The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 19, 1916, Image 5

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County Clerk l.uce Will Place on
Itnllot at General Election
Pcllllim Cillii Hut one Rcwton, TmkIi
liif on Supervisor
Th much talked of petition to
recall County Judge KeaMoner
was filed with Clerk Kdw. I-uce.
yesterday, and that official will
place the matter on the- Novem
ber bullot.
The petition comes from ull
ction of the county and num
ber 2.389 biyrnututt-H.
The reason Riven on the face
of the petition is "That he ig
nores the wit-hen of the taxpay
ers of this county in the appoint
ment of road aupervinorfl."
The recall movement started
from District No. 5. when a pe
tition for the appointment of
Henry Miller was filed, and the
county court appointed J. A.
Zimmerman miperviaor.
The move vibs Blurted last
Spring and wtw at first designed
to have the vole at the primaries.
Enough signatures were not re
ceived to wurrant thin, and the
petitions have been circulated up
to within a few days nuo.
It is reported on the street
that the rwctill people will movt
tomorrow and name a candidate
for the campaign. It is whis
nered that they have selected J.
u. Trullinger to run. although
this can not he verified.
Judge Keasont r states that he
has given the ollke the best in
him, and he will endeavor to
have his administration upheld
by the voters. There is one
thing certain, and that id this
Judge has given the
office more time and effort than
any county judge In the history
of the county, and there have
been some mighty good county
1 will sell at public auction on
my place, one mile east nd a
half mile south of Laurel, on
t 10 o'clock a. in. sharp: Team
of black mares, 8 years old. wght
8180; 21-year mare colt, weight
1400; lj -year gelding colt, wght
1100; 3 sets of harness; 1 full
blood Jersey, 10 years old. fresh
October 1; full bl.iod Jersey. 7
kiid tA frna) Cii ttP A full
blood Jersey, 7 years old, due
October 2G; 1 half Jersey and
Shorthorn, 9 years old, fresh
Sept. 10; 1 half Jersey and Short
7 years old. fresh Sepl. 12; half
Jersey and Shorthorn, 3 years1
old, due November 4; Jersey and
Shorthorn. 6 years old, fresh
Sept.. 12; 2 half Jersey and Hoi
teins, b and 3 years old. 1 fresh
September 12. the other due Oc
tober 26; 5 high-grade 2 year-old
Jersey htifers, due time of sale;
4 yearling heifers; all cattle tu
bercular tested; 8 young shouts;
bout 50 full blocd Leghorn
chickens.; 3 inch half truck Bain
wtgon, almost new; 1 truck;
Dunlap 2 seated top hack; 7-foot
Champion binder; 4i Peering
mower; 10-foot hay rake; 2 peck
harrows, GO and GO tooth; spring
tooth harrow disc; 2 cultivator-;
7-12 Siperior drill; 2 plows, 40
Oliver and 11 inch Syracuse;
60 lb platform scilm, ne.v;
press; No 7 U. S. Separator;
Myer spray pump with nozzle
and rod; 30 gal kettle. House
hold articles consisting of beds,
dressers, stoves and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Abiut 18 tons of oat and vetch
hay, wheat, oats, tares and oats
in the bin; 3 barrels cider vine
gar; 10 10-gal. milk cans; locks,
block and tackle, pulleys, cross-
Be Bsiier
Till'', Savinps accoiu t is mt "lily a lvi ., ;1 y
ioi it . laming i-ower (The I Ii 1 .lioio Na- g
lioiuil , nvs .1 per cent) but as a mean I ac- gj
c. ii.tihiling lr iiiM1.1 liiKtit or a,; mist the
cutain ".ainy tlav.1' The Ch-ckin.; acount. if
im-iuc, au n;:uy ami
ncs'. .
r man. womnn and ttitUI of bunking. Ct.iv.c
W. H. Wehiung, Pret.
I lniM
Cut fiti'.vH imd other otllclea too
numvn.' i:) 1 1 meiitloii.
I,iitl'ii lit Is' ion
Tufitmof Sul : S im of $10
and under, ca'.h; ov. r ;f. 10. eight
months at. H pt-r rei,'., npproved
note; 3 pi r cent, discount for
cash on sums over $10.
