The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 02, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 33
With Tuesduv niuht the orien
hciihiiii for deer cloned and the
hunter who has not bawd a
I buck in out ol luck until next
' season. The deer HCHHon this
year hits not been a very Rood
one, lor Home reason or other.
Hunters report a biir under
growth of ferrmund foliage, due,
no doubt, to the f net of the early
ruins hint Sprinir, and the moist
season up to August 1. It ha.i
heen almost impossible to Ree
deer, there has been ho much
cover. Kven TIioh. WilliH, of
Mountaindale. who always Rets
loHn or two burns every year,
The jury list for tlie November! py(, jn hard luck this season.
Will Wi'port l;or Duly on I bun
day, November
nrctlon Dale l Jumped to Ava il Ixlra
term of circuit court bus been
drawn by Clerk Luce and Sheriff
Keeves. and the veniremen have
Kir Sale-Michigan 5-nassen-
L'er, fore door automobile, 1912
model. AH overhauled by me
Urn Hununoned to appear for chnic n.;d .n exee ent runnm
Service on' Thursday, November
1). The term really should com
nnl.T. Tun urn side curtains.
prai-tir.tllv new tires. Have two
dhii-Jiiik'H iimi ( on ineeon. iuiu-
.. . .. niiu ii ii. " " ....v-. .... - -
rnence on Monday. Nov. 0, but jt for $75-ihe bargain of the
the orders to report on Thursday year. A. L. Hu""JJ'. I " Hi'oro.
were formulated becauseof the j U. 1; telephone t. 1107.
t-xpense involved in the jurors j central.
r,,iwn z aiA !;s;rc;s.s
Month y niieht to bo on the ,.;.st 0jlk m.enly jn honor
Kround to vote, and then return- of Mnt Woif (,;ampg and danc
intr on Wednesday. In this way jni? were the features of the evc
quite u Ruvintr U effected. One;jnr, Those present were Henry
of the jurors railed is out of tin ; Stoirrs Jr., Mesdanies J. Den-state-F.
L Heamis-and will j tni w. Stottzmnn. W. Davis. J.
not be here, lie is at Ocean u Shirley. S Wolf; Mr. and
Park. Cat. Mrs. Doughty. Mr. and Mrs.
The list: Geo. 1), uuhty, Lizzie 1'
Jos. C. Schulmerich Hanks Matilda. Dorothy ami lvUella
Henry Kueny ......Hillshoro. It. lStoffers. Minnie Stoltzman. Sa-
Chus. W. Hloorn .. " " - lie Turpin, Will tireenel.remer,
Klliolt L. ('uir.minj?s. Ktlrove " 1 .(Jrant IMije. Joe Albert,
J. II. Hcwr Hillshoro. " 1 y,v. and Howard Stoltzman,
lwis Winters Sherwood. " y : Krunk and ll ilph Stofferi.
.Albert K. lMhlefs.........SeRhers; , improved
Frank I, Heamis t .rove Ui i .Iu.iMy (arnis
; SM"iii;: Harks' vily properly.- Kerr
A M;rt W. MH , Hn)Sii Hillshoro. Odd Fellows
W"J" J" llillb,m K 1, 19lft
V. M. Crahtree liuieh
John 1. Marsh Cornelius III S. S. JeiTnes. well known here
Wm liroKden Hillsliorolas proprietor of a barber shop
John Allen I' drove ten years aun, has returned with
Chas J Herb Hanks It 3 hU family, and will ia out to
Ceo K Biland Slierwoml , his K0 ncre tract near Helhany.
g 11 ("rnhiff Laurel H 1 S. S, says he is tfoiiik' to put up
Chas. i. Hull .Sherwood a tent hmse tins winter ana
John' Anderson K Grove start w.rk on his tract. He has
G II Carter Hillshoro 10 acres cleared and he says he
Jas li Hatchelder . HillHlcro U 1 iwill make the timber and Ioks
U'wis Gordon Gales Cree hustle until he iH'ta a rood bit
Wm F. Smith Sherwood under cultivation. Jeff has four
F 11 Sholes Cornelius I husky hoys to help him and he
John K. Summers Heaverton j expects to make some progress.
John Heesaeker F Grove Ull .)im. ltween the C. D.
