The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 13, 1916, Image 3

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    Once there were giants in tho land, men who could
scrap to bent the band. In modern times the cheapest
skates ore known ns clinmpeen heavy weights, but long
ago, when Jim was youngs men didn't fight with jaw
or lunif, but used their fists, and
used them well brave days of
Jackson ond John L.l They
slugged uway, while they could
stand, when there were giants
in the land. And Corbett won
his laurels then, Hmor.i those
mighty fighting men. He was
the champion when that meant
something more than getting fat,
and standing, in u graceful pose,
to figure in tho movie shows.
He's an authority on sport, and
his decrees the wise ones court.
He's an authority on sm kos, and
as his trusty pipo ho blokes, ho
often says, "Tuxedo's best; it
has tho edge on all the rest."
, tmr't
"My tnlhulatm for Ik ft a.
timet and mlltim mf TwuJ
lut m limit TuMtJ It mtlk4
JmM il't matt tallitclcty pip
IviutiO. "
- f y
1 1 (W "
Like Gas
for comiori
Ho cool, wooJ or n' hes
to Iur no wjiimK for
tho firvtutiurn up. Het
tcr cooking tccHuKc of
tho Btcudy, evenly-distributed
heat, under
perfect control. All hcut
concentrated on the
cook ingund not radiat ril
round the thorn. The
long, bluo chimin ys
(Movent till suuAu unJ
tUkM, bulla, riMiii, toiwl.
Moi ellnlmi Umn your
wootl or cual siuv Miitl cutis
1cm lo opmut.
for lis ( Result t
Use Pearl Oil
Better cooking
and a cleaner,
cooler kitchen.
Now serving
In t, 2, 1 n.l 4-
of i about Dvrn,
Alku ttiiit
tno.lcln with
I wish to iuiuuiiiK'e lliat I have ope'ued. a
(trecnlioiise on Twelfth and Oak Sts.,
liillsboro, and a n prepared to fill oiders
for all kinds of flowers, shrubbery, etc.
A specially of floral designs for funerals,
fraternal unlets, etc. Also am prepared
to do laud-Tape gardening, and ..lloral
decorating fur all occasions.
Flowering Plants
Pacific Supreme Tomato plants, Punny's Host
tomato, and Karly Oregon, earliest on Pacific
Peppers, New Perfection.
Cahliage plants, all rarities.
Carl E. Muller, Florist
Hillsborc, Oregon; Route 5 .
liillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and RetfliJ Dealers in
Gt Jin, Hay, Flour, Feed: and
Grain Dags.
Cor-lot shippers of POTATOES and . .
ONIONS. Groin chopped or " " '
rolled at nny time
Lumber, Shingles -and Lath
At Cornelius ; ;
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price
IHMshoro, Main Cornelius) pity 1515.
- North Plains, Main 263.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Or iiioii fur Waxhinicton lunnly.
Krnrat K. l.nnK,
Kv M. I'urttll,
To Mva M. l'lirlcll. (I"fi!iiilaiit
ulmvf! miiiifil.
OK OUK(i()N: You sire bvruUy r;-
iiiIuhI to appaiir nnil nnnwr the
rimplnint lilfil etfiiinHt you In the
uiiova entitic'i (Hint wit oin mix
wi'i'kn from Ih'j fhtit publication of
thin miuimon, to wit t.i 3rd ilfiy of
July, rJUi.aiid if you full to a iHwcr,
for want thcroor the phutitilT will
upply to tho court for the relief d"-
imindcd in the compluint, to wit
th pliiintilf recover r. decree w,"my
the defendant for th huiii r twm
with liiterent thereon nt the rat'j of
H per rent vf nnmin) from the 20th
day of October 1914 ami. the furwher
H'jiii of fithU.OU nltorneyi rccn nnl
the cohU anil dihtiuiwini'iiU of thin
uit. That the mort(riKe Riven bv
the di-fendunt to the plaititill
(dated October 20ih, 1111, recorded
in book 7!l, puitc 110, record of
mmlKWii Wa:hiinft"n County, Or
egon.) upon tho following proper'.)
