X X X i n WE ARE GOING TO EXCEED Z72 mm mm 1 L s m3 4 3 T7v in selling merchandise the balance of this week and all next week, that's just what we are going to do and at the same time give you more for your money than you ever got before. What ever you do, come here tomorrow, and the next day, also the next day and continue to come, for to get! the real benefit of this cash raising sale you must come everyday, each and every day. The counters and bins are refilled to overflowing, with the greatest bar gains you ever laid your eyes on, every where you look you will find bargains, heaped in bins, piled upon the counter, hung from the ceiling and even on the floor; don't stop, drop every thing, and bring the whole family. Here's, the Prices that Talk to You iff Men's Shoes Worth to $4.00 One lot of Men'. Fiae Drew Shoe, black button only, worth to $4.00, at pair j ! $2.59 44. 44.1. .J ;-! -KM !! t f : ? Ladies Shoes Worth to $3.00 r.-.il Tittle shoe for the Udiet. l.ic or button, the pair Men's Shoes Worth to $3.50 This it a great Work Shoe. A very good shoe, now pair $2.25 X t $1.59 Bring Your Suitcase With You X Men's Suits Worth to $15.60 regular Marked at $9.95 Cash Raising Price 19c 49c 79c Men's High Top I Boots I worth $4.50 regular, now pair $ $3.69 I 25 & 35c Women's Vests and Pants, Garment, - -75c Women's Gowns cash raising price - - -$1 Women's Kid Gloves cash raising price - - - $1.25 Women's house dress "7 Q cash raising price - - - wl 15c Children's Black Hose cash raising price - - - - 75c &.$ 1.25 Ladies' Waist OQ cash raising price - - - 0 1.75 to $2 Corsets cash raising price 50c Children's Union Suits cash raising price - - -Children's Dress to $1.25 cash raising price - - -$1.25 Cotton Blankets cash raising price - - - 9c . $1.29 39c 49c 95c CashRaisingPrice 9c 15c . 5c 9c 8c 15c 35c 12 1 2c Flannelettes . cash raising price -25c Kimona Crepe marked at the yard - -10 &12 1 2c Lawns marked at the yard -1 5c Curtain Scrim going at the yard - -12 l -2c Bath Towels size 18x36 cut to - -25c Children's Flannel Gowns cut to - - -50c Men's Work Shirts marked at - - 25 & 35c Boy's Underwear 1 O at the garment - - - IOC Boy's Pants worth to $1.25 Q q cm 10 pair - - 60 & 75c Boy's Pants now cut to - - Boys' Shoes X , I X Worth to $2.10 I X ' i 1 Buy your boys' shoes now X 3izet o to c uood quality, ail the pair $ $1.39 X I Women's, Misses' Sweaters t Worth to $2.25 regular, now 89c 39c Women's Flannel Gowns Worth to $1.25 regular, now 89c z 31, Washington County, Orcjion, Dutcd this Mlh day of October A. P., 191H, T, It. Mould:, Road Supervisor or Koad I'lslilit No, SI, Washington County, Oi Resident Taxpayers. A. J. tarklu, K. tl, lloalon. K M Plonks, J. II. Kays, J. II. Ittulloit I., M, Miller. S.MIi Miller. O, V. I'onnott, l.osllo Moort, T. It. Mmi. K. Wi'imliom, I', It. sWforl, tl, A JoIiiihoii, V. K. I'omovit. I.. 1! t'inihi'll, J. A, ItowiMI, Inn Itowill A. WVuVklilK. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTC ADDITION AL ROAO TAX IN- ROAO DIS TRICT NO. 21. V tlu UiluVi'Klfclii'O li'Kliti'lil l:n Imyi'i.t of Komi lltilil No. '.'I Vhk1iIhkIoii I'ounty, (irt'Kim, I im-i ; rr iomii(UiiiK nioni t'uui I" t. i cent of tln ri'iiilntl l.ixpu ih i hhIiI rtmil Ultttriil, lirri'dy m I li'i that n Illoi'UliK ol llio rtlliii lxiiny''i f Hulil Hoful IMi-ui'l .N" 1, umIiIiikIoii I'oiiiiI v, Ki t i'na, i linroliy cnllod, ami will ho In Ul ni Duxiun, Onv, in hhIiI liii.ul 1 u- i 1 1. 1 No. SI, W'li.stilttKton I'miniy, imik'U. on llu .;im Uny of Nuvi inl" i IS lii, at tint hour of 'J orluit. IV M , of cull! iluy, to ill-.i ii.