. s tr i in ,rr 1 ri '"i., t . -b ti n I ' .1. r ..,i i VATi.ie ai rivii BeavertorjeedYille Acreage The finest submbm tract out of Poniard; 30 minutes ride on the liigRed Steel Electric cars. Moini tain water piped through the tract. Schools, cluu hes and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre 011 tenrr. Notice th, Pubti Notice i harvby im?n that the stata law tia to snood of automo- jbiioaon publitj highways, which makpa tlie niHximum Rt 25 miles I per hour, will be rigidly enforced ;on all roads in Washington coun !ty. Any violations ot this stat ,ute will be prosecuted without 'fear or favor. The County Court hereby fixes the speed on all 'curves and all bridges at 15 miles per hour, and violations will be prosecuted, i I). B. Ueasoner, Judge, Rodell Matteson, Com'r. i Hillsboro, Or., Sept. 14, 1016. NOTICE OP FltfAb trrrLFMENT. Nolle l hetfbv kiv n. llial I itic umit-rsigne I ailmmisl'utii ol III) rstatr ol George S Csut(ilwtl, ilecraarr., hnvr I'M in the Ohi tty Court of the SIM . I Oregon for Wal mmon County uiy tiua! KCCottnt as Rihutius'ml it ol said rutittr, an. thnt Mil Court li i Vt MomUv, (Viohrrj 1916 at 1 lie liour of M o'cl x-k A. M. of mill iUy the titm ami (hi County Comt room lit 1HII-1km Oregon aa the plac lot hmnii phj-vt t'ous to snUI arcount atul the hnal set t'.cuirut of n hi estate. 1 Auie.ia Caniplicll, Adiiiinl-lraliix ci the rstatr of Gco:i;c S Campbell, dec J eased. j W. N. Burett, Attorney for Adtniuit 1 tratttx. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon ' I. C. Nealigh, of Scholls, trans acted business in town the last of the week. ! A. V. Denny, fruit inspector jfor the county, was up from Whitford Saturday afternoon. ! L C. Rogers and wife, of Notice to Creditors IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OliKGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY In the Mutter of the Estate ot" A.W.IMke. deceawd. Notice la herooy given thnt the uiulm slirnet has Iwu ki)hihx tiv thr county ......rt nr I m Ktni. ..r ti ScholiS, Were in tOWn the last Of i Washington toimlY. dxecntrti of the tho amir iasi in ami irataitiaiil atut ntlbe ett n V Ho shirt and Fii Rav co. " ,vl,, cuiuii hiimw mm iiata are . , .. . ' hore-oy tiotlnoil to C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains 'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gtin. Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephones! HiHsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, Cit 1515. North Plains, Main 263. of West Union, were in the ciiy na bird a scarcity out their way. ! W. L Moore, of Banks, was .down to Hillsboro. Friday. M Moore is having a public salt.' advertised. Henry Johnson ard Will Dare-, ty, of North Plains, were in the. Henry met witlt ; irentmt the SMiue verified as n.i'itrt! by luw to the aalil executrix at lte.tvert.in. Oregon, on or oolt MtheeipiriMioii of hit iiiwim Iroin a :l Mt.r tiii'Outeef the tirxi wililleaiWu o1 :hn noiu e. I) .ihl an.) firt ul !lhe.. IliU 2h day of S (iteuiVr, IWKI M-noia A. IMk. Kx rutriiol the I.Ht Will anl Tenta int.nl a'lU ol the Ksiate of A W. I'lke, iiwt-aM'U TANKH A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired . Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles SO Tankil Tablett 60c 100 Tablet. $1. 