The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 13, 1916, Image 1

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    Mj.t.nLy . -
NO. 17
9ptnild Array of Talent I Ian Hccn
Secured for I'nterUlnment
Six Diyi of IttUllrcluil Trrilf Wllb
Rare Muilc l Pra(riin
You nuiHt take off vuur hut to a
Uw of Forest drove's people
who have realized the value of a
Ohtttuqua and have workad in
cenaantly to m'curo a program
that will be loth u delight and
education to the people of WuKh
Initton County. Lawt year's ef-
' fort wan a fine one and it coot
' tome of Forest Grove's citizens,
Individually, a financial loss, but
; it was borne cheerfully. This
year the ticket sales are beinir
augmented daily, and it looks as
, though the entertainment will be
elf supporting. The program
begins Wednesday, July 19.
Buying by the whoUwilo, contract
ing flntlmcs year In mlvmue,
ffoclliHf every invlnj known to
ChauUuqua efficiency, thl SyWm
runt IU kffuirt u a careful bunker
runt his bank, a uecraful mer
chant hla buiiincaa or an up-to-date
rancher hia ranch.
The KllliMin-W'hito Chautauqua
Syateni will apend Uiia your nearly
one half million dullura fur tulunt,
printing, hotel, druyuge, nrwvpnp
tr ailvrrtUinn, railroad fare, etc.
Such a feaxt of K'"l thing n a
Chautauqua brinK yu la only po
albla through your loyal co-operation.
la order that you belter under
stand Junt vt hut will be offered we
(lv tha entire aix duya' program,
aa follow:
The Program.
KarU C. Miller, Superintendent.
Mias Georgie l.atta, Junior Supr.
Junior Chautauqua at 9:00 A. M.
Adiniaaion 15c
) Afleraooa Concert 2:30
Afternoon Lecture 3:00
Evening Concert 7:30
Evening Lecture 8:15
Morning Junior Chnutauqua
Organiilng King Arthur' Court.
Afternoon Opening KxerciBOi
Iniportant Announcement, Supcrin
tmlent; Concert, lonlun Serenmlera;
Reading, Ituth Meeker. Adiniaaion
Evening Concert, Ionian Rere
nadera; Imperaonutiona, 8. l'latt
Jonei (Irumorint). Admisaoin 50c.
Morning Junior Chautauqua, King
Arthur' Court.
Afternoon l'ruludo, GullotU Trio;
Popular Lecture, "The Seen and Un
aeea", Dr. Klliot A. Uoyl. Adinia
aion 36c.
Evening Concert, GullolU Trio;
Lecture Oration, "Uncle Sam' To
morrow", Hon. Victor Murdock, of
Kanaaa. Adiniaaion 75c.
Morning Junior Chautauqua, King
Arthur'a Court.
Afternoon Prelude, Lyric Opera
tic Co.; Inapirutional Lecture, "The
MaU'hleaa liook," Arthur A. Franaka.
Admiision li&c.
lEvening Opera "Martha", Lyric
Operatic Co.; Lecture, "Homo Town
ireparedne," Ernest J, Sia. Ad
iniaaion 60c.
Morning Junior Chnutauqua, King
Arthur'a Court.
Afternoon Concert, Witepnkie'a
Royal Hungarian Orohentia; Popu
lar lecture, "SueceM Where "iou
Are," Mrs. Harriett CI mm Robcraon.
Admlaaion 60c.
Evening (Irnnd Concert, Witep
akie'i Royal Hungnriun Orchestra;
Popular Seloction. Mine. Fuy Mor
Tillu, acompnniea by Royal Hungar
ians. Adiniaaion 76c
' Morning UhuuI Services at All
Afternoon Sacred Prelude, Eli-
Money to Loan
On Improved Farms
Per Cent. Paid on
Savings Deposits
The Shute Savings Bank
tiibeth diUarrle Gill: Sermon ise
tore, "One Wood," Rev. Dr. Freder
ick Viniiig Fisher. AUmlaslon Sue.
