WE have if July funds (r.'i loans on fnrirf aiut city property, irf.fcrest accord ing to improvements niftde, and run f rem five to eitflit per cent and from one to twenty yetus duration. Loans on farms hkhiv intptoved will be made at 1 IVE mi C EiNl. your wants. Perkins & Cornelius Room 1, Commercial Bldg. lliltaboro, Oregon It's the uniform unva- -tasiiOf l0&St$ ryingheutofa good oti : a wwrv utove, mid the perfect control, that keep the juices In that pre- acIaner,cooIer 8rycs the savory Uchen, and lest goodness of the meat - - and give that even fuel expense brownnciu till over. NEW PERFECTION OIL CO&MTOVE til thronvnlntYuf ViZJ'ni iiS3l' Fr iii.Cookifvtry)hiii( rrr-v;vrq itt any wood or coal taiiK w' -r fMi&S- '' I , will ro., bul Ma 1 xfrWittrs Til lony ny Jo wy with nil tinuk and mell. In I, ,3aiiJ 4-bunwi titan, ov.m aepamte. AlrnJ cabinet niadvl with HiU. Couking O- II. Auk JTuui" dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IC.l.lw.l.l blu. vhim- I '? II V,, Li HILLSBORO MERCANTILE CO. D. rCORWIN PERCY LONG WILLIAM NELSON ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce tint I have opened a 0 ret ti hou so on Twelfth and Oak St., Uillltoro, ami am prepared to fill unlets for all kinds of flowers, shrubbery, etc. A specialty of floral designs for funerals, fraternal ordeis, etc. Also am prepared to do laudi-cnpc gardening, and floral decoratiug for all occasions. SPECIALS Flowuiug riants l'.icilie Supreme Tomato plant:-, Knuny's Hest tomato, and Haily Oregon, caili.'st on Pacific Coast. Pentvers, New Peifvc!;on. Cabbaj c plants, nil vni'iiics. Carl E. Muller, Florist Ilillsborc, Oregon; Route 5 C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. HillsboroJCoriiclius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in G ain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at nny time Lumber Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Dest Flour at the Lowest Price Telephone?! HPlsboio, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. w Cull or write ui iuiciei I l.i Jhi Circuit (iibrt f the l$P of Orcifun for the CoUllly 01 hush iiiKlun. Klmer T. ('olinell and HurtHMli J. Blumhurd, Plaintiffs, VI. 0. II. Jacobs. M. C!. Jacob, Hills boro (iiuden Tract, a corporation, f:Kimind Meauae, Rcgine M-kum 8. Alllll'inOII, .IIUIIIIU A. ISOWl'11, Thonna K. Blair, K. it. Bailey, J. E. Cummin, D. 8. Wulton, ;. b. Eat inger, C. A. Erklund. Edward lluir er, Frank Heller, John O. Ilop.li-r, 1.. 1). Hunter, Mm. N. E. Johnson, John C. Kemmerieh, W, O. Kilboi.rne W. 0. Ketcham. John L. Muluiffcy, i A. Pctropulo, J. I'. Powell, Jumca Rice, Mr. J. M, Rice, Mns, 1 . (i. Roger, l'lia Kchultc, C. A. Seheller, J. A. Khort, Mary A. Wuol den, J. H. Knrre, A. W. Schinuln, Churlei Solomon. I'. J. Wbitj, I.. C. Kelcey, I". K. Wine, (i. F. Jiomeyer, Stanley Klchnrilnon, K. ('. liuteman, I.. A. Kilitf, DuniiinK Krciilz.'ll Com iitny, eorporation, A. W. liurtli, Ai(fi Bauer, Fred tiretthnucr, l-'reci liretthauer, Jr., (Wuikp Camliriilice, L'onenl Ueleye, deo. relker, Ailain (Joclicl, AtiKUKt Jom, A. W. Marnhiill, W. K. Munhall, K. J. I'iikett, i. Iliilllet, W. V. Wiley, Trut.'0. Mc- (.'laint Cooper, Hnli;er Lumber Com pany, a corporation, liolmi ti!inctt, Marlh llenrukiien. J. A. JohiiHnn. Krod K. Ko-h, William Itoso, J. K. Hone, J. U. Wirx, 8. H. Wirz, Kd. I. Jobnuon, Ray Nemon Knul S.'iili I, Krunk A. Smith, HowlM r. i;..iii C. II. Hill, W. M. Merritt and J. II Halght, Defendant. By virtue of an execution, JihIi ment order, decree and order of Hula