John Howurd. Owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer,
The lliuh School Faculty gave
a re vptiun t ) tli tuunty teach
ers attending Institute, lut eve
ning, in lliil.ihuro Until auditori
um. J. II. Carn t t, of the school
h.iard, weleuiiied the visitors and
tmesis, and th-" iiiiu-iii;il of the
; Hchools re'-ip-mded. There
were Heveral talks and a general
good progr-Mt. A i'i!irtel con
I Hinting of I'rofi. Ain.'ilen, In
Igram, UradlVi'd and Thoina'1,
,favorul tie a:tyv.ith several
select i.ii.s, wl.icli v. ere cnthusi
; ustieally ivn iv !.
Spirt-lid Oirst-ts -Not sold in
stores. A (pitv.iion and n sug
ersition. Have w;ii any corset
troubles? l! so, Id Spiiclla sit
! iee cure tin in. Over three mil
'lion Mat iKlii I Siirella wearers
(testify to the t;;-ie, "oinfort and
' of s'yl" produced by
,Spitvllacrs.d;(. .Mai exclusive
designH from w hich to select the
corset b -t
vidua! r..
My :i ! .:
,ing M''' !
ubliiM', lo-i
letter t.r U'l
suiii ii to your nun-
a Mnrei.a resi-
re in this field
c rieoce and train
, r rerv'c ', without
Aiijuiih'.oiMits by j'i'.vn prompt
I I. e Main :$J1.
i ii tli an I Jackson,
:Hi:iHlero, Ore 25 3D
R 0. Od It. field man of the
f'arr ttl!oi Co.. wa in 1 1 city
IVsd. y. II. says f iat i he milk
'pricit for the la t half of Detain r
had ad . in ce ) fnuii Si 75 to
$ I. Si, no nta c of 1 cents
per bur tired t ver CcN er of last
year no c c i hut tired pounds,
i'l'his means a Mr thing for local
dairymen, even if l -,1 a id bay
is high. Who bays that the con
densers i re not worth while in
j Washington County?
For Hah: Large lierkshire
sow v illi 10 li'.f- pigs. 3 weeks
old. Cail on or adtlress Chas,
1 Hickcthioi', ie I ! c mar Cedar
:Mill. p -stoiiicc, rurlianti, Ore.,
Route 2. 30-2
i A young fellow by the name of
iChas. Sandy, aged l'. recently
'stole a Uiipmntiile. U'Ki nndel,
,an.l sold it to a man WKav Hot ti
nny. The machine was offered
ifor $150 and Ciaud Robinson
! went down to lo k ;u it. On re he found a coeular otter
ing a reward, and Ik and Wm.
' Nelson went tl wn yesterday and
brought the car up. The auto
!wus ttt U-n from Hreadway, in
i La France Circle, Woman of
IWooderatt, give a Midnight
idance, Oct. 21. at the W. O. W.
'Hall, 1 1 2 mi'ei stof Cedar
; Mill. Tickets, i" K', G ) d music.
iFverytKidy invited. 301
j Talk about labor being Ecarce
the Cania'.i.'U Co. is advertis
ing fer common labor to work on
construction nt the new unit
I'being In. ill in thi:; cite Searcii
of the strta.'.s one .i;;y la;d week
j for men resulting in not finding
lone idle labor., r.
For Sale Dowdeu elevated
; potato diger, in good condition.
i-L. C. oelker. Laurel. Unite 1.
j I'hoi.e 01 tn Line 13. Seholls
; central. 10 2
Miss Ryan, of Helvetia, a
j teacher attending Institute, was
thrown from a hu -gy, during a
runaway, last evening, and Be
i verelv bruised. Dr. K. H. Smith
j attended the injuries and she
i was ;ibU" to attend classes today,
1 For Sale -Hay mar, 7 years,
I about 1050. well broke. Wm.
(Jiteltor, 1L2 Jackson Street.
Hillsboro. 29 31
H. V. St'ick!er, of below
Seholls. was in town vt'stcd'iv.
He ticcomianied Mrs. Stickler
U ) to the Institute.
For sale; Five young work
horses bv Tain Cornelius. In
quire at Quick's Livt-ry Barn.
aua nio:.u: in iloiiur
neeit o.' l!-r of, Ji
m auJ u: s i w t . ur.
