The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 03, 1916, Image 3

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liu'j cured our i?cut.i nr. - .ud'i-jciitioru by piclu. ing. the !
Tooli'jri Questions," t!.; i idle gcnta are always asking
r.ri'1 In his genial liumot tasking, we cun forget a while
tho Borrows that e.;em to threaten our tomorrows.
Tln'3 Goldberg la no dad-blumed
funny ho mokes l.uman life
more tunny; when yon cio look
iupf at his draw ing) you cv;.so your
frcttinp and your jv.v w.l
just loan back and grin fvr.fl h ::
and say, "Ilia fun h rno-o t'
mortul." His wit is sure tin end
less bloomer, and natfcht can stay
his flow of humor. As h3 main
tains hi pictured jokiiuj, tho rich
Tuxedo he ia smoking. No doubt
while plying hia vocation, finds
In that an inspiration, like count
less others, who, no winners, find
"Tut" as useful (ia their dinners.
CVvaftiror1 Qw.
iivitt, " "I'm tha Lett"
hlnnt Qttitvmnt,
"!..( (it 7 fl Ji
tithucto. I( mutant m J
ft .MOT Of !" "
inj tidtiu II hilily U
all n fiitndu ' '
Put yourself
in HER place
, jffitvk .... .
7 .7i t
Why not get a good
oil stove 10 that dur
ing the hot weather
your wife or mother
or sister or daughter,
can prepare the
meals in a cool, com
for table kitchen?
There's no overheating
the Lit'jhcn with unup-to-dato
oil cw k Btovi!. It'
jtistlik(cuuLing wiihcity
gnu. Th luncr con
centrate the heat at the
diOt-n-nt cooking points.
No wood or coal or
oshts to lug. No
waiting for fires to
catchup. The long
l!ut chimneys do
away" with all
emoke and smelL
In 1,2, J.oniM-hurrwr
tiita, with or without
c vcn. Ato mbintt
niuilrtt with Kii-elen
ctHjkn.R own.
(CaiilurnU) .
9 '1-'T,131-?' i'11
1 LjJi
I wish t anuotiiiee that I have opened a
Grmihmirtc 1 11 Twelfth and Oak, Sts.',
Ilillshoro, and ntn prepared to fill ciders
for all kinds of flowers, shrubbery, etc.
A speeiahy of f oral designs for funerals,
fraterniil ordei s, etc. Also am prepared
to do landscape gardening, and floral
decorating for all occasions.
Flowering Plants
Pacific Supreme Tomato plants, Ruuny's Best
tomato, and Kaily Oregon, earliest ou Pacific
feci ion.
all van ies.
Ciihbagc plants, all
Carl E. Muller, Florist
Ilillsborc, Oregon; Route 5
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Ilillsboro, Cornelius unci North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
G? Jtin, Hoy, Flour, Feed and
Grain Dog's.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Loth
At Cornelius
Beaver Slate Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price
, NOiitK or KALE J, 1 m IhU hi tM N-jitliwa
lit Itid t'irmU tonrt bf tli KUt br'Oim. F f KW'4
IN TO.Vf.THT IWII I?,) JlOltlll,
egtin ftr Mulonihiuh i'uuMy.
S!MiUir iVovlMlon ( oinpuny, a cor
poration, 1'lnlntiffi
Ton! IMukonii and Iiuix MinHiriuH,
ro-purtiiiTH (loinir buHincNB m Montu
Curio ('life, )i-fciiianU.
l)y vlrtlltS Of Mfl HW'U'.i.lII iKMMvd
out of tho uhove cntitlrd court in
the above uit'tltxl caumt, to 1110 dir
ected, and duted tho 2ifth ilny of
The South
Quprtcr (S'i
I (its Th r-'
tin! North lla't
One (I)
f of th Niirthwci'l
' f NW U ), mid
( ',) iitid Four (1), or
f the N.jrthwi-Bt
Wt fHM( (?4j
Jhrf North tltlf (N41.