iimued out of the above entitled ourt in the above entitled cuu:x to me, directed and dated the 2?.rd duy of AuftUHt, 1116, upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in aid court on the 2-nd day of A i unt,llfl,ln favor of plaintiff above mimed and airainxt the defendant above named 'or the mm of Forty three Thounnnd Seven Hundred Twenty-aeven r.nd 74-100t $43,727.7 It Dollar, with interest thereon at the rate of aiit pi-r cent pi'r annum from the 22nd day of A1iKU.1t, 101 '. and the further um of Two Thous nnd (I'.'OiHl.OO) dollar with interest thereon at the rate of fix per ci'ni per annum from the 22nd day of Auirutt. 1916, and for the further rum of $145.99 rotila and disburse ment, and the cent of ami upon thi writ, commanding mo 0 make v le of the following described real ni-operty iltuntq in the County of ".mhineton. State of Oreenn, to- wit: rteeinninir at a atone net bv I.. F Wilkea at the Southwest corner of Section Thirty-six (3fi). in T.iwn- lnhip One (1) North, Range Three im t .u. ur:ii..M,..A f....:.i 1 1. 1 iicbi ui ( ir I. minuet Kr: hi- inn, under the County Bridre arroi Dairy Creek: thence North rt de. 42 1-2 min. East, 40.15 chain? to an iron pipe act by A. A. Morrill for the quarter section corner on the Went line of aaid Section 3ti; thence North, 0 deir. 63 mm. West. 39.9 chain to approximate section cor ncr to SertiotiK Twenty five f2fi) Twci'tv-ix (26). Thirty-five (35 ?nd Thirty-aix (3fi in Township one m North. Itanee Three (3) West of the W illamette Meridian (the corner to the lame beine total ly obliterated); thence North, 89 dee II min. Fast, 39.71 rhainB to an iron bar aet by U C. Walker for the quarter section corner between Sec tion 2r and 36 in Township 1 North. Ranire 3 West of the Will amette Meridian, the panic beini; in the. West line or the Ralph Wilcox I'onntion Land t laim: thence North 1 dejf. 43 min. West, aloiiK the West line of aaid Ralph Wilcox Donation Land Claim, 17.03 chains to the Northwest corner of said Donation Land Claim, the same beinc a pest marked "C. S." with stumps of the original bearing trees; thence South SH deg. 22 min. Fast, alone the North line of aaid Ralph Wilcox Donation (.and Claim, 22.42 chains to the ren ter of the County Road as traveled thence along the center of snid road as follows: South, 41 deg. 15 min FaFt, 11.32 chains; South 27 doc 21 min East. 5.85 chains; South 1 dep. 1 min. West. 5.07 chains: South 5 deg. 18 min. West, 7.89 chains to an iron bar set for the Northeast corner of E. M. Rice's land: thence North 88 deg. 17 min. West, along ami r.. M. Kice'a North line, 14.32 chains to an iron bar at the Northwest corner of snid E. M Hire a land; thence South, 4 deg. min. WeBt, along aaid Rice's Wc.t line, 5.67 chains to his Southwes corner; thence South, 4 deg. 6 min West 18.69 cluii-is to a hub on line of feneeitheneo North 88 rleg.34 min West along snid fence line. 15.6;i chains to a hub; thence South, 0 do. 11 min. East, 14.09 chains to an old stake; thence North 89 deg. 4 min Fast. 20.61 chains to a new fence post (an Iron gun barrel, set for the corner or the property, lies by tin nest I ; tncn.'o South, 1 (leg. 22 mm Fast, aumg row fence 2.95 chains t tho center of old lino fence; thence North, 89 deg. 6 min. Fast, a one old fwe row 17.51 chains, more or less, to the West line of the real nro peitv conveyed bv Anna B Council et rl. to llty of lHllsboro for use a public street, by deed bearing dat' June 29, 1908, and recorded in Doe l Book 79, page 424, Records of said Washington County; thence South 0 det. 17 min. West, along the said West lino of said real pronertv so conveyed to said Citv of Ilillsboro 20 fit chains to a point in the center of West Main Street in Hillsborn 1 tbenre South, 89 deg. 43 mbi. West I alenc the center of said West Main 'Street. 