SJacob Jennfl Heaverton l i,'arn)am and Feter (Jotleib
Geo. J. Jack Sherwood " 4 , farinSt Hn at0 lump. Owner
Ira Smock Sherwooill cal at tliia ollice.
uiloeri A. jonnaon u.v. , c .n nf Ti,,vrn
. . . . . . was down Monday. Stowell says
We have an improved place of ! . , , h mPt.tinK
24 acre, at Cornelius, ana owner ;Saturd , t() consllit,r tha ad.
will accept 6 or b room house and i vi9al)iily of puUinR in a bank at
lot in Hillshoro as part payment. jlhat lhrivinr ,mint. The man
Stock Impletnenta. etc.. co with; , , , M ()f inBta,inK j8
ti hcb. A so wani a or o nnmi
house and lot in the city to apply
on purchase of 80 acres. !"" in
cultivation, balance pasture and
timber; Kl"'d buildings; 7 miles
south of Hillshoro. Perkins &
Cornelius. Hillshoro. Ore.
Jonas Moline. of below Keed
ville, was in town Monday. He
Is toad supervisor for his district.
No. 7. and has built more mac
adam 'oad thU season than any
other supervisor in the county.
Hesavs that it looks like another
' apecial levy this Fall, as there
are many who opposed it last
year who are now for road im-
. nrnv nment. and will so vote at
the special election called for
Nov. '25.
Taken up -Black and white
HolHtein heifer, 2 years old. One
horn off. Owner "please pay
charges and cost of advertising
and take Bame a way. John Leh
man, Cedar Mill. 31
I I? Pnl.nlj nf Wosr Union, was
in t) vn Monday, He reported i
everylndy plowinir the li s', ol
the week wheie thj la id would
turn half d 'cently.
from Oklahoma. Stowell states
that business is pood up his way.
all mills and camps being in
Chas. Philliua. of Noverstil.
Columbia County, in the Neha-
lem district, was in town Sun
day, the truest of relatives. This
is some name for the nejv town
in that section-and if it shall
live up to its name it should soon
be tha metropolis ot the basin in
a few years.
Z. T. Cole, supervisor of Dis
trict No. 2. was up from the
Southeast of the county, Monday
morning. His road district win
vote on special road tax this
Mrs. Gen. S. Campbell and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. 15.
Adams, of South Tualatin, were
in town Monday on legal busi
ness. .1. H. Davis and Harland Kelly.
of above North Plains, were in
the city Saturday.
Oglosby Young, of Portland,
and Mason Cady, of Heaverton,
were in town Monday.
I lnd film In Cabin, on Sandy,
up River f rom Portland, Friday
Clcvir Bit ol Work Pulled off by WBh-
liiKlon County Official
Sheriff J. K. Kecves late Friday
evening captured Jas. II. Wilson,
who last week kidnapped his
son. Raymond, on the streets in
this city, and made his getaway
in a Ford machine.
Sheriff Iteeyes made every ef
fort to notify all places leading
out of Portland, but could get
no trace of Wilson until the
Ford machine was found at the
Ford Bridge, on the Canyon road,
Portland. He scouted around
and received information that
Wilson had procured another
machine and had crossed to the
Fast side. In some way he found
that Wilson had taken the child
east of Portland. He hunted the
shacks in the brush, near Trout
dale all day Thursday without
success, and returned Friday
morning. He and Detective
Coleman went back, but could
(hid no trace of the fugitive.
About fix o'clock the sheriff
stumbled on to a shack, and saw
some one dodge away from the
window. He had Coleman run
to the rear, and then rushed the
door. After shaking the door,
which was locked, he concluded
to break it in, when Wilson open
ed it and admitted the sheriff,
lie placed him under arrest and
then asked for the child. Wilson
said it was upstairs, and Reeves
directed him to proceed ahead to
tho upper Rtory. Ihe woman,
who gives the name of Mrs. L.
R. Dawson, of Fast 47th and
k'lickitnt. notified the sheriff
that she would not have him go
ing through her house, but the
officer brushed her aside and tol-
lowed Wilson upstairs, where the
boy was asleep. The father and
son were brought to Hillshoro
the same night, and Wilson was
lodged in lail, Wilson called tor
Wm. G. Hare, his attorney. Sat
urday morning.
Mrs. Vi son and the trranduar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Niehodemus,
were overjoyed at getting the
child back.
Sheriff Reeves had told Wilson
two weeks ago, to go away and
not nttemnt to take the child, or
he would get him, but Wilson's
reolv was evasive. He told
Reeves Friday night that he
"couldn't help it!"
II. Holbrook, of North Plains,
was a city caller Monday,
J. W. Vandervelden, of Roy,
was in town the last of the week,
K. I). Morgan and son, of above
Banks, were city callers the last
of the week.
J. II. Simpson, of South Tual
atin, was greeting friends in the
city Saturday.
R. II. Hansen, of Heaverton,
R. 4. was a city caller the first
of the week.
Marshall Baker, of Chehalem
Mountain, was over to the city
Monday, greeting friends.
Thos. Henton and wife, Meek
Circular Sent Out by Sheriff
Reeves Causes Arrest of Suspect
Wa Takes From Train by Deputy Geo.