The Wt Half of th( SuthtJit
imrter (W'i of SK'), and
Tho Southwell Quarter (SW14).
Section Twrnty-five (25)
The Kouthcas4; Quarter (SEU),
Quarter (N'a or NWU). 1,IC "air (N'4).
.Section T (2) Sect inn Twenty-wi (26)
Ths Foot'i ilulf of the Sou'.h Half Tht- North Hulf of the Northeast
(Si'4 of S',). ' Quarter of NK'4),
June, ltflti, upon a Judgment enroll-1 The Koiitii ilalf of the North Half! Th! Southoast Quarter of the
ed, docketed and entered in the Mm- (f5'4 of N',4), and I Noithcafit Quarter (SK'4 of NKU),
trict Court of the KUte of O ck"H One 1 1), Two (2), Three (?,)! The North.-aKt Quarter of the
for Multnomah County, on the 4th ym)r (t r tj. North Ilulf of N 'Hhweat Quarter (N'Ev4 of
day of Junuury, VJlti, in which Sin- ti. N,)rlh j.,f (Nya f N',4). jNW'i), and
tlulr I'rovtmon Co., a corporation, wiin Three Ci) Thc S"i'thtaHt Quarter (5?F'4).
pluiutiff above named, recovered Ve South li-ilf of the Nortliwe-l'. Section Twenly-aeven (27)
judgment BKai,u,t Toni Itiaknoi. and nJTili 'fUtT AurU',"l- The .Southwt-H Quarter of the
i Miti otihi. io. co-nanner uoiiur. .... .. .. .
l.uuien an Monte Carlo Cafe, tie-'
fendunU aliove named, for the Muinj
of fi4.03, with inler'Mt thereon at!
the rate of 6 per ci-nt per annum,
from the 4th day of January, I'Jiil,
and the further sum of $!.lj, rots
and diNbumenentM, and the coln of
and upon thin writ, which judgment
wan enrolled and docketed ji the
Clerk'i offico of the Circuit Court
of the Stnta of Oregon for Multno
mah ('unity, on tin Oth day of Jun
uury, 1 1 1 ti, and which judgment wax
a 'no dM-keted in th? t'lerk' office
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of WaHhinsr
The KoutheaHt Quuiier of the
Hoiithwexl (Wi nter (SK'i of SW'4 ).
The North Half of the .Southwest
Quarter ( N 'j of SWU).
The Koiitlieaiit (Jiuirtcr (KE'i),
I.oIk Three ('?) arid Four (4), or
tho North Half of the Northwest
l( H,.r VI i,t N'U'i.
Section Four (I)
Tie Soiillie.sht (Quarter of the
Koiilhcio-t Qi arter (SK'.i of SK'i),
The Vht Half 'f the Southeast
Quarter (WM, of SK!,,
The SoulhweHt Quarter (SW',4),
ton on the 8vh day of January, 191d,l Lot One (11, or the .N .rlhea t
and which writ eonunandH me to Quarter of the Nrtheaxt Quarter
milk Hfite of thu f,,l!r,ft'ini t' u'i-iln.,1 liNK'. of SK.).
nroperty. to-wit: the north Sb feet i Sm tioii Five (.I)
of Lot and 10, I'.Ux k 2h. North
Fining, in the County of Washington,
Slata of Oregon.
Now therefore, by virturo of fiaid
execution and Judgment, nml
compliance with the command of
taid writ, I will on Monduy, the
14th day of August, VMK, at 11
o'clock A. M., at tho nouth door of
the Court Houi In HilUboro, Wanh
Injrton County, Oregon, n.'ll ut pub
lic '.uction, aubjert to redemntion,
to the highest bidder for each in
hnnd, all the right, title and interest
which the within nn.ned defendants,
or cither of them, nd on- the 8th
dt:y of Janu-.ry, 1910, the daw of
the m-ollinent an t docketing of- the
judgment herein, 'n the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
Stnti of Oregon, for tho County of
Washington, or ainrc that date had
in and to the above described pron
orty, or any part th-reof, to P!.tify
gitid execution, judgment, iutrretft,
rota and accruing routs.
