I C tr HATS - HATS - HATS Hats for $2.50 - $3.75 - $5.00 EMMOTTS MILLINERY, Main St. everal Clever New Models COATS ) juM m tins week Velours, Zibelines, Broadcloths, Aitrtikan Flush and Tweed Mixtures NEW SUITS of Serge, Whipcord, Gaberdine, and Poplin in Russian belt effects, Norfolks or the long Coat effects PRETTY NEW WAISTS of Novelty Silk, also Crepe De Chine and Georgette Crepe in Dainty Colors 2.25 to $7 NEW SKIRTS .1 Nobby Plaids, Checks, Mixtures and Plain Colors Goar's Woman's Shop Third Street Hillsboro, Ore. Vote for Honest Bob VI and . Good Robert for County P.iJ Adr. NCTIi Not OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. rp is hereby given that a nicpt- ln-.: ii tiie resident taxpayers of Koad li!rlnrt No. 6, Washington County. Jn t'o:i, is hf reby tailed and will he l:i Id at the Kt-hse School House it) ai.l l.oid District No. 6, Washing tisn ('oiii)ly, Oregon, on the 20th day ot Niivimbor, liil6, at the hour of 2 if'Wook P. M., on said day to dis ru,s and vote upon the estimates contained in the following budget: Budget. "s'.f 'il Di.-lrict No. 6, Washington Comry, Oregon, estimates the amount of .f k, cost, anif number of mills to be raised tor the following A!:!.i", 1 3 4 miies macadam on I.-'u; ' l llslioro road, estimated cost of wt; 1 is $1400. ' "'. macadam on road between Asliahi .ind Tongue, estimated cost f v.-hi i is 300. 'Hi . macadam on rosd 'between W;lh and Mann, estimated cost ol v.'. I :i is $200. : u rt macadam on road between SimnsC'i and Stewart, estimated cost of whs.'h is $2u0. About. 2000 ft. macadam on Rood rod. 1 slimated tost of which is $1 ",., OuO ft. macadam on Minter bridge r; "I. rod, '.Uimated co;;t of which Is 0 ft. macadam on Farmington , esiimaled cost of which is li c of t.-irablc nrope-ry in dis- , bout $5l,0t'0. '. i' r of mills required to raise r. ) tax, $M27. c' this 30th day of October, 1, 'tlC. Ni:i.3 LARSEN, 1 n p'-rvisor of Rod District No. .';..-;l,ini't.(in County, Oregon. Fiecident Taxpayers. . ! John?on, H. Ftuiua, Martin lev, (.'has. Coupons, J. Kamna, V. .Slcv.art, Felix Hellebuyck, R hy combe. F, Wallace, A. E. fti'in. Ed Dcmmin, E. C. Jobn I'utry Behrmtnn. F. Davis, T. Johnson. J. H. Voting, II. II. , (I. Ixickmrtn, Nels Larsen, H. Tore, J. P. Adnms, A. Boge, W. ii, If. Hell'buyck. Charles Hel v H. E. Allen, Herman Wetz :' in;aret E. V.'etzler, R. Horn- V A A . V p' .' c II h H S 1 ! ' Jr- ec': NO rios OF DISTRICT MEETING BUDGET f'ot'' nv i ;i: Pi Cf i it.', v'i! bi r. 1 0 is hereby given that a that ' i f the resident taxpayers of lii-frict No. 32, Washington Crcpon, is hereby called and i! lil at Garden Home School e in said Road District No. 32, Illusion County. Oregon, on the V 2 nfi (!.iy of November, 191b, at the In in- of 2 o'clock p. in. on said day to !iiitiss and vote upon the estl ri 0 -s contained in the following br. L'.ct: Budget h'o.id District No. f.2, Wanhington v-t y. Oregon, estimates the x.iir'l of work, cor t and number of !i of tax to he raised for the fob 'k year: Jo-:' lciicing at t;otinty line ami re- P '!r to 17.0 to nn-1 v,,i..,, said Road No. 179, thence on where new work commences nrt balance of money on new , 170 or t ixalilti property In dis J37I.035.S3. V-'ro; 3 ml' n ! f r of mills required to raise, in, lilZZ.l". t-iis 1st d:iy "f November, A " THOR RRADLEY, Service Service Judge C. F. Johnsen, Sec by crder of Recall Commitee 32, Washington County, Oregon. Raaident Taxpayers. C. A. Kuff, J. O. Kreck, M. II. T.oss, Fred Carpenter, W. Morgenson, f. lilosick. A. Ulosiik, A. J. Simpson. C. ilines, A. J. Simpson, John Crow U y, S. Benz, T. K. Hills, C. Lehiu.