4 U&AiKiWtNHfSMfN t i Mi SENATOR CHAMBER AIN Will speak in the Court House at Hillsboro, Satur- Oct. 21, at 2:30 p. m. : tiv, i Oi 1:0.1 . "1 ;!!!!! Four don Whin Lettliom D iilctti, hiuvy Inylntf TanCretl etruin, to lay In Novcrtibcr, for ale nt 75 cents each. Thomas Kotoi, Helvetia, or Ilillsbot'?, Rt.l. 30 2 it NOTICI3 day, At Forest Grove, Saturday Even ing, Oct 21. Come out and hear him Why Should Oregon Vote Pendleton-$ 15,000 V and oiM-twenty-fifth of a normal school only 21 t .. .1.. 11.. mile from where trie state owns a gooa piant at Weston which requires but one-fortieth of a mill annual maintainance to put it in successful oper ation? Read page 28 of the voters' pampiei; and if you want to avoid needless taxation, vote 309 X No Paid AcL-E. O. L'emos, Weston, Ore. V ii i WE ARE RECEIVING Every few dayj fto-n New Yov.--U.w models in fashionable Coa's. They're right from headquarters and you can rely on the st3'les. No need cf going o Portland for a Coat or Suit v !"'ii yu can buy the same thing at home for less money. Nobby Waists A beautiful line of Crepe De Chene and Georgetta Crepe v.aists in this week. Come and look them over. Goar's Woman's Sliop Third Street KiEsLnrc, Or-. iSrnntv:-;.: 1 , will ii iaiw.nW in I Im ...,. o Is. ,,...( Uillo. , . .... vuukh l.ui'.'l ill AIUIO" jboro, Saturday- at 2:30 p. m., land at Forest it rove, in the eve I ninir, at 7:30. 1 his schedule wn changed after the announcement o last week. Senator iMiniiiliiM'liiin isi imu i f " -----1 1 1,,. .. 1 jf ., .,.-, ,t .,.,..,,1 f .1, . NotlOtv ia herxltv im-mi Mint T uu rv w o;Sv Herald s I'wntjpampujjj,, and. nil should hear- lhompson, 001 tin business p II jrives ,'!: slate of N-.w York j him. He has been receiving I iuub'r the name and style of T, to Wilson- : id th.; N'.-w York'nvat RtUmknco ever the state. I w- Thompson Mill Company, in Herald is some irnod cuessor ' l( 0 m 0llt a,ui hu,r lh ' man wl, y Y uuiwn- "as.imirton n.ucio vreffen s greatest novernoi. Mr. Hu ehes says ho h not a "war ciiiviidaie." Then why d cs Mi. H'l'.hos receive the s; pport of the war lenient, in t! is conn try'.' Wt.y does here c ivo the support of all the hip interest p.tpTs which clamored for war, both against Germany ard Mexico, a few months aco? Why do1? h receive the support of every element that wanted us to "shoot Gorreany when Germany sunk the dinar ler I net tlett wi e:uTi;ir contraband of war. Why d vs ho revive the s ipporl of the j'mroea w!t u vt war at every turn? T!:n is enjijrh sh-nv ho.v p t.eifA a Ci.uMt? Mr. Hashes really h. II. H M uvmiey, f Portlant , w.isou; Moi'.d.iy, en business. Dance, at llelwlia 1 f all. Satur day nijrht. Oct. 21. Come. A. C. Wirix i.f M utntainditlc ' CNtON STOCK YARDS Rvceipts of cattle ti;is month pr.mise to break all records, 0 er 7000 head iiavinar teen re c.ived this month to date. The rcord rtci'ip's were in January, If , whon 100O2 head wei-e handled. The increase for this nonth over a year ajro is more than doubled. Over two thou--:md head in the yards Monday. There were a number of loads of prime steers, although there was a limited amount of common --tu If here. Top steers sold at 6 75 with ot" er good loads from l 65 to 6 85. Cow tops 5 50, lemand was light. Most all vrades of cattle sold 15 to li5 cents lower. Stockers and feed ers were in ccod demand, best iteers 5 f 0 to 5 75. lh. rs .?as a limited supply of ::'ht a;M !:nlf ti.aishtd hoVs on .i e m-u-Kft M ,nday. There was 1 enp!e of loads of prime bees. i' p ;:s i) GO, with other loads t 9 10 to 9 50. The bulk of -? hs of good kind went at 9 i .'ackers were cutting everythins very ii ut rally, especially the hilt finished stuff. Prime hoj(s w-i.ro in trood demand and mo.