Sheriff of W.iH'iin-rtoi County,
Stal of Oreiron.
Ditecl thin Uth dnv of J ilv, 191(1.
AtU.rnevs for Plaintiff,
mm Henry Huilding,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors
In l h nuttier of tho Klul of Jennie K
tlaiuea. Ummuiod.
Notict la hereby given that th
(imlonlgt.ed hti Ixwn duly hi'HiIo.I I.
the Im)t entitle)! Court an Kieemttr '
-he ho iini"il iK'nle 'hI hm .u'
imlil)Ml m och k bf by l im-terili il
o Oiniel,r,ll prrsoiut hHVing claim
gaiimt unlit mli urn iiorotiv r.o.itietl I
preaMil the name l.trlher Willi propi
, i uclirw Ihernlur, to (lid umlrraicufMl n
ill law otlins ol W illiam (I Haiolu On
Inmricaa Nalinnal National Itai.k Hl!e
tllllatHiro, Oienon. within Kit iiionilo
non date hereof. Datud June 1 l!Uii
Kola Haliua. Kiecutrii of aaul KNlnle
WilUain U Hare, Attorney for Kxenu
that pursuant to the directions of :
decree rendered in the Itistiic
Court of the United States for tin
District of Oregon, on the 10th o
July, 191d, in a cause wherein First
Trust pnJ Savings Bank nnd Einilc
K. Boisot were complainants nh:
wherein Tillamook Timber nnd I s
fcing Company was defendant, the
tii'deraigncd on tho l!th day of Ait-
Mtt. 116. at tho hour or I
M.. will sell at the front door of the
County Court House of Tillamook
County, Oregon, at Tillamook, in
said County and State, all of the
following described real property
to-wit :
Section Thirty-five (35)
Th North Half of the Northeast
Quarter (NV4 of NE'i ),
I he Southwest Uuarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SW'i of
NWl) and the Northwest Quarter
of the Southwest Quarter (NWU of
Section Thirty-six (36)
The Northwest Quirtcr (NW'il
KANtit; I-IVK (0) WEST.
Section Twenty (20)
Tho North Half of the Southwest
Quarter (Ntt of SW.4).
the Northwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter (NWU of SEU)
and the Southwest Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (SW'i of NE '.').
Section Sixteen (16) ,
Tha West Half (W) and
The Southeast Quarter (SE'4).
Section Two (2) 4
Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (.1)
and hour (4), or tho North Half of
the North Half (NH of N',4).
Section Four (I)
Lota One (1), Two (2), Three (!i),
Four (4), Five (6), Six (li), Eleven
(11) and Twelve (12) and ..
The Southwest Quarter (SWV4).
Ili'lsboro. Main 14.
Cornelius, City 1515.
TY. orf:gon.
Section Three (3)
Tho South Half of tho Northwest
Quarter (Sty of NWU) nnd
Lota Three (3) and Four (1), ot
the North Half of tho Northwest
Quarter (NU of NW';,).
Section Four (1)
Lota One (1) and Two (2), or thr
North Half of the Northeast Quart
er (N M, of NEU).
The timber on the Southeast
Quarter of the Northeast Quartet
(SEU of NEV4).
The timber on the North Half of
the Southeast Quarter (N of
SE4). nnd
The timber on tho Southeast Quart
er of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi
nf SEVil.
Tiie Kiift Half of the Southeast
Quarter (E'-s of SE').
Section Keen (7)
The South U.ilf of th Northeast
In Quarter (S'i of NE'i ),
The S.Mithenrt Quarter (r.'),
The E.-u-t Half of the Southwest
Quarter (KM, of SW'i).
The Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest QuurterlSE'i of NW1,),
and Lots ThreoC!) and Four (4),
or the We-.t Half of the South west
QiKirter (W'4 of KW'il.
