jtSfXKf ' 7n jr. ii PEWIT t Ot the Round Package Used for ft Century "C" Caution pvoldubt1l1ut K 1 ACtDAKpfBftVRtR3 INI,ll.,.t. " AekftrndCET X 5 HOKILICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Mudo from clean, rich milk with the ex, tract of tflrct malted (rain, malted in our own Malt I ioueee under aanitary conditions. Intanll and ehiljnn thriv o It. At ryes with VW no eooAinf nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains mora than tea, coffee, ate. Should U kept at homa or when traveling. A nil Utttoua luod-Jrink may ba prepared in a moment. A (lawful hoi before wiring induce refreshing. loeuT Alto in lunch ubUt lorm lor bueinees man. Substitute Coat YOU Sam rrte , Tako a Package Home "' a "lln mtj-iv- SIMMONS. AP ,it lllidwii', Plaintiff, v. J. ii.ni.U Teevin and Haiay Teev , i, hia wire, GtMirjie II. t;l. and .... Gels, hia wife, Wllla I'. i :i. i mull, formerly Wllla I. I. it. Lie), and Harry A. Sherman, I r hUHhaiMl, W. F. Noble, A. 8. nl.rMin ami Knitter Anderson. ! . oire, U I.. Haycock and . llaycttrk, hi wife, Defend- Mills 'in Georjre II. Gem and 0 i, I i wife, Lee I.. Haycock and - H rk, hi wlf. , aid A H. A inlet t , a,.., Knih.t Aml.-'wii lit- I "f te above named ilefendunU: i ' lilt: NAM E OF THE STATU 01 ukIHJoN: You lire hereby re- . ! In appear und answer uto ' imt of the plaintiff f'l"d entitled NO I ICE OF DISTKUT MEETING. IM'DGET i. HIM 61 N t Y tiitUT V' I HE ! TAl' OF OIIK.UON FOft W'Ml- 'NGTO ( IllMV. In lite M 'li. i of Ih : 'late of Her- ' i ii it l.i alihou, l)i e a teil. )TlOK 13 IIICItKliY GIVEN thut tli" unib r.tiirnetl administrator of nui.l eittut'i hat ''led In the above fiiiltlcd Court Mid ratine his finul uc co int aiil re i"rt u such adminis trator, and jc paid Court hiiK fixed uti I appointed Monday, the 27th day of November, lUlfl, ut tha hour of 1(1 o'clock of l ld day, and the Court R um of tb i.bnve entitled Court in ll,lli;boro, Wnthlnirtnn Cotrity, Ore C n, uh the tlmo r.nd plate for hear lry tibjtftlonit to miiil fi.ial nrrount mi l for tho final Hettle:ncnt of aald ft '.ate. Datod thin 2:ird day of October, I'JIH A. C. CAKSTKNS. AdminiHtrator of eHtate aforeKaid II AIIK A Mc AI.EAR, Attorneya for Administrator. from tho ditto of the ftMt iiion of thin tmiiimt'iiK on you. en n; in t vnu in tho nliovo fti..it .tiiil rmitte, on or before the II . . til N .vrll.lx i, ii', "ld ih't h. i . .!'lir tho exninitioit of aix llll'.ll, tho ! e of tho firnt publication . hi ! lilU S pli 1111 !'), td thts date of the hint publication llu'( tfiiiK Niivilitl-er jih, tvl6. n.,,i if vou fail ao to nimwer for thereof tho I !;iintiff Will ap ply c the Court for the relief pray eJ f,.r and th-mamied in ht com olii, it. lo-wit: Kor a judKinent iivui. '. the dffetidaiiln T. ..viit i. ml luiV Teevin, hia 'fe, In tl v cum of $.'D0t).lKl, toK't with intirent thereon from the d:.y of October, l'.Ut, lit the rate i cent per milium and the fu tl.er (imt of $:100.00 nttorney a fe rrn.l the cots and dittbursemcnU ol ;.! m.it ; itinl for n decree declar inir ihttt certain mortmain) of the p .u : ff heretofore, to-wit, upon the 7th day of October, 1910, execut ed, mid delivered by the defendant, J. I ;:iiiciH Teevin and Iuiny Teevin Ittuhuml and wife, to tho plaintiff h"!vin nd necutitiK a proniisson note of even date therewith In the humi of fJ'.HiO.OO and pnyable on or b-fi rc three yearn from the date thereof, with interest i't the rate ol G r cent per itiiluim and pStvidinx re. i itialilu attorney' fees In Hutt or action should ba Instl- I to coll.H't the same, which le .rtaire wa't filed for record on lie "nd dav of November, 1910 1 tit p .; e 1 11 of Hook CO, of MortRtiK't iJ.'i-.iriU of V;itthiti."ton County, Ore jton, ., be a fitHt lien upon the fol hi'. mi,' described parcel of real prop eily n'tinte In Wnsbinrrtnn County, Oie.l 'vit: Heititinitii' in thteenterl of ion 33 Towmdiip 3 North of l; ire.e I Went of W. M., and run nitii: thence S, Khl rods; thence W. Hit i n. Is; I hence N. 101) rods; thence K. ! 