The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 13, 1916, Image 2

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t i Ai MNWi H-eiHor
, O.i'j;. i, is . cm,' ,
Siilwiipti, ii. f
ISM' I,U i-A .
l iii i tit Iti'ldbotn
..v in ,t: mutter,
s vi ninuitii.
V THt'rtMi.W
Feature Extraordinary
June 14-15
-! V-
1. r, v.-kivNKi
When it lookn like peace with
Mexico, those complain who com
plained when war seemed inevit
able. There evidently is no wiy
to please tho Hughes pri'ss.
In Her Greatest Success
A Play of Thrilling Intensity
5 Acts-312 Scenes
V 1 l ', l t ',. J
' . I I '
Sunday Only, July 16th
Donald Brian
America's Most Popular Junevile
Star in
"The Voice In
The Fog"
Also Comedy Reel
30x3 1-2
32x3 1-2
Ford Sizes
Sale Price
$ 8.00
Take Advantage of these Bar
gains. Order Today. You will
need Tires Soon.
S. E. Bird & Co.
Hillsboro Main 812
In the Circuit Court oflhe State oi
Oregon for Washington County.
(.;. M. Anderson, Plaintiff,
Nellie Anderson, Defendant.
To Nellie Anderson, the above
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
armed to appear and answer the
JU.piaint filed against you in the
In No Other Way Can You Get All the
1 1 Richness and Flavor of th? Laf
, ;
Many prominent physicians declare
chewing to be the most wholesome way
or enjoying tobacco.
i "I began chewing Borne vcar afto,'
said one, "and I soon found that it is
the only way to get the benefit of all
the rich juices stored up by nature in
the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to
the plug form of tobacco, which is the
Biost natural and the cleanest form.
"Chewing good tobacco tike Spear
Head makes the salivary glands more
active, which in turn has a beneficial
effect on the whole system. Add to this
the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of a
chew of Spear Head, and you have
the highest possible degree of tobaccc
"I mention Spear Head because I
have found that this brand is excrti
tionally pure, being made in a fao
tory that's run strictly according to
pure-food rules.
Spear Head is made of sun-ripcneil
Burley, which is acknowledged to r
the richest, mildest, finest flavored to
bacco leaf in the world. And it v.
produced by the latest processes, which
develop the quality and luscious flavor
cessive and connective weeks, the) oi me cnoice ouncy w mc .uprc.. u
Lte of the first publication ther'! Eree.
tlL kl lh Hnv f .Tulv. 1916. and A chew of Spear Head has a whole-
J- 'I- -" " rf - - yy.
The Arirtts filitur thanks thnst
who have wtillcn liim oonnnitu-
jlatory letters. One firm Orenco
I is H literary (rem nnd only ntod
, es-ty prevents publication.
Ptv. I.ur is.Ouriioil ami K isenatt,
U p'l.vsic nns el hih standing in
v.nuoa line made vmuablo re-
j-orts on the disease commonly
Known us inUintile purulysid. in
n'k vaSeneo in the East.
A'i o'tsice of prevention is
orlh a p.uir.d of cure, l'hysi-
ians iretn vallv are lrettinir more
an.l more to take this attitude.
l'toin tho rtoerts uiven by
these men. iind larirely endorsed
v the medicV. prof- atton, it is
g neral y con o led that
Most domestic anim lis are
iliicted with different forms of U re r lw.. to sntmfy
ubjects of diseases that paral-
ze. Miinkevs have ter dis ns-
d from children sulfeiinn with
infantile paralysis (experiment
al) and died with all the symp
toms of the children ..- afflicted.
2. Flies may carry the tlher se
n tlieir i) aies mm one piace
o another. It occurs from the
corv BliB.vtest lnaiuiosmon u
the most severe and fatal forms.