-rn ttt mlvlHiitilllly of lovyliiK n hix'Wul in nililillouill rilllil tUX ill Haiti illMrlr 10 ili'lriiuliin tt lial, if uny, riuml nmiU or tiitlnnn tluMiof In mil i roiul tltnlrii't nloilt ln liiiiriiVi'it, i tiny i,'i'liil iiuinniT, uml tlu ih.i iicii'r niiil rxtfiit of mii'h imiuovi mont or linnovi'iniMilii uliull muli Ihi'roon, mul lo K-vy mnh mnn liil h Nllilltlonill taX, Mot III IXK'l'il I lit ill on tlu ilolliir, on hII Iiii.iIiI rotil mul in'momil iroi'riy In ni , roiul dlMirli-t, uh n mujnrliy of ih.-'i rpwlilont tnsiuytr of milil ro:ul ill triot ulliill iIitiii mlvlmililn fur lh ltirpont of rnlHlliK lunin')' wit's wlilrli to ilifriiy till' i'Xpi'iic of no? upwlul ImiiroVfiniMit or hni'iuvr ini'tiU In mi Ul Komi lMiltlil Ni II. WiiMhliicton Counly, (Hounn I.iltv tlil lnt day of Nnu'inl"'! A. D., IS 16. fiKO. KISIIKlt. HoriI Supprvlnnr of Unto! Il"trii No. II. Wnsliliiutnii Counly, Ore Resident Tpayr, FlmiT l'i'iim, K. C, ttum-tiiit -t T. !. Tnllmiin, A Kolur. II II llii' Imk, V. II lli.l.link. H K. liltpl. K. O. Sioriidil. A. Simpson, J II Itliu-k, rtiiliih lliinimn. I. li Sl" pII, Ji). rimcrni. It. Ttionias, Flurlior. a 4 jL 4 , Women's White Suits, Ribbed Union $1 Value 69c X Women's Wool Union Suits worth regular $2 $1.54 now Men's Cotton Ribbed Underwear reguIarSOc value, now 29c &.4MMMHf Lot of Boys' Hats worth to $1.50, extra special, now at 29c Lot of Men's $1.75 work or Dress Pants marked at 98c ) c "v3 rs rp3 pl f 1 II I 1 y r II1SE NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Not lei' l hi'i idiy u I v im tluit i nu't'ilim of thp rf-Hldi'iit luxpnyir of ltoud lllrlft No, 3, WusUIiikIoi County, Oregon, U hin hy rll anil will be Indd at Hi'liool lluu-i It id Uond llKtrlrt No. 3. WuhIhiik Ion Counly, OrKin, on tlio ir.lli dn o( Novi'inln-r, la IS. Ht llio hour til 2 o'clock I'. M., on muI day to Uih curnt HnU votp upon Ihn csUmiiii' contained In tlu follow ln ImiltM: Budget. ltoud District No, 3, WiihUIiikIoi County, Ort'tton, cutlnmicH tin Hiuount of work, cost, mid immhi-i of nillln of tax to hi- rnlscd for tin followltiK year: Onchalf inllp macadam on Una'! No. 301, CBtliuati'd coal of which I 140. One-fourth nttlo macadant mi Horn' No. A1S3, est hunt id com of which h $r,19K5. OneelKhlh nillim inacadBiii or Ilonil No. 61. estimated ""t ! which Ih $173.30. ..I..I..1. ...11.. ....i.u.luttl I Mil Iklll II ll'l'" ,.,,..., lliind N'n A34 Mllinati'd cimt i which la $346 T.5. flnpfourth mile timcadam on Hone! No. I4S, OHilmuted com nf which I run rr. Itemilr macadam. CMtlunted cos I of which Is $173.30. mlln rliiti rlnn Ll-llt)lilllir alii' KradlnR on ltoud No. 4:r.. CBtlniuIci COM $173.30. Value of tnxnblp property In m trlct Ih. $34fi.55. Number of mill required to ralne an mill uix. t;iun". Total. S2772 sr.. Dalpil this 27th day of October A. I).. 1916. W. N. HATIIOliN, Road Supervisor of ltoud Pistrlci No. 3, Washington ( ounly, ore. Resident Taxpayer, W. N. Iluthorn, Howard Itlce, K J. Hoffman, Henry IIokc .T H Ilansn. T. I'vle. Cart Ward. IT. Pearson. Wm. V. MeUler, D. M Whltenell V C. Mulloy. C. K. Ha thorn. Al Mulloy. K. T. Tinner, .In llun C'hrisleiiKon, E. S. rawfnrd J W Mullov. II. CI. MesHlniter, J. a Mosslnucr, Kd. Ornuer. NOTICE Ct the Round Package Ued for Vt Century. Ask For and GET OF DISTRICT MEETING. S Caution , THE ORIGINAL MALTED MUL Made from clean, rich milk with .the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infant and children thric on it. Agree w.lk th weakeit tlomach of the invalid or the aged. Need