3 NEW YORK INVADED BY FOREIGN FOE SB? Bombs Dropped on Skyscrapers-Crowds in Streets Thrown into Panic. Buildings Occupied by Soldiers Reduced to Ruins. 30,000 SOLDIERS-1 7 AEROPLANES AND SEAPLANES-SUBMARINES-DREAD-NAUGHTS-MACHINE GUNS AND ARTILLERY. ALL SHOWN In The Greatest Of All Spectacles to Arms Arainst WAR Produced in 9 Reels. Nearly 2 Miles of Film. 750 Thrilling Scenes. The Big Feature You Have Heard So Much About Shown in Most Theatres at 25c and 50c Our Prices: SSft 1 0c 25c Children Occupying Seats Must Have Tickets Friday and Saturday, June 30, July 1 tarns It Cost Us $100 To Exhibit This Feature . j LUBE .. . c: i c.M.m, UNION STOCK YARDS Neticc f Final Settlement . Njtice Is hereby given that the Final Account in the Guardianship of Leslie L. Lyoe and Winnie S. Lyon. Minora has been filed in tbe County Court of the SliU of Oregon for Washington Connty, and that the said court has designated Monday, ihe jut day ol July, 1916, at the hour often o'clock A. M., at aaid day, in the Coun'y Court boom ia the County Court House ai fi)lboro, Washington County, Oiegon, a the time and place for hearing ob jection! to aaid Final Account and foi the settlement of aaid Guardianship Bstat. Dated this 28th day of June, 1916. John Ita Marsh, E&ecnlor of the Last Will and Testa Bnt ol G. W. Marsh, Deceased, Guar dian of Leslie i Lyon and Winnie S. Lyon, Minors Executrix' Notice MY THEATRE County Official Paper There was the smallest rui of cattle today for several wteks consisting chiefly of "trashy steers," Cows and heifers sold on a steady basis with last week, but steers showed some weak ness. Calves steady. On a very small run of less than 2300 head of hogs the mar ket made a pain of 10 cents. Tops selling at 8 30. Demand is good and market closed, on a strong basis. Sheep market did not show any revival of strength. Lambs unless prime are not bringing a very strong price. Ordinary sheep are showing the most weakness. Market closed at steady to weak. A. liONO, KUHor Entered st the Pot Orhce at Hillsboro, Oregon, ss secon.t-.cliiss mail matter. Subscription: $(.50 per annum. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY I.ONO -BT-ft MoKINNRT Born, to Homer Mays and wife, June 27, 1916, a son. The happy parents reside near Laurel. Rona'd.C. Vaught and Law rence Taggart came out Irom Camp Withycombe, yesterday, to bid their relatives farewell Notice is hereby given by the under signed, that she has been duly appointed by lbs County Court of tbe state of Oregon for the Couuty of Washington, Executriz of the last will ol Kobert 11. Walker, deceased All peisons having claims agsinst said deceased aie he-eb) required to present them, with proper Touchers, within six (6) months from the date of this vrce, to the undei- tgntd. st ner fesiuence, urai rice ue- . , leavine fnr F, Dn,p,.Pan. livery, dumber Iwo, Beavenon, hub- - - --- -- "----,. inetJo Connty, Oregon. I near San Diego. The battalion Dated st said residmce, the a8th day 'jto which they belong will en- of June, 191. ...... I train today or tomorrow unless ims nonce nrsi cuousoea ounc ,f . j . :oaH The "Battle Cry of Peace." nine reels, with nearly two miles of film, will be at the Liberty Theatre, Friday and Saturday evenings. 1 his 13 one of the greatest educational films ever .exhibited, and every American 'citizen should see it. The "slacker" who keeps still is to be commended- in compari son with the "copper-tops" who have criticised President Wilson .lor years because he hasn't 1 forced war on Mexico, and who now are ardent in censure be cause it looks as though we shall have war. There is no pleasing the "slacker" or the "copper-top." 1916. Rachel P. Walker, Executrix of the last will of Robert. H. Walker, deceased. E, B Tongue sod Frederick V bud, Attorneys for Executrix. Hol- J. J. Kuratli is taking the baths at Hot Lake, Union County. Oregon is always ready in case an emergency confronts the country. The Oregon battallions have the heart-wishes of all Ore gon people in their trip South. ANTON BOEKER plate Win BUILDING I am prepared to do all kinds John Roeker Sr. yesterday re- 0f building and Repair work wived a telegram from Moaesto, I Cabinet work, etc.. Saw-filing. Lai., announcing me ueatn 01 Screens and Screen doors. Shop his son, Anton. Deceased was Linklater building. Second St., 2 uorn in 10. ne leaves a wue doors north of the Argus, and four children. Ofhisimme- All kinds of furniture, diate family his parents and two and prism glass doors and brothers survive, one of whom is ;j0W8i Also Kawneer bars John Jioeker, ot tnia city, now visiting at Sacramento. Ilisj mother and the other brother, j Chas., reside- near Sacramento. Anton has been the manager of a department store in his home city, for many years. Mr. Boeker died after an oper ation for appendicitis. The fu neral took place yesterday afternoon. JOHN BEATTY. Uc. 4OrMiM0. tm PU... City (72 101a Card of Thanks GEO. J. LIMBER Funeral Director Moderate. Prices. Personal Services RMidac FuMral Plm, WuMaito t eik HJUboro, Or. EVANS PETERSON Tuxedo's Grip by Walt Mason Tuxedo is the gripping smoke, a bopn to every buyer; you take your pipe of English oak, of meerschaum, clay or briar, and fill it with the fragrant weed, the choicest man can gather; and then you have a smoke, indeed; and are you glad? Well, rather. Tuxedo ha no kick or bite, suggests no "morning after;" its mission is to bring delight, and fill your heart with laughter. It caught the sunshine of the south, when it was green and growing, and brings that sun shine to your mouth, when out the smoke