I m4 Notice op sheriffs bale os'Nh ut tf tiii .Orwm fctuctrU FORECLOSURE. NOTlCti IS HEREBY GIVEN: That by virtu at an execution, de cree and order of sale, issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the Stata of Oregon for Washington County, on the 1st day of July, l'.'lfi, in that certain suit therein pending wherein Hen An derson is plaintiff and Laura A. Caples and It. A. Caples. her bus hand, W. M. Nelson and J. Chris O'Day and A. Welch are defendants, upon a judgment and decree in fav c of the plaintiff and against the defendant Laura A. Caples and the real property hereinafter described, in the sum of $2800.00 with interest thereon from the 27th day of Fel ruary, 1915, at the rate of 8 per cent rr annum, and the further sum of 200.00 Attorncy'a fees and the sum of fU5.20 costs, ar.d a judgment and decree in favor of the defendant A. Welch and tigainst the defendants lura A. Caples and W. M. Nelson and against the real property here inafter described, in the sum of; $1000.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum since February 10.1915, and the further um of $100.00 Attorney's fees, and commanding m to ssll the real property hereinafter described to aatisfy the hereinbefore named urns, NOW THfcKKrUKE, I Will on Saturday tha 6th day of August, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M of said day, at the south door of the Court House of Washington County, Oregon, in Hillsboro, Ore iron, offer for sale and will sell at public auction to thi highest bidder Tor cash m hand, all of the follow iiiff described real property situate in Washington County, Oregon, fo nt: Lot No. S3 and the io-th hnlf of Lot No, 34 of Beaverton-Reodville Acre age, as p?r duly recorded plat there on now on file in Washington Coun ty, Oregon. Said Lot and one-half containing 2.05 acres, except a 15 ft atrip in addition to 10 foot road a! T jady dedicated off of east side of said Iota, also 25 feet off c.f north side of said lot S3, both of these st.-ins being reserved for road purposes said Bale to.jbe made subject to redemp tion, as-per statute; and the pro ceed therefrom obtained will be ap Hed to the payment of: 1st: -The costs and expenses of aid sale; 2nd: The several oums due unto the plaintiff as hereinbefore set forth; Srd:The several sums due unto the defendant A. Welch, as hereinbefore cet forth: and 4th:- The over plus, if any there ht, shall be paid to the Clerk of Washington County, Oregon, to be by him disbursed as by law prescrib ed. Dated this 1st dav of July. 1916. . J. E. REEVES. Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. WM. G. HARE, Attorney for Plaintiff. H. T. BAGLEY, j Attorney for defendant A. Welch, j NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: .That by virtue of au.exwution, do- flnri nrdpr cit Rnfp issflpn nut of ad under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, on the 24th day of-July. 1916. in that certain suit therein pending wherein Margaret 1 Bernards is plaintiff, u. Kegmtto and Luigia Reghitto, his wife. Hills torn National Bank, a corporation, Roger B. Sinnott and Loring K. Adams, partners as Sinnott & Adfcms. and Chin Sing, a chinaman, arc defendants, upon a judgment I J ! - t L. ana aecree in tavur ui uie pminiiLi arid against the defendants I). Reg hitto ad Luigia Reghitto, his wife, and the real property hereinafter described, in the bum of $10,325.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 17th day of April, 1914, and the further sum of $2500.00 with interest there ao at the rate of 6 per cent per an num from the 1st day of July, 1911, and the further sum of $600.00 at torney's fees, and the further sum . of $53.00 costs and disbursements, and commanding me to sell the real i nronertv hereinafter described to satisfy the hereinbefore named aums; NOW THEREFORE, I will, on Monday, the 28th day of August, 1916, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. 