""wm.i- .... ,jtSM m II ILLS HO RO, ORKGON, AUGUST 21. 1910 VOL. XXJ1I NO. 2:5 lnl!LLSB AR V. Hi 1 M OF WINS AUSTRIAN DERBY Vknna Sret I pan, Son of "The Zoo" Win Race WINNFR ORAN0SON 0I! MAki: BtllLAII Bole AnlmiU Formerly Owned by J. E. Rcevci At the recent Trottinjr Derby at Vienna, Austria, thousands saw Ispan. the four year old, black with white points, win hands down over a large field of con testants, averaging 2:1$ over a course that lacked hut a few meters of being two miles. .This is of special interest to Washington County horsemen because Ispan is son of "The Zoo," a stallion bred and foaled by J. E. Reeves. Ispan won the Derby last year. His grand mother was Beulah, owned by Mr. Reeves, and the youngster ia a second cousin of the Reeves colt, two year old, now driven for Mr. Reeves by Clem Shaner. Qf Jolly Plains. 'The Zoo" was Bold by Mr. Reeves years ago, and he was again sold in New Yolk for 15,000, to a Russian Grand Duke, who took the 2:09 trotter to Vienna and St. Petersburg for the atud. His sons and daugh ters have been consistent win ners on the Russian and Austrian grand circuits, beating the local horses and the gets of other American stallions imported into that part of the world. The colt Ispan is a grandson of Zombro, 2:11, an Oregon horse. The derby won by Japan spelled thousands of dollars for the owner. Speaking of the race, thp Austrian dispatch says: "There were seven starters. Ispan seemed to get a bad start although he had the jxile. In a few hundred yards he gained the lead and soon had a gap of 20 yards between him and his con testants. He Beemed a sure win ner but about 500 yards from home Ira Ryerson, the American reinsman came like a shot with New York, a son of San Fran cisco, 2:07 3 4, and it looked as if there would be a struggle. Baron Von Watcher, who drove Ispan, had but to touch the colt with the whip, and he moved iwittly away from New York, winning by plenty of daylight." FOR SALG One-ton auto truck $150.00 Thoc motorcycle... 15.00 Pump Jack 9 00 Show case. 2 1-2 ft. square 3.00 66 1-2 ft, 1-12 in. galv. pipe 9.00 42 It 1 in. galv. pipe 4.G0 13 ft 3 8 in. galv. pipe 05 For sa'e by Mrs. T. E Hayder, Orenco, Ore. 25 8TM GRADE EXAMS. County School Superintendent Barnes will hold exams. Sept. 1, in his office, for pupils that were passed conditional in the June examinations. The fore noonarithmetic, language, ag riculture and spelling. After noon -Physiology, history, geo graphy, civil government. This examination is not corn- !)ulsory, and the Superintendent s timply doing t hi- as a favor to thoie who are elinrW . Money to Loan On Improved Farms 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits The Shute Savings Bank The home of C. F. Runaen caught tire Monday morning. The contents were nearly all saved. The building was dam aged at least $200. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to be a defective flue. The fire was first discovered by one of the little daughters, and nothing was saved from the up per story, the smoke being too dense to permit one entering. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hunsen was taken down stairs early in the morning, something unusual, as it sleeps late. When the mother awakened in the morning the babe was awake and she carried it with her. It was but a few minutes later when 4he fire was discovered, and the upper story was then filled with smoke. Had the child remained in bed it would been next to impossible to have saved it. j Seen in two minutes on Sec ond Street: Rancher strio hi gears in a big Overland machine I by letting up his clutch too (quickly. - First ranch dog on the (streets without a tether, in a month's time. - Mule kick a man I who was untying his horse from the chain.-Young rooster from over in the John Wall neighbor (hood, fighting a cat in the court house square. Ihe cat was counted out. The traditional white horse driven by a lady with hair the color of Julius Cae sar's. We buy hogs, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, hides, etc. High est prices paid lor all good stuff. Write or phone. Rogers & Car ter, Heaverton, R. 4, Hox 20. Phone, Heaverton 53 Line 3. tf Rumor reached here Sunday that a Portland man had been killed near Ueaverton, as a result of a fall from a motorcycle. It afterwards was learned that the driver was only stunned, and that within a few minutes he was touching up the high places for a hike up Gales Creek, wheie the swimming is good. J. W. Eldredgo claims to have grown some line volunteer pota toes, In fact he thinks he holds the record for number of pota toes. He says he dug 190 of the tutM'rs from ond hill and hangs this up as a record. Can you beat it. Sherwood News. The Misses Clare and Letitia Imbrie and Mary Freeman, and Albert Hartrampf motored over to Rockaway the last of the week. Miss Letitia and her father. J. A. Imbrie, returned home Sunday evening. Notice to Hop Pickers Pick ers desiring to pick in my yard, 3 miles northwest of Hillsboro. will please registerat once. Call up by telephone Farmer 514, or write Carl Meier, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 3. 