If you are interested in purity first KC BAKING POWDER is what you should always use. There are many other reasons whybut try a can and see for yourself. CA t .nice o! DISTRICT BUDGE1 MEET INQ , Ip In i given that meet resident taxpayer oi laiii.l Dlsitrut No. 36, Wash County, otegon, In hreb and will In' held hi Daconu In 1J.IM.1 tin;. ii' ( .ti i'i Hi lixil House in mild Itoud Duttrtc ,u :-.t;. Washington County, Orison on (In- :r.ih ilay of November. 1916 tu ili" hour of - h i l' k p, til. on null' day in iliiiiin unit vuti' upon tbi i, .ti !r iiuilainiit In the fullowlni hmUct ; Bu.i Jot l;,v,d IHilrlri ;. ;t. WashlngtO' Coutify. lin-Kim, e Ornate the auioun, i v ink, '"it, iiiul iiiiiiiIht of mill i.( ; 'X lo In- tiii'tnl for till' follow in: j i'.'ii : 1'iti-(..iinli mile uwu-.tihim on Horn. No r.:.. fwiimaii i rim of which l ".' One fotirlh mile clearing, Kru!i.Sntf nut i i.uIIisk "it I'M'i-n Mouiitntn i ' il Mci --ham School House to Meaeh iin i lint, ivtlinali'il cunt of which ir.it. ; mi ft. clearing, grubbing at' ci:i' li'f on Hiiml No. 42H, estimated 1 1- Jir.ii, r i .rim!, i iul'l 'tiss mill grading on Kii 1 No. fs7, climated rout, $150 Villi,, if taxable iiron'rty In dis H i, t H $176,023 ft",. N. tinier of milts required to raise r 9. mill lux. $NfiO. I hi it thin lt iluy of November A i. 11118. O. (. NELSON, !!u , Supervisor of Itoml District fn, : Wli!nKton County, droRnn Rfuldcnt Taxnayert Mi .1 Ji'icmi!i. .foli n Ji'iwn .'i ! n .Hi, Mrs, M Huffman, Mm. C i ' v--lion, '. Ni Ihoii, II. (1. Lurk rv v no; Al 1 i V, ..'V. Ur It 1 li'llt f..ll'i l!iil l"r lis' by Hwci Il.ihi! lioi'. CE OF DISTRICT ROAD TI N C TO VOTE ADDITION ROAD TAX IN ROAD 018 CT NO, 26. iin, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ii'Mlilcnt 1 111 1 of liiiinl UlMtrlit No, 2i M'.'.lon t'uiiiily, (lii'Miili, tOKoll mihIkIhk inori than ten !' of thu rivildi'iit tnxpaycre I ;ii,u diKirii'i. lo'i'i'liv glvo not ic i iiiriliii of tin- rcdlili'iit tv 4 i.r hmIiI Koail nUlrlct No. 2i 1'iuloii CniMily, (iri'iton, Ih bore illnl, unit will ln held if ilvilln Hi-luuil lloiitn, In Hull li:lrlil No. 2ii, Washlnntoi t in, my, tiri'Kon. No riiilii-r, lHHi ( . i ll p. in of en the 25lh day o nt ilu hour of : nulil day, to iIIhcuh nf lev Iiik Bpccln Iho 1 r I i' il,vl:"llilllly lilli'lllll I'd 111 tllX In HH til (li: lii (li'li'iiuinc what, If liny road ur ioi tlnna thmcof i' oi'.d dlMlrht "hall he lmprov nny mii'i'i il miinnrr, mill thi !cr iiml p ii'iil of Hllrb Im 1 nl or liiiinovi'ini'iitH nhnl llii'iiiin, audio levy HiK'h Hpc I'llilitlnnnl lux. nut to cxceci i!N mi the dollar, on nil tnv . il mill iMT'iniiiil pioii'ity I n:!i dlnlrlcl. n h nmjorlty 0 1 1 I, ) I ; I n v, 1 ', 11 ,-ii 11 ill I'd- 1- iidi'iil. laxiiaji tk of mild nar nhall ili'H'i lulvlHiihlti for tin of raisin;? money with which y I he cxpi'tiMi' of Nlicll Hpecla' '!)" 1 ilrfr. 'ur,". , ipi'iil or Improvement! lv i-l llniil UiHlrlit No. 2, WaabliiK n 'mint y. OrPKon. n-ili-,1 HiIh 2Slh day of October, n. Ill 111. JOHN TltACHSEL, limit 2(i, V M. SupervlHor of Itoml Dint net Wimhlnnlon' County, Oipkoii Resident Tsxpayeri TliuiHlnn. Koht, Johnson, 0 I! Mimli r, J. D. TracliHt'l, H ii li, II. Tongi'H, I Itodiinder. I arli' Tt. Teiifel. 1. Wolke, J fi iclnu'l. Abraham Deletion, J. 1 11 John A. Johnson, Hurry 'Vkham. f:0ICF. OF DISTRICT BUDOET MEETING Nolle,' Ih hereby nive thai a meet but ol' the resident taxpayers ol find lllntlli'l No. 2(1, VVllNlllllKtOn Connl", Orecim, la hereby Palled and ' 111 J'e held at Sweeilvllle School I on e In mild Un.nl DlHtrlet No. 28, '"inhlimlon County. Orepon, on ' ihr ""lb (My of November, MM. at the l"iir of 2 o'clock P. m. on said day t" ill i-UHH mid vcte upon thp entl- r".k containing In the followlnif bin: -!i'l: Budget libit rlct No. 2fi. WimhliiRton Oregon. entlniaten the e"' work, cunt, nnd number 1 of tax to be raised for the !, C'ltnilv. 