V The OlLL VOL. XXIII HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 29, 1910 NO. 15 t 4 V 1 t. ,1" JOHN LORSUNG 6EIS Hut Two Contractor! Submitted Figures on the Structure! dlUHAM STATE FAIR COMMISSION!-! To Look Alter Iht County Finiblu at Salem Thli Fall The County Court mot lust Sat urday and opened bidtt and 'awarded contracts lor three bids all of them Kointf to John Lor aim?, the lowt'Ht bidder, liut two bids were made on each atructure, lxr8un: and J. W. (iuodin beinjr the contenders. The bids were: Campbell IJridro Jonn Ureunjr $238 J. W. tjoudin $310 Christenaen Bridge John Iorsuntf ' $178 J. W. Good in $2W JackBon Bridge John liorminif ,..$118 J. VV. Goodin $157 1 he county delivers the lum ber for the structures and the contractor builds and fur nishes the iron. L M. Graham was authorized to look after the county ebhibits at the coming State Fair, and will work in conjunction with the County Fair directors in making up the display. A. T. Buxton was appointed Premium Commissioner for the County Fair to be held at Forest j Grove. Road as per petition of John Conzelman was established as per viewers' report. Report of viewers on Road No. CCO set aside and viewers re-( appointed to make a review on June 23 us the matter will be taken up on July G. TWENTY YHARS AUO (From The Argus) John M. Brown, after a few days assistance in the post office, as-1 Bisting Herman acnuimenen 10 knowledge of the "ropes," re tires from the service in Uncle Sam's domain! alter many years of service. MissJosie Schulmer lch has taken a position as as sistant Mrs. Sarah Collier, wife of M. C Collier, passed away at the family home near Scholia, this week. The funerul takes place July 1. Bnd interment will be in the Hillsboro cemetery. T. A. McCourt is down from McMinnville taking in the races. Burke Tongue drove Kitty Kis bar in the third, fourth and fifth heats in the 2:45 class, at the race track, the other day. and won the race for Kisbar in three straight The little mare had lost both the first two heats when Tongue was substituted as driver. John R. Ilargrave was wedded to Miss Francea Berdan, Mon day of this week. Edgar J. Bryan and sister. Miss Addie, have retuined from an extended visit in California. The "Other Side," a Populist publication, weekly, will soon be Kublished in Hillsboro, with VV. . Black as editor. It is now His Honor, the Mayor, Sylvester I'ennoyer, at 1'ortland. and that his administration will both be deplored and adored goes without saying. Money to Loan On Improved Farms The Shute Savings Bank Frank Kendall, a Hillsboro boy when in his teens, and whoss father taught in the Hillsboro schools Home years ago. is now one of the big heavy weiitht pugilists of the United States He Ih at present the sparring partner of Moran, and it is said that Kendall will soon meet Gun boat Smith, of Pittsburgh. Pa. Kendall is a clean liver, and never touches a drop of intoxi cants. He loves the game and is suid to have a punch as strong as Willard. the world s champion. He has had some reverses, but they were early in the gamer when he was a novice at the pas time and labor. Some of these days Kendall will meet and con tend for the heavyweight cham pionship of the world. Who would ever have thought that the quiet kid, as known here, would have developed into one of the big fighting machines of the present Spirella Corsets Not sold in stores. A question and a suk gestion. Have you any corset troubles? If bo, let Spirella ser vice cure them. Over three mil lion satisfied Spirella wearers testify to the ease, comfort and perfection of style produced by Spirella corsets. any exclusive designs from which to select the corset best suited to your indi vidual needs. A Spirella resi dence corsetiere in this field. My advice, experience and train ing are at your service, without obligation. Appointments by letter or telephone given prompt attention. Phone Main 384. UeKidcnce, Fifth and Jacks n, Hillsboro. Ore. 316 Delia Ktchison has sued Frank Colfelt for $250 commission on a trade by Colfelt of 12 acres at Sherwood, to K. ' Bogue, for Portland property. She alleges that Colfelt put the 12 acres in her hands for trade or sale. If a cash sale were made she says she was to have 5 per cent., and in case of trade, two and one half per cent. She says through her efforts the trade was made about May 1, ana she wants her commission. For Sale-It -gistered Holstein yearling bull, tine animal; also registered bull calf, two weeks old. Gerhard Goetze, Cornelius, Route 2. five miles South of Cor nelius. 17 Wanted: Your fat hogs, cat tle, sheep and lambs, live weight.. Highest market prices. We make regular shipments from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Telephone us what you have. Peterson Bros., Forest Grove, Ore. 716 Mrs. Mary Lewton, aged 73 years, died in East Portland, FrHay, after an extended illnes. She has a son in this county, Contractor Lewton, of North of Forest Grove, She was a rel ative of Mrs. Thos Connell, of this city. For Sale A yearling Holstein bull, also a bull calf. These fel lows are purebreds and are bar gains at the prices I am asking for them. -Frank W. Connell, Hillsboro. Ore., R. 1. 