C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Hillsboro, Cornelius andNorth Plains Wholesale'and Ketail Dealers in G ain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Dag's. Car lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and LatK At Cornelius ieaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price ( Telephones! IHHsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. I Fapi'Prs very much planed lover uie advent of the rains, j which started taut week. A 1 number have boen plowing, but the earth turned full of clods and moisture whs essentia for nood ! plowing. Very little Fall . seed ing will be put in unless the balance of the Fall is more than I favorable. 1 Congressman W. C. Haw ley 'was here Saturday evening and addressed voters in the court house. His meeting was not as large as he expected, owing to the storm. He went over to Tillamook Monday morning to make addresses in that county. For sale Four Jersey cows good milkers, coming fresh this months; also some registered biarsand gilts. G. II. Meyer. Cornelius, Route 1. 32. J. V. Connell. of Connell & Kerr, reports a lively business in buying and selling grain and produce, but says it is mighty hard to get cars. The firm has I taken offices in the I'ythian . Building. ARGUS & Daily OREGONIAN One Year For $6.00 CATHOLIC CM'ttCH Third and Fir Streets. City 90 (Winter Schedule) Sunday Masses. 8:20 and 10:30 a. rr. Christian Doctrine, 9;-15 a. m. Baptism, 2:00 o'clock p. m. Choir practice. 2 p. m. Benediction. 4:30 p. m. Week-day Mass. 8:20 a. m. ffb?. 7 1- i 7 c-w 1 : b V' IVT Will ' i1 I CIGARETTE TOBAKO T03ACC0 l& PREPAREP FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN j MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO j PRODUCE THE MOST DE LIGHTFUL AND WH0LE- S50ME TOBACCO FOR CIG- kETTE AND PIPE SW0KERS. PROCESS PATENTED III ! .!tl!YTnTMQA7 .jh RJ.ReynoiosToeaccoComwwy 11 ;; , WihstohSaiem.N.U.S.A. , j DdtS NUT BITE THE TONGUE frinw Albert iu told aomrywhmrm in toppy red bag. 5c; tidy rd tin. 10c; hand torn pound and half-pound tin humidor and" that clover crystal. gia pound humidor with tpongt-mtotBtenet top that kempt the tobacco in uch splendid condition. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch I You can smoke it long and hard without a come back ! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sella tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever made! the national joy smoke ALBERT R. J. Reynold Tobacco Ca,Wmrton-Sloin, N. C Copyright 1916 by R. J. RaynoU Tobacco Co. 2' VS&tg&S&lP$&S&a r$2$33s! Wefl'sSdOreatl Workman ton ;av& th wai-ehouss completed tor the county, and Ihe mad machinery will he stored ns soon as possi ble. The building is on Baseline and Sixth. Hubert Benmrds. of McMinn ville, was in town Monday mom inn. Hubert recently returned from a visit to Wisconsin and other Eastern point. Winfred Snyder, the onitn urower, and Oscar Johanson, of rarminKton, were in the cny Monday. Mrs. Kuth Blair is in Portlai d for the Winter, and is domicilid at the Fairmount Apartments. Wm. Mtii-rienren, of West Union, was a city visitor Monday morning. Gerhard (loetze, of above Blooming, was in the county seat Monday. Theodore Bernards', of Ver- boort, transacted leal business in the city Monday. Wm. H. Joos, of North Plains, was a city caller Saturday. Jake Schneider, ot Ltisyvil'e, was in town Saturday. TANKII A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles 50 Tankii Tnl.lcU 60c. 100 Vul.l.'U $1. U00.TM.-t.;$S.0O Fur S.ilr By 1 1. 