The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 21, 1916, Image 6

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    w ''i-Li L ii ift r
1 fJiZP"SjlFK?
The fiiicst siiVmib n tract out of. Portia. 3; JO
minutes ride oh the nig Red Steel Klecttic cam iNlOtni
tain water piped through the tract. Schools, cl.u dies
and stores couvenieut. $175 to $500 per acre ou crmr.
(( ot Otii, tMiikr i in
im ''Mils b i rdltariienta Qti ij'jHi.ltii".
sheea theretiNM Mot!jlim or ill Jt Wise
wrtMiin it. , ,,l "'
na.i s twin iiin.lo auvmtit U
i 'i.p.i -i ln tlio lii.Himi'r ).f. i.'M hy
imi thin tun -Nv nf Mtmi(if m .
Shertff of Washington Counlyi Oregon
Hy Imo. Aleiamtt-r, IN luty.
102 Fourth St.
FortUmd, Oregon
of the
Albert Bledac. Plaintiff.
J. Francis Twrin and Daisy Tee
in, his wife, George H. Gets, and
' Geia, his wife, Willa P.
Sherman, formerly Willa P.
Binkley, and Harry A. Sherman,
her husband, W. F. Noble. A. S.
Anderson and Esther Anderson.
his wife, Lee L. Haycocls and
Haycock, his wife, Defend
ants. To Gcorire H. Geis and
Csis, his wife, Lee L. Haycock
Haycock, his wife,
r.!ove named defendants:
( F OREGON: You are hereby re
V.jiwd to appear and .answer the
omplaint of the plaintiff filed
: gainst you in the above entitled
Court and cause, on or before the
i th day of October, 1916, said date
b ins after the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the firsj
publication of this summons on you,
the date of the first publication
thereof being August 31st, 1916, and
t' e date of t'.ie last -publication
thereof being October 12th, 1916,
nnd if you fail so to answer for
want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief pray
cl for and demanded in his com
plaint, to-wit: For a judgment
against the defendants J. Francis
Tcevin and Daisy Tcevin, his wife,
in the sura of $2900.00, together
with interest thereon from the 7th
(hy of October, 1911, at the rate of
6 per cent per annum and the fur
ther sura of $300.00 attorney's fee
rnd the costs and disbursements of
raid suit; and for a decree declar
i.itr that certain mortgage of the
plaintiff' heretofore, to-wit, upon
the 7th day of October, 1910, execut
f 1 and delivered by the defendants,
J. Francis Teevin and Daisy Teevin
h-jsband and wife, to the plaintiff
herein and securing a promissory
note of even date therewith in the
sim of $2900.00 and payable on or
before three years from the date
thereof, with interest at the rate of
per cent" per annum and providing
fir reasonable attorney's fees in
c :se suit .or action should be insti
tuted to collect the same, which
said mortgage was filed for record
on the 2nd day of November, 1910,
rt page 441 of Book 60, of Mortgage
F.ecords of Washington County, Ore
gon, to be a first lien upon the fol
lowing described parcel of real prop
erty situate in Washington County, Beginning in the center
of Section 33 Township 3 North of
Range 4 We3t of W. M., and run
ning thence S. 100 rods; thence W.
80 rods; thence N. 100 rods; thence
E. 80 rods to the place of beginning
ontaning 50 acres, prior and sup
erior to the interest, right .title,
cWm or lien of each and all of the
tfondants above named,therein and
t! ereto that the interest, right, title,
claim or lien of each and all of said
defendants be declared and decreed
to be inferior, subordinate and sub
ject in all respects to the lien ol
plaintiff's said mortgage; that said
mortgage be foreclosed and that
said real property be decreed to bt
sold by the Sheriff of Washington
County, Oregon, in the manner pre
scribed by law and the practice of
said Court, and that the proceeds of
from said sale obtained be sppli: j to
:he payment of the several sums
Jue unto the plaintiff as hereinbe
fore set forth, and for which judg
nent is demanded, and that raid de
fendants and each of them and that
sou and each of you be forever bar
ed, foreclosed and precluded of all
nterest in or right or title to or
laim of lien upon the real property
hereinbefore described, save only
'he statutory right of redemption,
ind that such other and further re
'ief be granted unto the plaintiff as
to the Court may seem equitable and
proper in the premises.
