"'".I-""" i 'y n.i '"MrLaaiiii'''r i .,;.,, , ill,,.ifc,,w.iii,ali 1 BUSY STORE FOR j MEN, WONEN AND CHIDREN Wash Skirt Special Ladies' House Dresses. In Light or Dark 98c $9 Qft Worlh lo$6-5 n new patterns. We have ?WO Extra goodval- the size to fit you. 34 to Worth to $1.50 Two prices. d 1 AQ Worth to $4.00 P I tO ues in all sizes 56. John B. Stetson Hats for Men We have just received by express a big lot of new Fall Stetson hats. Come look them over. Dutchess Trousers For Men and Boys 10 cents a button. $1.00 a rip. Junt arrived. AH sues and styles in the new patterns SHOE OKMM Our Fall stock has just arrived, Tan or Black, But ton or Lace. AI sizes $5.00 SHOES For Women We guarantee you style, comfort and fit carried in all widths, narrow or wide. $3.00 to 6.50 Boy's Big Value $1.69 Hs1?07 or in Lac 3 or But ton. Every pair made to wear. Shoes in this lot worth up to $2.75. Sizes 1 to 5) x l&Jsf Insured " ' I Full Milk Pall Your Vacation Trip 2 should be spent at Tillamook. You will find the weather cool for it conies miles and miles from off the Pacific. You can find much to do at the Tilla mook Count)' Reaches: Bath ing, dancing, hiking, picnicing, playiuj teuuis or golt. Daily Trains from Portland leaving at 7:45 A. M. and P. M. Afternoon train observation car. 1:40 has Low Round Trip Fares are on sale daily from all itations to Tilla mook County Beaches.' These include Bay ocean, Neah-Kah-Nie, Mauzauita and the Carabaldi Beaches. Ak kxal ageht for timber iufoimation or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Beayerton-Reedvi He Acreage The finest suburban tract out of Portland; 30 raiifutes ride on the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tiin water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre on terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon lest Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT uiinci er tiros.. The Reeclville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon Sl.'MMoNS. E. E, Marshall. Rinder Ex pert. Phone. City 13, tf. The S. P. has raised the waircs of the section hands one cent per; '' hour, instead of 25 cents peri !Ii,or,i,' day, as sent out by the Industri al Bureau, of Portland. We guarantee Delta Fly Spray 90 cents in saltans. 70 cents in 5 gallons. - The Delta Druji Store. 13 tf L. L. Crawford, of Manning, came down Monday, and went on to Beaverton, to plead Bux ton's cause as the place for the October meetinjr of the county development league. Notice to Hop Pickers Pick ers desiring to pick in my yard. 3 miies northwest of Hillsboro. will please register at once. Call up by telephone Farmer 51 1. or write Carl Meier. Ilillsboro,Ore., Route 3. 20 3 J. B. Campbell, of beyond North Plains, in the Zimmerman settlement, was in Monday, get ting his machine fixed up for a trip to Seaside. He and his wife will go ' over via the Nehalerr, and return via Astoria and Clats kanie. Harold Hansen, of Chicago, was here Saturday and Sunday, the guest of his uncle, Elner Johnson, of the Wilkes Abstract Co. He was taken ud the Col umbia River Highway on an auto; Notice of Administrator's Saleof inp. ana immensely enjoyed! . ,. what Oregon has to show in the! heal Property way Of scenic delight3 M r ! NU to hi'rr.l.j' liivm Ouit Um Wi'lor IT. ........ . . ; nitfiinil mlniHi.s riii rol tli" tf'-nin o( VV'il jiauauu is er ruine 10 jaDan. ana.i,.i, c u. ,, ,i.u.h.,i i. tinu ,0 saiieu tne nrst of the week left Chicago at the beginning of the hot wave which cost so many lives. Washington County's pioneer court houe is undergoing a' -other addition, or anr ex. L. F. Emmott has just amolettd a ' butcher stall, and it i3 "tied to" the old structure that years, away back in the fifties and sixties, was the temple of justice tor Washington County. It was used for that purpose when Multnomah was a part of this county, and it has seen years ,oi use in a commercial way. It iStill does yeoman service, and ! grouped as it is will still be rent ing as long as it stands. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Orricon, for V;isliinnlim County, K. IVrrill, riamtiff, , inn O. 1 cri'Il. iH-fvnilaiit, To lilom O. 1-Yrrill, tlw iiliove n:'ml ilo'Yrnliirt : IN Till: N.MK OV TIIK STATK OF' OKlXJi'.N': You art lu'ii'l.y n it fie-1 linil ivi;uiiv,! to upivur nml ;nsvr the conipWutt IiUmI nirain-U you in tho ubuvo eiiti'leil Court ami c nise mi or lu foro Friday, the Mh il.iy of SHt.'mbor, t'Jlii; said ihOo I , 'injr iiflor tho exiiiration of .ix V H-ks fruiM the d:itn of tho first puh lu ition 01 tlaf Mi.iunorn upon you: :rm tf vou fail so to ap;ot!r awl an swer said romnl.iint fo want thero- 01' iXua plaiiit:it will apply to tlx' Court for the ie!u'f prayed for in liia rnmplaint. to-wit: For a decree diitsnjvin the r-avri un and nwr riace confrai't now ami herelofora eviitimT bvtweeti jonrself nml plain tiff up."n the pmii.Kls of cruel nm iiil'.ninan t1 euti.H'iit. This sui,n'0!ir; is ;'n.'ei upon vou by publics (ii.n thereof in the llill.i ! oro Art' ? Mirsuant to oriii-r uf Hun (;?."!. U. !'.,!",''v, JinliT" of the ".hove nui i'-.l Court, mi'ilc, render oil arid rniipi! i'i the '-',;th ilnv of Jtly. l'.'Hi, :"wl v hirh-naiil orih r r ofiir's thit this sumteona ho pub V'-Y.cA in tl K.ii'l ll:llnliom Artrti for six Rtirtesr.lve anil con sff.itive v.tiV:,;, th date of the first nuW'-'utinn thereof Im- insr Thurvl v. .IuU: 27th. 19 H'. nnd the ilnta of the last publication there ' f b"ipif Thori'iv, th 7th day of Sptemier, W.U. G. HARK, ' Attorney for 1'laintiff. me" He piirmiimi t'i an "r lor ol lh I'oiiulv I o.iri 01 1 III' - ' H'l if r'in hit m fl.linu ton (Vinnlv, iiueln. fwml red ami onlere.) 011 tli Uih ')' of jtitiM. IflHI, will. In"i' ami aftiir 'tie 1":'. iliv f juuut, Miirt tiroewi't tnvMi: tt' orivnte in1 f-ii e-eli tr. I11111I, Um loi ir.im' 1 i I'M-n 1 nil pin-fl ol r ai propwr. v I.' ;'m'tte; t- i'i't t:iio no I i.Hte m Wakhiiifi'ii 'un'v, Oren. Tim Norihiastiiiia-lerof lhiHiiilliw( iiiurtor of S'.iti'in 'ii in Tofimliipa Norili t ltiiif-'i rt.iol lee Wiii'i)ell Mor for manv i iiln , mid i-ontiilniic A'tM-riv. . ' """J I ..i.wil. I. iil.ii-l to mil.. Urii-atmn t-y I1" Ceitniy Cnuri nf thf Hlnp of Un-foii f-'.r VVsi hiriiiion Courty. Bid' lor fr-tni rt'ii! privpitr'y w ill received b. he tnideri"i'.l from nod n'tir (he ii! l;Vli duy ol ,Viii;iiH ttiiii nt Hie law nflln-f of