The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 12, 1916, Image 1

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    .iLyegw , , .mM i) vffs1'
i 1 IPs!
NO. 30
way -W'
from Running Train
I nut I'urlliiiiil
riml Striuun Aa'ilnil Since he Sim led
Rillronilini 10 Yearn Back
John II. Dobbins, a popular
Southern Pucific Railway con
ductor, full from his passenger
train in Kant Portland, last
Thursday evening, ami that he
was not instantly killed was a
miracle. Hi train, the Silver-
ton local DUHHeniier. lad a meet
Wesley I. Watson, who was
Ihu husband of Charlotte Taylor,
daughter of Wa'ter E. Taylor, of
Hillsboro. died at Springfield.
Ore.. Sept. 28. 191G. They were
married at South Bend, Wash.,
in 1905. The widow and two
hoiih, (ierald, aged 9, and Wal
luce, aged a year and eight
months, survive. He had a
homestead at Oceanview, near
Waldport. and prior to nettling
there was a contractor. Watson
was a veteran of the Spanish
American War.
We buy hogs, beef cattle,
sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High
est prices paid lor all good stuff.
Write or phone. Rogers & Car
ter, Beaverton. K. 4. Box 20.
Phone, Beaverton 53 Line3. tf
F. C, Orth. ot Forest Grove,
was in town Monday, on his way
out to the country. He Btates
that the Carnation people are
$1.75 for milk -the
, - - now )iiyi!iK v " v"v
order with un incoming train, I i,iuhi't Ortnltur nrice for many
and John went down the steps! seasons. This is in excess of last
of the vestibule to see if the ap- Fall's price at least by cents.
proaching train wus showing its
headlights. His heel tripped on
one of the Bleps and he was tli.i irmiltul 11.4 UL'UU
tinconseious for about two hours, 1 1 urK
hut soon came out of his delirium I The
Kr Kli-Llurht farm wagon.
1J Siudebaker. nearly new. 2
horse. -John Horstmann, Hills
horo. Oregon, near the City
20 8
Carnation Co. has con-
and was allowed to leave the ; traded for 1.01)0 yards or crush
Clood Samaritan Hospital. Port-; ed rock, which will form a base
land, Sunday morning, to return! for the concrete floors in their
to his home in Oregon City. He, new unit, now under construe
was badly bruised about the facejtion in this city,
fid aeveral of his teeth were ARain n ,he marktt, bigger
loosened. v . r Ja"d toiler than before, oyster
John has been railroading for c kuj y at lhe 1)en of
16 years and this is his hrst sen i Svm,t8 jjg.g
ous accident. He was raised j
here and is known to nil of the! A. C. Shute and Wm. Nelson
Hillsboro oldtimers. The news! went down to the Columbia,
first reached Hillsboro that he j Sunday, on a duck shoot. They
would not live, and it caused returned with a fine lot of birds,
jrenerul regret among his many the shooting being very good lor
friends. Subsequent news of this early in the season,
favorable nature dispelled the Mawret McKinney. of
Mr. Dobbins married
Kervnice 'Latham, daughter
1 I Mrs. Margaret McKinney. of
., I Seaside, was the guest of her
. "ison. F. U. Mitchell, the last of
i the week.
II. ...,.l M 1 1 T
BUI. mm. . . " i I , - ,
well known here, now residing! Miles Purdin and wife, of I ort
at fiervais. and a sister of AT land, were Hillsboro visitors Sat
Latham, of this city.
Dobbins will be on
A tew days.
his run in
. rum.ic auction
Having rented his farm th un
dersigned will sell at public sale,
at his place, 2 miles northwest
of Gaston, on the Patton VaUey
road, at 10 a. m., on
Two horses. 6 and 11. about 1300
each;3 inch wagon; .Jj-inch wide
tire wagon. 2 seat hack, binder,
2 mowers, rake, disc drill, spring-
Henry David, of Forest Grove,
greeted friends here at the fair.
Wanted -A girl for general
housework. , Phone Main 873.
llltilJC SAI.IJ
I will Hell at tiublic sale at the
York farm, 1 mile south of Reed
ville and 4 miles west of Beaver-
' ton, at ten a. m., on
i Driving horse. 1000: bav horse.