Dnvid KurAlli, Ci.lf r
fvEii f iHl na
Cound Tuesday by Pinion Hlr
ichey, near Tichanx I'lac
Owned Forty Acre Above Ht-lvelis;
Wai Axed About tS Veart
John Scharer was found dead a
short distance from the 0.
Tschabold ranch, near Helvetia,
Tuesday morning, Simon Hir
Hchey discovering the body in a
copse. Scharer had used a trunk
of valise strap, which he had
tied to a knot on a huge log. He
had knotted the strap around
his neck and then threw him
self, head downward, evidently,
and strangulation must have
been a slow procesB.
I). Tschabold. Pt whoie house
Scharer had been stopping, says
that the dead man left his room
in the Tschabold home about
4:45 Sunday morning, end be
did not hear him return, although
he had Bupposed that he had.
About elaven o'clock he went up
stairs to awaken Scharer, and
did not find him. He then went
to a neighbor, but failed to lo
cate him. Monday he made up
his mind that Scharer had gone
to his own home a few miles
distant, in the hills, lie told
Hirschey of the disappearance
and after a consultation they
concluded to search for him. On
Tuesday Hirschey found the
body, and Coroner Ira Uarrett
and Sheriff Ueeves were notifhd.
An investigation was made and
as the case was plain suicide
there was no jury impanelled.
Scharer was a Swiss, and a
bachelor. He was aged about Cg
years, and had been In poor
health for several years. At
times he made his home with the
Tsehanz family, and when feel
ing better would go back to hit
ranch. Upon returning he would
be in poor condition physically,
showing malnutrition.
The body was brought in to
Limber's Undertaking parlors
for preparation for burial.
A quiet home wedding was cele
brated at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Long, Tuesday, October 17, 1916,
at two o'clock in the afternoon,
when their daughter, Sylvia
Marie, was united in marriage
to Gail Williams Wells, son of
Mr. Chas. E. Wells. Rev. Ii. E
Myers, now of the Newberg M.
E. Church, officiated, using the
beautiful ring ceremony.
Miss Marion Lytle wa tne
bridesmaid, and James Imbne,
of Orenco, officiated as best man.
Jussell Morgan sang T Love
You Truly." Miss DeLaunce
Crabtree, of Laurel, accompany
ing. Miss Crabtree played the
march from Lohengrin.
The bride wore white taffeta,
with veil, and carried a shower
jounuet of Bride roses. Ihe
bridesmaid wore pink silk and
carried pink carnations.
Ihe rooms were artistically
decorated, the color scheme be
ing pink and white, and the
house was artificially lighted.
After congratulations, a buffet
uncheon was served. Mrs. Frank
Imbrie and Mrs. R. R. Easter
presiiing, assisted by Miss Beth
Crandall, Miss Mariorie Wells
and Miss Eva Carstens.
Those present were; Messrs,
and Mesdames L. A. Long. C. E.
Wells. Frank Imbrie. J. W. Con-
r.el'. U. R. Easter. W. R. Frent
zel; Mesdames Margaret A
Powell, Henrietta Morgan,
H. T. Bagley. C G. Reiler.
Emma McKinney; Misses Marion
Lytle, Beth Crandall, Eva Cars
tens, DeLaurice Crabtr e, Mar-
jorie and Anna Mae Wells. Mar
garet Long, Kathryn frentzel,
Helen Connell; Messrs. Rev. My
ers. Vnughn Wells, Irus Wells,
James Imbrie, Verne McKinney,
Russell Morgan; Masters Theo
dore. James and Chas. Wells Jr.,
and Jack Connell.
The presents were many and
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. Long, who has been connect
ed with the Argus for twenty
twj years, and the groom H in
the employ of the Hillsboro Tele
phone Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells will be at
home to their friends on-West
Baseline St., aft'r November 1.
Ernest Stauss has moved from
; Laurel to near Phillips.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Friday, of
B inks, were in town the first of
the week.
Notice to farmers -Xhe Beth,
any feed chopper- will run every
S iturday until further notice.
A. L. Croeni. 81tf
I For Sale Cheap, high-grade
Jersey cow, fresh. Mrs. A Pal
mer. Beaverton, R. 4, near Ha
zeldale school, 31
J. H,Dorlandand Fred Brown,
of beyond North Plains, were
Hillsboro visitors the first of the
i nrm ifmiiiiin i ii in ii f . ii i .