3 I'arahMS and the dwarfing
f li.tihs ;u.d muscles is the com-
no;! resuU with those who re
4. In oil afflicted, the nose and
'hn at are intlamed and from a
bal cold to a severe inflammation
of the entire nasal and throat
irnlvci- f'uta itmrn liias lllld ! I'lT.'illbofulT mimed SUDW
ii.lM.-. t ats, doks ps, am i , , npvntn of
iickens, etc., are freipiently L,(ill writ
. Nhtic lii lu'i-eby bioni That . ly
of nil exM'iifi'iit IhhuM hut of
mid iniihir llio K'iil uf tho t-ii'vuit
t'Mirt of tlie Stiito of treron, for
tlio I'mutly ;if Wasliinifton. dated
tlu .'list .liiy of May, t'.'lil, In fvr
f J. II. lluiil, plaintiff i and UKuinnt
K. A. I'lM'ii""!, defendant, for thit
sum of $lii.70 corf, and the farther
num. of jlii.'i.OO, to me dirivtod mid
ilrlivei il. tomnuiiitliiiir inn to make
sale of the real property lioivuuiftor
ileseriU'd, t have levied upon nnd
pursuant to said evvuUon, I will
mi Monday, the 1 Ith day of August,
I'.Mti, nt the South door of the Court-,
house in, Wusliinton
Count v, llretton, tit t'nu hour of ten
oVUvk a. in. of iaiil day, sell nt pub
lic utiition to the highest bidder for
rash in hand, nil of the following de
siiiliid veal pinpei't.V, b'injf, beililt
and situate in Washington County,'
tiTiron, nnd mors particularly den-,
iTih.M ns follovva, to-wlt: I
AH t f Loin iiiuiiheivtl five (5) and
rischt (S, of nnd in Ulnek One (H.
in t';e town of H.mkx, an the anio
nnpeara upon the duly neordedi
plat thei"f In the office of the Ite
coiiler of Conveyances of aforesaid
county and .ilate.
Abu) a trait of land which Is de
rrihed hy l?rimiiint nt a point whieh
leached hy commencini? at the
Uorth e;t comer of Section thirty-j
one t'U) in township two (21 North
of rane three t:tl west of Willamet
te Meridian, ami runiiiR thence
south 45 rods nnd ft feet to the
North line of Market Street in the
rtfoiesatd town of Hanks, nnd thence
East alontf t'i North line of said
stnet 'JSO feet to n point which is
the aforesaid lieninniiuf point of the
land to be descrilied; thence East
108 1) feet; t(,enee North 82 decrees,
IS minute west 2115 feet; thence
south 170.5 fet to place of lieirinn-
ini' ami roiiutinimr sounre
nnd for
tuile nnd
The Argus Free
Th DnWy Orr(onlan and The
Argus. On Yrar For $6.00
this give you Ctf Argus
FREE. No Agnt
Dally and Sunday
and UAa Argus
Said sale will be made suhlect to
redemption n per statute of Orepnn.
U teil nt llilliihoro, Oreiron, this
Sth dav of Julv.
Sheriff of Washington Count v, Or.
Attorneys for I'laiitiff.
In llio lUitor ill llio K.V.nlo ( John lln
Hlll, .
M.ita o is lu r I'jr kU'ii llini Hie uiolei
M.'..e0 vxieulor ol llio fhUI nl Julio
HillKO'li. lll-l hive lHt I III 111 HlMlVf
1 i-'iirt mti emiw llimr tloal
mssntre the disease presents a wr-utmi ii rnri u tim t -mi
I....M f hit : H. d HIIII llliU l"Miri iiw Mm,
uec-puvruijpKii.r.i.e. i MH i inv . ,,;,! (,,, Uy. ,, Ain ay
preeeainir statements ie unnin
that ti e iiulowmn rules are very
;ood .
1st. Durmir the months oi
the summer, use as a routine
'practice a mouth and throat
wash of some good antiseptic.
There are many that are com
nvnly known and most of them d cemtwi
fit It ly ol
auciki lntn.ut Uiiilvnir ol II' u'eltM'k .
in. nl mti i iihv, J in v iiuiuy i nun
i;.., n,i i.I Vv 'ii.liiuiituii t oiinl. llrvrfoo, In
IlilinlKiru, I'reg hi, mi lie1 Urn moi plaoo
lur lienrinif oljiwllnii U unlit liul
iv mill Hint tllil 111. Ul MllltllUnlll of Mill
l U- I lliU .1 il ly f Julv, lU.fl
MeU i i le i IUkiiiU'WII ,
u.iim N.iumiii IUaiuuMn,
r n( uii' tuiuuiul Julin I1iiiii,
The Oregonian
are good.