K. W. S. E, Veaper Service. All
Evening Harp Concert, Elizabeth
di llttirlo (illl; Stereoptlcon lecture,
"AmeiiCH Merora tho World, Kv.
Dr. Frederick Vliiing Fiwher. Ad
mtaaion 60c.
Morning Junior Chautauqua, King
Arthur s turl.
Afternoon Preliuio, Kekuku's Ha
wiuiun Quintat; King Arthur'a Pag
eant. Sunerviaor and Children. Ad-
niiMHion !15c.
Even!ng An Evening In Hawaii
(a) Opening Concert, Kekuku s
(b) llluatrated lecture, "IaleS of
IVuce," Frederick J. Haltofl.
(c) Cloaing Concert, featuring
"Aloha " (Good-bye), Kekuku'a
Hiiwuiiun Quintet. Adiniaaion 7bc.
Tlckela Ready.
In order to secure the Chautauqua
It woa necessary to guarantee 400
heaaon ticket, and a group of our
r'tlsens, ench guaranteed the sale of
four seaaoi ticket. The price of a
season ticket, Including the entire
six dnys, la only 12.60. Thla Is the
price up to uio opening nour, wnen
the price of season tickets -will be
advanced to $3.00; student season
ticket $1.60, and children' season
ticket will be $1.00. In order that
vii nuiv secure your ticket early
we give the list of those who have
guaranteed the sale or iicaeia. ana
who form the Chautauqua Asaoda-
TU'keU may bo aecured from any
or tne unueriK"eu, or iu inwum
r lt,u Uewltina at the First Na
tionul Hunk: Muncbe Langlcy, Wm.
Weitxel. Mrs. Luia A, liayne, b. iJ.
ltrookbiuik. Mrs. Merle M. Roder, Frame Myers, U V. u. hub
sell, Mrs. J. V ltniley, J. A. Elder,
A. S. Dilley, Mrs. Dora Reed Barber,
I. J. Hour. Mr. F. J. Miller, Cha.
Ituhnian. w. H. Crabtreo. C. W.
Creel, F. (i. Wilcox, Miss Margaret
llinmnn, r.. W. names, oavm iun
csn, II. L. Butes. A. E. Bcott, U. M.
Good, Mtsa M. L Thatcher, 11. R.
Iteinard, M. S. Allen, John E. Bailey
Ctma. A. Littler. Mrs. Nena L. "ud
son, Mrs. A. J. Laiiglby, E. W. Lamb,
Roy llesaeltine, C. J. Buahnell, R.
M. Stevens. Mrs. R. M. Slevona,
Mrs. Gust Nelson. Mrs. Task, A. C.
Smith, Miss Marjorie D. Forbis, H.
S. lteninmin. Rev. J. Francia Ashley,
Jaa. E. Andrews, Mr. Orla Buxton,
11. W. Sparks, J. S. Buxton, Geo. U.
Ilnncock, Mr. Enuna I Show, Mr.
M. P. Kent ner. C. N. Bante, Mrs. J.
E. Hrodorick, C. I MHToft, Mr. C.
II. Huntington, Mr. Phoebe Ward,
Mrs. Floranco Turner, Dan Pierce,
Royal M. l!ole, J. W. Peabody, J. A.
Parker, J. L Van Kirk. Mr. C. E.
Walker. Mrs. Lillv Buxton. Mrs.
John Buchanan, O. M. Sanford, Mrs.
Abbit J. Whitohouse, H. T. Giltner,
G. A. Bryant, Rev. O. H. Holmes, A.
Ilriggs. Mrs. E. Mills. Mrs. wm.
Weitxel. Anson H. Camanada, Will
iam Kobb, Will R. Chalmers, Spen
cer Jones, C. E. Biggs, W. K. New
ell, W. P. Dyko, Mrs. Cha. Geiger,
II. E. Juckson, Wm. Hack. Mr. W.
R. lives, Jumea T. Benvit, Claude
Davis, IVniel Dea.'lllo, A. U. Davis,
K. E. Williams, U r. Knapn, i,.
Perry, R. C. Clark, G. H. Hoar, F.