1 1UDDLES1 "ON, J. 1 1. FOOTE mitt I lurtrnnipl') l.rno tlillsboro, Oregon jjj in. 9 niversary Sale! Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Blanket?, Women's Coats, Suits, Hosiery, and Underwear for all the family. Prices lower than ever. Only a few days longer. Come while the Bargains are here. NOTICE OK FINAL, SETTLEMENT. Notice Is Itrrebv K'v n. I hat I Itif umtertiKtie I .Ailuiiuistratti t the rtiti l George S CHliipbrll, ilnTe., lluve led iu tuc Oiu ity Court of if.e M.tr I Oregon for V I liinton Count v my t'nw'. (icccutit Rilminlslrntilx ot nnl etnle, mil thnt miiil Court h.n let Momlav, i)i-tobfr jo, 1916 nt the boil' of t-n o'clock A. M. of said Uy the time and Ihe County I'ouit ronin in Hillb.o l!re(?uu s t tie pUoe lor hmrtn oh) ct vloris to mid aocoutit nil.! the 111ml irl tleuieut of m lit e:nte. Auirlin CmmiU-U, Aitmiulstrtrii of the etite of George S Cmpticll, ileo CHfVll. V. N. llirtt'lt, Attorney for Admiais-tmtrix. Pacific Stales l'ire IimuiniuH '"Ooiupi'iiy 'f I'ottlniol, Om-KOIi. The onlv hlk- Oii'v;"" DM I.iue Cuiiipniiy. I,n s l'riinplly I'jimI John Vaiiilenval ICiItoni, A (jeltl Oirvon THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS nd PROFITS !&2ft.OOO An oM, ;:ife and conservative bank, located in the HillslKiro Comincrcinl Mock, & W. corner Main ami Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Rank. Notice to Cmliturs IX THE COUNTY (l UT OF THE STATE OF OREGON KOU WASHINGTON COUNTY ?n tlm Mutter of tlio KilUiof A. W. Pike, It OVUHftl. Ntioo ix hnroiiy iihvnlli it the umlnr itrnnd Ihh Imm'M ih""IHh I llir 01 1 1 n 1 1 y ilirl of llu Hlatii of Ort ll Ii r WuhIiIukIoii I ouiiiy ci"'iuri of tht tttl Mill mn! I'eKtntio'Mi nn.l ol the enlnto of A . W. I'iko, iltrnwwl. All jmrmmii havioic clai'it HttiMHt !iitti art lTelv n )U fun I M prioiinl the hhiik vtirilled hh reiiiilrrnl djr l l i tiis aUt xeeiitrU l lltm vxrt.'ii. Or.-tfon, mi or lHfnro tli iixpiritilon nri.ii 111 nlh Iruiii mid utter tlmilitlo of I lit- first iuliltriilln of tilts ii'itirn. I iib1 ktiil Urol iml lUhru, thin Mill dy f Suteiu'ier, IHHi MwrciH A. Plk. Exeeiitrixof llie I,tt Will it ml TmIii -mo nt mill of the I'sinte of A W. I'ike. Iwtwutnl Cider Apples WANTED at the Knight Packing Co. Mill at Cornelius. Highest market price paid. We also do custom work. We carry barrels and kes of all sizes for sale, l'lioue, Independent 752. Notice ut l in.'il Sett leu tnl Notice is hereby jriven that Uk miiU-rsinnril, llir ilu'v Hopim'tol, i iH licit Mini nrlili)! Ailui lil-liiit l nl lh Ktt.itc o' Wil.iiiui M.stfjr tn, IHifit-iil h n ti I In ihi- Comity Ciunt of il r Stale ol Orr(it l"r W.lilii(jtoii CmmH her f ilial Ace tint in tlio 111 IIit 1 f mi. I Ktiute rml Hint nit Court hrn li il Momlnv. the tmh ilnv ol Oetol'rf, Hi6, t the hour of en o'clni k A. .M, f iio .ly 11 I lie l mi' I K urn in lir C111 tv Coutt I toil in lirlshor.i, U'uhIiIiik'oii Cuunty, ti'oii, hi ill,' tmip ninl pl.iC fir henrliiK nhjecllnn t fiil Kmil Ae Count ninl for the Ii 'ill urttlriiii'iil l t'l Eitnte. lliil thin JSIh Clixy of Scteiitlr, A n , 1 ,l Ann E. Strph tit, Ailmiuisltiitrli ot tit IMuteuf WiliiHin M. Stri'ln i i. 0. cteil. I ho. U. Totiiir, Altottif.v fi r .Vl iiiinUtiiilr x. Si'titti in SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Rlm-kKUkSmve PolUh N dtf'etnit It tltH'i II 't dry (jtt(; fun rw arl to Itix iut Urt; i'l futH(i mmi tu.0.llv; MiMiJTi'oijr mj itl.', iiliit oril'rl m act yuur auMws ' wurth. Black Silk Stove Polish la not mlw mrwt rfWiWl, h'rt tt p'yf n r"H"i. not, Mih lillrw t r -'' l-'xhl . v . it'i a t oih.r j..iii. lU.i. k 1 fh K(- i' h il- n-t niti i ff ti jt liuir linn u U-utt - uii "ty piuli m U iuvNt ywu t.nio, worn utiii itfui., Wti.t l..t. 1, .H-h.U'f'tr" t f"l t!k Nft- IhlUn l rtk-tavr wulft.'lui'U jiMur jr. I!!ck Silt 9m M.h Works, iiUrUiig, ttlinoi. ItUett Mttirytnm Iriin t.ttiit" in kfri.fi , ri lntwa, '' f't, Will rMlii:i lir mm.. Itvwnt ruton(. Try tt. ('- ItU.k Ki'k ItfeNt I .1--h f-irniV- rwutu, ii,;fct l.t n- ir tr briinj It Wtlk f)i i.'