iaa la '"' aa. iia.aynniyia) aaeialftila' Nalk to theliblU Notice is kor.V oivV-R that the ! state law'U3 tr) fcuoed U autoino- biles oh bublic hiiii,v-ays. which makie5,,tie The fittest stthnrb infract $Ul bf PortUt d; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Suel Electric cats. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, clu-. hes and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acrem 'erin. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Port'aud, Oregon C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius andJNorth Plains "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at anytime Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephonesi t J.L HiUsboio, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. maximum ht 25 miles per hour, will bo ritri!ly enforced on all roads in Washington coun ty. Any violations ot this stat ute wilt he prosecuted without fear or favor. The County Court hereby fixes the srwd on all curves and all bridges at 15 miles per hour, and violations will be prosecuted. P. B. Ueasoner. Judre, Kodell Math-son. Com'r. Hillsboro, Or.. Sept. 14. 1016. Never was there more beauti ful fair weather in Oregon than we have enjoyed this ral'. hven the State Fair was as dry as a bone-and "Oregon Dry" has a more potential meaning than ter. Notice to Hunters- Huntinp or otherwise trespassing on the Hawthorne place w. II not ne al lowed, and all iolations will be prosecuted. J. Sopor. Hon. Mark V. Weatlu-rford, democratic nominee for Con gress, will address ih - pei ple of Hillsboro at the court house, this evening, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Geo. Loeb. of Portland, was a euest last week at the home of her father. A. C. Arch- bold. tioilc IS Ultliy bV ri. tlittt the tlmlf ri(jne I mtuiiiilsTrattiii 01 lilt relate ot Ueorjte A CniilCll , ilrCfmn,, have tiled in 1H Cou ily Court of the Stute . f Oregon fur Wal injjton County tity tinnl account s ailmlii'airatiia of cunt tatale, Mill that mill Court h lot Momlav; Octolier jo, 19.10 t the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of will ility its the tiuie ml I he Comity I'ouit room iu tiillaboto Orep.10 ei the place tor bearing object tlona to Mid account u! the bnal eet tlemf ut of i id eatate. Amelia Catiinliell, Ailttiitilitratri of the eatate of George S Campbell, dec eawd. V. N. Barrett, Attomey for Adtnioia-tralrix. Notice to Creditors IN THE COUNTY HU RT OK THK STATE OK OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY In th Mailer of the Katateof A, W. I'ika, deoeaaeU. Notice la hareoy jlven that the molar hIkmihI ha lieeti appoint! by III county oourt of Ihe (Slate of Orea-on li r Washington County, executrti of tli Laat Will anil TeMtaitient anil ol (ho niUW of A. W. I'lke, (lecea-aml. All paraona having pialtua again aaiil eataie are lituvby nutlnet to prmont the aim' entWI aa reunited lT law to tha aaiil executrix at Heeverlon. Orvnon, ou or before the expiration of kU montha from ml alter the uala ol tit tlral publication ( i hia nmi a. IUil eti.l flti -mblUhe-. I bin lh 0y f Nfptm')or, lU.it iMKioia a. riKa, Kicutril of Ilia 191 Will ami Tfl- nn.nl ami ol ilia Kaiata of A. W. 1'ike, itwaamnl TANK1I k More efficient Motor A More Reliable, Motor MoreQMilei Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles 50 Tankil TabUta 60c 100 Tablcta ft. 600 T.hUlJS.OO For Sala By H. 1 IUDDLESTON, J. 1 1. FOOTE and llartrampf'a Caraga Hillsboro, Oregon m . k . v a . "'GUS & Daily OREGONIAN One Year For $6.00 POPULAlLmilAJNlt: MAGAZINB 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATION:, T.'EEP informed of the World's rrowwaa b'l lk Kngineenng, MecMnics and I .vent ion. ri Fathr and Son and Ail Ihe Kami;y. It : ppe'. to all claws .)ld and Yonnit-Mcn ar! V i nun Li.mM throajtboat tbuw.rM. i'ui Ki.n kr?l r.)rrt'f"liifit" f cmmliint)? c i ll f.t n kit Uaaa aa and luUfuiiu4 au4 it ia Written Sa You Can Understand li I'd Skw ItoM Ontnt Ji) Jnm) n-ftali-irttcl Umi firri.oi W.i. c .iii4.j may i .r U lytna to tlo thingi arniii 1 tH0 e. twtwaHtaaa (17 l";v''l t r Hi Tfttf ' ilrllili koto make lhloBl.