...... u i,,.-....., .. in, o tn, i iwM-an J vrs. 1280: irra horse. 7 vears.
eveners, corrugated roller. Chat-! 1350; cow. 7 years; black cow. In
hamfanmill, set breeching har-1 milk; cow, 4 years, fresh; cow
i .III t .. L. At.A4 lint A V n II I A I AV A
nesa, set plow Harness, z nay-1 irei ummi uic ui , i
forks with ropes and pulleys, 'yrs, fresh about sale date; cow, 4
yrs. iresn soon; cow, o yrs, iresn
havraek. woodraek. 12-inch John
Deere plow. 11 inch Deere plow,
wheelbarrow, log chain, 3 milk
cans, spray pump, grass seeder,
grindstone. 5 dozen chickens,
kitchen cabinet, wardrobe, din
Ing table, metal couch, wash
machine, and other articles too
numerous to detail.
Lunch served at noon.
Terms of Sale Under $10.
cash; over. G months time, ap
proved note. 8 per cent
lien Dethlefs, Owner.
J. V. Hughes. Auctioneer,
Glen Stapleton, Clerk.
Wants l-egal Demurrnjitf
at Higher Kate
Mure Saw and Shingle Mill Slnrl in
lhe Valley
Salem -Southern Pacific Co. in
statement on car shortage says
is due to small demurrage charges
collected in this state. It says:
'"Car efficiency can be obtained
only by fixing the demurrage
rate at a figure that will make it
incentive and a benefit to the
genera! shipping public to re
lease cars with the greatest pos
sible dispatch, and as the 53 rate
obtaining in California has
brought about this to an extent
not equaled in any other territory
we have to recommend its adopt
ion in Oregon, where because of
the low rates and the 'average
agreement', five times as many
cars are held in excess of the
free times as in California.
Eugene State highway plan
ned from Florence to Klamath
North Bend men start new
Bhingle mill on Larson inlet. ,
The third sawmill for Bend
has begun operations.
North Plains to get electric
Salem is getting the one man
street cars, made necessary by
jitney competition.
Portland Plans under way
for another large steel ship yard
Canby buys local water system.
Kiddle will ship between 40
and 50 carloads of prunes.
Marshfield is working for can
nery to handle local products.
Myrtle Creek prune crop will
approximate 2.000,000 pounds.
Stanfield New crpamt ry to be
started here.
Grants Pass- Bids to be con
sidered for Josephine county's
new courtTSbusK '
Money to loan - on farm set u
ty. 1 represent three large fire
insurance companies. Give me
call. F. I. Kuntli.
Dry four-foot fir w ind for sale.
-C. It. Hudgdun, Hillsboro. Tel.
City 753. 30 2
Fred H imel, of West Union,
was a city c.iller M nicny imrn-ing.
soon; grade llolstein. 3 yrs, in
milk; cow. 5 yrs, fresh in Dec;
grade llolstein bull. 2 yrs old; 3J
inch wide tire wagon; 3J inch
narrow tire wagon, light spring
wagon, buggy, woodracki nearly
new wagon bed, set dbl harness,
single buggy harness, 2 14-inch
plows, 12-in plow, hairow, disc.
5 ft graiji drill, 41 ft McCormick
I mower, a ft McCormick rake,
j cultivator. 2 rifles, shotgun, fruit
jars, set pulltys and rope, bar
j rels, 2 10-gal milk cans, Home
j Comfort range, chairs, bed-
sorings. couch, heater, lot of
household and kitchen turniture,
farm tools of all kinds, axes,
sledires. and numerous other
Lunch at noon.
Terms $10 and under, cash;
over $10. 6 months' time, banka
ble note, at 8 per cent. Two per
cent, oil cash over $10.
A. Kaufmin, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Richard Huson. the 15 year
old son of H. S. Huson and wife,
of south of Cornelius, was acci
dentally shot in the right foot
while out hunting with Fred
Hohman, Sunday. The boys were
sitting: down resting when the
dog started over to Richard, up
setting the gun. The discharge
tore through the instep shatter
ing the member so b&dly that
amputation was necessary frcm
the apex of the arch. He was
brought to the Hillsboro General
Hospital and Dr. Crowther. of
Cornelius, assisted by Dr. J. O.
Robb, performed the operation.
lhe boy s father was at one time
Chief Engineer on the Western
)ivision of the Northern Pacific
when the Stampede tunnel w as
built His mother, who came in
with the lad to the hospital, is a
daughter of the late Judge
Whalley, in his day one of Ore
gon s noted lawyers, lhe pa
tient is doing nicely and will be
able to leave the hospital for
home in a fortnight.