you're blowing. "Tuxedo's in a class alone," its smokers are declaring; "it has a fragrance all its own, that baffles all comparing. And thus it grips the men who smoke, and held their true affec tion ; their trusty briar pipes they stoke, and never know dejection, (jtycuixffl The home of Mrs. Frank Weisen beck, of near Oregon City, was the scene of a very pretty home wedding, Wednesday evening. June 21, when her daughter, Ida Florence Peterson, was united in marriage to John Alvin Evans, of Canby. Rev. F. W. Launer officiating. The bride was beautiful in dainty white voile and lace, with full length veil, and carried white roses in an arm bouquet. The wedding march from Loh engrin was exquisitely rendered by Miss Veta Edmiston, who is a close friend of the bride. She was gowned in pale green silk and wore white roses. The ceremony was performed under a huge bell of fern and orange blossoms, and the rooms were beautifully decorated in orange blossoms and pink roses. One of the unique features of the wedding was the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lucke, .of Canby. Mrs. Lucke is a sister to the groom. Ihe bride was formerly of this county, and has many friends in this city and he surrounding country, S'ie is a grand-daugh ter to Mrs. R. K. Simnson. of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are now W. B. Peterson, of Witch Ha zel, was in the city- yesterday afternoon. Henry Huntemann, of Oak Park, was in yesterday, and left at the Argus office some of the finest strawberries yet witnessed ,' here this season. The berry has I no name, but has been improved 'over some standard varieties, j Mr. Huntemann has three acres !set to Fall strawberries, which r a 1 1 . .. ihe will harvest late this season. Ceo. Alexander is acting as; when th ice9 aheaj deputy shtr.tt. of Spring and early Summer Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson, j values. Henry made a trip into 1 of Jolly Mains, were in the city, jHood River last week, and says Tuesday, lit is an education to a man up Wm Muinn ir luvrmcr Qt-ilnere. as he will learn more Butte and Missoula. i"Tu !" nooa uiverin a uajr man juu wuuiu in a year We desire to express our sin cere thanks to all our neighbors and friends who so kindly assist ed us during the sickness and burial of our dear mother, and especially those who Bang and I t 1 )n .u.i inose wno nrougni nowers. Mrs. a. u. unase, G. L. Marugg. Solomon Marugg. 42 of JULY the best time for your Vacation Trip Suggestions for your trip Golf or tennis at Ncah-Kah-Nie Bathing at Tillamook County Beaches Gathering agates at Newport Dedication of Springs at Ashland Fishing Is fine at many points Rogue River Rounriup, Ashland, July 4, 5. G Chenj fair at Salem Celebration at Newport. July 4th Low Round Trip Fares between all Southern .'Pacific station in Oregon where tho one way fare is $6.tX) or less on July 1. 2. 3. and 4. Return limit July Gth. Ask kcl agent for further Infumiation or wilt John M. Scott, Conaral Passsngar Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC po'nts near Montana. down in the valley. j Miss Minnie Morrill departed for Salem today, to attend the wedding of Miss Elva Smith, teacher litre some years ago, to Dr. Walton. From Salem Miss Morrill goes to Eugene tor short visit. James M. Enschede, of Forest Grove, died last week, at Stev- ensville. Mont., and was buried at the Grove, June 27. He was born in Haarlem, Holland, in io;mj, ana at 11 years or age went to Pans, where he earned ief he will have serious trouble l.ne profession of landscape gar- with his vision. idener. He was proficient in it I- a r .i r v 'eight languages. He came to Mrs. Esther Matthews, of or. America at tne ae of 30 years. est Grove, has sued frank L. da i m4u n-i maiLiitiwa ior uivorce, alleging a 0 mai ne nas several times inreat- Geo. J. Limber, a brother of Victor Limber, has opened an undertaking parlor at Sixth and Washington. Chas. AdaiTM lias secured the contract to build a school build ing for District No. 81. and will start construction in the near future. The structure will be 30x40. I H. A. Wolford, of Buxton, was in town today. Harry is suffer ing from an attack of his eyes, and fears that unless he gets re Miss Sya VanGross. who. lirifVi DmiAn tV A w aii.iti.iA 1 , . j ii viiuuicii, nuivivr. vi'v-ij iu V.W11111111. Duitiuc aim uLii-' hv.H erwise made her life almost un bearable. TVy were married in Iowa in 1878. and have five grown children. The wife says that on June 20, in order to co erce her to execute a deed the at home to their many friends at husband secured poison, and was two years he has been en gaged with a big fruit growing company in the Bitter Root, Montana. A son left for Alaska, a week ago Monday, and does not yet know of lis father's demise. Canby, Oregon. For Sale Six good milk cows. Mrs. M. B. Bottorff, two miles east of Hillsboro, on Baseline Road, and imi'e south. Address, Hillsboro, R. 1 15 8 deterred only by her calling in Hie neighbors. She asks for $5,000 permamont alimony, and I'm suit money, court to restrain from disposing of property. Ed. Demmin. of South Tuala tin, was in Tuesday, and says the heavy rainfall, while in- She asks the , juring clover that has been cut. the husband j has done a great benefit to all the personal other crops three to one for the i .i t C ' i 1 : . ) I Base Ball Schedule AT ATHLETIC PRK Adjoining Celebration Grounds July 2, 2:30 P. M. Banks vs. Vita Club July 3, 2:30 P. M. Laurel vs. Verboort . July 4, 2:30 P. M. Cornelius vs. Vita Club Three Snappy Games. Come and See Them 8 V"- 4 1