-li how tnmnLurt ir. !w kill Ti.lri.t'h Ontlit KnKiin, Utl hiuiw UwiowrorteMBchi. & .iniiK.r tin-ll.'rtii!i- tiHCte coaics. 1; t la Hn .a ka acr.l an nb POPULAR MECHANICS M C AZINF. a N. M kWf.l vOI,, Ul IMtoU WEiL'S ) Drawing Near to the end. Buy now and get your share of bargains in Coats, Suits, Shoes, Clothing, Drygoods, Hosiery and Underwear. 506 I J c CORSETS RE-DUCED 1.25 for 1.19 1.50 1.29 2.00 1.79 2.50 2.19 3.00 . 2.69 3.50 2.19 3.75 3.39 4.00 3.59 Child's Heavy Men's 25 and 35c Sweaters Heavy UndfT- Red, Grey, Blue Under- uriiLr or Green wear ail sizes wear 1Qr 49cto6.95 AO LfJk, For Ladies', Vt Pick 'em MenandChil. . n . all sizes all Sizes dren Ladies' Juliets, Plain er Cap Toe, 3 to 8 $1.19 Children's Solid Leather School shoes, 5 to 2 $1.39 ackard Shoes for Men, v5 - 5.50, lace or button $4.69 (jOSSdM W CORSETS Tiylcco In Front i' ' i arcJMBi Wir Sprechen Deutsch j Ladies Munsing - wMUMl SllOS Wear Pacific States l'lre lnauraucrCouiprn)r of I'ortlaml, Oregon. The only bl Oregon OKI Line Company. l.o-K Trouiptly Talil John Yandcrwal Itlllaboro, A;rnt Oievon SUMMONS. Notice ot Final Settle renl Notice is hereby given that th untleiaiKieI. the July aptmintetl, quali- heel and nct;n Adiuiniatrat w of th. Kit ite ol Wl. lain M. Step na, IVie.mil I b 1 1 in .li County Coutt of lie Stale ot Oregoit lor W..s.hini tiin County her C'inal Acc util in the m tier tf aaul KiiHle i-otl that aaiil Cou.t haa fix'ii MouiIhv. the toih day ol lctoher, Wi6. at the hour of 'en o'clock A. M. f aaui lay nthrlouit Knom in he County Cuuit House in llillahor.,, Vanhiti)(lon County, Oregon, aa I tie time and pine r heating ol jectiona o iil Final Ac count ai.il for the ti.ial settienieut of aaid Kitate. Dated thia 251b day tf September, A. D., 1,16. Ann K St: till na, A.lnii. 1st rnti i o( ihe Iistate of Mlliaiti M. Slt-idicra, lie- cra-ed. 1 hoa. li. Tongue. At'omty for Ail- miiii'itiat' x. NOTICE OF SIIEKIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby jiven, That by Virtue of a 1 execution imueil out of anil under the aral of Ine Cur ill I'ourt .if III' Su.tof Ori-non, fur Urn County of Wa-h Ington, uattHt tliawtu day or StinlM.r, In tavorol Aaron V IH'imay, plain tiff, and a'aliiHl I harlM II. Kiuwy and l.Tilla Kliirav. liia th. Vii'iur K. Kan dlea. lleori;o W.Hataait Co , Itai.kera, a ouriMra(iio , lor tha an 111 o; f'MI twt ami tliti lurllinr Hum ul '44 30wlih in Inrnt tlifrn. .11 from t lis ll.li iUv ol Juno. IUiG, at 1 In' rata of vfn fiT .-ant. iim aiinuiii. and ior the lurihi-r mini nl $ AO U. Attorney net, In ma uirecint and .IhIit rd, roiuiiiandlilK 111' to inaka a.,; ol the real property tiermnafwr tlnaiullied. 1 have lnvitil upon and piirHiiant 1 1 aaid eieoution. I will, mi Mi'inlay. the 30tti day ul Ocirl'i r. 1910, at the rUjiiMi'door ul tlia Court ri uiih lu llillaUiro, NSailiiiiK- ton I utility '.inxnn, at the h mr of ton o'clock a. 111 . of aaid lay. m il at public auction to the MKiiaat dinner lor raau In hand, all tlia fullnwiiiK il-n'ribeil rnul property, ) i nar. Iiaiiiv ami aituala In A'ashiiiL'tnii 1 uiiiilv, 'irir'.n. and more parllviilarly rloacrlbeil aa Killowa, (oh it; Tlieaontli I'iacrraof Lot nuiiilwrril 1 in Section Tnwi.slilp I Smitb of Hange I Wvat of WIllaiiiHlie .Meridian, niora particularly dranrluod ami boniulfd by a one heninniiifi at a point H chaina HutiMi the ynartrr Section cirner, lieiwreii iectiuna l.'i ai.d '1 and riinnlnir. tlmme South 12 chaina to a point, thxnra Kait 10 halna to a point, thonce North li halna to a point, tlirnro tVeat lt cbalna 0 the place of bf(iuiiln , to aatlaly t ( k rlnliefor nainixl h-iiiii and for the 'wtaandexpet.ara.il aila and aaid writ Said aala aill ba inada KiilJ.it to ft emptioii hh fift atau.t I Orejo .1 I )ate 1 at U llbor... urrun, ilni 2.li lay of hepl am her, 19IU. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. By GEO ALEXANDER, Deputy. OalHihv Yiiri Attorney for Plaintiff. Brave the wind mi,s AND STORM I 1I ll PCSl Wl weather togs ever iiwervted th. FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER (PATENTED) 00 jmrl PROTECTOR HAT ?5 Dealers everywhere, 0it flfl th vonr 'i', A.J. TOWER CO. - BOSTON li mi n v A SHINE IN EVERY DROP" Black Bilk Htove Polish fft diiierent. It doc nut dry out; en uihI to th I taut drop- uuid am UMta I on Duality: almolutalit- no 1 nt; no fJuatt or dirt. Voo I gut yuur mooay worth. Black Silk Stove Polish -l-. a. haMI. t'ha obtnHitf J Willi any Murk Bilk Huive I'l lmh tl" riot it not onlf moat emnAmWal, bot ft am, muty lutr t hut can ruh lilt ll inata fuur iima L.nir aa ordinary polish aw it Mavua you tuiwi. work uml muiMiy, Ion'l fnrsrt Win OU Wftnt itova iKjlIf h,bnr to iMkforUUrkftllk. If it ian't Hi iMMt itovn pijlifth you v uawij -your dMiiur wilira Uld your motwy. Black Si!k Slo Poliih Work. Sterling, Illinois IIm Rlaetc 8HK Air Orylnf Iron Vnnl on hthI, r (( itlTB,Bf)VaT-tlipB,ritlt"0 nobila lira rfma. 1'rtvaiita ruBtin(r. Try tt. Una Blark Silk Mrl r.il lh firlerwara,ni'kfll,tin wara wr brMoa. it woiaa qiilcbly. niiijf and hnvm ft brllliatit an r rare. It hai no tital (ur oaa oo aatomouilaa. jaaiif 4iia In tha Clirult Ouurt of tha State of Orag-on for Waalilng-ton 'mint jr. Shaw-Kear Coiiipany, a Oorporatlnn. riaitilllt va K K Newall. Itnleiiilant, To T F Newell, the alaiva nanm l ilnf.'llil. ant In the name of the Slate of Oregon Volt are herolir raoulrwl to aponar am1 answer tha complaint llltul ajtamal you In the above antille.1 ouurt an I caiin on 01 bifora tha 'ilat day ol tlctulmr. III il, ati.l data Heine alter tt.r expiration or an weraa 'nin mii.u oi tun nrai iiiiniii j - tlon of Ibla aiiiniiriua, ami ll ymi fail ao to appnar ami anawar aal.l i-onitiUiiil, fi want Iheraof, the plaliilitl will apple lo tha t'ourt lor tlia miinf praved fur in Ita otutiplatut, loall: That tha plamtilf la itanrvwl anil tiexiarwi to ua tlia tin nnr In fee annple ol Ihe following deanrlhed inul tirorriy, aituate in n aalmiKtoii I'miul llreitoii, town Lots iiiinilirred i, taj, l. If.' ami lot ol Heavarloti IdaMlvllln Acrtiaita. aapitrdniy riKorilnl plat thereof imw on nia in ma omuo 01 tna itnoonier or t on trayancea of aaid eouiily and atatn, atid lota lo contain 21. 44 aurea, mora or laaa. that you 1 re'iirrl to py iiut.i th piamtilf or unto the elrrk of in atmv autitlol l'iurt lor iia Ixnieilt within tuna to ba llieil hr aalit t'ourt Hi auiounte now due upuii that certain cum tract entered Into hetaeeii you and the plaintiff on April ltilo, wherein and w tinreliy you agreed to purcliaao a ul I he plaliitlll aitrrnd to ronvay tin in y.m tli anoTa uea'riiMi real propariy at ami l Ilia price of ie1. payable .u Inatalluiant aa in aaid o mlraot provlilwl. Th ainniiuta now due lielnx all Inatalltiinni of principal Iheieon lirrnuiK due ml in- tua l.illi nay of laniiary. III.. 1 aiiiountltiK to .".i0, toanthor with lnlnre.1 uii in the unpaid purtion of tha contra price of aaid real protieriy, tuwlt, Ti.H, from the 2nd day