.... .... . . . fc I t-nhri intiH' illivlimiin .HiMmit M tout Jtion Ifl'tlCE 13 HEREBY GlVKK: Thttt by virtue of an execution, de cree and onler of sale issued out of nd under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon far Washington County, on the 24th day bt July, 1916, in that certain suit therein pending wherein Margaret Uermirds is plaintiff, D. Reghitto nd Ltiigia Reghitto, his wife, Hills boro National Hank, a corporation, Roger B. Sinnott nnd Loring K. Adams, partners as Sinnott & Adams, and Chin Sing, a chinaman, ar defendants, upon a judgment ad decree in favor of the plaintiff nd against the defendants 1. Reg hitto ad Luigia Reghitto, his wife, and the real property hereinafter descrilcd, in the turn of $10,325.00, with interest thereon at the rite of 8 per cent per annum from the 17th day of April, 1914, and the further urn of $2500.00 with interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 1st day of July, 1911, nd the further sum of $f00.00 at torney's fees, and the further sum of $53.00 costs nnd disbursements, nd commanding me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy the hereinbefore named ums; NOW THEREFORE, I will, on Mondav, the 2Sth day of August, 1916, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the south door of the Court House at Hillsboro. Wash ington County, Oregon, offer for ale, and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the following described real property situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: Bee-innine at an iron buggy spring in the center or loumy ttoaaiiaw reouirea. No. 397 at the S. W. comer of Lot Dated this 24th day of July, A. D. No. 12 in Steel's Addition to Bea- 1916. . verton in Section 16. T. 1 S. R. 1 W., J. E. REEVES. Washington County, Oregon, as Sheriff of Washington County, shown on the duly recorded plat Oregon. thereof in the records of said Coun-'JOHN M. WALL. ty: thence North in the center of , Attorney for Plaintiff. said road 73S.2 feet to an iron pm: thence South 87 dog. 12 min. East 797.3 feet to an iron pin; thence Bouth 47 deg. 01 min. West 43.4 feet to an iron: thence South 27 defr. 37 min. East 726 feet to an Iron bolt; thence South 35 deg. 34 min. East 311.5 feet to an iron: thence South 58 deg. 44 min. West 287.8 feet to an iron pin; thence North 82 deg. 82 min. West 337.9 feet to an iron buggy axle; thence North 7 dog. 28 min. East 354.5 feet to an iron; thence South 88 deg. 65 min. West 747.7 feet to the place ut beginning, containing 19.12 acres,' Including the right of way of the Oregon t.lectnc Kailway. MM OUa i't secllott lorr-er IWUwn iln 6 and 6. f t P: R. 1 W W.. M. WRhmgrori Comity, Oregon, theilc SoMth 1 dog. 09 min. West 1840.8 feet. mor or less, to art iron on the North aide bf the Oregon Electric Railway right of way: thence following said worth line of right of way, North 53 deg. 37 min. West 1724.4 feet to an iron pin in road on West lino of said Morton dale tract; thence in said road North I dog. 09 min. East 824.7 feet to an iron pin in the center of Base Line Road; thence South 89 deg. 42 min. East 1330.3 feet to the quarter sec tion corner above mentioned; thence East 78.3 feet to the place of begin ning, containing 43.09 acres. Re serving therefrom a roadway 10 feet wide from the Southeast corner of herein described tract along the North aide of the Oregon Electric right of way to the crossing at San ta Rosa station on said road, a dis tance of 1,116.7 fct, more or loss, from said Southeast corner. Also reserving a right to flow water in the ditch running across the tract of land last above described, and to en ter upon said tract if necessary, for the purpose of opening and improv ing said ditch. Excepting there from lot 7 and west half of lot 6 of said Mortondalo subdivision hereto fore released from the effect of said Mtg. Said sale to be made subject to re demption as provided by law, and the proceeds tl.erefrom obtained will be npplied to the payment; First: To costs and expensei of said