17.32 chains; thence Non'.h 1.12 chains to center of old fence thence North 88 dec. 52 min. West 19.57 chains to a point on the line between the Ralph Wilcox and Hen ry Davis Donation Land Claims: thence South .50 chains to a fence At at the Snntbenst corner o the Henry Davis Donation Land Cliim: thence North, 89 deg. 48 min. West. (I (17 cbulf a slone In the snpnl-r corner on the line between the said I Henry Davis and the Wheelork Sim 1 mons Donation Land Clnims: thence South, 57 deg. 58 min. West, 2-1 chains: thence South, 23 deg. fo nun. West. 4.03 chains to n point in the South line of aaid Section fi: i thence West along the South linr ' .said Section 36. 13.04 chains to tie 1 place of beginning, the same boini' portions of the Donation I -nnd Cla'ms of Henry Davis. Rnlnh Wil cox, Isaiah Kolsnv and Wheelock Simmons, in Sections 25 'and 36, in Townshlo 1 North. Range 8 West of the Willamette Meridian excepting therefrom, however the following iSi'HIiC'l WH !' lliel-ri.f, U Will 1. h.)H tr wore, or tost, nlil U .i'.li;ihini by Tnom- N I'lHifii'll Mill W-ifc, UK kfliwil bv lrd bi'ariiiir ill" I'Vbnmrv l.'i. Idol. nnd ri''orl"d in ilrl book hi, f);in MM, UiTonlti of s.aid W;i,hIiIil'Ioii 'oiiiity. 'I. df mi iicre I'l'T'-nf or. upied advcr.-si i ly l.y the I. (.' U. )'. Vini'tcry, 'I. Tiiilt tioitiiiri tlii'H'of roincy ml by Anna It. OmriHI et nl, to tli (r(n Klirtiir knilwny Coiniiunv li.'d lifiritur date July l.'j, i;iUH, lirnl r"Jhi'H III J'kmI Honk 7:1, p.ilf" 4i'l, lli-cmls of eaid Wuhhincton 'Mnly. Aho not p-i,;i 'n? Ilu- fo'lowlnjt en rilu'd real ir-,rty, to wit: I'tlniiinir in !. iii. liter M-i'tinri (hut Ix'twriri f-i-i-tinn'i i!,r, niid ::ii. in TnM)"liii t .'"'illi, lUnj"' -'i We.-.t, f t'u- Vil:im 'iU- Mi'ii'li.in; run M.ni; them"- W t IHoiiit tfu- North III . of Kind S..i tioii .ill, 4. til chain.: mnt'i! or b kH, t' I be renter of Me- K.iy (c'k; t!,- :. ( up the renter of ,:ii(l ceil, lo (-'iiiit on the Kmt ine of the Soiitlie:n.t ii:irti-r of tu 'initlme.st o:iM"r of snid fi Ttion ;; thnire Hi iiiI fileinjf '.lie Bfiid Kant ne ol tin; N.'iln " Hi. oiciiUt of the S'liithv.ff t nnai'.er of mid Section .'! (hiii-i.", moi-.r or !.::, to the ol.iee of In Kini'inf. but exi'ivli!-;: tberef-om llic fob owing . ii ' i iii.i thereof which huvs- Ik-en :!(: ! from th: lien of snid i-.i.-r!;, ".(.. I, ;iiii : fter the fil- I l' " 1 b.i'it in h.'ud suit, ribe-l r I'.. !'., l.to-v. it: l.ifj I, ?. ... 21. IT. Mid 26 in Block 1 '.-:;. 1, :!. :;. -ml 2-1 in Block 2; i..a. ;,, 4, i.-".. 1!), 22 and 2'i in Block LutH 12, 13, li, 1.", and 21 in -k 4; r.'.t i 2, 3, 7, 8. 9 and 23 in Block H; Ij.ta 2:! i.nd 23 in !loik 6: I.ot: 14. nn.l In i.i I'lm-k ';lxts 7 r.nd H U V.Un 8; l.ot:j 11 15, IS, 19, 20, 21, 2", 2.", 21, 25 ;,nd Vi in Bloc't lii; Lolt H, is, j-j, 20 t, 24. 25 nnd 26 in L) k 11; Lots 1 I and 3 in l.iock 1 i; I.r.ts V.i, 31, H5, n, 37. 38, ::9 and ia in B!,k 15; t 3 in IH-.tk 16; L l.s 3. 6, 7, 10. U, 21 am! 25 in Bln.k 17; I Ms 33 'it, IT) nnd 36 in Bit --el- 1M, j; ir ','1 rden Tract Ai'ditii r., rucor.lii.g tf '!ii July i."c nh'd pint tin rcof ii. ib; iff ice of the HiVard'T cf I'onvey- "uv? fcr riid Waviiinglon Cmiiity: rd also exc ptin'r therefrom t'.i' "ollowiiig pi-i'.ions tln-riMif: Tricta 5 . d 7 in l!'' k 1; Tracts 8 and 11 in th.i-k ", a:i.t t!i 2 following nortioi ' Tract 10 in mid Block 3, to-wit: '"ommencing :t the Northea.