Ctn V. GMByt Of Hahkal
Wiia a city 'caller f IksJday.
Found- BlacK leather1 handbSir.
Owner call and prove property.
Horn, Oct. IS, 191C, to Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Carstens. of
Hanks, a son.
Money to loan at 5J t)er cent.
Monthly payments. E. M. Ca-
lef, Hillsboro, Ore. 24-tf
Z. M. LaUue, of Sheridan, ii
greeting Washington County
friends for a few days.
From 10 lo 13 per cent, paid
on your money, large or small
amounts. Perfect security.--E.
M. Calef. 24 tf
Mr. and Mrs. M. Saner, of
Oregon City, were in the city
Elmer Mays was in from North
Mains, yesterday, on business at
the court house.
Men wanted: Common labor
on construction work. Apply at
Condenser.- Carnation Milk
Products Co., Hillsboro. 313
M'. and Mrs. Wm. Raynard.
of near Liurel were Hillsboro
callers the first of the week.
Now is a good time to sell of!
your surplus spuds and order
some elegant holiday photos at
Johnson's Studio. 31-2
Mrs. L M. Huston, of Los
Angeles, who has been spending
the Summer in Seattle, with her
son. is in the city, guest or her
rother, L. R. Hammond.
For trade: New rubber tire
juggy, top, for good, fresh cow.
W. J. Head, near Quatama
Station, on Oregon Electric. 33
I)f. Helms, who has been con-
fined to his home, because of an
accident, since the first of the
first of the month, is now able
to be at his office again,
Slabwood, four ft., and rough
umber, for sale. Lumber, di
mension stun, is $8 per M. C.
R. Hodgdon, Hillsboro,
City 375,
C. E. Wells and John M. Wall
wont to Portland Tuesday eve
ning to near tne address of bx-
Congressman Cha3. A. Towne.
of New York.
The Needlecraft will hold a
window sale in the Hillsbcro Bank Bldg., Saturday
afternoon, Oct. 21.' beginning at
1 o'clock. Home cooked food
and aprons will be sold.
Wanted -To buy good horse.
sound and true. 5 or 6 years old,
about 1300 lbs. : must be a good
traveler. -Sam Joss. Portland.
Ore., R.2. Phone F. 731. 29-tf
President C. J. Bushnell, of
P. U., w ill speak at the Congre
gational church. Sunday morn-
ng. at 11 o'clock. Christian
Endeavor meets at 7 o'clock ev
ery Sunday evening.
Taken Up Two-year Jersey
heifer, light dun, one horn miss
ing. Owner pay charges, cost
of advertising and take same
away. J. L. MclNamara, near
Aloha; Beaverton, li. 2. 29-31
Marriage licenses: Geo. H.
Shaffer and Nellie Bishop, F'orest
Grove; Samuel Saterlee and
Horence Hicks. Portland; Her
man Kerkman and Miss E'sie
Meinecke, Sherwood.
W. W. Easter, of Seattle, is in
the city the guest of his son, R.
R. Easter, of the Washington-
Oregon. Mr. Easter is a veteran
of the Civil War, and was in the
Shiloh campaign.
Leonard Brown has opened his
Tin Shop in the Linklater Bldg.,
one door JNortn ot the Argus
office, Second St He is prepar
ed to take care 6f your tin work,
and can furnish you hop kiln
supplies, pipe, etc. 17tf.
Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Gillenwa
ter, ot uranaua, Missouri, ar
rived last night for a visit with
their daughters, Mrs. Edw
Schulmerich, of this city, and
Mrs. Max Behling, of Blooming
Roy S. Blodgett, publisher of
the Tualatin Valley News, was a
city caller today. He has com
bined the News and Sherwood
Journal under the one manage
Just received, at Johnson's
Studio, a large assortment of the
best photo mounts ever seen tn
Hillsboro. Order your holiday
photos now, while the line to se
lect from is complete. 81-2
Fred Hamel, of West Union,
was in yesterday, posting notices
for a district road budget meet
ing. There are about 20 districts
which have posted notices for
this kind of a meeting for road
Thos. Rood, who has beep rail
roading up at Hilgard. near Spo
kane, came home the last of the
week for a layoff. He says that
the intermountain railways are
all as husy as they can be hand
ling the big crops, as well as ores
and lumber,
Third and Fir Streets. City
(Winter Schedule)
Sunday passes, S:2Q and 10;30 a.