!lly, run: f fckl ionv. t)-i:iit t kurlucm. It lint na miU luruNuu autwtiMiUiai. r. W. 0. Uonelson UNDKRTAKKR 0 i Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. . HIIHboro, Oregon irVB3ysa&a&g."5RS N0xsog-03U3MOxr V 'EtfflllSX31J3H iHIGHESTERS FILLS BRAND DIAMOND IADIE3 I joo Umnri.t for cniRHfl TKB'S iiAMunu HKA VI PIU S In KRli Iold tnfinlllc ImzM, n-oled with lltiboii. Tai no rrrnim. Bnr iriK.M Mai m.U ftp lll. IIUB.TI HH riAMOMi Bit M Pll l.n, for twrntv-flro ,t:irii ri-ardrj n It"it,8afct, Alwnyit Rrliolile. i OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS timk CVrRYUUFRF wohtii tkjo tVtninUcnt tkstko at ynnr BEPREPD I MAGAZIND 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATION:. ITVJW Informrd of tlio World's Pro-rns if Kr.(tiriccrinK, Mccliru.ics nm I ivcitcti. I;. father aiitl Son and All Ihe Kami! v. It rn'ir.- iloa!lclafwwi-!'l itnrl Vounn- Mm nrti' Wccn.- Jt l Ihn Nvit iiri Jii:;i,iiiti u I hi t.n iihih of tiowm tlironhont. Out wnrhl. r'(r left (4irrifMin!t;uiM or cnriNlfint ly on llm m.Li it , far Uiiu butr wul lnLtnhiina e.iU tt i ) Written So Vou Can Vndai siund I Ilitt thorn NtM hfturliril ( 'II I'lipr-O cr rtliif I'mctiihl lluitu for tUitti SV'iili nit fit y l.-r lu j ifiyiii.in to i!o tli i in; finii'iil i'.o Ilmnf. ' ftmaUitr Htchanlc (17 l';ifri) fr tl ft Tth nn ; ;irlbwluilibr fn Tnr.Li- t.!ln.r. li'ltti l,n' li,unI.i-i in . )M JUKI J ,ci;rj't'J( t':rliln, J ,n;;l ' l;nj;K ( tloW ,l-w"lr.f, Ii.- 'I 1 't; f, t (iit.lr,x in JPOAV 1J0IUI03 'JavM " ' 1 i , .. ' y hps c 1 suiaoshephuiwp l-mMaJ Iff .nMfl ii. . 1 tirWywri NOTICE OF fill KUI ITS SALE tuiuili.rl.ti.-l.:li ! iiti" ' fili'I ' :..rt.iniin M.o pen vi.n t:ni rt cowira. is, from ,mm nM AT lil 'U U-m fi. uUMMr I Lumpla .,. w.J l. t.t h, r.m-L .POPULAR miCIIJ.M-! r.Cfl2IMt I tUMLMiflAM't r;c,ij NoIIob III Inreliy rIviii Hint liy vlt'lii of an nxfi'iitlon, onli r ninl iIhitih Htnl nrfliT of Kilo Ikhiii'iI out of tlm Clfi'iili Court of tlm Ktiilo of tiri'Kon fur Wnxh Ins on County, mid nnilur tlm Hi'iil ilinrn ot, on th kh ilny of Hi'jiM'iiilicr. Hull In fnvorol M A Sen' I. plnintill , ninl hit iIiihI M M llfnn, KiiilnO U. hii , W ill hiii W him Uiiri, Jiihii WuniKHrl Hiri Fftirny llmtli -rn, h cm )ii i I uii . iii-1 mn I .in i rt , fur tin Minn ol f.M com, tuiti liih lurLiii'r niiiii olJlUM.'.i with iiitnri'Mt ilinrniiti nt Hi ratH ol H por cent piiriinniini Iroin III'' 2fii ly uf Nfpl., IHIH. biiii lh f'urMmr hiiiii ol fHU Hltorniiy'n Ici'M, to inn liiriclmi hiiiI ili'll VBriHl, nml roiiiiiiHii'lmK ... i' to iiuiki Miile of th rl proporty lidriltmllci Ixmirilinil. I Iihvh Ifivlml tiion ami pnrHii ant to HHid Kiflciil.ioii, I will on M iiiilny Novtnnlmr (I II, HUH. at. tlm hour ol in n'olock a ii; of Haul itay, at tlmKinitlt dour of tlio court hoiiHrt of WaihiiiKliin 1'onnly In . HilmlHiro, Oregon, irnrH'il In nul n llll bill' Itlll'.l 1(111 U) till' IllL'llHHt llllhllT I'm i-aah ill haiul all of Hih lollowliiK piri'i'l ol rniu iropi'ri,y, miiimio in w nnin nf