The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 05, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 29
Scarcity of Old Rooster J It Noticed
by All Hunter This Year
Vtry Few SporUmcn Killed lh Limit
th First 0y ol Open Sciion
Guns cracked Sunday morning
with opening of the China pheas
ant season, and while a number'
tf'it the limit
there were more (
who came home with two or
.three birds. There is general
complaint that there are not so'
j n,i
7., ',. .... .'7 V , " 7'
KIMS IH ClUIUIl'tl HI uv uu w mv
fact that many perished last
Winter during the heavy snows.
Snow balls adhered to the tail
feathers of the old fellows, and
many died for want of food. j
The reason's hatch was very I Geo. Johnson, of near Moun
late this year, and some of tho ' taindala, was a city caller Sutur
youngsters are just large enough day.
to smell a pan up a little. 'SSllenry Kamna. of Blooming.
It is estimated mai uiiiy aw
hunted in the county aunaay.
besides those coming out of
Multnomah. The hunter who
brought i n the limit fixed by
law waa few and far between,
and from now on it will Uko
some hustling to get a legal kill.
The Oregon Nursery, which
controls several hundred acrts,
bs prohibited hunting on its
holdings, and their fields afford;
v nail ant invi frtF hirHs Thi
shuts out auitfi a bit of good
hunting in the Orenco-West
Union sectiion
Up in Yamhill the birds are
n ont fill than flown this
way. but it is said that Marion
and Linn, where there was not
to much snow, affords plenty of
pheasants for the hunter. ,
Having rented his farm the un
denirned will sell at public sale.
a& his place, 2 miles northwest
of 1 Gaston, on the Patton Valley
road, at 10 a. m.. on
Two hones, 6 and 11. about 1300
each; 8-inch wagon; 3i-inch wide
tire wagon. 2-seat hack, binder,
2 mowers, rake, disc drill, spring
tooth harrow with 2 and 3 horse
cvennrs, corrugated roller, Chat
ham fanmill, Bet breeching har
ness, set plow harness, 2 hay
forks with ropes and pulleys,
hayrack, woodrack, 12-inch John
Deere plow. 14-inch Deere plow,
wheelbarrow, log chain, 3 milk
cans, spray pump, grass seeder,
grindstone. 5 dozen chickens,
kitchen cabinet, wardrobe, din
ing table, metal couch, wash
machine, and other articles too
numerous to detail.
Lunch served at noon.
Terms of Sale Under $10.
cash; over, 6 months time, ap
proved note, 8 per cent.
Ben Dethlefs, Owner.
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer.
Glen Stapleton, Clerk,
Notice is hereby given that shoot
ing or hunting will not be allow
ed on the property of the under-
agned. We have fully deter
jned to allow no shooting on
our property so this notice is
fair warning to the public as well
as our employes. Kindly com
ply with our vidiej ind avoid
any unpltnsarlnts.
26 9 Ort g m Nmsi ry Co.
oney to
On Improved Farms
Per Cent. Paid on
Savings Deposits
The Shute Sayings Bank
Oney Gossman has sued ltobt.
C. Gossman for divorce. Mrs.
Cossman alloues they were mar
ried in St Helena in 1904. and
bases her complaint on the fact
I that uossman was recently con
1 victed of arson and sent to the
penitentiary. There are two
children, a boy, ajjed 4, and a
Kirl, aed C. She says nothing
of Gossman pleading guilty to
the larceny of four horses, for
which he paid a $2500 fine.
A. Benson, of Cornelius, was
In town the last of the week and
exhibited 15 of the finest pota
toes ever dutr from one hill of I
Washington County crop They
were artre ana not a kiioo on
i Villi" A it v j nviw
Thau uiara
of the
pire State variety.
rj. Northruo. of Shady Brook.
was in SaturJuy. He visited the
state fair, goto overland with
his machine, und Bays that. Ore-
Kon did itself, proud
itself proud with the
exhibits of all kinds, notably the
J. B. OtTner and Attorney
Woerndle, of Portland, 'were out
Satutdav. arguing a motion be
fore Judge ttugley.
was ,n town Saturday.
Forest Grove, Oregon,
Sept. 5, 1916.