1 nis summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Hills-
boro Argus pursuant to order of the
Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge
;f the above entitled Court, made,
rendered and entered on the 30th
day of August, 1916.
Attorneys for Haintiff
f D. Mtllwell, Plaintiff,
vs. I
August lVther mut lul rtethar,
hiiarmiul ami wife, tut Kit.
ward M. Huol, IV runt nix, j
Tt the ahove named ileiemlant, Kilward
M. Huol:
lo we name or the Stale of Oregon. yi
irs hereby required lo appear and atiawer
tie complaint tiled against jou tn th
tbove entitled suit on or before tha YAb
lay of October, I'.'lri, which data U niuie
ban U inks after ths date of the tin
uhlU-ation ol tliia summons, nd It Yin.
f ill to appear tor waul thereof, planum
vill lU'lv U in court lor juiiKiiirnt
iio.i a you a J' uiKiuled lu lit conn Imiil,
o u:
Kr a lircreo fnrfolnalnc thit certAtn
mousse viven by Autua a LMharsnd
Jul rther U Fred W IV iiiUy. lor thi
urn 01 tisn and inlrvt thrrwm l ill
rata of 7 per oanl on L W and 11 Kilily
ins Vt mhingioii l.nnn'y, OrKn, to
(thr with attorneys ! and cst and
u-burr mel ts and barring rou i.eiu all
In rri you I ave in Mid rtal r'mrt .
Iblo kuiiiinoos la sarveu up.n mu ry
p bhca' ioii tharaof Tor ail ei k by oiitti
I toe itou ueo. K Mauley, ju.uu 01 mi
tX'V ' ti led court, whle ioidur la d aid
the iStb day of August, 18 ti. and dim it
lliat aunui ona ba inibiihlitHl tn tin
rgua a naaiapei ptitilih d lit n au
in tun County, On go... one molt Witk
lor six c.tiiKrMit)ve w.ka. and tnat tin
lirst publlratlon htreor ba tuadeotithv
list day ol AUk'imt, If Hi.
Johnaiiii and Stout,
1016 Chamber of Ci-mmtne ltuildton,
Portland, oregou.
10 VKtljMAM
r'firl f-Jfolf. OiPrfdh,
r , St'pt J, lDifl.
io the washinjiton Couhty Vet
eran Association and intertat
td fricruis:
It is appannt to the Officers
and ('onimittee of this Associa
tion that the necessity for a
change, in the date of meeting
for the Association has occurred,
we therefore designate Thurs
day. October 12, 191(5, as the
date on which to assemble in
Cornelius for the celebration of
the Fiftieth Anniversary of the
Grand Army of the Republic, and
the usual meeting: of the Wash
ington County Veterans Associa
tion. A good dinner and a good
program is assured.
J. L Rutler. Pres.
W. J. R Roach. Sec. and Treas.
mMi fllTsTafr ijfc'a AaM
ja .-i nil mm0,m ti i n urn .. nal i
0. Doiidi?
Calls attciidcd night or day.
Chapel ami Tailors.
HUHboro, Ormgon
Clem Shaner. of Jolly
was in town Saturday. "
Waldemar Prahl, of Grillln
t'lains. was in the county seat
F. A. Harberg, of below Oren-
co, was in the city Saturday.
Frank has joined the auto driv
ing crew.
h. U. Hagey, ot Sherwood,
was a county scat visitor Sat
urday alternoon.
Sherman G. Rhodes, who has
been dryinsr hops at Peterson's
yard, near Witch Hazel, was in
me city Monday, a witness in
Chas. Geiberger, the road
ipetvisorof Tualatin, was in
business at the
I Initio ln pnin an,l I aKor city ' Saturday, greeting friends
umiktitj i-uui limy uiiu iuuvi 8nj
t tie is berel.y gin that brtirfieof
r.i eteeutlon duly ir-uiJ out nf the .'ir
nit Court of the S's o of (reon for the
Viunty -i Waxhinetoii. and to ma djifRt.