1 r , 1 1 1 of , 11 f, " iv in.; year: i' i 1:1, It. R, cnefiflh mile maca ,1 ' en Itiiml M. 4iii Kant, eH r,i. .. ..si f tti,i,., in r,im. ' ' -I'll-! It W., iiinfiflli inlle niu cadain on lioad No. 41G Wt'at, eatl V V v) our v Cf I malpit rout of whkili I 1500, Canyon H, W, twolhlrdn mllo m iiiIhiii pn Hot No, j!ir, (I,, 1 1 mo tfi( (DHt of wtili b It M'1. Hi'uvrllnii II,, oiie-thlnl mite ink iiiiIuiii oh Road No. :i7 Hmitti, (nil- mill Kit mm of wlilrh Id l0D. Biilner H., oiiii-flghlh mile ihm tin in im Hoad No. MH, cHtluiiiled coal of wiiti b u $:ioo, Hhekelford 11., oil" eighth mill' inn citilti in on ItottU No, 31(7 North eat limited cost of which In $W0. VulilM of taxable property In iHn lilrt li 1400,000. Ntiuibf r of mill ri'iiulrril to mini' n in nun ih, Dated thin 2X1 b ly of October A. P. 1916. JOHN THACHSKL, Itoml 8iiH-rvlHor of Komi District No. 2H, Washington County, ore. Ruldsnt Taxpayer W, M. Thurston, Hotil, Johnson, f t Hosiinib-r, J. I. Trm-hiel. ,11 HiMiiiilMh, II. Tutiges, L. HoHMmlur Fred Durlg, It. Tlitfi'l. I. WolK". J P. Trm'liiMil, Abraham Itclchen, J. L Foeee, John A. Johiuioii, Hurry II Wlrkhiini. NOTICE Of DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notlio U hfrliy Kiv-n tlutt niiM'tltiK of tb rHlii'iit tatmyi'r if Itoml UlMiirt No. 45, WukIiIhk ion Countv. Ori-Kon. U litui'by culli'U mil will tm hflil t ili'lvftln HrhiHil m hiiIiI ltom) DlMlrlft No. 45. Wimh iiiKton County. Ori'Kon, on ihi 2r.it lav of Nnpiiilmr. l'Jlfl. at ttio botn if 2 o'clock p. in. on alil day ti Hiiiihm Blid volt noon tho iwll nalcii contiilncil In th followlnf niilKct : Budoet lload Dlntrlit No. 45. WsHhlnxlon "oiiiity. (itcnon, iiBllinati tin minimi of work, font, and immtwi .f mllU of ta to be ruined for tin nllowlnit yi'r: one-fourth mile mm-mliim on Hn-ut Sn A "t, et iniHtcil com of which I $630. I tirep ioiiriliH tiillo imifuilam on load No. 13. ratimnteil t-ont of 'hlch h 11413. uniMiKbtb iiiIIb nincmliini on rtoul Vo. A 68. UNllmulfiJ cunt of whirl! 1 lillTbO. OnMlKhth nilln itiiicniiftnt on Itoaii "O 10. PnlllllUtlHl pout of which inMiKiiih mtln inscmlam on not.i v H, etlmind com of which 117 60. Miluo of Imahln jr)i'rty In din net u isoz.014 0.1. rsiiint.er or nillln rHiilrcd to rniif ' e mill tm, $.1000 &. iald thin 28lh day of October V U. 1916. ALFRED PIKHKN. Koid SupfrvlMor of Itoad HlKtiif no, 45, WsnhlnKton Coiinly, Orcrn" Htlidfnt TaxDnysri ' tv Korn, Abr. Irnitcn. Atfrr,1 tmrlMT, J.noh Yiinupii D. Tmli old. John Zurchcr, Fred Wiwi't ""n Trlitmld. rhrh Wnner "ivid Wrner. (!. K, Hi-ctcr "1ertchir, lVlr OroHKcn. I1, F 'ronson. IOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL H0A0 TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 7, me unucrnlKiied rrnldent tax n.vers Of Itoud niMlrtct No. 7, Wauli 11KI011 lounly, Ort'Kon, touethei omttrlKlni more than ten per cciil 1 Urn rcindcni uxpitycm in nalil uad dltrlct., hereby give noili lint a iiiivIImk of the realdcnt tax ayem of mid Itoad Dlslrlct No 'iiKhlnKton Couniy, Orenon. erelty called, and will hu held lecdvllltt Sihoul llou.ie !n said .oad Dlmrlct No, 7, WuHhlnKt n minty, Oreison, on thu 25th day ovember, 1916. al the hour of clock p. tti. of uli) day, to it In tmn thu mlvUtability of levying pedal or additional road tax in n.il imnci, 10 iieieriulne What, if any uunty roaila or portlotiH thereof aid road illntrtct Nhall be improved .1 any apodal manner, and the char iter and exient of auch Improve cut or Improvement;! shall make hereon, and to levy such special 01 dilltlonal tux, not to exceed tr illls on th dollar, on all tuxuhli ciil and personal property In sulil ii.ul district, as a majority of such oaident taxpayer of said road dis ilct shall deem advisable for tin urpose of raising money with whlcT o defray Ihn expense of Mich ape 'nl liiipriiveiiient or Iniprovementi t said Huad DlHtrlet No. 7. Wash ngton County, Ort'Kon. Dated thin lnt day of November V D. 1916, J. MOt.IN, Itoml Jo. 7, O. E. rmorp, '. V. Vow n. Supcrvlpor of Itoad Dlstrlc WuHhliigton County, Oregon Rculdent Taxpayer! Frank. J. Frank, V. W. I.lv A. Plerson, Thomiis Keen Wells, P. 0. I'elk. Oram John Overroeder, A. Rutt' I K. Slupard. M. K. OMeHrn. J 'ell, Waller Zurcber, Heruian Depp V Smidbern, i . E. Barker, M. leyer, John Rnyen Welch, A. 'linger II. A. Lbwry, J. It. Iniliiy A, Klrkwood. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUDGE1 ntlep la hereby given that a meet lg of the resident taxpayers ol toad Dlstrli't No. 21, Washington 'ounty, Oregon, Is hereby culled and vlll bp held at Huxlnn, Ore., in sultl Uuid DlHtrlet No. 21, Washington niity. Oregon, on the 25th day of ,'ovember, 1916, at the hour of 'clock P. M., on said day to discus, mi vote upon the est IiiiHtee. con lined In the following budget: Budget, Itoad District No. 21. Washington 'ounty, Oregon, estimates the mount of work, cost, nnd number f mills of tax to be rulsed for the ollowlng year: Ono-hulf mile grade and gravel in Itoad No 394, estimated cost of vhich Ih $400. One-fourth mile clearing, cnibhlni; nd grading on Road No. 177, esll iinled cost $245. One-half mile clearing, grubbing md grading on Itoad No. 