The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 07, 1916, Image 3

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    WE lui ve ready furttlu fci loaiifi oil farm
and city property, interest Kccord
ing; to- impfovcmiMits made, and run
from five to ciht per cnt and from one
to twenty years duration. Loans on
farm highly improved will be made at
FIVE I'ER CENT. Call or write u
your want.
Perkins & Cornelius
Room 1, Commercial Bldg.
HilUboro, Oregon
MifiCfi (i kiifeulFptf sale ww'M r'Hiodi iumt, t.witi
J-- orrjij nlnr or lM
ill iiie lirrtlll (lrt ttf the fclal of
Oregon lor the (uunty Of Wash
iiiKlon. . Elmer T, Cbhitell and Ilunnuli J.
Ubjnchnrd, I'lulntiffs,
C. II. Jacobs, M. C. Jacobs, Hills
boro (Jartlen Tract, corporation,
H'gmuml Mcsuse. Kcgine Menus-,, 8.
W. Anderson. Mamie A. Uowen,
Thomas K. Blair, K. K. Bailey, J. K.
Cummins, 1). H. Walton, ;. 1. Eut
ingar. C. A. Kcklund. Edward Hag
er, Frank Heller, John O. Hopster,
l I). Hunter, Mrs. H. K. Johnson,
John C. Kemmerich, W. O. Kilboi.rne
W. (). KeUliaroi John L. Mahaffe
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
UillsboroJCorneliua and North Plaint
Wholosulo unci Retail Dealers In
G j.n, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Dags.
Car lo! shippers of POTATOES orul
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lalh
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Detl Flour at the Lowest Price
IH'Mmho, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515.
North Plains, Main 263.
l jonn Ij. aiananey,
A. I'etropufos, J. r. Powell,
James Rice, Mrs', j. M. hire, Mrs. K.
i. Rotors, Leila Schulte, C. A.
Scheller, J. A. Short, Mary A. Shad
den, J. H. Hacre, A. W. Schmule,
Charls Solomon, I'. J. White, L. C.
Kelcey, I'. K. Wle, (i. V. Pomeyer,
Htunlcy Richardson, K. C. Batcman,
L. A. King. Duniiiiiit-Krent.cll Com
pany, a corporation, A. W. Barth,
Adult Bauer, Fred Bretthautr, Fred
Bretthauer, Jr., (ieorgn Cambridge,
IotiBrd Deleye, Geo. Eelkcr, Adam
(Joebel, AuKUMt Jors. A. W. Marihall,
W. K. Marshall, E. J. Pickett, U
Ra iet. W. V. Wiley. Trustee. Me-
Claint Cooper, badger Lumber Com
pany, a corporation, llolmi rienneu,
Marth Honrlcksen, J. A. Johnson,
Fred E. Koch, William Rose, J. K.
KoBe, J. B. Wirt, 8. K. Wirz, Ed. I.
Johnson, Ray Pierson Ernil Kddel.
Frank A. Smith. Howcrd P. Bubhs
C. II. Hill, W. M. Murrltt and J. K
Hnlght, Defendants.
Fall Styles Invite Your Approval
There aie ftn li pretty ganiictit.-; on display
lure now. Nobby Coats in Wloiiis. Mix
tures and solid colors; Suits w ill medium
lt'j;ih tif coals and lare.c: vol!. us,
Kut thing shown i tkiuU'div new. You wi 1
enjoy seeing thciu even ii not ytt teady to
puichase. U is alvv.iv s a pleasure io see t he
new styles, and we enjoy .showing them too
1 in pices a:e kss than yon expect to
Goar's Woman's Shop
Third Street Hillsboro, Ore.
4, utmxs
E.i v everuthin? about
a rainij dat) seems
to sat
'ift kppd nrn
lr W " -Ma
to worH m
' Ai
rr r. comion .wear
A. J. Tower Co - Boston
1 iw nhout that Kodak you were
t ii!jr to purchase this year?
li tter call and let urhIiow yon
our new line complete line of
i; stmun Kodnks and Supplies.
The Delta Drug Store
n: mod defendant:
ir uiir.iiUN: iou are nernoy re
(iniied to appear und answer, the
' cKiiinluint filed auainst you in the
nbove entitled Court mid cause on or
b l'iire the lSth duv of Auiust. 1916,
J said date bointf after the expiration
: of six weeks from the date of the
i first publication of this . summons
and if you fail to so appear and an
swer said ronip'aint, for want ihnrt-
of. the plaintiff will apply to the
I Court for th:i relief prayed for in
u, complaint, lo-wit; for a decree
I dissolving the mnrriasro and mar
I rhu'i' contract now and heretofore
'existing between you and the plain
tiff, upon grounds of cruel and in
human treatment.
