The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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    Jurnri and Attorney! Vlwlt Ymu
hill and Tillamook Count Im
WI!NT TO Vlt-W SIX Mll.liS 0I! HUM)
Tllliiiiioiik mid Yamhill Ciitiiiliii Sued
by Hood HiilMIng Company
The Hiiit of tin Tillamook Hay
ConHtriK'tion Co. vitmuh Tilla
mook and Yamhill Counties,
brought here liy change cf venue.
wasHtartt'H Ti'lny. nnd a jury
eleeted. This unit in for $S. KM..
12, for balance ullcwi due on
the building of nix miles of road
on whut is known as the "Sour
Gratis" sector, part of which is
in Tillamook ami part of which
in In Yamhill counties. Tho com
uny nlh'KCH they arc entitled to
tho above gum on Hie contract
according to plans and specific.'!
tiorm, and they deny the, amount
returned hy the engineer of the
tworountien which trine them
the sum of $25, KUI7. which has
been paid.
Tho jury, eoncisting ot Jiwhua
Adkitm. Daniel Deaville, John F.
CarsteiiH. Herman Mernarl",
Frank K-iwell, iustt,e Krauze.
J. H. ilanle.v. .1. T. Young, W. II.
I'eterxon. Clem Shaner, l!en
ilrown and (Irani Krown. were
sworn Tuesday night and went
to Dlph, yesterday, via Mc
Minnville and Willamin.i, ni.tkinir
the trip from McMinnville by
machines, to view the highway.
District Attorney Tongue is
assistinic the nltornes for the
counties, and the suit will proba
bly co it several days time.
The construction company nat
urally wanted the case tried hy
citizens who were not taxpayers
of either county.
Several of the jurors were
licked up from the county at
arge, not being on the regular
KIN (lii'MV.
My name i.i un tlu hallnt nn one
of tho IifiniHrntif rtmiliilutf'H for
pfrlliitun. Though I f''t tlml na
tional iir!litji luivr little to lo
with matter lunillril by tln Mate
IciciMntur, I still vlxh to day that
I Approve of the Womliow Wilson
ailminidtnition. A to the national
political platfuriiiH, there is m cti.-t-tlnifiiiHhintf
feature ns lietween the
Penvrate ami Krptitilinin. The eld
tariff queMion is t' he elimlnateil
and n proper mljuMnient reaeheil hy
the fHtahliKhmenl of li eommiwiim.
My nne ilominatinir policy in the
hiimllintr of Mate leriMntion in ei-on-oniy
with reason. I nm opposed to
upemliture for the benefit of the
few. I hope always to be able to
choline, nml if my Judgment in nut
at fault, will invariably lend my
mipport to the greater Rood for the
(trenter number.
It In my further policy to limit
legislation, fewer laws and better
oneg. All lecinlation of importance
in my opinion should be submitted
to the voters by the Initiative,
If you nre sufficiently interested
to acquaint yourselves with my
qualifications, nml your investiga
tion eonvineoH you that I can serve
you, I will be pleased to have your
Yours very trulv.
E I. Krnus. nf Smith Tuala
tin, was in the city TueRday.
Money to 'oan nt I1 percent.
Monthly payments. K. M fa
lef. Hillsboro. Ore. 21 -tf
J. H. Adams and wife, of Far
mingtnn, wore city callers the
first of the week.
A card and dance party will be
given hv the newlv organized A.
B. C. Club, in St. Matthew's
Hall, Monday eveninir, Oct. 30.
All are cordially invited.
THIS is in lian.lliiio money, tlic pay-by-check
method. Moth homo and business will Hud a
Chocking account at the llillsboio National
of ureal value becau c it means:
Record of finnncinl trnnsactiont.
" Indinputalilo receipt.
Convenience in pitying find receiving money.
U U nevrr loo Inlr to bruiui wliy io it n:w?
W. H. Wehrung, Trr. David Kurnlli, CBntiie'
Jas. il. Wilson, who was divorceil
from his wife, July .'5, Tuesday
afternoon kidnapped his son, who
wus in the custody of the moth
er, formerly Miss Hfliilah Nicho
denais. Wilson, with several as
sociates, abducted the child from
the street, whe-e it was playing
near the home id its grandpar
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Nichodemus.
