.'''V .... . .""" -""v UiuMclal VftU, Wiikirtfttftit County, Nov, 7, l(H6, I i P. O OFFICES AND 2 6 t ui CANDIDATES x t. 'A c: a.' c en is uJ 'A "5 o 101 119 171 4SH4 99 3352 28 119 63 172 US KU 63 87 60 lSt ' 101 19 1 149 197 20 111 1 12 30 132 4 32 57 127 8 47 President Hughes, R Wilson, H Con press Haw ley, R Richards, Sue Weathered, D .' SccroUry of State Cannon, Soc.... Olcott, R J u dire of Supreme Court Bright, Prohi Burnett, R Hosmer, Soc........ Moore, R Oliver, D Dairy and Food Commissioner MeKinnon, Soc. Mickle, R Reinnel, Prohi Public Service Commission Buehtel, R Van Presar, P Judge Circuit Court Bsgley, R Johnson, D V Senator Ei-win, P rrickett, Soc Wood, R Joint Senator Cooper, Soc Handle, R Representative in Legislature Bowman, R Cornelius, R S . A. P. Meek, R Manehe Langley, D Meade, P Schulmerich, D Boyd, Soc Webber, Roc Webley, Soc Pistrict Attorney Tongue, R County Commissioner Hanley, D Hesse, R County Clerk Knratli, R Mctiride, P Wolf, Soe Sheriff Applegate, R Boyd, Soe Reeves, R Recorder Pavis, R Lidyard, Soc Treasurer Seal, Soe Burkhaltor, D Sappinfrton, R Assessor- Boley, R Hedge, P County Surveyor Reiter, R County School Superintendent Barnes, R Coroner Barrett, R Via, D H4 91 134 163 219 S3 135 108 124 156 Si) 165 212 42 1 13 7 14 2 5 9 C 10 IS 14 31 69 15 80 46 106 65 57 66 49 69. 52 69 66 45 36 100 53 104 71 21 15 23 6 1G 23 12 26 16 33 12 43 29 57 SS 140 159 213 3 30 19 23 71 113 127 184 17 67 44 118 42 41 29 33 28 S2 130 113 118 171 4 10 19 10 11 76 114 91 110 156 62 59 76 40 61 24 43 42 27 87 154 210 134 24 30 35 81 141 197 52 60 63 46 3 23 7 22 6 9 26 10 19 22 22 34 144 102 173 1SI 265 lit 136 130 140 194 115 182 252 IS 4 20 16 37 22 26 18 21 12 SI 17 8 105 34 11 160 12 114 89 133 155 173 82 119 100 124 159 89 159 213 127 69 15 70 89 124 63 56 67 39 52 49 70 66 35 124 109 148 159 204 90 133 105 142 184 90 176 21C 140 86 10 76 55 132 fi9 69 80 40 55 63 76 61 44 73 S3 79 47 134 42 4 26 13 25 103 80 114 144 174 67 75 104 62 75 4 4 16 6 13 75 126 60 107 152 C7 23 73 21 63 36 44 10 73 149 196 123 52 2 SI 28 34 10 14 27 10 25 33 44 40 12 145 99 1S6 172 276 131 161 144 155 193 113 193 251 156 102 95 91 75 137 148 215 77 131 95 130 159 81 155 210 128 89 129 140 186 77 124 112 115 177 81 142 184 72 116 131 144 72 17 76 85 43 38 37 16 56 4 1 2 70 74 85 26 16 16 40 150 47 94 68 176 12 19 12 15 9 12 68 -108 7S 80 67 65 97 46 146 69 136 182 47 71 109 55 51 58 62 104 120 3 7 6 1 3 6 1 3 6 50 51 80 113 8 15 5 6 S 6 44 69 22 17 17 65 91 12 14 10 68 61 81 34 37 30 95 87 77 47 70 7 6 8 162 99 175 167 248 117 135 142 157 192 108 195 215 140 91 95 114 03 29 145 26 45 138 41 33 52 112 85 105 156 103 30 97 74 123- 103 US 9 77 1 19 36 125 1 12 55 99 96 142 33 49 1 20 42 62 69 135 70 75 36 151 87 173 76 181 89 166 14 49 57 163 147 176 161 213 34 103 12 13 136 147 8 10 73 191 164 267 33 30 10 47 16 115 117 199 76 179 144 139 167 264 174 269 167 227 39 90 63 82 85 81 10S 82 87 128 97 56 5S 69 1 5 7 70 79 78 1 2 19 84 124 105 124 145 121 10 21 26 2 3 8 58 70 56 81 119 190 75 110 94 08 76 79 112 141 130 125 139 143 105 139 64 