Christian Doctrine, 9;15 a. m
Baptism, 2.00 o'clock p, m,
Choir practice, 2 p. m.
Benediction, 4:30 p. m.
Week day Mass, 8:20 p. m.
Says That County Official Pre
sented Faultless Evidence
Letter Comei In Renponie to Thank of
Reevei for Mullnomuh Htlp
Sheriff J. E. Reeves, who made
reoutation over the state in
garnering evidence in the Ben
nett Thompson murder case, at
the close of the trial wrote a let
ter to the Portland detective
force and the Multnomah sher-
ff's office, thanking them for
their assistance in that import
ant case. Sheriff Hurlburt. in
reply, wrote the following letter:
Portland, Ore.. Sept. 20. 1916
Mr. J. E. Reeves,
Sheriff, Washington County,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
1 beg to acknowledge the re
ceipt of your letter ot the 15th
nst., and have roted your com
ment on the ending of the Jen-
nings-Ristman murder case.
I agree with you that there
can be no doubt oi tfennett
"hompson's guilt, and it i3 doubt
ful if ever a District Attorney
had presented to him as perfect
a chain of evidence as you so ap
plicpbly presented to him. There
seemed to be not even a flaw in
any part from the beginning to
the end.
Our office appreciates the kind
words you have spoken of their
efforts to assist you, but the
Slate of Oregon owes you a debt
of gratitude in placing a man
where he belongs, who is guilty
of perhaps one of the greatest
crimes ever committed in this
State. . ,
I believe that you will be con
tinued in this work for years to
come. The people win demand
your set vices to rid our State of
unlawful characters.
Assuring you of the high es
teem of this office, and with per
sonal regards, I beg to remain,
Yours Very Truly,
T. M. Hurlburt. "
One of the prettiest fall wed
dings was recently celebrated
when Miss Louise Ellen Staehle
was given in marriage to Mr.
Carl Frank Trachsel. The wed
ding was held in the German
Baptist church of Portland, Rev.
Kratt officiating. Miss Hulda
Billiter played the wedding
march, and Ed. Newbower
sang T Love You Truly."
Ihe bride wore a handsome
crepe de chine gown with all-over
shadow lace, trimmed with
pearls, and carried a bouquet of
Bride roses.
Miss Emmila Rich wa3 brides
maid, and carried a bouquet of
white carnations. Armin Trach
set, brother oi tne groom, was
best man.
There were about a hundred
and fifty relatives and friends
present, wishing the young cou
ple happiness.
1 hey received many beautiful
Alter the retreshments were
served Or. East, Rev. Graf, Rev.
I. Kratt and David Billiter, pres
ident of the Y. P. L., made short
addresses. The young couple
departed amid showers of rice.
They will make their home in
bcappoose, where the groom is
engaged in the dairy busmess.
The results of the taby's con
test were as follows:
ine nignest scorea child w-s
Eleanor Verena Jesse, aged 13
months, of Banks, daughter o
Fred Jesse and wife, scoring per
fectly.100. lhere were 4 othe
girls who scored 991 per cent.
First division -Wil
amina Combs, aged 1
months, daughter of Grover C
C mbs and wife, Hillsboro.
Mildred Donelson, aged
months, daughter of Earl Don
elson and wife, Hillsboro.
Second Division -Arleigh
Kellington, aged
months, daughter of Mrs. Harold
kellington, (nee Fay Slgler.)
Fifth Division -Monica
McCormick, aged
months, daughter of Ira McCor
mick and wife, near Laurel
Oliver Corl, the SO months old
son of Oliver Corf and wife, of
Hillsboro, und Leslie Doane, the
lit months old son of Lesl
Doane and wife, of near Corne
lius, were tied for highest honors
among the boys, with 99 J each
The babies all scored so. we)
that t is hardly fair to those
who did not score quite so we
as some of the others, to publis
tne enyre ust,
A -straw
74 votea
vote at the Teachers
this mornine Bhowed
each for Wilson and
iMra Uuvl Carraack, well
known . Forest Grove and
Hillsboro, '.-;:i sued Frank C.