221, estl nated cost $600. Value of taxablo property In dis rlct Is, $249,028. Number of mills to raise, a 6 mill tax. Total. $1245. Dated this 1st day of November, V D., 19M. GEO. FISlIF.n. Tiosd Supervisor of Road District No. 21 Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers. Elmer Tenae, F. C. Itnrcbolxer, T. D. Tnllinan. A. Kostur. TI. II. Itul lock. W. H, Hlddlnk. It. F. niggle. E. O. Scofleld. A. Simpson. J. H. Itlnck. Ilalnh Hannsn, D. H. Stow- ell, Jos. I'linpraU, It. Thomas, Ueo. FUrher. mrm of phtrict oao MITIN0 TC VOTI AODITION AL fOAD TAK IN ROAD QB TRICT NO. , We, the undersigned rcnlinnl xpaynrs of Itoud Dinlrlct No. 3, Washington Couniy, Oregon, togeth- coiiiprliiliiK nime than 10 pel cnl of thu resident laxpiiyeiH ol said Itoad District No. 3, Washing t 1 (Couniy, Dick 111, Ih hereby called, and will ho held nt Hi-IkniI House suld Iliiud Dlntrlct No. 8. Wash ington Couiily, Oregon, on ttio 26lh day of November, IV It), ut the hour 3 o'clock I'. M. of said day, to dlscllMR to ailvlHablllty of levying a special or told tionul road tax In salil lint rlct. to (IdiTiiilne what, If any, minty roiuls or portions thereof In tiild road district nhall be Improved, 11 any spec In I inuiiner, mid tin char actor and extent of such Improve tiient or liiipinveiiiciils ahull make thereon, anil to levy kucIi Kpoclal or additional lux, not to exceed 10 mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property In said road district, us n majority of auch resident liixpuyeiu of said road ills trlct ahull deem advisable for the porposM of raising money whh which o defray the expensn of mn h ape- lul Improvement or Improvi-iiienls in hhUI Huad uisirict mi. ', vvasii nKion Couniy, Oregon. Dated tlilii 271 h day of October, A. !., 1916. W. N. HATHOIiV, lload Kupervlsor of Itoad D' Hid No. 3, Washington Couniy, Ore. Rrtldent Taxpayers. W. N. llathorn. Hannah ft'eo, E Hoffman. Henry Huge, J. H, Ilia n, T. ryle. Carl ward, 11 1 . rear on, Win. V. Melxlr. D. M. While sell, E. C. Mulloy. O E. llathorn l Mulloy, K. T. Turner. 'Jullu ''hrlslenson, K fi. Crawford, J. W Mulloy. It. MesHlnger. J. A. Me Inger, Ed limuer. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notice la hereby given that meeting of the resident taxpayers ol lioud District No. 41, Washington i-ounty, Oregon, I hereby culled 4nd will b hld at Cady Hull, in -laid Itoad District No. 41 Washing ion tounty, Oregon, on the 25th day ,r November, 1916. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on auld day to ills cusa and vote upon the estimates contained In the following budget Budget Hoad lMstrltt No. 41. Washington ounty, Oregon, estimates tbi mount of work. cost, and nuuitx of iiiIIIm of tax to be raised for the 'ollowing year: 1.1a n. purcD8H or rignt or way ind grading road No. 669, $2140. uhio of taxable property in din rii-t is, $214,000. Mimlier of mllw required 10 rals 1 10 mill tax, $2140. Dated this 21st day of October A. D. 1916. ROBERT FEHLMAN lioad Supenrlaor of Itoad Dlstrlc No. 41, Washington County, Oregon Retident Taxpayer W. E. Vns. K. M Spraner, F .V. Cady. M. Wetten, M. V. Cady dary K. Stipe, V. J. Kprguson, II . Kslep, 11. O. Vincent, L. Stipe .arl E. Flaher, F. Ferguson. A. It liraner, Julia Vincent, Una Wei cr. W. E. Squire. U It. Dean, Chan lones. N. I)yrnens. A. M. Hocken W. F. Deslnger, Kalh Dealnger, Ii Vhlman, C, E. Hedge, Mm. Agne. 'ledge, Geo. Thyng. Lillian Thyng otto Erlckson, W. E. Evans, 8. W Mellvaine, Doy (5ray. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notice la hereby given that a .Meeting of the rcBldent taxpayers oi itoad District No. 7, Washington Couniy, Oregon, is hereby called and will lie held at Kecdville, School Itouae, In said Hoad District No. 7 Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at thi Hour of 2 o'clock p. m, on said day lo discuss and vote upon the esti mates contained in Uie following budget: Budget Hoad District No. 7, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the imount of work, cost, and iiumhci if mills of tax to bo raised for tin following year: 800 ft. macadam on Road o. 223 itttimated cost of which la $400. 300 It. macadam on Hoad No. 215, intimated coat of which $150, 800 ft. macadam on lioad No. 223 estimated cost of which Ik $400. 200 ft. macadam on Road No. 447, estimated cost of which Ih $100. Sou ft. niacailum on Cherry Swale estimated cust of which Is $150. 700 ft. macadam on Wheeler ave nuo from S. P. track south, estl muted coat of which is $350. 