to neciiru the payment of itaiil Hum of
$;.'HUU be forvcloK-d, towil: beginn-
init at the quarter acctioti paint be
tween nec',in t mid 3 .Towmibii) 2
South Ifcnge 1 Went of W. M, riniii
ioir thence South f)4 cb-greea Kast
Vi)i rhama; thence North hi) d'Kr''e
wven minutca I'-.thi alonir nuo u
tween :i) and :tl in North Tir-
tin!vill Addition H.1I7 chainit lo (ita-
hnm Avenue: tlience along (Jrahain
Avenue to a point in the extention cf
a line between lot - and or hih.i
Addition, being 2. Wit chainii more or
Ichm; thence Souih iii' degree 6
mlinttri Wetit H.vt rhainit more or
lea to the plars of beginning, con-
tiuimi 2.64 acres, being the eat
part of lot 31 in North Tigardville
Addition according to the rnorded
plat thereof, in the office of the re
rorder of conveyance of Washington
County, Stato of Oregon. AIko all
the following deHcribed real property
Bituiitetl in ihe County of Waahing-
ton and State cf Oregon, viz: All of
l-ot numbered Twenty-tight (28)
Twenty-Nine (29) Thirty (.10) and
Thirty-Two (32) of and in North
Tigardville Add:tion a (shown by
the miiB and n at thereof duly re
corded in the office of the recorder
of conveyance t.f Wanhington
Countv,. Oregon. That aid mort
gage be decreed to bo the mort-
vaire of the defendant and a mirchiiHc
price mortgage upon the nfiove de
scribed parcel of land, that pmd
mortgage be foreclosed and the
properly aold in the manner pro
vided by law and that the proceed
arming rrom ald sale be applied
flrnt to the payment of the coMh nnd
disbursement of thin suit and the
cont and expenaeg of making aale
and the remainder thereof he applied
to the payment of the claim of the
plaintiff, on account or principal, m
trreKt and attorney fees and that
any balance thereafter remaining
b? paiil to the defendant, her heirs
ami amdgn. That the plaintiff
may becomj a bidder nt said Bale
and ih'it the d. fendant and all per-
ton claiming by or through or under
ler after the period or redemption
Hhtll have expired be barred and
forever foreclosed of nnd from nil
intuit of redemption in or to Soid
p.operty. And thiit tho plaintiff
mv have such other and further re
lief a in meet in tha premises.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once each
week for six consecutive weeks in
The liillsboro Argus, a newspnpor
published in liillsboro, Washington
County, State of Oregon, by order
of the Honorable George R. B.igley
Judge of the ".hove ertitled Court
r.inde and entered oa the 17th day
of May, 1910.
Attoc:vy for Plaintiff.
First publication May IS, 191(1.
Last publientior June 29, 1916.
Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real
III The ( ircn.i Court of the Htl of
Oat.oii lor .Mullnoinali County. I
Sinclair Provision Company, a cor-!
p'irutiou, l'l..intiff,'
T "i lii .Icmi-i ,.ii l,"iiirf Misr'iriiM,
co iii lni r.i il.iiiii; btiMiiieit.i a Mont...
Cm In (ale. It. li-ndanlH. 1
I'.y vii'luo of nil execution iiwued
out of the above entitled court in
he above (lil tl d catiw, to me dir-I
eitdl, 'iiul dali'il (he !!Hii (lay of
Juii", l')l;( uyon a judgment enroll
ed, docketed and entered in the lh
tl'icl (,nir t f the St it'; of O-cgrin
for Miiltiiomuli CdUi'ty, on the 4th
day of January, IHOl, in which Sin
clair I'idv !,ii;ii Co., a corporation,
plaintiff above named, recovered j
jiiilgni'-iit ,i'.iut Toni Idaknois and j
lnim MiatM. in ,, ro-panpers doinir
buti'iiCH a i Moilte t ;'fl' t.afe, de-j
fcuil'iiits above tnincil, for the Hum
of with intercut thereon at
trie rat'j of (i per cut per annum,!
from the 4th day of January, 191(1,
and the further sum of $'J.i;, costs
und ilii.bur." rieida, a id the ocits of
Hud upon Ibis writ, which judgment
was inreee'l j'Hl do l;eti d in the
Clerk's olfi' of the Circuit Court
of the St i of Or:-gon for Mul'.no-
mall C'.u. iy, nt Hi - W.t day ol Jan
u::ry, I'll'', ami which judgment was
ll'ho i.loihtSe.l I j I I ( lelK K office
f t!:.? ( , : ;! Court oi the Stale of
Offgon fur toe l.vuiity of Washing
(in on tho i- It day of J. nniry, liJlii,
nd v.hirh w rit coiiiinandH me . to
::); f.aK- tne following (e.Kribed
;ruji.r!, to -wit: tne imith "5 feet
f I,1 ; 9 rnd lo, i;u k z.), wonn
J'l.ii.iii, in it.a County of Washington,
State of On roe.