'it roila to tho place of bcfrinninK c H 1 1 ; i ;: hit M acres, prior Itttd sltp ivier tn the ititerrst, riRht .title, chi'ir. nr lien of e tch mid all of the c' f n;l mis above nnnicd,thoruin and l! i't ) that the interest, ri(jht, title, cl i 'H or lien of er.ch mnl all of said d ' n .' miIk he dechtred and decreed t" he Inferior, siibordintito line) sub j , ! - I :tll respect.! to the lien of jil.'.t! ' T'h H:tid mortKiim1; that aid I eti' ' be foreclosed and that n nl i. il property bo decreed to be fell! I v the Sheriff of WiiKhin(.'ton C .i I , Oregon, I" "10 manner prc f i ' ' ! by law and tho practice of f ,i (fit, and th:it the proceeds of Notice in hereby Riven thut a meetinif of the resident taxpayerti of Komi District No. 4, WtiHhitiK ton County, Oregon, In hereby call ed and will be held ut Timber School House in said Roud Ii:itrict No. 42, WHfhinifton County, Oregon, on the .'Mb tlay of Novemlx-r, 15lt. at the hour of 2 o'clock 1. M., on bukI tiuy to di'ictiH ami vote Utn the etiti- muti'H contained in the following llllilKet: Hl'IHiKT H.uid District No. 42, WaahinKton County, OreKon, eetumtteii lite ituount of work, rout, and nuniti'r if nulls of tax to be raised for the following, year: H mile Clear, Crnd" and Gravel on Rimil No. 2fiA e.'itimiited cost of which is t'J700.00. 'i mile Clear, Onide and Gravel n Road No. 244 etti muted cost of which Is $1300.00. , mile Clear, Grade and Gravel t . n . 1 . on Kotul ISO. .Ill PHltmuieu cobv ui ivhich is $4000.00. mile Gravel on Rond No. 20 ti united rout of which is $403.70. Value of taxable property in dis 'rlct is $K40,370.2I. Number of mills required to raise 10 mill tax Hated this 21st day of Oetob-r, A. P. 191(1. OTTO RROSK. Road Supervisor of Road Ititriet No. 42. Washinifton Coimty. Or.'rron. KKSIIiENT TAM'AYKRS. G. E. WEST1NGHOUSE R, C. GERCKHEIM S. F. HAMILTON J. M. II A YD EN EDWARD HUGHES OSCAR SMITH JANE E. MII.l.KR J. T. COX . N. BANGS PERRY C. OAPRERT NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING TO VOTE TIONAI. ROAD TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 46. ROAD liUlMOVri, J Tin! MKtn! CftI'liT c,f te NTATK OF (lliWiON l WASH INGTON COl'NTY. Duixy Walriiii, l'lailtliff, vithi i Richard Watson, Defendnnl. To Richard Watson, above iiamt I 'fciulitril: In the Name of the State of Or - iron you are ncmiiy required eo - pear and utiswer the complaint fi -ed ttxainKt you In the atKive entith I suit on or before the rxplr-itlon t six weeks from the date of the fir t publication of this ftummunx, to-w1 , on or before Monday, December 1 , 1910, and if yon ftil to aprf.tr at I nn-v.cr plaintnr vui nprny m v i Court for the relief demanded in h r complaint, to-wit for a decree fo vi r dissolving the bond o. matt mnny heri'tofore and now existir bi-tweyn you and plaintiff on t' c grounds of cruel nnd inhunv n treatment, and for other and fu -titer relief as to the Court may Bee n meet and equitable. This summons is nerved upon y u by publication pursuant to an ord r of Hon. Geo. R. Bairltrv. Judire cf for rs-i tel fni ' Ground Itore, srrit, shell, ppp t'ond t Gners. We, the uhdersiifneil reidi nt tax payers tf Roatl District No. 40 Washington County, Oreron, togeth er rompriHinK more than ten per rent of the resident taxpayers in said road district, hereby K've notice that a iiieetinff of the residnt tax payers of said Road District No 40 Washinicton County, Orefron, ii hereby called, and will be held at Di trlct School House in said Road District No. 4ll, Washinfrton County Ore-ron, on the 2tth day of Novem tr, llfi. ut the hour of 3 o'cl I'. M., of said day, to discus the