Mrs. Kecves. wife of Sheriff
Reeves, was the firtt to think
anything wrong, having seen a
man carrying a child away. She
telephoned Mrs, Nichodemus and
the Ions was then discovered.
Wilson hud nearly a half hour
start, hut made his getaway.
Wilson's career-lie married
Vid.i ...wis. May K. 1111. The
wife went Lome alter the cere
mony and refused to return to
him, I'lroiurji the alleged influ
ence of bur parents. Mr. and
Mr:'. (Jus Lewis. Two or three
Oavs later Wilson abducted his
wife on lht street, forced her in
to an auto and kept her prisoner
for two or three days at the cab
in on the Holey farm, near
(Jrovclaiid. .lie was arrested
und brought to town, the wife
uk'uin rie'ei li'Hf him attain. She
procured u divorce July 10, and
Wils ui tlu-n :i ! tier father for
$")())!) ila nai'-s, the case being
disminied. WiUon wn.i married
to Miss Nicbodemui. Dec. i,
VAX, and she procured a divorce
on the grounds of cruelty, and
was in custody of the child; the
father, under the decree, being
allowed to make reasonable vis
its. The ease is a felony, and
Sheriff Kecves is bending every
effort to catch the fugitive.
The penalty for the offense is
imprisonment in the penitentiary
for 1 to U5 years, indeterminate,
or a line up to $10,0 )0.
Wilson hired a Ford machine
in l'ortland. and it was found
yesterday at the Ford St. bridge,
badly shaken tip. This leads the
oMicers to helieve he is yet in
l'ortland, as he had but small
means to travel on.
George Zimmerman, of beyond
North Plains, win a city caller
Monday afternoon.
From 10 to Id per cent, paid
on your money, large or small
.amounts, Perfect security, -li
1 M. Calef. 1M tf
Tbos. Dairy, of Forest Crove,
has ret irn M after a Summer's
stay at Aberdeen and other
Sound points.
Notice to farmers -The Beth
any feed chopper will run every
Saturday until further notice.
A. L. Croeni. 31tf
Ferd Grone-r. of Seholls. was
j tip Tuesday. lie says that the
, Scholia Grange Fair was the best
I yet held, and speaks volumes for
; what thnt section can do.
Just received, at Johnson's
; Studio, n large assortment of the
I best, photo mounts ever si en in
lUillsboro. Order your holiday
(photos now, while the line to so
iled from is complete. 31-2
j Mr. and Mrs. Grant Landess
left this w ek to spend the Win
tor up in the Shaniko country.
(Grant goes to the high altitude
j to see if it will not improve his
i health.
i For Rale; Large Derkshire
sow with 10 fine pigs, 3 weeks
old. ('all on or address Chas.
i lliekethier, residence near Cedar
Mill, postoHioo, Portland, Ore.,
Route 2. 30-2
Hohert Imbrie expects to go
to Seattle soon, and will proba
bly tun on one of the boats run
ning out of that harbor to Alas
kan ports. He intends going
North on the Alameda, on her
lirst. trip North, presumably next
We will loan you nnney on
your farm, or will sell or trade it
for you, or insure your buildings
against (ire. Unlimited funds,
quick service, rates reasonable.
-- Perkins & Cornelius, l!om 1,
Commercial I'.uilding, tlillsbnro,
Over KMK) Visitor See Inhibits
ond Ikor I'roKram
Bent l.ncul I'nir I'rcr ticlJ in Stulc l
One of the most successful com
munity fairs ever held in Wash
ington County has gone on rec
ord as that of the fair at Scholia
last Friday and Saturday. The
Scholls Grange points with pride
to the fad that the Scholls fairs,
given under its direction, are
growing better each year. In
view of the fact that this is a
strictly community fair, located
seven miles from the nearest
railroad, and that no premiums
are offered other than ribbons;
no entry fees or admission
charged, the management is
highly elated over the big suc
cess this year. A conservative
estimate of the number of visit
ors on the grounds both days
will reach very near the 1000
The large exhibit building was
filled with high class displays of
farm products and domestic art
- a showing eomuunng very fa
vorably with that of the County
Fair, and excelling it in some
respects. All farm products
were judged by Prof. William
Grown, of O. A. C. while the
domestic art department was
looked after by Mrs. Alice Dol
man, also of O. A. C. Much in
terest was aroused in the Home
Cooking Contest, which was a
new feature this year. The Ju
venile Exhibit was certainly a
big showing for the youngsters
i nd reflects much credit on those
having this department in charge.