-inn. J. Bradley, Thoa. Bradley, Kllza In hirrell, . il. Ruffner, Katherine Li hman, C. Olsen. NOTICE Notice OF DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING. (g hereby given that a meeting of the resident taxpayers of Road District No. 9, Washington County, Oregon, is hereby called and will be held at I. O. O. F. Hall in si. id Road District No. 9, Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of November, 1916, at the- hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day to discuss and vote upon the estimates con tained in the following budget: Budget. Road District No. 9, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost, and number of mills ot tax to be raised for the following year: One-half mile macadam on Roads 419-657, estimated cost of which is U00. One-fourth mile on Road No. 429, estimated tost of which Is $350. One-half mile macadam on Road No. A148, estimated cost of which is $t00. One-half mile macadam on Road No. A147, estimated cost of which Is $600. One fifth mile macadam on Roads No. 3f Mll, estimated cost of which is $250.' One-third mile macadam on Road No. A59, estimated cost of which is $?50. One-fourth mile macadam on Road No. 245, estimated cost of which is $i50. Redress on Road No. 179, estimated cost of which Is $250. One ninth mile macadam on Road No. 567, estimated cost of which Is $100. Redress on Road No. A38, esti mated cost $450. Footpath on Road No. A38, esti mated cost $100. Total, $3900. Value taxable property In district is $788,224.90. Number of mills required to raise, a 5 mill tax. , Dated this 1st day of November, 1916. A Zw'eKr, Roail Hutrvl"or Road district No A. Wahinifton Co tity,Ore. Resident Taxpayers. J. W. Summers, S. R. Vincent, Chas. Metzser. Nels Hohn, N. B. Gol den, B. Schechla, W. E. Shaver, H. W. Huselaec, C. V. Tigard. H. F. Bonesteel, .1. J. Young, Geo. Zimmer man, D. R. DeGross, J. F. Brandt, John Oaarde, G. I,. Sparks. M. F. Plphop. G. A. Plleth. H. Zwiener. L P. Tollman, B. B. Nobles. II. VV. Me Donald. H. Tledeman. .1. W. Tltwd, E. F. Steinhoff, Geo. Roland. R. A Twiss, A. Soblecht. W. h. Palmer, Clyde I. I.eedv. Hermtn, Rehliert. W. A. Starker E. W. Wamnler. E. T. McNeal, A. E. Zwiener. H. B. Tl fird, William Kruger, N. P. Johnson Wm. Arlss. Marv B. Twiss, O. P. Sheridan. O. If. Butler. Miss Gladvs Roby. tearhini? at Amitv, was fb week end guest of Miss Mary Sewell. A. C. Kriwer of Middle! on. was in the city Tuesday on road business. Netice of Dlti'rlct Uudget Meeting Notle. It Wobjr iveii Hint A luefU Inn of '' rMHi I lupic, era of Bowl plst-ict Ni.S. V.tHhii.Ki.H Coun ty. Otniit. i lo-mov called Slid will l he'd ai K iil-ni Kotiool llmitc. tn asld Kc.ul OiatiuH No. s, WkmIiiiiiiiiiii iiiiht. Or'n. on ih inh !. l NiVMiiil-r. IhIiI, (I (bp h xir ol U n'eUick ' M. on mIi! lav Ut uls.aias act volv utuvn lit.,!- itinlct. ooiiiiiist ri the following im.litot: Road Disli let N j x, vVuHliintuinVun- Ion County, tut --on.estiiiiaus I Im amount ol work, Coal, and iiuiiiIh n mills u lai U It raiaod t r tli loltow tug year in.e mint iniin nmca.i-on i--i rtoa.l o. 4 entmaiivt ai ! wni.'ti 11 fail vine-fourth note nji.ur luacmtant on Kea.l No. S48 esiimaieo ooal i' wlnoli la flou. i eighth mitent tcailam mi lt. No. A'TsI (Mllinatrti est ol vv liu'li U ;io iii elghta mil macac.ain on Kad No. AIMmtlinatoil inw i ol tueli i $jtvi. " lie fouilii mll macailani on liond No. .M eliiit.kl cot ol w inch f Ml Valuaof lalabla orowrlv in district ia $X).i!a NmutMir of mill rVsiuiwd to rai 4 null tat, :tU S.'. Dated Una itb day ot IVt.ilwr, A. D. lit li. 11. T tltt.-. Road Supetvtaor of Ruad District Nj. t, Washington County, Oregon. KRSIOIMT TtXrtVKHS A B Flint, II T Hume. . I C l.eedy. (. tl Snider. H emmlne, N l) Meltonald, Jjef TuniiUr, 11 A Richard. Jos-plilne A H Cox. K i' Flui. V VaniWriu. ;, W ( H.usf, ) O Amlrraoii. 1. Ki.-rlv I O Minder, J J VaiiKurk, J W Ni. s U v K llirrly, 1. il It .,, Au It Da'tomim. Notice ol Dislrict tluJgct Al:o;inj: S.HIivis li.irvhy ivt i that a Inert .ni ( llif rinulttol Uiyom ol i;.al H::rut No. tit ahoiioii I'-nuuy, tnv'ii, is lifirby miUnl aul aill Ih Ik I.I l 1' .i.iu Halt. In soU Kal lUsirut No W nli lctLUtl t'OUlilv. I )rtf'li. on tVi ilt tlAV Ol Not. la ft. a. Ino nour ol it uVI.. k V XI lliiuatcn iHntaliiJ in ttm toiioviU4 tu:!i: BriHisr Hoa-.l Dm'rtr't So ii. Va-.hliii."on (un ly, Urro eHimia'! lliu miik'iiiii of work, cunt, ami ucinhrr ol miiU ul u to t raiw.1 lor the lolh)aiit t r, ; i.UVIwt tuafailain on Hip S.