advisability of levying a speciul or additional road tax in said district to determine what, if any, county roads or portion thereof In aid road district shall be improved, in nny speciul manner, and the chnrac ter and extent of uch Improvement cr improvement shall make there' on. and to levy such speciul or ad ilitional tax, not to exceed ten mill on the dollar, on all taxable, real nnd personal property in said road district, a a majority of such resi dent taxpayers of said rood district shall deem advisable for the pur nose of rtiisintr money with which to defruy the expense of such spec lal improvement or improvements in said R iad District No. 46, Wash Ini'trn County, Oregon. Duted thi 21st day of October.A D., 1016. D. L. SMITH, Road Supervisor of Road District No. Ifi, Washington County. Oregon. RESIDENT TAXPAYERS. D. L SMITH, F. F. MEAD RICHARD ULRICI WM. E. KELLY, J. R, BAILEY . ARTHUR SMITH " KOTICE Id IlKHKtiV f 'ilV I.N, that p'tr?;U-int to the dire' l. in,; nl a decrro 1' Mlere.l in the lii.-tii.-t Court of the Unite'! St-it . t'ti' the DiKtri"t i))' Oi'.'i'un, on tl,; il. h of July, l:li'i, it: a (ao e v.-l.'--.ii Fir-'t 1 rust .'"i I I uvinKa leink ire! hnnle K. l!oi-.'it were rr'n ) " i n. ri L w wherein Tillamook Timh r and in.: lltilf Company was 4 i"ii'ti',t. I in UlfdersiKli. d on Hi" '" !i t "ft m, St III" hour of Ii 'i I k '.Veil Half of t.he Northweiil Quart- Tlmbet1 nnd Lojrifln!? Comtiiny, lit er ('AW of NW4). v.d to any of the land abot del Section Tweniy (20) . .ritael, and In and U any of .thl T),6 Northwest Quarter of the timber on an of the land abova Fei.the st Quarter (NV'A of SEV4), described, nd in ..nd to any of tha '1 ! ioith Half of the Southwent lands the timber on which ia abova G;r.! In (N'i of SV), deae-ribed, together with all lumber 'I f e SoiiCiw. t Quarter of the mill, lumber mill plants, including Southwest Ouart.tr (SWK of SW54) planing mill, saw mill, boiler, M.. will h"ll at the frot.t h County Court Home of County, Oregon, at Tilhtn.ook, in said County and Stale, all of the following described real property, to- wit: . NI-H IN WASHINGTON ( Ol N- TV. OIM.'.ON. IN TOWNSIill' OS K 111 N'OIiTH, HAN'GK SIX (fi) WEST. . Section 1 hirl v-fi . e (.'!") The North il'tlf ef the N-n-lheast Quarter (.N',2 of N'E'i). 'Die Soii!hwet Quarter of the Northwest QtiuKcr (.SV NW'4) and the North we.-:t 1 it the Soiithwe t Quart-r (NW14 of SWU). Section Thirty-six (30) The Northwest 'St. r (NW'll. IN TOWNSIHl ONE (1) NORTH, RANGE FIVE (.1) WEST. Section Twenty (20) The North Half of the .Southwest. the of r i vii , r etc i -e Circuit Court for the State f V "X" 'v " ' "V,- ' ,r t Oregon for Wiishirtgten Counl ', made and duted Octotvr 23. 19' t, mil the first nnblieation of this sut - mnn IS IIC'eiKT -1. I310, BOH I C a; t publication is Ileeember 7. 19' !. SAM M. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohax k Building, Portlund, Oregon. NOTICE OF DISTRICT MEETING. BUDGET of the Southeast Quarter (NW'i of HEU) and the Soutnwest Qi;-'rt.'-r of tlie Northeast (Quarter (SW'i r.f SK'.,. IN TOWNSHIP TWt) l.'l NORTH, RANGE SIX (fi) WEST. Section Si-leen (Ifi) The WoKt Half lS ':) ai d The Southeast Quarter (SE'i). IN TOWNSHIP ONE (I) SOUTH. RANGE SIX (fi) WEST. Section Two (2) Lots One (1), Two rJ). Three (3) and Four (1), or the North IHilf of the Korth Half (N'i of.N-i). Section Four (() Lots One (1), Two C2l, Three (:) (fi), Elevcr, (11) and Twelve (121 and The Southwest Q. arter iSW'.i). i i.n.l the North Half N'A). S clion Twenty-one (21) ,. ' The Northwest Quarter of ' ; Northwest Quarter (NW14 ,,f (j.,, li.e Moiitliwesi ytianer oi II inook Southwest Quarter (SW14 w1, . Tiie East Half of the West Half (KVc of W'4), and The F.n:t Half (R). Section TwtntT-twe (22) The Northeast Quarter (NE14), and The Wert Half (W'4). Setien