This Summons is served upon you
bv publication thereof in the HilU'
Aririis pursuant to order of tho Hon
ornble (!eo. K. HiiKley, Judire of
the above entitled Court, made.
rondeied nnd dated on the 1st day
,of July, lOlfi, and which said order
directs that, this summons be served
upon vmi bv publication thereof in
said Hillsboro Arcus. for six miC'
cessive und ronsecufve weeks, the
d to of the first publication thereof
bainir tho ith day of July, 1916, and
fie dr.te of the Inst publication
thereof beiiifr the 17th 'day of Aug
ust, HMO, nnd that; you appear and
imswer snid complaint on or before
t;ie l!Hh day of AiLTiist, 1916.
VM. 0 11 ARE.
. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Uy virtue of an execution, Jud?
ment order, decree and order of
ulo issued out of the above entitled
cjurt in the above entitled cause to
me, directed and dated the 2Mrd day
of August, 1916, upon a judgment
and decree rendered and entered ir.
t dd court on the 22nd day of Auk
uat,1916,in favor of plaintiffs above
named and against tne defendant!
:ibov named for the sum of Forty
three Thousand Seven Hundred
Twenty-seven r.nd 74-10O($41,727.74)
Dollars, with interest thereon at
the rate of six per cent per annum
from the 22nd day of August, 1916
and the further sum of Two Thous
nnd ($2000.00) dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 22nd day of
Augrust, 1916, and for the further
rum of $145.99 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to makr
:le of the following described rea'
nroperty situate in the County of
Washington, State of Oregon, to
wit: Beginning at a stone set by L. E
Wilkes at the Southwest corner of
Section Thirty-six (36), in Town
ship One (1) North. Ranre Three
3l West of the Willamette Merid
an, under the county nrmgt
across Dairy c;recK: mence .onn
0 deg. 42 1-2 min. East, 40.15 rhaim
. . .. . . w
tn an iron pipe set oy a. a. morni
fur the quarter section corner on th
West line of said Section 86; thenc
North, 0 deg. 63 min. West, 39.9.r
hains to approximate section cor
nor to Sections iwenty-iive izoi
Twenty-six (26). Thirty-five (35)
nd Thirty-six (36)H In Township
One (1) North. Range Three (3)
West of the WillamvtU Meridian
(the corner to the same being total
Iv obliterated): thence North, 89 deg
11 min. East, 39.71 chains to an iron
bar set bv L. C. Walker for the
euarter section corner between Sec
tions 25 and 36 in Township 1
North, Range 3 West of the Will
amette Meridian, the same being in
the West line of the Ralph Wilcox
Ponntion I-snd Claim; thence North.
1 deg. 43 min. West, along the West
lino of ssid Ralph Wilcox Donation
Land Claim, 17.03 chains to the
Northwest corner of said Donation
Land Claim, the same being a post
marked "C. S." with stumps of the
original benring trees; thence South
88 deg. 22 min. East, along the North
ine of said Kaluh Wilcox Donation
Land Claim, 22.42 chains to the cen
ter of the County Road as traveled;
thence along the center of said road
as follows: South, 41 deg. 15 mill.
East, 11.82 chains; South 27 deg.
21 min East. 5.85 chains: South 1
deg. 1 min. West. 5.07 chains; South,
5 deg. 18 nun. West, 7.8 chains to
an iron bar set for the Northeast
corner of E. M. Rice's land; tlnnce
North K8 deg. 17 min. West, along
avid E. M. Rice's North line,
14.32 chains to an iron bar at the
Northwest corner of said E. M.
Rice's land; thence South, 4 deg. 6
min. West, along said Rice's West
line, 5.67 chains to his Southwest
corner; thence South, 4 deg. 6 min.
West 18.69 chains to a hub on laic
of fencejthence North 88 deg.34 min
West along said fence line, 15.63
chains to a hub; thence South, 0 dev.
11 nun. East, 14.09 chains to antild
stake; thence North 89 deg. 4 nn'r.