no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourulie and uuin more than tea, coffee, etc. Should be kept at homa or when traveling. Anu tritioua lood-drink may be prepared in a moment. A gWul hot before retiring in!ucc refreshing deep. AUo in lunth tablet form lor busuwM men. CuhKtitutM Cost YOU Sam Pric fe V"Z Taka a Package Homo Noiic.7 is horn by ; iven that a mcMliiK of tlie rr -' ! nt taxpayers of Koad Dislrict No. 2i), Wii-diinK-ton f'oui ty, Oregon, iB hereby call 'd and will be held at Tnlon Hall in ?: d Itoad Dintrict No. 2H, Washim; tor: County, Ore'on, cn Ihn 25th day of Novemb'T,, 1!(16, at Iho hour of 2 o'clock t M. on said day to dis-' cuss and vote upon tlio estimators contained in the following budget: Budget. Ro;id District No. 20, Washington County, Oregon, estimatoK the urn-unit of work, cost, and number if uiills of t"X to be raised for the following year: 7e0 ft. north of Mt. Dale far as 2 'mills will go, macadam on Koad No. 12, estimated cost of ""which Is $:i!i2. - Kit) ft. nor'h of Mr. Sehmitko's g.ite fr as 2 jnilhi will co, mac i'duii cn I'oad No. 12, pstimated cost of which Is $3!)2. &00 ft. north of Essner bridge an BUDGET far as 1 mill will ro, macadam on Koad No. 12, estimated cost of which is $l!tfi. Value of taxable property In ilin trict Is. Jl!lB.5fi4.20. Numher of mills trr raise, a 5 mill tax. Total, $980. Dated this 28th of October, A. P., 1916. THOMA8 MURPHY, J ft., Koad Supervisor of Road District No. 20, Washington County, Ore. ' Resident Taxpayer. J. Schtnitke, Io. Kehwander, O. 1'. Kssner, I. H. Maxwell, Oral Gard ner, H. Mearham, A. Ospelt, Pago K. Gardner, Karl Hollpnbeck, J. I'. Kssner, 8. I.. Hollenbeck, Thos. Murphy. NOTICE OF DI8TRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 31. V". Il'p inuiw.lpned resident tax payers of Road Dislrict No, 31, Washington County, Oregon, togeth er comprising more than 10 per cent of the resident taxpayers- in :;iild road district, hereby Jive no lice that a meeting of the resident iMVpnyers of said lload District No. "I, Washington County, Oregon, Is lii ieby called, and will be held at A n lr.it n Hall, In said Road District No. 31, Washington Counly, Oregon, mi the 25th day of November, 19IB, at the hour of 3 o'clock of P. M , of said day, to discuss the advisability or levying a special or additional road tax in said district, lo determine what, If any, oounty roi'ds or portions thereof In said rn:.(i district shall be Improved, In iiiiy special manner, and the char acter and pxtent of such Improve ment or Improvements shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax, not to exceed 10 mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property In said road district, as a majority nf such . resident taxpayers of said road dis trict shall deem advisable for the tmrrosp of rnlslng money wllh which lo defray the expense of such special Improvement or Improve ments In said Road District No. ltoud niMiiot No 41, Washington County oil., on (liii JMh day of Nov , ui the hour of St o'coii k. I' M , or Kiild day, Id dlscusa lint iiilvlnliHy of lotyliiit u special or .ultliiioiiiil in. id i,i k in said dlM'Ict. In ili'tiiiiilno what, If any, county iiinibi or immiImiis llieieof In ml, I road iliMini iiliall lie linpiovcd. Ill my ccl.il uuuinei, and tin. thai'' in lir and lilelit of such luiplovo illenl. ill' lllll'IOVl UientH shiill ni.'kv tin i . on. mul in levy such slieclil or uliiitiimiil lax, not to eXdud III iiill.i in the ilolliir, on all luxiihlo nl it 1 1 I lii'iMiniiil lu-iiperly In nald rinid dlMrkl, as a nidjorlty of sinli idi tii i.i.,,v, is nt hiiIiI toad ills :nt( kIiuII .eem advlfiiblit for Urn ( 1 1 1 j. of raixliiK imuiey nil whlih In il.