Three schools were represented
by booths w hich were very high
ly praised by the judges, and
two other schools were repre
sented by exhibits of work by
the pupils.
Another new feature of the!
fair this year was the Hetter
Babies' Contest, under direction
of the Better Babies' Bureau ot
the Woman's Home Companion.
Twenty babies were examined
during the day, and the ffst
echo from the judges' verdict
advises that there is a 100 per
cent, baby in Scholls. while two
others follow closely at 9(J). A
complete report of the babies
contest will be published later
when all scores are available.
Several excellent programs
were given for the entertainment
of visitors. Mr. Wells. Asst.
State Supt. Public Instruction;
Mr. Killpatnck, University of
Oregon, and Mr. Baumgard, Los
Angeles, prominent scientific
writer and lecturer, were among
the speakers. Musical numbers
were furnished by local talert
and Portland.
A special feature on Saturday
was a boys' dairy cow judging
contest, in when nine boys un
der eighteen years of age were
entered. Prof. Nelson, of the
Animal Husbandry Department
of O. A. C. had charge of the
hoys. Master Glen Conover won
first place.
The stock department of the
fair is comparatively new, this
being the third year that any
stock has been shown. The num
ber of animals brought out was
very gratifying to those who
worked so hard to make it a suc
cess. It was a showing of indi
viduals, rather than a collection
from any one breeder. J. M
Dickson, field agent for the
American Jersey Cattle Club,
judged dairy cattle. Prof. Nel
son, of O. A. C, judged horses,
hogs and sheep.
Three cows were entered in
the milch cow contest, which
was held under direction of Geo.
Fullenwider, deputy state dairy
and food commissioner. Results
of the testing found lleaton
Bros, id the lead over L. K.
Campbell and J. J. VanKleek.
Following is a list of names of
the stock exhibitors:
Horses, 28 head shown -II. T.
Hesse, W. G. Hesse, Sam Otto,
L. Il'ilit, John Ironsiles, Finis
Brown. John MoFee. F. Foulkes,
C. C. Fmmel. J. Schmeltzer, J.
J. VanKleek, J. Howard, N. E.
Bennett. B. DeFord, Ferd don
er, J. F. llaynes. G. L. Baker.
M. Uice, A. C. Mulloy. II. T.
Hesse won Grand Championship
with his 2-year-old grade Belgian
Cattle, Jerseys, 12 head shown
B E. Crosby. Heaton Bros.,
Moore Bros., J. J. VanKleek, L.
li. Campbell. B. E. Crosby won
championship on his bull, and L.
K. Campbell won championship
m cow.
Guernseys, fi head shown
Ferd Groner, II. T. Hesse. A. B.
F int. John Mulloy. A. B. Flint
won championship on bull, and
Ferd on cow.
Ilolsteins, 2 head shown Wm.
Mitchell won first, and John
It overs second.
ll n's, Durocs, 11 he id shown
-Ferd Gioner. .1. .1 VanKleek
hSmpioniihlp' hh
t, roiier won c
boar", and CafHpbcdl on how
Poland Chinas, 2 head Bhowrt-
Miller & -Mitchell won firsti and
H. J. IlfBSO second.
One Chester White Bow ahown
by John Kogers.
Sheep, 14 head Shropshire
shown iwo exhibitors, frank
Faulkes winning fust on aged
ram. ana J. vanMeeK winning
all other ribbons.
