HATS HATS - HATS Hats for $2.50 - $35 - $5.00 EMMOTTS MILLINERY, Main St. Only Exclusive in the Women who are looking for ual Mint enn be worn on all ocrauont, in all oru ot wnnther, will find a ureal awortment of new one hare, linrd, half lined; and unlined. Vo can afford to sell at lower prices because our expenses are less Fashionable Suits Three lovely models this week .:any New Styles in Waists just in Dainty Wh Waist, with large Collar and Cuffa, frilled rut tied, tucked or lace trimmed $1, J 1.25 and up to $2.50 Crepe De Chine, Georgette Crepe, Plaid Silk Waists with very newest ideal in Collars and Cuff atae 36 to 46 Complete new line of Dress'Skirts, sizes 24 to 36 Gear's Woman's Shop Third Street Hillsboro, Ore. Announcement- HEINECK BROS, are now prepared to receive orders for meat over the telephone and will give tame their careful attention, and deliver promptly. OUR BUSINESS will be done on a strictly CASH basis which will enable us to save you money. WE SOLICIT Phone, Main 83 V.n"W)il.iSJf ""yjT 1 1 K .. r.CE OF DISTRICT ROAD '. E "n NG TO VOTE ADDITION ..L ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS i r:iT NO. 31. W. to iinderslgnod resident tax P p r;; of lioad District No. 31, . 1 i it;)OTi County, Oregon, togeth i coiiiiriKlng more than 10 per t , t 1' (lie resident taxpayers In f i t 'ii .'l district, hereby give no t . - M,.t a meetitig of the resident t ! of Raid Uoad Di.strict No. If. . i.:.ii!ilgtin County, Oregon, Is b i ) c.ilfd, and will be held at - :: ! Hall, in Raid Koad Diiitrict 'l. Washington County, Oregon, c r:.. 25th day of November, 1 ' the hour of 3 o'clock of 3 '. of said day, to discuss the i. il : '.:-n i.'iy of levying a special or I-k .10:1: I road tax in said district, l-i ' di' ' i-Ji'.!no what, if any, county j,. . ; ... pcrtioiiB thereof in said ! i tH't ."hall be Improved, In i f i.ial mannr r, and the char- ii : r ;T.d extent of such Improve v t or improvenienls shall make fiirc:!!!. and to levy such special or i 1 :;t'cn:il tax, not to exceed 10 r :;'; on the dollar, on all taxable r 1 .did personal property In said 1 -: . I cUririet. as a niajoiily or such . 1, I' l l taxpayers of said road dis 1 i. shall deem advisable for the ).... of raising money with v V !) to defray the expense of such r ; 1 Improvement or Improve- , . fn said Tlmd District No. ?' V, :ifli!ncfen County, Oregon." r (, 1 this 2Slh day of October, A, :, 1310. T. R. MOODE. --r-.-if-nr rf TTnnd TV?trIot Vashlncfon County. Ore. frsiHent Tnxp.ivera. ' T.nrkln, R. O. Ilenton. R M. r ' .t it. Kays, .1 B. Bartlett. t iii ' l;il..- en. tillnr C E. r.i.iK,:, U'io Moore, T. R. Moore. J ( Woman's Store Countv larf practical winter Coal, J YOUR TRADE 1117 Second St. t E. Wenstrom, C. R. Sniffert, O. A. Johnson, K. K. Conover, L. ' R, Campbell, J. A. Rowell, Ina liowelli A. Wedeking. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Notice la hereby given that a meeting of the resident taxpayers of Koad District No. 25, Washing ton Countv. Oreeon. Is h prphv ...Hi.. I land will be held at Ingram's Hop I House In said Road District No. 25, Washington County, Oregon, on the j 25th day of November, 1916, at the j hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day to discuss and VOtn lltmn the estimates contained in the following Duuget: Budget. Road District No. 25, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost, and number of mills of tax to be raised for the following year: miles macadam on Portland Road, estimated cost of which Is $1095.48. miles macadam on River Itoad, estimated cost of which is $517.74. Value of taxable property In dis trict Is $2758.70. Number of mills required to raise, , 6 mill tax. Total, $1643.22. Dated this 30th day of October, . D., 1916. ' J. A. ZIMMKRMANN, Road Supervisor of Road District No. 25, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers. M. C. Wtts, F. If. Kearney, Dora Kearney, Jas. S. Church, Margaret E. Church. W. J. Ingram, Jos. J. Ingram, John Jack. F. M. Cone, J. 4 Zltnmermm Manila V. Potior Mrs. E. Prlngle, L. S. Prlng'le. N:ctf i &a Uudiel Mcl!hir 'Mil lllltt ii luet- l' 'f. .rem.., i l.x,H.ytf.i ni K. d ,?ilt.