Alexander, Alter Cornelius Visit
A man giving the name of J. M.
Sowards, of East Portland, wa3
J ins. lienion anu wne, weeK , . . . , , ... .
Piaius, were in town the last of ;frred "nd odged m jail by
the week.
S J. Galloway, who rur.s a
jitnty from St. Johns to Port
lam! was out last week, greet
ing friends.
Potatoes have been moving
rapi'liy the past two weeks, and
the idling movement would be
much more lively were it possi
ble to get cars.
J. Frank Stroud, the rustling
real estate man of Heaverton,
was in town Saturday. He says
that things are picking up in the
way of realty deals.
Taken Up Red and whire
yearling. Owner please pay
cost of keep, advertising, and
take same away. Fred Dancer,
Hillslioro. Route 1. two milt s
north of West Union church
Fred Wilcox, of Hanks, was in
the city Sunday, enroute home
trom a business trip to Portland.
He says the rains tre more than
welcomed by the farmer who
warts moisture so he can turn
his Foil over.
Jos. !'. Williams returned from
Deputy Geo. Alexander, Friday
aftirnoon, and a long chase by
officials to catch an elusive bad
check artist is ended. For a
year a man giving the names of
G. Ii. Wilcox. G. 0. Wilcox, J.
M. Caldwell, and C. M. Emer-.-:
m. ha3 been passing small
c ii ck3 on merchants in Clacka
t i and Clark Counties, Wash
i.on, and in Multnomah and
5 Washington Counties, and has
. :ged the authorities success
iiy. When Sjwards ventured
i to this county a few weeks
; -o, Sheriff Reeves sent out a
ealar describing him, and sent
to every merchant in the coun
One reached the desk of
'.- n.allaeombe & Wilkins, of Cor-
' ' . j i n J i
' iius, ana wnen oowaras weni
i their stoe Friday, about 3
'clock, and purchased $5.75
vurth of merchandise and ten
ured a $16 check drawn in favor
m J. M. Wood, signed by E. M.
1nerson, they recalled the cir
ilar, and on looking it over
; new he was the man wanted.
Astoria the last of the week.
He says the camps down that
way have been running full
blast, but will soon shut down
for the Winter, the car shortage
seriously interfering with ship
ping. Conntv Clerk Holdenand Sher
iff Crenshaw, of Tillamook, have
been here the past week, wit
nesses on a lawsuit. In fact,
Tillamook and Yamhill official
dom were well represented in
the two cases brought here by a
change of venue.
The S. P. Co. is now nearly
three thousand cars short accord
ing to the state railway com
mission s last report. 1 he com
pany alleges that the cars sent
Fast with lumber and other
oroducts are verv slow in re
turning, and a3 the shipment
over tho mountains has been
creater than heretofore the
shortage was inevitable. Farm
ers and buyers aiiKe are very
anxious over the situation.
S. P. fc l 11. & G.
All. extent the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Money to Loan
On Improved Farm:
Per Cent. Paid on
Savings Deposits
6:50 a. m
150 p. m
The Slmte Savings Bank
Forest Grove Train
McMinnvil e Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove I rain
ucene Train
McMinnville Train
Vest Grove Train
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Forest Grove Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
MnMinnville Train
All trains stop on Hag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets. Sixth and l'ir Sts.,
nrwt nt Tpnt.h street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot ot Second btreet
P. R. & N. Train 5:05 p. m.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m
From Buxton 2:10 p. m
Chas. T. Bigelow and Mrs. Em
ma J. McNellv. of this citv. were
united in marriage at Vancouver.
Wash., Oct. 27. 191(5. They will
reside in Hillsb ro. Both are
well known and highly esteemed.
and have the wishes of a host of
I Lev notified Deoutv Geo. Alex
u Jer, Reeves being on the hunt
i! ter Wilson. Alexander watch
fil the 4:05 S. P. train, and pre
suming the man had boarded the
train at Catching, west of Corne
lius, asked the conductor if any.
one had taken passage from that
point Upon affirmative reply,
md being told he was in the
rear coach. Alexander went in
and recognized the chap from
Ins description. He took him
from the train and nlaced nun in
jail. Sowards telephoned to his
ife at Tabor 1923. Port and.
and told her he wa3 arrested,
hut not to worrv.
Sowards has passed checks
ranging from $10 to $16 at Sher
wood, Greenberg, Garden Home,
Odar Mill. Kethanv. at Heck
man'g, Banks, Forest Grove and
The catch is an important one
in police circles, and the country
will be ridden of a bad actor.
At the Challacorabe store So
wards bought a jumper, coveralls
for children, bacon, lard, sugar,
and an umbrella. His purchase
amounted to $5.75 and he ten
dered a $16 check, receiving the
change. The most of the change
was found on his person.
