The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 10, 1916, Image 2

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? H II Ii 1
Hot'nty Offb:V.I Paper
m.nmxmj.vt of maps a Harrington
Knt.-tr t i t ! !
Oii'K'D '' stem
.SlllMTtll'l- .
ISH'K.I i;
l. o
III lU'lsholO
I i v III ll' mutter.
f 's eumtm.
. U V Tl.l ivM.YY
! Candidate Huuhes is on the
stump, and his opponents have
i his tmroims explaining. This is
! sime start.
.. ayt
the Mountains
Court l ives Bund nl Six Thounitnil
Dollnrs on Larceny Indictment
-vi- - -ir
v. . . .. j.
t 1
. 1 1 '
v r
MS?' :
A Truly Wonderful Feature
Marie Osborne and the
Bear in
"Little Mary
5 Act Gold Rooster Play
See Little Mary Act with the bf g
Live Bear. Also
"Thinin E'm Stout"
Dairymen may complain at the
weather as beirm injurious to
the hay ami vrain crops, lu t
they haven't suit a word about
the excellent pasturaue which is
the net result.
Plain Irlt-nto
Surely Runtl
lav iu J lu tn an
The bt,r railway strikes will
probably not develop, the four
brotherhoods having agreed to
have the Federal board arbitrate
the diU'eronees between the rail
ways and t! o employees. It is
not in. pr.iH iblo that this is the
best solutioti of the argument,
and it is felt in all quarters, that
I'resident Wilson has solved the
Nut'co to Creditors
Coming Sunday Ony
Paramount Feature
Blanche Ring
America's Favorite in her greatest stage success
"The Yankee Girl"
A Glass of Champagne too much settles a
copper feud in the tropics
N"Ui"'- ! I 11 l ivn tint tho tiii'lur
;ifiiil Iias lii.'ii i iu'i'il A.
i( llio K-MU' in ihurli'H JhimImkii, In
tns.'.l. ty iiji r nl Urn (Viiuity IViir'
l t' Ma ' 'il OriH:ii li.r Ui. I'uin ly o'
iHh- i;t.iii, iinitlt d;i id , vT'li iImv i
A; r I. H'lii, imi IiuhJ Inly iiiialiiltHl n mioh
Aitllllnis' M!...r.
Now, ilifri'f.'rt1, nit m -unim I hviiik
t'lllilllH lt?:linl Sl.l LsEMiiMr.' IHTi'hT llll
ViM ami ruiiutoil In piiKunl lln'sanir
toai'lll'T llll iti!l(T Jill lion to iiih ill
my tmrln!-ln mi Vnm Hi twt In Ihr
CU V i.f i, (iri' , or nl llni In
iilfiot of l'lios. 11. T Hiiiiis Jr., Atl.iriuy
al l.iw. in Urn tViiuiK-rt'iitl H!"(k u
HlllKIl r, Olljillll. illllll n III, Ml !!
I r. mu tiic (Itt't'iii tin) lirvl i.iitilualluii ul
OlIU nl'r Wit' Will. HI IX IIIIMltllN
from Ihr Jtu:h it .yol July, A. 1, IHIU.
I.. P A'liliim.
A(liiiiiiitir.ilir of I'm KhIi i.I (iinrli.
Jlll'tlliS.lil. illTI'll.Ml,
Tli" II. Tmik'im Jr., AUiTimy for
AiliionUi rst'ir
as you never thought
could be is yours to
command quick as
you buy some Prince
Albert and fire-up a
pipe or a home-made
Prince Albert gives
you every tobacco sat
isfaction your smoke
appetite ever hankered
for. That's because
it's made by a patented
process that curs out
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always 5STb, fw?' Jl
. , . mmdm ihr mm mmm
Deen soia without, coupons or premiums.
We prefer to give quality !
f liiu tidy rd tui
jom will r "Pro-
cm Flnl4 July
nwli pip wkm
wiackl bafaral
J; i
trTl r.T1 rlll J
prince Albert
has a flavor as different as it is delightful
And that isn't strange, either.
the national joy imoke
You never tasted the like of it I
Day Prine Albert every
i here tobacco it told in
loppy red bag. Get tidy red
tint, 10c; handiome pound
and half-pound tin humi
dors andthat corking fine
pound cryttal-glan humi
dor with iponge-moittener
top that keep the tobacco
in each clever trim always!
Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story I
R. J.'REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C
The little four-year-old son of court house, accompanied by hia
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tongue Jr.
f jl! from a runaway saddle pony,
Sunday afternoon, and sustained
iome Bevere bruises and injuries.
The animal started to run with
he little lad and Mr. Tongue,
mourned, tried to catch it. The
son, Lloyd, of Portland, started
for the Salmonberry, this morn
ing, for a camping and fishing
H. T. Bagley, Judge Smith and
Emil Kuratli departed this morn-
y fell off the horse before he ; I" '.or a P t0 e and Mt-
eeded in catching th i tinier, iney win take the auto
runaway. rr F H l')Uie via iiama ana jacoma,
if the
J. in,7'W to attend the
itU. felU w and things he will
be u l right in a few days
W.n Tupiver. janitor
t the
and expect to pick up I. P. Fos
ter at Lhehalis.
J, B. Walker, of below Beav
erton. was a city caller Tuesday
Fred Stevens, of Farmington,
was in town yesterday.
L. C. Powers, of Leisyville,
was in town yesterday.
Geo. Bantz Sr., of Shady
Brook, was in town yesterday,
on business at the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Koehnr
Scholls, were Hilhboro
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Jas. Jose is DroifressiniT
nicely after a surgical operation
performed by Dr. E. II. Smith,
In The Circuit Court of tho Stale of
Oregon for WashiiiHlon County.
Ji'nnie Catherine Mi kulson unit
Olive S. Vii.ton, Plaintiffs,
B. E. Melvin anil Helen II. Melvin.
his wife, ana H. II. Melvin, Iefen-
Ky virtue of exwution, jiiilirment
onler, decree anil order of side isnu
cil out of the nbove entitled court in
the nbove entitled cause, to mo dir-ei-ted
and dated the 24th day of
July, lylU, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in nail!
rourt on the 1 1th day
of July, 1915, In favor of Jennie
Catherine MK.'iln and Olive S,
Vinton, plain! if la. And uifainKt P
E. Melvin, Iefrid;int, for th mum
f Fit -T.i V"iiaja' u"i.
with inUre.'st nt the mte of 7 per
rnt per annum from the Snl day of
i lel'.liff. cut. ftn tho fiirlliei- iuin
if Three Ifundred Fiftv Dollnrh
"T?1SI.00), with interest at the rate
of b per cent per nniium from the
14th day of July, 101ft, and for the
'"urther Hum of Twenty fright Ilul
tara and I'ifty Cents (?2S..r.O), routs
nnd dishurseiiiee.ti, and the cost of
and upon thin writ, commanding me
to nuike sale of the folulwinu des-cril-ccl
re:-1 property, to-wit:
All of iovernnierit lots nix (fi) nnd
Seven, (7), in S"etion Twenty (0)
.nd the Southwest minrter of the
Southeast quaiter of said Section
Twenty (20), also lot. Hix (fi), in
-Section (21), also the Northeast
quarter of the Northeast quar
ter of Section Twenty-nine. (2'J),
di h"in(r in Townxhip One (1),
South, of K-mire Knur (1), West of
the WiP: -incite. Meridian, in Waidi
iin'ton County. St-te of Oreiron.
NOW TIIKKEKOKE, by virture of NratrU
Haul execution, judement order, de
cree and order of sale, and In com
idi.nce v.i!h the commands of said
writ, I will on Monday, the 2Hth
day of Auffui t, 10 Hi, at ten o'clock,
A. M., at the South door ofthe Court
IloiiKe in Nillaboro, WaHhinKton
County, Oregon, s"ll at public 'auc
tion, (subrct to redemption,) to the
behest bidder for cah in hand, all
the riidit, tillo nnd interest, which
the within r.n.imd def'.'nd-ints und
e.ih and all of th"m hid on the
l"!h diy of Sentember 101 3, the
d it.e of the mort',-if:;" herein fore
closed, or iiice that date had in and
to the above described property or
tny part thereof, to sntiufy Keid ex
"euuon, nidcemeiu. order and decree,
interest, rofts snd r.renilnfir coats.
.1. E. UKKVKS,
Sheriff of Washington County,
D ied this V't'i dav of July, 191 ft,
first i.-iie ,T-ilv 27th, liHfi.
f-t-'t. issue Aivimt. 24th, 101ft.