TwcnlT-three (23) The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'4 of NE) The Northwest Quarter (NW14) ..f i anil K,.r! Tlie Fan Half of the Southeast Quarter ( EVi or Sfc'A). Section Twenty-six (26) The Southwest Quarter (SWli) and The East Half of the East Half iF'i of EVi). Section Twenty-seven (27) All ef the Section. Section Twenty-eight (28) All r.f the Section. Section Twenty-nine (29) All of the Section. Section Thirty (30) The Southeast Quarter (SE0, The Kaxt Half of the Quarter t E '4 of NE'l), hoiler rooms, kilns, power house machine shops, and all Jther houses. the buildings, structures, engines, roi- ofl l.inery, and apparatus or every kind and character (exrapt right l! way, property and appurtenance if railroad companies not owned by he defendant, Tillamook Timber nd Logging Company, and except lublic roads) situated upon or con nected with the said land and real state, or any portion thereof, with ill rights of way, easements, water rights, with the appurtennneea hereunto belonging or appertaining. Said property will be aohl for tha purpose of realizing $3,291,603.27, vith interest at the rate of aix per ent per annum from July 10th, 1916, and the costs and disburse nents allowed the above named -omplainants in the above entitled ause, and the expenses of effecting the said tale. In case the aald ononeys shall be realized by at sale f a part of the said property, the remainder of the property above tencribed will not be sold. Pursuant to the directions of the laid decree the undersigned will ac cept no bid unless the bidder ahall leposit with the undersigned, eith er in cash, or in a check certified by i National or State Bank or Trust Vntien i lureliv riven that - ' " 1 p tt .r c:.. meeting of the resident taxpayer of '4"l" .y' Road District No. 48, Washingt n County, Oregon, is hereby ralloil and will be held at District School House No. 76 in said Road District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, on the 2.Mh day of November, 1916, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on said day to discuss and vote upon the esti mutes contained in the following b-dget: BUDGET Road District No. 46, Washington County, Oregon, estimates the amount of work, cost, and number of mills of tax to be raised for the r '!lowiiig year Company situated in the City of Northeast I Chicago, Illinois, the City of New I York, New York, or the rity of n. it.,! ,.t c..ii,iii romana. ureiron. in an amouni Quarter (E'i of SW), "-5.: Iea 1 .lwen'y. Pr M The Southeast Ouarter or mei v i Vorttiwest Quarter (SE14 of NW14) deposit will be accented in the ram i ... t en (v, c.iw.d if less than $5,000.00. and that no Quarter of 'the' Northwest Quarter d''1'11 required in exces (SWU of NWU) and of 25,000. In case any bidder or 'Uits Three (3)' and Four (4), or purchaser shall fail to make good ,t, Heir r.f ev, snthMt hia bid within the time allowed ,, ,...',urii cwui 'herefor by the decree above referr- Wtior. Tbirtv-one' (31) d to. or by any order passed by the T!,., u,,.t,0e n..ort,r siru nnderstgned pursuant to the direc- The East Half of the West Hall " of thesalddeereethenlhedepos-t-i. u:ui .i lit made by such bidder shall be for- '.;.t One 1). Two (2). Three (3), 'cilfd as a penalty for uch failure f o :i iid sale ohtattied be applied to t'.e r vnient of the several sums t) e ttvto the plaintiff ns hereittbe f -r ! 1 forth, nnd for which Judg If ei ' I i denianded, nnd that raid lie f lolei lK nnd ettch of them nnd that y 'ii ill each of you be forever bnr r "1, f 'l eelosed and precluded of all iet' r e in or rii'ht, or title to or claim i lien upon the real property rein! 'Tiro described, save only V " c1 I' tovy right of redemption, fnl U.