-t cor- r of ii I Ti ut 10 in said BUck 3: -hence rur.niiig S'ouih 110 feet: lirri c V.". :-' SI 7.4 fe-'t In a m.t or 'he Fast b.'iiik of creek; tin nee Wn-lh, r.O deg. 19 min. W-'t, 172.5 fe.'l to a port en the Nci Hi iine of ai-1 tract; theirs Fast 4Wti.fi Jet to be place of -lieginaing, ront-irin 1 .007 acres, n ore or Wi; Trr.ets 6 7 rnd 8 in B'ork 4; Traets 2 and 5 n r.loik 5; Tinet 3 in Block 6: Tnrt 5 in BKv k 7; Tracts 10, U' -.rd 15 in B'-cl; s, a-'d the follow i'r described portion'-1 of Block 10 te-wit: 1st. Br-i'i'ip'.ng :t ' a' point 41P iflll'W of llii' ! utile! ionrr f Blo-.k 7 in Can'.n Tract Addi- :ion to the Citv of lll!!sbir; in said C-nuity of Wellington, nccording te ihe plat of "aid (iird. n Tract Addi tion recorded iu lite records of platf .'f said Coiiiiiy of Washington in Book 4 at i;i.v 2s thereof; teme from said peinl of beginirng West 220 f'-ct; tjeii-;. North 2(i6 feet: ! hence Fast "'a feet; thence South 266 feet to the place of beginning. 2nd. Beginning at n point on the Wtvt line of Carden Tract Addition. vhieh s;;id ptvnl is 10 1-2 feet outh of the center line of Lincoln "Vreof; thence We.d 294 Wl: thence North to 1-2 fed: thence West 10 feet; tho:ce Seuth 50 1-2 feet 'hence Fafl 301 feet to the West Ivnindary line of said Garden Trad ddition; thence North on said West boundary line 10 f et to the place of bopinmnir. 3rd. Beginn'ng at a point 41? rect Wet of the Xe'-tho-ist corner of Block 7 in-sni'l Garden Tract Addi ion; thence S.uilh 126 feet to the Northeast corner bf the tract of 'and described in No. 1st of these l;i:t described three tracts; thence West 15 feet: Ihe-iee North 136 fot; and thence E-.sl 15 feel to th? t)l"ce of heeinnine, dl lving in llill hoio Garden Tracts, wording to the duly recorded plat thereof in the off;ce of the Recorder of Conveyance of said Washington County. I will, i" co'np'jj neo with the com mands of said writ, 011 Monday, the 25th day of September, 1916, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at Ihc front doer of ihe court house in the city of Ilillsboro. County of Washington, Slate of Oregon, sell at public miction (subject to re demption') to the highest bidder for cash in hand, :'ll the right, title and irtercrt which the above named de fendants and each nnd all of them ad on tin' SS'.b ''tie of Velnun'v, 1911, the date of plaintiffs' mort gage herein foreclosed, or have since that date had in or to tho above des cribed real preperty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decreee, interest, cosls and accruing costs. ' . Dated this 24ih day of August, 1916. J. E. REEVES. Sheriff of the County of Wash ington, Statu of Oi-ognn. 1 First publication: .August -Pith, 1916. ' " ' Last publication: September "W, 1916. . ' -v PtHMPFPt UW TtlOt! i.-r i.'m i,m 0. tiiTrrno'cvo ,v,v. ,v .v ..,,.. ,,,..,,K loSlll,tl .'U'ornevn lor I la.nui is.a. 100 7 ( hamher of ( omnu Portlaiiil, Ore. Cnarnnteed Fly Spray, at the HillsboVO Pharmafy. t 85C per gallon Can yOU beat it? 18tf ADl'im nr siittifiH'M MU Or Uv.M i'ij'r.uiny N't'IK K i.i heK-bj giveii, that by Virlilu of iiii ixeclitirm, derrCe Bnd oilier of r;,!i, iH:u"d out of and un il r th''":il of tho Circuit Court of the St ile of Or gon for Washington Coiinty, on no- 10 11 iir 01 ah it, 1910 in a cwiM! therein pending wherein lin C. Ne:d( igh and Rosa S. .S'cnleij.'h ui! plaintiffs and O. L. Avey and liddie M. Avey, now Gold i M. Ur.jf:?s!, K. it. Brooks, Wesley Wlii1 fori and Krank Whitford are defeinlant., v,h';raiii a judgment wan r!ii'ler-cl 111 favor of tha plaintiffs :.nd iigiin:it the defendants O. L. Avey 11 V. Gohlio M. Avey, now Gold it; M. Brook:;, in the aum of $800.00 vutli illicit.