.1 on the b'h !ay of i?ptinlier, lUlfi,
upon aju.'gii.ent and decree duly rendered
inl emend of record and docketed ,n
nl by ntd Court on the 9th day ol Kfh
19 0 in a certain auil then Ii. ai, c-iirt
mtdine wherein Arthur I. Kahw u
.Jaiiitiff and l.i.hy !Ur;r..l and
Margutrite Hargrove v.fied- nlnl. in
.iror of the pl.iinlin and ag,,iimi shiiI
elendantH. hy which eiermi,,-i nm
viiniiiatuU d to kell the pn.nertv in
execution and hereina'tor ile-r.ri lie t . tj
piy the Mini due the t'.l ' tl of (en
liuudreti 'Uciuv if '..) lo lar-w-:h
interest tl'.reoii at tim rate ol j j p, r
nt er annum from the 1H day of Jftly,
l15, until paid, and t, num or Thirty
hreetf.Si.0ui Dollars with interest thereon
rom Hie ;lih 'ay ol May, IHIo. at ii
erceiit per annum, and the furthersum
f UX) W a atu.riie ' feea, Willi the cost
anil liiabuiBHimn a of said suit taied at
J16 50, and the c.sta and expenses ol said i
execution 1 will on Monday, the IB b
lay of October, 19:8 at the hour of l en
o'clock A. M ol aaid day, at the door of
the County Cuuil HoiiHeol Waahimrtnn
county, Ore.on, eil at public suction to
me ingm-m niuuer ror caaft in band on
me d.y of (ak all thi riirht. title a d
mterrnt wliicn taid delfiidnnta, huby
I' strove and MarKUerite Harur .ve, and
all oors'iiia vlaio in)r under ihuii sutme
queiit to the da'e ol the morttrate her- in
or closed, town, had, on the ).h day ol
November, 1914, in of and lo the preiu'set
describe 1 in said execution as fol.ows
towit: Biciitning at a p,irn on tne
section linn :S rrxls Wnd. ol the Hoiitheait
corner of Spcti'in Twentyjour Towu
ship Two (2) 8.jiith ol IUiiko One ( I) Weat
of Vi illau.ette Meridian, and riiinii g
then: parallel with the umial aulHliviaion
line Nor h W rods; thence Weal 4 rod;
thei:ce South W rods; thence Kaat 11 rcle
to place of lj"Kninf, containiiiK een
In iu Sis Schools and Forty eiht De
partuients is eugaged in the great work
ol uniting Lear ui uk awl Labor.
Forty-eighth School Year Open
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Course requiring a four-year
high school preparation, are oticred lu
the following:
AGRICULTURE, 16 Departments;
COMMERCE. Departments. ENGIN
EERING, tl Departments; MINES. 3
Dep.,rtments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart
mrnts; HOME ECONOMICS. 4 Depart
meals; snd l'HAHMACY.
Vocational Course requiring sn
Eighth Grade preparation for entrance
are oflfcred in Agriculture, Dairying.
Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, an. I
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement
SCHOOL OF MUSIC Ptauo, String,
Band and Voice Culture.
Catalogue and beautiful illustrate!
booklet free.
Address Tag Rucistrar,
lrl-U-lllil li . COkVALLlS OBROOf-
Administrator' Notice
court house.
Clarerce Youne. superintend
ent of the poor farm, was in the
city Saturday. He now has 11
inmates at the county institu
McMinnville has decided to
have a full hedged Round bp on
Uct. 4. 5 anil 6, and for the pur
pose the business men of the
city have formed a corporation
known as Hound Up Boosters,
and there have been cash suh
scnptions received sufficient to
make the enterprise an assured
success. A enntrart has been
; signed with li. P. McClelland, of
I Philomath, for his entire atrgre
Rali.-n of bucking bronchus
liders, wi d steers and bulls,
troats, npirs, and bull-doKsers
Those whi see this show will
have a privilege they have never
had before of witnessing the real
wild and wooly ff aturta of the
ranjje within an enclosure ant
from the grand stand. -J. I
Knight, Manager.
Notice is hereby given that th.
undersigned Msthew b Weir has Iwr
duly spp dnted by the t'ountT Court 1 1
'he Hat of Oregou for Wudiingtot
County, administrator nf the estate o'
Alexander 8. Wrir deceaJW', and lis
All persons having elaitns agai net aaid
estate are hereby noiitiwiand rf quired n
present the name verified, as required
by law, tn said administrator either at tin
oifioe of Ogelsby Young, room 421. Cham
ber of Commerce Building. Portland
Oregon, or at the horn' of of the late de
ceased, K. K. D. No. 1, Benerton, Ore
Dated and fi rst publls iJ this 10th da
of Auguit, iia.