Now tli'-n fore, by vtrture of said
(xecidiun .".nd judgment, and in
compliance 'ilh the rniininnds of
f .id vrit, 1 will on .Monday, the
1 I'll il iv of AU:''!-1-, 191(1, at 11
o'clock A. V... ui lb? couth door of
the Court Hnnfe ja iPPtboro, Wah
ivglon County, (begun, 8 'II ut pub
lic Miction, suh). a to rcdemntion,
the hii'liei.t. bidder fur cash in
hand, all the right, title nnd intercut
which the within na.'-.ed lefendanl;!,
or :t)ir of t' eni, ad oa the Kth
d.-.y of .Tanu'ry, 191(1, ;he date of
the ,-ir olhneiit and docketing of the
judgment heroin, n lh" office of the
Clerk vi f the Circuit Court of the
Slat" of Oregon, for the County of
Washington, or sinco that date had
in rmd to the above ilfn rih.'d prop
erty, or anv part th-reof, to sa tisfy
said, judgment, interest, and ii-cruirig cost-.
Sluriff of Wis'iiirrto i County,
Stnl 'f Ocwin.
PM-d tbM llth dnv of .1 dv, 191(1
A!t-"ievs for Plaintiff,
lino ll("rv Pn:!i!iiig,
Portland, Oregon.
voTice or onrairr a HAti.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
of Oregon for Washington County.
TH' ii-m Hnhl, Piaimifl
Covin II O.lxm sn l K! en O.bein,
liiistHiid ii -il wife, l'ifiiidanil
I!) tirlie- of ni X'Ciiti.m, jud(iinlit
imp r, .(."(' .ir n.d inr id iil'i ihii! oul
i.l t. e iiIko ii "mii e I'miri in l.,n nlxive
fiiiuii il lire e. 'o no-diif'i't mid (Uu-d
lie-K'lli il;iv .if !'', 10. Ii llp-ll jii'lK
Muni ri-ml o -I 4'.il "merel in urIi) ;iirl
on itiel.'a'i 'I w ( April. I -. Ill Ijvor (l
'lie not leiiil. I'i.e.nlt. sal i'il
iiarli ii. I'Hu.rii ami Klien (Idljom.
I,u-I,:. in I Hud nife, ili-;cii !notii, lor Hie
'Mm ni VI I I Hli Inlerint nl tli rnM ot
t h r m i i ... t iiT.iiiii li'.ui Hie l.'tili day ol
April. IMP! I d.i'e, and lor thr furiher
uin hi I. "! e rini ' le. h mid llin filrllier
ii in nl $11 ii :'-M mid daduirrtMinihlii mid
ci. Kit III HI d Up -II till Kilt, t'l.ltl I'Slllli' K
me l-i iiiHki. vuif "I die lultim iii liMN'rlliid
r-nl prop llv siuiHie lo tlie ( oilittf ol
Whuigl'iii, and .N.aieof Oregon, lowlt:
All tlm .Nnrtl.wt tcurn qunrn-r ol NiKaion
ix(in. Imiiliip iwuNnriti of Itmig'
Hire., Hid Willamette Meridian.
(MMIIllitl llg ill HcriH.
Suw I ii. r. l'ii'. I'V virtue or miu ex
m '.huiii. jii II iiisi.t ord ir, di crue ami or
r nl e ami III mpiim will! lln
hiiiiiiiiiiIh ol miiI rn, I will mi Mon
day, the : ol JiiIj , 19:i. at 1(1 o'clock
A M Kt ll, e if nl il it ol I lie I ujnt)
'i.uil ili'iine in lilhUno, Vi nnaiiKlul
'uoitlv, Orivon, lud! at pulilln aiiclloii
Mill j- rl to rtdeii )i I'm) to I be liljjltea'
mill, r f.,r cu:i Hi l.:nrl. ail tliu riKlif
li !i hi:, I intercut wbh tithe withiu naintd
t-li'iidaniH, i Imi II (iKOoru and hum
ifiHiiii. IiukohiiiI .imi wile, had on tnr
i.i li dayof li'i"ulr. I'll:), the dat of thr
u,o:li;Hi' hi-roin loreeloscd , or tiawthal
Hie lin'1 iii and lo toe aio dtmcriiMtc;
iir.'iTl v iir nr li irl thii'o i. lu latin,')
ijiii eiaitii)ii, jii.lgineiil order ami de
,-iee, u, Inn-Hi cjnia ami arertiliiK eiHti.
luinlllii.nli (lay of Mat. II:i).