Swllon Kifrhl (8)
The Nort heist Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (NE'4 of NE'i),
The South Half (S1), nnd
The South Half of the North Half
(S of N'-i). "
S.rlion Nine (9)
The West Half (WH).
The Noi-tlieist Quarter (NEU),
Tho West Half of the Southeast
Quarter (V'-j of SE', and
The Soulh.rasi (Quarter of the
Sotithenst Quarter (SE'i of SEU)
heel ion Ten (10)
The Southeast Quarter " of the
Northwest Quarter (SEU of NW',),
and The South Hrlf (S'i).
Sri (ion I'levcn (11)
All of the Section.
Section Fourteen (U)
The South H;!f of the Southwest
Quarter (S'i, of SWV).
Section Fifti en (I.)
The Eist Half of the Southeast
Quarter (K'a of SE',),
The West U.ilf of the S.mthwert ,
Quarter of SWM. and i
The North Half (NMs).
Section Seventwa (17)
The Half (S'sl, and
The North Half of the North Half
(N'i of N'i).
Swtion nglileen (IS)
The East Half of the West Halt
(E'i. of W'4).
Lot Two 1 2). or the Southwest
Quarter of the Korthvvest Quarter
(SWU of NW'.). and
Lots Three i:;) and Kiur (4). or
the West lla'f of th? Southwest
Quarter (W',i of SW1,).
Section Nineteen (19)
The Northeast Quarter (NE'i)
The East Half of the Southeast
OiL.rter ( E'a of SE'i ),
The Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SEU of NWU)
Lots One (1) and Two (2), or the
Wes; Half of the Northwest Quart
er (W'.-j of NWU).
Section Twenty (20)
The Northwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter (NWU of SEU)
The North Half of the Southwest
Quarter (X'a of SWM.
The Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (SW'i of SWVi)
and the North Half (NM.
Section Twenty-one (21)
The Northwest Quarter of the
Northwest Guar "or (NWU of
The Southwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (SWU of
The East Half of tho West Half
(EM of WMt), end
Tho East. Half (E'4).
Seel ion T only-two (22)
Tho Northeast Quarter (NEU)
Tho West Half (WVs).
Station Twcnty-thne (23)
The Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quart "r (SEU of NEU).
The Northwest Quarter (NWU)
The East H:df of tho Southeast
Quarter (K'3 of SEU).
Section lwenly-six (20)
The Southwest Quarter (SWU)
The East Half of the East Half
(EVi of EU). s
Section I went y -seven (27)
All of the Section.
Section Twentv-ejght (2S)
All of the Section.
Swlien Twenly-nine (29)
All of the Section.
Section Thirty (30)
The Sontl-east Qei-rter (SEU),
The East IMf of the Northeast
Quarter (K' of NE'i),
rite East Halt of tho Southwest
Quarter (E'i of SW'i),
the Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SEU of NWU)
Lot J wo (2). or the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
(SWU of NWU). nnd
t.ots riireo nnit t'our (4). or
the West Half of tho Southwest
Quarter (W'i of SWU).
Section Ihirty-one (31)
The Southeast Quarter (SE'i),
The East Half of the West Half
(EV, of VI), nnd
Lots One (1), Two ('), Three (3).
mil tour (4). or the West Half of
Ihe West Half (W'i of W'i).
Section Thirty-two (32)
The Southeast Quarter (SEU).
Tho West Half (W'i).
Section Thirl v three (33)
The East Half (EVi),
The Northwest Quarter (NW'i).
The North Half of tlu Southwest
Quarter (N'i of SWU).
Seclh.ii Thirlv-fonr (31)
The West I! lf iW'-il,
Nor:.he.-t Quarter (SWVi of NEU),
The East Half of tha Southwest
Quarter (EMi of SWU),
The Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter (NW'i of SW
U ). and
Tho Northwest Quarter (NW'A).
Section Twenty-eight (28)
All of the S-x'tion.
Section Twenty-nine (29)
All of the Section.