-lulU it ia l, Niimaln o n ot wh oil i lit Kmo feet uiica'amon th Ur.v n City Ko.ol, mtiiuaAt coat of w Un'li . 7.iU It niacailam on ill B K l.i:inj It la ( iinatd oat of ahirh la $I.V 'M U fr claring. tcrulitiiiiK axil 'raMln ou S holla K tl. Miiiua:tnl 0 y t U ) 1O.0 leet eloariiiK. iriunlilni; an I xri! iitt on Orou City Koaul. atimait'l r Ml A) 1 otal, l.'lTo 1'ntea lliu 1st day of Nj t inier, A I) I: 111 Harr L. Rolniis.ni, Koatl Supervisor of ttoail DiHtru'l No. --. ft atliingtoii CoinitT, Dit-nuu RKK.DEXT TrAVI.KS W B Carter, T U D;iny. Hnry KrlcksoD, A K Hanson, A:i Paulaon Klis U M.iOowan, B k UwuiifT, JttiiiM It l wi.tuf. 1 L MorrluCk, H K lUiiimlur, Sitiuurt tl Ijiwrnnce, J J t'onaaay.J It J .li nun. L Ihruncj, U f liowiiu:, ri L Kobiiiaon A STATEMENT. During my service as County Juiltje I have devoted my entire time, given the closest personal attention to all matters brought before me, anil endeavored to perform my du ties fairly and faithfully for the bjst interests of all the people of this County to make every tax dol lar go the farthest possible. The People are demanding good roads. They are made under the supervis ion of the Road Supervisors and under the present system of road building efficient supervisors must bo secured is as good or all the money spent as thrown away The 1 County Board as a whole ia respon sible for the appointment of Road "supervisors. I had one vote out of 'iroe in their appointment a the law provides. If some were disap pointed that is only what has hap pened during the 28 years I have lived in this County. In the case which I presume is referred to in '.lie Recall Petition a demand was made for the removal of a Super- isor already appoints! ami t ho p pointment of a man who had failed of re-appointment. With the threat "f a recall unless the demand was granted the Court refused to dis miss without just cause bein- as signed. Paid Adv. D. B. REASONER Dr. William Fielding Ogburn. Professor of Economics and Soci ology, of Reed College, and Sam uel Wein9tein, a Sophomore of the same college, were the speakers before the Parent Teacher body, at the High School Monday night. The discussed by-and-large the amendments on the ballot, and their talks were very able and Instructive. They gave an impartial exposition of both sides that is to say, they cave the arguments from both sides of the me?sures involved, and permitted their hearers to draw their own conclusions. The session opened with America, by the audipnee. Other features were a cornet, solo by Prof. Brad ford; vocal boIo by Prof. Ingram, Mrs. T. II. Tongue accompanist. The Pythian Sisters' entertain ment, Friday night, was well attended, and enjoyed by all. The following program was ren dered: Piano solo. Miss Georgia Baldwin; reading, E. L. Perkins; p:ano solo, Miss Stella Nelson; Violin and piano selection. Earl Donelson and Mrs. F. J. Sewell; vocal solo, Mrs. F, J. Sewell; recitation, Mrs. W. N. Barrett. Hillsboro has become quite a railway terminal since the log ging and lumber shipments have increased on the P. R. &. N. Several engine and train crews have been buBy all the time, and the little gas line train, running betwepn here and Timber, has carried a profitable passenger business. John R. Bailey has just com pleted the sale of his prune crop and for one grower, all , from his own orchard, he has a mark er. He has sold over eight and one half tons of prunes, and tl e price was good enough for the most exacting. County Ci:ki.l t nj-er ti. A, tiOWJ, l-tlltoT Kntrrcl at the I'oat ldic l lltllsbou 0teJo". tOill.l cU niiill nmtlcr. Sulwcriptiim: ti.50 r ntimim, lSt i:l) KVKRY Till ivSUAY -HY- l.OMI Mrh INNKI JUDUI- RliASOiNliR The Arjrus ht'lievcs that JmU'o Rt-asoner shouKi bo sustained and allowed to remain in the po sition to which ho was