, To tho Washington County Vet
eran Association and Interest
ed friends;
It is apparent to the Officers
and Committee of this Associa-
t" that the necessity for a
change in the date of meeting
for the Association has occurred.
we I'lermuic mroiK"aie "'
day, October 12, 11)16. as the
date on which to afsemble in
Cornelius for the celebration of
the Fiftieth Anniversary of the
Grand Armyof the Republic, and
the usual meeting of the Wash
ington County Veterans Associa
tion. A good dinner and a good
program is assured.
J, L Butler. Pres.""
W. J. K. Beach, Bee. and Traaa.
I will sell at public sale at the
York farm, 1 mile south of Reed
ville and 4 miles west of Beaver
ton, at ten a. m., on
Driving horse, 1000; bay horse.
9 yrs, 1280; gray horse. 7 years.
1350; cow, 7 years; black cow. in
milk; cow, 4 years, fresh; cow,
fresh about date of sale; cow, 4
yrs, fresh about sale date; cow, 4
yrs, fresh soon; cow, 5 yrs, fresh
soon; grade ilolstein, 3 yrs, in
milk; cow. 5 yrs, fresh in Dm.;
grade ilolstein bull, 2 yrs old; 31
inch wide tire wagon; 21 inch
narrow tire wagon, light spring
wngon, buggy, woodrack, nearly
new wagon bed, set dbl harness,
single buggy harness, '4 14-inch
plows, 12-in plow, harrow, disc,
5 ft Rrain drill, 41 ft McCormick
mower, 9 ft McCormick rake,
cultivator, 2 rifles, shotgun, fruit
jars, set pulleys and rope, bar.
rets, 2 10-gal milk cans. Home
Comfort range, chairs, bed-
springs, couch, heater, lot of
household and kitchen furniture,
farm tools of all kinds, axes.
sledges', and numerous other
Lunch at noon.
Terms-$10 and under, cash;
over $10. C months time, banks
ble note, at 8 per cent. Two per
cent, off cash ovf-r $10.
A. Kaufrmn, Owner.
J. 0 Kuratli Auctioneer.
Hrlncvill Votes Aislitance to (lit
Railroad Connections
AilnrU U Building Sws Occii
In order that the Utah-Idaho
Sugar Co. of Grants Pass may
compete on a parity with Cali
fornia refineries in shipment of
its product, the Southern Pacific
Co. has applied to the Oregon
Public Service Commission for
authority to establish the same
freight rates from Grants Pass
to points in Oregon as are now
in effect from San Francisco to
same points.
Marshfleld -Oregon Power Co,
plans extension of power line to
Lexington -Kvans Bros, sell
1280 acre wheat ranch for $25.
000. Kugene-$25.000 contract let
for glass palm room in addition
to Hotel Osborn.
AstoriaYoungs bay
yards now have 7 large
ocean going vessels on ways employ
ing 400 skilled workmen,
Waltervjlle-1100 acre peer
hen ranch on M.-Kenvio river
sell) for ir&ogQ.
Grants PassJosephine county
gets $3000 more for Pacific High-
There are now 31 vessels under
construction in shipyards along
the Columbia.
Prineville voting $100,000
bonds to aid in financing con
struction of railroad from main
lino of Oregon Trunk to that
city by a vote of 358 to 1, is the
greatest advertisement it can
give the world that it wants
capital to come there and invest
and it is willing to back its in
vitation with an investment of
its own. . ....
North Bend - Keel for Unrest
boat ever built on Coos Hay has
been laid, boat to be 2(10 feet
over all.
Astoria Over COO men now
employed directly and indirectly
upon street improvement work
here. The viaduot systems will
consume over four million feet
I will sell at the Lincoln Farm.
at Lincoln station, on the United
K. IL, one and one-half miles
east of North Plains, and six
miles N. of Hillsboro, at ten a.
m., on
Black gelding, 12 yrs, 1200. fine
work horse; cow. 6 yrs. fresh in
Oct; cow, 2 yrs, fresh in Dec; 5
cows, 6, 7, 6, 4 and 3 yrs. all
fresh in Oct; cow, 6 yrs, just
fresh two year heifer, fresh;
heifer, 18 mos, fresh in March;
Ilolstein bull, 18 mos; 3 heifers,
18 mos. fresh in April: all are
Jerseys and Holstelns, and all
good oows. Wagon, 3 1-2 inch,
hack, ton buggy, disc harrow;
two-section steel harrow, 4 1-2 ft
mower, set team harness, culti
vator, hayrack, 14 in plow. 4 10-
gal milk cans, nearly new; 9
chairs, rocker, steel bedsteads
with springs, mattress, kitchen
cabinet, steel range, nearly new;
heater, lounge, 3 small tables,
two dining tables, forks, shovels,
spades and many oiher articles.