Sheriff of Washington County.
r'lrM M ie Mv ?!( I (i.
i.H-.l 'mu". it'lii.
II. J, V.-. v) di n.. Attorney fur
Notice tii Creditors
stati; op np.r.cns pon wash
In the ma! ler nf 'in KsMte of Jennie K
Hniiictt. iti-cciiMl.
Notice is hereby given that th-unbr-iifi.
rl Ine. Ih-.-ii dull nt.eoitittHl In
t e above iif.Cel I'.iuit as Kxeitilor o
tin! h.T ri'iiii (I 'M ule n'ld liai dul
(Uiilill-d He i' It n Li- I'.v I iw pr.-tcrili tl
N'i ihci.'li re, -el y ..i s hni me clnlin
lkiHIiis'. eit I ( ve h'ft lnrriiv I in i IWhI Ii
lien: llw ii, t ' ' her Willi ir.i,e
v utichru i. t., tn liei iimi miiriied a
I'le law nlli e n! U'ill.i'. t. ! Hare In ihi
hum lean Knliuii:il !iali-lial Bunk Hldg
HiMnlniro, (luviiii. wnlini six motiili.
rmii iln'f bcr.-i f. t . ,1 Jni.e 1 liipi
! a,i. r t'-i-uiMX of Mind Kslale
Wi li iinli Hare, Alt ,niey for Kxeeu
r X
Nolle la hereby alven that by virtue of a
liiwimeand orderofaaln made anil iMitnnl
by the County Court ol the Statu of Ore
nii tor w aamniruin, l oiintT on June
mill lleennilii! ni to anil at private "ale
Hi Hie hliilieat bidder therefor, for canh In
aaiul on day ol aale, tne lieri'lnalter ue-
4erllied retl udnte brlonging to ('hal lux
iipilx an Inaaiie perHiin, I will, Irom and
liter Monday, Jul 17. Itllti. proceed to sel
at prlvale ante for eaali In baud on day nf
lain liillie niKheal lililiter llierelor, all iUf
I, .It wing described real eruto heloti;u)K
n Cbarlea Oplta. an Insane piiraon.ailuate
in Wai-bliiKton County, Uri'tfon. to Hit.
All of Tract No. KIkIh (S) of HniKm
Tiact, in jrleolloii IK, T.iwnabip INK! W
vt'lll. Mer. ruiitiiliiititi lOanrea.
bids will b. reeeivml bv me either at the
aw ollloe of W N llarrelt iu Ihllilmio,
Orcttiin, or at toy reaidenee at 7 '6 K.mi
I r v i n if Street Portland, (iri'Kou Sale
ml! be aulijeot to oeiiliriiiation by tie-
'tin ut v Court
lalrd llna June lS.IICG
Olio II (Ipit!!,
Uaardlan nf the person and e taie o'
harli-a ilfilix an iimane pemnn.
W N Banett, Atturncy lur llundian
Nntke of P.nal Sottle renl
N itice Is lu eC v ti.'. nti at the
Accoui.t in tb- t'.uar ; ini.bip. of i.tsl e
I. I.voil Htnl iMilc S, Minoia
i9 b-cn 111 d ni the .'nuutv Coml ol
be S ate i f tl-i-jjon lor Wivhingloi
v'ounty, and H ut the wid court hie
ll'Mgl'Htl ll Mollll lV, 1.- ttst iHy ( I
1 il 1 v . iui6, ht the li,, in i.f leu o'c'ocl
A. M., ol said d iv, in tl . (' tuiiy Conn
K una in the liui lv I . ,,r 11 iu al
liillsboro, Wii'liuititua I na'y, O.egoe,
a the tune nail place In ll villi,; ol.
j ctions to said r,u;il Ac on tl nnd foi
ihe settlement of S lid ll a l le'iishtt
Dated ibis ; .1 n y cf June, I ji5.
,1 ill u I a Mars'
Eictilor of the List Will aud IVstii
iliilit ol C. W. M uslt, Peceaser.. '.ittnr
dian of Leslie i. I.y in and Wieit'e S
I.yoa, Min, ns
Mini p. to citKiirroit.
In the Matter of the Estate
Gi!(f I. Phsiiiu!, PecrasrJ. -
NOTICE is hereby given thnt the
ii deibikiitd hi been du'y up
the i, line entitled Court as aduiuilstiatoi
if tl-e i lime oniued es'ute.and bat duly
liialificil nf Mich as b) law presciitied,
Now Tlierefote, all pMions hvirt
'ainii Biiiinsl ruil eft ite are hen h
nolilitrd and rcijuired to present lb
me leectner ttb proper vonrlier
In n for. lo Ibe nodef'ignet! at th-la
nfiie if Wil nm l. H re in the Ameti
can National Hnik Bit Id ok, Htlbboro,
O.eeon, within six tnouttis the date
Dated May aith, 1916.