sale. Second: To several sums due plaintiff as hereinbefore set forth. Third: The remainder, if any there be. naid to the clerk of said Court to be by him disbursed as by 'in the (:iicaii,Uuft of lUjtUte fa I On iron for nashinetori t'whhtv. I 'uraceRowtll; l'WIntitV. ! Fred T. Rowell, Defendant. ) To Krd Ti Rowcll above named de fendant: I la the Bum nf he Stale of Oregon I you ate heieby tnjuitrd to i rxnr i.iul answer the complaint filed miiiiist' jou 'iit the above eiittllt'tl Curt ud cause O I or before FiiiUv. the 1st day of Scp- t rtitwr, 1916, wine B snil unie is aix ' weeks and more from and afier the th . diyrf July, 1916, the date of the lirst 1 pub ication of this Smmtuiis and if you tall to to appear ai d -an wer for want iheieof the p!iutitl will app'y to th C urt lor teliif prayed for in brr Complaint on file tenin, tuwil: For a d.ciee forever disso viug the bom 1 1 ol matrimon now and heretofi ie existing U tween you and the defendant, for the custody ti( the U' 1 tor child Max Row 11 and for the sum of JJ 00 Per month, peim.inent alimony ami the further sum of $75.co attorney fees a id for such 'other relief as pertain to equity. , This summons i published by order of , the 11 .n Oeo. R Bag ey. Judge of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oitgro, Conn , ty of Washington, anil said order was made and dated on the 15th dny of July, , 1916. ' Vrt of the last publication Thursday, ' the 31st dav of August, 1916. Civile Richard n, Atiy. for Plaintiff, 5iS Chamber ol Commerce, Poitlaud, Oregon. Pacific States Fire Insurance Company of Portland. Oregon. The only big Oregon Old Line Company. Ijasses Promptly Paid John Vanderwal ITil'.sboro, Agent Oreeon I If you want perfect pictures the center of Base Line Road on the Second tt. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See J. S. Lorsung Sc. Sons' General Contractors Brick and Cement work done. Mop houses and barns, 6.50 per thousand for lurubtr, shin gling, 85 cents, per thousand. House work accordingly grading and excavating, all .work guaranteed, ; 1353 Fir Street, Hillsboro P. O, Box 113. Plume Main 92. j Buy Woodlark Fly Spray at the Hillsboro Pharmacy. 85c per gallon. 18-tf jOHN VaNDERWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Iusiirixuec Co, NOIit'K OK SlIKKit'Ht S.Vl.K OF KF.At. I'KtU'KKlKV NOTICE is hereby Riven, that by virtue of nn execution, decree and order of sale issued out of and 1111 d.r the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, oil the 16th day of An. 11 t, 1916, in a cause therein pending wherein I la C. Neulcigh and Kuan S. Nealeigh aii plaintiffs and O. I.. Avov and lioldie M. Avoy, now t!old ie tf. Ui-ooUs, K. 11. Hrooks, Wesley Whttford and Frank Whitford are Jofondnnts, wherein a judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants O. I.. Avoy W. Goldie M. Avey, now Gold io .M. Brooka, in the sum of $800.00 with interest thereon at the rate of ti per cent per annum from the 2-nd day of June, l'J15, and the further sum of $05.00 attorney's fees, und the further sum of S.So costs nnd disbursements, and wherein a judg ment was rendered in favor of the defendants and cross-cuinplainanta Wesley Whitford and Frank Whit ford, and against the defendants O, L Avey nnd (ioldie M. Avoy, now Goldie M. llrooM, in the sum of i 150.00 with Interest thereon from May 2-'nd, 1916, at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $30.00 attorney's foes, to me directed and delivered nnd command" jag i;ie to make salo of the veal property hereinafter described, in order to satisfy said sums. Now, Therefore, I will upon Sat urday, the tilth day of September, 101(1, at the htmr of' 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the South door of the Court House of Washington County, Oregon, In Hillsboro, Ore gon, proceed to sell at public auc tion, for ensh in hand to the highest bidder, all of the following describ ed parcel of real property sjtuitts In W"iihingtort County, Oregon, to-wit: rJ'.'ctniitnjr 40 rods North of tho Southwest corner of tho Northwest quarter of tho Northeast ;iu;irter of Section 15, T- 2 8. W. 2 W, nnd run ning tbenee Kast 40 rods along the North lino of a 20 acre trad 10UI by lla C. Noallh and Rosa S. Nev I ioigh ' to J. J. Meaney; Thance Noith 20 rods; thence West and par allel with the first mentioned line heroin 40 rods to tho west ine tif nimrUf M ,M , Wctlo i 101 Hi.