MathewH. Weir, AdminHtrator of th
Estate of Alexander 8 Weir, Deceaaeil.
i w. nvv-
Notice ol Administrator's Sale
Notloa ia herohy iven that the under
algned aa Admintntrator ol the K.tate ol
W iliiam Oaborue. deceHil , in niiranaiicr
of the order of th county court, madr
and enteral on the (It It day of JuW, lilitl
will, pn the 7th day if tHHoher, 111 ill, at
the aniith door of th court houw, at
Hlltatmro.ill WoahtUKton tViuntv.M'eiioii.
aell at puhllu auction, lo the tunlim
bidder for tuutt the ftillowlug deaoiitHHl
real property, town: .
All of Lota Nuinhereil Klva I A I Nil I Kl
and Seven 7) tn Mctitll Aarea, attuate.
lu VN aahlnvUin IHmnly Stale ol Orvanti
and d.acrltwtl accordliiir Ui the plat ol
aid MiHilli Acrea, reiHi'iiwI in the Viihlli'
rtourda of aaid Wa hluguiti t'oiuur.
Slate of Oregon, and iMiilalninii .H.'ii
aoreaol land. W T M o.-,
Aduilutatrauir de bonia lion ol tha t
tate ol W in (lalHirae. deceased .
Mut -in, Inton A Hurtiett. Ilori.sva
'or the aiiiuinlntrator.
CAPITAL $60,000
An old, safe and conservative hank,
ltKiitctl in the IliUshoro Coimiicicial
hlock, S. V. corner Main nml Sccoml
Ilillsboro Commercial Bank.
Notloe Is hereby siren. Ilia! sre.the under
signed atliuliiiatiaior and adminiai ratrn
rrNH'tlly vi ilm tmtatn of l olly t diceasd, Willi the will of ald
deceamHl aiineind, have IUihI III thu
County t'outt ol the Slate of Or null,
for Washington I'minly, our Hnal ao
puunt In aaid eaiaie, and thai die
aaid Court ha set Monday, (Vtobrr K.
Itiltl, at tha hour ol lu ..'clock A M of aaid
day aa the tune, and the t'ouniy Court
room In lillianiM, tiregon aa tli
lor Hearing onj -ciu na to aam kwuiii,
and the tl' aeiiloui, nl of aaid eaialo
Dated thm Se-teiutMr7. lilii
Jamea K Duller and I.itlieM llutler,
admmiatrator a-id a liiilulalratrli rvniifc-
titsly ol the eatata of I'ol'y C Holler,
deceased, wl.b the will ol aaid dtceanetl
W N Hanoi!, Attorney f rKmate
.'.r V?"J iLw?J, i. im. -
Licaiucd Orceoa 280. Pnn. '1)18
Pbaaa, City 72
Funeral Director
Moderate Prices. Personal Services j
ReaTc Funral Parlor.IWaiaftaa at 8th )
Hilkbora,Ore. f
Money to loan on farm secur I
ty. I represent three large fire J
insurance companies. Give me'
a call. E. I. Kuratli.
F.KTMnfo-.Tiied of Cia VorM's ProxrrM Ii
'atln-r a. id Sn nr-d AH il,o I-anii'tf. ll ,iwnl I
kia ti.l.i!.c t;' l;i:klYooiiK Mm nnd V, uiik.-ii !
it wl!.,. lr..:.,l.i lull.".n..i,J...
rt,-:io m ( ri,,..,:it I .... v.-rM. I'll.- run-lit 1
t 1 1 -H- I !ill. ; rti t.n.litM'f , llif, w, a
lor tiicii kfw uu.l ulin ..-.lit m4 it, U
Written So Yiti Can Understand I
hi Ch'.p t'fr.i "-nf otnnt ( it) tJj't tiUilf
'fill '.....! t. i n i mt Mum, it. - ic .1 h i. t ,a I .r Ii.