600 Tablet $5.00 For Sal By H. HUDDLESTON, J. H. FOOTE and Hartrampf a Carage Hillttboro, Oregon Pacific States Fire Inwranre Conipeny of I'ortlan.l, Oregon. The only bl(j OreRon Old I.ineCottipauy. Piomptly l aid John Yanderwal Aiut HiUahoro, Oreiion citv Saturday. Henry met witlt ; Notice of Final Settle reni an Old boyhood Chum Wm. lm-; Notice is hereby Riven that th brie and he spent a pleasar t uMlersiRrc i the duty i pomtrd, qunii hour chatting over the dancts fie i aud icui k Adi mstrr t ix of th hair visitorl tmrothor aim hack kmucui ...i.mi ,u. cicp tn, ie..r- in pioneer days. RobU T. Simpson, of was in town Saturday. Buxton, Bob has NOTH ifl or MUU At t Ot s r. Kat ite oi Wt Iri tit i in :h? Oouuty Couit of tl e ; Male ol t)reuoi for Vt;.hmiun Cotimv r.er f l.inl Acc unt In the III .tier if mud hstate m tltat auid Cou t hai Cx d Mondnv ttie rrriU ilav nl ll..r.l ....i some mighty line copper pros- m the h.wr of en o'clock a. m. r uthi pects from his mine near Ten- 'y uthetnart it mm in 'he Ciuiv doy. Idaho, and when he gets $ua' IU;"se in veShitiKtou about six miles of road so 1" he Can Ship tO a Smelter he Will cnl and for the 6 ;al acttiement i.f commence getting some nana-. Nolloe la linrntiy Riven.that wa.lhe under iK"u aiiniiiiiMiralor mikI RUiiiliuairatril rri diiveiv (.1 Ill enUtln (. fully MutLir. it,riia.l wnl. il.. um ..r ....i.i ... . ...... ..... ...i, .r. pmii deceased atinrxiHl, have I1UI In the Touuly Court ul the etiate o Or gori, lor vaahluKtou I'uiiiity. our Hnal ae oount In aai.l eauie. and that the ald tnurt ha at Mmidnv, (k lolier t lelii, at tha hour ol IlluVlork A M of eaid day aa the tune, and the t nuiiiy loiut room In llillanir.i, Orciriiit aa the 'lnr lor hearlntr oly.'etii.in to aald aocootit, and the III a Hitlr iii. nl i.t ald eatale . Dated tlua .S,iiuhnr 7, s.H Jamea K lluili-r and I. ttl II Butlor, iuniiiiatrat4ir ant ailiiilumtrarrli reMiimv lively ol the eatate ot I'ol y 0 lluiler. dev-eaaed, wi.h the will of aai.l daceaa-u aiiuextd. W N linn et t, Attorney f r Kalate some dividends. Xra- Every Home can have I a Musical Instrument . Wonderful Valuet in Piano. Plat)vr Pianos "Tar :j ihmi i-incrurwi, iiw. 2T BIER fee w-Md com? D.Udthii JS'h day tf S pltruber. A. ID. 1.16. I Ann K 3t pb n, Admii isltatilx of jtlie F.Uateof Wil.iain M. Sti-t)brD, De ceased. I ihof. li. Tongue, At'oimy for Ad- miiiMtiKtr x. SUMMONS. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. vj V are hnovn to carry only what 1 1 iaaood. what will endure and what aruiiy vortaUepnceaaked. Our eaay payment terma place the beat I vuaical inatniarventa vnlhin every- I ooe'a reach. Fill out the coupon or write for catalogue. , Ci i- ea" " Sherman .fJlay&Ca Be i.d li j ivbimw.4, umw.t . itK ' c - I M"- ipOPULAlMECEUilCS AAGAZINB I JOOAHTKUS-JOOia'JSIEATICIC, r"EEP infonncd cf the Wot!J's Pwrroi h Engiaeeriiur, Mechanics rnd Istycrtlico. F-j Pathr-r aiKi Son and AH the rami!7. It rocal otattt thnmibout u.o viorl l tur ptni'n lorivpt:iaduta are euntAntly vi tiiS niUh J lor Utiutf ew ud iiitoruttnd it i 'Written So You Can Understand I rbe Shaa NtM Dartwmt ( .t) l'rr-) cmur r'ru-ttwal ii;nuforhuopVorkai iemywaj. Utlt larciuB to tiling arnott'l t'..t l!'tn. tiutwr McuMiic (17 far I t tl -it TFv in