Heetoil, No previous county jttdre his jriven more hard work to the olliee, and the sole complaint is the matter of the appointment of a supervisor, here and there. Thia is a small matter. a-d should not enter into the cam paign. If recall follows thi non appointment of a road supervis or, then nacjunty judje is saf.) in his position Judjre Reasoner's opponents have tiled no othtT cause of complaint. They do nut assert that there is any malad ministration. , l: the name t f jiutieo and ttpiity. then, let the voters of Washington County vote to keep in oiliee the county ju:ln ;e, who has niven more tiire to his otliee, and more real hard etTort, than any jiuhre in the his tory of the county. Never in National history has a president asked for and received so much legislation aifectinir the best interests of the man in the common walks of life the far merand the 'aborer. Lccislation asked for years by the Grange and producing elements has been placed on the archives of law, and as was predict?'.! four years &z Wood row Wilson's adminis t'ation will he known as the Victorian a;e of American poli tics. Election day is next Tuesday and the great American voters will choose thoir president. At present it looks as though Amer ica will stand for peace and Woodrow Wilsnn, without doubt The pendu um has been 9winu ins Wilsonward for two or three weeks, and New York, Indiana and Illinois, with several big Western and middle-west stales, all look safe for Wilson Wilson has had many problems to con tend with, and has me I them with sagacity and level-headed r.ess. It would be no surprise it Oregon would go for Wilson Multnomah county is already conceded to him. Forgers may forge and kidnap pers may kidnap, but to get away with it they must practice their tricks in other counties th..n Washington as long as Reeves is siieritf. It was freely predicted that the man who kid napped his child in IKIIshoi'o last week would mike hij gta.vay - but he is behind the b in. The forger catch was a ten-strike. The man jailed last week hal been operating in siveral coin ties hut he came to grief when he tackled Washington County. Mrs. V. I. Webber and little daughter, of Garden Home, were in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bechen, of IN Pine Farm, north of Orenco, wti e in town Friday. Wayne Vausht has gone to Washouga), Wash., where he has a position in the shipping depart ment of the Woolen Mills. For Sale: Hcrse, weight 900, harness and buggy, cheap. Also 200 sacks. Inquire Farmers Fe d Barn, Phone City 50(5. 33 Bert Reeves, of Cedar Mil', was in the city yesterday. KflTICK TO Notice Is hereby dmigned on Mi in ; t'ltKIIITOH. glvftn, that the un 2", lilflJ, w t . imniH'l 'miiiibtr.i'rit ol Um c-slai, -if Maria rich Mllin,dc.raied.ly the Courty tkiiirt. of A Hulilnglon Cuiiiiiy, Onion, and lns qnalill-d us s'l'li Now, tlmroforo all p Ts'ins liavinu claims hiiIiimI s.oil ea lute are rnpiiicil t i priment them to tba iiin'erMigiiu'l . with proper vooi lurn, at din law oil lint of C I rteliiialml, mxi bam bfr ot CWininorce Bidg, Portland, Oikkom, within sU iiiniiliin from tins 0th day of October, IDIfl. Maria Moove, Admlnifitrathx of Ihealxive. chImih Chas J Hcbmitie!, Attorney for Ailim. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEET ING TO VOTE ADDITIONAL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DISTRICT NO. 32. We, the undersigned, resilient tax payers of Road District No. 32, Wash ington County, Oregon, together comprising more than ten per cent of the resident taxpayers in said road district, hereby give notice l that a mcetlnc of the resident, tax "payers of said Road District No. 32, Washington County, Oregon, is here by called, and will bo held at School House at Garden Home In said Road District No. 32, Washington County, Oregon, on the 25th day of Novem ber, 1916, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. of said day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or Additional