1000 ft. grading on clearing, grubbing and Hubor avenue, estimater ost $500. Value of taxable property in dis rlct Is $749,562.73. Nmber of mills required to raisi 11 S mill tax. Dated this lut day of November V V. 1916. J. MOIJN, Road Supervisor of Road District No. 7, Washington County, Oregon. Resident Taxpayers O. E. Frank. J. Frank, F. W. IJv rmore, A. Picraon, Thomas' Keen F. W. Wells. P. C. Peik, Grnnl irown, John Overroeder, A. L. Mutt. E. Shepard. M. E. O'Mcara, J It. Nell, Walter Zurcher. Hernial! Dopp, A. Sundborg, C, E. Barker M. E. Meyer, John Rayen Welch, A Y. Ollnger, H. A. Lowry, J. D 'inlay, J. A. Klrkwood. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING Notice la hereby given that f meeting of the resident taxpayers of Rond District No. 2. Washington County, Oregon? Is hereby called and will be held at Sherwood, Star Hall." In said Road District No. 2 Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on said day to discuss and voto upon the esti mates contained In the following budget: Budget Road District No. 2, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost, and number of mills of tax to be raised for the following year: 120 rods macadam on Weston Rond, estimated coat of which Is $720. 80 rods macadam on Road No A 40. estimated cost of which Is $r..V 100 rods macadam on Road No. 441 estimated cost of which is $600. 40 rods nvicndmn on Road No. 441, c'-.Omatod end of which Is $500. Tnt'il, $2370. .. Vnlup of tsxable property ln dis trict is $463,045. Number of mills required to raise ; 8 mill tax, Utd thla 80th day of October. , V. MM. 7.. T, COLE, Itoad Hllpervlsor of Hoad District No. 2, Washington County, Orcgoi. Resident Taxpayers W. A, Knydi-r, (',. W. Flsk, J. K. Morbuck, II. F. Culhlll, C. li. hv, II. It, Kmllh, W. W. Shaffer, Henry II. Tooiti', James Hay, F. Davis, Hi n List, Max Miinill, I. H. McConnell. W. F. Kmllh, E. W. Johnson, W. J. Weston, Paul Frederick, U. F. Durrt. II. List. A. K. Klicik, C. Ililklns. !, T. Weslphale, Jack Vute. Win. .Smith, John List, Ed C0IM1, .. F. Cole, C. A. Kloneiiian, E, J Uiuienz. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITIO.4 At ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 47. W, the undersigned resilient t. x payeiW of (toad DlHtrlet No. .7. Washington County, Oregon, togeth er comprising more than 10 per cent of the resident taxpayers in said road district, hereby give no tice dint a meeting of th residint taxpayers of said Hoad Dbdrlct ?,o 7, Washington County, Oregon, I.' hereby called, and will be held at Cooper Ml. School House, in hM Itoad District No. 47, Washington County, Oregon, on the 25tb day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 Velock 1'. M. of said day. to discuss he advisabilily of levying a special ir additional road tux in said d..- trict, to determine what. If any ounty roiiils or portions thereof in iisld roinl ilistrict shall be Improvi d ln any spcii.il manner, and the ch ir aeter and extent of such liuprovo- nent or improvements shall makf 'hereon, anil lo levy sucb special 01 iilditlonal tax, not to exceed 10 milt on the dollar, on all taxable real mil personal proH'rty In wild roiii list rlct, as a majority ot such resl lent laxpavers of said road district -ihall deem advisable for the pur nose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such spe lal improvement or Improvement In ald Hoad District No. 47, Wash IniMon County. Oregon. Daled this 2Silh day of October A. D., MM. NICK KEMMER. Road Pupervifor r'f I!ad District No. 47, Washington County, Or Resident Taxpayers. G. W. Miller, H. n. Doiii'hty, W !. Grahhorn, I. Ioiiold. J. C. Bar on. J G.-ifMner. Gu-i Kaiifmin. G W. Wells, M Woliioiiist, Christ Oef inger. A. Kaufman. Emil Minke, Au gust Kuhn. NOTICE OF DISTRICT RDAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 2. We. the undersigned resident tax payers of Road District No. Washington Couniy, Oregon, togeth er comprising more than ten I'd cent of thu resident taxpayers in aaid road district, hereby give no tic thai a meeting of the resident taxpayers of said Hoad District No 2, Washington County, Oregon, hereby called, and will be held at Star Hall, Sherwood, in said Hoad District No. 2, Washington County Oregon, on the 25th day of Novem her. 1916. at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. of said day, to discuss the ad visabllity of levying a special or ad dittonal road tax iu Bald district, determine what, if any, county road r portions thereof in said road di trict shall lie