irlwotikeliuaka?thfiMv(ilItlttiwliiB!t!fuV. In im avivi Tt tosrNpb 0:i(ili, i.itfci bouin. Mw hoe .Ipw' lrr. 1U d K- Coitnlni is Ui nsia.nw fur thi Much. ..io w n I por Uiui. lOar lra yMT Mttiulw W kWa (rw mm Mattirtw. f jmil ztiy s-r W rctamt. POPULAR nitCKAM.CS MACAZIXr Your Grocer IS RELIABLE i He wants to hold your trade a at 1 and tnes to sell you brands he knows vou will like. He is always ready to recommend EC Baking Powder -Ask him 1, tZK : " Ml V' r . v Notice is hereby given, That by virtue uf a execution iiiued out of and under lh ! of t He Oirn iii ourt of tlir Stue of Ore.in, for Iho County of ffa-h inarton, dated tlie'iihh day of Htii-teniU r, lt'lr In furor of Aaron V Owmey, plain tit, and afaiunt harl.ie M. Klnwy and Ltdla Kinney, hia wile, Vumir K, Kan- diea, Ueurite w. ItHlea A Cn , Hankora. a crporalUm, lor the aimi of fiiM rnt and tlie luriliar auni of i'4ao with lit tervsi tlu r u from tl li.h dav ol June, IllltS, at I he rale of amen vet .-ni. tier aiiDum, and lor the lurther mini of $ fin 00 Attorney frea, to me directed and deliv erfd. couiiiiandiiiK me to inaka aale of tl. real iruierly tipriunanrr dntfrthed. I liaie Nivlct uiin and uruni f kl nxeoutiiin. 1 will, on Uontlny. the 3tli day of Oeudier. i'JItt. at the Hou'.hMonr ul the Court llou.e iu Hilllx.ri), M'aalnnK lou t'ounty Orenun, at the h ur of ten o'clock a. in , of aald day, aell at pulilie. auction to the liigheal bidder for ra-h In har d, all the following d-rrnln-d real propertv, l)inif. heuiK and aiiuate In A'aabiiutton C'uunir, oreiroii. and more particularly dBai ribed aa follows, towlt: The aouth II' acres of Uit uumliered 1 in Sei'llnn 'tl Tnwrthln I Month nf Hnua I I e cm ol vt lllaumtle Meruttan, morn partloularlT drsurlbetl and bounded by a line beirinuiiiK at a point S nhains rJotitb oi tne yuarirr spcit.m earner, between doctiona 15 ai.d 22 and rutininK Ihxiire south i2 cb t'.n to a point, lli-.nre K t III cliaiiia m a point, tlience Murni 2 cliains to a p inl, theure W est IU rhali a to the place of in (ruining, to (alleln llo- . bcreinuefore naiuml auuia and for the '. coaia and upei , f nule and aaid wrll Mud Hnie will lie made eiildoct to redenipiton m p"r statute i f Oreiruii. iJa.el at llili'bnro, OieKoti, this irtt duy of .sep!cniber, 1918, J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Wfuthington Coanty, Oregon. By GEO ALEXANDER, Deputy. Oirl""liv Voonr. Attorney for Plaintiff. UceDMd Ors on 280. P.na. 101 Phone. Citr 972 GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate Price. Personal Services Ridenc. Funeral Parlor' Wahinstm at 8th HilUbero,Ore. ureat a nniversary Date Still Continues Greater Than Ever. Everything Reduced. Gome look over our stock. Fair Visitors Welcome. Check Your Parcels or Suit Cases FREE. i! WPP'S Dpnarflrnmf In the Circuit Tourt of the State of iiregon ror Waahlnsjtoa .nunty. 