f ,. ... f I i .i WE I'm ve ready fund for loans tin f arm and city property, intercut chortl ing to improvements n.aile, uml runa from five to eight per cent and from onu to twenty yeni duration. Loans on larin highly imptoved will ho made at FIVE PEK CENT. Call or write u your wanti. INOTICIJ OH fSAl' J ii the Clrfiiit Court of the Hlalf of Ori-uori for Ihn County nf Wash in r i on , Miner T. Council uml Ilarinnh J. Iflunihurd, I'lainliffa, VH. if, II. JuCnllll, M. C. Jacobs, llillit , Itoro (iiiid'-n Truc tn, a corporation, i it'u-imiiid Mt'iiusc. ki ln lot MrauH .. 8. deiCrlUd portion thruf, rO'Witl or low, 1. 6. BOH atir. nior de(ml to Jonathan Itoirue by Thorn. UN Conned and wife, u shown by (IikmI bearing date I'Vbruary 15, 11)01, and recorded in died book hi, paice hh, Record of said. WaitiiiiKt'ui County, '1. .2(1:1 or on nem thereof oc- cupifil adversely by the 1. ). (J. F. Cemetery. , Thut portion thereor convey CHICHESTER S FILLS Perkins & Cornelius Room 1, Commercial Bldg. HilUbcro, Oregon W. Anilcriton, Mamie A. llowen, led by Annn II. Connell t nl, to the riKJinciM K. Uluir, V.. It. liailey, J. K. Oregon Mectric Ruilway Company f'ununiiiu, 1. 8, Walton, ii. 1). hut- by deed bearing date July Ji, l'JOH, ii.ifer, (J. A. Kcklurul, hdward Half- anil recorded C. B. BUCHANAN & CO, Inc. HUUboro ICornelius and North, Plain Whole ale and Retail Dealers in in, Hay, Flour, Feed ond Grain bags. ) ii, iritnk Miller, Joint u. uopster, l l. Hunter, Mrs. H. K. Johnion, .IiiIiii C. kemmerirh, W. O. Kilbot.nic W, (), Ketcliain. John I Mahaffev, l,. A. I'etropulos, J. P. Powell, JiinifM Rico, Mm. J. M. Rice, Mrs. r. t. Roger, U-lia Schulte, O. A. St Ih-IUt, J. A. Short, Mary A. Shad di n. J. S. Kaere. A. W. Schmale. Charle Solomon, V. J. White, L. C. keleey, I'. K. Wise, 0. V. Oomeyer, Stanley Richardson, R. C. Hatoman, I.. A. Kinir. Dunninif-Frentsscll Corn- puny, n corporation, A. W. Barth, Addi Uuuer. Kred Hretthaucr, Fred liietlhaucr, Jr., (Jcorife Cambridge, bonerd Ucleye, Geo. r piker, Adam (I'.rbet, August Jors, A. W. Marshall, W. K, Marshall. E. J. I'ickett, (I lii.iliot. W. V. Wlloy, Trustee. Mc ("lain Cooper, Hiuk'vr Lumber Com :i..ny, a corporation, Ilulml lifiim-tt, Fied E. Koch. William Roae, J. F. k..i.. J. 11. Wlrx. 8. It. Wire. Kd. L JalmKon. 1UV l'lcmoii Emil K-jidul Frniik A. Smith, llowcrd 1'. Hobl.f C. II. Hill, W. M. Merrltt and J. I! I1ikM, Defendant. n leel book , pa((e of hb id Wahhinifton Diamond BRAND TO VETERANS Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath ( At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Dest Flour at the Lowest Price Telephonesi Hi'tsboio, Main 14. Cornelius, City 15x5. North Plains, Maiu 263. l!y virtue of an execution, judj? mi nt order, decree, and order of :ilo limued out of the above cntitlec" curt In the aliove entitled caua U n", dirertcd and dated the 2!!rd day of AuRunt, 191(5, upan a judgment 1 dci-rcn rendered nd entered Ir .... 1 1 stiil court on me c;nu oay 01 auk ut,191C.,in favor of plaintiff above n:mcd and aitainist the defendantt abave named 'or the um of Forty three Thoutand Seven Hundrei' Twenty wven r.nd 74 -100(143.727.74) iKillHra, with intcresit thereon t tli rate of ix wr cent per annum from the 22nd day of Auirutit, 1916 ind t!ie further (urn of Two Thou ir.d ($2(M0.00) dollar, with intcren' : hereon at the rate of six per cenl tier annum from the 22nd day of Auiiitd. li'lfi. and for the furthei rum of ft 45.99 cobU and diHbitre merit, and the cont of anJ upor tlin writ, commandinif mo to mak' : le of thp followinff descriU d rea' k..n...t., .itiinln In ikn Pminttr n Wuihinirtitn. State of Oretron, to- wit : "Teach Them 22CaliberMflesl THE AmcriVmi (.ilwr I B.itmn lUl "y cKm n(U "will d.i tr hit toy. V ln..n (ten l.'iil rillcf pj: ttrone'y la Hi-minticn UMC i. U .".2 muV ni M in tli bi) rifl.