Mike Watd Hasinas, Ailui'nidrator ol
ajtd citate
William G. Hare, Attorney for Ad
In the County Court of Ibe Stnte of
in in. ni. fur tlie County of Wash
lu die M itt r of the Eaiate of Thomas
Anlbi'liv Murrav. licensed.
Noil.v Is hereby aivea that the un
l.-Tsi'i'i! lias rentlt-red and lie- ,
for sel lb ineiit rind f!M In the Cnunty
voiirt of the ft. ite "f treeon for Wash
iiiKtnn cminiv his final report and ac
eount lu v!,e uiaiiiT nf the estate of
Thomas Anthonv Murrnv. deceased; that
ihl I'oiirt has by order aniHiinted the 3d
rtay of Jnlv. A. I. inn., at thu hour of
lo o'clock a. in. for the hearing of ob
loeiioiia ite-rcto nnd settlement thereof
it the Cmintv CounixKim In Hillsboro,
Wasliinnl'in County. UreRiin.
IVit,, nnd first publshed this 1st dav
of Jane. l'JIC.
Attorneys for Executor.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Ihe County of Washington.
Notitefor Publication
IVparinient of the Interior, U S Laud
Ol liee at Portland, Oreton, June 3, 1H16
Notice is hereby iriven that Alvin C
Key, ol Huxton, On-tron. who on Jane 17.
Ill i. made Hiitnea'ead Kntry No U.'HU7.for
i K S V SINK and Lot 3, Sec
tiiui I.Townsiiip 3 North. Ramjet West.
-Villamette Mttridtan. ha hied notice ol
Intention to make li mil five yeir nnnif, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Keuister ahd Keeeivei
of the United States l.-tnrt otti. at Port
land, Oiegou , on the a)th day of July.
Claimant names as witnesses:
tieorire It Jolinaoii, I A MeOona'd, Gust
.Uditiiiilliii, H Koyer. all of Huxton. Ore
gon. N. Campbell, Register,
I'loof made aucoroing to law under
which early was made. -
Executrix' Notice
Notice ' hereby given by the nudei
aigned, that she has been duly appoiuted
by the County Court of the ntate ol
Oregon for the County of Washit gion,
Kxecttlrlx of the last will ol Hubert 11.
Walker, deceased All petaons having
claims SKainst said deceased ae lie eby
re(itired to present them, with proper
vouchets, within six (6) months ftotn
ihe date of this notice, to the undei
ignud, at h.'r residence, Rural Fiee De
hvety, Niunlier Two, Ueaverlon, Wa li
ington Couuty, Oregon.
Dated at said lesidcnce, the J.Sth day
nf June, 19 6.
This notice first published lime 29,
Rachel P. Walker,
Kecutiix of the last will of Robert
U. Walker, deceased.
K, B Tongue and Fredt rick V. IIiiN
111 in, Attorneys for Kxectttrix.
I am prepared to do all kirtdn
of Huildinpr and Uepair work
Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filinp,
Screens and Screen doors. Shop ;
I.inklatcr building. Second St., 2
doora north of the Aruus.
All kinds of furniture, plate
and pririm glass doors and w.n
dows. Also Kawneer bars.
;:r&:mi8?n fating
IWTlnTi ii
You need
never worry
about results in
baking if you use
It has been a stand
by for a quarter of
a century. Guaran
teed under all
pure food laws.
iiaccs for
iMnrr lhAn a ,Mnina and
uail lor ttiiaricn
Iii the Circuit Court of the State of
Oretjon for Washington County,
ivatolina Meier, l'laintiii",
' 'V.
lo-epb Miller, Defendant.
lo Jiisepu Miller above named de
fendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you are heieby remmed to appear end
answer the c miplaiut li'ed against you
iu the above entitled suit on or beion
the hist dav of the time ptescribed ie
be Older fir Public ition made herein
towii : the 61I1 diy of July, 1916, and if
you lull to so appear and answer .foi
want tbfiiof the p aiatilT will apply tc
the Cnurt lor telief piayed for iu hei
OetiiD'atnt 111 G'e 1 ei" in, tevtit: For t
decree forever tlisso'.ving the bonta ol
iiiHtiiaieiiv now and lu letokae existing
between the plainlili' and defendant, and
for snc'i other and further telttf as the
Oomt may deeai m et an I enuit'bV.