'M. of said day, at the south door of -the Court House at Hillsboro, Wash ington County, Oregon, offer for stale, and will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in ;feand, all the following described real I -property situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: ' Bee-innine at an iron buggy spring in the center of County Road No. 397 at the S. W. corner of Lot No. 12 in Steel's Addition to Bea rerton in Section 16, T. 1 S. R. 1 W., Washington County, Oregon, as shown on the duly recorded plat thereof in the records of said Coun ty: thence North in the center of said road 733.2 feet to an iron pin thence South E7 (leg. 12 min. East 797 JS feet to an iron pin: thence South 47 deg. 01 min. West 43.4 feet to an iron; thence South 27 deg. 87 min. East 726 feet to an iron bolt: thence South 35 deg. 34 min. East SI 1.5 feet to an iron; thence South 58 deg. 44 min. West 287.'' feet to an iron pin; thence North' 82 deg. 32 min. West 337.9 feet to an iron buggy axle; thence North 7 deg. 28 min. East 354.5 feet to an iron; thence South 88 deg. 5 min. West 747.7 feet to the place nt beginning, containing 19.12 acres, including the right of way of the Oregon Electric Railway. Also: ' Beginning at an iron pin in lha center of Baso Line Road on the North line of the Mortowiaie uo .diviaion. distant 78.3 feet East from -tho Quarter section comer between actions 5 and 6, T. 1S.R.1 W., W. Jl., Washington County, Oregon, thence South 1 deg. 09 min. West 1840.8 feet, more or less, to an iron a the North aide of the Oregon Electric Railway right of way; thence following said North line of tiht of way, North 63 deg. 37 min. V.it 1724.4 feet to an iron pin in road on West lino of said Morton mmi Ut-l, tiwuie la eiiij load North 1 tf?f . 09 min. East 824.7 feet to an fon pin in tho center of Base Line J wi; thence South 89 deg. 42 min. 1 ast 1330.3 feet to the quarter sec t on corner above mentioned; thence Last 78.8 feet to the place of berrin inf, containing 43.09 acres. Re- trying therefrom a roadway 10 tit wide fvom the Southeast eorner tf ire:n described tract along the' right of w to ths eroMtnjf at San ta Ksa Mw'iori on said road, dit- trnca of I.lHi.7 let, hwt r less. from said Southeast corner. Also reserving a rieht to flow water the ditch running across the tract of land last ntxive described, and to en tor upon said tract it necessary, for the purpose of opening and improv1 ing said ditch. Excepting there' from lot 7 and west half of lot 6 of said Mortomtalc subdivision hereto fore released from the effect of said Mtg. Said sale to be made subject to re demption as provided by law, and the proceeds tl.erefrom obtained will ho annlicd to the uavment: First: To costs and expense of said sale. Second: To several sums due plaintiff as hereinbefore set forth. Third; The remainder, if any there be, paid to the clerk of said t ourt to be by him disbursed as by law required. Dated this 24th day of July, A. 1116. J. E. REEVES. Sheriff of Washington tounty Oregon. JOHN M. WALL. Attorney for Plaintiff. How abiut that Kodak you were eotna: to purchase this year" Better call and let ua show you our new line complete line of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. The Delta Drug Store X AS GOOD AS ACI1EU0F ' "SPEAR HEAD' That Means the Suprems C gree of Rich, liscicus Tobacco Flavor no OTKER CHEW EQUALS IT Nature varies the flavor she puts into the different grades of tobacco leaf and the best of all is the navor oi choice red Burley that pleases you to mightily when you chew Spear Head, The delicious fruity flavor of a chew of Spear Head is a revelation lo the man who has never chewed or whp hat teen chewing near-good tobacco. For chewing is the one way to get all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing flavor of the tobacco leaf providing you chew a high-grade plug like Spear Head. No other tobacco can compare with Spear Head in the wholesome satisfac tion it gives. You cret more savory iweetness ta a chew of Spear Head than in a whole clue of ordinary tobacco. . . . . -. . And vou eet it in its purest form lor Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, new factory that's kept absolutely clean and sanitary. Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco than Spear HeaL In 10c cuts, wrapped in was paper. A RELIABLE ball in your twine can means money in your pocket. The other kind means wasted twine and serious delay. Every man knows this. The thing is to find the reliable kind. Plymouth Twine has satisfied thousands and will satisfy you. does not tangle or fall down, and it's even in size. Plymouth runs full length and ties more bundles than other brands. Buy it this year and order early. , We sell it. Percy Long - Hillsboro, Oregon Administrator' Notice Nntina in hnrnhv irivno that on tli 3IH usvof July, A O ldlfl, th undersigned was, by tl.e Count? court or wmnnion County, Oregon, duly a ipointel admin istrator of tbetmate of Mary J Loiley, Now I'uoreiore, all poliL hiving clHimn against laid eaUte are hereby re quired Ui prwent the aame to me with proper voucnra at tae law uuice m juun M Wall, at H illaboro. OroKim, within sii months from ibe dU hereof. Date-i this a:t day of July, A u imo. J. R. Loi loy, A.liiiiiiialra orof tin Entale ol Mary 1 Loiley, defeated. John M ail. Attorney jor r.i. " JTv 111 the Circuit CoUfi Of the fct.U of Oregon for Washintfton County. Grace Roll, rtallitirt", Fred T. Roll, Defendant. S To Fted T. Rowell above named de fendant: lu the name of the State of Oregon you ate heiely iwiurrd lo appear ind anwer the complaint tiled against yvm in the above rulitled Court and cauae on or before Piiday, the it day of Sep- irniiwr, ifio, wnicn saui uaie la an weeks and more from and after the oth dav of July, 1416, the date of the tirnt publication of this Smmiunin and tf you tail to to appear and aiuwrr for want theieof the plaintitl will apply to the (jnurl tor lellel piayed tor In be comnialnt on hie herein, town: tat dectee forever dissolving the bom a ol matrimony now and hrrrtofoie eiulin between von and the defendant, for 111 custody of the minor child Max Kowell and for the aitm of $15.00 per mouth peimtnent alimony aud the furll.rr sum of (75.00 attorney feet and for such other relief at pertains to equity. This summons it published by order of the lion Ueo. K Bag ey, Judge ottliel.tr cult Court or the Mate ol Oregon, Coua ty of Waahington, and said order was made and dated on the 15th day ol July 1416, Date of the laat publication Thursday the list dav ol August. 1016. Clyde Richard n. Ally, for Plaintiff, Sis Chamber of Commerce, Poitlaud Oregon. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a judgment, order acd de cne execution and order of sale issued out of and ur.dor the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Washing ton, dated the;th day of July, 1916, in favor of Ernest E. Lang, plaintiff; and against Eva M Partell, defendant for the sum of Twentj Eight Handled Dollars (j8oo) with interest thereon from the itth day of October, 1914 at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum, and for the further sum $115 Attor ney fee, to me directed and delivered. commanding ma to make sale of the real Drooerty hereinafter described. I have lev ed upon and pursuant to said exec iHion and order 01 sale, 1 will on Inetday, the 5th day of Seplerubi r 1916. at the South door of the Courthouse in Hillsboro, Washing ton County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, sell at ?ublic auction to tha highest bidder or cash in hand, all of the fo1 low ing described real property, lying.be- mg and situate in Washington Coun ty. Oregon, and more oarticularly described as follows, to-wit: Brgiani-ig at ti e quarter sec. piint be tween sections 2 and 3 .Township 2 South Range 1 West of W. M. runn ing thence South 54 degrees East 2.94 chains; thence North 50 degrees Seven minutes bast along line be tween Lots 30 and 31 in North Tig- ardville Addition 8.97 chains to Gra ham Avenue: thence along Graham Avenue to a point in the extention of a line between lots 27 and 28 of said Addition, being 2.99 chains more or leas; thence South 39 degrees 53 minutes West 8.97 chains more or le to tho placa of beginning' con taining 