2nd. Avii l c intact (tnii is
for children umlcr 10 years of
.y:e) with cats, chickens and
lops. Animals with discharges
from throat and nose or develop
i"7 paralysis should be destroy
bYH. If these suirsrestions do
not help the simple cold or severe
fever ensues, call a physician.
Hillsboro, Ore., July 13, 1910.
r Ki:i l;RI)VAN
on your Auto Repu'riug by KclliK 'l
tlotu; where we do not pay high i cut atul
have no large overhead exjicusc. My
ICcjaipuient is gtMul as the best and my
prices ate teasoi;ublev Oxy Atctj leiie
welding aud general machine wmk. (let
my estimate ou your wotk.
Cornelius, Oregoo. l'lioue, City 105
the date of the last publication
thereof being the 17th day of Aug
ust, 191(3, and that you appear and
answer said complaint on or before
the 18th day of August, 1916.
WM. (j. nAKfj,
some relish that is not found in any
other chewing tobacco. In V -uts,
wrapped in wax paper.
Thos. Rood 13 railroading ntnr
Attornsy for Plaintiff. Spikane.
rMv'entitled Court and cause on or : Kreat success, the edifice being I Miss Marjory Cable, of Port-
b. ire the itn any "i s"""! crowaea. we expeci mere win ; land. 18 the guest 01 Mrs. u. li.
" ix- nCiov tVip exniration . . ., ....... j .l:. i. '. .
sai l aaie t; - f tl t)e a still larger crowa mis weeK , umnek.
firp-bSorof thismnions; at the Evangehca rchurch so
i it oil n ro nnnear unu " vuu nau uriwi nunc can v. iuc
pw. r said complaint, for want there- tlme jg g 0'cocl 8harp. Subject,
m Jh,. n nmllTT Will JXUU'y
Or, Uie F""--"..", - 3 for n
Civ :t lor en:j icur. i-.v
... . . a iiii'ri'ir .... .
The most comfortable place in
The Great Commission.
:r -'' - t:f, tn-wit: for a decree
vaunt'-'""-' ' .' ,! riir-
dis lvins tno "tlwlof(in? ' to A n. and the best place to
co',l'"v.' ond the nlain-
f'rndrof cruel and in-
bv publication thereof in the IT 11b
a h, in nnrsuant to order of the llon-
r-'I5i..!r ;nM?A Court, mmlCi
tne, ' i nd dated on the lt day
'r ; mo. and which said order
of '.' ,v,,na he wrved
.K..-in fimr. iiu o : . ,
spend your morning. Sunday, is
at the Methodist church. The
pnstorwill preach on the subject,
Stayers by the Stuff." At
night we will join the other
churches in the union services at
the Evangelical church.
Divorce cases filed: Edna vs J
H Stewart: Elma vs F V McKay;
CIS vnm ni' ,". ,. i,f in 11 aiewaui luiuio a i
k nublieation thereof in, " -
d Hillsboro 'Argus, for six buc- 'KO.V M vS aia-y
When company comes treat
them to Weatherly's ice cream
by having a brick delivered to
the house, or accompanying them
to the Den of Sweets. They will
admire your excellent judgment.
The Progressive "500" Club
met at the home of Mr. and Mr.
Jos. Ingram, Saturday evening.
June 21 A very pleasant eve
ning was spent at card?, hono s
tailing to Mrs. V. Dahl and Mr.
Fred Erdman died at the home
f his sister. Mrs. Ed. Wendt.
itShctllin. July 6 191G. He was
jorn May 10, 1878, and came
here from Canada about a week
:jrior his death, aud expected to
nake his home in this county..
He was married in 1904 to Mis.s
Minnie Seitlert, of Sherwood,
lie leaves to mourn his loss his
widow, two small sons and a
baby daughter. Of his immedi
ite family, he leaves his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A lam Erdman, of
Centerviiie. and sisters and
brothers as follows: Mr?. Edw.
Wendt and Mrs. Walter Zetz
man, of Shi film; Mrs. Frank
fiosnow, IVnville, S. I).; Joseph
Erdman, I'etr, i'.le, S. I.) ; Adolph
Erdman. Eilcliville, N I)., and
Daniel Erdman. of Kra.-;e, Minn.