-.t utich olher nnd futllier re- V f b,' I'liiiited unto the plal'itiff as t- the Ciiii't. may seem cqiiilnMo and prnnev hi the premises. T'iii ummonfl is served upon you !" pnl liint ion thereof in the Hills- V "n A r.'os ptirsunnt to order of the I' in.ii ihle George R. Ungley, Judge cf the nhnvc entitled Court, made, ., .,1 .., 1 nn,l rntered on (lie aS'h dv f P ili n In", 1916 HARE & McAI.EAR, Attorney s for Tlatntiff. G. W. Stevens Deep Water Well Driller Box 54, Hillsboro, Oregon Pendleton Normal School Proven Necessity (Copied from Purlland Orevoulao.) MONMOUTH, Ore.. June 26 The Oregon Normal lehuul openi.) this week . . . student enrolled 716, lurnei t 1111 record tor slute Normal lu Ore(oa .... huw to euro for Urge sluilent body a problum .... KVU h. iiiK crowded into auditorium with imtlng ca pacity of 650. Galleries filled with extra chair In kisles. Mora than lit) students seated 011 platform. New beurdtnx hutises completed, addition to room I11K lu.uses liutll and tents used. One hundred girl sli-i'ii on upper Hour of school. The orriclal school report nlves 150 grade puptla la Monmouth, for. teacher practice.- Read what those you have elected to handle the affairs of your state and who are thoroughly informed regarding school conditions in Oregon have to say concerning measure 308 on the ballot at the coming election: By Jame Wlthycomba, Governor of Oregon: "Oii-Kun In uiiiiunnlliinulily 111 need of mom normal Beliiiol work Hii.l I'ttntlU-lon Is ttin logtiul pluc fur a Cliuul lit tills I'lllSS III 1'JustUllt lll-illl ' By J. A. Churchill, State Superintendent ol Public Instruction: "I Hunt Hint tha voters of the Bute will usslsl In rulHtiiK the Btanduid of our hi hoot ly tistubllHtilng a Ululo Nuniiul S. hool at 1'i iiiIU km ' By P. L. Campbell, President of the University of Oregon: "At li'imt one addition! Nuimul Kehuol In utgvtitly nreileit In Oregon." By W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural College: "SliHK tho liiMipIo of IVmlli-toii are liittlullng a uienmire fur Hin nBliilihiiliiiii-iit uf a Normal Hehuol 1 that pUut, It will glvu lim plnuNUle lu nu i." I Him uieuKUie " By J. H. Ackerman, Prealdent Oregon Normal School, at Monmouth: "A taniful unalynln uf tho altuiitlon will convliiee any one thut in i'i. .11 necilH a NoiiiiiiI Si-IiihiI tn KuHtern Oi'u gun und I'liiilli-tun flllH nil (hi' government n-yuovmnliU." By the County School Superlntendenta of Oregon: "KdHolvud, thut II la the amine or the t'ounly Nrhuol Hupurliiliniili'iita uf the ttlulii of liirguii, In cunvmilluii HHnenililtid, llmt tha hHt InteiuHta of the aehuota of the Htule ilmuaiici liieinttaed tuillillim fur Ilia training uf li'in hiire, und thut wn, thun.furti, tuoloiae tli Inltiullve muuHUiv to iiMlubltHh u Norma! School at l'mUlnluii." By Mr. Charles H. Castner, President of tha Oregon Federation of Women' Clubs: "1 nie.t lieuitlly iindoiae Hie lucullon of auld Normal School ill IVikIU Idii " Prof. Kobert C. French, Former President of the Normal School Located at Weeton: "An liiiiiirilliilu uMtul.llHl1111. nl ut mo Ii u aihnul at aome centiul point aueh us Iviulklou wuiild prove a gniul uaavt lU lllU StlllU Of DIIKUIl." B. F. Mulkey, Ex Prealdent Southern Oregon Normal bchool: "I xtuill mipiuiil Hie loeiitiuu ut an luwUrn Oregon N11111111I Siliuul ul l'lillltlelull." State Hoartl of lUwnls of Orison Normul School dciiniTs Unit "tlie miissily ftir utlilitionul Normul scIhidI facililios in Orison is iippiirrnt." Pui tlaiul Chambt r ol' Commerce endorses meusure ,'50.S anil say Pendleloii innsl loiciil locution for Nor mal school in Kaslcni Oregon. 