M. Sturrett. Daniol Buker. L. M.
Graham, C. B. Campbell, Miss M. J.
MVers. 3. E. Broderick. W. J. Mc-
Crendv. O. W. Jones, J. W. Hughes,
J. P. Hurley.
Dr. J. G. Turner, for
LuJ merlv of Lowe & Turner.
the well known eye specialists,
ot Portland, will be in Hillsboro,
Tuesday, July 25, at Hotel Wash
ington. Dr. Turner win mage
rpirnlnr trinu tn Hillbora everv
30 days, and will attend to any
of Dr. Lowe's patients who need
his attention during his absence.
Headaches relieved, cross eyes
nrrniffhteneri. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Consult him. At For
est Grove, July 2G. 17-8
Mr. and Mrs. 'Elmer Mays, of
North Plains, went to Yamhill
county, Sunday, to visit Mr.
Mays' father, who Is over W
years of age. They were accom
panied by Clarence Mays, now of
Donald, Ore.
Frank Ritchie, who has enlist
ed in the Oregon National Guard,
was a Hillsboro visitor the last
of the week.
Herman G. Luck, of above
Mountaindale, was in town the
last of the week.
Construction Will be of Steel and
Material la on Way
Industrial News of Stale is Olvta ia
Material now being assembled in
in Portland to build five 8800-ton
steel freight steamers.
Koseburjr Forty men at work
on telephone line to Myrtle
Oregon direct primary cost
candidates $56,912; state and
counties about $150,000.
fjhelburn New road to Santi
am River, and ferry being built.
Marshfield State will super
vise expenditure of good roads
bond isBue of Coos County of
Springwater-KlaelBch saw
mill now in operation, employing
15 men.
Farmers of Polk and lien ton
counties co operating with state
for water grade highway from
Salem to Eugene.
Coos Kay bar survey shows
depth of channel 27 ft low tide
COO ft. wide.
American Soda Products Co.,
of San Francisco, installing plant
northeast of Paisley to refine
Echo-O. W. R, & N. Co. will
build 2100 ft. passing track here.
Hood River Apple confection
products factory to be built
Newport to build concrete sea
wall 710 feet long.
Grants Pass will have sugar
beet silo to feed 150 head cattle.
Stayton Black Eagle Mines
develop $200 per ton ore.
burns Crane is new terminus
of railroad into Harney Valley.
Portland woolen mills has pur
chased and is moving Ellensburg
woolen mill here.
Congressman Sinnott, of East
ern Oregon, is promoting jack
rabbit hat industry.
Railroads, telephone and tele
graph companies are giving mar
ried men full pay and single men
half pay while absent on service
in Mexican war.
The Dalles Libby canning
plant lets contract for subway
track under railroad.
The Shields bill would develop
cheap power for irrigation, and
make the bnake River navigable.
Portland-Strikers on O. W. K.
& N. tunnel return to work.
Available for a naval base,
mouth of Columbia River chan
nel will be 40 ft. deep at low wa
ter and 700 ft. wide by August 1.
Sumpter-Ribbon mine ship
ping out much ore.
(From The Argus)
F. Newman, a showman, was ar
rested at the Grove for showing
the work of his "wooden hurdle
horses" on Sunday, and Justice
Dorrien heard the case. New
man was acquitted and he has
sued Justice Dahlstrom for $500
damages for arresting him, or
having him arrested, before pa
pers were filed in the court at
the Grove.
Hon. W. D. Hare and wife
have returned from a trip to
New York. Mr. Hare attended
the A. O. U. W. Supreme Lodge
at Buffalo, N. Y. and then visited
his birthplace at Wheeling, West
J. C Lamkin is the A. O. U.
W. delegate to the Grand Lodge,
which convenes in Portland, this
week. Mrs. W. D. Hare is the
delegate to the Degree of Honor.
A little orphan girl, of Port
land, was kicked by a horse at
the Fowler place, near Center
ville, last week, and sustained
the loss of an eye.