2.64 acres, being the east part of lot 31 in North Tigardvillo Addition according to the recorded plat thereof, in the office of the re corder of conveyances of Washington County, btaw of Oregon. Also all the following described real property situated in the County of Washing ton and Slate cf Oregon, viz: All of Lots numbered Twenty-Eight (28) Twenty-Nine (29) Thirty (30) and Thirty-Two (32) of and in North Tigardvillo Add'tion as shown by the man and nlat thereof dnlv re corded in the office of the recorder of conveyances of Washington Couity, Orego.i, to satisfy the here inbefore named sums and for the cost and expenses of sale and said writ. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as per rtatute of Ore gon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 8th day of July, 1916. . J. E. REEVES. Stun iff of Washington County, Or. By UKO ALEXANDER, Deputy. JAS. S. STKICKLKK, lAttormy for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN TnE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASH INQTON COUNTY. Mary V. Cauidy, plaintiff, va William u atHiuy, iiniiiliilanl: To William 1 Oassldy. above named ucieutiam: In the name of the Ntate of Oregon, you are nereoy required to appar and an wei-tliA complaint filed acniiiHt you in 1 he above entitlnd Court and cause on or before Ibe 2 id day' of Heptrtnher, HMD. aaid date belli after the expiratiou of sii weeks from the d.te of the first publi cation of llii auriimona, and if you fail to appear and answer said compaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tha Court for the relief prayed for in ner cotiiiiiainr, 10 if ror a decree aia solving cl.e bonds of marriaee and mar riatre conn act n w and heretofore existing between yuu and the plaintiff, upon grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. Thin summons la served upon you by publication thereof In the Hillxboro Arrfu pursuant to an order of the Hon Ueo K KKgiey, Judge of Ibe above entitled C nirt. rrade, endnrrd and dated ou the 17iu iar ol July, 1HI0, and whinb said older d I recta that Hum summons De attr ved u pon you hy publication lliereof in aaid llillahoro Argus, for six aumfcHxive and coiih cutlve weeks, tilt date of the nrsi publication thereof beina tha 20th day of July , ll'lil, and the daie of the laat publication thereof being IheMlat day ol august, hub. WM. G. HARE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. CHICHESTER SPILLS LADIES I ktk 1r UrunlH for CHI-CHE9 TBR'S A DIAMOND bkAND PILLS In Uf.o anill Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BluHOl Ribbon. Taib ho OTBaa. R.r at T.rT Urrnmy aat Mk fr OUIH tH-l e.K'a BllHunu KUIKO F1LLB. fur twrnie-Siw reari refrarikd u hm.bmtnt, Alimyi Keliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS W, EVERYWHERE $8 diamond frt&rA BRAN0 00 It g rttl tin liiimrn !' i ' mm n i m h rvWH rs uUUliiuliaulilLiaiJIJjpa-M f . "Tv W Sold by CUn B liur yV PJr Know the Call iKv-V 1 It ms$ f Nwv i i if v r" i mW W i jf'ViXf muutarnM'moa''r"mmunP'vUoniortheirortinAmcricatoJay pLsMy iri'rSr For tL.uri.. u.l I f.i- im. ii . i- . Plr& AT P,JS.W ""'""'"'"'',","l,lvwi.K-nuperoinootinfqiilUiostmpart.tlicrtartli V . im -.. r.w - - .v.t KG Baking Powder Passed by the 1st The manufacturer with the rigid tests of the laboratory and factory. 2nd The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods.. 3rd The retail groccrwho desires to handle only those brands -he knows will please his customers. 4th The food officials with their rigid laws for the purity and wholesomcness of food products. 5th And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per feet satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER - HE SELLS IT Ounces for (More than a pound and , a half for a quarter) SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ofthe State 01 Oregon for Washington County. G. M, Anderson, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie Anderson, Defendant. To Nellie Anderson, the above m.med defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 18th day of August, 1916, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail to so appear and an swer said cornplaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tha relief prayed for in ba complaint, to-wit; for a decree dissolving the marriage and mar riage contract now and heretofore existing between you and the plain tiff, upon grounds of cruel and in human treatment. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Hills- Argus pursuant to order of the Hon orable Geo. K. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled Court, marie, rendered and dated on the lat day of July, 1916, and which said order directs that this summons be served upon you by publication thereof in said Hillnboro Argus, for six suc cessive and rnnavi'tiv wecka, the drte of the first publication thereof being the 6th day of July, 1916, and the date of the Inst publicntion thereof being the 17th day of Aug ust, 1916, and that you appear and answer said complaint on or before the 18th day of Auriist, 1916. WM. (j. HAKE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Juck WmJ, out in It tales your li'nj of mart to moatrn arms, moacm ammunition l..luJ....L f.l " m uniivnuucim - Autoloading Shot Gun ' SliJt Action Pum Cui . .' iutohuJitif Rifti . SUA Ammunition lr tvry ....... . m, ln( air u in ihn mcIiur. your home dealer and 673 other leading merchants in Oregon J.Jyrn a,,t REM OIL. tk, -,t.a,, Wr SwhI, LlrHt ,nJ Rt, W.MI.W THE REMINCTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDCB COMPANY Wlllk lk.aji. N.w mi Board of Censors - Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Lettming and Labor. Forty-eighth School Year Open SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses requiring a four-year high school preparation, are offered in the following: AGRICULTURB, la Departments; COMMKKCK, 4 Departments: I'.NCIN KKKINO, 11 Departments; MINKS, S Departments; I'ORKSTRV, 2 Depart ments; HOMK ECONOMICS, 4 Depart ments; and I'HAKMACY, Vocational Courses requiring an Kighth Grj'le preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with s two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC.-Piano, String, Hand and Voice Culture. Catalogue and beautiful Illustrated book let free. Address Tun Rkcistra, I w-7-15 lto7 id) rilKVAI.US. OR BOON Wanted at ore?: Younp;men for automobile bus'npfls. Big pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Fay us after we secured you portion. Century Automobile Ins itute, 290 Loa Anfrelea, Cal. Huarantee Fly Spray, at the Hillsboro Pharmacy, at 85c per gallon. Can you beat it? 18tf 4j.SJL4N tlio oirf vilj spots- know how muA TTMr hav Uon lor the snort in Amcric '.111 l i . . iv wi,u-naiiperDsnootin(ii4lilicstmpa itanJarJ mah cf Arm SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby giren, Dust by virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit t Court of the Suite of Oregon, for,"" I''1' "'' to the n,'liet the County of Washington, dated Sbi'leV fr cl ia karxt, all ef tho the 31st day of May, lillo, in fsvor of J. II. Hunt, plaintiff; and against E. A. Pophnm, dofendunt, for the sum of f l'i.70 cot, and the further sum of llfKi.OO, lo me directed aril 1 dehverert. commanding me to marnfTN'or sale of the real property hereinafter described, I have levied upon and pursuant to said execution. I will on Monday, the Wth day of August, 1916, at the .South door of the Court house in Hillsboro. Washington County, Oregon, ,r.t the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said dny, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in hnnd, all of the following de scribed real property, lying, being and situate in Washington Comity, Oregon, and moro particularly des-crib.