road tat In sitld dlatrU'l, to ditci inino what. If nny, county romln or portions thereof In miM fond ilistiUl i-hall be luiliivi'd, III any apivlnl lu.mm'r. mill Ihn rliaf aeler aiul vxlcnt of ei linpiovo hunt or liuinovi'liienls shall llliike thereon, mill lo levy Mirh iipei'lal 01 liitililioluil tux, not In cleeeil len mills on the dollar, oil nil lovable real Hint personal propeny "In n:ilil loud district, its majority of nin !i l esideiil taxpayers ol mo lit nu, tl im diet kIiiiII tleem iulvlsiiblc Inr the purpose of raislnn money Willi Wlilell lo di fray th cvpcnsn of stn li spo elnl linpiotement or Improvement In said l!oai Klslrici No. :I2, Wash Ini'lon Coiinly. tiiei;im, l.iled this 1st d.iv of Nmeinlicr, A. D. l:lti. tiios 111; vni.KV. lioinl Supervisor of Koad I'IMilcl No. 32, Washington Coiinly, Oiennn, nctidrnt Taxpayers ,t IV Kreik, M. II. lloss, C. A Uuff, Kreil Carpenier, I". lilosick. Job,, Crowley, C. Ilimes, T. K, Hills. W, Mii.cnscu. A. J, Slnint'ii, A lilosick, S Hens, C, laliiiuiii. J, l!r.ley, Thos. Ilnnlley, Kiln He hariell, W. II. tVliimvll. K. M liiitt tier. C. Ol-cii, Kiitlieiln,, t.ehninnn. SUMMONS , 111 the Circuit Conn of tlx' Slate ot Oregon for Hie Couniy ot Wash Motion. AiiKUsla Payne, Plaintiff, vs. Edward Payne, Defendant. To Kd w.i I'd Payne, above n. Oiled de fendant: In the n. iii!i of Ih,. St ale tit Ore con. you n t, lo'icbv rcnulieil in up pear and niisvici the totnpl.nut tiled axalnst you in Um nhic entitled suit on or beiiuo Friday Hie 1Mb lay of December, P.ii, which said Into Is siv we.Us mid mete from and uller Thursday I lie 2nd day ot November, Piln. Hie dale of Hie first publication of this summon mid If you fail to so n.ipcar or answer the plaintiff for Want iVroof. will apply to thi' court for t.o relief prayed lor in tier couiii:. int. town; rnr a decree dissidvlni; Ihrt bonds of luatrl tnony heretofore and now exist Im: between you and the plaintiff, and for the sum of J2o.mi per month payable monthly In advance lierr after as permanent alimony, and fur the further sunt of Tfitio as iiitor nev's fee herein. This suiiimotis Is published by or ili'l' of the Hull. tiro. K. Ha It ley. JiiiIkc of the Circuit Court of the St ile of Ore Kin for the County ot Washington and said Older wan made nnd dated on the 1st tiny ol November, I'MH. and tilt liutr ol tlia In t publication of Ibis Fiiuiuiiins l Thursday, the Ulh day of IVcembcr, 11' 16. CLYDE RICHAIit'SON', Attorney for Plaintiff, MS Chamber of Cotmnerco UlilK Portland, tire. NOTICE OF DISTRICT BUDCET MEETING Notice is hereby ulven that a meet im; of the l'esid iit tuxpayera of Ho.hI DMttlt-l No. 1, asliliiijnn County Orctrnn, is hereby called and will be held at Sam-it a. lllank Hull. Tllala tin, In said lioad District No. 1, Wash limtnn Couniy, Orcnon, on the 2M day of November, P.llii, at Ihe hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on said day to ills cms and vole upon the estimate contained In the following budget: Budget Itnad District No. 1, Washington County, Oromiu, estimates the amount of wink, cost and number of mills of tax to bo raised for the follow Inn year: To redress with hot asphalt as hinder, stalling at the south end the steel brldco at Tualatin On tin I'ooiie's Ferry lioad. theme its far west or near the I. N. Robinson -tun-; then start ine lit the north cml if the woodi-n briiK'e nnd cndlni: nl or near Southern Pacific It. II. track all in the cll.v of Tualatin, about 2.",O0 feet, estimated cost of which Is 3 ccnis per running root, $N7!i. Also HlartiilK ut the west side of the Soul hein Pacific liailrotul truck ucsr Durham station itoliii; west mi Ills Hoones" Ferry road, and retire the same as itbove stilled until all funds so voted arc expended, esll tn itt-d cost. 40 cents per riiiinliiK foot. Value of taxable properly In tlta Irict Is $510,500. Number of mills required to raise a 2 mill lax. $Mhl. Dated this 1st day of November, A. D. l'Jlfi. CM AH OKIIIKItOKIt. ftond Supervisor of Itoad District No. 1, Washington County, Orcnon Resident Taxpayers. Jos. Peel, J.' II. Citnlno, Wank, John K. Iledt-es, .1. G, Atuiusl Thomii son, J. Nyheri!, t . nohcris, Schiimonl. F. Duel hi, W. S. Jos. II W II lard .1. R. C. Thompson, A. V. llel, V.. A Robinson. R. 8. Townsend, I. N. Rob- inson. Hneiiert &. Hlank. John Wesch Maude I). Crim. Fred Lursni.in, J. I Andrews, A. C. Duley. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN ROAD DIS TRICT NO. 24. We, the undersigned resident lax payers of Itoad District. No. 24 Washington Coiinly, Oregon, tugi'tln- comprising more than ten per cent of the resident taxpayers In said road district, hcieby give notice that meeting of the reiiidont taxpayers of said Roail District. No. 21, WuhIiIiih ton Couniy, Oregon, Is hereby called and will bo held at Hill School House In said Road District No. 21, WuhIi Intrton County, Oregon, on the 2,rilh day of November. Itllfi, .it. Ihe hour of 7 o'clock p. m. of said dity, to (lis cueas the advisability of levying special or additional road lax In said district, to determine; what, If any, county roads or imrllons thereof In said road district shall be Improved. In. any special manner, and the char acter and extent ot such Improve merit or Improvements shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar, on nil taxable ren't and personal property in said road district, as a majority of such resident I ax payers of Haiti road dis trict shall deem advisable for the purpose of raining money wilh which In defray the expense of such rpeelal Improvement or Improvements In said Roail District. No. 21, Washing ton Couniy, Oregon. Dated this 1st day of November, A. D., 1016. J. II. HOFFMAN, llnnd Supervisor of Road Dl.lricl No. 24, Wanhinglon County, Ore. Resident Taxpayers J. 0. Mann, O. M. Grimm. ,T. W. Prllchnrd, H. Shot well, M. .1. Crunl, can, John Veil. Mrs. J. Veil. D. Crulk- shsnk, M. H. Gibson. M. Hanson, M. S Northoy, I. II. Hoffman, R. D. Walker, A. 1). Morrill, K. W. Carna ban. SUMMONS. IN Tile. OKCt'lT COURT Or Til r. SI'.YU: OE OKKGON FOR WASH INGTON lOl'NTY. CivsNio Slilca, Plaintiff, versita John Stile". Defendant. To John Stiles, nlmve mimed de 'entlatil ; In the Name of the Stute of O re run you are hereby retiiired to up pear nnd answer the complaint filed ignintt you in the tiluive entitled mit on or before thf expiration tu ii wrekjt from the date of the first niblic it inn of litis HUinmotiH, tu-wit. . I ti . I. H m or lidoro nic-miuy, pot-miner n I '.Mil, nnd if you fail to appear tun! iitswer plaintiff will apply to thr '.uirt for the relief demunded in her oinplmnt, to-wit -for decree fur ver dissolving the bond of mtttri nony heretofore nnd now exintinn vet ween you and plaintiff on tin troiim Is of cruel and Inhuman realiuent nnd for other and further vllef ns to the Court may seem ncet nnd enuitnbli. This summon la served upon you ty publication pursuant to an ordet .f linn. Geo. It, Ragley, Judgo of the 'ircttit Court for tlnf Statu of Ore on fur Washington County, mtnlr ind dated October 19. ttflli, and thr "ir t publication of thia summon i Vtnbcr !!!. lOlli, and the hut pub ic.ttien is December 7, lt'ltl, SAM M. JOHNSON, Alt irney fur Plaintiff, Miihuwk L'tiililing, Portland, Oregon. OTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT N THE COUNTY COURT OK Til' STATE OF OREGON KOH WASHINGTON COUNIY. i tli" Matlrruf the Fatate of (Inirm I '.Iniiiirrntitii, itrcrawiHl, Notice ia hereby given that thi mill riiiinixl adiniiillraior of aald law ia tiled in I lie above tnitllled Court mi auie il final account and rtMirl aa Hindi diiilninlrat'ir, and Ilia aaul Court Ino txml and aiueilnlvd Monday, th lt 'ut Novrmlirr. IUIH at llialniurnf i 'eliH'k of Oil ilav anil Ilia Court ll-ni f Um o's.ve ptitttiiKl Court In HlllalKiro Vanliiniiloii Count. Orimnii. aa llnllni' ml pli lor hearliiK objketlona tu'aie Inal account and for the iinal anltlaninlil I until vatatn Dated Una Dili day of Ontobor, 1 1Mb, t,wii(.i H y.iiiiinvruiaii, i it mliiiot ro'ir i eaia afon ld. WILLIAM 0. HARE, Attorney for adiiilnlalratnr. NOTICK OF DLSTRUT HUDGK1 MErHING. Notice is hereby given that meeting of tiie resident taxpnycr t Road District No. 4'-', Washing "on County, Oregon, is hereby rail d anil will be held at Timber School House in said Road District No. 42 Vasliington County, Oregon, on thr '5th day of November, PJHS, at thr hour of 2 o'clock V. M., on said day 'o discus and vote i-iat.