I'7f i tl iliiii ,nAri I t ia Hut:
Irn-itur M-It-.tio it I P I f-r t! Vn t a if
:irift hn iiki i:ir. .Jj'tMtiir ,fi'!t,i(mt...MiitkiVl tn-
M lilt'I I'll. null Out llej. f-.liari ni'. tUMLH kxiivsi
tiuaranteed r y Spray, at the Jv 8 vr"" ''"" con,
ilillsboro rharmacv. at 85c nen t-,n,i .y ...i i,. bj..u
o-nllnn Ton un., Kr !f? IQif ?OrW.S MSCHA'IICS MAUAZIMe
wi. ;uu uvai i v i ion i i-d. KkHium .it,r'i'' dm
WEIL'S Third Great Anniver
sary Sale Now in Full Swing
It started like a whirlwind and it will end like a
cyclone. Come everyone and get your share of
New Fall Coats, Suits, Shoes, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hosiery and Underwear.
Hart, Schaff
ner & Marx
Suits and
Fleeced Un
derwear 35c
Values J 9C
Heavy Cotton
75c Values
John B.
Stetson Hat
la the Circuit Court of the ".lata of
Oregon for Waahlnirton f'ounly.
Shaw-Kiiar Company, a Corporation.
K t Newell. Imfendanl,
To F P Newell, liiealwve named I'e'end
In the name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby required lo anM-ar am!
answer the eouiplaint tllinl analnal you in
the above entitle.! o-iiirt an I e . oil in
lielore the Slat d iy ol, IU A and
uaie i!ing alter the expiration of an
weeka 'ruin the .late of the nrat publica
tion nf thia allium ma, and II you tail so
to appear and auawer aaid tMiiupliiliit, for
waul thereof, the plalutlll wilt apple to
the Court for the relief praywl for In Ita
complaint, towll: That the plaiutur bo
ilenreed auu ueolareil to ba II iwner In
fee aliuple ol the following i'es irllie.1 real
property, situate in WaaliiiiKtoii Coui.ty,
ureRou, low 1 1
U.La iiuiutiereil Wt, HU, (It. S'l an I 114 nf
Heaverton Kdille ,crane.
anrduly renirdnl plat llfreof now on
nie in llieoitl. e of I lie It irorder of I on
reyanres of said county anil alal and
lota lo eonlaln HI 4-1 anrns, m rt or leas ,
that you lie reii iireii to u.y unto the
plaintiff or unto the clerk of the above
entitled Court lor Ita benellt within
time to be Hied by aaid Court the
amounts now due upon llial certain cm
Ira. entered into between you and the
plaintiff on April 2. IHlu, wherein an
wherrhr you aareeii to purchaae and the
plainlin aitreeu to convey unto you the
above described real properly at and lor
me prioe of V1, payable. n liniallin-nua
aa in aaid contract provldiKl. The
amounu now due IwiiiK all Inalalliiienl
of principal thereon Uoi niinif
hub autre tna i.nn nay ot ianu trv.llll.l
ainoiiutliia to I'-i'.'iU, toui'llicr Willi internal
upon the unpaid portion of the c uiirart
prloa or aaid real properly, towll, 17. H,
from the 2nd day of tcuher, IMiJ, at the
rate of 7 per cent wr annum, and tha
further sum ol il itald hy the plalutlll
for taiee upon said laud, toirether with
Interest thereon from the lath day ol
lieceiulier, lilU. and the further sum ol
U W paid hy the plaintiff for lama upon
aam lauu, uceiner wun line rem thureou
from the 2lslday of May. IHI3 ami the fur
tner stun oil is t7 paid by the plalutlll
for tales ti pon said laud, tonether with
Intereat thereon from the (rd day ol
Hepteinb r, lld.l. anil thelurlher sum ol
W m paid hy the plalntitt for isxrs upon
said land, together with Interest, thereon
from the 7th day of June, liilf,, and tin
further sum of fWliH, paid by the plain
tin lor taxes i.pon "aid Ian I. to(ethor
Willi interest lliereon Iroui the 7th day ol
June, IWI, all of sal I sums liearlnx Inter
eiv ai ine raie oi ( per cent per aiiuiim:
and that iu the e.eut of your failure or
neglect 10 inaae all or said payiui-nla
within a time aoto lie Used by said Court
mat a final -Jeorea be made and entered
in said oauae rorever precluding and fore
oloaliiir you and ail persona claiming hy
through or under you, of all of your right
title, interest ur p unbimioii In and to aaid
real property and every part and parcel
thereof; that the plaintiff be decreed and
declared to be the owner In fee siinplo ami
eiiuueii u puaaeaaiuii or tne alsive de
Hon bed real nrmitirtv and the whole ihere
of free and dear olallclaliii and deiuamlN
oi every name and nature upon your part
auu upon uie pari oi any anil all pnraoiiH
maiming Dy, wirougu or tinner you, and
that such otner and further relief h
granted unto the plaintiff as to the Court
may aeem riiiitai)ie anil proper in tin-premiaeH,
irus summons is gerved upon you
oy puoncation tnercor in the Hills
horo Arirus pursiiunt to order of Hon.