Kenton ISuildinc, Po'tland, Oro.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Will .!; rC ly. of North Plains,
was over town Tnofday, meeting
with friends.
J. C ClarV, of Foro?t Grove,
rarsactfil business in town the
first of the week.
The Kumrow stock of grocer
ies has hf'f-n shipped to Portland,
where a snivace firm is selling
Agent John Vandorwal vester
day paid Mrs Florence' Wick
hizer StWS.fiO firo hm on the res-
jd':nce burned Monday ninht.
Prof. E. 11 Anisdjn, who will
have charjjc of (he If illHhnro
Schools thf cominir vear. went
over to Uoclciway this mornine-,
to spend a few days at the beach.
Ij. F. Emniolf will onon hii
moat market, on Main Street,
opposite lhr Hotel Tualatin, Sal-
:.... it mi '
Ulrtjr III. II null'. Will lie
pleased to meet his many old
time patrons, as well as new
ones. Give him a trial.
U, 0. Gossmnn, who recently
paid the $2,500 cash Hue in cir
i nit court is still lany:uishinn in
jail on the indictments charumn
him with arson and with assault
and battery, the object of hia
wrath being his wife. The court
heard C.ossman's plea of not
Kitilty hist Friday, and fixed the
bond for appearance at $0,000.
In default of bail, Gossman was
taken back to his cell, and he is
now very hitter at being de
prived of his liberty.
Six thousand dollars is some
bond, ami when Gossman tried
to gel some North Plains people
to go bail he found that the
Iriend in need wis a rare av is.
Mrs. Gossman was over the
ast of the week endeavoring to
get his bond fixed, but her efforts
were fruitless.
Just how much of a case the
state has nmiinst Gossman is
known only by the grand jury
which indicted, and District At
torney Tongue, who presented
the evidence, Mr. Tongue evi
dently considers he has a good
case, for he ordinarily uses great
care an presenting indictments.
Gossman 's trial on the arson
charge will probably take place
in September, after the Bennett
Thompson case is out of the way.
Mrs. Gossman. who tt is al
leged was assaulted by her hus
band, was scratched up a little,
but her injuries were minor. It
is understood that she is expect
ed to stand pat so far as
prosecution is concerned, but as
th -re is other evidence the state
feels that it has a good case.
to the
Beach Rccortt
Whir url bathing In nnclld
Ov.r th beautiful Cvait Mountain whiira towarlng
traa and rvaring mountain itraamt Invita you to Irava
lha train.
J. 0. and Chas. Miller, of the
Arcade district, aboe North
t aiins, were city ' callers this
morning. They report a fine hop
c op on the ridge, and J. G. says
t tat he will have a nice output
of prunes this rail.
One of the sons of W. C. Jack
son, of North Plains, sustained a
broken collar bone the last of the
week. Dr. llubb attended the
injury. John Hays, of Keedville,
suffered a like injury the other
day. '-. - .
x tiuvK ftisnaflryf aT than
usual by at kast two weeks.
In tha M uo-r otilin K,u of Clan I O
Wllke, di-c-an .t
NiH:c 1 1 Ii.iimh ir.v-i ilii- Mil u 1 1 ii
itfiifcd mliiiliiimriitrit of ii fi,it,, Im
il'il lu Hit :ir.i. ,.uL lu-1 l)uri ail
i lium her ll iiil awouiil n id r,i ai
in Ii a liiii'imiriiiriii. au l Hip unl Cmiri
liafi li xel iin.l hi mill' I M on! f, lh u Ii
iliiy oi M 'pti'inimr. Will at Urn Ii uir ul III
o'el lek nl in il iluy, , 1 u, c.i iri r.iiuii
olthi. ah i,,.,,.iitiHih t'niirl in II lilnli ir i.