- f;.. Ne, K XVio.hiiimiii I'.niii ty ONgou illprci.r . mini and i!I t lit mini h'i.1 i!l tw rex. I ll.n. m ani.i Koa.t Olsf iri N i.!-, W i-du.iyion CV'tnty, vi.Tpni mi .,. , Kovfililwr, !' tl, at till1 Ii iii?.. 'J .l,Hk I' ,M.onitld di to illMun i;u vole upon Uieestl male., ooniuii.iil i i tin-ii.ilowuin lui.ljirtt: Hi emir Hiail lii rl; N .. s, 'A'anhinct in 'Villi ton Coui.tx . redd, t.niniHt in Minium ol work, co. . hi , n,u . .r ii mil. a ,.( tax to he raise I id lie ioi,.nv,ii,( jnurt One thin! m'l nmovlMu on ho I No. 4 ostlumied is;nl wnl.-h H U 0 One-four. h nnl hpmr ina itm mi K ail Nv. Sl-St jilmalm. oom m which I I'M. One eitth'h in il in a.-admii on Hon 1 No A.7H twlimatMl ami . I wlilrti I.1. una eiiftilll liilieinainiUiiioa rt. No. AlSii KHliiuamt eoi ol wnnli i iJHt, tin. fouiin niiln mncaitiiiii ui U.ml No, Ml etiii.a'tHi tHuti ot xx Itn-a n o Valitaol tiii.ililo proprrlji lit district is Number of ntl'la riinriil to tai'ma4 mill tai, f 3 : ltwl itiu, 2S.li day or October, A. l. I'M). H. T H-r, Itoad Superviwr of Kami liiricl No. x aiiiitii.ui itouuiy, ur-Hf iii. ittSIUKNT TAXrlVKKH A B Klint. II T tlei-se, I - Levity, im II Snider, II Mm ill! in.., N II Mrl niaUI. Joiel TaunUr, It A Ku-lintdM. IiiM-phiim A II 'oi. K r Kliike, t Vmoti-rin. at, W U II,ms. ' l! Ati.ter m, I, ,s Ilierlv. J V M.ulor, J J V. I Km k, J Mml) iy K Hit lit, I. M Mi. Allvj II aimn i,i. Nuiice of Disirici Mudeel M;v.inir Solii-eis hureb; uk en Hut imti in; ! the roiHlcnt iSiyeM in U .a I II .rii-i No. yi, M'ki.iiiiik4iii 'oiui'V, lr.v m, in litcl ai il lm IwlJ l r.i.in tl l.l, in .1.1 li.'Hil liKtr.vl No i.' Maxli Iniilon t oimiy, (irtK'in, uu lti :ali ilav ol Nov. IH h ai llin hour ol H u'.-Ui P M on swill il.iy to ilist iiMs a:ul Vnta iip.m llit oiiiisttt P iiiiaiiit.l tu Hie Util.iu iiik Initial: tUMMlKT Koa I DuTU't No a.'. VVasliliijj'oH O.iuii '. OrtEO I. fitllinaie tliu Miiioiiut ol t.V. . rk. (Hi.il ant number ol iiiUIk ol lai to be raised lor llm IoIIowiiik year: AHU leot in A -aJniii ,'ii Hm'Soii ill K a I eaiiiinif.l c hi nl a rt eh sl n HHW tcl m ca mn mi n.r Orotron City koa.i, es'im iit I i-.wt t i o i i .;7. M t ii a .nun on lUa O K II ,..ii, U..al ; ea i naieo coat ni wnn-n i i,io 1 ) U Ire. cleaiinii. rultbiiiK and railluK on S lulls K Miti, Mtiiiiaiett o i 1 1 IjO liv U leet citinriiiir, unmliluit, an I Kra.l. inn on Oivkou lay Kvad. eliioald ooai loll, 175 laud liua 1st day of Njvpiiihnr, A l lPlli Harry L. K iblna ui, Koad Suiwrvlaorof Koail Uiatriol No, Ma'DiiiKlou County, Uregoa RllKT TAIPiTCK W K farier, T II biiniiy. Hnr KrickmiD, V K IUni.ui, Alii Paiilaou. Kii.i U Mi.llowan, K k ISjhiicy, Jamu H l wiling. I I, Morelock, Ii r Kllamler, naiuuel H l.iiwroiicr. J J tonawar. J I Ji.liiiaon, L In-iiney, H P 0.wi.ui:, il I oooiiiau:i NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEET ING TO VOTE ADDITIONAL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DISTRICT NO. 32. Wi, the undersigned resident tiu P ers of Hoail Di.strict No. 32, Wash iUKlon County, Oregon, togetbar comprising more than ten per enl of the resident taxpayers in said road district, -hereby give notice i (hit a meeting of the resident tax I payers of said Road District No. 32 Washington County, Oregon, is here 11 "i,, iiu wui oe neia at senooi Tn.nxe at Garden Home In said Uoad I i Uustnct No. 32, Washington County, 1 uregon, on tne i'bth day of Novem Rltr, 1916, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. ni. of said day, to discuss the I ' advisability of levying