-s contained in upon the eti the following budget: I1UDGKT Road District No. 41, Washington County, Oregon, estimate the amount of work, cost, and number if mills of tax to be rained for tlv following year: '.4j mile Clear, Grade and Gravel on Road No. 2SA estimated cost of which is l.-'OtLOO. ' milo Clear, Grade, and Gravel on Road No, 241 estimated cost of which is $l:i00.00. mile Clear, Grade nnd Gravel r n Road No. .'174 estimated coat of " hich is $1000.00. Mi mile Gravel on Road No. "slinmted cor.t of which i $4(i:i.70, Value of taxable property In dis trict is $H 10170.21. Niimlier of mills retptired to raise a 10 mill tax Dated this 21st day of October, A. I). 191(1. OTTO RROSE, Road Supervisor of Road Dlstri No. 42, Washington County, Oregon RESIDENT TAXPAYERS. G. E. WESTINGIIOUSE R. C, GKRCKIIE1M S. F. HAMILTON J. M. HAY DEN EDWARD HUGHES .OSCAR SMITH JANE E. MILLER J. T. COX N. RANGS PERRY C. GAP BERT NOTICE TO ( KHUTORS In tin- County Court of the Htntn n-ennn. for tliu Couniy of Wash liiKton. In I bn Mutter of th Kattte of Job sniiiii' r, ili-ciiHse 1. jmiiiico ia nereiiy (tivi-n that th tin ieraiinii-ii nai nwn tluly apiiolnliiil ny til iliove entltlrd Court a n iiolnlHlralnr 10 (tin K-l on of J.1I111 Hc.linrnr, dnoeaaed iiki iin-1 -tin iiiiunneii a- aitr.ti Now I lien I in, till pe 11.11 s b.vlni I'lB'ina 1'ijiilii-it nil. I u icr- ark Inirtilo until l and moored 10 present til Niiitn tin'eilicr Willi propsr voiinlir tlmn Icr, in II. e iiinlerNlgtn d at Ih law mIIIokoI 11 ,re,t- vcA ear, In tha merleai KalioiiHl llat.k 'liillitltn.', Hillnhnio, Ore ton. wit ino ax milium rr III III 1 dai lien ii-, 1). led O-'lo's r 8 'i I'l'fl. I 11 v nl TsnlialHild, Aiiiiiinisii tor of th" es'ato of Join WllIlN 1 II II" ed. II . li K .V MeALKAIt. Atto ti.ys foi autiiliiiHiraior. MCI It 10 I'll ( ItDDI I'OHl. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATU OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY In tlio Mutter of the Estate of Wl'l.rtiil Mil' Knit ile(li.-Nei iMnn a is riiieiiy given mat thy un Ur-i :i.iil Ins In- 11 duly appointed by the miiivn 111 men c.ii.ri, iiiiiiiiiiiairalrlx oi llm t s'itto if Wlllinni llaskoll, (Ihh-hshiI mid H.n i' H;li.-.l aa niinli as by law idipililil; Now therefor'-, nil persona having ciium.s 11 gin imt sum estate nre here by notified nnd required to present the same together Viilh proper vouchers therefor, to the undersign ed at the law office of William G. Hare in the American National ilnnk Huildinj', ' Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated tills I .'III dav olllctobnr, lllltl Annie Haskell, liltiiiniHlritlrix ol aald eslute. Ilnrn .V il o V li ar , Atlnrunys lor Ad niiuialratria. NOTICE Of FINAL SETTLEMENT IN Till" COUNTY COURT OF Til .STATE Ol'' OHIXiON FOR WASH. INGTON COUNTY in the Mutter of the LMatc of Her. mini I.CMlikoa, Dcceaxcil. NOTICK IS IIKRKIIY GIVKN tmt he iiiiilersigtied iiiliiilnintiatur of uid estate litis filed in tile uhova Tilitleil Cniiit 14 ti t riuiiie hi final uc. nunt mill report n such Hiliuinu tiilur, nnd the mtiil Court has fixed in. I appointed Monday, the '.'7th day f Nut-ember, lUItt, at the hour of tl o'clock of Mild day, mid tlm Court tooni uf the nbnvo entitled Court In lillihoro, Wnshiiigton County, Ore on, ns the time and place for hcar- ng objcctioiia lo an Id limit account ml for the filial settlement of anld state, I mted this 2:it. day of October, till!. A. C. CARSTKNS, A.lminlMtrator of estate aforesaid. I A It K