Carmack for di Vorct'. They were
married in this county in 1910
and have a daughter, aged 4
years, and the custody of whom
the wife a3ks. Mrs. Carmack's
complaint covers over 20 para
graphs, and is full of charges
against the husband, covering
cruel treatment. She says re
refuse 1 to speak to her days at a
time, and aver3 that he falsely
told her a lodge at the Grove
had blackballed her. causing her
to cry for several days, until she
found out otherwise. She also!
says he at one time threw a
piece of bread at her, and that
he was continually complaining
at her cooking.
We will loan you money on
your farm, or will sell or trade it
for you, or insure your buildings
against fire. Unlimited funds,
quick service, rates reasonable.
Perkin3 & Cirnelius. Room 1.
Commercial Building. Hillsboro.
Miss Emma Boecher Penfield.
student in Goettingen. Germany.
ari3 and lours, trance, and
or manv vear3 a teacher of
Modern Languages, will open
two evening courses here Wed-
esday. Oct. 25. in Guild Hall.
Washington Street, between
Second and Third. Spanish, 7 p.
m.; German, 8 p. m.iten lessons.
2.50. Similar courses have al
ready been successfully begun in
orest Grove. Miss Penfield will
meet those wishing an advance
German class at 4.30 p. m. Wed
nesday, at Mrs. Joseph Hoff
man's. 1439 N. Fifth St. 31
The Washisgton Oregon Cor
poration will in a few day3 com
plete its million gallon reservoir
above Diiley, and this will give
the Hi!l3boro mains a force of
over o-j pounds. Ihe company
has been wirking hard to get
the big basin completed before
the Fall rains come, and at times
a3 high aa 20 men have beer,
employed. The capacity of the
reservoir will furnish water for
illsboro, in case of breaks
above, for five day3, or a trifle
J. H. VanLom, of Centerville,
was in the city yesterday, tie
recently returned from an ex
tended visit in Wisconsin and
Nebraska, and says he is glad to
get back to Oregon again. J.
states that potatoes are high
back there and that he finds
none so good a3 the Oregon tu
ber. Mr VanLom says that we
are now enjoying the same kind
of weather which has prevailed
n the Eiit several week3.
Hugh Smith, of Forest Grove.
has the champion hen, and he
has both or the eggs to prove
his claim to, the title. He was
atching biddy in the yard, no
ticing that she acted as if she
were .ill. Atter a convulsion the
hen layed an egg, and ten min
utes later deposited another.
Hugh is going to get a copyright
on the egg producer, and show
her at all coming fairs.
We have an improved place of
24 acres at Cornelius, and owner
will accept 5 or 6 room house and
lot in Hillsboro as part payment.
Stock implements, etc., go with
place. Also want 5 or 6 room
house and lot in the city to apply
on purchase of 80 acres, 5o in
cultivation, balance pasture and
timber; good buildings; 7 miles
south of Hillsboro. Perkins &
Cornelius, Hillsboro, Ore.
W. N. Hathorn, of Laurel, was
a city caller Monday.
number af Miss Lenora Gard
ner s mends gathered at the
home cf her sister, Mrs. W. R.
Coulee, Wednesday eve, and sur
prised her with a miscellaneou
shower, bames and music were
enjoyed until retreshments were
served, alter which a mock mar
riage was performed, the bride
being Miss Lenora Gardner, and
the groom Miss Elizibath Meier
Bridesmaid, Miss Mamie Mc
Daniels, and best man Miss Lau
ra McDaniels. Mrs. Jas. Ander
son performed the ceremony
Ihe house was prettily deco
rated with autumn leaves and
red hearts.
Those present were Misses Le
nora uardner. Amanda Har
trampf. Mi nnis Abbott, Ella
Ellefsen, Laura and Mamie Mc-
Uariels, Elizabeth and Adelaide
Meier, Winna Pitman. Loriene
Morrow; Mesdames Franklin Ev
erett, Bessie Cross, Nina Brock.
Chas Gardner, Jame3 Anderson
and W. R. Conies.
Miss Gardner will soon wed
Mr. Mevin Crow.
Franz Pauli Jr. and Miss Ethyl
Kiatch'.ey, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L; Li. tsiatchley, were
united in marriage at the M. E.