17 Messrs. and Mesdames C. E. Wells and W. N. Barrett went to the Nel alem, Saturday eve ning, and enjoyed a camping ex pedition oyer Sunday. V. A. Merecer, of Hillsboro, and Miss Pearl Eschwig, of Cen tralis, Wn., were married at Vancouver, Wash., last Satur day. John Dennis, who has charge of the Oregon exhibit at the headquarters in Portland, was out Saturday, on legal business. Fred Durig, of below Cedar Mill, on the Barnes Road, was in town Saturday. PETITIONS OUT FOR CURBING TAX POWER State and County Ak to be Meld Down to Six I'er Cent. Increase STATE TAX LFAOUf! IS CIRCULATING Committee Stndi Out Statement of Pur pone of Amendment The State Tax League has been circulating petitions for a con stitutional amendment to be voted on this Fall, regulating taxation, both by .county, state, ports, etc., and the provisions are to be that no increase from year to year can go over six per cent, of an increase of the next prior year's levies. The league sends out the following analysis of the amendment asked: "The purpose of the state-wide tax limitation amendment is to limit taxation to increase if not exceed six per cent a year unless a greater increase is authorized by the people of the taxing dis trict which desires to make this greater increase. It does not imitthe right of the people them selves to levy taxes or issue bonds but taxing wards cannot increase taxation faster than six percent, a year unless authorized to do so by the people who must pay the increased taxes. No matter how fast assessed values increase, taxes can only in crease six per cent The amend ment is not a millage limitation but a limit on what taxing officials can collect in dollars and cents. The amendment limits the tax ing powerof the legislature, every County Court every Port District and every City Council. It is not a limitation on school taxes or Bpecial road taxes as such taxes are levied directly by the people themselves. It will, however have this effect upon special school and special road taxes; when an increase of over six per cent is wanted this fact must be specifically stated in the call of the taxpayers meeting. This will srtve notice that a large in crease is intended and the tax payers will-have an opportunity to investigate before the meet ing and if they feel the increase is unnecessary they can be at the meeting and yote against it Card of Thanks We desire to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all wlo so kindly tendered aid and sympathy during our bereave ment the death and obsequies of the late wife and mother, Mrs. R. Davis, and we return especial thanks for the beautiful floral tributes. T. R. Davis, Husband. Chas. E. Davis, Son. Tho3. A. Davis, Son. iillsboro. Ore., June 24, 191G. S. P. & P. E. & E. All, except the P. R. & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m McMinnville Train 7:36 Sheridan Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville lrain 2:15 Forest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train 4:55 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Eugene Train 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m Sheridan Train . 4:33 Forest Grove Train 6:40 McMinnville Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. II. & N. Train 4:30 p.m. FROM PORTLAND P. B. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2:10 p. m. Beach Special To Tillamook, Saturday, 3:02 p.m. From Tillamook, Sun., 9.22 p.m. Buy your Kodaks and supplies at the Delta Drug More. tf. Thos. Tallman, of Buxton, was a Hillsboro visitor Monday. J. E. Dickason, of above North Plains, was a city caller Friday afternoon. Geo. W. Bacon, of Gaston, was down to the city the first of the week. Bring or send u.s your Kolak film We do developina and printing. The Delta Drug Store. Nursery stock, fine roses, as pargus roots, outdoors grown cabbage plants, now ready 4 to 8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse. Sam Paisley, of above Buxton, was down to the city Saturday, looking after the petitions govern ing the taxation maximum which asks for a constitutional, amend ment for the November election. .Money to loan on first-class farm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana ger. 4tt M. G. Hughes wiif tune your piano and guarantee high grade work. Special attention given to player work, action regulating, voicing and repairing. Phone Hillsboro, City 515, or adrlretB Cornelius, Oregon. 15-11) For Sale Furniture and fur nishingb of boarding house which accommodates 12 or",15 people, at Orenco. Am sellimr on account of death in the family; chickens and chicken yards in connections J. W. Enochs, Orenco. Ore gon. 18 Ervine Burkhalter. of South Tualatin, was here Monday. He says that many farmers had hay down in the wet of the past week, and a great deal of the crop was injured by the moisture. T, DeLine, of Beaverton, was given the first prize for the best Children's Day stall at the Port land East Side public market for the best all-around display of country products. , Wilson Ben- fiel, well known in north Wash ington County was one of the judges of the displays. CliiTord Long, who is working for the Chicago, Milwaukie & St Paul, near Missoula, Mont, writes that it snowed in the mountains up there the first of the week. The storm interfered with the work of the engineering corps. After aWr- the. climate down this way appears to stand well by comparison, eh? The Oswego Times says that a sentiment is crystallizing to cut off the Western portion of Clack amas County and join it either with Multnomah or Washington County, as the people are not satisfied with the treatment ac corded them from the Clackamas administrations. The Times says that with many it is declared that joining with either Wash ington or Multnomah wouid be preferable to present treatment. Rail communications with both Portland and Hillsbirj is good enough for them. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS To the Automobile Owners of the County: The Hillsboro Commercial Club as a committee on the Fourth of July Celebration, desires to make this year's celebration one of the best that Hillsboro has ever known. Knowing, as you do, that the Parade should be the principal feature, we take this liberty of asking you, as an auto mobile owner, to decorate and enter your automobile in the di vision set apart for machines. While the prizes are not very great, we have set apart as much as possible f ir this feature. The prizes will be, first, $15; second, $7 50; third. $5.00. If you desire to enter your au to in this contest, kindly com municate with the Chairman of Parade. Yours sincerely, J. 11. Marshall. OREllON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland- 55 minutes. 