a special or Ui ;i(liliuonal foad (ax in said district, lo determine what, If any, county roads or Dortiona thereof In an hi 6 road district shall be improved. In any special manner, and the rbar- 1 acter and extent of such Improvo U nicnt or improvements shall make i uiiToon, ana to levy sucn special oi additional tax, not to exceed ten a mills on the dollar, on all tnxable L real and personal property dn said ("road district, as a inajorliy of such P( .'esklent taxpayers of said road dis 'i trict shall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which i-to defray the expense of such spe f ; ial Improvement or Improvements p.n said uoad District No. 32, Wash ij'i'-t'on ( ounty, Oregon. M1 1i...f..l hi.. 1... a.... r Ki ii ni uaj. vi tiuieiuuri, . I). 1916. Tuna rm irn i'v Il HWiil Supervisor of Kond Districi Iso. ?,2, Washingion County, Oregon m Resident Taxpayer I J. O. Kreck, M. II. Itoss, C. A I fluff, Fred Carpenter, K. Itloslik .lohn Crowley, C. Hlmes, T. K. Hills L V. Morgensen, A. J. Simpson, A hilosick, S. Benz, C. Lehman, J. I'rndley, Thos. Bradley, Eliza Be- narreii, w. ii. iienarrcii, tr. M. tturr ner, C.'Olsen, Katherlne Lebmann. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of tlie resident taxpayers of Road ii)itrict No. 1, Washington County, Oregon, Is hereby called and will be held fit Sagert & Blank Hall, Tuala tin. In said Road District No. 1, Wash iiigton County, Oregon, on the 25tb day of November, 1916, Ht the hour of 2 o clock p. m. on said day to dis cuss and vote upon the estimates contained In the following budget: Budget Road District No. 1, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost and number of mills of tax to be raised for the following year: To redress with hot asplialt as a binder, starting at the south end ot Hie steel bridge at Tualatin on the Poone'g Ferry Road, thence as far west or near the I. N. RoblnBon store; then starting at the north end if the wooden bridge and ending at or near Southern Pacific R. R. track. all In the city of Tualatin, about 2500 feet, estimated cost of which lg 35 cents per running root, $875. Ali;o starting at the west side of the Southern Pacific Railroad track rear Durham station going west on the Boones' Ferry road, and redress the same as above stated until all fundii so voted are expended, eatl mated cost, 40 cents per running foot. Value of taxable property In dis trict is $540,500. Number of mills required to raise a i mill tax, $1081. Dated this 1st day of November, A. I). 1916. I'HAS CEIKKRORR. Road Supervisor of Road District No. 1, Washington County, Oregon. Resident Taxpayer, Jos. Peel, J. B. Clmlno, Augus! Blank, John E. Hedges, J. O. Thomn son, J. Nyberg, C. Roberts, Jos. H. Schsmonl. K. I.uethi, VV. S. Wlllard, J. R. C. Thompson, A. V. Itel, E. A. Robinson, R. S, Townsend, I. N. Rob Insrm, Saeiert & Blank, John Wesch, Maude f), Crlrn, Fred Lureman, J. L. Andrews, A. C. Duley. KUPTtNa Td VOTK HfllT!0N. AL ROAD TAX IN UOAD DIS TRICT NOi fit. We, the undersigned lesidenl lav pay em of Road District No. 21. Washington. County, Oregon, togeth er comprising more Hum 10 pi r cent of tin resident taxpayers In said road district, hereby give- no lice that a meeting ot the resident taxpayers ot said Road Distilct No. 21, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called, and will be held nt Buxton, Ore., in said Koad District No. 21, Washington County, Oregon, on the 2Mb day of Novoiulitr 1916, at tlio hour ot 2 o'clock. P. M , ot said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or additional road tux in said district. to determine what, If any, county loads or portions thereof In said road district shall be improved, in any special manner, and the char acter and extent of such improve ment or Improvements shall mak thereon, and U levy such special in additional tax, not to exceed 1i mills on the dollar, on all taxable teal and personal property In said road district, as majority of such resident taxpayers of said road dii trict shall deem advisable for the pirrposo of raising money with which to defray til expense of audi special Improvement or Improve eients In said Road District Niv 21, Washington County, Oregon Dated this 1st day of November A. !.. 