ol IMobnr, I'llJ, at thr rateof 7 jer emit par annum, and ll further mm of lit paid by tha plaiutiil mr taiea upon nam lanu. loa-eiimr wit I meruit tlmranii from the r.'th day ol December, lli, and Ihe lurllinr aunt of 114 UU nam by the plaintiff for tanw uuoi aaid land, logather with Intareat thnritu from l be 21at itay of May. IU1S and tha lu ther aum of $14 U7 paid by the plaliilitl for laitta upon aaiil laud, together wit IntnrtMt t'txreon Irnin tha V.inl day t Mnptamb r, 1)113, and the (urthor aiitn i:H m paid by tha plaintilt tor taxea unn aaid laud, togather with tutnrnat thereon (nun the 7lh ilar of June, lul.'., and the limber u in of f .11 paid by the plain lid lor taxes upun and land, tnirrtlier with interaat fhereou from the 7th ilnv of June, WIS, allot aild auma Iwitr.iur hilar t at the rate ol 7 per cant per annum and that In the e. ant of yuur failure or uefflettl to hiaka all of aaid payuunta wlihln a time ao to tie llxeil ny aaid t'ourt inaiaiiuai Macrae o niatla ami entare In aaid cauaa forever preclmltua' and font climlng you and all peraoita claimluif liy turutiKii or uiuier yuu.nl all ol your nvh title lulereator p aaeaalon In and to aanl real proiwrty anil every part and parcel thereof: that the plaintiff on ducread ami declarail to ba the owner In f e aimpla ami fliitllleil Ut IHiaaeaalou nl ihe alHiva do acrlhed real property and the wlmia t!ier.i it tree and clear of all ulat m ami ilemaiiil if every name and nature upon your par tnu upon tue part oi any Hint all peraoi claltiiliix by, thronsh or under you, ami hat aiich other and further relief li ratited unto the plaintiff aa t i tha Court may arem equitable and proper in th premlHre. lhii summona Is served upon you by publication thereof in the Hills boro Areus pursuant to order of Hon. Goorije K. liaelcy, Juilo of the above enti led Court, mudo, render id and datai! on the 2nd day ot Hnpten bar. Itflri and whtcli aaid or er pri irlbed that thu auniiiioria lm oiib Untied In aaid newauapnr foralx aumwatve and noiiancutive wneka liealnliiK with tli me thereof of the Tib day of Hup enitier. Dili) ami etuliiiR wild ti,e Kau b reufof UcUibnr I'lth, IUID, anil thatyo : raqtiired to appnar ami anav.er aaid .loniplaliiton or before the 2lat day i ijctober, lUHi HA UK A McALKAIt, Attorneyi for 1'laliillff. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE aSaMKW THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $28,000 An oUl, safe mul conservative batik, Kicatcd iti the Hillshoro CtMiunercial block, S. W. corner Main ami Sccoml streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. Notice la hereby Klven that by virtue f an exenutliiii. order anil donna ai irdf of aula Inaued out of thn Clrcul Court of the Htnie of Uii'K'iii for VV'uHh Inif on I'onnty. and under the aeal tharn .if. on the With (lay or Mepterniier. nun I favor of M A Horn I. plaintiff, and a'aluat M M Dean, Katie 0 Dran , William Woiri art. Jean Wtinnart and ten rev Broth er, a corporation, iieimiiianiN, for the oim of $19 dial, and the further mini oifUB4.2M with Intereat thereon at the rateof N per cent per annum Irion the Willi lay of Wept., 1UH1, and the further muni ol $H0 atlorney'i feoa, to tun directed ami delivered, and coiuiiiandiiiK-. e to tnak-t ile of the real proporty hereliialter leacrlbeil . I have lnvied upon and purau ant to aaid execution, I will on Monday, November 6'h, HUH, at the hour of U .'