nr n ) Our Advertising Campaign Has Started. Watch Every Newspaper for Lowest Prices on new Fall Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Coats, Suits, Hosiery and Underwear for the whole family. Cases, Bales and Boxes have arrived by Freight, Express and Mail until every corner of our store is Jamed and Crowded with the best lines of merchandise in the county. Every article has been marked at the lowest possible price. WATCH WEIL'S ADS FOR BARGAINS IvzUjr Insures Full Milk Pail V kVV JIVC mi'i. inn auu uiav wrr diui micr when mil boilit.t mJ billon by iWv Krlisn their duliru by ir-i,ing IlKin with Conkey's Fly Knocker mnA somtuit Hut muic lull ntilk (Mil Kcps Flics Awny From Cattle and Horses lime, uhi ,.., (hvIiU, Try It IS Pavi Money T-ack If Not Get the Round Package ' Used for Vi Century, f Caution pgavotd Substitute "oSIc or $t0ji&x 3 MALTED Ma C . WIS.. U.S.. Ask For and GET T ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ou tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infant and children thrive on it. Agree witk the weakest ttomach of the invalid or the fA Nee J no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, coffee, etc Should be kept at home or when traveling. A nu tritious food-drink may be prepared is moment. A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing sleep. Also in lunch tablet form tor business mea. Substitutes Cost YOU Sams Price s Take a Package Ho ram ill te-vi$TmATtrym taw THE "GREATER OREGON" With nw tmlltllntr, httT -nulimnt and f; ntnny nagiunn to us rneiiny, ttie I ntvnttj of l)ron wtii bc.n H Wtjr-rtnt year. Ttte ditT, Srptember IU. 1010. Kprtal tmlnlnr In Cnnunrrc , Journnttftm. Arrhltrrture. Law. Mftfftrfu, Teach inar, Libra ry Work. Montr, rhylm! Train. nc ami Fine Art. Larcft and stronc dtiMrttner&U of Liber al KdncAtlon. Library of mor than 63,000 vol am, fif. teen baildino folly equipped, two splendid try tuna I urn. Tuition Pre. Pormltoriet for man and for J women. Expend Lowest. vt rive xor ire u-.ioch anaressins neniirar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EtTOENE, OREGOX UCa I Id Beaverton-Reedviile Acreage The finest suburb?.u tract out of Portland; 30 minutes ride ou the Big Red Steel Klectrie cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches a id stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre ou terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Portland, Oregon 2 Fourth St. 1 For Sale-Champion wagen 8 ile, cheap. Address Rex Par sons, Orenco, Ore, 24 6 ! Mr. and Mrs. John M. Brown, of above Banks, were in town the last of the week, fruests of relatives. Mairied, Aug. 81. 1916, at the home of Mr. and Mrs S. Mal !chow. Bethany, Kev. Wm. Graf officiating, Harold Ireland and Lydia Malchow. Jos. Cawrse. of North Tuala tin Plains, and John Cawrse, of 'SShefflin, were in Siturdav. look ing after the pickers who wer. going: to their yard. I Mrs. C. H. Enmott anJ daugh ter. Joyce, were jrueats of Mr and Mrs. Homer Emmitt the last of the week, returning to their home in Portland M nd . evening. John Uppenlander, or near Cornelius, was down to the city Monday. John was gazing pen P'vely at an undertaker's card w lich I ad been passed to him, and he commented in an under tone "You are the last man I wish anything to do with." Mrs. H. L. Pratt has sued H. L. Pratt for divorce in the Mult nomah circuit court She alleges that the husband has been cruel to herself and daughter, and that he has not contributed to h;r support, she having to build t eir home out of herown funds. Kev, Pratt was pastor here in the early days of