Deceased rvbided here until
a'wut eteht years ago, when he
moved with his family to Ed
monton, Alberta, returning here
'o benefit his health, lie was
oi exernpUty citizm, well liked
bv all who knew him. llisafllic-
ti jii v,vi he-irt trouble.
t in . ilre, Alimony fur KiiM-iitiiri,
The Misses Wcatherred and Mrs-
Frank Sholea entertained for
their mother with a water lily
luncheon, at Mrs. Sholes home,
i i Coi-r e ius, Saturday, The
guests at luncheon, Mesdamcs B,
P. Cornelius, W. N. Uarrett, W.
L). Wood, Joseph Connell, J. W.
Goodin and T. S. Weatherred.
all celebrate their birthdays on
July 8.
In the afternoon the following
life long friends were invited in
-Mrs. A. S. Sholes. of Corne
lius; Mrs. Uufus Waggener, of
Newport, and Mesdames Peter
I!uscow. M. M. Pittenger, J. I).
Merryman, J. C. Lamkin, J. W.
Sewell, Jos. Downs, White, Jas.
Vrooman, J. A. Imbrie, Owen
Eppley and F. A. Hailey, of
Victor Ta:kitn' Machines-records
and needles, at Hoyt's,
Second St.
Bom. to Dr. J. U Marshall
and wife, of Hillsboro. July 8.
1910, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tiiorne, of
San- Digo, C-d.. are visiting
with teiatives in Portland.
Paul 1 la; ley leaves for Lewis
Hiveritilhe morning, where he
expects to work in the timber.
Marriai".! lie use. H W Harb
ke and Dmiu Kunkle;Glen (Jillen
wat'T anrl Ethel Olsen; Frank
trake:) and Susie Stevenson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E C. P.rown and
f jmily came down from Forest
Grove, yesterday, and visited
with Hillsboro fiiendn. They
will tie pleased l. ) meet, ineir oki
Gus Vandehey, aged about 21
vears. was painfully shot last
Sunday, and ho far the physi
cians have failed to (ind the bul
let, which is lodged in one of his
arms, near the elbow. Little
Frankie Spierings was examin
ing a 2i calbre rifle, and Young
Vandehey was sitting near oy.
The gun discharged and struck
Vandehey. The little Spiering
boy was about as badly frighten
ed as Mr. Vandehny was hurt.
Thfi physicians do not think a
stiff arm will result, but it is
Lutheran church, at Cornelius,
Sunday, July 10. Mission festi
val in church at 10::i0 and 2 p,
m., English and German, Uev.
A. Krause, of Portland, will be
the speaker of the day. All are
cordially invited.
S. M. Holland, of Orenco, has
completed a modern barn for H.
Linton, near Sewell station.
Dick is more than pleased with
the construction of the barn,
and is wearing a broad smile.
The Ladies' Club, of Koy. re
cently organized.-with Mrs. Win.
Kobli as presidi nt, meets at the
home of Mrs. Wm. Chalmers to
day. Mr. and Mrs. S. P.. Huston and
son, Carl, were out from Port
land yesterday, guests at the A.
M. Carlile home,
Thos. G. Meacham, of, above
Mountaindale, was in the city
Notice ii hereby Riven, That by
virtue of an execution and order of
Kule irniued out of end urdir the nuiil
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Wanhinfr-
ton. duted the Mth day of July. Il.
in favor of Peter Broercn, plaintiff:
nnd uK-ilnst Ko K. Merlo, I). Keg
I'itto, AnnonxinU Merlo and John
Merlo, her huxband, dcfendnnU, for
the sum of $17.50 rout nnd tho fur
ther sum of $1500.00 with interent
thereon from the 24th day of Junu
ii! y, l'Jll, at the rate of 7 per cent
per ennum, and for the further aum
of $150.00 Attorney'! feea, to me
directed and delivered, commanding
me to make Kale of the real proper
ty hereinafter deacribed, I have lev-
County, Oregon, la Hillnburo, Ore
(ton, offer for wit and will aell at
public um tii n to tlv hi(het bidder
fur hi hieid, nil of the follow
ing dencribed n ul property mluuto
In WatdiiiiKton County, Oregon, to
wit: Lot No. 3.1 and the no'th hnlf of !.ot
No. !I4 of HeiiverUm Kf'ilvillc Acre
rite, an p"r duly rii-orded pint there
o. now on file in Wnhinifim Cuun
ty, Oreiron. Said lit nnd one-half
rnntuiniiiK ''M mre. except n 15 ft.