-: X thereon at the late of 0 per cent p'T annum from the 22ml thy of June, 111 15, and the further uiii of 465.UO attorney's fees, and the further fcuin of $22.50 cents and ili.-,hii.,eni-iila, and wherein a judg ment wa rendered in favor of the defendants anil crosa-complainanta Wesley WhHford and Frank Whit font, and against the defendants O. I. Avey ami Goldie M. Avey, now (ioldie M. Brooks, in the sum of $150.00 with interest thereon from May 2-'ntl, 19 16, ut the rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the further sum of $50.00 attorney's fees, to me tiiretted and delivered and command ing me to make sale of the real property hereinafter described, in i:T r to xaliufy Kiiid sums. Now. Therefore. I will upon Sat urday, the 16th day of September, 1910, at the h mr ot 10 ociock a. M. of said dtv. at the South door of the Court House of Washington 1.-'e.int v', Oregon, m Hill.sboro, Ure- gon, proceed to sell at public auc tion, for cah in hand to the highest :.i.!.ki-, all of the fjllowing deserib--d parcel of real property situate in Wellington County, Oregon, to-wit; B 'I'liwiirg 40 roils North ot the Southwest corner, of ' the Northwest ;.:::rter of the Northeent quarter of Section 15. T. 2 S. li. 2 W., and run ong thence East 40 rods along the 'o!ih line of a 20 acre tract sold by 11 1 ('. Ne:leigh ana Rosa S. Nea- l.-iirV to J. J. M?ancy; Thence Ninth 20 rodfs: thence West and par tlli l with t' t 'irst mentioned line herein til to o the west line of laid northwe tuarter of the north- asl iiiinrter f said- Section 15 (htnee South 20 rods to the "place of 'eeiniiing, and containing five acres of land. Saitl sale to be made subject to nil mjition ns per statute of the itate of Oregon, and the proceeds 'herefrom obtained will be applied n accordance with said decree. Dated August 16th, 1916. J. E. REEVES. Sheriff of Washington Countv, Ore. Bv GEORGE ALEXANDER, Deputy. 'ABE & Me ALEAK. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 'iiUN M. WALL. A'turnev for Def-mdnnt Wesley Whitford and Frank Whitford. SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given, That by s'rtue of an execution issued out of ar.d under the seal of the- Circuit C'jurt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washington," dated 'te 14th !av rf Aocu'l, 1916. in 'nv at J. U. Hunt, plaintiff; and againat 12. A. Popimm, defendant, for the r-um of $46.70 cost, and the further ; m of $165.00, to me directed and dclivcreJ, tonunanding me to make sale of the real property hereinafter described, I have levied upon and pursuant to said execution, I will on Monday, the S k tiny f September, 1016, at the South door of the Court house in Hil'sboro, Washington County, Oregon, r.t the hour of ten .1 'clock a. m. of said day, sell at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the following de scribed real property, lying, being and situate iu Washington County, Oregon, and nioro particularly des crih.vl as follows, to-wit: All t.f Lots numbeivd five (5) ar.d eight (S), of and in Black One (1), in t!:e town of Banks, as the same appears upon the duly recorded plat thereof in the office of the Re corder of Conveyances of aforesaid county and