-ed ariy, other stuff found sale slow. Sheep receipts have been com ;ng in fair numbers in the last ;ew days. Demand has been very good with steady prices. Several loads of choice yarlin?s bro'ieht 7 50 with Valley lambs at 8 50. VETERANS M EtT LIBERTY THEATRE J Mon, and Tues., Oct. 23- Local Pioi Tft' "S and j The Washington Cuunty Veteran Vssoci-'tion hiet at Cornelius, dl Ttrirsday, for tbei1 semi an nual round up. After, an ad Ircss of welcome. d"'ivere J h Prof. Mooberry, in the absence of the mayor. Memorial sniees were held tor the comrades who had passed lway since the iat meeting. At noon dinner wa3 served by h-f trood ladies of Cornelius, not withstanding - it was understood to be a picnic lunch. After dinner they met at the '.L-Llari-it church, and the fob I. ) M'ljr pn-!rram was f ven: i'ra er t;y Uev. Crozier, of !) rn-li;ii. Solo by Oswald Olson. Solo by .Mrs. Crowthers S !o by Comrade E. F. Sias. Vihintlint? solo by Mr. Vanan-1-rhagen, the Belgium whistler. Address by Dr. Hall, cf Port land, the Dept. Commander. Solo by Roy Net p. Talks by Comrade 15. F. Pike, f Newbi r, and Comrade VV'il ian s, .f Portland. Solo by Cbas. Lincofnfelter. of Cornelius. la!k by Comrade Menders'. ot, f P. r'.lar.d. T-.'k ard s'diComrad.; -Harr.il-: I ton. id p.,rr:,'ir.d. I S : iy VrJ. M .lerry, ef ! 0 n ii if. w J. J. Kuraili, rf Phillips, isii ei with his sons, M nday. J. II. Maase, ef S.mth Tuali -tin, was in town tod iy. Mr. and Mrs. D. li. Wheeler, ot Aloha, were Hillsboro calleii the first cf the week. E. L. Mapes and wife, of Ch -h.ilem Mountain, were in tt "ity Toe: day.' Max I'oI j; of Bloomini , h- .nsecled l.t, .in ess in the cit S iday :,i ti moon. Fred lii.ilitip, thi Orencoca1 p.mter., was n town Monda; , Rreetinir friends. Dave Wentrer, of Helveti. , wa creetipj; friends in tte c v.;nty scat Saturd iy. Johnson's Studio is still turn- ii ii out lifft-clnas photos at fo '- i hroor. mnr nri,'.'? r.ntu itlwtn.tuur tl ! lUtd Oetolw W advance in the cost of materials County, Ore., has discontinued the conducting of said business, ami all persons having claims against said business will pre sent th same forthwith. Mr. Thompson will have no connection whatever, either directly or in- directly, with the further con :s in town the hist ot the weel ducting of any Hour, grist or reed business in Gaston, Wash ington County, Oregon, or else where. T. W. Thompson, 710 East Taylor St.. Portland, Oregon. October 9. 