Lunch at noon.
lerms of sale: Nine months
time on sums over ?10, at a per
cent., approved note; under, cash,
Wm. Muchow, Owner.
B. P. Cp,rneliuj, 'Auctioneer.
. John' Vanderwal, Clerk.
To Portland M minutes.
8:1)3 , a m
7:18 i, a m
8:28 a m
9:58 am
12:43 p m
8:58 pm
6:18 pm
7:53 pm
9.58 pm
From Portland 55 minutes.
7:54 a m
11:25 . a m
2:12.. pm
4:27 pm
T:18 . .,, , , , , m), ...p m
8:26.,, pm
12:20 am
Money to loanon farm secur
ty. I represent three large fire
Insurance companies, uive me
Jasper Keller, of West Union,
was in the city Monday morning
R. McKrilwht. the Meek Plains
hopgrower, whs in the city Mon
Money to loan at GJ per rent,
Monthly payments.!;. M. Cu
lef, llillaboro, Ore. 24 If
John Ironside, of Laurel, wsh(
a city culler the first of the
W. F. ltellrood. of Portland
was out Monday and culled on
the AtgUH, being an oldlime
For Sale-Bicycle, two tubs,
aoveral fruit jars, six dozen jelly
glanses, lantern, spade, hoe, wash
boiler and wash board C. F.
Ijird, Argus ofllce.
II. V. Meade, editor of the
Walnut Hook, published at Oren
co. has reason to feel proud of
tho last number. It contains a
vast amount which is of interest
to walnut growers.
We buy hogs, beef cattle,
sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High
est prices paid lor all good stuff.
Write or phone. Rogers Car
ter. Beaverton, 11 4. Box 20.
Phone, Beaverton 63 Line 3. tf
J. VV, Hughes, of above Forest
drove, was in the city Monday.
He has had an immense number
of public sales to cry this year,
averaging ono a day for several
weeks. II is week he cries one
at Grcaham, one at Independence
and one at Amity, besides two
in his own county,
Notice to Huntem - Hunting or
otherwise trespassing; on the
Hawthorne place will not be al
lowed, and all violations will be
prosecuted. J. Soper.
The l.civy frost and freeze of
Sunday night caught the mrst of
the corn, grown for ensilage,
and it will mean considerable
damage. Authorities, however,
say that it will not particularly
injure tho feed qualities, al
though it minimizes it to some
extent, This will mean a little
better price for hay. Very few
silos havo been filled with corn.l
and there has been a larger
acreage than usuaULbla yeu.-.
There Is to be an important
meeting held at Corvallm, Ore
gon, on Saturday. Oct. 7. at 10
o'clock in which every farmer in
tho Willamette Valley is vitally
interested. It is the Lime Con
vention, called by State Grange
Master Spence and representa
tives of the Grange, Farmers'
Union, Kquity Societies and tax
payers, for the purpose of organ
izing the farmers of the Willam
ette Valley looking toward the
best means of procedure to pro
cure lime at a price within the
reach of farmers. That there is
a great need for lime on most
soils in the Willamette Valley is
beyond dispute. The only diffi
culty has been the price asked
by dealers, There is an abund
ance of limo tributary to the val
ley that can be obtained if legis
lative action is taken, This
meeting promises to he one of
the most important held for
many years in the valley. Al!
farmers should consider them,
selves Invited to attend. Makt
it a point to be at the meeting
in the court house at Corvallison
October 7, next.
s. p. & p. n. & u.
All, except the P. R, & N trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
6:50 a.
19:50 p. m
McMin.nvjllp Irain
Forest Grove Train
Kugeno Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train
8;15 a. m.
MoMlnnvllle Train
Forest Grove Train
Forest Grove Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
p. m
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts..
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service rata old depot ut
(dot of Second Street
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m,
P, R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton . 12:25 a m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
Partners In all Sections Make
Uood Money by Second Crop
Mullen IUv Htd Oood Weather For
The Itarveil, and Many Make Munry
Washington County will thisaea
son harvest more clover seed
than in any year since the far
mers have gone into the indus
Almost every man who has
clover has kept his second crop
for seed, and the man who has
not from a half ton to a ton of
clover seed for sale is an excep
tion. Even Judge Bagley har
vested nearly a half ton. Seed
this year, well cleaned, has been
going at around IS cents, and
there is good monev in it. There
appears to be an unlimited de
mand tot clover seed all over the
Northwest, and Washington
County is located so that the
first crop of clover is sufficiently
early to get good results in a
seoond crop, with weather to
harvest the product.