-. Enry . ll..i!' ' ' "lry tn p.n Kmn '" ,;'' R't'f "', l,,",i k..w t h ii W ll.f r l.ll-n-t 11 1 J IWn. tluimU -i Ml i '. H .-r II Un( liilU I rlrij.w.llul r"- tid.nf ' .lv uUn t l w.tbuAil twlfc ,,.t. CMC CI. A.,iM0 HiraaurltM. HifulMU . UMC i Dun iir .itn . .... - Sold by your homo dealer end 679 other lo.dinj merctiante tn Oreeoii RKMINCTON AtlMS UMOM MUTAIUC CAHTBIDCR COMPANY .H M.....-.-I "V-r ' wM I 22 Repcallne Rifle Model No. 12 j tt.JJTi Your Fall Coat Is Here Yes, ard a Fall oat or suit for every other woman! Ciats wilh large Chin Chin collars, with or without belts. SUITS in a variety of models-many with new long coats. SKIRTS in pla'n colors, mixtures, p'aids, checks etc., from the lowest price up to the finest grades. No old stock here, every garment made for Fall 1916. One price to everybody. We can save you money on every purchase. We're glad to show y on, whether you are ready to purchase or not. Goar's Woman's Shop Third Street Hillaboro, Ore. Ileirinninir at a atone et by L. E Wilkea at the Southwest corner of Section Thlrtv-Rix (36). in Town ahin One (1) North. Ramie Thw :n Went of the Wi nmette Menu tan, under me loumy iriK i tx Da rv Creek: thence Norm n '.i-tr. 4'.' 1-2 mm. r-at, u.io enainr to an iron Bine et by A. A. Morril fur the quarter section corner on the Wet line of aaid Section t; inencc North, 0 deer. 63 ruin. West, 39.9 chain to approximate section cor ner to Section Twenty-five (25) Twentv-Kix (2C). Thirty-five (35) ml Thirty-six (30), in Township One (1) North, Kanjre xnree (3) Weht of the Willamette Mendiar (the corner to the ame beine total lv nliliterated): thence North, 89 detr U min. r.HHt, w.ll rnam to an iror bar act bv U C. Walker for the iiuartcr sex-tion corner between Sec tt.ii 2S and 30 in Township 1 Voith. Ranee 3 West of the Will imette Meridian, the same bcinp; ir the West line of the Ralph Wilcox nomition Land C aim: thence North 1 dee. 43 min. West, along the Wes line of said Rnlnh Wilcox Donation Land C aim. 17.03 chain 10 me Northwest corner of said Ronatior I.und Claim, the same beinir a post marked "C. S." with stumps of the original bcarine trees; thence South ive. 22 min. East, alone the Nortl' line of said Ralph Wilcox Donation l,nnd Claim, 22.42 chain to the cn ter of the County Road as traveled thence alone the center of said road mh follows: South. 41 dee. 15 nun East. 11.32 chains: South 27 dee 21 min East. 5.85 chains: South 1 dee. 1 min. West, 5.07 chains: South, 5 dee. 18 min. West, 7.89 chains tc an iron bar set for the Northeast comer of E. M. Rice' land; thence North 8ST deg. 17 min. West, nlonp and E. M, Rice's North line 14.32 chains to an iron bar at the Northwest corner of said E. B' Rice's land; thence South, 4 dee. 6 min. West, alone said Rice' West line, 6.67 chains to hi Southwest corner: thence South. 4 dee. 6 min West 18.09 chains to n hub on line of fence ;ther.ce North 88 dcg.34 min West atone said fence line, 15.6? chain to a hub: thence South, 0 dee It min. East, 14.09 chains to an old stake: thence North 89 dee. 4 mil East, 20.01 chains to a new fence post (an iron gun barrel, et for the corner of the property, lie ny thi nost): thence South, 1 dee. 22 min Ea.st, alone pew fence 2.95 chain to the center of old line fence; thence North. 