the Evangel ical clergy in the state of Ore gon. He came here from Cor vail is, and then moved to Port land. The assertion is made by the Kev. C. C. PolinR that Mr. Pratt has had paralysis for sev eral years, and that prior to that he was one of the valuable minis ters in the Oregon district. Bargains HAS OPKNKI) IIKAIM HJARTKRS AT dinger Bros., The Reeclville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON, FOR WASH LVQTON COUNTT. Mary V. Csasldy, plaintiff, vs William Dl'atiildy, defendant: To William 0 t'awidy. shore named defendant: . In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and an swer tbe complaint filed aitnliiat you In the above entitled Court and eause on or before the 2nd day of Beptember. 191H. aald date being after the ex piralion of ai z werka from the dMe of the first publi cation of this summons, and If joa fall to appear and snswer said compaint. for want thereof, toe plaintiff will apply to the Con rt for the relief prayed for In her complaint, loxlf for s decree dis solving the bonds of marriage and mar riage contract n jw and heretofore (listing qetween you and the plaintIO, upon grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. This summons Is served opon you by publication thereof In the H ilfsboro Argus Eursnsnt to an order of tbs Hon Qeo K laKley. Judge of the above aulitled Court, made, tendered and dated on the 17th dsvol July, 1UI, snd which said order directa that thta summons ce ser ved upon you by publication thereof In ssid Ulllsboro Argus, for sis successive and comf-cu live weeka, the date of the brst publication thereof being the 20th day of July, t10, and the date of the last publication thereof being the SJhI day vf august, iio. WM. G. HARE, Attorneys lor Maintiff. Readville, I KfiBdville. Oregon Ureaon i Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Six Schools end Forty eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Learning and Labor, rorty-sighth School Year Oseas SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Coarse requiring s four-yesr high school preparation, arc offered in the following: AGRICULTUKR, 16 Departments; COMMHRCH, 4 Departments: KNG1N EERING, 0 Departments: MINES, S Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOME ECONOMICS. 4 Depart ments; snd PHARMACY. Vocational Courses requiring su Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MOSIC Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. Catalogue snd beautiful Illustrated booklet free. miaiuKue ' booklet tree. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or the Stsle ol Oregon, for Wsahington County rrsnris r. fcrriu, risinttfr, vs. To Gloria O. Fcrrill. the shove nsmr-d iloOndimt: IN THK NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You are herel.y notified and required to appear and snswer the complaint fllti stcsinst you in the sbove entitled Court ami cause on or before Friday, the flth day of September, 191(i; said ante being; srter the expiration or six veoks from' the date of the first pub lication of this summons upon you and if Mm fail so to niw.r and an swer said complaint for want there of Ihe" plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For decree dissolving the marri-iee nnd mar riage contract now and heretofore existing; between journe'.f and plain tiff upon the grounds of cruel smi inhuman treatment. This summons is served upon you Sy publication thereof in the Hi loro Argus pursuant to order of Hon Oooree R. ilagley, Judo of the above enti.led Court, made, render ed and entered on the 2tth day of jLly, 1916, and which said order