(look a in of aaid day, at I lie South door l the court bouaoof WaahliiKtou ('outity in Hillahoro, Oregon , prooeed to aell al public auction lo the lilglioHt bidder for nanli In baud all of the billowing parcel if real property, aituate in WaHhlnxtori I unity, Oregon, dnwcnlied aa followa, to ltr All of L it O te In Block Four and tha South half of l,nl Seven In lllock Tw i ( 4ald Houlli half ineamirlnK Ninety Hevnti a'ld Hovenly Two Hiinilredthi Il7,7i feet by Two Hundred Thou and one air-.3.iu foot In Section Kivn, 'I'l N, tanrea W of the Willamette Mnrnlian, WaahiiiKtoil County , OroKou aa dexcrlbe I n a plat ol Oonnell, leonlo I in alorenitlil iouiity and atale, UmHUnr with tene -nerita, lieredllainnnta and aj p irleiiHius -' thereunto beloiuilnir or in anvwia ppertalnlnK, to aatiafy tli i li remlfore lainea auiii" ami mr the coxta ami eipun n a ol aale anil sulil w-H Said aale will be m ule ai:bi'it to rn Inmption as per ataiute of Hie Hi aw of Irnifon. llaM thlaS'lth lav of Hnptrmher 1UMI J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Bf Qeorire Alexaiidar. Itenuty Geo O Frost tit, Atto.uey fur flaintlH. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timlxir iu Washington couuty. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING .w RUSTIC always ou hand. Kstiuiates on Huiltlinjs, I'looiitiR, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finishe.l hiinU'r for house material. We tldiver. All lcncths silt lumber, the best iu the market, const nlly on Phone: North Plains Central, 3 PETER HOFFMAN, Baccna, iiul. F. 1 1 KOEBER'S The Leading Confectionery of the City We handle Hazelwood, the best Ice, Cream made Don't forget our Home Made Candies Our Candy Kitchen scored higher than any in the county, so you wiK not make a mistake by buying your confections here. You are welcome to leave your parccla here at all times. Koeber's Confectionery Agent for city Laundry rrz-a. , a -y .... -5 -L'-rr. Every Home can have a Musical Instrument If I0T a aaahaaBatV t wonderful Valuet in Mono, rlatitr Piano iiir a a Vo are known to carry only what la Bood, what will endure and what ialully worth the price eakrd, Our oaay payment terma place the beat rnuakal inalrumenta within every one' a reach. Fill out the coupon or write for cataloguea. ruv v i. . TW' WUC Vat rt- r-l reLJ fajianVJ Tafciai MackkMl j iJiiciiiiaii.miiiiycXiLia 1 M K)RTXAMD, & OKEGON a Nv " " "gffig"! A)1.-. ' Sex 2 J Hi m ,fm--ri t'Ati ;(KlrM Sfl'TlfNHIl'l THE "GREATER OREGON" With new balldlnaa, belter equlpmeat, and many aililllloni lo Ita farallr, tha tlnlvenltr ol Ornfon will bealn IU fortt-flrat rear, Tuea. dar. Heptembar l, lie. Nneelal tralnlna In Cnmmerra, JonmnlUm, Arihlleetura, Iw,Mellrlne,Tmrhlna, Libra rr Work, Muale, I'hr.liBl Tmlnlnc and Plna Aria. I.ar and etronc dnimrtmanta of Liter al K.d iicatton, Llbrnrr of mora than At.eoe volnmaa, flf. teen bullillnaa folly equipped, two aplendld (fmnnntiima. Tuition Kroa. nnrmltortea for man and for Women, tlapenaea Iweat. V.'rIU for froe tttjloca,allreaalnc Raglatrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ftllAICNK, ORKOON i' mmim IMS hiw cdugaTionai I (Tnu aoop oupqe !,eE.a a nvan no to tut nekt stowiJ If you HAVEN'T VV-B TUT OU CAfCT MAVt fy ruaar IM60RR I M0UT0F IT, HERE'S THE KIN you usrD to use 71 (77 IDl)OOI J.K!! IP TO YOU, MR DIALtRl DON'T run out or tmi KIND YOUR CuSTOMfRS I WANT AND YOU WONT I RUN OUT OF CUSTOMERS. r v I 1 " HERE and there you run across a store keeper who's got ti e idea that all the common sense in town is on his side of the counter. lie don't keep W-Lt CUT Chewing nor any of the new and better things. Some how he can't increase his trade. Nearby is a man who believes in the people. He keeps all the good things he's a success. lie finds men changing over to W-B CUT right along. Common sense told him they would change to the rich little chew that lasts and satisfies. MaAe ly WETMAN BRUTON COMPANY, M Ualaa Sqaare, Near Tark Gtf