154" 47 131 61 89 121 144 156 198 33 35 2 6 146 127 2 1 50 112 139 205 22 14 3 10 42 51 134 171 93 168 87 52 146 198 149 198 139 195 32 28 55 96 86 147 75 157 70 70 21 15 93 135 15 9 56 127 108 174 26 33 19 13- 46 58 89 174 76 144 64 109 111 194 120 196 99 106 43 57 80 65 198 119 211 57 30 131 40 4 177 128 24 98 4 54 227 152 46 9 33 66 6 35 190 130 177 114 103 51 249 142 252 150 202 136 05 33 J i I -i it - g ii & ? tA r! -i r 'A J?l i 72 74 117 14 164 41 58 43 4i 99 31 1J2 21 60 77 81 127 16 169 47 65 II 6 12 4 28 28 69 19 84 11 32 4 15 12 22 1 3 100 99 ISO 80 236 63 85 17 16 47 8 40 3 8 79 79 126 17 172 61 61 7 15 8 27 2 9 71 69 118 15 150 46 65 29 32 61 24 89 13 38 3 15 1 10 27 ' 2 4 88 95 153 24 208 62 91 12 4 23 5 16 7 75 75 124 18 155 42 62 18 29 63 21 78 12 89 90 72 153 24 201 64 63 21 39 51 19 80 3 42 31 40 91 21 113 11 46 6 13 4 17 2 8 75 66 92 18 136 41 60 6 2 30 9 29 3 6 98 102 160 28 215 44 89 76 64 127 12 169 44 61 68 56 116 25 189 40 51 , 61 37 101 15 159 38 39 28 32 62 24 82 14 64 28 53 61 19 60 10 43 62 52 94 25 143 13 65 1 11 6 24 1 2 4 8 5 10 1 4 1 9 3 8 1 3 95 96 147 35 207 49 72 26 72 79 20 99 22 64 83 79 127 20 160 27 39 85 34 151 24 197 36 67 20 40 16 63 10 43 2 8 4 12 1 3 64 61 113 15 118 37 64 1 4 1 93 58 53 98 28 162 14- 49 87 89 167 32 218 41 83 10 9 22 9 30 1 7 3 8 7 13 1 3 31 30 88 23 83 6 30 76 75 112 11 170 41 68 . 30 70 71 23 200 32 48 78 41 130 21 71 16 61 96 93 176 34 214 41 78 95 84 169 29 219 45 85 92 61 151 19 199 40 69 11 60 47 19 54 7 37 95 19 01 49 20 14 65 14 89 83 85 70 61 99 86 9 24 6 83 62 92 38 11 61 27 11 51 93 73 82 37 4 g i -. t! S 3 $ J; -g .9 3 " ... 0 w j H H A A in 79 126 J07 163 41 59 229 198 175 65 90 Wi 155 at 74 U3 101 131 93 130 116 1S8 41 75 230 179 173 8 5 1 87 9 10 13 8 13 45 80 34 101 23 42 96 79 102 10 10 9 41 9 It 19 16 19 124 189 135 262 68 102 293 238 246 28 47 38 64 6 6 41 40 62 101 130 102 205 40 71 234 195 1H0 15 20 6 50 11 10 21 14 25 86 114 97 170 41 72 217 177 170 36 68 38 75 25 57 78 71 70 9 11 7 40 13 12 22 11 19 116 102 116 232 60 28 269 226 217 10 29 23 42 4 1 80 20 35 93 130 109 192 39 67 239 187 190 43 63 34 95 24 49 69 66 62 107 131 123 224 35 61 244 220 2U 38 '71 37 . 74 35 62 92 62 82 53 69 47 95 23 68 143 108 114 15 6 4 36 14 12 15 8 10 72 126 . 103 170 32 44 178 It!' 147 10 22 14 62 12 12 Q is 24 125 107 128 237 56 102 "89 238 228 95 122 106 179 37 62 256 200 213 91 114 94 1 50 3 4 9 2 203 1 59 176 70 119 85 154 32 33 193 151 154 37 69 41 87 25 63 121 99 79 41 67 37 90 22 46 82 75 67 41 77 85 100 27 92 113 110 104 15 8 2 33 9 10 13 7 18 11 4 3 33 8 7 7 9 13 10 6 29 10 7 7 6 10 120 160 127 239 50 87 257 223 224 75 65 35 88 26 71 88 89 79 69 130 122 204 37 61 220 172- 182 95 120 116 176 39 70 270 218 227 39 60 30 82 18 37 40 42 47 5 3 4 35 10 8 5 6 14 73 120 94 147 22 40 170 153 151 7 3 2 28 7 4. 7 3 7 62 79 02 138 42 78 141 119 140 . 