John Collier had a wreck on
Chehalem Mountain, the other
day. He met a team and in
turning out wrecked his cart.
John says some enterprising
farmer has converted the wheels
of the cart into a bicycle.
J. H. Dobbins has been ap
pointed a special deputy sheritf
Arthur Flint, of Scholia, was
Lit ten by a skunk one day last
week, and has a very sore hand
as the result of the mixup.
For Sale Registered Holstein
yearling bull, fine animal; also
registered bull calf, two weeks
old. Gerhard Goetze, Cornelius,
Route 2, five miles South of Cor
nelius. 17
All hats reduced at Emmott's
Geo. Kelly, of Buxton, was
down to the county seat Friday
All the latest Kodaks and
Brownie Cameras at the Delta
Drug Store.
G. P. Martin, of Tualatin, was
a city caller Saturday. He has
as a guest H, E. Harvej, of
Bake Oven, Eastern Oregon.
For Sale -Ten head yearling
and two year old Cotswold ewes
In fine shape. Address Box 102
A, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 3. 1&
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Downing,
of Summit, above Corvallis. were
in town Friday evening and Sat
urday morning, guests at the H.
D. Schmeltzer home.
Nursery stock, fine roses, as
pargus roots, outdoors grown
cabbage plants, now ready 4 to
8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse.
Mrs. Sylvia Tucker, who has
bei n visiting her mother. Mrs,
M. A. Powell, departed Satur
day for Portland, where she vis
ited a few days, and then re
turned to her home at Clarkston,
For Sale A vearlinar Holstein
bull, also a bull calf. These fel
lows are purebreds and are bar
gains at the prices I am asking
for them. -Frank W. Connell,
Hillsboro. Ore.. R. 1. 17
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henton and
child, of Shaniko, arrived here
the other day in their auto, for a
few days' visit with the Pome
roys and Th w. Henton and fami
ly. Ed. is running a garage and
service station at Shaniko.
For Sale Furniture and fur
nishings, of boarding house which
accommodates 12 or 15 people, at
Orenco. Am sellinar on account
of death in the family; chickens
and chicken yards in connection.
J. W. Enochs, Orenco, Ore
gon. 18
The county court went to the
Thatcher quarry, the last of the
week, and witnessed a blast ot
400 pounds of powder in the
county quarry. About 2.000 tons
of rock were blown out and there
was no rock much larger than a
man's head as a result of the op
erations. This quarry has fine
rock for road work.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles E. Ever
ett, of North Bend, arrived in
Saturday for a short yisit with
relatives here and at the J. M.
Brown home, above Banks. They
will also visit Mrs. Everett's sis
ter, in Washington state. Mr.
Everett is running a drug store
at North Bend, and is well
known here, where he managed
the Delta for Eeveral years.
Mrs. Leona Marrifield, who
left here six week3 ago for Ho
quiam, Wash., died the last of
the week, ard the remains were
shipped here for the funeral, and
to Forest Grove for interment.
Deceased was the wife of Ed
ward Marrifield. Death was
due to tuberculosis, an affliction
suffered by other members of
the family. She was a friend of
Mrs. Chas. Gardner, who had
charge of the funeral arrange
S. P. & P. E. & E.
All, except the P. R. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:15
Forest Grove Train 4:10
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:14 ps m
Sheridan Train 4:33
Forest Grove Train 6:40
McMinnville Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
Beach Special Daily
To Tillamook 3:02 p.m
From Tillamook 9.22 p.m,
FOUND 01 IN 11
Physician Called by Coroner Say
Death Wai Due to Apoplexy
Deceased Was Probably Strickea Friday
Morning Feund oa Sunday
George A. Webb, aged about 60
years, prominent in Christian
church circles, was found dead
in his home on First St', south
of Fir. Sunday, by Dr. S. M.
Reagan, a next door neighbor,
Mr. Webb had not been seen
since Thursday, and after Mrs.