This summons is serytd upon you by
p iblicatton, by virtue of an order of the
II in. tieo. R: Bajf ey, Juilpe cf the Cir
tuit Court of the State of Oregon, Coun
ty of W.i-hiiiK'.nli, dated Miy 8, 1916,
and lite dute cf the first publication ot
this Kuinimns is May 25, 1916, and the
date ol llii last publication is July 6,
Chu. .1. Scbnabil, Atty. for Plaintiff,
6on 4 Chamber of Commerce, Poitlaod,
Elmer T. Connell and Hannah J.
Ulanchard, Plaintiffs,
C. II. Jacob, M. C. Jacoba, Hilla
lioro Garden Tracts, a corporation,
H-jrmund Meauac, Kejfine Meaua, S.
U A n.l:.r.,.n M nmia A ll,,UI.n
. . iiHIt 1 ouii. Htniiu ... .... " t ,
Thomas E. Blair, K. ll. Bailey, J. E.
;ummin, I). 8. Walton, (i. I). Kat
ini?er, C. A. Ecklund, Edward HaK
er, Frank Heller, John O. Hopoter,
I,. I. Iluntee. Mr, n. b. Johnson,
John C. Kemmerich, W. O. Kilbourne
W. O. Ketcbam, John L. Mahaffey,
j. A. PetropuloA, J. P. Powell,
James Rice, Mrs. J. M. Rice, Mrs. F.
f. Koffcra, Iyelia Schulte, C. A.
Scheller, J. A. Short, Mary A. Shad
den, J. S. Sacre, A. W. Schmale,
Charles Solomon, P. J. White, L. C.
Kelcey, P. E. Wiae, C. F. Domeyer,
Stanley Richardson, R. C. Bateman,
L. A. Kinjf, Dunning-Frentzell Com
Dany. a corooration. A. W. Barth,
Addie Bauer, r rert lireunauer, rrea
Bretthauer, Jr., Geo(?e Cambridge,
Ieoncrd Utleve. Geo. 1-elker, Adam
Ootbel, August Jors, A. W. Marshall,
W. E. Marshall, J. Pickett, U.
Balliet. W. V. Wiley. Trustee, Mc-
Claine Coope'i Badger Lumber Com
pany, a corporation, lielmt Bennett,
Marth Hcnnckaien. J. A. Johnson,
Fred E. Koch. William Rose. J. E.
Rose. J. B. Wins, S. K. Wirr, Ed. L.
Johnson. Ray Pierson Errul heidel
Frank A. Smith. Howard f. Bobba,
C. H. Hill, W. M. Merritt and J. R.
Hnight, Defendants.
To Mamie A. Bowen, fcdward tlag-
er, Frank Heller, John O. Hopster,
Mrs. S. E. Johnson, John C. Acm-
merich, W. O. Ketcham, John L. Ma
haffey, L. A. Fetropulos, J. f. t'ow
cll, Mrs. J. M. Rice, Lelia Schulte, P.
J. White. P. E. Wise. L. A. King. A.
W. Barth, Fred Bretthauer, Leonard
Delcye, George Felker, Adam Goe-
bel, August Jors, A. W. Marshall,
W. E. Marshall. E. J. Pickett, Mc-
Claine Cooper, Heimi Bennett, Marth
Henncksen, hred fc. Kocn, wuuam
Rose. J. E. Rose. S. R. Wirz, Ed. L.
Johnson. Howard P. Bobbs, C. H.
Hill and J. R, Haight, the above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Ore-
iron, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Monday, the 14th
day of August. 1916, and if you fail
to so appear and answer for want
thereof the plaintiffs will apply to
the above entitled court for the re
lief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit:
For a judgment and decree against
said defendants that there is due,
owing and payable to plaintiffs the
sum of $4,175.54 in U. S. Gold Coin,
with interest thereon in like Gold
Coin at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from tha llth day of April,
191G, and the further sum of $6,250.-
00 in U. S. Gold Coin, with interest
thereon in like Gold Coin at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum from the
15th day of May, 1914, and tha fur
ther sum of $30,000.00 in U. S. Gold
Coin, with interest thereon in like
Gold Coin at the rate of 6 per cent
Dcr annum from the 28th day of
February, 1914, and the further sum
of $556.53, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the 27th day of April, 1916
and the further sum of $4,000.00, at
tomey's lees, and the costs and dis
bursements of this suit, and that the
morteae of plaintiffs, described in
said complaint is a first lien upon
the following described real proper
ty situated in the County 01 Wash
insrton. State of Oregon, to-wit:
Beeinninsr at a atone set by L. E.