69 147 129 231 44 106 208 220 209 27 21 U 44 15 10 23 25 33 11 3 4 23 10 8 8 6 13 33 00 46 88 22 66 101 98 88 90 130 101 188 30 67 233 100 109 38 80 52 132 34 71 211 172 180 99 110 97 154 28 45 72 82 92 120 152 124 231 50 91 282 233 235 112 163 131 231 65 101 280 212 210 96 112 116 184 20 87 285 219 210 31 73 30 74 30 27 40 39 63 65 199 29 190 90 31 244 24 192 91 23 4 74 130 23 167 39 253 213 164 156 105 89 133 27 24 24 249 108 180 223 64 21 149 10 157 224 4S 27 127 159 170 120 247 260 241 67 30 9 19 18 41 15 31 9 2 15 7 30 9 18 It 17 13 8 29 13 40 32 30 24 10 9 '2 9 8 7 45 20 34 33 17 8 5 31 43 13 8 17 l!.!l 16 111 10 120 1 1: 12 111 24 152 34 X 132 IS 115 1 13 i:;t 130 28 24 41 4 6 4 II! 1H2 III) 9 67 10 l:s 35 I -19 12 129 til 15 17:1 21 K.I M I'll! 60 ('.('. h) 137 10 m 1:17 121 05 cs 78 10 9 7 191 111 1SS 13 lit 31 209 78. 194 "5 108 79 19 250 34 210 78 211 90 41 1ST 68 223 198 151 103 170 OS 107 10 10 11 130 93 128 6 70 7 1S4 40 130 12 110 no 7 171 20 127 64 82 59 13 125 43 161 130 94 101 133 62 70 3 4 4 215 133 199 10 126 12 293 80 220 10 ISO 75 12 250 47 212 74 220 93 88 21 198 64 243 197 157 158 180 75 99 9 11 7 140 16 105 4997 4!t 2118 11 001 238 6740 09 1370 177 6118 16 00H 162 4532 68 2165 13 690 203 0020 47 751 177 4901 69 209 192 63 78 18 100 6492 2270 2072 608 4413 43 992 203 6220 107 135 152 4940 4494 4030 145 2H10 70 2130 91 St7tl 9 474 a 6 405 344 151 17 223 135 220 184 6941 30 142 1 t:i 20 5 117 63 1 17 15 4 28 91 110 I 19 50 0 1 13 4 81 171 II 8 47 108 109 173 90 18 1KH 9 99 225 43 14 50 69 128 119 71 3 130 05 103 15 3 39 104 191 199 90 17 221 8 99 232 35 11 65 98 2785 140 4023 150 6077 89 1914 U 401 177 4322 4 81 273 3319 48 137 148 200 150 220 27 31 79 128 174 108 185 89 47 152 85 91 71 100 177 228 158 243 177 6832 89 939 8 ' 402 7 2120 170 4999 139 4105 90 3222 198 0104 43 155 171 245 100 206 207 0340 38 110 131 212 10 67 65 117 39 224 62 199 6410 30 1809 COUNTY COURT Fnwlpj 156 30" Fred Schwander, defendant, N. D. Simon, will take a November, 1910, at the hour of 2 0' Following are the , claims allowed for the month of October, 1916. R. and 1L Fred Wolff, $1.25; R. Nelson, $0; O. Johnson, $S; HJ.Luck $2.25; E. Lengaher, $2; 1). Luck, $4 R. Nelson, $1; C. C. Nelson, fl; Bert Wilkes, $54.37; Ed Lengacher, $29 C Wirtz, $25.25; Frank Murphy, $00 50; II A Smith, $3.25; John Lengaeh er, $1.50; Charles Sehomburg, $2; W D Fowles, $0.20; F Corey, $6.20; Abe Sipp, $1.45; Frank Murphy, $2.79; A E Storey, $20.; Will Zuercher, $17.50; Albert Foeije, $20; Jake Greenmeier, $2.25; August Foege $18; Henry Tonges, $18; Lloyd Tay lor, $1.12; Walter Zuercher, $18; Al bert Keehn, $20.25; Arlen Jacobsen $18; Jake Tnichsel, $18; Wm Welch $18; Fred Dancer, $35; G G Wall ing, $25.50; L Rosandcr, $20; John Trachsel, $5; John Smicrmann, $2; tirrni Trachsel, $16; Jas tsucnan, 75;0 St John, $15.75; J P Shirley $15.75; Joe Finigan, $15.75; Huber Livengood, $15.75; J P Wirtz, $15.75: L C Melquint, $10; P Burkhalter. ' $23.43; J Findlater, $12; R H Row- df-n, $12; J B Adams, $18; L S Prin ple, $12; Ross Jack, $12; J Mathews $18; I II Young, $4; Harvey Jack -$12; J I Schofield, $12; Daniel Pot tec, $12; Edward Morgan, $12; L P Goodwin, $15; M L Reeves, $5; Frank Brown, $l;Grover Brown, $2; Bert Messinger, $0; L A Hoffman, $22.50; Em Goetter, $22.50; Roland