mil HILLSHORO, OREGON, SEPTEMHE R 7. 1916 NO. 25 VOL. XXI II ME 1 J I X YOUNG LADY SCANS REE Was In Mill boro, Saturday, to Try to rind Trace ot MUsInt Lady HAD HEARD SHE MARRIKO II PRC Styi Her Mother, Formerly Mr. Craw ford, Married Man Named Carpeolcr Miss Muriel Tremain, formerly of Milton. Oregon, was in Hills boro, Saturday, trying to find trace of her mother, who, she says, was married to a man by the flame of Carpenter, in this county, two or three years ago. Miss Tremain says she has not seen her mother for ten years, the parent having vanished from her knowledge. She has ex hausted every clue in the search and asks the papers to help her locate her. She thinks she is somewhere near Portland. Miss Tremain's father died 12 years aifo ami me pri says n ( worked her way through schoo ! Wash. The last she heard di rectly from her mother was when the latter was located at Milton. Miss Tremain's address is 211 Fifth Street. Portland, and her telephone number is Main 7115. Anyone knowing of Mrs. Crawford-Carpenter's whereabouts will confer a favor by notifying Miss Tremain either by letter or telephone. S. P. & l. O. & R. All, except the P. 11. & N..' trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street. TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train Eugene Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train :50 a m 7:15(5 10:03 12:50 p. m 2:15 4:10 4:55 6:40 9:50 FKOM PORTLAND arrives : Eugene Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train Forest Grove Train Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train - McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train MaMinnville Train 8:15 a. m. 10:03 11:59 3:14 p. m 4:33 6:40 7:15 9:00 12:15 AM trains stop on flat? at bixm and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:150 p FROM PORTLAND P R & N. Train 9:15 a m. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2:19 p. m. Notice to the Public Notice is hpreby given that the undersigned will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by tiia wife. Mrs. S. Riley Cogan, xr Bertha Cogan, after this date, Thursday. A uust 21. 1910. S. Riley Ooga". Buxton. Oregon, August 24. 1916. 20 J0R0SF0R MOTHER Money to Loan On Improved Farms 4 The Shute of Hnmv Count v. were in tho citv Saturday morninjr, enroute home after a trip clear through to me coast with their auto. They lived in llillsboro a year ubout 37 years back, and have not been here since. From here they went to Harney County, where Mr. Neal has been in the sheep business. On leaving home they went to Crater Lake and thence on to Kddyville. Lincoln County, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Luce. Mr. Neal beinr a brother ot the hostess. While in Hillsboro they called on their nephew, County Clerk Kdw. C. Luce, leaving in a Bhort time for Portland to start for their Kast ern Oregon home. Mr. Neal has sold his sheep nd enroute back to d -'liver them. AH.'olinii Auto Ruve"s: Over land 5 imHsoniror auto: 1916 model: in irood order every way; has run atout 10. IKK) miles; one- man top; 2 extra rims and tools. Price $5.r)0. At llartrampf'a Garage, First and Main. 21 C Superior Jude Wm. T. Parch of Goldendalo. Wash., was in the city Monday morning, calling on Circuit JuiIrc Ceo. K. Banley for a short exchange of civilities. Judkro Parch has Klickitat. Ska- . , Cowlitr. J. " $ counties as is attain in th nrim Aries, a Kelso attorney beinjr his opponent. Judire Darch's family was over at Til lamook, enjoying an outinir. and he started to the beach with his auto. The rains stopped him at Polph hill, and he was oblined to motor back to Hillsboro and go in by train. I have house, lot and furniture in Portland, worth $t.7lH) clear. Place is rented. Would trade for acreage within mile of Port land, not to exceed $2,000.-11. Schliet. Milwaukie, Or. 21 (J Mr. and Mrs. Miles Everltt. who have been visitinir here and in Washington for two months, returned Saturday to their home l in North I5end. Miles is still nurainir his arm, the shoulder and collar bone of which was broken in his auto accident. They shipped their auto South and returned by train.. .... Hop Pickers Wanted: Regis ter with meat once. Good camp ing place. Pay $1 per hundred. Jos. Cawire. Cornelius, Ore., Route 1. or Telephone 39X2, Hillsboro central. 