89 dee. 6 ruin. East, alone old fence row 17.51 ihains, more or less, to the West lino of the real pro pel tv conveyed bv Anna B. Connetl et t l, to City of Hillaboro for use 403, Rccon; Cc-nfity. Also not excepting the Toiiowing escribed real property, to-wit: I'ciiminif at th quaiter section c-Mier between r iclion it anil 3(1, in Township 1 North, ltane 3 West, f the Willam-tt: Meridian; run- n.ine thence Wei-t alone the North lire of said Stiou 30, 4.40 chains, more or kis, to the center of Mc Kay Crek; th!i':a up the center of said i reel, to a point on the East line of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of aid Ssctlon 5; thence South alone the said East l.ne of the Southwt quarter of the Southwest quar"r of said Section 3 chains, more or less, to the ace of bcifinnine;. but excepting therefrom the fol- owmif portions thereof which have iecn released from the lien of said mortgage before and after the fil- 8 of the complaint in said uit, 'tcribed as fullows,to-wit: Uts 1, 2, 3, 24, 25 and 26 in Block 1 jts 1, 2, 3, 23 mil 24 in Block 2; ots 3, 4, 18, 19, 22 and 23 in Block Uts 12, 13, 14, 15 and 21 in ock 4; Lot 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 23 in ilock 5; I-ots 18, 22 and 23 in Hock 6; Lets 14. 15 and lffin Block Ixits 7 am! 8 in Block 8; Uts 14, lr, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 8 In Block 10; Lots 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25 and 20 in Block 11; UU 1, and 3 in Block 14; Lots 33, 34, 35, I, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in Block 15; t 3 in" Block 10; Uts 3, 6, 7, 10, 1, 24 and 25 in Block 17; Uts 33, I, 35 and 30 in Block 18, all in "anion Tract Addition, according tu o duly recorded plat thereof ii. the ffice of the Recorder of Convey- nee for said Washington County; !-d also except! nif therefrom t'nr 'ullowing portions thereof: Tracts 5 d 7 in Block 1; Tracts 8 and 11 in 'ock 3, n.id th following portion Tract 10 in said Block 3, to-wit: 'ommencing at the Northeast cor t-t of said Tract 10 in said BUck 3 1 encc runnine; South 110 feet; 'if nee Wet 317.4 feet to a post on he East hank of creek; thence Vorth. 50 de. 19 min. West, 172.5 'ret to a pout on the North iine of lid tract; thence East 4805 feet to he place of beginning, containing 007 acres, more or less; Tracts 6 ? and 8 in Block 4; Tracts 2 and t n woe t; tract a in biock o; ract 5 in Block 7: Traits 10, 12 rd 15 in Hhtck 8, and the follow e described portions of Block 10 '-wit: 1st. Begimiinp; at a point 418 ' t Wiwl of the 8iHilliet enrne f Block 7 in Garden Tract Addi ion to the City of Hillsboro in said "ounty of Washington, according to he plat of said Garden Tract Addi ion recorded in the records of plats I.ADIP.S I M ,t DnoM tot Crtl-CHM TRB'S plAMUNb BNI) FILLS In KkI !! irtii mruiuc botra, x-aled wutt Bli O-.firirt mmk for HM Ut.-I U III AMOKU HU 11 It I'll In, t.t lwrnlT-e yc rtirttUrU Df-I,hal-. Al wr Rrliit.le. 30LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi EVERYWHERE Pacific States I'ire Ineurance Company of Portland, rc(oti. The only big Oregon Old Line Cotnpeny. lx'S Promptly Paid John Vanderwal Agent ltllKit), Oreaor. Forest Grove, Oresror, Sept. 5. 1916. . To the Washiriftton Counly Vet eran Association and interest ed friends: It is apparent to the Officers and Committee of this Associa tion that the necessity for a change in the date of meeting for the Association has occurred, we therefore designate Thurs day, October 12, 1916, as the date on which to assemble in Cornelius for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the (Jrand Army of the Republic, and the usual meeting of the Wash ington County Veterans Associa lion. A good dinner and a good program is assured. J, L Butler, Pres. W. J. II- Beach. S( c. and Treas, I I I i Jimn-JON HAik I AHir.iiHAt.eN MM f said County of Washington in jook 4 at page z8 thereof; thence Vom said point of beginning West 10 feet; thence North 206 feet hence East 220 feet; thence South !06 feet to the place of beginning. 