-i, PoutH,80 idiU td thfblilcl of new, iniiig, Him cuuraiuinK live acres of i.'lhd. , fMId snlo (ti bi) thado Subject to reiieinpiion Ha per atntuW Of th Stulo of Oregon, and tho proift'ds thoiDfrom obtitinod will be, applied in accordance with said iocre, Hated August ltlth, ltl. , J. E. KKEVES. Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. Hy GEORGH ALEXANDER, Deputy. HARE & MoAf.RAR, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. JOHN M. WALT,, Attorney for IVfendnnta Wesley Whitford nnd Frank Whitford. I TANKII A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed at Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles SO Tcnkii T.hUt. 60c 100 T.bl.U $1. 600 TahUti $5.00 For SU By H. HUDDLESTON, J. H. FOOTE nd Hrtrmpr Cr Hillsboro, Oregon CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND OtAMOND f.GS tAMRS I k rr tnnw for Cnt CnKSTKl'i A DIAMOND HKANI) PILLS la 0 tutA Goto mntliic bom, mm W114 SlwiCO) KIMwn. Tin no oiph, l,rrf,uV DiamM m Mk l iUii'aK-tCK' DI1O01U ril.L, (. Irnl la Trnr rr( Hjfil benl.Salm, Alwaya arlllM SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TKjuli EVERYWHERE Wanted at once: Young men for automobile business. Bijr pay. We mske you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay ua afUr we secured you position. 'Century Automobile Institute, 200 Los AnjreldS, Cal, 1. pyp Jf ill IDWtta : Prom This Powerfy Almost 34 horse-power from this reg ular stock Maxwell engine! 34 actual, brake horse-power! Proved by an accurate dynamometer test, made in the Maxwell laboratories August 10, 1916. There has been a lot of talk about horse-power, and we just want to let Maxwell owners and prospective owners know that in respect to horse-power, as in most other respects, the Maxwell leads by a comfortable margin. Not that we attach such great importance to horse-power. We don't We never have. Horse-power abundant horse-power is only one of many superior features of the Maxwell. We are selling motor cars-complete motor cars not engines or horse-power. Horse-power is a matter that is second ary to motor efficiency and economy. A giant has no advantage if he doe3 not apply, or wrongly applies, his strength. Maxwell cars have horse-power all you want or need probably more per pound of car weight than any other automobile in the world. But we don't make any loud cry about it. , Because we: have more than horse power to cell you. Because you are, and should be, inter ested in results, the net effectiveness of power, ' We challenge competitive tests. We invite comparison. Because we absolutely know that no car of its. class or weight can surpass the Maxwell On speed ways, on rough roads, through sand or mud, anywhere. And because we know, and you will know, that, everything considered, the Maxwell is the World's Greatest Motor Car Value! f S. E. BIRD & CO. Distributors HILLSBORO, OREGON V. Washington County Fair Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday SEPTEMBER 20 to 23 Inclusive AT FAIR GROUNDS Forest Grove, Ore. Only One Block Frm Railroad Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry and Pet Stock, Vegetables, Fruit, Grains, Grasses, Farm Machinery, and Automobiles, Flowers, Fancy Work, Plants, Pictures, Culinery and House hold Articles. Something Doing Every Day. . Watch For The Program And See Special Prize List. $600 in Special J Prizes. $2000 in Premiums. Firemen's 1 Tournament. Band Contests Wednesday-Automobile Day. Thursday-Firemen's Day. Friday-School Children's g Day. The officers willjbe pleased to fur nish any information desired, Joseph P. Hurley, Pres. ! R. W. Reder, Secy. Forest Grove, Ore. a