-ti.iy III,, cvpclise of inicli 'ii.il InipitiveiiHMit or liuprmi'--iit lii ii.il.t Ko.i, District No. I'.t.-.l iln :M!i d,iy of October, i,, t!i; w, c. i:nY, d Sup. -ivlioi of Itllllil Dlstili-t No 11, Wioliiuton County, Pie, I; iilcnt Tpsyera. I'll, I II tilMiie, Albert till. Cbim. it.il. ' M l,i Uituie. (I. V. Ain.ps, i ll St:n k, lien CnlKellniin, Ji,-I Sltiiklri. John M.itlhlesen, II I', tickler, .1 A I'dy, I'M Wetlel, V. 1'ilv, l.eiia 1' linker, (ii'O. I ket, Kiit.. loii;i, Jaines IHhIki', A. IMv. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGCT ' MEETING, lll'n U lii'iid.y nl1' (hilt II eUiii-. :! the resident taxpayers of .ul ll Hi, i No l'l, WoshhiFioii imty. (Hi'i'Mii, l:i hert'by called ! will I.,. I:, Id nt I'hllllps H.iii, 1 .11 In -rid l;,,.ui illiii-t No, I"', .ishingtoti ''iniiiiy, ort'Kon, on tie' h d y if Nt'M-mlur, PJIH, nl tbo illnctl-l ml.ti'l: and mt.Uni k I'. M on nil 1,1 ilny volt, upon tho c; ti ll in the follow Im: Ko.ul iimt , uit'itint f mill lioMliiK y . i,i I 1. Oudget, District No. l'.l, WnshltlKloit On-itim, estlllinti's tile of wink, coM, and number of lux to be raised for tho r; i III 11 .ul.illl 0 Kll.ldil hich ,1 NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that meeting of the, resilient taxpayer of Road District No. if,, wanning ton County, Oregon, Is hereby cullet and will bo held at Ingram s HP House In said Koad District No. Washington County, Orei-on, on lb th day of November, 19 Id, nt III hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day to discuss and vote upon the pstlmates contained In the following budget: Budget. Itoad District No. 2G, Washington Countv. Oregon. estimates the amount of work, cost, and nuinbi of mills of tax to be ralHed for tin following year: miles macadam on Portland Road, estimated cost of which Ih $1095.48. miles macadam on lllver Koad, estimated cost of which Ih $517.74. Value of laxable property In dis trict. Is $2758.70. Numlier of mills required to raise, , 6 mill tax. Total, $Ui43.22. Dated this flllth day of October, A. D 1916. J. A. ZIMMKKM ANN, Road Supervisor of Road Dislrict No, 25, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers. M. C. Watts, F. H. Kearney, Dora Kearnoy, .las. 8. Church, Margaret R. Church, W. J. Ingram, Jos. .1. Ingram, John Jack. I' M. Cone. .1. A. Zimmerman. Maude K. Potter, Mrs. K. Prlngle, I.. 8. I'rlngle. i ml '.'Hit, i (Hunted cost of 1:4 'li.ll, iiiili H of in ii ud iin on lio idi V i;i and AU'l. entliniilcil coil f It Is M"'.i Vnln.' of ii mibli, troperty In d la in t Is. .1t:.!'JS 4tt Nntnl.er of tit I U n reUlrei to rale, hi a im Toi.ll, M7ml D.hiM Oils lt day of November, V D. I1.' Id. HtKP IIAMKU .-Siiiiervbnr of Itond District No l' Wii'liliiKtim County, Ore Resident Tupaytrt. t! It. lrtiin, M Waetler. Pet. r ".in t her, Joliii 8' ifcit. It 1, Ni'lsoii, V. A Inner, W in KueEy, J. Zlm- m-t itiii, i II Smith. John Tri to o-l. .1 II. Merger. M.iy I.. Horner. Al- n K.nitiii.iiin. litnh C. Knufmiinu, b ury llinur, J, C Itnilke. SOTICt OF DISTRICT ROAO M E t TING TO VOTE A00ITION. AL ROAD 1AX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 20. We, the uinli'ixiKHed resident t"X- puyers "f li'i.ul Plsti'lct No. C", W.ifhltiK'im County. ori'Kon, iokhiIi- r coini iiiiiiin iniitit than lo p r HI of tile leiiiblit taxpayers III oitd roiul district, heieby give, no lie that H lueitun! of the resident .ixpayi i of nuiil ltoud District No. :). U'.i hirii'.li.n