Mc Al.KAR, Attorney for Administrator. SUMMONS, ilhcrt IIIciImki, Plaintiff, a. I'rsncla Ti-cvln and Daiay Trcv. In. hi ttife, tieorge II, Grla, and Geia, hi wife, Will P. Sherman, formerly Will. I. II litkley, and Harry A. Sherman, her husband. W. K. Noble, A. S. Andcraon and rJithrr Andrrsusi, hi wife, I-ce U liny cork and - Ilayrork, hla wife, IKsfrnd- ant. To iiHrge IL Oia and . Icia, hi wife, U-e I.. Haycock and llm ci ck, il ,fr. ard A . H, Andrr--, and Hmtirr Andeiaou til wife oftb iIkv named defendant; IN THE NAME OK THE STATE K OREGON; You art) hereby r piirrd to appear and anavwr th oiuplilint of llm plaintiff filed .gaiust you in tho uIhivu entitled 'oui't and i iiiiBc, on or be fur th llbdoyt'l Ni'Vru,bri, li6, Sitd dale M-iisj- after the expiration of six vevka from the dittn nf tho first uibliciitiou of this auitimcii on you, he data of ll.e first publication iricof b.-.i( S. I l lli'.ri jS, Iv)l6, aid he duto of the Lmt publication 'incof 1 1 In k Ni w-uil er uih, iijifc, ml if ynu fail o to anavver for vant thereof tho plaintiff will ap dy to the Court for the relief pray J for and demanded in hi rom ilaint, to wit: Kor a Judgment gniimt the defendant J. Erancl t'cevin and Daiay Tec v in, his ' !f, 11 the mini of $.'1H)0.00, togi r vith interest thereon from the liy of October, lull, at the rata i pi r cent per annum nnd the fu her Finn of $100.00 attorney' fa ml llm coat and liislitiracmcnt ot aid suit; and for a dwree dwlar ng that certain mortgago of the ilainliff heretofore, to wit, upon he "th day of October, 1SH0, execut il and delivf-red by the defendant, I. Krnnrl Teevln ami linisy Teevln, insbniul nnd wife, to the plaintiff ivrein and securing a promissory into of even tlate therewith in th 11 m of $2'JO0.00 ami payable on or fore three year from tho dat hereof, with interest at the rate of I per cent per annum and providing Vr reaaonnlili) attorney's fee In n'se. suit or action should be Inatt tited to collect the name, which :iid mortvfago wn filed for record n the 2nd day of November, 1910, t page 411 of Hook 00, of Mortgage ".erorda of Washington County, Ore 'n, to be a first lien upon the fol ' 'wing described parcel of real prop "i'ty aituate in Washington Couniy, re.,to-wit: Beginning in the center of Section 3.1 Township a North of Kango 4 West of W. M., and run ning thence S. lot) rod; thence W. () rods; thence N. 100 rod; thenc K. HO rods to tho place of beginning mtaning Go acres, prior and aup . lor to tho interest, right .titlo, ' laim or lien of each nnd all of the cfcndaiit above numod.lherein and hreto that the inteifst, right, titlo, laim or lien of each nnd all of said ("fcmlanU bo declared and decreed t be inferior, subordinate and iub ii'ct in nil respect to the lien of llalntiff'a snid rnortgnge; that anld inrtgage be foreclosed and that aid real property be decreed to be ld by tho Sheriff of Washington "onnty, Oregon, In tho manier pre 'rilied by law nnd tho practice of lid Court, and that tho proceed of r'om said sale obtained be applied to !,m payment of tho aevcrnl ums ino unto the plaintiff a hereinbe 'nre net forth, and for which Judg "ent, ia demanded, and thnt raid de fendants nnd each of them nnd that con nod ench nf you be forever bar red, foreclosed find precluded of all Interest In or right or title to or 'Inlm or lion upon tho renl property hereinbefore described, hbvo only the fltnttitory right of redemption, "ml that auch other nnd further ro M'f be granted unto the plaintiff a to tho Court may aeem equitnble and proper In tho premises. This summons Is served upon you by piililie.tl.lon thereof In tho Ilills horo A '"- ..r....,t to order nf the iromv- !.'. c, - R. Itngley, Judge' f th " cnlil'ed Court, made, o n 1i---.1 nnd entered on Ihe jHth dav of S- ptetnber, loifi HARE h McALEAR. Attorneys for Plaintiff. F. -1 Welilvor. wHl drilling t snecialtv. 1SH8-1916 Box fil. Garden Home, or Box 31, Orenen, Oregon. 33 6 Koad Supervisor of Road District No. I