Section Thirty (30)
The West Half of the East Half
(WM- of EMs),
The East Half of the Weat Half
(EVi of WV4).
IM Two (2), or the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
(SWU of NW'i), and
Lots Three (:j) and Four (4), or
the West Half of the Southwest
Quarter (WVi of SWU).
Section Thirty-one (31)
The East Half (E'4),
Th? East Half of the West Half
(EM, of WV4).
IMa One (1) and Two (2), or the
West Half of the Northwest Quart
er (W'4 of NW'i), and
Iit Three (3), or the Northwest
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
(NWU of SWU).
Section "Thirty-two (32)
All of the Section.
Seel ion Thirty-three (33)
All of the Section.
Section Thirty-four (31)
All of the Section.
Section Thirty-five (3.")
The Northeast Quarter (NEU),
The Southwest Quarter (SWU).'
Section Ten (10)
The Southeast - Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter (SEU 'of SE'i).
Section Fifteen (15)
The East Half of the Northeast
Quarter (EVi of NEU),
The Northeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter (NEU of SEU),
The Southwest Quarter (SWU).
Section Six (6)
Lots Three (8). Five (5), Six (fi)
Eleven (11). Thirteen (13) and
Fourteen (14), and
The East. Half of the Southwest
Quarter (EMs of SWU).
(3) WEST.
Section Eighteen (18)
The West Half of the Southeast
Quarter (W',4 of SK4), and
The East Half of the Southwest
Quarter (EVi of SWVi).
Section Twenty-eight (28)
The South Hulf of the Northeast
Quarter (SVs of NEU),
The Northwest Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter (N'W'.i of NEU)
The Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter(SEU of NWU)
Also all the right, title, and in
feros? of the defendant, Tillamook
Timlier and Logging Company, in
ami to any of the lands above des
cribod, and in and to any of the
timber on any of the lands above
described, and in and to any of the
lands the timber on which is above
described, toecther with all lumbei
mills, lumber mill plants, including
planing nulls, saw mills, boilers
boiler rooms, kilns, power houses
machine shops, and all other houses,
buildings, structures, engines, ma
chinery, nnd apparatus of every
kind and character (except rights
of way, property and appurtenances
ot railroad companies not owned by
the defendant, Tillamook Timbet
nnd Logging Company, and except
public roads) situated upon or con
nected with the said lands and real
estate, or any portion thereof, with
all rights of way. easements, watei
rights, with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging or appertaining.
Said property will be sold for the
purpose .of realizing $3,291,606.27,
with interest at the rate of six per
cent per annum from July , 10th,
19 16, and the costs and disburse
ments allowed the above named
complainants m the above entitled
cause, and the expenses of effecting
the said sale. In case the said
moneys shall be realized by a sale
of a part of the said property, the
remainder of the property above
lescribed will not be soid.
Pursuant to the directions of the
saut decree tlie undersigned will ac
cept no bid unless the bidder shall
deposit with the undersigned, eith
er in cash, or in a check certified by
a National or State Bank or Trust
Company situated in the City of
Chicago, Illinois, the City of New
York, New York, or the city ol
Portland, Oregon, in an amount
equal to at least twenty per cent of
the hid interposed; provided that no
deposit will be accepted in the sum
of less than Stf.OOO.OO, and that no
deposit will be required in excess
of $2;i.000. In case any bidder or
purchaser shall fail to make good
his bid within the time allowed
therefor by the decree above referr
ed to. or bv any order passed bfr the
undersigned pursuant to the direc
Hons of the said decre?, then.the depos-
t made by such bidder shall be for
feited as a penalty for such failure
Ihe said sale will be made sub
ject to the confirmation of the above
ntitled court and to the redomDtion
provided hv law. It will also be
made subject to and in accordance
with the provisions and directions
contained in tho said decree.
Master in Chancery.
Dated July 17, 1910.
The Southeast Quarter (SE'i),
Tho Wet 11 air of the Northeast
Quarter (V'.: of NEU).