Improved, in any spi tial manlier, and the character ami extent of such improvement or im Droveineiils nhall make thereon, aim 10 levy such special or addiliona tax, not to exceed ten mills on th dollar, on all taxable real and per sonal property In said road district .is a majority of such resident tax navera of said roud district shut Jeem advisable for the purpose raising money with which to defray the expense of such special im iirovement or improvements in sai Itoad District No. 2. Wushingto County, Oregon. Dilted thib 30th day of Octobc A. D. MM. Z. T. COLE, Road Supervisor of Hoad Distric Mo, 2, Washington County, Oregon Resident Taxpayers W. A. Snyder, It. F. Cuthill, W W. Shaffer, L. Davis, L. S. McCon it'll, John List, R. List, S. T. West 'an. W. J. Morton. C. A. Stone wall, W. P. Fisk, C. O. Tiioze, Ben rouse. Ben List,. W. F. Smith. Paul Frederick. A. E. Sherk. Jack Yates Sd Colfelt. E. J. Lauren. J. E. Mor 'nick, 11. R. Smith, James al.ty, Ma Muralt. E. W. Johnson, ; F. Durst, C. I. Calkins, Wm. L. Smith. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUDGET Notice is hereby given that meeting of the resident toxiayers if Hoad District No. 11, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called ind will be held at Cnlon Chapel in said Road District No, 11, Wash ington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day to Jiuuiss and vote upon (the esti mates contained in the following budget: Budget, Hoad District No. 11, Washington Couniy, Oregon, estimates the iniomit of work, cost, and number if mills of tax to be raised for the following year: One-fourth mile macadam on Road No. A95, estimated cost of which Is $518. One-fourth mile macadam on Road No. 174, estimated cost of which Is 648, One-fourth miles macadam on Road No. 276, estimated cost ot which is $548. One-eighth mile macadam on Berger Rond, estimated cost of which Is $274. Two miles repair macadam on Road A95, estimated cost of which Is $1096. Eight miles dressing with oil oi rock, estimated cost of which is $274. Value of taxable property In dis trlct is $548,000. Number of mills required to ralBe, a 6 mill tax Total, $3288. Dated this 1st day of November. A. D., 1916. J. J. WISMER, Road Supervisor of Road District No. 11, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayer. B. B. Reeves. P. J. Stabler. Chris SchlndleT. C. ,E. Wismer, C. Boy, H. R. FIndley, Rnbt. Thompson. A. Ilickethier. Win. Kerron. Wm. Hick ethier, J. Marly, .1. J. Sailer, C. Al lenbach. H. Cornils. Mrs. F. Heck man, .1. W. Stohler, C. C. Arms. John Kehrli, John Meier, II. llamel, by J. J. W. N0TICH OF DISTRICT ROAD MIKTINO TO VOTE AOOITJON AU ROAO TAX IN ROAD 018 TRICT NO, 11. We. (ho unilenilKiied, ('sident tax 11 to ten avers of Jto.id District No. Washington County, Oregon, gi-thcr comprising moie than per cent of the retident taxpayer!- said road district, hereby glv notice that a meeting of the r-si dent taxpayers of said Itoaii Dlsliic. II, Washington loimiy, (ihtoh is hereby called, and will be held at Cnlon Chapel In said lioad iiihtiic! No. 11, Washington County, Oregon on Hie J.th day of November, l'llfi it the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. ol said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or aililitlona. road lax in s.iid district, to deter mine what. If any, comity roads 01 poil ions tbeieof in fa id road dislriei shall be improved, in any specla. manner, and the character and ex tent of such improvement or im provemeiitH shall make- thereon, ani lo levy win h special or additlona tax, not- 10 exceed lo mills on tin dollar, all on taxable real and per annul properly in said road district i'. majority of such resident tax payers or paid road district shai deem advisable for the purpose o raising money with which io defraj the expense of such special improve tiient or Improvements in said Itoai Distrdt No, 11, Washington County Oregon. I Kit ed this lxt day of November A. D., 1916. J. J. WISMER. lioad Supervisor of lload District No. 11, Washington Countv, Oregon Residential Taxpayers. B. II. Reeves, i. J. Stabler, Chri; Schlndler, C. E. Wismer. C. Boy, H It. Fimlley, Itobt. Thompson. A Hickethier, Win. Kerron, Wm. Hick thler, J. Marty, J. J. Sailer, C. AI lenhach, 11. Cornils, Mrs. F. Heck man, J. W, Slolli r, C. C. Arns, Johr Kehrli. John Meier, II. Hamcl, b: J. J. W. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAt. MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 25. We, the undersigned resident tax payers of' itoad District No. 25 Washington County, Oregon, togeth cr comprising more than lo pet cent of the resident taxpayers ii said road district, hereby give no tice that a meeting of the residen, taxpayers of said itoad District No Washington County, Oregon, i: hereby called, and will he held a Ingram's Hop House, in said Boat District No. 25, Washington County tiregon, on the 25th day of Novem her, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'cioci P. M. of said day, to discuss th advisability of levying a special oi idditioual road tax in said district io determine what, if any, count) loads or portions thereof in sait toud district shall be improved, ii any special manner, and the char icier aand extent of such improve inent or improvements shall mak thereon, and lo levy such special os additional tax. not to exceed 1' mllla on the dollar, on all taxabb real and personal property in sab toad district, as a majority of sue! resident taxpayers of said road dis trict shall deem advisable for thi puriiose of raising money with whicl lo defray the expense of such specia improvement or improvements u laid Road District No. 25, Washing. ion County, Oregon. Dated this 30th day of October V. D., 1916. J. A. ZIMMERMAN". Road Sujiervlsor of Road Distric No. 25, Washington County, Ore Resident Taxpayers. M. C. Waits, F. H. Kearney, Don Kearney, Jas. S. Church, Margaret R. Church. W. J. Ingram, Jos. J Ingram, John Jack. F. M. Cone." J V. Zimmerman, Maude E. Potter Mrs. N. rringle, L. S. Pringle. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAL MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 34. W e, the undersigned resident tax payers of Road District No. 34 Washington" County, Oregon, togeth ,t comprising more tuan to per ent of the resident taxpayers ii sum road district, hereDy give no ice that a meeting of the resident axpayers of said Road District No. !4, Washington County, Oregon, iiereby called, and .will be held Ambrose Schniidlin's, in said Road iiistrict No. ill, Washington County Oregon, on 1he 25th day of Novem oer, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, to discuss the advisability ol levying a special or additional road tax in said district, to determine, what, if any, county roads or portions thereof in said road district shall be improved, in any special manner, and the char aeter and extent of such improve ment or improvements shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax, not to exceed 10 mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in said road district, as a majority of such resident taxpayers of said road dis trlct shall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such special improvement or improve ments in said Road District No 14, Washington County, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of November A. D., 1916. AMBROSE SCIIMIDLIN". Road Supervisor of Road District No. 34, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers. V. Richter. John Bill, J. R. Mii Vew, P. Felong, J. W. West, Charles ohniidlin, F. J. Petrzilka, S. II. Stowell. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. is hereby given that a Notice meeting of thp residents taxpayers if Road District No. "4, Washing ton County, Oregon, is hereby called mil will lie held at Ambrose Schniid lin's, In said Road District No. 34 Washincton County, Orecon. on the 2t"'th dav of November, Mlti, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on said day, to discuss and vote upon the estimates contained in the following budget : Budget. Road District No. T4, Washing ton Comity, Oregon, estimates the 'mount of work, cost, and number nf mills of tax to be raised for the following year: One mile grading a"d giawliug on Road No. 221. Sec. 33. estimated cost of wh'ch is $1520. One-fourth mile grading and crosshiying on Road 424, Sees. 20 f"rt 17. estimated cost of which is $500. One fourth mile gcnernl rcpaiiiii estimated cost of required to raise o-i Road No. 328, whlrh Is $50. Number of mills an I mill tai , Total, $2079. Dated thi 1st day of November, . D., MM. AMBROSE SCIIMIDLIN. Itoad Supervisor of Road District No. 24, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayer. V. Richter. John Bill, J. R. Mc New, P. Felong, J. W. West, Charte? '.iluiiidlin, F. J. Petrzilka, S. H itowell. NOTICE Notice neeiing if lioad 'ounty, ind will lence in OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Is hereby given that t of the resident taxpayer) District No. 44, Waahlngtoi Oregon, Is hereby calif