23 5 Misa Bertha Hesse, of the post offlco force. Robt. Meacham, son of Chns. Meacham. and Mrs. John Fuegy and children, of Phillips, returned Friday from a visit with Mrs. W. G. Victor, of near Pomeroy, Wash. Mnnev to lonn on farm secur ty. I represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. E. I. Kuratli. J. A. Hoffman went over to Rockawav the last of the week in trv rlav'g hear hunting. Hir wife, who has been spending severa weeks over there, win accompany him homo. We guarantee Delta Fly Spray RTi eent in irallona. 70 cents in 5 gallons. -The Delta Drug Store. 15-tf P. Whitmore. of Chehalem Mt was a citv caller Saturday. He finished stacking before Satur dav morning's rains, and was feeling fine. Rnv Wondlark Flv Sorav at the Hillsboro Pharmacy, 85c per gallon. lotr Mr. and Mrs. C. Walters, of North Plains, were in town Sat urday afternoon. W. Sedlak. of Tualatin, was up to Hillsboro Saturday. John 11. Neat and wife. Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits Savings Bank GAR SHORTAGE HURTS VALLEY LI The Raule L.umb?r Company am! Other Conccrna Ak State Aid WANT CARS FOR LUMllliR SIIII'MIINT Mill Men Sav Their ProllU arc Hem Cut Into by Failure to Ship ho liable Lumber Co., oper ating on the V, K. ,v N.,4iave asked tho state railway commis sion to intercede with the South ern Pacific for cars in which to ship orders of lumber. They are in need or zn cars ior nuiame shipment and can get no such relief as is wanted to insure profitable business. Other mill companies over the state are making tho same de mand, and J. N. Teal will sue tho company for punitive da m- ages in case cars are not lorin- coming, the case to he hied upun lis return from Coos Lwy. Many companies are short, ami bhert- dan wants U) cars, oniy a por tion of which are spotted. Southern Oregon is in the same init and mil I men comolain bit terly that when they have prolU able orders they can not ship. The proponed suit will be brought under the interstate provisions of congressional- law nd will have a tryout. at least. Manv mills have already sus pended logging operations for the time being, particularly where they have no pond area to hold their rough stocks. rum.ic auction laving lensed my farm a dis tance fiom Gaston. I will bring my effects to the K, J. Ward ace, Gaston, and Roll the fol lowing at public auction, at ten m., on THURSDAY, SKIT. 7, Span mares, 1300 each, good general purpose team; mare with COH ai Biucf fmto two and three years; Holstein cow, to calve Oct 1; Jersey cow, tn calve SeDt. 2a; Jersey cow. now fresh: cow. to calve Nov. 20; Jersey heifer, to calve In early tlIr.!,.... 7 Kami uaarlini h.ilferrt. Wlllll'l, I mvhu ...... -. I tolnl in and Jeraev grades: 3i- inrh wide tire wairon: 3-inch wa- gon:2 sets heavy harness, top lioomrtf ami harness, o atiorm ani lew ceneral tarm tools, tilows. hnrmw. en tivator. chains. rorkP. and numerous other articles, ar.d a lot of household furniture I.nneh served at noon. Term3-$10 and under, cash; all sums over $10. bix months' time, JMBERMEN bankablo note, at 8 pi'rh,f nn cettinir aoosition at Chel- cent Three per cent, off, cash nver $10 Mrs. G. W. Bacon, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Glen Stapleton, Clerk,- BOARD OF RQUALIZATION To the Taxpayers of Washington P.nnnlv Oregon : Notice is here- hv a vpn that tho uoara oi Equalization of Washington J ... P.nnntv. Orecron. will meet on Monday, September 11, 191G, at the Court House, In tliiisnoro. in Washington County, that being t hPHprnnd Monday in September, nnH the time and i) ace provided hv law to uubliclv examine the assessment rolls of Baid County for 1916, and correct all errors in valuation and description or mmntities of land, lots or other properties, and it is the duty of all persona interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if it shall appear to said Board of Equalization that there 1 j il are any lanas, pts or omer prop- erty assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same or assess- ed under or beyond its value or any lots, land or other properties not assessed said lSoardoi equal ization shall make the proper pfifrppfinn. Max Crandall. Assessor, Washington County, Orpirnn Hillsboro, Ore., Aug. 21, 191G. Card of Thanks Wo tender our Bincere and heart- f,,H thanks to nil who so kindly ovtnnrlpH nirl and svmnathv dur inor ftiir herpavpment the death and obsequies of the late Wiliara npnsow. and return especial ihnnka for the manv floral trib ntnu Mrs. Willard Denslow and sons, T K. Denslow and family Hillsboro, Ore.. Sept. 4, l'Jlo. E. E. Marshall, Binder pert Phone, City 13, Ex- tf. Chris Petersen, of Jolly Plains, was a city caller Labor Day, Calm Lockrnan and wife, of South Tualatin, were Hillsboro visitors the last of tho week, Married, ThomuH A. Miller and Hazel Par ford, at Hillaliuro, Oct 31. 