Wilbuni (. lime, m tbii Ain-riwi!: Natlahal I nek . tfinldinsr, ill Itiilnlu Viudiinf;toil County. .'re;,'iill. l!t d llim I2(li ilny of I'l'ie, l!l. K. J. AcAlm Arl uii t: ImI rat'ir of (lie mWn of Will)' ' J llHrnnaiiii. ilcea; d. William ii Hi.ie. viiiirniy for Ailni NOTICE OK SHERIFFS SALE ON FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: I nt tiy virture of an execution, decree and order of gale issued out of and under the eal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon foi j Washington County, dated the 8th j dzy of July, 1916, in that certain suit therein pend'nj? wherein i'eter Broeren is plaintiff and against swsa . jueno, u. Ketchitto, Annon ziala Alerlo and John Mcrlo, her husband, are defendants upon a judgment and decree in favor of the plaintiff and airainst the defendant. ! jand the real property hereinafter! ; described, in the sum of $1500.00 j iwith interest thereon from the 21th day of January, 1911, at the rate of: i 7 per cent per annum, and for the j further sum of smo.nn. fees, and the further sum of $17.50 costs and disbursements, and com manding me to sell the real proper ty hereinafter described to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums: NOW THEREFORE, I will, on Monday, the 14th day of August, ,1916, at the south door of the Court House at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, offer for sale anil will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all I the following described real pioper ;ty situate in Washington County, I Oregon, to-wit: I All. of Lot 2 Steel's Addition in the Town of Beaverton, Washington j County, Oregon. . : Said sale to be made sublect to! I redemption as provided by law, and (the proceeds therefrom obtained will) be applied to the payment: First: To the costs and expenses i of said Bale. , Second: To the payment of the, several sums of money due plaintiff as hereinbefore set forth. i Third: The remainder, if Rny thpre be, paid to the clerk of said court to' be by him disbursed as by law re-: quired. j Dated at Hillsboro, Orriron, thif 8th day of July, A. 1). l!)l(i. J. E. REEVES, j Sheriff of Washington County,! Oregon. I Bv GEO. ALEXANDER, Deputy. I JOHN M. WALL. j Attorney for FlaiiitifX LkenMil Or. tcm 20. Pnn. 1018 Phone, Cily 072 GEO. J. LIMBER Funcnil Director Mcderati) Pricei. Pertonal Scrvicet Reiicbnce Fun rj Parlnrn, Wuhinitlon l 6lh tlill.tmro, Or. r-w ftw mci' rtnik wrul nui-r tn ill. 'Hi; in I rv ir whcti not tvtlwn.1 mul I'Utm lv Ue Ktlic liwtt nittucsu ly ni'awnit Dwttt with Conkey's Ply Knocker, lH"5twt t.nut tiulk Aivti:ivri iiwtlh"ir:-n ! nj ivimU'tt I lul utmc a hilt tut Ik utt, Keeps Flic Away n From Cattle And llonci M ithi.iiwt nitt, Mm Try It 15 Dim w. ....... II. L If i'iuih T nui Stifactury I n a vin l-tiv. Oi. V i;,ll. J I I'U. 5 i;,ll. J iW 11 ARTKAMTT Oregon Buy Direct From I'roJiucr A Ax' r. TO This mairmlkvnt French Ostrich I'lumo is full 17 incht-a lonjt iirtd made of the hilu'st Kiailn hri line Ostrich, sclectt'd from the male bin!. Has a very glossy fiber nnd is extru wide, with heavy droojunir head. Kltiok. whito and colors. Send us ?l.D.r and we will sond by parcel post, this beautiful