East. 20.61 chains to a new fence
post (an iron gun parrel, set for thelp ountv
corner of the property, lies by thf I
dt-edif to JoHfOhud linglia by Thorn
nil. Connell and mU, as shown by
dei'd bearing date February 15, 1901
and recorded in deed book 57, page
KK; Record of said Washington
2. ' .263 of an acre thereof oc
cupied adversely by the I. O. O. V.
3. That portion thereof convey
ed by Anna It. Council tt al, to the
Oregon Electric Railway Company
by deed bearing duta July 13, ltfOK,
and recorded in Iked Hook 79, page
463, Kecords 01 said Washington
Also not excepting tho following
iteseribed real property, to-wit:
Peglnning at the quaiter section
comer between f actions 25 and 36,
in Township 1 North, ltarigo 3 West,
f the Wilmm'-tu: Meiidian: run
ning thence Wei-t along the North
In c of said Sa.tiou 36, 4.40 rhaina,
more or 1'fcs, to the center of Mc
Kay friek; thsir up the center of
xaid i reel, to a point on the East
line of the Southeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of said Svtion
25: thence Bout) along the said East of the Southrrat quarter of the
Southwest quar'r of said Section
it), 3 chums, mor or less, to the
oluce of beginning-.
but excepting therefrom the fol
lowing portions thereof which have
been released from the lien of said
mortgage before and after the fil-
ng of ths (ompMiint in said suit,
hscrihed as
Ixts 1, 2, 3, 24, 25 and 26 in Block 1
',ots 1, 2, 3, 23 ?nd 24 in Block 2;
,ts 3, 4, 18, 19, 22 and 23 in Block
': IMS 12. 13, 14, 15 and 21 tn
31ock 4; Lots 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 23 in
'tlock 6; Lots 18, 2 and 23 in
ilock 6; Lots 14, 15 and 16 in Block
';Lots 7 and 8 in Block 8; Lots 14,
'5. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and
6 in Block 10; Lots 14,' 18, 19, 20
'3, 24. 25 and 26 in Block 11; Lots 1,
'. and 3 in Block 14; I,ots 33, 34, 35,
'6, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in Block 15;
',ot 3 in Block 10; Lots 3, 6, 7, 10,
1, 24 and 2o in Block 17; Lots 33,
'4, 35 nnd 36 in Block 18, all in
harden Tract Addition, according to j
bo duly iccorded plat thereof ii. the
iffice of the Recorder of Convoy-
noes for" said Washington County;
rd also excepting therefrom tb"
'ollowing portions thereof: Tracts 5
id 7 in Block 1; Tracts 8 and 11 in
llock 8, and tho following portion
.' Tract 10 in said Block 8 to-wit:
Commencing at the Northeast cor-
ir of said Tract 10 in said Block S;
hence running South 110 feet;
benre West 317.4 feet to a post on
ho East bank of creek; thence
lorth, 50 deg. 19 min. West, 172.5
"?ot to a post on the North line of
aid tract; thence East 480.5 feet to
be place of beginning, containing
!.007 acres, more or less; Tracts 6,
7 and 8 in Block 4; Tracts 2 and 6
n Block o; rract 3 in biock o;
"ract 5 in Block 7; Tracts 10, 12
rd 15 in Block 8. and the follow-
ne described portions of Block 10
1st Betrinnimr at a point 418 j
f t West of lbs ' SoiiftiMut mre
f Block 7, in Garden Trot Addi
ion to the City of Hillsboro in said
'ounty of Washington, according tc
he plat of said Garden Tract Addi
ion recorded in the records of plat'
f said County of Washington ir
Rook 4 at page 28 thereof; thenco
'rom said point of beginning West
'20 feet; thence North 266 feet:
hence East 220 feet; thence South
!66 feet to the place of beginning.
2nd. Beginning at a point on the
West line of Garden Tract Addition
which said point is 10 1-2 feet
''outh of the center line of Lincoln
Street; thence West 294 feet; thence
North 40 1-2 feet; thence West 101
Vet; thence South 50 1-2 feet;
'hence East 304 feet to the West
'wundary line of said Gardon Tract
Addition; thence North on said West
'-oundary line 10 foot to the place of
3rd. Beginning at a point 418
'ect West of the Northeast corner of j
Block 7 in snid Garden Tract Addi
tion; thence South 136 feet to the
Northeast corner of the tract of
'and described in No. 1st of these
'ast described three' tracts; thence
West 15 feet; thence North 136
feet; and thence East 15 feet to the of beginning,
ill being in Hillsboro Garden Tracts.