Meyers $0; F L Brown, $0; M Frederickson $4; Grover Brown, $12; Julius Chris tenson, $23; G E Hathorn, $0; W N Hathorn, $3.50; L C Melquist, $9: Jas Buchan, $5; Claud Erickson, $9: L A Hohman, $8.25; John Wolf, $5: John Barry, $13.50; Anton Leis, $3.93; John Tomas, $46; C Tupper, $32; F Ramsey, $18; C Jackson, $20; Tom Todd, $0; Pave Sparks, $20; J P Conger, $16; Encell Todd, $2; R Graham, $2; 1'eter A VanLoo, $7.58; M F HeesHcker, $7.50; Theo VanLoo, $2.50; John Heesacker, 7.50; Theo M Van Dyke, $7.35; B Kem rr, $5: Ben Heecacker, $12.80; Steve Nedrow, $11; Carl Johnson, $11; Carl White, $11: Henry Clem- or..;, Wr.l Ealo.1, n; Augurt Sfiigert, $12; E Alwen, $12; T J Himel, $;0; John Tront, $6; E Gud hnildt, s: F Foster, $6; L Bauer. $20; P Heller, $15.20; D Geiger, $2; Fred Hume!, $3; J P Lengacher, $92.41; Fred Stempfli, $49.55; W D $56.30; F Corey, $50.38; Chas Schom burg, $50.82; Joe Essner, $31.68; Geo Meacham, $14.15; J H Luck, $31.35; S L Hollenbeck, $36.43; C S Reynolds, $24.75; G Galloway, $23. 65; II J Luck, $2475; G Parrett, ( 'onlinuad next wetk ) ! decree herein as prayed for herein Date 01 first publication, Nov, lb 1916. Date of Jast publication, Dec. 28, 1916. BEACH, SIMON & NELSON Attorneys for Defendant, N. D, Simon. 710 Board of Trade Bldg., Port land, Oregon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. Zulu Hickman, Plaintiff, v Minnie . I). Jones, Walter E. Jones, Ida Brandt, Grace Lancaster, Clara Pickard, Opal Anna Lillian Martin, James Blair Martin and N. D. Simon, Defendants. To Minnie D. Jones, Walter E. Jones, Grace Lancaster, Opal Anna Lillian Mnrtin and Jair,?s Blair Martin. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the answer ana cross com plaint filed in the above entitled suit by N. D. Simon, one of the defand ants herein, on or before the 8th day f January, 1917, and if you fail to insmr. for want thereof the said tie fendant, N. D. Simon will ask for a decree foreclosing his Raid notes and tnortiratres on Lot numbered a r run 'id Lands, situated in Section 28 Township 1 South of Range 1 West pf the Willamette Meridian in Wash inrrtnn Countv. Oreeon. 2nd For a judgment and decree herein in favor of the said ileienoanr V I). Simon, and airainst the said lefpndant3. Onal Anna Lillian Mar in and James Blair Martin, in the Aim of S800.00. together with inter- st nn J500.00 at the rate of 7 per -pnt. nor annum from July ai, iii ilso on $300.00 at tne raw 01 pnr ent. ner annum from July .11, together with the costs and disburse ments of this suit and the further mm of $100.00 attornfy's fees lor foreclosing said mortgages. 3n ) recting the sale 01 sain hereinbefore described real property and the application of the proceeds thereof to the payment of the costs nf pnid Rale and iudement 4th Barrimr and foreclosing all rieht. title and interest of each and all of the parties to this suit, both plaintiff and defendants in and to said real property and the whole thereof, save only the statutory right of redemption. nth For such other and further re lief as is just and proper. This summons