There were several pens of
good chickens, a pen of guinea
pigs, and one of Australian rab
Iiuririf.f my Kerviee an County
.Iudi;e I have devoted my t-nti -e time,
given Hie closext personal attention
to all mattem brought before me,
..rid endeavored to perform my du
ties f:iirly and faithfully for the
be.t ititerehlH of all the people of
this County to make every tax dol
lar go the farthest pos.sihle. The
People are demanding tfood roadn.
They are made und-r the supervis
iin of the Koad Superviitors and
under the present KyKtem of road
hiiilding efficient RUpervisorn must
he seeured or nil the money spent
is as good as thrown away. The
County Hoard as a whole I:-, renpon
Mble for the appointment of Koad
.L'iip( rvi..oi's. I had one vote out of
three in their appointment an the
hiw provide1;. If Home were disap
pointed that in only what has hap
nened during the 2S years I have
lived in this County. In the case
vhich I presume Is referred to in
the Recall Petition a demand was
made for the removal of n Super-
lnor ill rc I v ,,'ilnti. l nn l Oin ap
pointment of a man who had failed
of re-appointment. With the threat
of a reeall unless the demand was
granted the Court refused to dis
miss without just cause beins: as
signed. Paid Adv. D. B. REASONER
Hallowe'en Party ot Cornelius
The Woman's Club of Cornelius
will give a Hallowe'en Party on
Tuesday night, October 31, at
Hendrick's Hall, for the benefit
of the Scholarship Ioan Fund.
It is (Ntiected that Mrs. Ktreert.
of Portland, will make the ad
dress. Good music, readings.
and drills complete an excellent
program, full of the spirit of
Hsllowe'en. Prizes will be
awarded the best pumpkin face
made by school children. After
the program the young folks will
play games. Appropriate re
freshments will be served to
those desiring it The very
small admission fee of ten cents,
and children five cents will be
charged at the door. This places
it within the reach of every one
who enjoys a good time, and
helps a very worthy cause.
Men wanted: Common labor
on construction work. Apply at
Condenser. Carnation Milk
Products Co., Hillsboro. 31-3
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bowrran,
of Salem, were in town Sunday,
guests of the Bowman and Itea
soner families.
Chopping and rolling every
Saturday. Come early. Mill
near Cedar Mill. L. Siegenthal
cr. 32-5
Hallowe'en dance, at Moose
Hall, Tuesday evening, Oct. 31.
All are invited. Best floor and
besc music in the county.
The German Speakinp, Society
will meet at the home of Wm.
Aldinger. in East Hillsboro, near
Moffat Station, Sunday, Oct. 29,
at 1 o'clock.
For Sale-Dowden elevated
potato digger, in good condition.
L. C. Voelker, Laurel, Koute 1.
Phone 51 on Line 18, Scholls
central. 30-2
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Wells
celebrated their eighteenth wed
ding anniversary, at their home,
last evening, with the family and
a few invited friends.
Miss Penfield's Spanish class
in Guild Hall, Wednesdays, at 7
p. nr. began well. It is not too
late to join. Ten lessons, $2.50.
German at 8 p. m., same. 32-4
For trade: New rubber tire
buggy, top. for good, fresh cow
W. J. Head, near Ouatarna
Station, on Oregon Electric. 33
B. F. Owens, of Cedar Mill,
anu nis son, Kicnnra, ot win-
J lock. Wash., were Hillsboro vis
uors yesterday.
For sale: Mixed vetch and
oats for seed, heavy with vetch
F. F. Hanley, Hillsboro. Ore.
Route 3, Box 17; Telephone F
319. 32-4
Another dance at Helvetia
Hall, Saturday evening, Nov. 4.
Wenger and Feuerstein, mana
gers. Music by Sneed's orchestra.-
Hon. Frank S. Myers will speak
as follows in behalf of President
Wilson: Buxton, Thursday eve
ning, Noy. 2; Banks, Friday eve
ning, Nov. 3; Gaston, Saturday
evening, Nov. 4.
Strayed: A large white Nor
man horse. Last seen on the
Beaverton road, Oct. 17. Suit
able reward will be paid to find
er. Notify John Dalquist, Port
land, It. 2, Box 91. 32 31
PlEffl BOD!