flume ami ir you do not think it is the most mar veloits value you oversaw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5.00, you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. S; ecial ISinchostrtch plume,$2.2K worth ft. 00 Special 20 inch ostrich plume, $5.00 worth 510 For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN lMl'OlilTNG CO. lU Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. fY. 0. Uonelson UNDl'RTAKI-R Calls attended niht or day. Chapel aud Parlors. Hilhlxoro, m OroQO In the (limit Court of the Stale ol Oregon for the County of Wrndi- iittSlon. Ar.ti Moore. I'lllililld'.l DifiMuUii , Moors, above named Tours to San Francisco. Summer HILLSBORO ROUND TRIP Good for 30 Dnyi. Ninety ticket $35.00 Ml and WlK iurluitcd on th Twin Pnlnc... 3. S. Norths,, !' ific and f.t.M N.trlncvii-oniv 2li hour. nl m Moil dt-(ii;htful Iripon Ihe W(?l Cnu.l. Oregon Elactric North Bank Road S,S. Northern Pacific and S.S. Great Northern Tue.s.-1 htsrs.-Saturday Lrw Fnre for Round J . T.iy. tu uii . ol ili- M-dtXoX. Direct via tli lint Scpiiic Ruutfts of America f.r via California. Clatsop E, ach for Vacation G. W. MASON, Aumt, H.H.boro, urr.un Kilvinnl K. Mourn, To Kilwnnl K. ili'lmnlilllt ; In ill name of ttmNtninol OrKon von are tiorrliy rntilri'il to Hiinaraml niiawnr iiio i-.jiii pun in niwi Helmut ymi In ihi- hImivb riintimi mnt on or Iwfnr Kilday, ion ixi ciny ol PH piiiiinier, llllll ami ir y u fail lo io apiifiir or Himvt nt ilia I'laintlil for want thereof will apply to the Cou.-I lor mo riuinr prayiHl lor in her e . plaint on iiidin inn iHve ntiticii Court, to wit I' or a (Irani) itiNioivlnK Um IhhiiIh ol niHlrliiiony haraUiforn anil limy. enalinK ......n...M j.m, null .HIT IMIU'lllil ttllll OI audi oilier nml furlliiT rnl'lef a. to tin Miurt mar mn'iii iiioi't ami cuu U iln 'I'll in nii Minions In puliliiihfiil 1 y onlnr ol the lloiinriililn di n. il. Hiinlcy, Judo ol tho tlirimit tiinirl. of Ihn Hla't of Oi 1 1... ',.....( ..t li; ...t. . um i win it j ii r? itniuilK'OIl, ftlltl H'Hn orwr wm tiiK'io art'! iliittMl on the i7lI lifr I .luiy, liiin. H-i.l tlm (Jute ol (liH tirm jHihJiiMLInu uf Hum Hiiiiiiioimin ThurHiiit MtH UHV Ol JIIIV. I 111 II A 111 (MO Hum III tiff IliHt IHlllilriilltH) In 'I IllifkilHV llli.H k clydk niciiAitnsoN, fil l iniilinr of ComiiKiri'O Hlilg,, Port no , uroKon, OTEPAIffiT POPULAiiMfc'CMNIC fl HAW A1AGAZIND 300 ARTICLES-3C0 II.LUSTPAT!OK: K'V " "'"rmi 'l, of tlin WorW's Vrnxm I,, - iMiKiiii-'i'iiiiK, M iK.i irn , ml I ivt:iliuii IVi I'lilli'Ttiw Sun .Hid All ll, I.--,,,!,. 11 1, , .' 'V. loall.l.i'm'.i ()l, ,,,,.1 Voiin Men ami Wum. II Um l',1i,rll.,M,.iaii, II,:,,,,,,,,,,!,,,, Iiolii, M,r,M'l,o,,t. li, w.,i,. (,,. Kn-t,'ii ,, rr,-w,U, wf ,.,,,,(, ltiv (lt Ujl) for tluuitif i,i,w mi,! ii,U'i,.tm(, uimJ it i. VVntt.il. So You f,!i:i L)nJr.i.tnnH if! II r,., l,,l lllUfrHI,.,,W,u,!,l ,. r..r 111. "7 7 "v"-"""" , i .iKi'Hi r.r i re l'n,. nn ... in, ,,. ,,,, ,ii,uii!ii:. i,wt m,iiHr,. . M-K,,,,,,, ..,,i,,r ,. ,.n,r- i,.i. H,t,, ll, .l l'i. I,,,-,.. .,(,. (,,...,. i llfMH. .ImW I InLril.'tloflM ,T ll, All; t.a rrn vrrti .Mnpla c,.,j ,,.(", lll,'IH(..liiiiiit "en. i:"iira, tc I I.I. .1 11 puUiyM. 