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR your children KuMtern Orrgun State Normal Sihuul Cuiiuiiltle. (Paid Adv ) Hy J. II tiwliin. Hm-y . I'emlletou, Ore LANDS IN TILLAMOOK COLN- TV. OKWiON. IN TOWNSHIP ONE II) NORTH RANGE SEVEN (?) WEST. Section Three f.1) The South Half of the Northwest Quarter I S of NW',l and Lots lhree :i) nml l our (4), 01 the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N'4 of NW', ). hection 1-otir (I) Lots One (1) and Two (2), or the j North Half of the Northeast Quart er IN '4 of NE'4). The timber on the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'i of NE'i). The timber on the .North Hair of the Southeast Quarter (Wis of SKU), and The timber on the Southeast Quart er of the Southeast Quarter (SE'.i of SE). Sertmn Nine (9) Tho West Half of the Northeast Q.mrtcr (WU of NE'i), end The East Half of the Northwest Q-iarter (EH of XW'i). IN TOWNSHIP TWO C2 NORTH RANGE SEVEN (7) WEST. Section One (1) The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S'-i of NWU), and Mits Three (:;) and lour (4), or mile of Gravel on Rond No. I'H estimated cost of which is $ '.f.O.OO. 4 mile clearinp, (fnibinir and rnu'iinir on Road No. 186 estimated cost nso.no Value of taxable property in dis riit is $1011 .:!!! Number of mills rcqtiireel to raise i ti mill tax $:r.fl.H0. Total $000.00.' Hated this 21st day of October, A HMG. D. L. SMITH T?..,i 1 Ciiun-ii,,, rJ BnaA Iliulri.-t . ... t.. x.- . the North Half of the Northwest ""nm:ton vminiy, ureKon. QlJarter (NM, 0f SWU). nniinii v RESIDENT TAXPAYERS. mO'iNy yeD .... ... D. L. SMITH F. F. MEAD i RICHARD ULRICI WM. E. KELLY .1. R. BAILEY ARTHUR SMITH Sl'MMONS. The South Half of the Sou'.h Half (S4 of S'-i). The South Half of the North Half I S 4 of N14), and Lots One (1), Two (21, Three .'! and Four (41, or the North Half of the North Half (N'i of N'2). Section Three (3) The South Half of the Northwest Otiovter (SVi of NWU). The southeast ytiarter or trie Southwest Quarter (SE1 of SW The North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N'i of SWU). The Southeast Quarter (bhU) and Lots Three (') nr.il rour (1), or the North Half of the Northwest . ... 1L III A. II. , nil lour HI, or me rtesi nan 01 the West Half W of WH). Section Thirty-two 32) The Southeast Quarter (SE4), The West Half (WV4I. Section Thirty-three (33) The East Half (Ett), The Northwest Quarter (NW) :in.l The North Half of tho Southweat Quarter (MS of SW14). Section Thirty-four (34) The West Half (Wtt). The Southeast Quarter (SEK), and The West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W'S of NE'4). Section Thirty-fie (35) The West Half of the Weat Half (WV. of WM.). IN TOWNSHIP TWO (2) NORTH, RANGE EIGHT (8) WEST. Section Thirteen (13) The Southeast Quarter (SEi). Section Twenty-three (23) The Southeast Quarter (SEK). Se-ction Twenty-four (24) The North Half (NV4). Tlie West Half of the Southeast Quarter (WVi of SEVi), and The Southwest ytiarter twij Section Twenty-five (25) The Southeas' Quarter (SEVi) tntl The North Half (NH). Section Twenty-six (26) The North Half of the Northeast Otiat-ter iN of NE'4). Tiie Southeast uuaner 01 uie IN TIIE CIRtTTT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. Cressie Stiles, Plaintiff, versus John Stile. Di'fenrlmil. To John Stile., .hnv. nn,eH He- Quarter (NVi of NW4). . , . Section Four (I) IPmmm- The Southeast Quarter of the In the Name of the State of Ore- Southeast Quarter (SEU of SEU), trim you are hereby required to ap- The West Half of the Southeast pear and nnswer the complaint filed Quarter (Wli of SE'e). ....:..., ...... : v .:n.i Ihe Southwest Quarte Quarter (SWU) '(f-.tiiiini. jfu 111 me otu'iv riinuru 1 suit on or before the expiration of ix,t One (1). or the Northeast six week from the date of the first Quarter of the Northeast Quarter nnlilirntion of this aiimmons. to-wit I ( N E '4 of ih 4). ' 11..1. .. r.. , Section Five ()) on or oeiore wonuuy, uecemoer ii, T. Po . , - s.,ti,st 191S, and if you fnil to appear ami Quarter (E4 of SE'i). inswer nlaintiff will auulv to the Section Seven (7) Court for the relief demanded in her The South Half of the Northeast . . .1 Qunrter (S1 of NEU). compuune, K.