It is estimated that ten thous
and acres of clover seed have
been threshed in this county!
aione in mtj.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic Kale 1 1 miles south of Aloha,
on thfl S. !' and 2 miles south
e;ist of Keedville, on the Ilena-
gan place, now owned by B. A.
Mcleod, at 10 a. m., on
Registered cow. Falmina's Brown
Lady, No. 281578. sire. Bodicia's
Engineer 75151. dam Golden Fal
mina 213076, dropped Oct. 20,
1911. registered Dec 17. 1912.
solid color, black tongue and
switch, 5 yrs, bred in April; full
bloo.1 bull, 1 yr, both eligible to
registry; black Jersey cow, 8 yrs,
11 gals when fresh; black Jersey.
11 yrs, 4 gals when fresh, bred
n April: black Jersey. 5 years. 4
gals, bred May C; grade cow, 8
yrs, 4 gala, bred Sept. 9; 7-8
Jersey, 6 yrs. 4 gals, bred June:
fullblood Jersey, 2 years, fresh
soon; 7-a Jersey, 2 years, fresh
early spring; black heifer, Jer
sey, 2 yrs, freshen soon; 2 year
ling red heifers, 2 red and white
Guernsey and Jersey heifers, 18
mo, both bred; light red Jersey
Guernsey, 18 mo., bred; all tu
berculin tested; dark bay mare,
7 yrs, single or double, good life;
dbl work harness, heavy top
hack, walls sided up, well ironed;
31 inch farm wagon, 10 inch
chill plow, 12 inch chill plow, 2
sec light steel harrow, Baldwin
Am. fodder cutter No. 9, geared
to cut half, one and two inches.
2 ten gallon milk cans, hotel or
camp range, 7 ft long. 2 1-2 ft
wide, firebox center, oven on
each Bide 2x21 ft, first cost $125,
left here in store; if interested
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale-$1Q and under,
cash; over $10, 6 months' time,
approved note, at 8 per cent.
Two per cent, off on cash over
E. A. McLeod, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
I will offer for public auction on
the Wtn. L Moore ranch, located
one half rrile south and one-half
mue west of Banks, Washington
County, Oregon, at 10 a. m., on
Twenty-five head of Grade Jersey
cattle, described as follows 16
head Grade Jersey cows, all good
milkers, and most of the herd
had just freshened. A large pet-
cent of the herd have been 45 to
50 lb cows. Three yearling heif
ers; 5 2-year-old heifers, some to
freshen soon;l registered Jersey
bull, 2 years old, shows fine
points. This herd is known to
be one of the best in the county.
Tuberculin tested and shows a
clean bill of health.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $10 and under.
cash; over $IQ. one year's time
with approved security, at 8 per
Wm. L. Moore, Owner.
J. W, Hughes, Auctioneer.
W. O. Galaway. Clerk.
Miss Dee Darling, teacher of
Piano and Harmony, 50c per hour
Ijsson. Studio at Mrs. Cave's
vm coMNiifw
WITHOUT the. consequent risk is
through the universally approved
chech-booh, which has become an
earmark of efJPut nee, conservatism
and lubstanco. The men of mark
in your community dj business
with their chv ch-boorl. Are you
one of them?
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National Banh
Mmtn mnd Ihlrd St:, Hllltboro, Oro
For Less Than
We. have an immense stock of all kinds of
. lumlcr. This stock we are going to move
this Summer, and to do so we offer you a
hig saving, This lumber was bought for
less than eost of manufacture aud enables
us to sell this now CHKAP.
No nutter where you live iu Washington
County, we cau beat any aud all com
petition offered. Write us or call us up
and wc will show you what a LOW PRICK
WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere.
Remember that this is the BIGGEST
COUNTY EVER HAD. Send iu your
material list NOW for this years needs.
Wc can give terms.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Mateila
Hillsboro Auto Lwsry
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 17S
Patronize Home Industry By
Having Your Glasses
Fitted At Hoffman's.
Jewelry and Optom
erist. Hillsboro, Ore.
Wholesale Cost
acall-E.1. KuratIL
residence. tf