1!)K , GEO. KISIIEU. Road Supervisor of Uoad District No. 21. Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayer. Elmer Pease, F. C. BiirdioUer, T. 1. Tiillman, A. Kostnr, R. It. Ilnl lock. W. II. Hlddlnk. H. K, Higgle E. O. Scofleld. A. Simpson. J. M Klnck, Ralph Hannsn, D. It. Stow e, Jos. Pong rati. It. Thomas, don Fischer. NOTICE . OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 24. We, the undersigned resident tax Payers of Road District No. 2t. Washington County, Oregon, tiu-ethei comprising more than ten per cent of the resident taxpayers In said road district, hctcby give notice that mcetinu of the resident taxpayers ot iald Road District No, 21, Washing ton County, Oregon, Is hereby called. and will be held at Hill School House in said Road District No. 21, Wash iiu:ton County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916. nt the hum of 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, In dis cui'Ss the advisability of levying a special or additional road tax In said district, to determine what, It any. county roads or portions thereof In aid road district shall be Improved, in uny special manner, and the char icier and extent of such improve nient or Improvement shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar, on all taxalil' real and personal property In said road district, as a majority of audi resident taxpayers of said road dis trict tdiall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such special mnrovement or Improvements In ald Road District No. 24, Washing 'on County, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of Novcmlier. A. D., 1916. J. H. HOFFMAN, Road Supervisor of Road District o. 24. Washington County, Ore. Reaident Taxpayers J. O. Mann. O. M. Cirlmm. J. V "rllchard, S. Shotwell. M. J, Cruni. "an, John Veit, Mrs. J. Veil, D. Cruik hank, M. B. dlbson. M. Hanson, M Northey. I. II. Hoffman, R. I. Walker, A. D. MorrUI, E. W. Carna han. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 44. We, the undersigned resident tax payers of Road District No. 44, Washington County, Oregon, togelh r comprising more than 10 per cent of the resident taxpayers In mid road district, hereby give no tice that a meeting of the resident laxpayers of said Road District No. 14, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called, and will be held at the House of W. C. Eddy, In said toad District No. 41, Washington bounty. Ore., on tho 25th day of N'ov., 1916, at the hour of 2 o'colck, P. M., of said day, to discuss the idvisability of levying a special or iddlt tonal road tax In said district, to determine what, if any, county loads or portions thereof in said road district shall be Improved, in any special manner, and the char terer and extent of such Improve nent or Improvements shall make thereon, and to levy such special or ulditlonal tax, not to exceed 10 nills on the dollar, on all taxable teal and personal property In said road district, as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road ills ri't shall deem advisable for the mrposo of raising money with vhich to defray the expense of such .pedal Improvement or Improve ments In said Road District No Da"-d this 28lh day of October, A. D 1916. " W. C. EDY, rtnad Supervisor of Itoad District No. 44, Washington County, Ore. Rciident Taxpayer. Fred II. Crane, Albert Oil, Cbas. Wetzel, Otto (iraue, 0. F. Atrups, Fred Stark, Ceo. Conzelman, Josle K. SlrJckler, John Mnllhlesen, II. P. Hlrickler, J.