The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 06, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 16
t Coleman
Tflli the Stat Tax Commlmlon
Cannot Altai! 0. & C. Land
Alienor's Olflu Nut Vet Decided
Whether lo Piatt on Hull
Attorney General Brown has
given the Statu Tax Commission
in opinion which holds thatnince
the Supreme Court decision and
the Congressional legislation linn
taken place on the subject mat--
ler the lands of the 0. & C. land
meant can not be placed on the
taxroll, aa they are not assess
able. This places the locul as
BHHintr flle In a quandury.
Nothing will be done, however,
until the Btate tax commission
has given out orders to the va
rious BMHOHBOrH.
The Supreme Court hold that
the railway company has an
equity of $2.60 per acre that j
can not be gainsaid, and it would I
appear to the average layman
that this is an Interest that is
not only tangible, but that is
Until the state board issues an
order nothing will be done here.
It is feared that if the lands are
placed on the roll without au
thority the county will have to
pay the state tax, at least, until
eueh time as a proper court
might dutermine the status.
There are a little less than
18,000 acres of the grant lands
in this county under the decision
of the court and the recent legis
lation. Last year the assessment was
181.000 on the land, and fSl.OtKJ
on the timber.
(From The Argus)
M. Kelso, residing on the
place, near the Minter
Bridge, while riding a bicye'e
across the structure Friday eve
ning, sustained a fall of nearly
SO feet, causing the loss of an
(eye. Kelso will recover although
, tie is suffering from internal in
juries. He was recently mar
ried to Miss Delia Coleman.
C. K. Whit more, of near Lau
rel, yesterday, brought in two
coyote pelts, for which he re
ceived $20 bounty. The state
pays $10 each for their scalps.
Dr. F. J. Bailey is now prac
ticing at Suplee, Oregon, beond
Prineville. He is in charge of
noma mineral springs, and be
tides taking care of the home
practice some times rides 60 miles
to see patient.
An inscription on the minutes
of thefounty clerk's record of
date 1864, Washington County,
reads: "Easton versus Faston.
Dismissed. This cause is dis
missed and the costs gone to
h II." '
Frank Weisenbeek, of Reed
Ville, fell from a horse the other
day and dislocated a shoulder.
W. M. Christiansen, of Portland,
and Miss Amy V. Sappington, of
Forest Grove, were united in
marriage in Portland, Saturday,
July 1. 1916, The brida U a
daughtenof County Treasurer K.
B, Sappington, and the groom is
an employee of the Blake Mo
Fall Co., of Portland. They will
reside in the Rose City,
Money to Loan
On Improved Farms
Per Cent. Paid on
Savings Deposits
The Sliute Savings Bank
Spireila Corsets Not sold in
stores. A question and a huk
iri'Htion. Have you any corset
troubles? If ho, let Spireila aer
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satiatied Spireila wearers
testify to the ease, comfort and
perfection ot atyle produced by
Spireila coraeta. any exclusive
ilt'siiom from which to delect the
corset best suited to your indi
vidua! needs. A Spireila resi
dence coraetiere in this field
My advice, experience and train
in are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. Phone Main Ml
KeHidence, Fifth and Jacksin,
Hillsboro. Ore. 316
Philip C. Peik, of near Beaver
ton. has aued Lewis Nielson. t
sawmill proprietor for (XJif. 50
for damages, pain and humilia
tion, punitive damages, medical
bills, etc., caused by an alleged
assault made by Nielsen. June
17. He chsrgcg that Nielsen
struck him on the head with a
stick, and seriously injured his
chest and head, and that it was
without cause or provocation.
P.-ik claims he was able to make
12 60 per day, and that his ner
vous system is now ho badly
shattered that he is unable to
perform manual labor.
J- G.Turnrr, formerly of
CfiLowe & Turner, the well
known eye specialists of Port
land, will make regular trips to
HillslKiro every thirty days in
the future. Dr. Lowe leaves for
the Fast July ', to be gone sev
eral months, and Dr. Turner will
attend to any of his patrons who
may call during Dr. Lowe s ab
sence. Watch papers for dates
1. C, Nealeigh, of Scholia, was
in town Saturday. He says that
all grain ami vegetable crops are
line down his way, but that the
pears will lie scarce. Apples will
be a good crop, but the cherries
have been practically ruined by
the heavy, continuous rains.