Meeting to be Held at MI(fh School
Buildin?, Monday, Oct. 30
Proponed Initiative Lerisliilnti on Ballot
lo be Weighed 1
A Voters' Meeting which prom
ises to be of unusual interest and
value is being planned by the
Parent-Teacher's Association for
Monday evening, October 30. It
will be held at the High School
Building, and will have for its
object the explanation of the
eleven initiative and referendum
measures to be submitted to the
people of Oregon on November
Dr. William Fielding Otfbum.
Professor of Sociology and Econ
omics at Reed College, and Sam
uel Weinstein, a prominent stu
dent of the same institution,
have been secured to trive a nnn.
partisan explanation of both
sides of each measure. After the
speaking opportunity will be
given for questions.
Dr. Ogburn is the organizer
and leader of a committee of
teed Co eee facultv memhers
and Government students, who
have made a careful study of all
the measures to the end that
they might present their findings
to interested organizations in the
State. Already over sixty clubs.
P a r e n t-Teacher Associations
churches, and community socie
ties have been addressed, the to
tal attendance running into the
Music will be furnished hv the
High School facultv nuartette
before and after the speaking.
Citizens of every political com
plexion who are interested in
voting intelligently upon mat
ters of vital nnhlie ennnern will
find the meeting of unquestioned
The Pythian Sisters will enter-
tain the members of the orders,
and their families, at the K. of
P. Hall, f nday evening. Oct. 27.
The entertainment wilt consist
of a musical program, dancing.
iianowe en reireshments, etc.
Knights. Pvthian Sisters nnH
families are cordially inyited to
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Dan Emnck
place, i mile from the Conover
store and i mile from the Rowell
store, near. Scholls, at 10 a. m.,
Team of roan Belgian geldings.
7 yrs, lbOO each; black driving
mare, 11 years, 1000 lbs, good
drive", gentle; black February
colt; 12 head cows, all tuberculin
tested, one registered Holstein
bull, 3 yrs; cows all good milk
ers, to freshen from six weeks
until latter part of January, some
graded Jerseys, some grade
Guernseys; 3 heifers, grade Hol
steins and Jerseys, 2 are 2 yrs.
one 18 months, all bred Jo regis-
terea noiscein; new aisc; 14-inch
plow, harrow; springtooth har
row, Deermg binder. 7 ft in
good repair; J. I. Case riding
plow, lb-inch; farm wacon, 3t;
covered wagon for freighting:
d inch wagon, dbl bed; mower,
hayrack, 4 10-gallon cream cans.
Simplex cream separator, 900 lb
capacity; Chester White brood
sow. to farrow Nov. 15: O. I. C.
brood sow. with pigs old enough
to wean; 3 iron bedsteads full
widtn, oak dining extension ta
ble, kitchen cabinet glass front:
large dresser, 3-burner oil flame
with oven; other household fur
niture, and many farm tools and
other articles. Good lunch at
Terms-$10 and under, cash;
oyer, six months' time, approved
note at 8 per cent. Two per
cent, ott on cash over $10.
J. H. Rogers, Owner.
Auctioneer, J. W. Hughes.
Clerk, Frank Rowell.
For Rent
Twenty acres. 'all under cnltiva
tion, good 4-room house, 2-story
nam, well, some machinery; on
rocked road, close to electric liner
school on Dlace. Will rent fnr
Mou cash rent a year; at Matson
station, on S. r.
Write H. G.Cooper, Arlington,
Ore., or Wallace HopHTpI. Rpbv
erton, Oregon, or call on Wallace
Hoertel, who lives near place.
Jake Guishbuhler, of near
West Union, was in the city
Wm. Watson and Allie Law
rance, of Buxton, were granted
license to wed yesterday by
Clerk Luce.