20-3 R. L. Robinson, of Farming ton, says he would like to get out and kill one more venison before his eyes get too far-sighted. The last time he was out was before the law placed the limit, and he brought down five bucks in the Green Mountain section. . D wight Pomeroy, of Leisy ville, was a city caller Mtondpy. Dwight is still bearing the title of "grandpa" with much dignity. Money to loan on first-class farm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana ger. 4tf Ernest Zwicky, of below New ton, was in town Monday morn ing, getting supplies for his new house. J. A. Zimmerman, of Roseland Farm, was in the city the last of he week. LUMBER AND TIES STILL ONJHE MARKET Shipyard Activity Reported at all Points In thi State BTATE 0IVES 0ROINI!R BIO M0NI!V Fifteen Thouaind Dollar School Dulld- ln From Jewell UI Florence-$G000 electric fog and signal station to be built at the mouth of Coquille. Portland - Willamette shipyard adds GO to 500 boiler Bhop. Astoria -Six modern dwellings being rushed to completion. Gardiner Heirs of the late W. F. Jewett present city with $15." 000 school building. Pendleton-$75,000 health re sort hotel to go up at Lehman Springs. Nine shipbuilding plants are either in operation or building on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Florence -Monroe Wash. Co. to build shinglemil! here. Marshfield making plans for $50,000 armory. North Bend Buehner Lumber Co. erecting fine office building. Pendleton gets new garage and motorist rest room 100x135. Springfield -S. P. Co. putting 50 carloads gravel ballast on Coos Ray line. Haker-Big development under way in Greenhorn mining dis trict. Coquille river open-shop Bteve dure company organized. Astoria has large new hotel nearly completed. Odell school contract let for $0208. Junction Lane County will spend 500 on 1 12 miles Pacific Highway. Rast St. Johns Contracts for constructing another sea going vessel has been closed by the Standifer-Clarksoncompany. The boat will be built at Monarch Mill. Klamath Falls -Strahorn rail road saves five miles bj survey through Dairy. Eugene-Contract for 200.000 ties for Hill lines placed here. Glenada shingle mill has added large boiler to plant. ORIXJON ELOCTKIC TWAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32... a m a m a m a m p m . p m Pin p m 7:18 . 8:28.. 9:58 . 12:43.. 3:58.. 5:18 . tf:b8 pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 am 9:20 am 11:25 am 2:12 pm 4:27 pm 6:31 pm 7:18 pm 8:25 pm 12:20 ara UOAKD OF EQUALIZATION To the Taxpayers of Washington County, Oregon: Notice is here by given that the Board of Equalization of Washington County, Oregon, will meet on Monday, September 11, 1916, at the Court House, in Hillsboro, in Washington County, that being the second Monday in September, and the time and place provided by law to publicly examine the assessment rolls of said County for 1916, and correct all errors in valuation and description or quantities of land, lots or other properties, and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if it shall appear to said Board of Equalization that there are any lands, hts or other prop erty assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same or assess ed .under or beyond its value or any lots, land or other properties not assessed said Board of Equal ization shall make the proper correction. Max Crandall, Assessor, Washington County, Oregon. Hillsboro, Ore., Aug. 21, 1916. A. L. Grebe, of South Tualatin, was a city caller Saturday. All hats reduced at Emmott's Millinery. Mrs. R. Easter returned the first of the week from an out ing at Rockaway. All hats redu.-ed at Emntott's Millinery. John Reiehen. of West Union. was a city caller Friday after noon. ' Buy Woodlai'k Fly Spray at the HillHtK)ro Pharmacy, KTie pei gallon. . 18-tf Fred Stevens and J. B. Adams were up from Farmingtoti Mon day morning. Pete Botchers, of Sherwood, was up to the city Friday, on business at the court house, Julius LnriHtenson, or near Laurel, was over town Friday evening. Jos. Iorsung and boys were bunting in the Wilson Creek country the past week. Money to loan -on farm secur- ty. 1 represent three large fire insurance comnanies. Give me a call.-E. I. Kuratli. John Abbott, sectretarv of the Portland Detective Burremi. wun In town Friday, the truest of hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ab- uui. For Sale Two head of horses. one weight 1100 lbs and the oth er about 1000. Wil! sell, or trade for beef cattle. -Otto Ganguin, Tignrd, Ore. 21 3 C, C. Frick returned from Ho- quiam, Wash., Sunday, lie nays the Sound cities are sulTenng from a crimp in business, canned by the lack of shipping due to the Iwongshoreuien strike. Money to loan on improved real estate, principally farms, and choice city property.- Kerr Bros., Hillsboro, (hid lellows Building. r.ur Mr and Mrs. Wm. Robb and I'.inE.i ts were in from Boy, Friday. Dan U painting his new home and and is' hlHxil as htwy as two merchants during the holiday season. To Exchange - One Ixt with 5 room modern bungalow, bringing in good rent; clear of incumb rance, for small ranch or acreage. Address X. care Argus. Mike Reeves, of near Farming ton, was up to the city the last of the week. Mike has proba bly cleared up more land than any other one man in Washing ton County, and he ntill knows how to subdue the wilderness. Leonard B'own has opened his Tin Shop in the Linklater Bldg., one door North of the Argus office, Second St. He is prepar ed to take care of your tinwork, andean furnish you hop kiln supplies, pipe, etc. 17tf. Art Glmore and family went to the Salmonberry for a camp ing trip last week. They ex pect to remain until the first of the month. All of the water and light force get each a fifteen days vacation each year, under pay, and A C. concluded to put in his time in the wilds. Hops are getting along finely these days, although a little warm weather has been nadly needed.. The crop is excellent