Section 1 furl v-uve W)
Tho West Half of tha West Half
(W'i of W'.).
in "iiir Ct.ruit Cfltirt hi th fiuli of
Orefcon for tha County of Wash
in (ton.
I am prepared to do all kinds
of Buildinpr and Rppnir work
Cabinet work, etc., S.'iw-filinp;,
Screens and Screen doors. Shop
L.inklater btiildinsr, Second St., 2
doors north of the Argus.
All kinds of furniture, plate
and prism phes doors and w.n-
Elmsr T. Connell and Hannah J.
Elanchard, Plaintiffs,
C. H. Jacob, M. C. Jacobs, Hilla
boro Garden Tracts, a corporation,
Sigmund Mesuac, Regine Menus'., S.
W. Anderson, Mamie A. Bowen,
Thomas E. Blair, E. R. Bailey, J. E.
Cummins, D. S. Walton, G. D. Eat
inger, C. A. Ecklund, Edward Hag
er, Frank Heller, John O. Hopster,
L. D. Hunter, Mrs. S. E. Johnson,
John C. Kemmerich, W. O. Kilboi.rne
W. O. Ketcham, John L. Mahaffey.
L,. A. Petropulos, J. P, Powell,
James Rice, Mrs. J. M. Rice, Mrs. F.
G. Rogers, Lelia Schulte, C. A.
Scheller, J. A. Short, Mary A. Shad
den, J. S. Sacrc, A. W. Schmale,
Charles Solomon, P. J. White, L. C.
Kelcey, P. E. Wise, G. F, Domeyer,
Stanley Richardson, R. C. Bateman,
L. A, King, Dunning-Frentzell Com
pany, a corporation, A. W. Barth,
Addie Bauer, Fred Bretthauer, Fred
Bretthauer, Jr., George Cambridge,
Leonard Deleye, Geo. Felker, Adam
Goebel, August Jors, A. W. Marshall,
W. E. Marshall, E. J. Pickett, G.
Balliet, W. V. Wiley, Trustee, Mc
Claine Cooper, Badger Lumber Com
pany, a corporation, Helmi Bennett,
Marth Henricksen, J. A. Johnson,
Fred E. Koch, William Rose, J. E.
Rose, J. B. Wirz, S. R. Win, Ed. L
Johnson, Ray Pierson Emil Seidel,
Frank A. Smith, Howard P. Bobbs
C. H. Hill, W. M. Merritt and J. R.
Haight, Defendants.
To Mamie A. Bowen, Edward Hag
er, Frank Heller, John O. Hopster.
Mrs. S. E. Johnson, John C. Kem
merich, W. O. Ketcham, John L. Ma
haffey, L. A. Petropulos, J. P. Pow
ell, Mrs. J. M. Rica, Lelia Schulte, P
J. White, P. E. Wise, L. A. King, A
W. Barth, Fred Bretthauer, Leonarr"
Deloya, Georga Felker, Adam Goe
bel, August Jors, A. W. Marshall
W. E. Marshall, E. J. Pickett, Mc
Claine Cooper, Helmi Bennett, Marth
Henricksen, Fred E. Koch, Williarr
Rose, J. E. Rose, S. R. Win, Ed. L
Johnson, Howard P. Bobbs, C. . H
Hill and J. R. Haight, the above
named defendants:1
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filet
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, the 14th
day of August, 1916, and if you fai'
to so appear .and answer for want
thereof- the plaintiffs will apply tc
the above entitled court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to
For a judgment and decree against
said defendants that there is due
owing and payable to plaintiffs the
sum of $4,175.54 in U. S. Gold Coin
with interest thereon in like Gob'
Coin at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from ths 11th day of April
1916, and the further sum of $6,250.