George K. Ilaxley, Juiiiro of the
above cnti led Court, lnaile, render-
en and dated on the 2ml day ol Hcpteiu
ber. IW1I1 and which aa:d or er pre
scribed that this uuiiimona he pith
llhlied in aaid newspaper lor six euccewilve
and onriaec.utive weeka iHiglniug with the
issue thereof of th" 7th day nf Hep
temlier. Illlfl and ending with the Ihkiic
thereof ofDclobiir llllh, l(d,ti(l thatjou
be required to appear anil fti.twtr taiil
noinpia.nton or befure the 21 at
October. I 0.
Attorneys for Pliilntlff.
day ol
W Beat it
vyitiv a
Keeps out all the wet
Waterproofs. V0Wj
Absolute, I
ars Marked thus fisHw
Hoffman's Sawmill
is sawing from the K'st liuilicr in
Wiisliiutoti county. Tlic finest
Rough and Drossed Lumber
KILN imiKI) I'l.OOUIN't; inttl RUSTIC
always on haiul. ICstitnatps ou
HiiililiiiRS, I'looriuu, Rustic, Ceil
ins all kimls ( fiuislictUitiutK-r
ftr htmse material. Wc deliver.
All lengths silt) ltitulicr, the let
in tlic market, cnustnll) ..11 liatul.
riiom: North l'l.tins Centn.l, 3 t. 1 1
PETER MOPPMAN, Pact n., Oregon
dar. tevieaioar I. ISIS. ' '
ivelal tralalas la Caaimeeea, JoarealU.
ArThlltar,Uw.Mll.lna,Thl"ri km
rr W.rh, M..U. rhrrieal Tralala. .Ji'
Every Home can have
. I"
"-i-T-tF-Wi'-'-g m- -r I n""-
are Known lo rarrv mdv wlt 1
iascxxl, wkat will endure ami what a
ia hilly worth the priwa.kcd. (.hit
-j j""o ic.nn piat ine km a
mimical inatrunients within every. 1
one's rest h. Fill out tha coupon u
or writ for catalogues. U
!5L a aa7AefktciTivs.l
voovrLi in us eouT w-s cv r
wrT,c.?;'"":N,o,M:t(, sivostn
cut J?!" " "tt
ONCE you've got started on W-li CUT Chewini
you will understand perfectly why tobacco lovers
happy surprise
a js. ,1 n - . . . - "t'i'J
io gci ine iiavor ot rich tnhtirm fi t. f. :mA a .i
the salt brings out the taste and satisfaction without tho
flrindiniJ and chewing-and keeps it coming. A small
chew does it and lasts twice as long as a big wad. In
air-tight pouches 10c. at your dealers.
Mails by WEYMAN BRUTON COMPANY, SO Uatoa Satan, New Tsrk CUy
U AkForfcndCET
Get the Round Package
6 fstd lot Vi usntury.
(T Cautiom-
IAAvold Sttbillttrt!
k?)psi5mt la Wssrprf.
"KWCiuaw . .
Made (rom clean, rich milk with th ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt Houses under unitary condition.
Infant i and ehilJnn thriw on it. Agrtt with
tha wtaktit itomach of tha invalid ot th mgoa
Nndi no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes and sustains mora than tea, coffee, ate.
Should be kept at horn or when traveling, A nu
tritious food-drink may be prepared in a moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induces refreahinf
alee p. Also in lunch tsblet form fot business ansa.
SubaUtutM Coat YOU SasM Pries
Take a Package lloa$