If v . ; ',yffci,.iJr ME Vol. xxm HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 19. 1916 NO. 31 Fall rih '?ry v, - ,, i 7 3 1 GREMIN OREGON Lumb.T Klntc and King Is Mure Than Hiixy STATU IN PROSPEROUS CONDITION Will Slrrcl Sjmpnllicrt Only People In the "l)ump" Oregon in having great activity everywhere, as shown by the Oregon Industrial Review, sent out by the Oregon Manufactur er's Association, Here is a list of the State's activity partial. HanJon - Six Rivers placers and local and black aand mines purchased and will b developed by New York capitalists. Tillamook will try to add 125 square miles territory to the port district to secure needed money for improvements. Roseburg-Sugnr beets from thia county shipped to C rants l'asa sugar beet factory. Bandon -Contract let for con struction of another lumber ship here. Astoria -I!ig paving contract lias started construction work. Wedderburn-Salmon pack on Rogue river largest in 35 years. St, John- Shipyard hero build- K motorship for lurge cannery .m. North Bend Largest wooden vessel ever built on Tacit'iie Coast has just been launched. Vessel is 2:lo ft. long and has capacity of I.250.0UO feet ot lum ber. Coos Hay Harbor The new Southern I'acifk road is doing its full Bhnre for Coos Bay. This road is a branch in its present form, and is the only branch road the S. l Co. has given a through train. Springfield will ship 100 cars of late iotatoes. Paisley adopts plans for $30, 000 public school. Sell wood will fight location of tuberculosis hospital in that city. Boitland-1200 men in wards here building ahioa for Nor way. VVilsonville Floral firm to build 8,000 greenhouse near here. Oswego cement giant t) re sume operations. JlillHboro -Carnation milk con densery adding $50,000 unit to plant here. Baker - September building: permits total $11,200. Wheeler county to vote on $80,000 road bords. Bend -Work started on three story building. Wanted -A girl for general housework, Phone Main 873. F. A. Ketzel. of Farmington. greeted friend in the city Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L Curtis, who have been in Montana for an extended period, have return ed and were guests of Mrs. 1. A. Rood, hist week. They will reside at C.I idstnne in the future. r Sale -Michigan 5 passen ger, fore door automobile, 1912 model. AH overhauled by me chanic and in excellent running order. Tip a'd side curtains, practically new lirs. Have two machines and don't need it. Take it for $u7f-the bargain of the year. - A H. Ilolc.mli. Ili'lshoi o K 1; telephone F. I.J07 Hi Imv"o central. SI 3 osy to On Improved Farms 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits The Shute Savings Bank The proposed county road fiom Beaverton to the Multnomah County line, via the Terwilliger boulevard, has been ordered s tablished, and opening of the new thoroughfare will begin as Boon as Spring opens. This new road will eliminate the big grade over the Portland mountain, and will mean a much easier-reached Portland. The viewers reported the damages in the Bum of $2,000, and as the over two miles of road runs through a fertile section this is considered cheap e ough. There will be about two miles of now road to open up, and the intention is to macadam the entire stretch similar to that class of roadbed between Hills boro and Forest Grove. Mult nomah will hard surface her lortion of the road. Ter.ciiers are especially in viteil to make the Den of Sweets their rendezvous during the in stitute. Leave your bundles and pachages, use our phone, and while away as much time as you like. A substantial, but inex pensive, luncheon will be served at noon. A souvenir will be given the lust day of institute to all teacher? who call at the Den of Sweets. (Jame Warden George Russell states thut he has had less game violation this season than for many years for the first fifteen days of the open season. Thii is occasioned by the fact that the "chinks" are very scare. Hun ters should remember that next Sunday is the last day of grace for shooting, and then the law shuts down. It is more than likely that the next session of the legislature will repeal the hen clause and allow the shoot ing of cocks only next year, and there is a'.so a move to close the limit down to four, instead of live. We buy hogs, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High est prices paid tor all good stuff. Write or phone. Rogers & Car ter, Beaverton. R. 4. Box 20. Phone, Beaverton63 Line3. tf For a week and a day the Hotel De Beeves, commonly known as the county jail, was without a prisoner and the va cant corrider was like a wilder nesswhen Constable Fuller brought in Chas. Kobinson, charged with non-support. Rob inson lives in the Laurel-Scholls section, and his wife complains that he has not given her the material support due a wife from a husband. Money to loan on farm seeii' ty. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. L. 1. Kuratli. Mrs. M. A. Swearingen, of Portland, mother of Mrs. M. H. Stevenson, was thrown down by an auto lait week-, and sus tained a broken arm and other injuries. Her daughter is at tending her bedside. F. E. McBride was down from Dilley, Friday, in company with Joseph Rudolf, who was granted licence to wed Miss Carrie John son. The Master of the State Grange has declared himself , against the proposed single tax measure on the ballot. Jas. N. Plumlee and Grace Gray, of the Gaston section, were granted marriage license the last of the week. I). M. Whitesell, 'of South Tualatin, transacted business in town the last of the week. Orla Buxton, of Forest Grove, was down to the city the last of the week. Clem Shaner was in from Jolly Plains the last of the weeK. Loan COUNTY COMPLETED E- Crew Hnlahed up l.at Thursday livening Connecting Towns CORNIIIUS CITV TO UY CEMENT Start Walk Thin Week, Hupe la finish la Tea or Twelve Day The county court completed the sector of the state highway be tween this city and Forest Grove last Thursday night, and the crew was disbanded. The city of Cornelius started this week to lay a cement street from the Talbot corner to the West end of the city limits, to connect with the county roads. This completes the road laying on the Forest Grove-Hillsboro-Beaverton route for this year with the possible exception of the repairs West of of Beaverton and from Beaver ton on to Portland mountain, where holes will be repaired and some of the roughness dressed down. The two districts with Moun taindale as the center will lay rock for 30 days yet. and F. J. Williams wHI lay macadam East ward from the rocked portion going from Hillsboro to Port land. Seeral other districts are still laying and when the season closes 31 miles of good roads will be the result of 1910 opt rations. With the Beaverton end re paired the travel from the West end of the county clear into the city of Portland will meet with macadam roads. The Reed ville district has the largest amount of new macadam to its credit, it receiving some help from the state highway fund- PUBLIC SALG I will sell at public auction on the Ed. Thomas place 1 mile North of Beaverton, on the Can yon road, half mile East of the Bob Walker farm, at 10 a. m., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 Gray horse, 8 yrs, 1350; bay horse, 9 yrs. 1300; bay mare. tJ yrs, 1000, all gyod workers, ard in good condition; 2 cows, 7 and 8. in milk, good cows and in tine condition; 28 head hogs, various sizes; 30 chickens, farm wagon. 14; hack, platform scales, mw Deering binder, 6 ft; McCormick binder, 6 ft; McCormick mowe", 1-2 ft; Dowden potato digger, potato planter, riding cultivador, steel lever harrows, I 14-in plows, 2 9 ft hayrakes, 10 disc harrow, 22 in; hayrack, Kussell traction engine, 10 h. p; Ann Ar bor baler, new; water tank and wagon, set dbl harness, set light harness, Buick auto 5-pass, Model 37, 1915, and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale $10 and under. cash; over $10, one year time bankable approved note, at 8 per cent. MAX BERG. Owner. B. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. irMZ a m 7:13 a m 8:28 am 9:58 am 12:43 p m 3:58 ...-pro 5:18 pm 7:53 pm 9:58 pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 9:20 11:25 .. 2:12 4:27 6:31 7:18 8:25 12:20 -a m .a m a m p m .pm -pm p m pm ..a ni A. L. Holcomb, of West Union was in town Saturday. Dry four-fo t fir wood for sale. -C. R. Hodgdon, Hillsboro. Tel. City 753. 30 3 Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Marlin departed Sunday for Portland, where they will be with their son, Charles, who has suffered from an extended illness. O. W. Whitmore, of Chehalem Mountain, was in the city Mon day. He says the frosts caught the major part of the potato crop up his way, but everybody will have some to sell at the good prices, anyway. Ground hone, grit, shell, egg fond at Greers. Christ Grand, of West Union, was a county seat caller Friday afternoon, J. II. Stauss. of Phillips, and Ernest Stauss, of Laurel, were in the city the last of the week. Bob llayden, of upper Gales, was in the city the first of the week. Rufus A. Gray, of Gaston, and Lena Steffeler, of Yamhill, were granted marriage license the last of the week. Sam Paisley, of Buxton, was in town Saturday, enroute to Portland, to mix with the politi cians. Mrs. Vm. Baldra was out from Purtland the last of the week, in attendance at the bedside oi her father, J. W. Vk. A delicious mint wafer, the nice creamy sort, flavored with the product of Judge Ueasoner & S m's mint distillery, is on sale at the Den of Sweets. ,f L. J. IIoHz, of Blooming, was a c.ty caller Saturday morning. L. J. has been one of the bu3y threshers and balers of the county for many years. Fresh Olmpia oysters and Puritan cocktail sauce are the main ingredients of the cele brated oyster cocktails made and sold by the Hun of Sweets. M. Berg, of near Cedar Mill, was in town Friday. He will hold a public sale in the near future, notice of which will be found in this issue. For sale -Four Jersey cows good milkers, coming fresh this months; also some registered ir'ars :;nd gilts. C. H. Meyer, Cornelius, Route 1. 32. C. 11. Meyer, of near Center ville, was a city visitor the last of the week, enroute to Port land but C. II. says he didn't go down to see the Golden Special. W. A. Jacobs, of Milwaukie, Wis., was the speaker at a So cialist meeting at the court house, Tuesday evening. Mr. Jacobs is an entertaining speaker and satisfied his audience. Ben Thurnher, of above Bloom ing, wasa'city caller Saturday. He says that he has green pota to vines yel on the hill and the tubers are growing nicely. Mr. Thurnher savs the frost was spotted on the elevations, and that, many farmers' vines were untouched by the early October frosts. Potatoes this year are very nice in formation and are more than ever free from knobs and protuberances. Mrs. C. B. Mercer, of East Hillsboro. has returned trom a visit with her son, Elza Mercer, of Wamic, Oregon, and was pres ent at the arnval of a new grand son, born October 1. The young man is also a grandson of Arthur