1910. NOTICK TO ( KEMTOISS In lh,. County Court of the 8tM of ilt-Kim. fur Ilia County 0f Wh tuition. In thn Mu'li-r of h Knuti ()f John S ll-- r, tl'H-tH4 I. Notlcn In hrrrliy rlvtn that Hi tin ilvialmil.l 11 . u.s-u illl r Molullil i v tn nbuve KiiillltNl t'ourt iiiilnlslruiur f llin KkIhix ut John ttotiaror, liKtMttl , ami loll duly i!lilt.l mu'h Now thriom, all immouii lutvinu I'liiinm kkhIiimI Hhl m:ai art liHmliy mullie.l an. I riiilri to praHHiit lh m totfptlmr witn miHr voiifhr ihorelor, tu thr iiihIkihikiimI t Ilia l iittlcw ui lUre.tt Mo A tr, m tli mrli'n .NulKiiml It ink Mtilloini-, llillati nil, (tr ton, wiiuiu mi in iiil'in ir iin Hi tl.uv Lost -Hop sample case, be tween Jolly hop yard and Forest Grove. -Li ave at Argus office, and receive reward of $5. IX). Mrs. W. I!. Dolan was visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. D Ian ha? been in Idaho for i:nn. hitvul IVoliHlwhl. A.luiiilHirior of th tau of John Sotmror. DitokwmI. II AUK .t M. ALKAR, Atlornxyi for iliiiliiiHttHior, .NOTU K T C IIKDITOK, IN THE COl'NTY t'OURT Or' THE STATE OF OKKCON FOR i .no time, but will spend the WASHINGTON COUNTY Winti-r in S t'em I In the Mitttor of tho Eatato cf ... , , i WtllUm Haiiknil. ilranaitrii. Mff. (.,. h. Huke and Mrs.' NoO.e U htwby given that tli un- J e Hon fro. of Portland, mo- i 'l,:r"IM'"1 !"' " i'P"1"""1 I'J .. i .i i. t f ,t i tniva fiitttlii.1 roi.rt inliiitmmrauli ot t red out the last of the week, ui ,wit r William iu.k..u, ii,..,i. a id were 'jnests of Mrs. C. V.'"'"' h iiial umi a bj law rmiuiiro r-. I.si.,1. . r'xiil Isnfaitna tin,.!,,. rns, of l armington, ; -'"" t?ui"i nm ostnie ttro nere- Wtikins. me thcr of Austin Si wis a city caller Monday. I.'ni- by notified and roiiiirod to prvupntj m;'is down his way are through vmu-hcm thorofor. to the undorsiBn-l with their work, and are now j ed at the law offu-o of William 'U. waiting for Moisture, enough to in the American Notional Hank! S'art plo A ir.g j lUtilding, Hillsboro, Orrgon, within! six nuiiiths from tho date hereof. Nick Ke timer, the rond super-. id iiti riii t of o,-iai.r, imo. viw of th-; Cooper Mountain ximinwnlrixAA l S I Section. WT.S lip to tbe citv the' Hr A le.kr, Atturunya lor Ad ' fir3t of the week. He has finish- ''"""-trii ed his rock road work for the yvar. Wa'ter Kohl- r, the 14 year-old so i of AltnTt Kohler, of Helve- 1 Pendleton Normal School Proven Flcccssity (t'oid', from rotl-uut orvit.mlait ) MONM'tt'TII t". Juno i'lV Mi" nrrgon Normal ii-hooi o..-u.il tlo I'OilonlH .rolla Ut, UrKt-M oil iv.ol.l lor Notun.1 t Orojtoil .... Iiimlouri. I,.,' !u'-o i nl ' V koo b.'liiK rr..il.-il nun tu iinuiiHti with -atln c ...toltv of tu" lluil. tui. ( I.-.I uh .'tr Hialr. Is Ll,' Moio (!.,..! It. Mil """' P''f'- N,.w tiotinllii : I. h ... - nun Mod. uihlltloua to room liiK hotiin- I'.im ntnl toiitrt intoil Otw humlrvd ttlrla ali'i'tt mi til'l'or ll-Hir ot ' li '"1. II,, old' '.il h.h.H.I r.-..t Btv.- M rJ PUPH lu Moiimoutli, lor loitdior u not iff. Read what those .you have tlctletl to handle tht affairs of your Mate and w ho arc thoroughly lnfornu4 regarding school tonditiom In Oregon huv to y conceininjj measure ott the ballot at tht coming election: By Jamcl Wltliycomha. Cf-vtrnor of Orgon! "IM.goii la un.ii. Oiiiii.il'H hi io'''l "t nioi nnrmal , ll,.,i ..iK .ni.l I', i.. ii i li'tfl'i'l l't"' '" vliuul ol tin l'i I -o'l'.'i "k..ii By J. A. ChUKlnll, 5t4t SuprlntnJnt of Vut0 Inatroctlon; "I tlu.t lll.it OlO ol'l "f Hi" l" ' rniniMM Om tiiuiiiimt of ""I 'ii.'ii t tl'liinii a hut ,w ml W.lmol ut IVn.i:. ton ' By P. L. CJimpUall, Preaulrnt ol tht Unlvtrally f Oregon: -At liimt on JlltUml N.uimil K. h4 la uiiliOr Brett. J I" I'll. "I " By W. J. Ktr, Prttldrnt sf tho Orgon Agricultural Co'leje: ' "Siii.