8:15 a. m.
3:14 p. m
It heinir impossible to express
our feeling ot tnanus ann appre
Pinhnn tn a our friends wno as
sisted and gave us such proofs
of friendship during our late
snrmw. in the loss of our hus
band and father, we take this
means of thanking each and
every one.
M rs. Barbara Seua,
Joseph 11. Sens,
Mary A. Seus.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Dan Em rick
place, 1 mile from the Conover
store and 1 mile from the Rowell
store, near Scholls, at 10 a. m.,
Team of roan Belgian geldings,
7 yrs, lbOO each; black driving
mare, 11 years. 1000 lbs. good
drive", ppntle: black February
colt; 12 head cows, all tuberculin
tested, one registered Holstem
bull. 3 vrs: cows all good milk
ers', to freshen from six weeks
until latter part of January, some
graded Jerseys, some grace
Guernseys; 3 heifers, grade Hoi
steins and Jerseys, 2 are 2 yrs,
one 18 months, all bred to regis
tered Holstein; new disc; 14-inch
plow, harrow; spnngtooth har
row, Deering binder, 7 ft, in
good repair; J. I. Case riding
plow, 16-inch; farm waon. Jr.
covered wagon for freighting;
3 inch wagon, dbl bed; mower,
havraek. 4 10-gallon cream cans,
Simplex cream separator, 900 lb
capacity; Chester White brood
sow. to farrow Nov. Id: U. 1. U
hrnnd sow. with mirs o d enough
to wean; 3 iron bedsteads full
widtn, oak dining extension ta
hie. kitchen cabinet, glass front;
large dresser, 3-burner oil flame
with oven; other household fur
niture, and many farm tools and
other articles. Good lunch at
Terms 10 and under, cash:
oyer, six months' time, approved
note at 8 per cent, lwo per
cent, off on cash over $10.
J. H. Rogers, Owner,
Auctioneer, J. W. Hughes.
Clerk, Frank liowell.
All persons in the County who
served in the army or navy o
tween 1898 and June 1. IWZ.
nleafi send name and address to
Camp Adjutant at Hillsboro.
Open meeting at Gamp or vet
eran Hall, Court House, Hillsbo
ro. Nov. 11. at 7:30 p. m., for
veterans and wives.
H. S. Rogers.
Commander Scout Harrington
Camp No. 15, U. S. W. V.
Frank L Jensen, Adj.
George W. Kelly died at the
Inme of his son. Harland, above
North Plains, Oct. 28, 1916. He
was born in tdknart U)., unio,
I m. 16. 1849. his father being
I'.iijah Kelly, who was born in
The widow and the following
'.itdren survive: VV. E. Kelly,
Uuxton; Mrs. Plezy Dunham;
Mrs. Geo. Holly, Portland; Har
I . id. I. E.. and Miss Edna Kel-
lv. North Plains; Mrs. Elmer
I'arson. Portland, and Reuben,
with the S. P. Co , of Portland.
Two children born to the union
lied. Noland and Dallas.
The funeral took place from
the Harand Kelly home, bun
lav. and interment was in the
Arcade cemetery.
We buy hogs, beef cattle,
t;hppn phiekens. hides, etc. Hieh
ost nriees naid tor all good Stuff.
Write or phone. Kogers & Gar
ter. Heaverton. K. 4. cox Z)
Phone. Beaverton53 Line 3. tf
.1. H. Ellerson. of below Hu
her, and F. W. Livermore, of
lluber, were in town Monday
V. C. Orth. of Forest Grove.
, was in the city Monday, enroute
to the dairy districts.
m cm
WITHOUT the consequent risk is
through the universally approved
chech-booK, which ha? become an
earmark of, conservatism
and substan". ' . ; of mark
in your commun o business
with their ch ck-boorl. Are you
one ofthera?
4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings
Americari National BanH
Main and third Sts., Hillshoro, Ore
For Less Than Wholesale Cost
We have an immense stock of all kinds of
lumber. This stock w are going to move -this
Summer, and to do so we offer you a
big saving. This lumber was bought for
less than cost of manufacture and enables
us to sell this now CKAP.
No matter where you IsW mi Washington
County, we can beat any and all com
petition offered. Write us or call us up
and we will show vou what a LOW PRICE
WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere.
Remember that this is the BIGGEST
COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your
material list NOW for this years needs.
We can give terms.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Materia
Hillsto hi) Lwery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Ee isoaable
2nd & T. Washington Sts.
hne, City 17S
wcnn-jsTsnnvsF-.yT -
Patronize Home Industry By
Having Your Glasses
Fitted At Hoffman's.
Jewelry and Optom
etrist. Hillsboro, Ore.