8haw fear Company, a Corporation. I'laintiff, va F t Newell, liefendant. To K K Newell, I lie above name I defend am In the name of tho State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and iiswrr iiiecouipiaini nied aualiiat ymi In inn uunvn eniiiir.i oiuri an l cauin nil or oeiore lliesin day ol (K'lDln.r, IHItl add date tielnit after the ejplratiou of six werka irmn the date of the brat iniliiL-- tion of tbia ilium ma, and II you fall so to appear and answer add itimpUlnt, for waul lliereor, the plaintill will apple to the Court for the relief prayed for In Iu complaint, towit: That the olalntuT i uecreeo aim ueoiarno in li Uih owner In lee simple ol me rullnwinir deaorliied reel Droiwrty, sltuaW in WasliliutUin Count. Ormion, tow it Uln tiuuiliere'I M), !U, III, 93 aim 104 of tu-averum Kedviue cri'e. aipirdulT renordwl plat thereof imw on Uleintheoitli-eot the Kooorder of I'ou Teyaucea ot said nounty and atale, ML) lour hi oooiaiii ii.il ai'roa, inurt or leaa una you I required to py unto the piaintilfor unto the clerk of the above mauled Court for ila ImnriH within a time to be Axed hr 'aid Court the amounts now due upun that certain eii tract entered Into between ynu mid the pmiiiuii uii nprn a, linn, wlii-relu and wbnnhy )ou aKieed to purcliaee and the piattitlll airreed to ohiiviit unto enu the abo?e described real property at and lor tne price ol .'i,rio, payable ,n installiunnia aa in aaid contrai't urovldial . The amounts now due tiehiK all liatallinetita or principal Ibereoti rxdimnir aue aiui-e me i.iin nay ot January. lit: 3 auuiuniineto tsiav.toKrilier aim intrret Uniu liieunpni.t portion of the Coutra'-t price ol said real property, tnwit, J.I7 H, fn.tii tlie'iiul day ol Oclolmr, IMil, at lb' rate of 7 per cent per a-iuuin, and tli.i lurtber sum ol til paid by the plnlntltl lor Ulea upon said la id, toeellier Willi Interest thereon froin tho l.'ih day ol (-.fiiilr, Dili aud Ibe lur'.her sum ol I 1 111 Paul by the nliillit.ll lor tanu iih.ii, said land, toK-ether with Interest thereon from ihe Zlslday ni May, 1913 and tint fur tner aimi oi .IAU7 paid by the plaintill ror a lea upon said laud, loKB.Imr wllli Interest tUereon from tho Wrd day ul Hepiniob r, ll!l. an I the further Hum of l.'iZilX paid by the plsintttl lor laien noon suld laud, tovether Willi lulereei thereon from the 7lh day of June, llll.'i, and the niriner sum oi .iu paid bjr the plain 110 lor Inxm upon said land, tovr-tber with inii roMt thereon from the Ttti day ol June, llllft, ailof sld siinia bearing Inter e.d at ths ra'fl of 7 per cent per annum; ai-d th H in the e. eut of your failure or ueKleol lo mukn all of aald payiut-nl wiiuiii iiiiiii ui ou nxen ny said l ourt that a final decree he mail e and entered in suld istuae forever precluditiu and fore cl'imn you and all pei'aona olnimliiK by, tnruuKii ur uuiier 7011,01 an 01 your rlrhl. line, interest or p sr-emiou In and to aaid real property and every part and pan) thereof; that tbn plaliuill be drtcreed and aeoiareu to p mo owner 111 fee simple and rouiwi 10 poseewuuii 01 the alxive (Is scrilwd real property and Hie whole there of free and clear oluli claim and ilmnaixU tl every name and nsture unm vuurimri and upon the part of any and all persons cleimiiiKby, through or under you, aim , inti mini oniiT ami nirmor relief In raiittd uuto me plauililf as t ) the Court mar em eoiiltable anil rirooer 111 ih. premlHee, This snmmonfl id BPI-vcd nnnn vni. by publication thereof in the Hills boro Arj-jg purHuant to order of Hon. Qoorxe K Ha,'ley, Jiidf?o of the above enti led Court, made, render- f. and il, l. 1111 the i id iUy of H. plpin T Kill al ul.f..l. t, - ... .. . .1... .,., n,,t, n