6:32 a m 7:18 a m 8:28 am 9:58 am 12:43 p m 3:58 p m 5:43 pm 8:10 pm 9:b8 (Sat only) pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 am 9:20 am 11:25 am 2:12 pm pm 6:25 p m 7:13 p m 8:26 (Sat only) pm 12:25 am ECCLE5 MILL BURNS WITH GREATJIRE LOSS Estimated Loss Runs Into About One Hundred Thousand Dollars PLANT WAS MODERN IN EQUIPMENT Operation of Mill Comnenced This Sprinj After Shut Down of Two Yean Tl e Eccles sawmill at Banks burned last Saturday, the orgin of the fire being in obscurity. Fully one million feet of lumber burned and the total los3 will amount to nearly fiiAi.uuu, ac cording to an estimate by the company officials. M. II. Eccles, of Baker City, is st the head of the company which owned tne tsanKS mm, and also o.vns several mills in Oregon. Whether or not it wMl be rebuilt i not yet decided but as the company own3 considerable tim ber in that section it is more than likely that it will. The blaze was first discovered nar the center of the structure, and before any effective fire fighting could be accomplished it had spread over the entire mill. There was some insurance. This is the second loss the company has sustained by fire within the Ust year, their big mill at Baker having gone up in smoke a few months ago. The mill was modern in equip ment, and cut about 50,000 daily on ordinary shift. The fire is a distinct loss to' Banks, and every endeavor will be made to have the mill rebuilt COUNTY ENLISTMENTS A number of Washington Coun ty boys have enlisted in the Ore gon National Guard and went to Clackamas the last of the week. As near as can be learned the following have been accepted and joined the colors: Hillsboro Ronald Vaught. son of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Vaught; Lawrence Taggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Taggart Both are in Company B. Ted Smythe, formerly of this city, son of Mrs. Smythe, now of Gaston. Orenco A. P. Giraud, son of Leon Giraud, formerly with the Oregon Nursery; Onas Olson, son of Philip Olson; Edw. Ras musen. Cornelius -Robt. Beckwith and Lewis Erker. Banks John Heltzel, son of Mrs. Wm. Heltzel. Marion Doo ley, son of Ben Dooley, offered enlistment but was unable to pafs the medical staff. Fulton McGill. son of W. F. McGill, formerly of Hillsboro, also belongs to the organization. DONALD E. LONG IN CAVALRY Donald E. Long, a student in Georgetown University, Law De partment, Washington, D. C, has been called to Fort Meyer with his troop, which consists of the District of Columbia Nationd Guard. Cavalry Troop, consisting of 85 University and newspaper men of Washington, D. C. He writes that the troop expects to be called within a day or so for border duty. Irooper Long would have graduated next Spring from the Law School, and had just passed a successful examination when caned to tne colors. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long, of this city. LEEDY WILSON A pretty wedding took place on Thursday, June 22, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Wilson, 1156 Court Street. Salem, when their daugh ter, Mildred Mane, was united in marriage to Jay Clark Leedy, of Beaverton, Ore. The bride was graduated from the Salem High School in 1911 and from O. A. C. in 1914. During the last two years she has been teaching in the high schools of Burn3 and Pendleton. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Leedy,- of Cor vallis, Ore., and is a graduate of O. A. C, class of 1912. He is a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, and while in college was active in numerous student enterprises. Mr. and Mrs. Leedy will make their residence at Beaverton, where he is in engaged in busi ness, and they will be at home to their friends after July, 15. Jos. Cawrse, of North Tualatin Plains, was a city visitor Satur day morning. jlTllp- CQMNIf TW3 j MQIfYON WITHOUT the consequent rish is through the universally approved chech-booh, which ha,? become an earmark" of afPuence, conservatism and substance. The men of marK in your community dj business with th eir chv cK-boori. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National DanK Main and Third Sts., LUMBER For Less Than We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are going to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving. This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can beat any and . all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and we will show you what a LOW PRICE WE WILL MAKE and WHAT' YOU WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co, Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Mateila Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable D if AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 173 DID YOU EVER CONSIDER That your watchis normally "on the job" 24 hours each day? That in each 24 hours the balance wheel vi brates more than 400,000 times? That a variation of of a minute in each of these vibrations would cause a variation of more than 4 minutes a day ju the time of your watch? BY ACTUAL COUNT 143 distinct parts must be given individual attention when the average watch is properly cleaned and oiled. IF YOU HAVE NOT Thought of these little details, do so now, and give us an opportunity to demonstrate the ex tremely close timing which fine tools, skill and experience can accomplish with your watch. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optometrist 'HAND Hillsboro, Ore Wholesale Cot -4