Wilkes at the Southwest corner of
Section Thirty-six (36) 'in Town
ship One (1) North, Range Three
(31 West of the Willamette Merid
ian. under the County Bridge
across Datrv Creek: thence North
0 deg. 42 1-2 nun. East, 40.15 chains
to an iron pipe set by A. A. Morrill
for the cuarter section corner on the
W:est line of said Section 36; thenee
North, 0 deg. 53 min. West, 39.95
chains to approximate section cor
ner to Sections iwenty-rtve iib)
Twenty-six (26). Thirty-five (35)
?.nd Thirty-six (36),, in Township
One (1) North. Range Three (3)
Wrest of the Willamette Meridian
(the corner to the same being total
lv obliterated): thence North, 89 deg.
11 min. East, 39.71 chains to an iron
bar set by L. C. Walker for the
ouarter section corner between Sec
tions 25 and 36 in . Township 1
North. Range 8 West of the Will
nmette Meridian, the same being in
the West line of the Ralph Wilcox
I'onation Land Claim; thence North
1 deg. 43 min. West, along the West
line of said Ralph Wilcox Donation
Land Claim, 17.03 chains to the
Northwest corner of said Donation
Land Claim, the same being a post
marked "C. S." with stumps of the
original bearing trees; thence South
R8 deg. 22 min. East, along the North
'ine of said Ralph Wilcox Donation
Land Claim, 22.42 chains to the ten
ter of the County Road as traveled
thenee alonir the center of said road
"8 follows: South, 41 deg. 15 min
ast. 11.32 chains: South 27 deg.
nl min East. 5.85 chains; South 1
leg. 1 min. West. 5.07 chains; South,
deg. 18 min. West, 7.89 chains to
'n iron bar set for the Northeast
orncr of E. M. Rice's land; thence
North 88 deg. 17 min. West, along
-irid E. M. Sices North line,
14.32 chains to an iron bar st the
Northwest comer of said E.
Rice's land; thence South, 4 deg. 6
Tiin. West, along said Rice's West
Henry Davis Donation Land Cla!rs;
thence North. Hit deir. 48 min. West.
comer on the lino between th Mid
Henry Davis and the Wheelock Sim
mons Donation Land idaims; tnenoe)
South, 57 deg. 58 min. West, ti
hams: thence South, 23 deg. oa
min. West. 4.03 chains to a point In
the South line of said Section 86;
thence West along the South line or
said Section 36, 13.04 chains to th
place of beginning, the same being
portions of the Ihination Land
Cla ms of Henry Davis, Ralph Wil
cox, Isaiah Kelsay and Wheelock
Simmons, in Sections 25 and do, in
Township 1 North, Range 3 West of
the Willamette Meridian excepting
therefrom, however, tho following
described portions thereof, to-wit:
1. 5.808 acr:s, more or icm,
deeded to Jonathan Bogue by Thorn
aa Connell and wife, as shown by
deed bearing date February 15, 1901,
and recorded in deed book 61, paga
88, Records of said Washington
County. ;
2. .263 of an acre thereof oc
cupied adversely by the I. O. O. F.
3. That portion thereof convey
ed by Anna B. Connell et al, to tha
Oregon Electric Kailway company
by deed bearing date July 13, 1908,
and recorded in Deed Book 79, paga
4C3, Recarda of said Washington
Aiw not excepting the following
lewribed real property, to-wit:
Beginning at the miatter section
comer between fectiona 25 and 36,
in Township 1 North, Range S West,
of the Willamette Meridian; run
ning thence We-t along the North
lire of said Section 36, 4.40 chain,
more or !rss, t" the center of Mc
Kay Creek; th?:i-e up the center of
said reel. to a point on the East
line of the Southeast quarter of tha
Southwest quarter of said Sxtion.
25; thenee Soutl along the said East of the quarter or tna
Southwest quarter of said Ssction
25, 3 chains, more or less, to tha
place of beginninp-. '
And !lso excepting thererrom cer
tain portions tht.rcof which have
been le'eaced from the lien of said
mortgage, as dsscribed in said com
plaint, rid that the right, title, in
terest, 1ifns or clm'ms of the defend
ants, nnd each ot them, are subse
quent in point of time and merit to
plaintiffs' said mortgage, and that
plaintiffs said mortgage and the
right, title, interest, liena ami
claims of the defendants and each of
them be foreclosed, and that said
real property be sold as upon exec
ution, and that the defendants, and
each of them, be foraver barred and
foreclosed of all right, title or in
terest which they or any of them
had on the 28th day of February,
1911, the date of plaintiffs' said
mortgage, or have since had in or
to said real property, or any part
thereof, and that plaintiffs be given
such other and further relief aa to
court may seem meet and equitable.