re quires that this summons be pub lished in the said Hillsboro Argun for six successive snd con secutive week 8, the date of the first publication thereof be Ing Thursday, July 27th, l'Jlrt. and the date of the last publication there of beinjr Thursday, tho 7th day of September, 1916. WM. G. HARE. Attorney for Plaintiff. EASTWARD Thru the Inland Empire Grand Canyon of Columbia -American Wonderlands, -Glacier and Yellowstone Parks R Trip. . Lmr Fm Dtllr aaiJl S.p. 30 i TU North Sua Road. Slap arse vaura fom lilt. North Bank Rail and 26 Hours - Sail , Um ihipi of DaLns Sankr. S. S. Nartbara P.cific aad Northam, for SAN FRANCISCO ROUND TRIP $32.00 . Froas anr Or.foa Elaclric Rr. aolnl Ticket, maaJa and barlk. TUa . raita aavai Tina and Moaay and is a Daligktf 1 Trip HOMESEEKERS FARES Sept. 24 to Oct. 8 From MUldlt Waal ta WUUaittU Vallar. mO prapaid lickata G. W. Mason, Agent Hillsboro, Ore. RED PEPS PHIUDSOPHY Satisfactory i.Ijv. t 'V. liiLMiKOKJl. MiM PVv A.J. HARTRAM1T lillaboro Ort'Kon Buy Direct From Producer THE HILLSBORO This ma?nificrnt French Ostrich Hume id full 17 inches luno: and made of the hitiheat itrade hard Hue Odtrich, selected from the male bird. Una a very tflossy fiber and i extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Hack. white and colors, bend us Jl.lw and we will send by parcel post, this beautiful t'Hime and if you do not think it is the most mar velous value , ou ever saw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than f;,lH). you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. Special ISinchostrich plume.$2.2S worth J(j W Specinl20inchoht'ich plume,$5.00 worth $10 For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog.' SOUTH AFRICAN IuruitTINti CO. 1SII Wabash Ave., Chicago, IP. COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $00,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $28,000 Au old, safe and consci vutivc Imtik, located iu the Hillsboro blmk, S. W. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Hank. W. 0. Donelson UNDHRTAKKR Calls attcuded uigtit or day. Chapel aud Parlors. Hlllmboro, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wash ington. Lizzie Moore. i'laintiir Edward R. Mixire, Iufondan To Kdwurd K. Moore, above namml dnleiiilant: in ilie name of tlm Hlaln ol Oregon yon ate hereby required toapp -arand ttiiBwer Ilia roiiialalnt tiled BKnlnut you III tin xlxive enU.l suit on or Imfore Fililay Um Inl day 'if Hi-puiuilier, IHlrt ami If y i fail u so apiiear or answer Hie HialutlK for want tln-reof will apply to the 'Jourl for tbe relief prayed tor in ht-r no ..plaint, on file in Hie alHive entitled Court, to wit: Ynt a decree rliaNolvliig the txilliU ol matrimony harelofora ami now eiiHtlni; between ynu ami the plnlntiir and lor sucli other ami furtlier relief a-i to Hit Court may seem imx-t and e Lh tiln. TIiIm aiiiiinioiis im pnlillalind by onlnr ol the Honornlilo Oeo. It. Mngley, JinlKenl the ('ircult Court of the Start of Oiokiiii for the Uounty of Washington, and hhkI order was made and dnind on the I7tli day ol July, I HI II, and llin date of the II r' I iiodiicjiiihi ni una niiiiiiiiiina ih I hiirsi hi the 2 III liny ol July, mill, ami tlin dam ol me laHt pulillcalluu la 1 limvUy, the Ills, day of Aiikiini IMlii, CLYDK RICHARDSON, fiH Chanitiflr of t'oiiimerce Hidg., Tori land , Oregon. "If wishes were autowdbilej. gasoline wouW be worth a million dollars a tm" Percy Long a a J mm ATT WPniArvrrrQ IllVilliUUVy DHDTT AAGAZINB 300 ARTICLES - 300 ILLUSTRATION: T7EF.P Informed of t!io World's ProRrma in ;' hngniMTinif, Mi-rh u irs nnd Invent um. For 'Slhl.S- sii.l nn.l All I' : l.. a. touilchHtH OW ami Voimff Minnn.l Wonu-n v ,m MHirnxuiiii niitfUKllH) Itl till Ml Hit Ml JS) Ol ioinw l!inni.