rr I o, r p wrlbwl il at th'J utiiiininiia bn pub leheil Iu 'I'l'i i.easnap r I r .X miiiv .s.ve Hid 111 am mi ,e wwk lu.iy..iiif w;lli Mk si:8 lh.eo of ih- 7 1. ,'bt ul ri,, iuler III U a id ftrii'p.K w li ll.d U,.t hereof i.i' lUib-rl'nii I ill, aid l.liatvn r ti diiireii t biiP'-ih- 1 nhfv, r ("a, omplii'iit,. u or b. :ore the 2it ila o. i!t ber, i n, 1 ii i H H A '' LKA ft, AttnrnRVs for rkilutlff. Beat it iWh ' witK a XlW FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Keeps out 1I iKavye UTattrprooft, Absolut 9, ore Marked thus ' fisn aw AJTOWrtCO. BOITOIt iasam iiiifiBhftfejejUtiipsMI J 1 J a V V..t.L9 "VT-fltV MJl'iKg, THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $28,000 An old, safe ami conservative bunk, located iu the Hillsboro Commercial block, I-?. W. corner Maiuaud Seeoud streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington conuty. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKI) FLOORING And RUSTIC always on hand. Kstiuntes on IUiildiugs, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ings all kinds of finished lumber for house niatefi.il. We deliver. All leugths silo lumber, tlu? best in the market, constantly on baud. Phone: North Plains Central, 3 F, 1 1 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon 4 KOEBER'S The Leading Confectionery of the City We handle Hazelwood, the bul Ice Cream made Don't forget our Home Made Candies Our Candy Kitchen cored higher than any in the county, so you wil. not maho a miitake by buying your confections here. You are welcome to leave your parcels here at all times. Koeber's Confectionery Agent for city Laundry (THE ftOOD qUPOE LISTENS 10 MEN WHO KNOW IQWtTHISw) l CMWI!OaeARL IVIB.Y KINO Or TOBACCO AMO WAO Nsvra tobacco SArnanof UNTIL I4QT W-BCUV-THE "M. TOBACCO CHS i i ttuAurji I Utn or tmttattl Saccacut rmt. LSknow what iNttl !ASONS WITH SALT. IrAlRIKa ABOUT 10 ABNUht I full. I ' il , , J TOBACCO, CUT SEASONS ANOAiXVALL CMIW Wll.1. SATltF I I HERE is the common sense way a V-B CUT user u put it up to one of his friends: ' When it comes to tobacco satisfaction, that's jot to be m the tobacco in the beginning. Molasses and licorice won't put it there. W-B CUT is rich tobacco and chock lull of real tobacco satisfaction excess sweetening has do charm for you onoo yon know quality tobaoeo. And rsmembar tha other points -loss frituiiiif arxl apittinf, anU lialf-sizad ahaws." Us hi WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. SO Uslsi Sssra, Nsw JJk 0lf V AskForandCETX Get th Round Paclugt Utd for Vj Cantury. r Caution lSVArold Substituti I 1 " . "(jC5MALTE0Mllt AOm.tsu.ttiS.a -'S If I THE 0RIQK1AL MALTED r.llLCI Made from clean, rich milk with tha at tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infant and ehilJnn thriet en it. Agym milk tha utakst ttomack cf th inoalij or tk mg4, Nd no cooltinf not addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains mora than tea, cof aa, at. Should be kept at home or whan traveling. Aau tritious food-drink may ba prepared in a momant. A glassful hot before retiring Induces refreshing sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for businaee maav tubsUtutaa Coat YOU tams Pried . Take a Package llono ( i ARGUS & Daily OREGONIAN One Year For $6.00