in almost all the yards, and picking will probably commence about the first of the month. Nearly all yards are offering $1 per hun dred. Many growers have spray ed for lice, the cool weather hav ing been favorable for multipli cation of the pest. Hillsboro, Ore., used to hold one of the best rural fairs in the entire Northwest and. although the people who had all the work to do and got little thanks for it got tired and quit, the feeling has always been that there should be a fair held every year. After a long rest, Hillsboro is going to hold a fair this fall and next year will make an effort to hold the best county fair in Oregon. A general committee composed of W. W. Boscow, Samuel Weil, and G. A. Patterson has been appointed to organize the fair and get everyone to work to make it a success. Rural Spirit. Chas. Hickethier, of Cedar Mill, was in the city Saturday, registering as a legal voter. Mr. Hickethier's father, Daniel Hic kethier, became a citizen at Utica, New York, in 1855, and father and son then moved to Iowa, where they both enliated in the Civil War. Since last February Mr. Hickethier has tried to get proof of his father's citizenship, and application to four places in Iowa found nothing decisive. As a last resort, even after Mr. Hickethier had mado a visit back to Iowa this Summer, and failed in his search, a letter waq sent to the District Clerk at Utica, Oneida Co., New York, and here was found the natural ization papers. Chas. has at last found out that he was a full fledged citizen since he was of age, and has the papers to show for it. IS. CON CAPLES IS SAFE AND AT HOME Mad Been Suffering From Meltn tholia and Went to St. Johns CAME HOME LAST SUNDAV NIGHT Wilt of Prominent Foreil Orove Mia Ciunet Much Anxiety Mrs. Cora Copies, wife of Con Ciiples, disappeared from home lant Friday afternoon and for two days there was much anxiety over her disappearance. She had been suffering from melan cholia for several weeks, due to illness, and it was at first thought that she had wandered away from her Forest Grove home and was lost along Galea Creek. A search Dartv was Instituted and the creek was searched all day Sunday. Sunday evening Mrs. Caules was found tt St. Johns, by a neighbor who was visiting friends in the Portland suburb. She was brought back homo the same evening and re stored to the family. Mrs. Caules is a sister of Surveyor Geo. McGee, and of Mrs. jas. Shannon, of this city. Before leaving the Caples home Mrs, Caples had donned some old clothing and divested herself of two rings she had always worn. Her silence and the tact thai she bad not been well caused the family to fear that she had wandered away while suffering from a temporary abberration. Sherilf Reeves advised tnat he thotuht she might have been in Portland and advocated a Bcarch t here. s. i & i. n. & e. All. except the P. II & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the do (nit on Main Street. TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m McMinnville Train 7:38 Sheridan Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 Forest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train . 4:55 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Eugene Train 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m Sheridan Train 4:33 Forest Orove Train 6:40 McMinnville Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 . McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sta., and at Tenth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:65 a. m. From Buxton 2:10 p. m. Beach Special Daily To Tillamook 3:02 p.m From. Tillamook-, 9.22 p.m, HOP PICKERS WANTED Parties desiring to pick hops at the Banks Hop Co. and Carstens yards, at Banks, will please reg ister by August 15. Per hun dred, $1, clean picking and pick ers stay until season is closed. Notice to the Public Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by his wife, Mrs. S. Riley Cogan, or Bertha Cogan, after this date, Thursday, August 21. 1916. ' S. Riley Cogan. ' Buxton, Oregon, August 24, 1016. 26 All hats reduced at Emmott's M.I inery. F. A, Retzel, of near Farming ton, was a court house visitor Monday morning. Joseph Robinson, of Farming ton, was greeting friends in the city Saturday morning. Jas. Imbrio Jr., of Orenco, went over to Rockaway, Friday afternoon, returning the first of the week. LWCQN MOHBYOrTHflN WITHOUT the consequent rieK is through the universally approved chech-booK, which haj become- an earmark of affuence, conservatism and substance. The men of marK in your community dj business with their chch-boorl. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings American National DanK Main and Third St., HUUboro, Oro LUMBER For Leu Than We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock uc arc going to move this Summer, and to do so we oflcr you a big saving. This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CIII'AP. No mutter where you live in Washington Comity, vc can bent auy and all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and wc will show von what a LOW PRICK WUWILX MAKK and WHAT YOU WILL SAVIvv We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGOKST PRICK CUTTING INLUMBKR THIS COUNTY KVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. We cau give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Matei '.a Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 17S r Patronize Home Industry By Having Your Glasses Fitted At Hoffman's. Jeweler and Optom erist. Hillsboro, Ore. VWNTWAY OF H KEEPING Wholesale Cost I ii