Ground bone, grit, shell, egg
fond at Greers.
Plenty of hot drinks and
things to warm you up thes
co'jl mornings and evenings at
th' Den of S.vtets. 28 'J
Bruce Purdy,. of Forest Grove,
was in the city the last of the
week. II'! states that one of his
sons is on the border with the
National Guard,
lor Kent Two housekeeping
room i. suitable for 3 or 4 girls
goin(T to school. Could have use
of piano. Wood furnished. Cheap
rent Impure of hngland
Collier. 28 9
Judge 1). B. Reasoner started
to distill- Iris six acre3 of mint the
past week, and finished Tuesday
night. The extract is all there
and is strong enough to suit the
most exacting taste. The crop
this year was more than good,
considering it was the first set
ting, and next year it will be so
thick that the ground will be
entirely covered. The extract
finos ready sale and is a money
maker. This is the first pepper
mint extracted and distilled near
M, C. Steeples and wife, of
Hoouiam, Wash., arrived last
week for their annual visit to
Hillsboro and other Washington
County paints. Mr. and Mr?.
Steeples were well known here
in olden dajs, St?eples having
been born down on Rock Creek,
below Newton. He says that
fifty years ago Washington Coun
ty had a county fair, every year,
that was more than equal of the
stat' fair, and when he comes
back next year he expects to see
the Fair hte one of the bf st in
the valley. They departed the
middle of the week for home,
Herd of Guernsey j
I'.iir Success at the
Meet With
Recent Fair
firand Champion Cow Said to be Best
Ever Exhibited on the Coast
To Whom, It May Concern:
Whereas, Ate Chinese (torqua
tus) pheasants of and in the
State of Oregon are being threat
ened with extinction from ex
cessive shootirg
v liereas, the Mate lioard oi otn,.!, hrpprfpr
Fish and Gam? Commissioners of j County, and to
un'gon is ueyious oi proieciiiiK
Washington county has again
come to the front as the home of
prize winning cattle. W. A
Goodin, of Cornelius, who during
the past two years has been
building up a herd of registered
Guernsey cattle, swept the stakes
at the recent State Fair over all
competitors. Mr. Goodin exhib
ited eleven head of registered
Guernsey selected from his
herd, and ten of the number ex
hibited were returned prize win
ners. Large prizes were held up
by the American Guernsey Cat
tle Club, and over one-fourth of
the amount offered was brought
back to Washington County by
Mr. Goodin. In the advanced
cow class Mr. Goodin made two
entiles, one of which was award
ed first wag also pronounced
3rand Champion, and the other
entry was awarded second place.
Mr. Goodin's eniries likewise
were returned winners in the
3 year-old, 2-year-old, Junior
heifer and Senior and Junior bull
Mr. Goodin has been request
ed by Eastern breeders, who at
tended the Fair, to place a price
upon his prize winners. He has
done so with reluctance for the
reasor. that he is now developing
his herd and desires to retain the
best of his stock for his own
uses. He was. however, induced
to dispose of a two weeks old
heifer calf, which was purchased
by Judge Mason," of Tillamook
1 i mSS3
WITHOUT the consequent risK is
through the universally approved
chech-booh, which ha? become- an
earmarh of affluence, conservatism
and substance. The men of marK
in your community dj business
with their ch ch-booA. Are you
one of them?
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National Bank
Main and Ihlrd Sts., Hlllnboro, Ore
ana otherwise. tnr 9nn
It is gratifying to the fancy
Money to Loan
On Improved Farms
Per Cent. Paid on
Savings Deposits
.The Shute Savings Bank-
the Chines (torquatus) pheas
an ot ah f in th'e State of Oi
Now. theriore, notice is here
by given by aid State Hoard of
Fish and Game Commissioners of
Oregon, that the open season for
the shooting of Chinese (torqua
tus) pheasants is hereby closed
to shooting of any kind in the
said State of Oregon on ?d af
ter, 'October' 15, A. D.,
And it is and shall be unlaw
ful to hunt or shoot Chinese
(torquatus) pheasants anywhere
in the said State of Oregon on
and after said date.
Anyone found violating the
provisions of this order will be
prosecuted as by statute pro
Dated at Portland, Oregon,
this ;0th day of September, A.
D.. l'JiG.
State Board of Fish and Game
By James Withycombe,
By C. F. Store.