1916, Rev. Chas. S. Poling olllciatlng. For Sale - Good-sized fourteen mouths mule mare colt, out of Mammoth Jack. Fine colt Fred Muhly, Cornelius, Oregon, R. 2. 25-7 Married, at Cornelius, Ore., Aug. 30. 1916, at tho home of the olliciating minister. Rev. ISurham, Cornelius. Ore., Albert R. Fulgham and Cora J. LeRoy. Your drink will sure be cold if you get it at our fountain. Our now ice shaver shaves the ice so line that it takes immediate ac tion. The Pen of Sweets. iVarried, at the home of the ofliriating minister. I). A. Smith. HilMtoro, Ore.. Sept 1, 1916. Richard Whitsitt and FJsa M. K tie nek C. Findley McLeod, one of the old timers of the Gaston country, was down to Hillsboro, Saturday, greeting pioneer and other friends. Money to loan on improved real estate, principally farms, and choice city property. Kerr Bros., Hillsboro, Odd Fellows Building. liUf Fred Muhly, of'near Blooming, was in town Saturday. Ho re ports a fine prune crop out his wav. and expects to soon start .trying. Mr. juuniy turns otu a hr.e product anil always nas ready sale for his output We hy hogs, beef cattle, iLh'P, tl.ickens, hides, etc. High est prices paid lor nil good Hlulf Write or phone. - Rogers & Car ter, Beaverton, R 4. Itox 20. PI, ('lie, Beaverton 53 Line3. tf I nice t.ordon. who was in charge of laying the rocklihlO 5 pavement in this cty some years ago, is still located at Cleveland. Ohio. Mrs. Gordon has junt left a sanitarium. somewhat improved in health, and they are talking of uoini? to Texas in the not dis Nr. Cor union sends nis rcgaras to h ma manv nmnw ro Pythian brothers and friends. ! ennard Hmwn has oncned his Tin Shop in the Linklater Bldg., ono door North of the Argus office, Second St He is prepar- . . eu to lake care oi your tinwork, hop kiln and can furnish you supplies, pipe, etc. inr. Zumwalt who graduated frftn the Hillsboro High several oar ntro. ii now working in an auto factory at Chelsea, Michi gan, where he also is a member of the band. He went Fast from j03 Angeles with the A', li. i ,.., a nii-r-nn hi n landsman. concluded toouit the canvas tons and settle down to domestic life. It certainly was a pleased lot Iwnv hovs that went to urnrt- Mondnv morniniT on the P If N.. and oassed through on the. Southern Pacific and Oregon tfloftrie-fnr the news that the hiif Ktnke was off meant payroll riirhr. a onir. There never nas been a time when more trainmen were employed on the lillamook linn and a strike would have meant a great deal of loss to tne mon n well as to the company, for there is plenty of traffic to be cared for. Fresh peaches, sliced and frozen in ice cream, makes a toothsome delicacy, lhe Den oi Sunnta is serving noach ice cream; also orange, maplenut, phnnnlnte. strawberry and van illa Lai,or Day was celebrated in the county in the usual manner, . . A I L w,tn a saie wager mat mure people were working, owing to the Btart of hop harvest, inan on ov other day of the calendar year, business in tne cuy wis as brisk as usual, notwithstand ing the fact that tho banks, the court house and the post ouice were closed. The rural man car riers were enjoying their vaca tion. John Ryan, of Route 3. uhn.him an auto, went out on ohnnr. half his route as a sort of complimentary, delivering daily nmiprs. llonvards nad meir prews at work, and the weather was not at all bad for pickers Auto Owners. Attention We are specially equipped to handle electric work on autos, including starters, generators, storage bat- tpnes. and all repairs on same. - na well an on mairnitos. Wo also do oxy-acetylene welding in first p nss stv e on all metallic parts o nil kinds of machinery. Try our vulcanizing you will be pleased with results. Hartrampf s Gar nee. Main and First Sts.. Hills boro. All work guaranteed, zi STRIKE CALLED OFF S WlUon's Bill Tor Right Hours Ikconica Statute CAR SHORTAGE FLY IN OINTMENT What The Orcfoa Country la For Budneaa Dolnf The big railway strike was called off Saturday night, after Con gress had passed the eight hour law and the bill was