2nd. Beginning at a point on the Test line of Garden Tract Addition, hich said point is 10 1-2 feet 'outh of the center line of Lincoln 'trect; thence West 294 feet; thence 'orth 40 1-2 feet; thence West 10 .-ot; thence South 50 1-2 feet hence East 804 foot to the West Soundary line of said Garden Tract Addition; thence North on said West oundary line 10 f ?et to the place of beginning. 3rd. Beginning at a point 418 Vet West of the Northeast corner of Block 7 in said Garden Tract Addi ion; thence South 130 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract of land described in No. 1st of these last described three tracts; thence West 15 feet; thence North 136 'oet; and thence East 15 feet to the ilr.ee of beginning, ill being in Hillsboro Garden Tracts 'ccording to the duly recorded plat 'hereof in the office of the Recorder if Conveyances of said Washington County, I will, in compliance with the com tinnd of said writ, on Monday, the 25th day of September, 19t6, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at the front door of the court house In the city of Hillsboro, County of Washington, State of Oregon, sell (subject to re i public street, by deed bearing datent nublie miction nn 1 J T ll ' " uno i""n recoroeo ,nuw demption) to the highest bidder for Book 79. page 424, Records of aid ,r, ' , . , , , Wnshinpfon County; thence South. sh in hand, all the right, title and THE "GREATER OREGON" With lift w bulldlntt, hattfir fu.pinnt, and innny aildltlon to Ita fncnlt r, tlis Dnlvrrilty of Ornffon will bncln Itn fnrty-flriit yar, Tue lnr. ititntbcr I, 191 A. Hlnl tralnlitt In Commnw, JonrnnlUm, An'hltffrturo, I.nw, Mrdlrinr.TtsmhliiB, Uhrn Tf Work Mould riirlnl Trnlnlng mM Fin Art. iMrm and ttronc httnrtiueiiU of 14br al hluntione Llbrarr of mora than 09,000 volume, flf. tn bulldlnga fully quipped, two Klemlld fmnnMlumii. Tuition Kmo. Dormltorlctt for tnn and for womon KxpaniiM Uwfit. Write for froooatAlota.MldreMlnv R(Utrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Ktmr.NF., ORKOON ImUWi - NeWIOUVAHONAt 0 deg. 17 mm. West, along the said West line of said real pronertv o conveyed to said City of Hillsboro, 20.03 'chains to a point in the center of West Mftin Street in Hillshoro; thence South. 89 dee. 43 min. West along the center of said West Main Street, 17.32 chains; thence North 1.12 chains to center of old fence: thence North 88 dee. 52 min. West. 10.57 chain to a point on the line between the Ralph Wilcox and Hen rv Davis Donation Land Claims; thence South .50 chain to a fence nnst. at the Southeast corner of the Hunrv Dnvis Donation Land Claim honce North, 89 deg. 48 min. West, 157 elittl" one tn 0e nr' r -ovner on the line between the said Her.rv Davis and the Wheelock Sim mors Donntion Land Claims: thenoe South. 57 deg. 58 min. West, 21 e.hnini; thence South, 23 dee. fi' "in. West. 4 03 ehnirs to a rnint 'n the Sovth line of said Section fl0 thoMcn West "Ion" the South line f nld SeHion 30, 13.04 chains to the ilnce of b'-,"iP"'nK, the ime bein" "ovtinns of tho Donntion L"nd oii'nn of lt..nrv Dnvis, lH"h Wil eix, Iniiinh KelsiV I"1'! Wheelock immnnq. in Sections 25 and 3(1, in T.,.n-ti!n 1 North, R'mee 8 WeBt of 'bo Willamette Meridiir. eceptin? interest which the above named de fendants and each and all of them had on the 28th day of February 1911, the date of plaintiffs' -mort gage herein foreclosed, or have since that date had in or to the above des cribed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decreee, interest, costs and accruing costs. Dated this 24th day of August, 1916. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of the County of Wash ington, State of Oregon. First publication: August 24th, 1916. Last publication: September 21st, 1916. CHAMPFRLATN. THOMAS KRAF.MElt & HUMT'IlREYSrB Attorneys ior nainuna, 400-7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore Cuarantped Fl v Sprnv, t the Hillsboro Pharmacy at 85c ner MXYESISAVOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN ONE NORMAL NOT ENOUCH Oregon ba but one Normal School Thl school Is located at Monmouth. Excellent as Is the work of this school it ts utterly unable to supply but a mall part of the need for trained teacher for the State. Of mere then e.000 echool teachert In the public school of Of gen, tout 13 per cent have been treined for their prof-&eieit of teaching In Normal Schools. it i a well established fact that our one Normal School cannot supply the needs of the entire state. That is why we ask for your work and vote for the proposed Eastern Oregon State Normal School at Pendleton, Oregon. GiVE EASTERN OREGON SQUARE DEAL E,ght counties In the Willamette Valley have employe during the paat five years, 203 teachers who have gradu ated from the Monmouth Normal as against 39 Monmouth Normal School graduatea for the eight leading countiee of Eaitern Oregon. ' During the past five yeare the attendance of studsnts from nine Willamette Valley counties was 77 students it against 91 students from nine of the leading count.ee of Eatern Oregon. .... , Owing lo the crowded condition of our one Normal at Monmouth and also the distance aud expense of attending, students from Eastarn Oregon are com pelled to go to neighboring states to secure their training as teachers. ONLY COSTS 4 CENTS PER $1.000 The annual maintenance cost of the proposed Stat Normal School In Eastern Oregon amounts to but one 25th of mill or 4 cents on a thousand dollars of taxable -property. Isn't It worth this to have your children trained to become useful and productive citizenst STRONG ENDORSEMENTS Among those who strongly endorse the establish ment o the proposed Eastern Oregon Normal School are Governor Withycombe, J. H. Aekerman, Presi dent of the Monmouth State Normal; W. J. Kerr, President of the Oregon Agricultural College; P. L. Campbell, President of the State University; Robert C. French, former President of the Weston Normal, and practically all of the leading educators of the State. J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of Public In struction, voices the sentiments of those are ' most familiar with the need of more adequate Normal facilities when he says: "Oregon's greatest need for Its rural schools Is the teacher who has had full preparation to do her work. Such preparation can best come through Normal School "'"trust that the voters of the state will assist In raising the standard of our schools by establishing a State Nor mal School at Pendleton. The location la central, the In tereat of the people of Pendleton In education most excel lent, and the large number of pupila in the public schools will give ample opportunity to studeits to get the amount of teaching practice required In a sundard normal school." All the above educators insist that a Standard Normal School must be located in a town of 5000 or more population