is served by publi cation fnr fiv successive weeks bv or- Notics of District IIoad Mkxting to Vote Additional Road Tax In Road District No. 22 We, the undersigned resident taxpayer! cf Rr,d District No. 2J Washington Com ty, Oregon, ioj.etlifr o.tnp'isinix nioreJban ten pr crnt. m the resident taxpayer in aid road dlstuct, herebj give notice thit a tnetlmg of Ihe resi dent taxpayers of said Road Distiict No. 22 Washingt- n Count v, Oiepon, is nereoy called, and will be held at Ii'ikd nan, in Siiid KO d District No. 22 Washington Couity, O eifnn, on hr 2 dav of Nov, 1916, at the hrur of 8 o'clock P. M., hi said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or additional road tax In said district, to determine what, If any, county roads or portions thereof In said road district Bhall be improved, In any special manner, and the char acter aand extent of such Improve ment or improvements shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax. not to exceed 10 mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in said road district, as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road dis trict shall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such special Improvement or improvements In said Road Distiict No 22 Washington (.ouniy, Oregon. I) tied this ist day of November, A. D. 1916 Harry L. Rubtnsiti, Road Supervisor of Rna( District N . 22 Washington Connly, Oregon. Ke iocnr Taxptyers W. B. Carter. T. B. Dennev. Henrv F.rick'011, A. E. Hins-in, Aui. Paulson, Elis D. McGowan, B K Dennev, J. B. Down nv, SnmuW B Lawrence. H. F. Miandcr, I. L. Mureloek. I. K. Johnson. J. J. Conaway, L. Denney, H. V, Down ing, H. L. Robinwn. Notice of District Road Meeting to Vote Additional Koad Tax in Koad District No. 12. We, the undersigned resident tax payers of Koad District No. 12, Wash clock P. M. of said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or additional road tax ir. said district, to determine what, if any, county roads or portions thereof in Baid road dis trict shall be improved, in any special manner, and the character and extent of such improvement or improvements shall make thereon, und to levy uch special or additional tax, not to ex ceed ten mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in said road district., as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road district shall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such special improvement or improvements in Baid Road District No. 12, Washington County, Oregon. Dated this 13th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1016. WM. J. GREGG, Road Supervisor of Road District No. 12, Washington County, Oregon. Resident Taxpayers: A. G. John son, Carl Meier, Edward Wendt, Jacob Schneider, Lewis Powers, Jos. II. Seus, W. Van Derveti, W. II. Hendricks, Herman E. Pranger, II. W. Gregg. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, in a cause therein pending wherein Albert Bled soe is plaintiff and J. Francis Teevin ;ind Daisy leevin, his wife, George H. Geis and Geis, his wife, Willa P. Sherman, formerly Willa P. Binkley, and Harry A. Sherman, her husband, W. F. Noble, A. S. Ander son and Esther Anderson, his wife, Lee L. Haycock and Haycock, his wife, are defendants, and dated the 13th day of November, 1916, to me directed and delivered and com manding me to make sale of the parcel of real property hereinafter described in order to satisfy the sum of $2900.00 together with interest thereon from the 7th day of October,: 1911, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $250.00 attorney's fees and the further sum of $19.35 costs and dis bursements in said cause, for which said sunvt judgment was rendered in said cause on the 13th day of Nov ember, 1916, in favor of the plaintiff and against defendants S. Francis Teevin and Daisy Teevinj his. wife, and to satisfy the costs and, expenses of and upon said writ, 1 will on Sat urday, the 10th day of December, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M of Range four west of Willumetto Meridiun in Washington County, Ore gon, and running thence south one hundred rodsj thence west eighty roils; thence North one hundred roils; thence east eighty rods to the pluce of beginning containing fifty acres. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as per statute of the State of Oregon. Dated November 13th, 1916. .1. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. By GEORGE ALEXANDER, Deputy NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. In the matter of the Estate of George T. Rasmus, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned administrator of suid estate has filed in the above en titled Court and cause his final ac count and report as such adminis trator, and the said Court has fixed and appointed Monday, the 18th day of December, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock of r.aid day, and the Court room of above entitled Court in Ilills- boro, Washington County, Ore., an the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated this 14th day of November, 1916. MIKE WARD RASMUS, Administrator of Estate Aforesaid. HARE & McALEAR. Attorneys for Administrator. Don't Wait--- too long to buy that winter coat. There'i a big assortment here to choose from at the lowest prices. A Splendid Showing of Waists Georgette Crepe, Crepe DcChine, in White, Flesh, Pink and Peach blow, sizes 36 to 46 New Tub Waists of Fancy Poplins, Souisette, and Voiles, all size, $1, $1.25, $1.50 See our line of New Separate Skirts Noiroublo touhnw gao Js, whothof you aro randy to buy or not. Counv Official Papr inirton Countv. Oreeon. toirother corn- nrisinf? moro than ten nor rpnt of the n r aid Hay at tbn outh door of the Co. -)or nf the Hon Oeo. R. Baglev.Judure resident taxpayers in aid road difl- Court Ilnyse of Washington Countv, of the nhore en'rtied oi"t, wnien or- inct, neruoy give notice uiai a mm lor was ent-erod in the abnvo entif'pd I ing of the resident taxpayers of said on the lfl'h div of November, J Road District No. 12, Washington 19tn. and removes thn yon pnpe.ir j County, Oregon, is hereby railed, and and snnvpf paid rWendrtrr's answer will be