Wanted: Your fat hogs, cat
tle, sheep and lambs, live weight.
Highest market prices. We
make regular shipments from
Hillstwro and Forest Grove.
leiepnone us wnai you nBve.
Peterson Bros, Foreat Grove,
Ore. 7-10
Leola Blanche Oakea, of Port
land, has sued M. F. (Jakes for
divorce, alleging desertion in
11)11. Charge infidelity, also.
She asks for the custody of a
minor daughter, Irene, and $10
per months toward support.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Milne re
cently returned from an over
land trip to Seattle. They had
no trouble with travel because of
high water, but crossed the low
lands with their machine just
ahead of the inundation near
For Sale li'gistered Holstein
yearling bull, fine animal; also
registered bull calf, two weeks
old. Gerhard Goutze, Cornelius,
Route 2. five miles South of Cor
nelius. 17
Mr. and Mrs. McPheeters re
turned Saturday from Bend, Ore
gon, where they found one of
the livelist little cities in the
For Sale A yearling Holstein
bull, also a bull calf. These fel
lows are purebreds and are bar
gains at the prices 1 am asking
for them, -Frank W. Connell,
Hillsboro. Ore., R. 1. 17
Carl Pfahl. ToniSinayandGer
hard Goetze, of above Blooming,
were in the county seat Saturday
Frank Lichty, -of near Cedar
Mill, was up to the hub the last
of the ween.
Wife Suing; fur Divorce, Huband
Wrapt Self In Quilt, Lays In Storm
Wn About Slilyllve Vein ol Afe,
Brokea, tad Abdlcled lo Drink
Frank L. Mathews, aged about
GGyeara, perished Sunday, from
the effects of exposure sustained
Suturday night. Some days ago
Mathews' wife, who is a hard
working, estimable woman, sued
the husband for divorce, alleging
that he would not work, and
that he frequented card tables,
spending what little substance
he had. Mathews tried hard to
make a reconciliation, but the
wife refused to talk with him
Saturday night he went to the
horn in Forest Grove, wrapped
himself In an old quilt, and pro
ceeded to lay down in a storm.
He was found late in the night.
moaning from the exposure, and
Sheriff Reeves despatched Em
mett Quick to the college town
to bring the delinquent to the
Hillsboro Hospital. The exposure
was too much for the old gentle
man, who was In a weakened
condition, and he died about ten
o'clock Sunday morning.
Mathews has been in the Grove
but a few years, and has done
but little work, the wife having
provided the livelihood by means
of sewing. They were married
n the East Mathews came to
Hillsboro last week to see Sher-
IT Reeves, and tried to get the
official to intervene and have the
wife talk over matters, but to no
Investigation has shown that
that Mathews must have swal-
owed some rat poison, as he
smelled strongly of some chem
ical. While the poison might
have been taken it Is more than
probable that the exposure was
the chief cause of death.
S. P. 4 P. E. & E.
All, except the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street
brest Grore Train 6:50 a, m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:03
''orest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:15
oreit Grove Train 4:10
Kugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
'orest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a, m.
McMinnville Train 10:03
Forest Grore Train 11:59
ores! Grove Train 3:14 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:33
'Vest Grove Train 6:40
McMinnville Train 7:15
forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
1 lr streets, Sixth and Fir Sts..
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
Yom Timber 9:55 a. m.
'Yom Buxton 2:10 p. m.
Beach Special Daily
fo Tillamook 3:02 p.m
rom lillamook 9.22 p.m,
To Portland 55 minutes.
6:32 a m
7:18 a m
8:28 am
9:6 am
2:43 nm
3:58 pm
5:43 p,n
8:10 pm
9:b8 (Sat, only) pm
v rom Portland 55 minutes.
7:54 a m
9:20 am
11:25 a m
2:12 : pm
4:27 pm
6:25 pm
7:13 Pm
8:26 (Sat only) pm
12:25. am
M. Rasmussen, of below
Orenco, was a county seat visitor
Buy your Kodaks and supplies
at the Delta Drug Store. tf.