be held at W. C. Edy real said Road District No. 44 .Washington County, Oregon, on thi :th day of November, 1916, at thi tour of 2 o'clock P. M., on said da) o discuss and vote upon the estl nates contained ln -the followint !)tidget: Budget. Road District No. 44, Washlngtor 'ounty, Oregon, estimates thi iiiiount of work, cost, and numbc. if mills of tax to tie raised for th' ollowing year: One-sixteenth miles grading ' Vrops Corner, on Hoad N. A179 slrrniied cost of which is $375. One-eighth mile, 100 ft. on Mathle on Hill, 150 ft. along Swanstron arm, on lioad No. estimaiet ost, $250. Two mile clearing, grubbing am railing on Road No. 667, estimate! ost $200. Value of taxable property In db rirt is, $166,415. Number of mills required to ralsi i 5 mill tax, $832. Total, $825. Dated this 28th day of October . D., 1916. W. C. EDY, toad Supervisor of Road District No. 44, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayer. Fred H. Graue, Albert Oil, Chas Wetzel, Otto Graue, G. F. Atrops red Stark. Geo. Conzelman, Josi . Strickler. John Mattbiesen, H. P trickier. J. A. Edy. Ed Wetzel. W . Edy. Lena F. Baker, Geo. L laker. Kate Dodge, James Dodge A. Edy. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Notice is hereby given that ueeting or the resident taxpayers o Hoad District No. 47, Washlngtor 'ounty, Oregon, Is hereby called ind will be held at Cooper Mt ichool House, in said Road District n'o. 47, Washington County, Oregon n the 25th day of November, 1916 it the hour of Z o clock P. M., or aid days to discuss and vote upon he estimates contained in the tol owing budget: Budget Road District No. 47, Washlngtor County, Oregon, estimates tbi imount of work, cost, and numbei jf mills of tax to be raised for the following year. 800 ft. macadam road on Roar" N'o. 359, estimated cost of which $281. 400 ft No. 257, $195. macadam road on Road estimated cost of which 300 ft. macadam on Road No. 359 estimated -cost of which is $115. 600 ft. macadam on Road No. 119 estimated cost of which is $350. $100 in macadam-on Road No. 142 estimated cost of which is $100 Clearing, grubbing and grading on Road No. 142, estimated cost $150. Value of taxable property in dis trict is, $210,235. Number of mills required to raise i 6 mill tax. $1261.45. Total, $1191. Dated this 2Sth day of October A. D., 1916. NICK KEMMER Road Supervisor of Road District No. 47, Washington County, Ore. Resident Ta xpayert. G. W. Miller. R. B. Doughty, W 3. Grahhorn, P. Leopold, J. C. Bar ron, J. Gassner, Gus Kaufman, G. W Wells, M. Blome.uist, Christ Oefin ?er. A. Kaufman. Emil Menke. - Au m?t Kuhn. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. is hereby given that Notice meeting of the resident taxpayeri if Road District No. 43, Washlngtor County, Oregon, Is hereby called ind will be held at Middleton Schoo' House in said Road District No. 43 Washington County, Oregon, oa th 2"th day of November, 1916, at thf hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on said day to discuss and vote upon the esti mates contained in th followinf budget: Road District No. 43, Washlngtor County, Oregon, estimates th amount of work. cost, and numbe of mills of tax to be raised for th following year: "00 ft. macadam on Road No. 441 estimated cost of which is $112 50 800 ft. macadam on Road No. 333 estimated cost of which is $300 800 ft. macadam on Road No, 219 estimated cost of which is $300, 800 ft. macadam on Road No. 101 estimated cost of which is $300. 270 ft. macadam on Road No. 258 estimated cost of which is $101.25 530 ft. macadam on Road No. 388 estimated cost of which Is $198.75. Value rf taxable property in di trict is. $266,213. Number of mills required to raisi a 5 mill fix. $1331. Total, $1312.50. Dated this 28th day of October A. D., 1916. A. C. KRUGER. R"-d Snrrrvisor of Koad Distric No. 43, Washington County, Ore. Resident Taxpayer. C. S. IL'vnes. A. W. Wright. E. C Rnn'T. r. P. Krucer. ITnns D. Koc' A. C. Kri"-pr. Ksitie Kroger, I. N Hayes. C. A. Spath, J. E. Dow L. Peh"ltenbrand. Sarnh J. Olds, .T A. Chi'"ni"n. Aue. Oberst. H, Y Joyce. F. L. Gustm, Tom Pparso Rov IMrrtniffnt, j R Harrlneto C. True, Rov Johnson. Thpo. Fische- NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUDGET Notice is hereby given that p meeting pf the resident tnxpayer of Rn'd District No. 31. Washing ton County, Oregon, Is hereby called and will be held at Artisan Hall Ir said Road District No. 31. Washlnc ton Countv. on the 25th day of No v ember. 