Thos. Rood's little son called and
found the door locked, Mrs,
Rood investigated, and Dr, Rea
gan's assistance was called. He
procured a ladder and ascended
to the upstairs window, finding
Mr. Webb dead on the floor.
the dead man was divested of
his coat, and was in his stocking
feet The coroner was notified
and Dr. F. A. Bailey was called.
He made an investigation and
found that Webb had undoubted
ly passed from a stroke of the
above nature. Dr. Bailey stated
before the coroner's investiga
tion, Monday, that Mr. Webb
had been ailing with diabetes.
and that he had treated him for
that affliction.
Mrs. Webb has been visiting at
Baker City, and was absmt at
the time of death.
Mr. Webb was considerable of
an Evangelist and he and his
wife were both members of the
Christian church, where for
years they were connected with
the song service.
They came here from Illinois
and Iowa, and the only relative
he had here was a niece, Mrs.
Thos. Rood, who made her home
with them prior to her marriage.
Bids will be received until July
21st 1916. and then opened, for
furnishing the Orenco School
District with wood as follows:
5 cords Oak:
36 cords first class Old Fir.
Oak wood to be not less than
4 inches or more than 8 inches in
diameter. Wood to be piled at
the School House so that it can
be measured; and delivered by
Sept 1. 1916. The right is re
served to reject any or all bids.
Dated July. 1. 1916.
H. McDonough, Clerk.
The Recall Committee want3 all
those who circulated recall peti
tions to report to Claud Johnson,
Sherwood, Ore., R. 4, stating
number of names turned in; also
number on hand at present time.
Recall Committee.
The new standing committees
for the development league:
Finance T. H. Zimmerman,
Beaverton; J. F. Lowd, Sher
wood; J. P. Hurley, Forest
Membership L L. Crawford,
Manning; C. E. Hedge, Beaver
ton; A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove
Good Roads L. L. Gilbert,
Beaverton; R. R. Easter, Hills
boro; J. A. Thornburgh, Fore3t
Grove; Dr. W. B. Mumford.
Banks; W. Wickert. Sherwood.
New Industries E. W. Haines,
Forest Grove; J. H. Garrett
Hillsboro; B. K. Denny, Beaver
ton; Ferd Groner, Scholls, and
VV. J. Dodson, Sherwood.
To Portland 55 minutes.
a m
a m
a m
...p m
8:10.... pm
9:li8 (Sat only) pm
t rom Portland 55 minutes.
:o4 a m
9:20 am
11:25 a m
2:12 pm
6:25 pm
7:13 pm
8:26 (Sat only) pm
12:25. am
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract & Title Com'
pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana
ger. . 4tf
All hats reduced at Emmott's
Fte$L ' 0P; T
"WITHOUT the consequent risK is
through the universally approved
checK-booh, which ha become an
earmark of affluence, conservatism
and substance. The men of marh
in your community d- business
with their chccK-booA. Are you
one of them?
4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings
American National BanK
Main mnd Third Sta.,
For Less Than
We have an immense stock of all kinds of
lumber. This stock we are going to move
this Summer, and to do so we offer you a
big saving. This lumber was bought for
less than cost of manufacture and enables
us to sell this now CHEAP.
No matter where you live in Washington
County, we can beat any and all com
petition offered. Write us or call us up
and we will show you what a LOW PRICE
WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere.
Remember that this is the BIGGEST
COUNTY EVER HAD. Send iu your
material list NOW for this years needs.
We can give terms.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Materia.
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Seasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 175
That your watcljis normally "on the job" 24
hours each day?
That in each 24 hours the balance wheel vi
brates more than 400,000 times?
That a variation of jJ of a minute in each
of these vibrations would cause a variation of
more than 4 minutes a day Jin the time of
your watch?
143 distinct parts must be gnveu individual
attention when the average watch is properly
cleaned and oiled.
Thought of these little details, do'so now, and
give us an opportunity to demonstrate the ex
tremely close timing which fineJ tools, skill
and "experience can accomplish with your
Jeweler and Optometrist
Hillsboro, Ore
Wholesale Cost