n. I) unity, Ort'Kixi. ihwrthi'd hn lollonii, to wit: All of Iit On In liloc.k KDiir anil tin Snnlh hull' of l,nt Hcvuil in lll.n'k I wi (Pialil Hontli hairniratiirliiK Niiioty Hnvon anil HHvenly Two H iiiiilreilthi H7.72 Kent hy Two lliinilnil Tliiin ami oni' half -Ko.'i.riOfHi In Hor'tlmi Tiyn, T 1 N. HanueiJ W of tlm VVIIIinniitiH Mnniiinn WaHliiii;toii Oi iinly , (Ireuuii ua iIi hitIIik I In a plat ol Ciitinell, roo irilml in iiiiiiiih'iI.I County ami kUiIk, tnunimr with tun n -inintM, liiiriKlliHiimiilM anil Hi piirli'inino--en thiTi'iinlii tifilonKi itC or m iuiyw,i sppKrlainliiK. to HatlHfy llm lii rmiilii Ion liHliicd hiiiiih ami for llm coals anil xp n Hi m ol Hitift ami Hitlil writ. Haiil Kr.lii w 1 1 1 Iw mailt) srlijict, to ro (li'inption ua pi rHia'iiln of Mm Slate of OrKOii. I)alil tl. ih L'iilli day of Hoplniilmr l'lltl .T. E. RFRVES, Shcnf of WaHhinston County. Ity (iniruH Alnxaiiiia.'. I opiity (inn O Friml Hr, Atto.m y lor I'liintill J. R Ketrcr, of Wi-sl Union, came in Moriflay, and is fVelino; good after a bigplovpi -hnllin;' run the larRest session for many seasons. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the kst titnlier in Wic.hiiiton county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRI1SD I'LOORINO and RUSTIC always on hand. Kstimntcs ou HuiUlins, I'looiin, Rustic, Ceil-iut-s all kinds of finished IuhiIht for house material. Wc deliver. All lengths silo lumher, the best in the market, constantly on hand. Phone: North Plains Central, 3 F. 1 1 PliTER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon KOEBER'S The Leading Confectionery of the City We handle Hazelwood, the belt Ice Cream made Don't forget our Home Made Candies Our Candy Kitchen icored higher than any in the county, so you will not make a mistake by buying your confections here. You are welcome to leave your parcel here at all timet. Koeber's Confectionery Agent for city Laundry Every Home can have a Musical Instrument 1 lot Wonderful Valuta in Pianot. Plailtr Ptaruu a Talking Machine. Etc. - TTrAa Wo are known lo carry Only what 1 fill Coto'08" in (food. h.t will erutiire iui what a HQ ClW1 1 , r yort'"1 . . i fully worth the price ..kl. Our 1 . C1 miKypt.ymcntlrrnnpU.etlM! beat SVf""' . oVjliJ' miiialiiiMrumrnta withinevery 1 V .,kd. - cuuiMin a .lutue i. . . 11 mi orie'treii h. I ill out tin coupon or write lor catalogue. Shcrman.lay&Ca ltiRTLANI). f 'oHBriDM 1 n Xiif fiMt aooo uumnriHDi wtwtwrtcMw rton ohdwukv iobcco) WtLL.ISlr YOO ARC l't TO OMtTIIMr, 600D I THE LIMIT, NOW HAL L tH T0,ce0' C """" ANO A tlTTH CHCW I WHEN a gentleman dctn acquointed throuilhand through with W.li CUT Chewinj, he finds that the common sense of it helps him across a feature of ordi nary tobacco he never did like. The shreds of tobacco . give up the tobacco satisfaction without so much grinding and spitting the salt helps bring out the good tobacco taste-and because it's rich tobacco, a small chew lasts and satisfies. Mai hy WEYMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, SO lUot Spm, N.w It Cllf OUI-OON EiLHCTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32.. 7:18 3:28. 9:58 3:58 5:tH r.'t a tn a m a m a m p m V m p m 2:12 pm 4:27 pm 6:31 pm 7:18 pm 8:25 pm 12:20 -am We will loan you money on your farm, or will tell or tradu it (i!'r'o P m for you, or insure your building ukuiiimi nre. unnmiitHi iiini f mm Portland -65 minutes. 7:54 p m 9:20 uuick servicfl. ratoa reaHonalilf. am Perkins & Cornelius. Room 1, i.or," am Commercial Building, Hillsboro, a III I vm.