1 .11 IOIUj. POPULAR MtcunMrs a.'iil8AZINC "- LDILHUl THE HILLSBORO mm RCIAL BANK CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS uml PROFITS $28.0OO An old, safe nnd conservative hank, looted in I In' IIi1Lsl)tirt) Coniinci ciid liloek, S. V. eoi tier Mailt and tH'ituid Streets. Hillsliort) Coiiimcroial Hunk. Hoffman's Sawmill aMMMHMaaHutirsMHaaaaamMaiMaaBaaiHaaMaaBaaaM is sauiin; fnnii the Ust tinilier iu Washington county. Thclincst Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKD FLOOR I NO and RUSTIC always on hand. Kstiuiates on Huildiiis, I-looiiti);, Rustic, Ceil itiKs all kinds of finished liiniWt for house material. We deliver. All k tttjtlm silo IuiuIkt, the best in the m uket, totistiintly on hand. Phone: Noith Plains Central, 3 F. u PHTliR MOI'FMAN, Dacona, Oregon NlirilH TO MKI)lriHi. No ii- In hfroliy bivi-ii that tho nmli-r .Ii;iinl his l'iiil n,i ,llllixl nxvcutiir nt tin runinol .Mria Nwonk, ilrovawil Ail pur suns I, ivintf vlminl ai(aiiiat tal'l Mlalv art ro uoM', to pfttmt 4iiih vtith prtiptu vo n h,'i! i, um iinil,'rMri I 'U l'i" ri"l -iliir at Tiinlalin, (Iri'iimi, or '.I Hi lit. itloi i,ny, J Y Sliilliin hi Inn oltlim, KS I.11111I11" man liiiililuiK, riirtlaiiu , Or , wiUiiii ms itimiili Iroin lh ilatd ot lhlt imtiHi. liKlnl June K. hull. Thaililoua Swinik, SUMMONS. FOLLOWING OUR ANNOUNCEMENT we submit herewith a few comparative prices, to Bhow you the ndvant.U't in tuyiny fur I'ASH. Rolled Oats (liest cremiir U lb. suck Gem Meal Chase & Sun horn Coifeo, No, 150 Chaso it Sanborn (iiinimwiier Tea (!hase & Sanborn Miiili Hreak fast Tea Cocoa, half pound can Imported Maccrel. tomato sauce Imported Maoerel. fresh Vf. 15 Sardines, best American Hovel Itakinir Powder, I ll. cutj Royal Making' I'o vgVr, h tlt-poind can (hinoor- Salmon' 1 ill., tall can Chinook Salt.ion, 1 Hat can Chum Salmon, 1 lb. tall can PoBtum Corn Starch. I lb. ptickau' (II088 Starch, 1 lb; packairn Arm & Hammer Soda, 1 lb. pack aire KpIIokks Corn Klakes Campbell's Soups, all kinds Sniders Catsup Gold Dust Washing Powder, larjrc sizo Citrus Powder, lare package lhe above will ! sullicient to show you tb savings that can be mnde by Ixtyintr for CASH. Kemember we will de liver all good anywhere in the city. Vaught Gi'ocery Co. ('ASH Credit i-nt Price Former 42c Nte IKIc :t5c .V 2Tc fOc 50c file Wk- 21c SiTte ISc Zr)C He 0c 4'c Me 'J.e 2f.c l.r.c 15c lKc 25c lllc 2.1c 25c 7c 10c 7e 10c 7c 10c lk 10c 0c 10c 20c 25c 2:!c 25c lc 25c Second Street Main l.!2 Hillsboro, Oregon IIH UK. CAPTAIN ""AV AT Ml CXrNl I -"I i ... - , ILSJL j 2? 1 ! T t,,cw,n',vcs a mfl" tho tobacco satisfaction he's been cek rut for years chew. I he salt seasoning bnnjjs out the rich tobacco ftT!nncti:flJ 8piuin-lhat'8 wh"S KaJ. I, WEYMAS-BKUTON COMPANY. 50 V Uu. N.w Tk Ot, P This Attractive Range jLJI A If ' " 1 MWW-;- X r I 1 lilt nl ii n -u,;-- "J is sild at an unusual'y loW lric". H.dd on easy weekly or monthly terms. Carried in Plain H ti k or Kiuunelod Hack. Call and examine the new model of. the Free Miicliiuc. RcKard!e.ss of price, it is the equal ofauv maehinr! on the m i ikd. Sold i down nn 1 t p.T week. ' E. I. DONELSON, Furniture -a