jlate. Also a tract of land which is des 1 ribed by begimiing nt a point which is reached by commencing at the uorlhv est corner of Section thirty ov.e (21) in township two (2) North of range three (3) west of Willamet te Meridian, and runing thence south 45 reds and. 6 feet to the North line of Market Street in the aforesaid town of Banks, and thence East along tha North line of said street 2X0 feet to a point which is ihe aforesaid beginning point of the hind to be described; thence East 108.9 feet; thence North 32 degrees, IS minutes west 205 feet; thence south 170.5 feet to place of beginn ing and containing 84.139 square rods, more or less, to satisfy the lieivin'oefore named sums and for the costs nnd expenses of sale and said writ. Said sale will he made subject to redemption as per statute of Oregon. D.tod at Ilillsboro, Oregon, this 1 t ; tlnvp f A'.i):u t. jq 1 6 J. E. REEVES. Sheriff of Washington County, Or. By GEO. ALEXANDER. Deputy. KULASON & CLARK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. BUILDING I aw prepared to do all kinds of Huildirttf and Repair work Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filing, Screens nnd Screen doors. Shop Linklater Imildinj;, Second St., 2 doors north of the Argus. All kinds of furniture, plate and prism glass doors and w.n dows. Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BKATTY. . Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that th. uuderi-irii rd Miithew S Weir Iota been duly nppoiiited by the !nintv l',mrt ol Uin Mrtio of Oregon fur W ishiimton i'oniilv. ml in litis! rutor of the. elile of Ah x older S. Weir deo(t,, nnd hat quiliilleil. i ah ik roiih imvuip cm una Rk'aiiifli nam I'""! ug.nu lieit'bv i.oiiliti.1 and irtpiireit lo iij.v ".""v v." ? "" r Plaintiffs,! JfogeUby Young. r.Mmi424. Obin. iercit .. fM & t'ohinier.-e lluildiiig. 1'oilliiiul 4,5?'!' tf , 01 at Ihe home o! til the lain tin 'wtfM .1. It, r'. li. No. I, ltwrton, Ore I nini aiiilur riitior at t lie 'tTtm ,m ' MathewS. Weir, Adniintntratar of the KlW of Alexander 8 Weur,Uocasd. I" 9f AbitMnilitfo.l of IHiWhbHr-tti trl Hi" f'ounW Court of III Ctate 1f (h--ipm. tor the County df With liifilnn. In lti Mnitcrof tlw Ktlol M A It 'b 111KO11, ilriaii Nntle I limrfij lv?n llml th un- iier.il linn Ixkiu Only appolniml a.1 nimutrUjr orili wUt(r M A K0I1P s 111 ttuitr.wil, Ly 1I1 I'ounif Court of tm- S'atnol r(xoe for Wwliing-lou Comity, ml Iim C'inlitii AH prinon hvln Ukliii Btiaiiiat Mid eatal ra herl, nuttfinl to prixrui the mm t' 41 h niton HuiIiIIiik, i'uaUnit, Oration, Willi roin h nuiluly vritietl, williiu 6 uiuntb Iron. IihO-iJ thlfilHIti tly of Inly. 1MIH Imui o! Iio-l putilloatlon, Jul; 27 WiS Di'of I tai puD.tiintlofi, An 21; IHIIi link h!.t!ill. Admlii.druor Wnlu-r T Mcliulrk. Attormy NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FOKEC'LOSL'UE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That by virtue of an execution, de cree and order of sale issued out of and under the seat of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, on the 24th day of July, 1116, in that certain auit therein pending wherein Margaret Uernard is plaintiff. D. Keehitto and Luigia Reghitto, his wife, Hilla- boro National Bank, a corporation, linger ii. binnott and Lonng K. Adams, partners as Sinnott & Adams, and Chin Sing, a chinaman. are defendants, upon a judgment and decree in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants D. Reg- hitto ad Luigia Keghitto, his wife, and the real property hereinafter described, in the sum of $10,325.