00 in U. S. Gold Coin, with interest
thereon in like Gold Coin at thejrat
of 6 per cent per annum from thf
15th day of May, 1914, and the fur
ther sum of $30,000.00 in U. S. Golc
Coin, with interest thereon in likr
Gold Coin at the rate of 6 per cent
nor annum from the 28th day of
February, 1914, and the further sun
of $556.53, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annurr
from the 27th day of April. 1916
snd the further sum of $4,000.00. at
torney's fees, and the costs and dig
bursements of this suit, and that thf
mortgage of plaintiffs, described ir
said eompiamt is lirst lien upon
the following described real proper
ty situated in the County or Wash
ington, Mate or Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a stone set by L. E
Wilkes at the Southwest corner of
Section Thirty-six (36), in Town
ship One (1) North, Range Three
(3) West of the Willamette Merid
lan, under the County Bridg.
across Dairy Creek; thence North
n deg. 42 1-2 mm. East, 40.15 chain:
to an iron pipe set by A. A. Morril
for the quarter section corner on the
West line of said Section 86: thence
North, 0 deg. 53 min. West, 39.9?
chains to approximate section cor
ner to Sections Twenty-five (25)
Twenty-six (26), Thirty-five (35)
nnd Thirty-six (36) in Townshir
One (1) North, Range Three (3)
West of the Willamette Mendiar
(the corner to the same beincr total
ly obliterated): thence North. 89 dee
11 min. East, 39.71 chains to an iror
bar set by L. C. Walker for the
nuarter section corner between Sec
tions 25 and 36 in Township 1
North, Range 3 West of the Will
amette Meridian, the same being ir
the West line of the Ralph Wilco
oonntion Kind claim: thence North
1 deg. 43 min. West, alone the West
line of said Ralph Wilcox Donatior
Land Claim, 17.03 chains to the
Northwest corner of said Donatior
Lr.nd Claim, the same being a post
m irked "C. S." with stumps of the
original Hearing trees; thence Soutr
S deg. 22 min. East, along the Nort)
me of said Kalph Wi cox Donat or
Land Claim. 22.42 chains to the een
ter of the County Road as traveled
thence along the center of said road
ns follows: Soitfh, 41 dee. 15 mip
rjist, li. chains; South 27 dee
"l mm bast, 5.85 chains: South
leg. 1 min. West. 5.07 chains; South
; deg. is mm. west, 7.89 chains t
in iron bar set for the Northeast
corner of E. M, Rice's land: thence
N.vrth 88 dee. 17 min. West, nlonc
sr-d r flt. dice's North ne
14 32 chains to an iron bar at tht
Northwest corner of said E. V
Rice's 'and; thence South, 4 dee. f
nun. West, along said Rice's West
line, 5 67 chains to his Southwes
corner: thence South, 4 deg. 6 min
Wi?st 18.69 chains to a hub on lim
"f fenee:therice Nnvth 88 deg.34 mh-
vvsri n'ong said tence line, 15.6'
chains to a hub; thence South, 0 deg
u min. r.asc, chains to an oh
stake: thence North 89 deg. 4 mir
East, 20.61 chains to a new fence
post (an iron gun barrel, set for the
corner or the nroperty, lies by th
nosii; xnence soutn, l deg. 22 min
East, nlor.t; new fence 2.95 chains t'
the center of old line fence: thence
North, 89 deg. 6 min. East, along
.i i t ..--. , r
oiu leiicH row i ,.oi cnains, more ot
toss, 10 tne west lino of the real pro
neitv conveyed bv Anna B. Connell
et rl. to City of Ilillshoro for use ii
a public street, by deed bearing dat
Tune 2. 1908, and recorded in Dee-'
rWV 79. piro 4?4. Records of rnh'
Washington County; thence South
?d(M''.17 mIn- Wpst the sab
vvesi tine or stud real pronerty se
ronveveti io snul taty of Hillsbom
0 fit chain to a noint In tho ent..