Parsonage at Vancouver, Wash.,
Oct. 18. 1916. Rav. Benedict ot
ficiating. Mr. Pauli is well
known here, and has been in the
employ of W. W. Boscow for a
number of years. The bride has
held several responsible positions
in the city and i3 deservedly
They-will reside in the Garden
Tracts, where they will be at
home to friends after Nov. 1.
.'.A. IJAILKY, M. D.
fliyiiician anil Aurffmm
Office: Upstalri in St t, a,o rlcli Dltc
lie.liic-HoiithMHt rorntr Kuril. i
nd Ueoon.l HtrMti.
Phoneg, oHlim '! i; ibidem, City W
'-v . wwwMwywv
Completely Pqi ippp,! fc ,plU! In mil
Calli amwci-d
uhunei. Ut5 :r ove
'iy oi -.ii,ht. Both
IliilsUu- NntmuH..
E. B. T O N Q b K
OlIiCc opsmti in Schulmetijh Bloc
Upstair, A. C. Shute Bklg. .Ir'n 4t ji l
aiLLBBOHO, - 0KK60N.
Ornei: Mtin Strwet, opp. Court Hon
Office, upsu rs in Schu merich hloc :
Illlsboro, - - Progon
Trniieate Bldg. Rooms 6 o.l
Miin an.l Third
Upstairs, in Hillsboro Nation
al Bank Building Main Street.
Hillsboro - - - Or,i
Notary Public-Collections, Loans. to.
Roam 1 Commercial Baik Bldg, upiUi'
03. W. H. JUSLEV
Ot&oeslmns HaiJal Building. UDtiiHl
Main Street, adjoining P.mi OlBoe Bid. ;
Rooms 3 and 1." Ph me City a
Hillsboro - - Oretron
Patterson Ua iart-nKin (
G. A. Patterson. Mcrr.
Free Chapels Ladv Assistant
Over Hillibwa Farnttura & II U. b .
Night and Sunday Phone Mitu 177. Uir
rnone aiain 773
3. finite!
m. V. laJUa
rca!frmme Kortn, mtlaMU.
tneTal-Feiiinae, KMttaltra-frihnii, o!l
marten Xeftamenle, Urfuntun un Hit if It.
Hften aiienfiide aiUatftellt. tttant!ui
irn In uufa ml unlereti etitnta uto
'' ftff tcftlt 1.
Ha41afii'iaflrn. UebertragunaMi. Xuji
rteftofel mil unfrren liltenttn
nfm-tt4ot; taafua f Kft
, f ari.
teleDScn: SKarf&au S00: m-lQil;
.au-teItpon: swain 2814 ant H-tOM.
Siaatct 6UO604 ) faatamt .r ,
Upstairs American National Bank BUI
uln4 In luuim:Hiii ElaotrloHy, HfJro-
thmrpathy ami Sclontlfio Olmltksm.
Calh AiiBwdred Day aud Night
Otfioe Phoue City 903. Residence Oily 274
Oitl.-i- 1 anil 2 M.-I.I..I Bid.
IHH.-l.oro Octroi'
Notice it hereby given that I, lbs uu ler
gignvd adminiNtr uor of the estate, of
Uabriel Marty detwased, have tiled 1.. t'i
Pouuty Cuurt ol the State of Oregon lor
Washington County my final aoe-mnt m
adoiUHstrt( r ot Raid estate and tliat t..i I
Court hasse; Monday
November 13. 11IH1 at the bour of ttn .1.
tn , old ay as the tim '-and the Cmti
Court Koom in Hillntro, Oregon at tin
platM for heii inu' ol.jx!tiiiin to aul a t
oount and the li.ial ittluiii tnt or an I
Dated October 12, IMIfl.
Kmil Marty, aduuuiatrator of the estate
of Gabriel Marty, deceased.
W N Barrett, Xilj. tor aaid Adiuiuu
trat r.
Ucnncd Or.gon 280. Pmid. 1011
Phooe, City 72
Funeral Director
Moderate Prices. Personal Service
Residence Funml Parlors. Washintion mt 6ll
All kinds of junk wanted. Call
City 506 for M. Balkn. Will call
and get your old rags, sacks,
iron or junk of all kinds. 2)31