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on said dav to discus? and vote upon the estimates con tallied in the following budget: Burtqet. Ron) District No. 31, Washington Coiinlv, Orepon, estimates the i'liinunt of work, cost, and number of mill of tax to be raised for the following ypar: From blacksmith shop at Scholia toward Ttylor's Corner, Value of taxable property In dis trict is, $190,000, Number of mills required to raise, 6. mill tax. $1140. Total, $1140. Dated this 28th day of October, D., 1916. T. It. MOORE, load Supervisor of Koad District No. 31, Washington County, Oro. Resident Taxpayers. A. J. Larkln, E. O. Ilea ton, E. li. irook, J. B. Kays, J. B. Bartlett, M. Miller, Selh Miller. C. E. Jen net t, Leslie Moore, T. R. Moors, Wenstrom, C. R. Seiffert, (1. A. fohnson, F. F. Conover, L. R. amphell, J. A. Howell, loa Howell, Wedeklng. xOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD A DDL ROAD MEETING TO VOTE TIONAL ROAD TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 46. We, the undersigned resident t- layers of Koad District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, togeth- r comprising mora than ten per ent of the resident taxpayers in aid rood district, hereby give notice hat a meeting of the resident tax- layers of said Road District No it, Washington County, Oregon, is lereby called, and will be held at )i strict School House In said Road district No. 46, Washington County, )regon, on the 25th day of Novera r, 1916, at the hour of 3 o'clock M., of said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or jlditional road tax in said district. o determine what, if any, county oada or portions thereof in said oad district shall be improved, in my special manner, and the charac r and extent of such improvement r improvements shall make there in, and to levy such special or ad- litional tax, not to exceed tea mills m the dollar, on all taxable, real md personal property in said road littrict, as a majority of such resl- lent taxpayers of said road district 'hall deem advisable for the ' pur pose of raising money with which to defray the expense of such spec ral improvement or improvements, in ?aid Road District No. 46, Wash ington County, Oregon. Dated this 21st day of October. D., 1916. D. L. SMITH, Road Supervisor of Road District No. 46, Washington County. Oregon. RESIDENT TAXPAYERS. D. L. SMITH, F. F. MEAD RICHARD ULRICI WM. E. KELLY, J. R. BAILEY ARTHUR SMITH NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the resident taxpayers of Road District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called and will be held at District School House No. 76 in said Road District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'cioclc P. M., on said day to discuss and vote upon the esti mates contained in the following budget: BUDGET Road District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the imount of work, cost, and number f mills of tax to be raised for the 'ollowing year: mile of Gravel on Road No. 131 estimated cost of which is 5450.00. mile clearing, grubing and Trading on Road No. 186 estimated ost $450.00 Value of taxable property in dis rict is $159,394. Number of mills required to raise i 6 mill tax $956.36. Total $900.00. Dated this 21st day of October, A. 1916. D. L. SMITH, Road Supervisor of Road District Vo. 46, Washington County, Oregon. RESIDENT TAXPAYERS. 4I0KNy yeD .... D. L. SMITH F. F. MEAD RICHARD ULRICI WM. E. KELLY J. R, BAILEY ARTHUR SMITH SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Daisy Watson, Plaintiff, versus Richard Watson, Defendant. To Richard Watson, above named iefendant: In the Name of the State of Ore Ton you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil xl against you in the above entitled -uit on or before the expiration of ?ix weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, in or before Monday, December 11, 1916, and if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her -omplaint, to-wit for a decree for-, ver dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now exfating between you and plaintiff on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This siirenons is served upon you by rvi"-,-'- rsuant to an order of Hon.- R Bagley, Judge of the CiiVi.lt Court for the State of Oregon for Washington County, made and dated October 23, 1916, and the first publication of this sum mons is October 26, 1916, and the last publication is December 7. 1916. SAM M. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Building, Portland, Oregon.