sent to President Wilson Saturday night for signature on Sunday. All trains were running Monday morning, orders having penetrat ed every nook and cranny of the cnintry telling the brotherhoods that there would be no cessa tion of railway labors on Labor Pay. The only fly in the Oregon ointment on Monday morning, Sept. 4, was the fact that cars were short for lumber shippers in the Willamette Valley, and every effort is being made by the S. P. and O. W. R. & N. to get rolling stock to points where shipments are piling up. Tho Oregon industrial field is rellected in the following notes: Ten Mile, Coos County, logging plant opens operatiors to run four years Baker county is erecting fifteen new steel bridges. Monroe getting $2,000 grain warehouse. St. Helens Auditorium build ing going up on fair grounds. Linn County will pave 200 miles county highways in five years. milliiina hitildinir n railroad to Coos IJay. Pa in ev to use native stone for new school building. Sutherun-100 persons em ployed at fruit evaporating plant. Uregon uity Mar theatre win erert 3(LW playhouse. - IWSeuurg iwu roriwini "tit ma have bids on the Kendsll rail road. Work on Suther n. Coos Bay & Eastern railroad resumed. Portland - Auton Huth. la coma, to erect 5-story building hure. Lenta gets $8,000 business liuildinor. Portland American Can Co. taking bils on $250,000 factory on Railroad Ave. Milwaukie Clackamas high wnv to be oaved. here was but one Didder ior the franchise over the Inter state bridge at Vancouver the P. R. L. & P. Co. The traction company is not offering much fiwinor to the iitnev competition. ' Marahfleld -Boulder Creek MlnlncrCn. prpotinsr a sawmill Bend creamery will erect mod- ei-n hinldmo. The lumber mills at baker are i-nnniniT full blast, and imvrolls run into manv thousands of Hnllnrn monthly. Portland shipyards have oraers for twn mnre steel vessels. Mvrtle Creek voted $21,000 bonds to provide light and water system. Detroit Mich., milk conden serv firm wishes to locate plant in Orptron. Kenton Swift Packing inter ests spending $150,000 on pack inir rilnnt. Astoria Pav increases affect ing nearlv GOO men in the em f ihn North Rank svstem arc nnnnun red. the increases ranging from 5 to 10 per cent ot formpr sa arv a owances. euec- tive for August. snG THE WORLD stmaster3 have been made re- m-mtinu- niiipprs for the army. Special inducements ire offered t,i Phnrmaeista. Musieians.oanos- men, Electricians, Clerks, uroks, llakers. barbers, teamsters, Carpenters. Blacksmiths, Horse- ulwuira nnrl rither mechanics. a o Wlipr haa the nnnortunitv. free of cost, to see Hawaii, the Phillipine Islands, Alaska and other places. He receives free linnrH Inrloinov P nthinff. med'Cal attendance, baths, advantages of schools, libraries, and gymna siums with modern appliances, IuMmlinur l.nwlini? iij.u.....p . . . . .. Knr further intormation. ano ;trntnrp. atmlv to J.C. Lamkin. nnalmnatpf at Hillsboro. who Will fornkh enlistment blanks, and heln vmi till same. 26 All the latest Brownie Cameras Drug Store. Kodaks and at the Delta - o MONEYQwHA WITHOUT the c onsequent risK is through the universally approved chech-booh, -which haj become an earmark of a Cue nee, conservatism and substance. Tha men of marK in your community- dj business with their chv ch -boofi. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings American National BanK Mailt and Third St:, LUMBER For Less Than We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock vc arc going to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving, This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture aud enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Wasbingtou County, we can beat any and all com petition offered. Write us r call us up and we will show you w hat a LOW PRICE WE WILL MAKE aud WHAT YOU WIT T C1UP. "We" UtttivT-oi ' kcmcTiiDcf Hat this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your -material list NOW for this years needs. We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. AD30LU TELY Everything in Building Mateila Hillsboro Auto Livery- Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA1 AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Wasbingtou Sts. Phone, City 17S Patronize Home Industry By Having Your Glasses Fitted At Hoffman's. Jewelry and Optom erist. Hillsboro, Ore. OP u KMPING HllUboro, Ore Wholesale Cost "wuwi.r V j m