-A. Edy, Ed Wetzel, W. C. Edy. Lena F. BfTker. Ceo. L. Baiter, Kate Dodge, James Dodge, E. A. Edy. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Nollco Is hereby given that h meeting of the resident taxpayers of Koad Dlstriut No. 19, Washington County, Oregon, Is hereby called and will be held at Phillips Band Hall In said Road District No. 19, Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 01 lock P. M, on said day to discuss and vote upon the esti mates contained In the following budget: Budget. Road District No. 19, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost, and number of mills of tax to be raised for tho following year: miles macadam on Roads Nos. 169 and 203, estimated cost of which ! n. miles of macadam on Roads Nos. 170 and A124, estimated cost of which is $1050, Value of taxable property In dis trict Is, $342,525.48. Number of mills required to raise, a 5 mil) tax. , Ten si, HMO, baud I !il 1st day tit K'dk'Hlbiii, A. V, lOU, I'llKD It.UIEt., Ileud Kupon-U"r of Uoad District N01 19, Washington County, Oie. Kclilnt Taxpayer. II. Ki'lilun, M. Waetler, I'etcr ui icher, .John Selfeit, Ii. J. Nelson, V, 1 A. Ismcr, Win. Kucgy, J. Zim merman. D. II. Smith, John Trade Nil, J. II. Ilerger. May I.. U'TiKT, Al bert Kaufmani), Rulli C. K.111I ui.imi. Henry Bauer, j. C. liaillie. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAO Mfc-fcTING TO VOTE ADDITION. AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 20. We, the undersigned resident tax pay era of lioad District No. C'H, Wa.'.hlngtim County, Oregon, togeth er comprising mine Hum 1" per cent of the resilient taxpayer 111 said iiKid district, hereby glvo no tice lliat a meeting of the resident taxpayers of said lioml, District No. .'0, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called, and Will bo hdil at I in. ni II. ill In said liuad Dislild No. 20, Washington Coiiuly, Ore gon, on the 2.ili day of November, I9li. at the hour of 3 o'clock I', M., of said day, lo discuss the idvlsabilliy of levying a special or additional road tax In said district, to deiet niln.i what, if any, county roads or portion- llieerot in said road district shall be Improved. In any special manner, and the char acier and exient of Mich Improve ment or lllipnivemeiils shall make thereon, and to levy such special or ulditlonal lax, not to exceed P mills en the dollar, on all taxable real 11 ml personal pioperty In said oatl district, as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road ills- rli't shall, deem advisable for Hie 'mrposo of raising money xxiib .vlileh to defray the expenso of Midi ipiH'lal Improvement or Improve nenls In said Road District No 'tl, Washington Countv, Oret-on. Dated thi i 2Sti of October, A. D.. 1916. tiioms ::ii;piiy, jr.. load No. Supervisor of Itoad District 2. Washington County, Ore. Rrtlilent Taxpayer. J. Sohuiilke. l-o Si-hwander. C. P. Eisner. I H Maxwell, Oral Card ner, II. Meaeliim. A. O.ipelt, Page K C. miner. Fail llolletibeck, J P K.-i-mer, S. I.. Holleiibeck, Tims. Murphy. County (Miicinl I'aiHT Ii. A. I.ONO, ralllor 'uteri-1 ft ''be IVr (iilice nl Hi tslniro ) eg( n. a' eti.l-clM in til neilti r. Sulncri'tiot''. (1.50 p I niiiiutii, 1SSI KD UVKKY TIU itliAY -nv- I.OMfj MoHINNH wii.son i:i.i:ciiii J. W. U iile.v this nflernoon rc ccivod fn; tires from rcpuhlican headtiuarters that practically concede California ami North Dakota to Wilson, ami this means his election hv 2liS) electoral vntpa. New Hampshire went for Wilson by 117 votes, with the soKiier vote yet to com1, Wilson is 'leeted beyond doubt. Ward Downs has returned from &n extended stay in Kastern Drt'ifon, Menthol cotiuh drops at the Den of Sweets, Alfred Morian is now running on the Great Northern between Vancouver, 1!. C, and Portland. A. C. Mulley, of Laurel, was a Uillbboro caller