-.. On- of f. mil '"ii Inliutliit" a tiiMiu fur h Mtl'limi-iit ot .1 M'liiinl M. lio.il at that M'. It Kill IVU HIV I.I...S.OV I" "ll.l Ui lllfuia " By J. H. Ackrnnan, rTeaiilmt Oregon Normal Sohool, at Monmouth: "A .aivfiil miiiivni of Oo- Oiiil.iit will v.mvliit any Oil,, thul 111.11. .11 In'.'. I 'I .1 Vim ul li.ll.ml in Kiib Ot- .m unci I'vM.li. ti.ii lilii nil Ho ,;..pitnn..iil i.ilimnta " By th County School Supoi InUntlenta of Oregon: "ttt-H.ilvp.l. Ihul It l tl"' n" ol llm Omul l. kuut (inli. mil. O.I. ol" "f 0." M"t" "I i .-.. in "i.lill'll anrllil l. it, tlu.t III l'Vl ii..'i.'l ol Oik . ti. ol" tit 111 Hh.lt. tl. ili.n U in. i.to-.-.l l o o.. l..r lit. ttallill.a vt Irli.lirim illl.l ( It.. 1 III. il l. .If. rnttiMM- tl.f II.IIUIU nn uiiiv to v.liililuh u Noun..! S. I I l I', mitt t"i " By Mr. Charlrl H. Cdatncr, l'ir Urnl of tht Oregon FeUtrjtion ol Wumrn'i Cioli. "I niott lo'.iitit t ii.luiiiv Oi .i...tt.iii ut aitlU Narnial Ht li.H.1 ut I't'iiOI. Ion " Prof, Robert C. french, Fiirnr Pretltlcnt of tht Normal School lootetl l Wm.Un: "All lllllio .ll tilul'ln.1 lit. Ill i I. tl M hit" I Ml Uttlll -tltll ..illl ttlH ll ut I '."..It l. i M.llllll ..., ll Klf.lt U.t tu lliti M.tlv .if to.;. B. F. Mulkey, f ot f'itnlciit juullietn Otejin Normal School; "I ii.til miiint Hit- I. ..oil. ii ..I an I-..I.II1 rgun NuiiiuiI S Inw.t itl t'. it. to t. 'i Slate Hoard of Ht ols i f On g hi Nt-niutl ScIumiI tleeliirts thai "lite tncissilv for i.lditionui Norittul school facililir.S in Oregiin is api.tit i;l." INu'llanil Cliambt r td Cnmi it icr i iid.itHr) inetiHure .'!0M niitl say Pi i.i'h ton in"t b ;;u al loe.tlaiit lor Nor mal school in Ka.NliTit Uii fHMi, 308 X YES is a vote m mi chiloren ll'altl Atlv ) l',,isittri i 'i .1 o HUt .. i.l.ii M tl.tt't I'utnnitlt. I II i.alnn i -. . ft mil. Ion, III IN ImmuuaaxxiesihajSM. NIITK'IB TO t RKDITORd. Notlc-e u horoliy Klven, that Iha un-' .i ...i.. i .... U .. ti... , : c II r ' I 'I . 1 1 tniKtint, rttiltl . t, llttti wan linilltl ' tia, fed from a SVWng while at Iminliilra'rlt ul rwut ur Matia sc'iool, Mor;!ay. ami broke one i H uin.tioeiii.b th t:mnty t'nurt ( uii, v tl o,;, u 1 of Wa-Hhliinton IJoutity. Orniron, ami haa ' ot his armi. Dr. K U. Smith ; q,1Ri,1.Hl now. tin.rnf..r all re.ftlC "d the Irr.Ctlire. i-rnt liavinuclaiiiia atinlnat nil.) e l tUt ar rc(iiltnl It) prownl them to llili : Horn, to M . and Mrs. Clfester ! uiu'entiifiiwl. lth .roir emu hrra, al oi-nrf nf I'er ir.l n.Kai 17 i ' he Uw nlllo of t) I Htihimlml, IW t'ham- ' .V."1 ' ULt0l)er li' ' l).r.)ri-..inmrr KIiIk, IMrtUntl. O,0-,, r.ilh, a son. fee young man was wuhin u month from tin aim? or LUTHERAN SERVICES at Congregation x. Church Sunday, October 22, 1916 English Servicfi t 2 . m. Crmtit Service! al 2 45 p. m. F.ngliah Sun.l.iy Scliuul at 2 u m. sii.iro, anil Wrn. Schulmerich wart and wives. b-m in II;!! grind? n of a -d .1. ii. Sti John N j'-throp. who years ago c,nd'Hted the Hillsboro Hotel. was in town Saturday, greeting o'd lime frii'inls. Jolin says the town looks good to him, and he j is always glad to get back for a ' visit. Cabe Essner, ;f above Moun tiindale, was m town Saturday. He say a thn mnd is turning over lumpy, and that rain is needed biei. y for the Fall pbwiW. He was aecompa'iied by Ids wife and daughter. be is n 1 " 'lohnr. Ililfl. Maria Motive, n it iiniii-ini ri itl mn atHtvvt rtttnit l lias J Si-hnalr', Attormiy for Ailim. John Si i.'