held at Leiseville School House and crocs complaint on rr before the 1 in said Road District No. 12, Washing 8th day of January, 1917; otherwise 1 ton County, Oregon, on the 25th day of in Hillsborn, Oreeon, sMl at public auction to th" higherd, bidder for rash in hand nil of the following described norrel nf real property situate in Wnshinrton County, Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at the center of S"ction thirty-three in township three North li. A. LONG, Keillor Enter 1 t the Post Office At Hillsboro Oregon, an aecond-cUu mail matter. Subscription: f 1.50 per milium. ISSUED KVHRV THURSDAY -RY- LlVfl McHINNKT With every element of hi bus iness against him, and several combinations seminKly impossi ble to compass, Wilson won with 10 electoral to spare and 400,000 Goar's Woman's Shop llillsboro, Ure. Third Street" JOHN (IOODIN MRS. A R ROOI-RS kins, Prineyille, and Mr. Lo.wis Oldfield, Portland. Two of his of a popular majority. And yet. 'are the late Mrs. Hannah Greer. as Champ Clark said, it was a .mother of Mrs. W. G. Hare; and horse race. John Goodin, aj-ed 88 ycers, died Nrs. A. 11 Holers died at her at the homeof hisdaiiKht r.Mrs. home 4 miles West of Heaverton Lewis Oldfield, Portland, Nov. Nov. 10. following i stroke of J916, after an extended illnefH. PP''lli'xy. She leaves a son and Mr. Goodin was born in Ireland, live daughters to mourn her loss: and came America in e?rly youth. ! C K.' lingers, Mrs. O. A. Camp After settlinRin Washington Co ; 1"'H. Mm. .1. Carter, Mrs. Susan he was interested in contracting I'urrows, Heaverton, Mrr. A. W. and building, and erected many Wallace, Montesano, Wn!. Mrs" bridges for the county, lie is M. Mark, Seattle. Interment in survived by a second wife and Kivcrview cemetery, Monday. me iiuiowinK cntiuren ny ms urst wife: K. R Godin. Secretary ef the State Board of Control, S i- lent, J. W. Goodin. Norlh Plains, ' . , , Wm Goodin. Cornelius. T. 1'. eV(.'n h''ii airy "s, some Goodin, Orenco. Mrs. C. W. 101- ,resh snmfl coming fresh l or Sale Glen Powers, of the Hillsboro Mercantile, severely cut his hand yesterday. Earl Caud'e stepped into the soon. Will i?ive a harirain nn iho herd. IVrcy I.. Brown. Seven miles southw'estof Hills boro, in Kit-dale district. Corne lius Ore., It. 2. Box 82. 35 7 Mr. Goodin was the soul of in- tecritv. and a remnrknhlf etinr. lime tank at the Gates olantyes. I acter. Until his Rr.th vpr ho terday and severely scalded his'wi3 verv ruo-ppd. A 'hmt r,r ankle. Dr. Erwin attended the ! friends in this and Multnomah "jury- I counties deplore his passing. the late Mrs. T. It. Imbrie The funeral takes place. Sittur- flav lit in-2f) at tho Tualatin I Plains Church. Rev. C. E. Cline ! ,!"rn' 'Cha:i. UeiliriKam wife, firirlHiltlinm Htn a t n 1 :ov. On Oft ir. u ,filljMi;L!IIK LUC PCI VIUtTH Or. C. It Bloyd is home from l.ikeview. Uoy, On..., Oct. 15, a daughter. II. M. Basford, residing on the Farrnintrton River road, was se verdy cut about the face and neck, yesterday, the result of r'ttmtf tangled up with his team. Or. Erwin attended the patient.