your buildings iiEfiinst fire. Unlimited funds, quick service, rates reasonable. -Perkins & Cornelius. Room 1, Commercial Building, Hillsboro, Ore.