'(cording to the duly recorded plat
'hereof in tho office of the Recorder
of Conveyances of said Washington
post); thence soutn, l deg, min.
East, along new fence 2.95 chains to
the center of old line fence; thence
North, 89 deg. 6 min. East, along
old fence row 17.51 chains, more or
less, to the West lino of the real pro
pel ty conveyed bv Anna B. Connell.
et ri. to City of Hillsboro for use -xs
a public street, bv deed bearing date
June 29, 1908, and recorded in Deed
Book 79, page 424, Records of said
Washington County; thence South,
0 dog.' 17 min. West, along the said
West line of said real property so
convoyed to said City of Hillsboro,
20.63 chains to a point In the center
of West Main Street in Hillsboro;
thence South, 89 deg. 43 min. West,
alontr the center of Baid West Main
Street. 17.32 chains; thence North
JULY 30"? 1907;
1 : Wi;;5ijKSAUM.RC.U.SX;
Prime Albrt h oM mmrywhmr
im toppv rmd kagi. 5c; Udy rmd
Urn. IOc; hand torn pound and
kalt-pomnd tm humidor and -thmt
citnr cryitat-itaa pound
humidor milk oonga-moUinmt
top that mmp fA tobacco m uch
tpUmdtd condition.
VlrI fBffe- national
P. A. puts new joy
into the sport of
YOU may live to
be 110 and never
feel old enough to
vote, but it's cer-'
tain-sure you'll not
know the joy and
contentment of a
friendly old jimmy
pipe or a hand rolled
cigarette unless you get on talking-terms
with Prince Albert tobacco!
P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the
goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is mode by
a patented process that removes bite and parch!
You can smoke it long and hard without a come
back ! Prince Albert has always been sold without
coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality!
Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette
enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and
coolness is as good as mat sounus. r.n. juai
answers the universal demand for tobacco
without bite, parch or kick-back!
Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder
than to walk into the nearest place that sells
tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay
out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer
fullest investment you ever made!
R. J. Reynold. ToUcco Co, Win.lo-Slm. N. C Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds ToWco Co.
You may
be famous for
your cooking, or
just a "beginner"
In Either Case
Il Baking Powder
will help you.
Its goodness
In the Circuit Court oftlie Stale, nt
(iregrtn for Washington County.
G. M. Anderson, Plaintiff,
Nellie Anderson, Dofnndunt.
To Nlli Anderson, the above
cut ,
'.12 chmns to center or old fence: cribed real property or
.Tw,,w . tnenre worm s nog. vl min. west,
" 1 19.57 chains to a noint on the lino
COURT OF THE, between the" Ralph Wilcox and Hen-
rv Davis Donation Land Claims;
thence South .50 chains to a fence
nnt nt 'he 'onthen.'it corner of the
ITenrv Davis Donntion Land Clnlm:
1 thence North, 89 deg. 48 min. West.
I h KJ rlisle 'n s ! In tli uniml-r
I corner on tho lina between tho said
Henry Davis and the Wheclock Sim
' roons' Donation Land Claims; thence
South, 57 deg. 58 min. West, 24
i rhninp thence South, 23 deg. 59
min. West. 4.03 chains to a noint tn
the South line of said Section 'O:
thence West along the South line f
siid Section 36. 13.04 chains to tbe
place of beelnning, the same beinp
nAftlrtna rt ttiA - TVlfiatinn I nnil
" n5SW..V Auienrt, Idle. Im" of Henry Davis. Rnlnh Wil
Mullv Willuw, A..mlniHntrU ol eststo enx. Isaiah Kolsav and Wheelork
nfiri'xHil. i Simmons, In Sections 25 and 36, in
W illiam (1 Hsrr. All. riT for Admin Town.hin 1 North, Range 8 West of
In the Mutter of tho E.-U'e of Claud O
Wilkes, duceased, -Nol'ce
Is hnrimy glvxu that the under
signed HilinlniMiralrlx of ssid n-tute hss
II I fit in tlf shovn until led !oiirt and
csiioe her Onnl Hccount and rsiiort as
Midi ailniinlstrntrts. nnd the nsid Court
Iihn Dxil and siipnlnted Mondsv. the 10th
day oi Hi'uM tnhnr, HUH. si llm Imur ol 10
o'clock nl'siiid duv. sn I the court room
oUhe illiove.eiilillpil Court In HIlNhTo,
WjiHliliigUfi uunty. Oregon, sa ths time
lf(i''ii fiYr pM'iaa oi txiions t sit
hn anuiiand'iMHIii- ll'.inl settlement
I will, in compliance with the com
nands of said writ, on Monday, the
5th day of September, 1916, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at
tho front door of the court house in
'ho city of Hillsboro, County of
Washington, State of Oregon, . sell
it public auction (subject to re
demption) to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the above, named de
fendants and each and all of them
hud on ttie 2Sth day of February
191 If the date of plaintiffs' mort
gage herein foreclosed, or have since
that dnte had in or to the above des-
any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decreee, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated this 24th day of August,
Sheriff of the County of Wash
ington, State of Oregon.