B. Cox, well known at Scholls, Hillsboro and Cherry Grove. Mrs. Mercer reports the mother and child doing - nicely. The mother was formerly Miss Arline Cox. The Willamette Valley is to be congratulated upon its splendid rail weather in this year of our Lord. 191G. Never, since 1895, have we had so beautiful an autumn, ihis year it was more than acceptable because of the mmense acreage ot clover seed to be harvested. the early frosts', it is true, have cut the potato crop in some sections, but the price is more than making up for the loss .n this respect. W. J. Gregg, of Leisyyille, recently received from Scotland. announcment of the death of his cousin, Robt. Campbell who was killed in battle on Aug. 20. He was an oflicer in the 42nd High landers, having served with that regiment with Kitchner through the Boer war, and who was in the reserves when the European war broke. He re-enlisted and his regiment was one of the first to land in France. He had been with the colors continuously since the war opened. He leaves a wife and four children. w. A. snaw, oi t'ortiand. was out Saturday on business at the court house. Mr. Shaw and his associates have platted over 4,000 acres of land in the Beaver- ton-Reedville section -a larger acreage than any other platting in Washington County. lie says that 1. n. Wilcox is expending ovef a hundred thousand dollars on the west slope of the Tort land mountain, below Council Crest, and he looks for other Portlanders to follow suit and establish homes there. Then will come a tunnel -and when it does the East of Washington County will become suburban tract 01 HUNDRED CLAIMS HELD UPJOR FUNDS Tuberculoui Cattle Claims Filed Since Last July Number 100 NO M0NEV. FROM BUDGET AMOUNT EMimafed Tbal ai Many More Will be Filed Before January I When the budget meeting last rail voted to raise the estimate for payment of tuberculous cat tle it was thought there would be plenty of cash to meet all de mands forthefiscal year -but by July 1 the fund had been de pleted. Since that date there have been 100 claims filed for in demnity, and these must await the building: up of that particu lar fund in the exchequer before claimants can get the money al lowed under the law. The coun ty must pay $12.50 for each cow or bull when grades or common stock, and a little more when registered. This means that the county is over $1,250 behind on cattle indemnity, and it is esti mated that by Jan. 1 there will be an equal number filed. The state must pay an equal amount, and the indemnity is proving a considerable burden. The herds are getting fairly well cleaned up, however, and in an other year, with close inspection, it is hoped that we shall have less of this class of claims to audit. The following list has been filed since the fund ran aground: Oscar Johnson 4 J. E. Lesser 1 C. W. Banna 2 A. M. Scott 4 S. C. Spencer 8 Lasper Brog , 25 Fred Wright 6 Chris Gertsch 7 Jas. Love 1 P. Streib 15 B. C. Schulmerich ..1. 4 Spencer & Eyans 7 ii. Dames 1 A. Evers 2 Jno. VanDyke 1 J. II. Hanson: 1 F. Durig 12 Ch. Hubbert 1 Total head 102 S. P. & P. E. & E. All, except the P. R. & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street. TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train Eugene Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m 7:36 10:03 12:50 p. m 2:16 4:05 4:55 6:40 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Lugene Train -McMinnville Train 8:15 a. m. 10:03 11:59 Forest Grove Train Forest Grove Train 3:14 p, 4:33 6:40 7:15 9:00 12:15 m Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Sts., and at tenth street Steam Service from old depot at foot ot Second Street TO PORTLAND o XT ni ; r P. R. P. R. i in. irain o:uo d. m. FROM PORTLAND P XT rvy y r M in. irain y.io a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2:10 p. m. S. A. D. Meek, of Mountain- dale. wa3 in the city last of the week. S. M Chapman, of James, was in tne city Saturday, tie says farmers are needing moisture for fall plowing purposes. Clarence Young, of the county farm, was in Saturday. He now has fourteen inmates in care at the institution. We have cash purchasers for farms. If you want to sell, come m and talk it over. Perkins & Cornelius, Room 1, Commercial Bldg., Hillsboro, Ore. 23-tf Prune men over the county are reeling gooa this year over the sulendid crop and the fine weather for harvest addinar to one vasiiwhich 19 the prevailing good price lor the product WITHOUT the consequent rish is through the universally- approved checK-booh, -which has become an earmarK of affluence, conservatism and substance. The men of marK in your community dj business with their ch cK -boort.. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National BanK Main and Third Sis., Hillsboro, Oro LUMBER For Less Than We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are going to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving. This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can beat any and all com petition offered. . Write us or call us up and we will show vou what a LOW PRICE WE WILL MAKE and WHAT YOU WILL SAVE., -We -deliver anywhere.- ' Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. ; We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Mateiia Hillsboro Auto Lwery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAf AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Patronize Home Industry By Having Your Glasses j Fitted At Hoffman's. Jewelry and Optom erist. Hillsboro, Ore. Wholesale Cost 1A p if Phcne, City 17$