of West Miin Street in Ilillshoro
I.Vnce South. 89 dew. 4t min. Wm
"lonir the epiiter of said West Main
Street, 17.32 chains; thence North
i.i J chains to center of old fence:
thence North 88 dep. 52 min. West
19.57 chiins to n point on the line
between the Ralnh Wilcox and Hen
ilmy Hat! Donation- line ftttmj
ttKnce North, Jtt) dr-ir. 45 mitt. Wtit,
earner on thu line between 4h iaiii
Henry1 OuVih u-l.i the WhrelocN Hm
mona Donation Land Claiirm; thence
South, 57 deg. 58 min. West, 24
chains; thence South, 23 deg. 69
min. West, 4.03 chains to a point In
the South line of said Section 86;
thence West along the South line of
said Section 36, 13.04 chains to the
place of beginning, the same being
portions of the Donation Land
Cla ms of Henry Davis, Ralph Wil
cox, Isaiah Kelsay and Wheeloelc
Simmons, in Section 25 and 36, in
Township 1 North, Range 3 West of
the Willamette Meridian excepting
therefrom, however, the following
described portions thereof, to-wit:
1. 5.8)8 acrrs, more or less,
deeded to Jonathan Iiogue by Thom
as Connell nnd wife, as shown by
deed bearing date February 15, 1901,
and recorded in deed book 57, page
88, Records of said Washington
2. .263 of an acre thereof oc
cupied adversely by the I. O. 0. F.
3. That portion thereof convey
ed by Anna R. Connell et al, to the
Oregon Electric Railway Company
by deed bearing date July 13, ltM)8,
ind recorded in Deed Rook 79, page
463, Records of said Washington
Aiso not excepting the following
.escribed real property, to-wit:
Pcginning at the quarter section
corner between Sections 25 and 3(1,
in Township 1 North, Range 3 West,
of the Willanvttc Meridian; run
ning thence Wt along the North
lire of said Sutton 36, 4.40 chains,
more or !s, t" the center of Mc
Kay Creek; thwe up the center of
said creel, to a point on the East
'ine of the Southeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of said Ssction
;5; thence South along the said Eaat
I ne of the Southcrst quarter of the
Southwest quarter of said Section
25, 3 chains, more or less, to tha
rdace of beginning1.
And also excepting therefrom cer
tain portions thereof which have
heen je'ieated from the lien of said
nort gage, as d?scribed in said com
plaint, rnd that the right, title, In
terest, liens or claims of the defend
ants, and each of them, are subse
quent In point of time and merit to
olaintiffs' said mortgage, and that
plaintiffs said mortgage and the
right, title, interest. liens and
:laims of the defendants and each of
them be foreclosed, and that taid
real property be sold as upon exec
ution, and that the defendants, and
sach of them, be forever barred and
foreclosed of all right, title or In
terest which they or any of therm
had on the 28th day of February.
1911, the date of phintiffs' said
mortgage, or have since had .in or
'o said real property, or any part
thereof, and that plaintiffs be given
itich other and further relief as to.
onrt may seem meet and equitable.
This summons is published by or
Icr of the Honorable Geo. R. Bagley.
fudge of the above entitled court,
luly made and entered on the 26th
lay of June. 1916, and said order
lirects publication of this summons
tot less than once a week for six
successive weeks, and that you shall
'a appear and answer on or before
he 14th day of August, 1916.
The dote of the first publication
if this summons is the 29th day of
lune, 1916.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
100-7 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Ore.
See J. S. Lrorsung & Sons'
General Contractors
Brick and Cement work done.
Hop houses and barns, $6.50
per thousand for lunibtr, shin
iling, 85 cents per thousand.
House work accordingly ,
grading and excavating, all
vorir crimrnntpfrl
, - -
1353 J7ir Street, Hillshoro
P. O. Box 113. Phone Main
That I ttle touch of landscape
yhich appears to you. A
fine line of Eastman Kodaks
th only best from $1.25 up.
We develope and print
Hillsboro Pharmacy
3est Fire Insurance
Agent Loudon & Lanca
shire 1'iie Insurance Co..
Pacific States
Fire Insurance Coup ,ny cil Portland
Oregon. Tlie only lny Oirpon HM
Line Couipmiy. Ijmscs Promptly Paid
Jolin Vnmlmval