iitrip In iidilition In It) foot roud al
r -inly dedieiited off of eaxtideof aald
loir., olio 2.1 feel off f north aide
of mid li t :!.'!, iHith of tiieno al.-lpa
being renerved for road purpoKeH aald
mde to be made subject to redemp
tion rt tier Htntute: and the pro
ceeds therefrom obtniued will be ap-
ied ufion and pursuant to said exec-jphed to the payment of:
er of sale, I will on ihi: mo corns nnu c
elion and order
Mondry, the 14th day of
l'JIS, at the South door
Courthouse in : Hillsboro, Washing
ton County, Oregon, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. of aaid day, sill at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash In hand, all of tho follow
ing described reul property,
ing and situate in Washington Coun
ty, Oregon, and more particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
Lot Two (21 Steel's Addition to
the Town of Beaverton, Washington
Com ty, Oregon, to satisfy the here
inheforo named sutrai and for the
cost and expenses of sale and siiiil
Suid sale will be mad subject to
redemption as per rlatuU of Ore
Ifon. Dated at Hillsboio, Oregon, this
SlIi day of July, 1W16.
Sh ji iff of WHhinprton Cnuntv, Or.
Attorney for Phhulff.
expenses or
Auifiist. s"l sale;
of the 2nd: The severul nums due unto the
nluintiff ns hereinbefore set forth:
3rd:Tlie several sums due unto the
defendant A. Welch, au hereinbefore
set forth: and
4th: The over plus, If any there
be, shall be paid to the Clerk of
Wnidiitigton County, Oregon, to be
bv him disbursed as by law prescrib
ed. Dated thin 1st dav of July, 1918.
Sheriff of Washington County,
WM. fi. HARE,
Attorney for I'lulnliff.
Attorney for defendant, A. Welch.
That by virtue of an execution, de
cree and order of sale, issued out ol
nnd under the seal of the Circuit
Corrt of the State of Oregon for
Washington County, on the 1st day
of July, lltlfl, in that certain suit
therein pending wherein Ben An
derson is plaintiff end Laura A
Cuples and R. A. Copies, her hus
hand, W. M. Nelson and J. Chrh
O'Duy and A. Welch are defendants
upon a judgment and decree in fav
o' of the nluintiff and against the
defendant Laura A. Copies and the
real property hereinafter described.
In the sum of $2800.00 with interest
thereon from the 27th day of Feb
ruary, 1915, at the rote of 8 per cent
per annum, and the further sum of
$'200.00 Attorney's fees and the sum
of $:i5.20 emits, ar.d a judgment and
decree in favor of the defendant A
Welch and ligainut the dofendnntc
Lrtira A. Cnplea and W. M. Nelson
and against the real property here
inafter described, in the sum of
yesterday, taking out some hay- $1000.00 with interest thereon at the
Ol o prr l-eilt per milium uii-i-
Kebruary 1(),115, and tho further
sum of $100.00 Attorney'! feos, and
neighbors at their Forest Grove ing supplies.
home. Fnr Sulo-Knrnit ure and fur-
Chairmen of committees for : nishings of hoarding house which "liHJJ,--f,
the Children's Parade are re-1 accommodates 12 or 15 people, at trnfy the hereinbefore named
quested to fake charge of the j Orenco. Am selling on account gums,
,,.i,,na ,.f il,,ie m.etiiirii nnd' of deal h in Ihp familv: chickens NoW THEREFORE, I will on
ing will be at' the home of M-. send same lo t he Auxiliary Pros-! and chicken yards in connectton, ffhou? of WvUm:
and Mrs. Kossie Jack, Saturday dent, Mrs. Redmond, who will -J. W. LnochH, Orenco, Ore- lt gllid (lay( at the iouth door of
evening, July 15. Sec. I store them for future use. gon. lo the Court House of Washington
A RELIABLE ball in" your
twine can means money
in your pocket. The other
kind means wasted twine and
serious delay.
1 Every man knows this. The
thing is to find the reliable
kind. '
Plymouth Twine
Has satisfied thousands and
will satisfy you. does nol
tangle or fall down, and it's
even in size.
Plymouth runs full length
and ties more bundles than
other brands. Buy it this
year and order early. J
u-iWescllit. .
Percy Long
Hillsboro, Oregon