Mrs. Alvena Fuller, of Port
land, was the guest of Mrs. R
Heater, Sunday.
Bring or send us your Kodak
films. We do developing and
printing. The Delta Drug Store.
John Milne, of near North
Plains, visited the city the last
of the week.
The big band concertseventy
pieces was cancelled Sunday,
owing to the threatening weather
All the latest Kodaks and
Brownie Cameras at the Delta
Drug Store.
For Sale -Ten head yearling
and two year old Cotswold ewes.
In fine shape. Address Box 102
A, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 3. 18,
Clifiord Long, of Portland,
was in town Sunday, the guest
of his brother L. A. Long and
Nursery stock, fine roses, as-
pargus roots, outdoors grown
cabbage plants, now ready-4 to
8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse.
Will Darety and J. B. Camp
bell, of beyond North Plains,
were in the city Monday, and
called on the Argus.
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract & Title Com
pany; by L. J. McAlear, Mana
ger. 4ti,
Jos. Werre, of Oak Park, son-
in-law of Mrs. Viohl, has leased
fi, u L'.,kt0 f or.
luc unman ivwTiiiiivc uiaic in tj
i. :...:,.
acres under cultivation, and will
take charge October 1. He will
conduct a dairy and expects to
milk 20 or 2a cows.
M. G. Hughes will tune your
piano and guarantee high-grade
work. Special attention given to
player work, action regulating,
voicing and repairing. Phone
Hillsboro, City 515, or address
Cornelius, Oregon. 15-19
L, A. Fernsworth, who was a
cinduiate for the legislature at
the last primaries, and who has
edited the Banks Herald for sev
eral years, has enlisted with the
Oregon National Guard, and was
mustered in last Friday, at Camp
Oakland is not satisfied with
the pitching of Higganbotham.
and unless the veteran twirlt r
does better in the near future he
will get his release. Hig doesn't
appear to have the steam of his
earlier years.
John M. Scott G. P. A., of
Portland: Everette H. Williams.
T. P. A.. Kansas City; N. M.
Kean, T. P. A., of Chicago: J.
W. Crump, Assistant Ticket
Agent Boston, Mass., and W. C.
Gilbert Purser of the Steamship
Antilles, passed through the
city Friday, on a trip of sight
seeing around the Loop.
Butter Day Every Friday will
be Butter Day at the Reynold's
lard ware & Package Grocery.
On this day vou will get a spec
ial price. We carry the highest
grade of butter made the Clear
Creek brand, this Friday, 55 cts
the 2 lb. roll.
Former Hillsboro residents
down along the Columbia write
that the high water has made
many settlers on the various
islands below Portland more
than anxious, and quite a num
ber have moved to higher ground
to await the subsiding of the
For Sale Furniture and fur
nishings of boarding house which
aecommodates 12 or 15 people, at
Orenco. Am selling on account
of death in the family; chickens
and chicken yards in connection.
J. W. Enochs, Orenco, Ore
gon. 18
Geo. Miller, of Cooper Moun
tain, was in town Friday, having
chat over o d times with Dr.
C. W. Lowe, who leaves at once
for the East and will in a few
weeks visit with the two's boy
hood friends in old Catawba
County. N. C. Lowe and Miller
were school mates in the old tar
heel start.
For Sale Dwarf Essex Rape
seed, finely cleaned, at market
price. Also Barred Plymouth
iock eggs, O. A. U strain, 75
cents per setting of 15. Also
a few pure bred Jersey cows
with official records. Wm.Schul
merich, Hillsboro, Ore.
Dr. J. O. Robb and wife de
parted for San Francisco the first
of the week, and they are mak
ing the trip overland. Dr. Robb
will take a six weeks post-gradu
ate course at the Golden Gate
City, and at the same time visit
many points of interest around
the California metropolis. They
go equipped to camp along the
way and expect a good time as
soon as they get out of the rain
Mill Will be Smaller Than
Destroyed by Fire
Rains Insure Splendid
Grain and Veretable
The Eccles mill will be rebuilt at
Banks, but will be smaller than
the one destroyed by fire.
In reconstructing penitentiary
building3, all Oregon building
material will be used.