-Kimt Um world, (,, nr tfrt orrMHitli-iifn itr(icniatiiiit.lo i tlio ittt h or ! limit. Uijw uaj iiiUriNiiii; t and It i Written So You Can Understand It linn isiaesp p;0t Drtpart .non t ( 'fiHf cmtiitn t'nwilvtd liio f..rh!i(. Vnrkrtliicri-y wilfli l r 111' lay in-, a to t.liinnt itmint.f t.'.o ( i.tiMtsiar PTsjchAnks (1 fair;.) t ,r t Vn n nn iiris.wn. i mi. hi (.. ikMLMtno.fcii.timw tmiit.kiitVlri lWJ Ull.t 'If I. '.Thl.!! Ctllllifs. I'lio.l...., !(..... L. ."llitt., Ji.w. Ii,i T um, I!,m I'.'itle, ( iru H..(it.(iM,i,Mt-L rtt 'sii.i viimlMi-irfaumii ,ii SO I'CM 9M " C'NOI IE COPICS. fSc Iwooe trmm rour svwsooax. tt 4U mt li-Hm thm rjirH.stisi titfil e,y ws I he. cut cm rimtiML .POCUIAR Ml-CtlANICS MAOAINC i v rs. sniutiffrasi svuss a, rH'i rf.i Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the WnshiuKtott cotuity. cst ttuilur in The finest Rough and Dressed Lumbor KILN DRIHI) KLOORINII and RUSTIC always ou hand. Msliiimtes ti Huildiugs, I;l(Miiinjr, Rustic, Ceil ing.s all kinds of linislied IuuiIht for house material. U'c deliver. All lengths silo lumber, the best in the m tikct, const tntly ou baud. Photu: North IMains Central, 3 V. ti PETER HOFFMAN, Bicoru, OrcKon FOLLOWING OUR ANNOUNCEMENT we submit herewith a few comparative prices, to show you the advantage in buying for C'ASH. Rolled Oats (best cream) 9 lb, sack Corn Meal Chase & Sanborn ColTee, No. l.'iO Chase & Sanborn (iunpowdcr Ten Chase & Sanborn Knulish Breakfast Tea Cocoa, half pound can Imported Macerel. tomato sauce Imported Macerel, fresh V. 1J Sardines, best American Royal liukinir Powder, I lb. can Royal Baking Powder, half-pound can Chinook Salmon. 1 lb., tall can Chinook Salmon, 1 lb. Mat can Chum Salmon, 1 lb. tall can Postum Corn Starch, 1 lb. package GIobs Starch, 1 lb: package Arm & Hammer S.ida, 1 lb. package Kelloirif3 Corn Flakes Campbell's Soups, all kinds Snider Catsup (jold Dust Wasnini? Powder, lartro size Citrus Powder, larjre package The above will he sufficient to show you the Having that can be mnde by buying for CASH. Remember we will de liver all goods anywhere in the city. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Maiu 122 Hillsboro, Oregon ('ASH Credit nt Price Portlier LV 50c niic Mo 2-V 2Th IDc .MIc 40c Me 21c . UT.c 22c 2Tc lSo 2;h He 10c I2e f()c 2;lc 25c irc irc ISc 2fc 8-: 10c 2,'lc 25e 7c 10c 7e 10c 7c . 10c Oc 10c k 10c 2i )e 2"ic 2:lc 2Tic 2i!c 25c Ucaiuad Orasoa 2HO. Pnn. 1018 Phone, Cllr 972 GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate Prices. Personal Services Reaieance Fuaaral Parlor.,' Wadtinilnn al Clh I P.rtor. ' Waahinaloa at (ilk jniivs sun -Jrosaai Icmiw ros ( nor tooniHe-i I ' DMT I. coLi"u'owscot LOOKING -J - I YOU LL call it a lucky day when yon find tho satisfaction there is in a small chew of V- CUT Uicwing. With most chewers the flavor of rich tobacco is a genuine surprise party. There's another surprise-you keep your jaws quiet and restful, for tho i L.r,vS rtu-1 J,l.e aavoJ w,tho,,t 80 mnch chewing and Pitting. You think it queer how so small nibble does Ihe trick and .y WETMAW BRUTON COMPANY, SO Uaio. Sv New Terk City This Attractive Range is sold at an unusual y low price. S ild ou easy weekly or monthly terms. Carried iu Plain Hick or Ktiaineled Hick. Call and examine the new model of the Fro,' Sewing Miicliiiu. UejrinKss of price, it is th.;' equal of any niachiii; on the market. Sold i down an 1 i p:r week. E. I. DONELSON, Furniture