. the city School CMklr Pictures Special Matinee Manday Also other Feature Mo b. rl rv teem l t , .t tJ.,.t afUAtAt90A&l JL y" it. Wa'.uj and Caulbt rr. Malls, a! A ', 'i."d a sir.t.v b.l ot u;: e r. r.,, ,,f t! Ct tt(J tj..;,-,l,. ,-. e ti i.i tt e. ?riH oibt r ilay, r-i : at i i ver C J!) votes ct V.i w ted (he ins.jn ity. The r vui! wa-t ji-.ii lu-U-.-.l ia the Off g irdsn, tti.d n.-ust l authentic, fr.'.ri m r publtean f land point. t T ... I ... oionc-y to loan xm ;ii-si-e.....s m &ewjri!v - W m-I: t f ,n A i '-tract & 'lift! Com- e? K . .;cA!ear. Mana 4 If Rfynd:', of Forest Ge. , ;;, i.; spying at the General f:. 'Hospital, where Dr. Drookbar k ;) operated, last Tnursday, for to severed digit, a tl.umb and fin ' ger. 'iLe;, nobis cu ght them in a 'ii saw ia the planing mill. i f r m I . Anyone desiring to donate old Malisseprices, children 5cadu!tsl0c rS? '7AiS:Ae w. D. Wood. ... Net prcceedi goes toward pay i ig for pictures air, of Oreiico, wa3 Monday-. He soon s'arts baling hi? hop crop, get ting ready to mi et the market. John has turned out 9 )1) c rds of wood, this season, which he has sold at a good figure. V. J. Bewail, ). B. and T. H. Tongue, (itinc Warden Kusell, vVrn. Ni-l'iii at.d others, distri b'lted GO pairs of China pheas ants over the coorty this week, for prorogation. They were sent her.; by the slate game f inn, for Mv? Itod ar.t! (Jin I y.ub. c .:;; r c;U.u T r ii.-:t .! ; Ci.ia s wi I I e -N h' i '' t t x. v. i'i k. b-; rinriing d efi.jy lit:' i I f, Moimi Jaim- ; 0 ! O . Cr- li i'l 1 nil A) C-)ii;i- ' -- eiel '.tin r i- the Tiila.no k 'ii'i-u.-' I,-. C. ..,- r .fo i n ' i vt r j su ' Ti.: i oo :'. ; iid Van. i Coun-1 it' for t:,;vic. s n a c n...!uCt of r ""' i". I i -. T.j : j -will b.' : o c -o hi n ' :y aeo Tu ! day ti l v. i I . n i wo (I'.yt, e ich. ' 1 .'.e..- t.-. . .' ) r u .d Judge i! : ;'":; g!;-'!- J tiw e!i vw f.f vt-niif, ;r. i. T ilemook j r would be e oi;i' -rfo '( in 1 he veriiirf i Prod I o o i was yesterday ! K CO Vitf-d i f cv hi'iiiinir (ihiPenc "wl picfurrs d own in the T igard sec ti in. ; Tl e c-v;- of Sherwood vp. W'a:-.lii.ngti:n Cunty. suit to re cover for n a J taxes, was settled thisrni rair.gjil HY)i, 'i'hhmean ' a saving o! nearly a thousand . Liberty Theatre Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20-21 MARY PiCKFORD in her greatest recent success "The!Fou nmmg 6 reels 6000 feet of cmiles and tears - ,, t. ti- 1 e f, tt . A t'n.w .t '! . f"' '14. w " '-''V''A ... i a' ; iw-M'' '. fi Hi', f'- Also A; to Trip Through DEATH 'ALLEY M ).t hazardous Lilp v i r .:,t; eir, pted by auto Dodge Car used cn Tiip dollars to I h c mnty, the settle ment inclii ii-K three years of tax not in the complaint. I feizaboth S'ijrr. vs. J. W. , IShute. di smisspd without nreiu. Jack Ilobinson. of near Scholls, J dice. Eden White p-ranted di- , was transaction business in t)wn vorco from C. S. White, proper- ! Monday. j ty settled out of court. 8 Bargain Prices, Children 5c, Adults 10c. Matinee Saturday 2 and 5 p. m.