and having enough grade pupils for teaching practice. VOTE RIGHT y vojig YES for No. 30 you will help to glv to the chool cfl'iaren of Oregon the same- advantagea enjoyed by the school children of our neighboring states. Vote VES for No. 306. , . Eastern Oregon State Normal School Committer By J. H. Qwlnn, Secy., Pendleton, Ore. (Pai4 advertisement) NOTICE OF fiHERIFPf lAtl OS KOHECLOSURB Nrillee la hr-rrliy given that by virtu of an execution, ordrr ami diwrr and nr.lor of milii Issued out of the Circuit Court of llin HMle uf ttreann for Witfi liiK on I'onniy, ami muter the wl llier if. on thefith tiny of Neptenihvr, up on jiutrfiiient and dwrre reudarad in alii t on rt, in fsvor nf K .Vt Vsnlm, la plnintilT, and aimitiM K.tith M C'rmuc, V M I'rmiii, W J Oregis, Minnie Orogc; and M A Clrf4 an drtwidsnt, to m di rected ami dnllvernd, and cuiiiinudlnic .lie to uifke rule of the real property hereliinlti-r iltwrrltiwl . to Mtif th sum nl I'M with iiitarrnt thereon at th rain of pur cent per annum from th Mh ilitv of May. 1115, mini the further uiu ol 7ft miorimt' fees, and the further um ,,r 3.5 1 "ivml 'id dtKburwmsnt for whirl) said stunt judgment was rendered hi said r,Hiitt in faor of th plaintiff, ami to -nrther satisfy the eoata of and upon taaid will: Now, therefore 1 will on Hiiiidf, th 70) tiny or (irtiilier, imtl, at the hour of 1U o'l'lock ii. of said day, at I he Mouth door t ii-e court housrtof Vt nilitiiifton County tn Hillaboro, Oregon, prixawlto sell at p i il if auction to the tiighmt bidder for r-h In hand all of the lolluwlna prfl of real property, situate in Wasnlnguin 1 unity, Oregon, ilmcritied as follow a, lo wit: Keginning at a point on the Weal Ho of Tucker A 8tHwnri,' Adtlltlon to th town !now Cltj of flilhthnro, Oregon, aft feet North of the Nomhwt corner of Lot four ( 4 ) nt Kint-k tbree ( H ) of th aforesaid addition, lliem due Went t'.'l feet to a tnkt; thnnco North HI feet to a tk: ilifiiie Ki.tt 121 ft to the Wort 11 o of raid addition; thencn Houth along Mid W triil. lino 81 feet Ui plane of beginniog. Said ! will lie inwta eiibjaot to r ileiuption an per etaiute of the State of Oregon. listed tl. is nth. day of Hepteaiher. 1P10. J. E. REEVE3, Sheriff of Washington County. Rv Otrgti Aieiaudir, liepiity. Win O Hare, AlUnuey for Plaintiff. You need never worry about results in baking if you use KG BAKING POWDER It has been a stand by for a quarter of a century. Guaran teed under all pure food laws. 2 K Ounces for 0 W iMorc mui pound uMI bli tar Hurteci 25 Best Fire Insurance JOHN VANDERWAL Agent London SI Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. You will not see a long list of necessary ccces sories advertised for Max--well cars, r " ELECTRIC starter and lights, one-man mohair top, demountable rims, rain-vision windshield, speedometer, linoleum covered floor boards and run ning boards all these features, which are found on much moro expensive cars, are part of the regular Maxwell equipment They are included in the list price. When you buy a Maxwell, your investment is com pleted There are no extras to buy. In addition you get a car of proved endurance, of unusual economy. And behind. these qualities there is the record and reputation of the Maxwell, which ia second to none. - ' We insist and will prove tooiTthat the Maxwell ia the world's greatest motor car value. (5-, . . .jMsnar Ttmrnt Car. $393 3-tmmtr CmhrttJm4 lere IfmiiWltNastr sua - gmr Twm Car, Sli 4-per Slim, f983 114 1 S. E. BIRD & CO. Distribora HILLSBORO, OREGON - lie w- Hi II following eallon. Can you beat it? 18tf therefrom, nowever the