First publication: . August 24th
Last publication: September 21st,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
400-7 Chamber- of, Commerce,
Portland, Ore. - .
the Willamette Meridian
therefrom, however the
flnarnntppd VI v Snrav. nt the
HillaKnrA Pharmnev at nor I R.
EI gallon. Can you beat it? Mtfpwt
Notice is hereby given. That by
virtue of an execution issued out of
and under the seal of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Washington" dated
the 14th day of August, 1916, in 'v r
0 J. R. Hunt, plaintiff; and against
E. A. Popham, defendant, for the
sum of $46.70 cost, and the further
sum of $lt5.00, to me directed and
delivered, commanding me to make
sale of the real property hereinafter
described, I have levied upon and
pursuant to said ex-jcutien, I will
on Monday, the 18. h 1hv f s pitmlu-i,
1916, at the South door of the Court
house in Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon, at the hour of ten
o clock a. m. of said nay, ell at pub
tie auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, all of the following de
scribed real property, lying, being
and situate in Washington County,
Oregon, and mora particularly des
cribed as follows, to-wit:
All of Lots numbered five (5) and
eight (8), of and in Clack One (1),
in tie town of Banks, as the same
appears upon the duly recorded
plat thereof in the office of the Re
corder of Conveyances of aforesaid
county and .state.
Also a tract of lnnd which is des
cribed by beginning nt a point which
is reached by commencing at the
northwest corner of Section thirty
one (31) in township two (2) North
if range three (a) west of Willamet
te Meridian, and runing thence
south 45 rods r.nd 6 feet to the
North line of Market Street in the
foresaid town of Banks, and thence
East along tho North line of said
street 280 feet to a point which is
the aforesaid beginning point of the
land to be described; thence East
108.9 feet; thence North 82 degrees,
18 minutes west 205 feet; thence
south 170.5 foft to place of beginn
ing and containing 34.1 39 siuarr
rods, more or loss, to satisfy the
hereinbefore named sums and fm
the costs and expenses of sale and
said writ.
Said sale will be made subject tc
redemption as ner statute of Oregon
Dnted at Hillsboro, Oregon, thi.
tfth dayiof August. 1916.
Sheriff of Washington County, Or
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
,Jff0B 5r'By,v . .
1 ' '- '
VV hen a covey
n . 1 i .
pushes wtia a wnir-r-r
at your fat
or tKe trap toy rprma an unex
pected anle those arc t!ie times when
Arrow and Nitro Llub steel lined shells how
hmt why they are called the "SfaJ ShJU."
Th iteel liatn(( maVet tde main difference. It ffrirtf tli
powder al keep all tlie drive of the exploskm rijiUt bebiaj
the charge tkg fatttt tket sheik in the worlj.
Tb liet dealers in town er.rry "Arrow" unci "Nitro
- OuV tmokele.f, and in blacit towdtt shclli, trie old taad-
Vya. the "New Club" ahelk
Sold by your home dealer and 679 other
leading merchants in Oregon
Oram anj 9tf iour oitn with REM OIL, it- orr.hina
(mm Powder Svlvmt, Lubricant and Kuit Prtventativ
Largttt Manufacturers o,c I inarms and Ammunition
in tSt W rJ
Woolworth Building
E. Marshal', Binder Kx
Phone. City 13, tf.
Every Home can have
a Musical Instrument
Wonam ful Values in Pianos. Placer Pianos
Tal'kini Machines, Etc
We are known to carry only what
is pwa, wnm win enuure and what
is fully worth the price asked. Our
MiJ payment terms place the beat
musical instruments within every
one's reach. Fill out the coupon
or write for catukigues.
aM roup0"
Snern' "ifiaBtion'
ShcrmanMay&Ca I
a itr
k ... .. ,.J j -- I JJ"