Chemawa Government Indian
School will expend $12,500 on
enlarging auditorium, $5,000 on
new 3ewers and $12,000 on new
Coquille-C7.2 pounds of butter
fat is record for one cow in the
month of May.
Baker Muddy Creek district
voted $15,000 to build new school
at once.
Springfield S. P. Co. puts on
special train to handle increased
log output from Mohawk Valley.
Eugene -Careful survey of
flax crop by State University
shows profit of $36.50 per acre.
Eugene company to manufac
lure nana
ture hand made sport and outing
t , ,
shoes for men and women.
Roseburg Brewing & Ice Co.
reorganize to operate soft drink
and cold storage plant.
St. Helens John Phillips has
contract to get out $100,000 pav
ing blocks.
Milton's new Carnegie Library
to cost $9500 work started.
Silver Lake Railroad to Klam
ath Falls being surveyed.
Lumber mills of Northwest re
strict output lay off one day in
the week.
Sheridan rebuilding burned
cannery and installing fruit juice
Vale American Nitrate Co.
has 45 men at work in Lake
Grants Pass Takilma smelter
not used since 1908 to be put in
Port Orford wharf to be recon
structed by S. F. lumber com
pany, Oregon City -Several new
school houses to go up, costing
Portland has $500,000 street
improvements under way.
Salem Mile of paving to go
down on S. Commercial St.
Paisley - Bond election carries
three to one for $30,000 high
Pilot Rock 200.000 lbs. wool
sold here at 21 1 to 311 cts. per Id.
Roseburg may get a large
fruit packing plant
Bennett Thompson, in jail on the
charge of murdering Mrs. Jen
nings, and also held fon the
charge of burglary, was indicted
last Friday on the latter inform
ation. He is charged with burg
larizing the Jgpanese wood camp
near the Jennings' home. The
agency that first led the officials
to believe Thompson committed
the burglary was a pair of Jap
anese scissors, fashioned like a
pair of sheep shears, only they
were not over four or six inches
in length. Several suits of un
derwear, some shoes, shirts, and
much other loot was taken from
the Jap domicile, and some of it
was found hidden on the Jen
nings place, and the Japs identi
fy much of the clothing, some of
which was found in the posses
sion of Thompson, so the allega
tion goes.
Bids will be received until July
21st 1916, and then opened, for
furnishing the Orenco School
District with wood as follows:
5 cords Oak.
36 cords first class Old Fir.
Oak wood to be not less than
4 inches or more than 8 inches in
diameter. Wood to be piled at
the School House so that it can
be measured; and delivered by
Sept 1. 1916. The right is re
served to reject any or all bids.
Dated July. 1. 1916.
H. McDonough, Clerk. '
The Recall Committee wants all
those who circulated recall peti
tions to report to Claud Johnson,
Sherwood, Ore., II 4, stating
number of names turned in; also
number on hand at present time.
Recall Committee.
WITHOUT the consequent risK is
through the universally approved
chech-booh, which ha,? become an
earmark of afFuence, conservatism
and substance. The men of marK
in your community dj business
with their chk ch-boorl. Are you
one of them?
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National BanK
Main and Third Sts., . Hlllsbofo, Oro
For Less Than
. We have an immense stock of all kinds of
lumber. This stock we are going to move
this Summer, and to do so we offer you a
big saving, This lumber was bought for
less than cost of manufacture and enables
us to sell this now CHEAP.
No matter where you live in Washington
County, we can beat any and all com
petition offered. Write us or call us up
and we will show vou what a LOW PRICE
WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere.
Remember that this 'is the BIGGEST
COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your
material list NOW for this years needs.
We can give terms.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 176
That your watchjis normally "on the job" 24
hours each day?
That iu each 24 hours the balance wheel vi
brates more thau 400,000 times?
That a variation of of a minute in each
of these vibrations would cause a variation of
more than 4 minutes a dayin the time of
your watch?
143 distinct parts must be given individual
attention when the average watch is properly
cleaned and oiled.
Thought of these little details, do so now, and
give us au opportunity to demonstrate the ex
tremely close timing which fineJJ tools, skill
and experience can "accomplish with your
watch. , ,
Jeweler and Optometrist
Wholesale Cost
Building Mateila