yesterday after noon. C. P. Wunderlieh, of Center ville, was in town Wednesday, irrcetini? friends. J. I!. CHinphell, of beyond North Plain?, was a city visitor the middle, of the weoK, Iiobt. Service, the candidate; for county jude. was in town ytsteulav. chtckinu up the re turns on bis candidacy. Mel lliatt, of Dilloy, was in the ii ty yesterday, brininir in the returns of Dilley precinct for the benefit of the county seat people. John Howard, of Scholls, was in town the middle of the week. Ha starts for Indiana the last of the week, to remain all Winter. John is now almost fully 'recov ered from his accident a few weeks au. Sixteen Washinifton Countv fishermen were arrested by came wardens over on the Saltnonber- ry, last bunday. l he charge is illegal catching of Ralmon, an I the warden caught them dead to rights, it is said. Their trials will come later, and all were allowed to come home on their own recognizance. Mrs. Wilson ISowlby, of Ru pert, Idaho, who has been visit ing with Mrs. Emma Pitman, of this city, and the Howlby and Stevens families, of Farmington, for the'past week, departed this morning for her Idaho home. Mrs. Howlby was formerly Minn Bertha Spangler, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and children, of Farming ton, accom panied her home, and may locate in that state. Anna Durboraw has sued Chas. for divorce. They were mirried in Portland in 1908, and have three little pirls, the custody of whom she asks. She says that the husband has an uncontrolla ble temper and iB very jealous. She alleges that at times, when under the influence of liquor, he has beaten her and tho children, and she has tired of it to the ex tent that she wiches the knot untied. She says they havp no property excepting about $W worth of furniture. '".rf-sT IS' TIlU t IKCl I I' Col id 01 l i!l SI'. VI K OF OltH.ii.N I Ol! W ASH INtildN ((H,M . CrcH;.ie Stiles, I'i.eiitu I', wr-tu Julu Slih", Dclciiilant. To John Slilc.-i, nlioe nam. il iV frlli Iii 11 1 : III the Name of (he Sl,i l?nll yml Hie her. I.y I .-. ,i. 1 1 i-.l 'o :'! pear mill answer Hie ven-plat-d f.!--. again: I you in the Mini. enutli . suit on or before tin- exe.i ulion e six weeks from the tint. !' plihliciitiiiil of thiii .-aim 'n"i , (oi. it all or liefi re MiOii!;. , 1 1 tlUlt. .Mliil If you i'ail t.i . an.wei' plnintiff i'l imp' 1 1 Court for the relief .l.-ms complaint, to -wit - for n ver ilissolviiuf the b m ! Illeliy llerelofnie il.l'l IS' 'wtwei-n yini an. I pl.iic.ti rl'iHIIIl.-i of cinel iiml 'rentmeiit ami for oilier 'elief il l to the C 'in ' meel rind citntalil.'. i.i ,1 a tV 'oiMa1 t'm-t'i.- Thi.-s miiuiium- I " i i by pulilicilion mi ti.in' .1 I! I 1 .if Hon. tii'o. U. IWc! -y, b Circuit Court for I V ; i.f O- 14011 for Wiishimrt-'iii '.!! x. e Hid ila'eil tVt.iher I'.i. PH.:, a-nl first publii atieil of Ihii . net 'i tVtnber '.'l!, I'lli;, tin. I ! 1 'iiutiotl Is 1i ix-ielw-r 7, i'1''' SAM M. .lo'i Attorney fur I'lam : '.! Hiiililiill', I'ortl.iinl, ... NOTICE OP FINAL St r 1 1 ' ' !N THE COUNTY coi'i:T c! 1 STATE Ol'" 1 'I V.SII!t;Ti' ct-r Li llir MalU-r of lie- I - 1. . , 111 no ruin", ti 1 t , Notice is lien by piv.-u liulrrirfni. h. t in 1 1 11 a-.1 . l tiled III Ilia mini mo i-,-allMii til tiuftl A-'i'ioe. til. tH.it I i.liiiliillra'i'r. ami Hi" ! i I iml lil ni i ilir I x . .., I 1 lnyi.f Mm. nilwr I't.i. n' i I'eliiek ol ml 1l.11 11 l '1.1 ..I llm a'x.ve Hitiit.sl ' Vn-.lili.vloa I -ei .1 v. 1 1 . out plniw. i..r lierti iiir -ii i Dual u.-.siii' 1 mi I ,.r llm :i . if fluid pm(ii;.i linli'.l iliia il.ie ol '..' llr.iig .It itinliii'rs'nf ( -'-.- 1 1 Wll.t.tAM C. HAUK, Ai!eeiv t .. 'i 'u 1 nivi U K ol' hp-run r i;' ; .MIIKllMi. Notice, iii hereby r i.-n t' . '. meeting of the r -rs.'.i -at !..--. of Hon.l District So. ; ', ' ton Countv, Oii't'i'ii. i. !