-d ns follows, to-wit: All of Iits numhcr.d five (5) and eight (8), of and in lllntk One (1), in the town of Hunks, as the same nppenrs upon the duly recorded pint thereof in the office of tho He corder of Conveyances of aforesaid county and jlnte. Also a tract of land which is des cribed by beginning at a point which is reached by commencing nt the northvost corner of Section thirty ono (31) In township two (2) North of range three (3) west of Willamet te MerUlinn, and runing thence south 45 rods - nnd 6 feet to the North lino of Market Street in the .tforcsnid town of Hunks, nnd thence East along tho North line of snid street 280 feet to a point which is the aforesaid beginning point of the land to be described; thence East 108.9 feet; thence North 82 degrees, 18 minutes west 205 feet; thence south 170.5 feet to plnee of beginn ing and containing 34.1.'I9 square rods, more or less., to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the costs nnd expenses of sale and said writ. Said sale will be made subject to redemption as per statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 8th dny of July, 1916. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Or. By GEO. ALEXANDER, Deputy. KULASON A CLARK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an execution, decree and or d'jr cf sale, Issued out oi and under seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, on the 18th dny of July, 1916, in a cause therein pending wherein A. Todd is plaintiff and J. C, Armstrong and Veda Armstrong are defendants, to me directed and delivered, and commanding me to make sale of the real property hereinafter described, to sntisfy the sum of- $1000.00 In favor of the defendant, Veda Arm strong, which is declared ry said decree to be a lien upon said real property prior and superior to the lien and claim of the plaintiff there on, and to satisfy a judgment ren dered in said cause In favor of tho plaintiff and ngnlnst the defendnnt J. C. Armstrong, for coots and dis bursements in said cause in the sum of $89.10, and to sntisfy the further sum of 12,095.50 in favor of the plaintiff, which is declared by said decree to be a lion upon said real property, and to further satisfy the costs and expense of said sale and upon aaid writ, I will on Saturduy, ijiiiijiiinijiiiiiiiiiini1 -r 11 i "v I w"t,C.-! 4 . i' . fc, . . . ' '31 sr'"'- " - -I Jififl ifflimiiMiiiuiuiMiinniiuMinin tho lth tiny of Aujfunt, lOlfl, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of anid dny, at th'jnMth ,!or of the Court llouinnTWniihinKton County, Ore gon, in inilslwiro, Oregon, nreceed ( following aVscrltivd pars."! f real property situate in Waahington County, Oregon, to-wit: ' The Northwest quarter of tho thweat quarter of Section 7, In T. I N. R. 4 W. of Will. Mor.. and the Southwest nuMrtor of Hie Southwivst niinrtcr or lot number 3 of Section 0 in T. 1 N. R. 4 W. of Will. Mcr., containing 1W.30 acres. Said sale to be made subject to re demption as per statute of the Stnto of Oregon. Dated this 20th dav of July. IfttC. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Orr-gon, COI.K & COI.E, Attorneys for plaintiff. 1 WILLIAM C. HARK, Attorney for defendant Veda Arm strong. Nimrn ok Kivu, Aicoiri'. Nolli's m lirliy kIm. Dial I, ih nnd, r. dgnwl mtwtitru ol Um (Mini,, ,,f ,,,hi H-inari liiiiiti-rninmt, diwmd, tinw lllwl in Um bounty Courlol llm Him", of llrrgoii, for Washington County, niv llnal am-oiiiit as u h nxvciitrlx niid Unit Mtid Court Iihm wl Monday, AiikuhL "m IHHI, at lh hour of lUo'nlw.lt A M lit ai,i layaatlin time, and Him County Court room In HillHimro, Orngmi a ,,ttiw lor hMarlng olijwiu iia to .aid nnooiml, mil the IiiihI Rotlleini nt of mild estato Han d thin July V7, llllll HmIbiir Itmloiiiiiiiii, Knemitrlx of llm jV!HfHf ''0l'" 1,nn""" HllMflllHIIII,' W N Hiirintl. AllorrH'y I r KinciHrix ' Why Not? A More Efficient Motor A More Reliable Motor More Miles Per Gallon 25 per cent More Power More Speed as Desired Reliable Long Distance Running Forget Your Engine Troubles Entirely elim inates motor trouble- gives uniform com bustion -pro duces perfect ignition. ARGUMENTS POWER For Sale By H. HUDDLESTON, J. H. FOOTF. Hillsboro, Oregon All tho latest Kodak-fT" and Brownie (.-.morns at tho Delta Drug Store. Ladies, are you looking for a tool, sweet, refreHhinir retreat where the ire cream nnd ice cream sodas can't be" heat You will find it at Koeber'a. fiQoMORE' PWW WHAT IT SMS