County, Oregon, it i-liby called, and Will be held nl I'niiin Hall In salt) ltoud Dlstrbl No. t". W Ashlnututi County, On- "11, on tlie l'".tli day of Novemln r, I9ii. l tli hour of 3 o'clock I. M , of said day, to discuss tbo i. h ln.il.il, ty of levying a special or ulilliloiiiil road lax in said district. :o ilitei niiiic want, ir any, county roiids or portions Ihoerof In sail imiil iliniiiit shall he Improved, In i it y special maimer, ii ml the chin ot"r and extent of such Improve ment ' or improvements shall limit,' thereon, iiinl to levy such special or ...lilttliihiii tax, inn to .exceed 10 mills on the dollar, on all taxabbv nal and personal property In said mul district, as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road lilt tint idi. ill deem iiiivliuibhl for lb" tiuiiMme of raising money with which to defray the expense of such pe, lul Improvement or Improvo menis In mild ltoud Dislrict No. ''ii, Washington Countv, Oregon, Dated tills 2th of Oetohr-r, A. D, 1'UH. TIIOMA8 MCKI'IIY, JK tf or il Supervisor of Itoad Dlstrht No. -2u, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers. .1 Schiiiitke, Uil Hchwandcr, (i. P. Rmner. I. II, Maxwell. Oral (lard iier, II. Meacham, A. Ospelt, Pago (iilnlner, Karl Hollenbeck, .1. roller. 8. I,. Hollenbeck, Thos. Murphy. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION. AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 44. We, the undersigned resident tax nayerg of Road District No. 44 Washington County, Oregon, togeth or comprising more than in per c.rmt of the resident taxpayers In ald road district, hereby give no tlce lhat a meetintr of the resident taxpayers of said Itoad District No 44, Washington County, Oregon. Is hereby called, and will be held nl the House of W, C. Kddy, in snid NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION. AL ROAD TAX IN ROAO DIS TINCT NO, 43. We, I he undersigned resident tax-iiayi-rs of Itoad District No. 4:1, Washington' Counly, Oregon, togeth er ciniiprliilni; more than 10 per el-lit of the resident taxpayers In "aid road district, hereby give no tice that a meeting of till' resident, taxpayers of said lload Dislrict No. 4'!, Washington County, Oregon, In lietehy called, and will bo held tit Mid, Union School House in said lin DUilet No. 43, Washington ounly. Ore, on Iho 25th day of November, liilii, at lh hour of :! M , of said day, to discuss the idvlsablllty of levying a special or lilMimiMl road tax In said dislrict, to determine what, If any, countv roi, da or portions thereof In sabl iiitiil (llhlrlct shall he Improved, In my special manner, and the cliar- icier and extent of such Improve- neni 'or im im (ivi-iiii'iil h shall Pinko hrenti. and lo levy such sped 1 or nidlt ioniil tax, not to exceed l'l nlHs on the dollar, on all ttirahl" e:. and personal properly 111 said '"'id dislrict, as n majority of such eslib'nt taxpayers of said road dis trict hIiiiII deem advisable for Ih" impose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such ipeclal Improvement or Improve ments In snld Road "Dislrict No. 13, Washington County, Oregon. Dated this 28th day of October. A. I)., 191 fi. k. C. KRITfltfTl Koad Supervisor of Kond District No. 43; Washington County, Ore, Resident Taxpayers. C. 3 TTavnoM, A. W. Wright, R. C Kilmer. P. P. Kroger, Hans D. Koch A C Kiiici'r. Katie Kruger, I. N Hivms, o. A. Kpiilh. ,T. R l)ov 1, Si'lislloMbrand, Sarah J. Oldn, .1 A Channinn, Aue. Olicrit, II. K. loyce !'. I, Oust In, Tom IVarnon, Kov Harrington II, R Harrington, C. True, Roy Johnson, Thco. Fischer.