( . . ed lllnl xvil! be liel.l at Tni.t, r S, ! House in said Koa. I I1. ;rnt X . 1 Wiu;liing;toii Cmutty, 7 , j :!Mh ilny of Nuveml" 1', I'-l.'., a! j lioiir of 'J o'clock I'. M , o'i ! ! Ill lli;CtlSS ,'iml Vole 11 .11 !' . ! mates contained in t'. l I Imdijetj j IUDl.i:'!' j It.iail Di 'ri, t No. ! ', W'.i County, treeon, e .t i .-sa' amount of work, ri. .', n'i.1 1 . I of mills of lax to lo- ! .,! ! 1' 1 fnllnttinit year: mile Clear, Or:.'!.' :,-el Ci on Rum I No. ''."iV r .', , ,:, , . ,. 1 which in f.'TiMi.no. 'i mile Clear, (.'r.t'l" and ',:: 1 on Itiiiul N'o. i!ll e 'in,:il. 1! . 1 which ia f l!!00 fin. mile Clear, Crrulo r ' C m Itoiol N'o. 117 I i-.t in ;-. I 1 , ! which is IIOHO.IMI. Mi mile Cravcl 00 a I N... .' o.itiinnteil emit nf vlii--! 1 1 ?!''. i", Value of taxable e.. 1 : . i-i .!; trict ia fMI0,:i70,'.!l. Nlllllher of lllilhl Oiii;.i.! tu ri'. 1 a 10 mill tax Dated thin '.'I'll ,:,v , f iWVr A. D. 1!D1. I1TT1I pei. T. Uoad Supervisnr of Um.I tM ' -i, 1 No. WiudiiiH'l.in ('oiu.''-, i.-..!r iii:siii:nt twpavi i.n. c. K. WKSTi'i;ii.'i':-:t: U. C. flMltCKHflM 8. V. HAMII.'l'uN J. M. HAYDKN KDWARD HntMii; ; OSCAK SMITH .TANK K. Mil. 1 ,i:i! J. T. COX N. I!AN(,"-! PKRUY C. (,'. ':':"":'' NOTICE To cim'DI I'(ii:h In llin County rntn : 1.1 ihi Hi.. I., ul On'Kiill. fur llm I'.ni , .. ( V, ., .li limiiiii. fn llm Matter nf Hi-- I ?,(, ,, If, Hcliiio r, dei fuiMinl Nnlll'.i Ih lien hv .i'. n . I , l. ,, UerlL-llI'll K linen .lull' i.i.t. ,,, , .1 . Ilblive l lltklKil Cunt s ; ii !,;j.'i .,, f , llm Km.m. ..t' .Inlm Krliit,,, , ,. and liii'i .li.l . .cinliilii I , , ,,.,ei, ' NllW III. .. I !(,. , 1 . : .4 , y,. ela'ini Hi'iio . , I 1. . , 1 ,,(, nolll I nn 1 1, llM,r, !,, , , j ' Hani. l.iKetlo r vii'ii j , ,, ... tber. h.r, in n.(. iim, , n. ' :, . i.llli:e.,l ,r(. .V ir,", , . ,. , NmiIdhiiI II n k 'lie.;. is i, . , , ,,. iton, within ,; m , i. Itl , i( lien 1 1. li'.l IVtn'i. r k 1 p. ii, iin ii T-ci. ni . 1 Alllllle(r 'or ll h . 1 , i 1, Selinli ill... i ,l H M.I'. .V ilrlliLi I! i i ,. , , tiluiini'ur.iii.i. MITH-H 'III ( lll-lll'l He. IN TillC COUNTY COI K I' ;,' Tin. M A I !: Ol'' OliWiON .'; Vi'ASIIINfjToN CO! M i In tlio Miller of the li,. ,, Wlll'HIII II,. .h I ,. ,w, , Not ho In li.-riiliy kv ,,, , iler.UKi ii Il n n I... 11 ,v a, ,, , . , HllOl" III III.. I I. - ,.ll,, I ,., , ' , tllll IKIIUM of ' Ilium, ,,K. ( , Bin! Ii h ,, a.;i,., , ,,,.,, ,, , ', " nxinlinl; Now. the.-. I'm-'-, nil permiNs liaxi,,-. clainiH iiifanmt wild enlnte n,.. h,,,,?. y niitllie.l ;iud re,iiirei to nie , n Uie name tofr.-lh,.,. villi , , voiichera IhiTitfor, lo Mm .,.', , oil nt tlie law office of William' i; I are 111 llm American Naliu,, j ,.' I.uihliiiir, llillalioro, Or.-on within KtX llllilllllR from . dat,.' ,(..er DkIiiI UiIh lath dm ,, , ;, , A ri n in M,'v!,, p ' -idinihislrHtrix i, N,ii. iN..ue' Ham ,V , il.,. Vicar, Attorn... ( ,r ,. iiuiiistrittrli, ' vonci' (w ml m HMmi IN Tin; COUNTY (Ot'HT OK Til It .srii;oi' OKiXioN roll WAMll. l,i;ittN county. .1 the Matter of the l.tale of Her in .11 l.irililioa, llci-cam-d. Ni'TTCK IS IIUUKIIY (ilVKN that iiiiileiiicneil uilinliiiMlrator of .i l e late Iiiim filed in tliu mIiov ii i leil Court iiml ciiiiho bin final uc xiiit mill report iih audi inliniiiH- I tor, iiihI the xuiil Court bun fixed n l appointed Monday, tho -7th day l .N'ovcinlier, I ill It, at thf hour of il o'clock of Miiil day, nilil the Court i of the nliove entitled Court In till lii.io, WiiriliiiiKlnn County, Om en, in the time iiml iltier for liear- II ' olijei lilillM to Hltlll fimil liei-OUIlt ml lor the final nettlcincnt of naid .I. tie. I'.!e,l Iliia U.'tril day of October, 'Mi', A. C. CAUSTKNS. AdiniiiUlratiir of CNtate uforeuuid. & Mc At.KAR. Mt.'i-iiej) for Ailmlnlntriitor. SUMMONS. dbeit HIi-iIhim., I'lnlnllff, V. . I iamin Teevln and lly Tfrv. in, bin ifc, (.curie II. (.cl, ind . ,la r. WIIU I. Slii-rmuii, formerly Wills I', II inkley, ami lUrry A. Mirrmin, lo r liioiliaml, W. F. N'obli, A. H. Aiidimoii mul 1'j.tlur Andrrnon, I i-. ife, I ce I- lUyrork ind IUiiihK. hl wife, iK-frnd- aula. '1.1 Ijeoll'.l . Ceil nml ;e.i, Ina wifu, I l lUycurk ml I'.iu'iili, l,l ite, bi i-.l A M. Amlrr , i. i ht In i A i ilrm.n hi . wife ol Ilia nc nimcd ilefvndanU: IN TIIK NAMK Or" TIIK 8TATK i' oilI'iloN': You tro hertd.y r uii.d to appear mid minxvrr tho miipli.iitt nf thn plaintiff Mod ,;.un.t )ini ill the above entillrd mitt mi. I cauiie, on or befor th i ! i i N' v ii.l-ri, njih, Mid ;ttt ir: .niter thn rxpiriition of lit ii - ;.-t final the ilute of the fimt in! 'i. i'.ti. n of t!ii imminent on you, !.. date of tlie first publication . .1 I K S. 1 1 uii H, ly,6, mil lie di to of the luiit rnildicatiun ..I tin,; N.trnilrr .li. Hji6, ,iii if yml fail en to nnawcr for .ant Ci' i. of tho plaintiff will Bp i y tu the Court for the relief pray i fur mul ilelii..lli!e, in 111 Co in liaii.l, lo it; For n ImlKUii'lit :-aiest the ilcfelnliUitH J, Fraiii'U .1,1 nml 1'uiny Tcvviu, llin tu, i ti'. Hum of fjyeo.im, toii Oi ! t. i-,-,-it theriMin from tho it : .-r uilo'ier, mil, nt thn mt j ut per milium nml (lie fu f mi of f UhitK) nttorney'ii fu il ! t!.o i-.ii.la mid dinburaeimint ot 'I'd - .it, and for o d.-crco dcclir- Hi t lertnin lnorl;iiiro of' tfK ii' itt I'.eretofore, to-wit, tfjK-'Q .'tl .lay or October. P.M0. eterut- .i I anil delivered by tlip defendantil, I'l'iiu-ia Tciviii iiml Oaiity Teevln, ' ' i'Mi.-l nml wife, to the plaintiff tein and (teiurine; n promliwiiry t- of even date therewith In th m of $ ".liii),(l und paynlilii on or f ne time yearn from tlirt dnt ' ' "of, with IntereHt fit thf rnta of per cent per iinnuiii nnd providing r re ionable iitturroy' fenn In . Mtiil or nclion nlmulil bo Inxtl ' d to i-oll.ct thn mime, which i l riiorU'airn wnn filed for record i (lie '.'ml day of November, 1910, ' 1 "ire III of Hook fit), of Mortfrnga i inlfi of Wiinliinclon County, Ore- "i. he n first Hen upon th fol xini' it.'ii.-ril.ed pnrrel of rr-nl prop ly .litu'iie in Wnnhimrton County, 'c.to wit; Itefrlnninu In the renter f .s-ciion !i:i Townahlp 3 North of : ;mre Went of W. M., nnd run in: llicme S. 1(10 rodiij thence W. ' rt.il.,; I hence N. 100 rodn; thence - Hil ro.la to (ho place of beirlnninu iitinini; Till ncrea, prior nnd iup ' l to Hie iidereal, rlrlit .title, 'tu "i- lien of ouch nml nil of the fe'idiiitu almve named, lliereln and t to Unit Hie intere.it, right, title, it " or lien of each nml nil of wml f: nil mla lie ileclnred nnd decreed lie inferior, auliordinnte nnd sub I !n nil rcHpocU to the lien of !'iidirf'n ii.iid morlgnge; that aid "'tl' !'(' lie forecloacd nml that id real property lie decreed to lie 'M t'.V Uie .Sheriff of Wn.Hhinrton i :iiy, Ori'i'ini, In tho mnnt-er pre i l il I y law ami the practice of "I Cnorl, olid Ibnt tho proceeds of ""i i lid Kale oblnlneil ho applied to " ptiyment of the Hcvernl mitnn "" mtto the plnlnt'iff M herelnbe 'e eel fnrih, nnd for which jmlir ""t in deiiiiiiuli'il nml thnt pnid ile ft'' nml each of them Btiil Unit 'i t i l etieh nf yon lie forever bnr ', fei-cloaeil and precluded of nil '''''""I- !n or rich or tide to or ! 'tu or licit tiiion the renl property teinlefiii-,. ili'wrilied, alive only ' " t l iMilory rli-ht of redemption, "d tl'il Much nlhef nnd further re- f I '' I't'itiileil unt the plaintiff 1 fn' Court, may Hfom eqtiitnble nnd '"f'T iii Dip premiMK. T'lb; numnmnn In (erved upon you " ft ! lutilion thermf In the Hilla- "'" '"i-mmi to order of the r '" " ' ' jl. Hnirley, Judge f "' 'ii e ...,i ed Court, made, 1 1 ' an 1 1 nleiiion the S'li dav f HATtl MeAI.RAR. AtlojiieMi for rinintiff. ;) Cliet.tiinix nnd ollinir peprw " iltinlav. (Inmp pnrlv. Mi'l t"'!tr (V.lnr Mill.-,. SieKP"M. f'r. 32 5 I