-wii-tor a eu-cree lor- - s-thona(. 0l,fl,P ,Spv.1 ever (ltssolvinR the bonds of matri- Tlie j,:ast Half of tho Southwest mony heretofore and now existing Quarter (E'4 of SWU), hetween vou nnd nlaintiff on the Tho Southeast Quarter of the -rounds of cruel and inhuman Northwes t Qunrter(SE'i of NWU) .. .. and Lots Three 3) and Four (4) treatment nn.t tor other and turther or the West llalf of the Southwest relief as to the Court may seem Quarter (W of SWU) meet and equitable. Section Eiirht (8) ThU summons ia aerveH nnnn von The Northeast Quarter of the by publication pursuant to an oriler Northegrt Quarter NEU of NEV4 ) or lion. Geo. K. BitKiey, Judge of the The Smith nalf of the North Half Ciiruit Court for the State of Ore- (SV, of N'S). iron for Washineton County, made Section Nine (9) 1 ,i..i.A.i n. .I..U. 10 ime 1 .1. n The West Half W , ..,, .0,1 ,, w . ...... v.r Northeast Quarter (NEU) first pul.lictition or this summons is The WoRt n.,f ,lf the Southeast October 2(", 191(1, and the last pub- Quarter (W4 of SEU. and lication is December 7, 1916. SAM M. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Ruildint', Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TH', STATE OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. The Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEU of SEU) Section len (10) The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE'i of NWU) and The South Hair (S'i). Section Eleven (U) All of the Section. Section Fourteen (I I) The South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S of SWU). Section Fifteen (13) The East Half of the Southeas! Ounrter (EV4 of SEU). Tho West Half of the Southwest Hi the Matter of the Katateof Georire E U III mni inn. 1, ...mnimi, a ,,, . . . Notice is hereby Kiven that the Q"n''ter(W Vj of SW U ), ami miderahniml ailmiiilatrauir of aatd estate ine INortn nail tiN'i!) hX' riled in the ahnva entitled Court end emise hi mini atwnitnt and report as such Hiliniiimtiator, and tlie aald Court has ffteil ami aiMiointeil Moniiay. tli 13th day of Noveinlier. mi. at the hour of ill o'clock of until dav. and the Court Kontn of the ahove ent itlad Court in Hillsboro, Washington ( .oitnty, Oregon, as the tint and plafl for hearing objeottons to said Stction Seventeen (17) The South Half (SH). and The North Half of the North Half (NMi of NV4). Section Eighteen (IS) The East Half of the West Half (EMi of WV.) Lot Two CJ), or the Southwest of aaid eatnte Dated this tth day of Ontolier, 1910. leeoiga It Zimmerman, Administrator oltate aforesaid. WILLIAM G. HARE, Attorney Tor adminlatrator, 1 . - - - '- The said sale will be made aub- lect to the confirmation of the above entitled court end to the redemption provided by law. It will also be made suhject to and in accordance with the nrovtsiona and directions contained 'n tbe siid decree. WALLACE MeCAMANT, Master in Cbancery. Dated September 14. 1916. Best Fire Insurance JOHN VANDERWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Stnta of Oregon, (or the County of Wana IriKton. In the Matter "f tho Ksute ol Job Scha 'fr, decease t. Niiilei ia hi-rehv sriven that th un deraicueil has been du , ai poluleU 11 y Ilia aliovr enlilled Court 1 uiiuiHtrator of the K ti i f John M'tiarnr, deceasad, and hisiliiK quali lied aauiib. Mow ilii-relore, a'l 1 sot s navlna s'a'Di" igilnal iai.l 'Site art hereby 'lutitiel ant require,) 10 preaenl lb together wiih proper vouebers '.i.....ot n..ort. SPU nf NEU I.I same ' rr, . t A. ibsreler, lu ilie iiiuletaigi. d at ih law Northwest Quarter (NEV4 of NWU), and The Southeast Quarter (SE'4) S.M-tion Twenty-seven (27) The Southwest Quarter of the N'orthe.