By I. N. FJeischner,
By Marion Jack,
By F. M. Warren.
of Washington
all others who
are interested in the betterment
of our stock, to learn of Mr.
ioodin'tf success, and of the ex
cel'.encyvuf his herli irr competi
tion with the best which the
Northwest has to offer. The
row awarded the Grand Cham
pionship was pronounced by ex
perienced breeders in attendance
at the fair to be the hat Guern
sey cow tyer exhibited upon the
Pacific Coast The Guernseys
are fast coming to take their
place among one of the most de
sirable dairy breeds, and Wash
ington County is keeping abreast
of the times.
S. P. & P. E. & E.
To Portland 55 minutes.
6:32 a m
7:18 a m
8:28 am
11:58 a, m
12:43 p m
3:58 p m
5:18 p.n
7:53 pm
9:58 pm
From Portland 55 minutes.
All, except the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
rot on Main Street.
6:31 .
a m
.a m
-a m
p m
.p m
p m
p m
. p m
. a.m
For Less Than Wholesale Cost
We have an immense stock of all kinds of
lumber. This stock we are going to move
this Summer, and to do so we offer you a
big saving. This lumber was bought for
less than cost of manufacture aud euaWes
us to sell this now CHEAP.
No matter where you live in Washington
County, we can beat any and all com
petition offered. Write us or call us u
and we will show vou what a LOW PRTr
tyLL SAVE. We deliver
..KcmeniDer tnat tins
Taterial' list NOW ti.
We can give terms.
Badger Lumbt.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Matei la
Coffee Club Meeting
The CofTee Club ladies will meet
at the home of Mrs. E. H. Smith
Saturdav afternoon. Oct. 14, at
2:30. .The Study Club commit
tee will report at this meeting,
and all members are earnestly
requested to attend.
Wm. Schulmerich states that
the 1916 state fair was one. of
the best ever held at the capital.
The stock entries were of the
very best, and the attendance
was good at all times, and Wm.
says that Oregon should be
proud of its showing this year.
Forest Grove Train (5:50 a.
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p.
McMinnville Train 2:16
Forest Grove Train 4:05
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Forest Grove Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets,. Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot ot Second Street
P. R. &. N. Train 5:05 p.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m,
To Timber 4:20
From 1 miner 'j..jtt a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m
8:15 a
3:14 p. m
4 .AO
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale U miles south of Aloha,
on the S. P., and 2 miles south
east of Reedville, on the Hena-
tran place, now owned by E. A.
McLeod, at 10 a. m., on
Registered cow. Falmina's Brown
Lady, No. 281578. sire. Bodicia's
Engineer 75151, dam Golden Fal-
mina 213676. dropped Oct 20,
1911. registered Dec. 17. 1912,
solid color, black tongue and
switch, 5 yrs, bred in April; full
blood bull, 1 yr, both eligible to
registry; black Jersey cow. 8 yrs,
15 gals when fresh; black Jersey,
11 yrs, 4 gals when fresh, bred
in Anril: black Jersey. 5 years. 4
gals, bred May 6; grade cow, 8
yrs, 45 gals, bred Sept. 9; 7-8
Jersey, 6 yrs. 4 gals, bred June;
fullblood Jersey. 2 years, fresh
soon; 7-8 Jersey, 2 years, fresh
early spring; black heifer, Jer
sey, a yrs, rresnen soon; z year
ling red heifers, 2 red and white
Guernsey and Jersey heifers, 18
mo , both bred; light red Jersey
Guernsey, 18 mo., bred; all tu
bercuiin tested; dark bay mare,
7 yrs, single or double, good life;
dbl work harness, heavy top
hack, walls sided up. well ironed;
31 inch farm wagon, 10 inch
chill plow, 12 inch chill plow, 2
sec light steel harrow, Baldwin
Am. fodder cutter No. 9, geared
to cut half, one and two inches,
2 ten gallon milk cans, hotel or
camp range, 7 ft long, 2 1-2 ft
wide, firebox center, oven on
each side 2x21 ft. first cost $125.
left here in store; if interested
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Salt $10 and under,
cash; over $10, 6 months' time,
approved note, at 8 per cent,
Two per cent, oft on cash over
E. A. McLeod, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Wm. Boucsein, of above Moun
taindale, was a city visitor Sat
Hillsboro Auto Lwery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
PlKne, City 17S
2nd & Washington Sts
Patronize Home Industry By
Having Your Glasses
Fitted At Hoffman's.
Jewelry and Optom
erist. Hillsboro, Ore.