Wanted To buy good horse,
sound and true. 5 or 6 years old.
about 1300 lbs. ; must be a good
John Kanma, of Farmington,
A. Bendler, of North Tualatin
Plains, and F. L. Orth, field man
for the Carnation Co., returned
Saturday from Seattle and a trip
to the Carnation Stock Farm. 20
miles east of that citv. While
there they saw a $25,000 Hoi
stein bull, and a cow, registered.
worth S2.U00. John savs that
the stable wa3 all cement, and
iron, and that it wa3 a.s sanitary
as could be. Thev went over t
see some good stock and then
Kamna came home and boutrht a
registered bull from n;nriir a
calf a few weeks old firmly con
vinced that his registry and
breeding was as croud as anv - a!
good advertisement for Wash-
ington County stock. !
Mona. the eisrht vear old dainzh- i
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, o! i
above Mountaindale, became cor - j
fused and was lost in the wood'.;
iasf ninrtif until rv.,'rlM;,U. ...U. I
uiw nip,, I., UIJVII luiuiiiiit., wiit;!l
searcn party found her sitting
on a log. The child was be
wildered and the Dartv would
have passed her it she had not
moved slightly. Sheriff Reeves
arrived on thi scene about the
time the child was found.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Lard
and children, for three years res
idents of Hillsboro, departed this
week for Ft Worth. Texas,
where Chas. formerly resided.
Lard will go over to San Antonin
and see Donald E. Loner, now
Corporal in the Cavalry Troop of
me uistnct of Columbia JNatton-
Alfred H. Morgan, who has
had charge of the sleeping and
dining service for the-Great
Northern, in the Great Falls.
Mont, section, i3 home for an
extended visit with his mother,
Mrs. Henrietta Morgan. When
he returns he exoects to run out
of Seattle.
Judge Alfred S. Bennett, of The
Dalles, will speatc at the court
house in Hillsboro, Wednesday
evening. Nov. 1, at s o clock.
Judge Bennett is one of the
really able men in Oregon and
his address will be a treat.
You are cordially invited.
William Schulmerich, who is a
candidate for th legislaturs on
the democractic t'cket, is meet
ing with much encouragement
all over the county from voters
of all parties. Mr. Schulmerich
has done more for the dairy leg
islation of the state than any
other individual in the county,
or, for that matter, the state.
He has been a member of the
Oregon Dairymen's Ass'n. since
its organization, and hardly a
year has passed that he has not
bpen on the legislative commit
tee of that body. He has helped
to draft every good Pure Food
aw in the state, helped formu
ate the tuberculosis indemnity
bill which pays the dairyman for
his stock when attacked by that
malady, and has left the impress
of his ability on practically every
measure that has redounded to
the credit of the industry. He
is a good speaker, has a fine
grasp of public affairs, and is a
successful dairyman and business
man in every respect. He has
given more liberally of his time
and money for the betterment
of dairy conditions than any
other man in Oregon. A vote
for him is a vote for a legislator
who knows his business in all
lines ot civic betterment. The
Argus does not believe there is
a man in Washington County
who can successfully dispute the
aboye. Remember him when
you go into the booth.
By Verne MuKimtey
Girls' basket-ball practice begins
next week and everything points
to a very successful team. Thir
ty-two of the fair sex have signi
fied their intentions of turning
out, and as all excepting two of
last year s team are in school,
prospects are bright for the best
team in the history of the school.
Other gymnasium classes, such
a3 folk dancing and Indian club
swinging, will probably begin
next week also.
The Student Council Constir.n.
tion was read and explained in
assembly Wednesday afternoon,
It will be Dut ud for formal at
ceptance on Friday afternoon.
PudUs who have left srhnnl
during the week are: Ruth
Chase, who goes to Vancouver,
Wash., to reside; Kenneth Tib-
bets, to McMinnville, and Olga
Lovegren, to Portland. They will
attend high school" at these
nlaces. Rertha Solhprcror u?aa
obliged to leave school on account
ot ill health.
The following pupils are r.ewly
registered: Janet Hoeffel, Va
den Boge and Annie Ferbrasche.
The Freshmen class will enter
tain the thee upper classes, the
faculty and alumni, tomorrow
evening, in the High School as
sembly, at 7:30 o'clock. From
the names of the committees, it
looks as though it would be a
very pleasant affair. They send
Physician ami .Snriroon
0:!icc:t',.-it.iir in l-'i 1. ti!t tiiib KUi
fil.-,!. i.-MoiRlifcHil rorrmr Daarll n
'tn'i tiwiml Striwu.