-st Quarter (SWK of NEU), The East Half of the soutnwest Onnrter tEV, of SWVi). The iNorthwes: uuarter 01 ene Southwest Quarter (NW'4 of SW 1 1 . and th. Northwest Quarter (NW14) Section Twenty-eight (Z8) All of the S-jction. Section Twenty-rrine (29) All of the Section. Section Thirty (30) dice oi H irn .V Me A e ir, in th 1 niriean National Hank 'iuii.tio,', IM'-toio, Dra gon, wublu six in utiu tr 111 tnt date hereof. Dated October 18 'l 1TB. tin v id Twit.alK.M, AdminiHlri.tor of the eiiate of John A-narer. I)Hed. HARE A MeALKAR, AUomeys for administrator. notice: to CRuurroRs. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY of nr" . ti-i. Uoir n me waiter 01 me r,siaie 1 ne nest uau ui vub oiv yv,ni..i hlh .1.m.u.,i (Wli of EH). I Notice ia hereby given that the un- The East Half 01 trie west nan Jersigntd has been duly appointed by the EL- of WM;), I above entitled court mliuiiiistratrls of Lot Two ('I), or me SOUinwesi ine eeiate ot n liiiaui aaaaeu, uwramu, Quarter of the Northwest Quarter na nas quanuea as auuu a oj ibw (SWU of. NWU), and y Jwfll ftl, nson, vftvin, Lots Three (31 ana tour y), or .-. "", the West Half of the Southwest "" Uy I1UV11ICU Ull.l iriJUIIGU W MCRCUK the same together with proper Quarter (WH of SW4) - section ininy-one a The East Half (E). Tlie East Half of the West Half (EM. of WH), j Iits One (1) and Two (2). or the West Half of the Northwest Quart er (W of NW'4), and Lot Three (3). or the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWU of SWU 1. Section Thirty-two (32) All of the Section. Section Thirty three (33) All of the Section. Section Thirty-four (34) All of the Section. Section Thirty-five (35) The Northeast Quarter (NEU), The Southwest Quarter (SWU). IN TOWNSHIP TWO (2) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST. Section Ten (10) Ti e Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEU of SEU). Section Fifteen (15) Tlie East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E'4 of NEU). Ti-o Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEVi of SEU), anil The Sooth west Quarter (SW4) IN TOWNSHIP ONE (1) SOUTH RANGE SIX (6) WEST. Section Six (6) Lots Three (3V Five (5), Six (6) Eleven (11), Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), nnd The East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E of SWU). vouchers therefor, to the undersign-, ed at the law office of William G. Hare in the American National Bank Building, Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated Una lftb day ol (icmlier, lyitj. Ai'iiie llaskfll, .tdminiDtratrix e I aaid lalatn. Hare it .ticAlear, Atturnets tor Administratrix. Anyone desiring to donate old magazines or newspapers please notify Mrs. R. H. Greer or Mrs. W. D. Wood. REP PEPS . PHILOSOPHY Anal account and for the final settlement Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SWV4 of NW'4), and Lots lhtie (;) iitet iuur (41, or the West Half of tho Southwest Quarter (WIS of SWU). Section Nineteen (13) Tlie Northeast Quarter (NEU). Thn Rnst llnlf nf the Southeast NOW 19 a KOOd time 10 Sell Off I Quarter (E'S of SEU), your Slirpltl9 spuds and Order The Southeast Quarter of ' the unmet f-Wnnt. hnlidnv nhotos at Northwest Quarter (SEU of NWU) oi.,j: ot o 1 and dUUNSUIl p oiuuiu. LANDS IN LANE COUNTY. ORE. IN TOWNSHIP TWENTY-THREE (23) SOUTH, RANGE THREE (3) WEST. Section Eighteen (18) The West Half of the Southeast Qunrter (W of SEU), and The East Half of the Southwest Qu;ukr (Eli of SWU). Section Twenty-eight (28) The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S of NEU), The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWU of NEU) and The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter(SEU of NWU). Also all the right, title, ana in- 1 Lot One (1? and Two (2). or the terest of the defendant. TUUmook Loisofusr,!l bt poorua KI we art rhirty-titn we will be used to it." Percy Long Hilliboro, Oregon