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 17th tiay or April, 114, and the rurther sum of $2500.00 with interest there on at the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 1st day of July, 1911, and the further sura of $600.00 at torney's fees, and the further sum of $53.00 costs and disbursements, and commanding me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums; NOW THEREFORE, I will, on Monday, the 28th. day of August, 1916. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the south door of the Court House at JIillsboro, Wash ington County, Oregon, offer for sale, and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the following described real property situate in Washington Countv. Oreeon. to-wit: Beginning at an iroh buggy spring in the center of County Road No. 397 at the S. W. -corner of Lot No. 12 in Steel's Addition to Bea- verton in Section 16, T. 1 S. R. 1 W., Washington County, Oregon, as shown on the duly recorded plat thereof in the records of said Coun ty; thence North in the center of said road 733.2 feet to an iron pin; thence South 87 deg. 12 min. East 7975 feet to an iron, pin; thence South 47 deg. 01 min. West 43.4 feet to an iron: thence South 27 deg. 37 min. East 726 feet to an iron bolt; thence south 35 deg. 34 min. East 311.5 feet to an iron; thence South 58 deg. 44 min. West 287.8 feet to an iron pin; thence North 82 deg. 32 min. West S37.9 feet to an iron buggy axle; thence North 7 deg. 28 min. East 354.5 feet to an iron; thenca South 88 deg. 55 min. West 747.7 feet to the place f bee-inning, containing 19.12 acres. Including the right ef way of the Oregon Electric Railway. Also: Beginning at an iron pin in the center of Base Line Road on the North line of the Mortondale Sub division, distant 785 feet East from the quarter section corner between sections 5 and 6, T. 1 S. 8. 1 W., W. M., Washington County, Oregon, thence South 1 deg. 09 min. West 1S40.8 feet, more or less, to an iron on the North side of the Oregon Electric Railway right of way; thence following said North line of right of way. North 63 deg. 37 min. West 1724.4 feet to an iron pin in road on West line of said Morton dale tract; thence in said road North 1 deg. 09 nun. East 824.7 feet to an iron pin in the center of Base Line Road; thence South 89 deg. 42 min. East 1330.3 feet to the quarter sec tion corner above mentioned; thence East 78.3 feet to the place of begin ning, containing 43.09 acres. Re serving therefrom a roadway 10 feet wide from the Southeast corner ef herein described tract along the North side of the Oregon Electric right of way to the crossing at San ta Rosa station on said road, a dis tance of 1,110.7 feet, more or less, from said Southeast corner. Also reserving a right to flow water in tha ditch running across the tract of land last above described, and to en ter upon said tract if necessary, for the purpose of opening and improv ing said ditch. Excepting there from lot 7 and west half of lot 6 of seid Mortondale subdivision hereto fore released from the effect of said Mlg. Said sale to be made subject to re demption as provided by law, and the proceeds therefrom obtained will be applied to tne payment: First: To costs and expenses of snid sale. Second: To. several sums due plaintiff as hereinbefore set forth. third: Hie remainder, ir any there be, paid to the clerk of said Court to be by him disbursed as by law reouireu. Dated this 24th day of July, A. D 1916. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. JOHN M. WALL. Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice Noliee la hereby given that nil th SUl day of July, A 1) 11 ID, III undersigned aa, by the Countv Court of Waahliifttop itounty, Orecou, duly apiioiote t iiliulu itirHlornf thetHiulo of Mary J Loiley, deceased . Now Iherefore, all poMona having eiHioiH aguniHt saiti eaiaie are uercDy re quired to proaent tha aatu to ih with nroixtr voucher at the law oil ire of John M Wall, at Hillsboro, Oregim, within (ii inmith Ir im the data hnmnf. Dated Hub 3 ut day of July, A D 1916 J. E. Loiley, Ailmiuilrator of lh Kiie of Mary I Loiley, deceased. John M Wall, Attorney for Kstate. Pacific. States Fire lunuianee Company of Portland, Oregon. The ouly big Oiegou Old Line Company. Losars Piotuplly Paid John Yanderwal Age at Hillaboro, Oiegoa In h- Circuit ("otii-t of the SUU of Oregon for Washington County. timer Rout. I, 1'Uinliif, v. Kiftl T. Ke.well, IVfetidmil, To fir T. Kowdl nbove lum.ed de- fcniUiit: ' In the nniiif of 'lie Suit of Oregon venue lien-hy irqnited to at prar i nd 4i er lb complaint filrd aainat you iu the above rimlU-d Cuit and ctiiM : on or I'f'i rr I uUy, th til rlfiy of Stp- j uniovr, 1910, won (i sai l uaie aix wi-tk Mid oinrr f: mo and nf rr th tottl liny 1 f July, 19 6. Ihe dale of Hi Brat puli i.n in in o ilm Su111n1.ini and if u Imi to ne apprar ai d a vri fur 6 wu.t tlirit of the p aiiilill will apply Itf llii- Cnurt for relief ptajed for Iu hrf O loll ami i n li e I crt-in, It-wit: For a .liCitt- foitvt-r 1 1 o viug th bone of m iiimmiif m w and hnelt ft i rilaling It twern you ant) the defendant, for the culoi. 1 in, 11 1 r child Ma Howell and for the sum' of $15.00 urr month, kiiii iiirnt nliiiio iy and the further torn ' f 7 j attorney fee ami for aucb ullirr r irf a pc:tin to equity. ; This summon ( published by order of thr 11 n Oco R Bh rr. Judge df tbc Cu cuit Court of thr Stntr of Uiiyt 0. Coun ty! I Wn-hing'.on, ;d aniil older wa made and tUud on the 15th day of July, 1916. Date of the !(tt tubliralion Tbuiada, (lie 3 mt day :l Augiml, 1916. , Civil KifliiftU 11. Any. lor Plaintiff, . fiiK Chimin r ot Couiuiricr, Pa, t laud, Orrgon. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See J. S. Lorsnng'& Sons' Gen ral Contractors P.rick nd Ctnieut work done. Hop houses and barns, $6.50 per thousand for luinbtr, shiu liup, 85 cents per thousand. House work accordingly grading and excavatiug,-all work guaranteed. 1353 Fir Street, Ilillsboro P. (.). Box 113. Phone Main 92. PRESERVE That li ttle touch of Jandscape which appears to you.. A , fine line of Eastman Kodaks --the only best from $1.25 up.; We develope and print ' Hillsboro Pharmacyl Best Fire Insurance JOHN VANDERWALj Agent London & Lanca- ' shire Fiie Insurance Co. Why Not? A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles OOoMORE Entirely elim inates motor trouble-- gives GAS WMl rfr,n com- ctu witATiTSAY?' uuun pro duces perfect ignition. ARGUMENTS POWER For Sale By H. HUDDLESTON. J. II. TOOTE Hillsboro, Oreg.n ' " - , y , ,.,mi. If you want perfect pictures try a Vulcan film. ,L M. Hoyt, Second St. All hats reduced at Emmott's Millinery. . . 5filEHSTi!S FILLS: DIAMOND BRANO ot LADIES I V- tk J.ur Unwwl't for CHf-CHEH TRR'S A aiAMUNU likANU IUU. la ko taij Jolo metallic bo-, araled una bluKO) tibbon. l.E no eiura. n,f jwV rl.l mm aak K t 111-.' U t-1 m V lll) miNI r-l i.ta, fur twralf-(ta) tut trmnlril Imi.Bilcsl, Alamya krlUUc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE rk It