Ims summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Geo. R. Bagley,
fudge of the above entitled court.
duly made and entered on the 26th
day of June. 1916, and said order
directs publication of this summons
not less than once a week for six
successive weeks, and that you shall
so appear and answer on or before
the 14th day of August, 1916.
The date of the first publication
if this summons is the 29th day of
June, lain.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
400-7 Chamber of Commerce,
Cortland, Ore.
Not' ce to Creditors
Miinpv to loan on farm speiir-
ty. 1 represent three law fire wured yon pillion
insurance companies. Give
a call E. 1, Kuratli.
Wanted -at once;
for automobile business. B pay
We make you expert id ten
weeks liy mail. Pay 11s after we
( entury
A ,,,..l.;i.. 1,...ii..i-A orrn 1 ,.
rw luiiniiii'i luouiitic, ijua
Atitfeles, Cal.
1 thr rowrv toiHT op the
statu in-' oiti:t;o roil Wash
ington rot ktv.
In the M illor ol the Estate of Jsne L.
H.ill, lioee--eil
Notice 1 liereliy dive 11 that the un ler
signed Imi liton duly appointed by the
niHive enuluid I'nuH it a iiuliiialraLor of
1 lie mdate of .lane 1. Hull , docetwtd, and
l.n.1 miililie I hk
! Now, lliorot'.re, nil persons having
1 nlaiiiiM agaiiixt said eat hereby no
1 tided mid reomred in present the same
Young nlin t'vethr with riler vonehers thei-et'or,
i "lllh llll 11 f ;...,.! l II, lu. nltlponf
IU 111." Illl'.'!"' ' ...
William H. lime. In the American Na
lii mil Hank HmldinK. Hillsboro, Oregon,
within six months tnnn thn date hereof.
Dated June lft, lillti
I' rank K. Itrags,
Administrator of the estate nl'oirsald.
Win. W. Hare, Attorney for Administrator.
'ine, 5.67 chains to his Southwest
'orner: thence bouth. 4 dear, b min
West 18.H9 chaiis to a hub on line
-f fence;ther,ce North 88 deg.34 min
West rtonir said fence line, 15.6,1
ehniiiR to a hub: thence South, 0 de
11 min. East, 14.09 chains to an old
stake: thence North 89 deg. 4 mm.
East. 20.61 chains to a new fence
post (an iron (tun barrel, set for the
corner of the property, lies Dy tne
nost): thence South. 1 dee. 22 mm,
East, along new fence 2.95 chains to
the center of old lino fence; thence
North, 89 deg. 6 min. East, alonp
old fence row 17.51 chains, more or
less, to the West line of the real pro
tieitv conveyed bv Anna B. Connell
et rl. to City of Hillsboro for use as
n Public street, bv deed bearing dab
June 29, 1908, and reeorded in Deed
Rook 79. once 424. Records of said
Washington County: thence South
0 deg. 17 min. West, along the said
West line of said real pronertv so
conveyed to said City of Hillsboro
20.63 chains to a point In the center
of West Main Street in Hillsboro:
thence South, 89 deg. 43 min. West,
nlong the center of snid West Main
Street, 17.32 chains; thence North
1.12 fhnins to center of old fence:
thenee North 88 deg. 52 min. West,
19.57 chains to a point on the line
between the Ralnh Wilcox and Hen
ry Davis Donation Land Claims;
thence Sn'ith .50 chains to a fence
nnt nt the corner of the1
SeeJ. S. Lorsung & Sons'
General Contractors
Brick and Cement work done.
Hop houses and barns, $6.50
per thousand for lurubtr, shin
slinjr, 85 cents per thousand.
House work accordingly,
grading and excavating, all
work guaranteed.
1353 Fir Street, Hillsboro
P. O. Box 113. Phone Main
That little touch of landscape
which appears to you. A
fine line of Eastman Kodaks
-the only best from $1.25 up.
We develope and print
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Pacific Stjites
Fire Insurance Compiiny of Portland,
Oregon. The only bi( Oregon Old
Line Couipauy. l-ocs Piouipily Paid
John Vanderwal