WhsIiIiikIiiii (Kinnly. (Iroiron, m Iih limn
anil plni-a lur Iiii.ioiik nl'J wUuui tui wii.l
Dual cc unit ami fur ill i ilmil n.iltl.-in ml
I ihl ealnle,
liiiml tlil4 div nt AmriMl. Ifllli
M.illy Wilkea, Ai.m'iili'tralrU ul enlnle
i o r - ii ul
li nn O Hiiro, Attorney for Admin
Admiiiislrator' Notice
Notire in hereby ffiven that thd
u;iilerifi.n"l Muthrw H Weir ha linen
duly iiiMiliitoil 1 1 v IIiii I'oiiiitT I 'mi i t ul
tlei Mills of lirnciin for WihliiiiKUHi
I ' Ml lit y. Hililliiil'IrAUir of Hie eiliilii ol
Vlixuiilnr H. Wi-ir ilccraioit, unil han
All p'rioii ImvluL' rliiliiiH Hiriiimt lai I
etnto nrn li'irrliy i.ii.iliiiil and iiiiiireil to
iiiiinnir.ini hiiiihi iirin-'i, ai reii'ilrml
y in v, u W'i auiiiiiiiHimiiir eonor t lie
oil ul Oi Ubf V.Minu. ri.o.n 421. Chan
b ii- of limner- ll'iil.linn, I'.irtlKiul
i JrcKoi', or ill, ti e Ilium- uf ol the la'ii (
naie.l, It, f. Il No. I, lliuiyerton, Or
Ii tid 111,1 llrH uilY.iilllnil IliU ID.Ii diy
of Am nit. I 10
Math wH. We-r, AdininliiMtir of th
Kimt'i or lex I nlm' H. Wir, Oiiiii! mud.
"IriPHTtH'rirtcn by;cf tusmess
Percy Long
Hillsboro, Oregon
FARES $3.00
Slightly higher to Bayocean, Manzanita Clanic
Ridge, Ne-Kah-Nie
Daily trains from Portland
7:45 A.M. 1:40 P.M.
Observation car on afternoon train
' "Seashore Special"
Aik Kcal a(nt for further Infuitnatinn or rlt
fur ImmhIIm "Tillamook IWaclio."
Joha M. Sott, Central PatMngar
Ant, Portland, Oregon.
Binders! Binders!
E.. Marshall, Binder Expert
Phone City 13, Hillsboro, Oregon
Tbc followiug fanners have taken advantage
oi having their binders rebuilt and arc satisfae
torly working them now, and they are tying like
new machines.
Jake Milne, 1915, North Plains
Alexander Gordon, " "
John lieach,
Henry Beach, "
CiisLuno, "
W. L. RatchelJcr, "
Chas. Taylor,
Thomas Bailey, "
Peter Jossy, " "
James Price, Hillsbtiro
: Win. Behraiau, BliMmiiug
Henry Behrman,', "
Carl Pfhal,
Henry Schcurman, "
Henry Gnrske "
Henry Helmold, "
Mrs, J. S. Steiuke, Hillsboro.
And many others. Ask them and see if they
are not satisfied. The best fanners in the county
are haviug their machines from 10 to 20 years old
rebuilt instead of buying new machines. All
styles dud makes will be overhauled. Any steel
framed machiue is well worth rebuilding instead
of being cast aside. Before storing away ymir old
binder after harvest, have it looked over and as
certain the cost ot having it relit teJ like a new
S. P. & P. R. & K.
All, except the P. K. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Kngene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
6:50 a. m
7:36 .
12:50 p. m
9:50 '
8:15 a. m.
3:14 p. m
Futrene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
'orest Grove Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
All trains stop or, flair at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
lMr streets, Sixth and Fir 8t .
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
toot or becond Street
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 n. m
P. It. & N. Train 9:15 m
Motor Car Service
To Euxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
Fr im Timber 9:55 a. m
From Buxton &10 p. m.
Beach SpeciaKDaily
To Tillamook 3:02 p. m
From Tillamook 9.22 p.m.
Thru I bo r
iiiuiiu impire
-Grand Canyon of Columbia
American Wonderlands.
-Uacier and YeIlowtone
Kound Trln. .1 I V ni
North Bank Rail and 26
Hours Sail
oa lha .hip. of S.rvirr, S. S
norm. Pacific and Cru.t Norlh.rn.for
From any Or.nn EUclric R..
uiciunm niaalt and bwlh. TKU
roui. uM Tim. and Mon., and b a Trip
Sapl. 24 to Oct. 8
From Mid.ll. W..ito Will.m.ll. V.ll,,.
I i.ll pr.paidtlcli.ti,
G. W. Mason, Agent
HilUboro, Ore.
The Woman's Auxiliary of the
Commercial Club will meet at
the Club Rooms. Saturday after
noon, at 3 o'clock. All memhen :
are requested to be in attendance.