''"". "'Hi- '" "l; in'iilmic,Oltj W
f 'l ','l I: SpiUl ill O.lll
v..i is m.iweiud ! ,y 01 ,-.i,ht. Both
ui.'iii-j. ,'j,.i.f ovs HilistAio Natioou..
"" u,,"i!Hiu in ScbulmetlA Bloc;
IQmi hi. WALL
L'lrtUira, A. C. Sbute Blilg, Mr '.a A ink
HiuUibvliO. - OHbQON.
-Af .WiWAVV..' . WVMW
Vrtn-t: M i i Plreet, opp. Court Uou-. .
ii:i.r.?aoi:() ' orboo
Til Ob. H. TONGUE, JR.
OtEce, upvVfs in Schu-mertch Block
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Ti-uncie Bid. Rooms 5 anil
Main an l Thirl
Upstairs, in Hillsboro Nation
al Bank Building Main Street.
MillsbDra - w Ore
Xomry PuMic-Coliectiona, Loans, etc.
Room 1 Bank BUg, up-itii"
DH. W. il. ,PSLEV
Oiliirs in ;1io Haidol B'liMing, npstairsj
Main Sr rwt. a Jjoiniiig P,i, Offlee BUI. ;
li x)iin3i:iJ 1. Ph me City 9U2 '
Hillsboro - . Oregon
Pattersaa UaJertaKia
G. A. Puterson, Mgr.
hres Chapels Lady Assistant
Over IlUUiurj Furniture SHlw. C i.
NigtK ami Sniulay Phone Main 177. Day
Phone Main 773
tf!:rt4t.f tiDualairi, RilthMUl
f ;! ax Kaintc
CTttal.ltj.4iJ.alw, iUtanin.chutt, ColU
railfn, Iffwimuj, UctimMn ink ail ulek
nien tmenfliWe uniuefiellt. - MfnVui!.
isa in nit unfnea ttatnra Jtotttfku
ftn.frtr 11 tile WrrtitiKifoi tfii.
Jiajjia'feiif.tjiten. UoBenruguniien. Xul4ct
i'ticrociM mil unleten Kllmteo.
1r-eicit"irii: ftt )aa m,
T;:e:H-n: SJcarHall got): inoaff
Nir.lafPtat: SKate WM n l-NU,
,lUrr i,i:-H,04 taT t (ami WJ ,
ITpsiuirs Anuric.m National Bank UlUg
uiii4 in .:.naiiM,in Elaclflolly. Hydro
thmrpaihy and Sclontlllo Dlmiotlc:
Vn:'n Day and Nlglit
Oific) P. 1 ma City 9tW. UisiilaiicoCity 27i
I'nir.-. 1 and 2 MkMkI BUIJ.
llil!lort i Ii-huh
NutiCii i.s lif-why givau that I, the un lcr
.tfiiil adiiiiniHtr itor of the eatai.n, of djn'eastvl, hnvelile,! i., the
futility ' jufiol the State of Ornon lor
Washington c.mnty my final arasoiinta
tiduiin svr: ti.rot naid ?tie and tlmt fiiii
'ourthuKev Monday
N-viii.t 13. Wiii At the hour of ti n A.
i , of d iy h tlm time and thn Co'inty
t'ourt Hjoiii m tlillsb.iro, Oregon a.i tint
plant- fur huai inij oljiotioiM to saitl
count auo thn Hdltlmmiit of aaid
I'aie.l O,;iolier 12, VM
Kmil Mur y, a Imitiislratornf the estatJ
ol'Uaitrml Marty, th'watd.
W N liarrti'.t, Ally, for sail Adniinii r.
Licensed Oregon 280. Pena. 1018
Phone. Citr 972
Funeral Director
Moderate Price). Personal Service
Residence Funeral Parlor. Weki nylon aJ 6la
All kinds of junk wanted. Call
CitV ROi; ffir M R4llrn w;n